• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 3,887 Views, 158 Comments

Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon - Belligerent Bindlestiff

Kain's trial at Mt. Ordeals will lead him down a particular path towards redemtion. Final Fantasy IV Crossover

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Kain was going to prepare for an overnight stay on board a train before Twilight clarified that travel had already been arranged and they would be flying by airship.

It was just before the sun had completely risen when the party had gathered at an open field. Not long after, a large metallic aircraft came into view, propellers sounding off in the distance. As the aircraft made its way over, Kain noted the resemblance to Cid’s creations.

It had many propellers to lift it into the sky and three lateral propellers, two at each ‘wing’ and one at the tail. The airship even bore a resemblance with its main body. It looked like the literal ship that would sail the seas instead, in the air. It all seemed so familiar, yet there was one distinct feature this craft didn’t have, weapons. Though the airship was most likely for civilian use, it had been a long time since he’d seen an airship without cannons.

For a moment, he thought about what Cid might have thought about all of this. For the most part, all of these ponies seemed peaceful and didn’t look like the type to engage in global conquest. Not to mention there weren’t any types of crystals that controlled the elements of the world for someone to seek out and take for themselves.

Aside from the ponies, Kain believed that Cid might have taken to his craft much better in Equestria.

The war was over back home now, and the dragoon hoped that his friend could bring himself to continue to make airships, even after all that had happened.

“I used to serve on an airship.” Kain said.

“Really?” Twilight asked. “It must have been amazing, traveling the world as a soldier. My brother used to travel Equestria via airship, saying how great it felt to be out there protecting ponies. What about you Kain?”

“I didn’t have the luxury of defending in peacetime. Almost the moment they were introduced, airships were part of the cause of the war I fought in.” Kain said.

“How so? Twilight asked.

“They enabled the dark lord I spoke of to move his pawns about the world, including myself. He made a play for power and gained the worlds crystals from one nation at a time. He used soldiers from my nation to conduct his schemes before they grew wise of his machinations.”

“That’s horrible!” Twilight said.

Kain sighed. “That’s how the inventor felt.”

“I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have something you created be used for such wrong doing.” Rarity said.

“Yeah, it’s kind of hard to think of a way to take over the world using dresses.” Pinkie Pie said. “I mean, not unless you made clothes that would grant ponies fantastical magic and abilities!”

“Not helping Pinkie Pie.” Rarity said in a forceful whisper.

The great vehicle descended before them and not moments later a large plank came up and over the side of the airship to welcome its newest passengers.

A dark blue unicorn stallion with a black mane and an oil lamp for a cutie mark made his way over the ramp to greet the party. Behind him trailed a pair of green earth ponies with white spot patterns and mane on one and grey on the other; the white themed pony had a set of blueprints for a cutie mark while the grey one had a protractor cutie mark. The two of them both wore tinted goggles.

“Greetings, I’m Midnight Oil. I’m the designer and builder of this marvelous machine you see before you this morning! These two gentlecolts are my left and right hoof colts. Codex is my partner with the white and Cosine the one with grey. They help with everything onboard this airship, from calculations to your luggage.

“Yes sir!” the two stallions said as they moved to gather the belongings of the party.

“This certainly is different from other airships I’ve seen in the past!” Twilight said as the group boarded the ship.

“Very observant of you your majesty.” Midnight Oil said. “Yes, this propeller lift driven machine is using the latest in aviation technology, levistone buoyancy. No need to fuss over hot air balloons, when you’ve got a levistone!”

Kain was the last to board the ship when Midnight asked him to pull up the plank. As the dragoon moved the plank, he was reminded one of the last times he was onboard an airship doing that very thing, but brushed the memory aside.

“Welcome aboard the Intrepid!’ Midnight said. “We’ll be flying you to Canterlot this morning on the smoothest ride just short of a pegasus’ wings. Dex, Sine, would you mind taking our guests’ luggage on board?”

“Yes sir!” the twin earth ponies said and then moved below deck.

The subtle humming of the engines then made a crescendo into a loud thrum. The propellers whirled to life. Despite its bulk, the airship easily ascended.

Kain knew Cid would be proud of these ponies. Soon, that all too familiar view of the ground from up above filled his vision. Unlike jumping into the air, which was a brief moment of being airborne, riding atop an airship was quite the experience. Kain decided to remove his helmet and let the wind blow into his face.

“Yep, that’s about as good as it gets.” Rainbow Dash said, coming from behind the dragoon. “There’s nothing quite like having the wind in your mane.”

“That’s exactly why I work on airships.” Midnight said. “I always wondered what it was like to fly through the air like the pegasi. One day I’ll design one that will be able to go as fast as a wonderbolt.”

“Count on me to be there for a race.” Rainbow Dash said, being pulled into another conversation.

“Oh will you?” I could always use somepony to…” Midnight began as Kain moved away from the two of them.

The dragoon found himself on the edge of the airship at the front railing. Kain was about to reflect on airships and Cid when he noted the white mare joining him to look at the scenery.

“You’re still not completely over that incident from earlier, are you Kain?” Rarity asked.

“No, I’m not.” Kain replied. “Just when I thought that I locked it all away and thought it couldn’t endanger anyone, my feelings for Rosa were used against me again.”

“I know it pains you, but I want to help by asking how it happened before.” Rarity said.

“I wanted to be with Rosa so much that I convinced myself that the only way to her heart was to eliminate my romantic rival.” Kain said. “He was my best friend growing up, his name is Cecil. He trained to become a dark knight while I a dragoon. I grew jealous of Rosa’s affection towards Cecil, as she practically followed him throughout his training, even becoming a white mage to keep him safe.”

“Did you ever make your feelings known?” asked Rarity.

“I had tried before, but she did not return the sentiment. I’d always thought that if I could prove I was superior to Cecil, she’d realize that I was worth her time. It was that desperation that was used against me. It was too easy to listen to what those voices spoke to me. I should have known better.”

Kain slammed a hoof onto the railing. “I remember blacking out after Cecil and I had become separated when we vowed to rebel against our unjust ruler. But at the time, I was weak both physically and mentally. When I set out to conscript Rosa to our cause I was lured into a tempting offer by the dark lord manipulating everything. It was far too appealing, and before I knew it, I was his lackey.”

“Yes, we’ve spoken on this before.” Rarity said, sadly staring out at the horizon. “Has anything changed since then?” She turned to face Kain.

“Once, all was said and done, I set out to train on Mt. Ordeals to try and find a path towards redemption. Cecil became a paladin after he renounced his dark past. I thought that I could do the same, and the rest is history.” Kain said.

“Is it really history Kain?” Rarity asked. “Do you still love Rosa?”

“I feel that a part of me always will Rarity, but I know better that to think of her romantically. No, the love I have now is different.” Kain said.

“Do you think you’re ready to move on?” Rarity asked. “Perhaps find somepony el-“

A strong gust of cold wind blew over the deck of the intrepid.

“Five minutes until arrival!” Midnight yelled.

“I’m sorry, but what was your question Rarity?” Kain asked.

“Oh my, it certainly is getting chilly.” Rarity said.

Rainbow Dash approached the two of them. “Midnight Oil just told me that Canterlot is having a practice snow fall today to test the city’s heating. By the looks of it, their weather team is whipping up one heck of a snowstorm.”

“But the weather has been mild to warm,” Kain said. “How can you just decide to make it colder?”

“They don’t have weather teams where you’re from Kain? In Equestria, the pegasi help manage the precipitation and change the seasons.” Rainbow Dash said. “Looks like we’re having a special summer snowstorm.” She continued while holding a hoof over her brow and looking off into the distance.

“I’m going to get my coat.” Rarity said.

“You brought a coat?” Rainbow Dash asked. “When you thought it was going to be warm?”

“A lady is always prepared.” Rarity said. “You should consider buying a coat when we arrive Kain.” She said turning to the dragoon. “There’s no reason you should catch a cold.”

When the Intrepid landed, the party was greeted by the sight of a Canterlot in an unnatural winter, as well as a strong gust of cold air.

“Alright everypony,” Twilight said. “We’ve still got a few hours before our meeting with the princesses, so I think we can strike out on our own for a while before we meet at the palace. I’ve got some diplomatic matters to discuss, so you all should try to find something to do in the meanwhile.”

“I’m going to see if the weather team needs me.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I’m perfectly sure they have this under control Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said.

“Yeah but, they can always use an extra hoof right?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Are ya just looking for an excuse to go to the weather station and impress somepony? Applejack asked.

“Hey, I just want to help.” Rainbow Dash said. “And if I just so happen to turn some heads showing how awesome I am as a weather mare, then I see no harm in offering my services.”

Twilight giggled. “It’s okay Rainbow Dash. It’s always good to try to help around, just don’t get carried away with it.”

“Ah think Ah’ll just head on over to the palace if ya don’t mind. Never been much for dilly dallyin around.” Applejack said.

“I’ll go with you Applejack.” Fluttershy said.

“And me too!” Pinkie Pie said. “I’m curious to see what kind of treats the royal chefs are working on.

Another breeze passed over the deck of the airship.

“But first, I think we should buy some coats first.” Twilight said. “Midnight Oil, I’d like to thank you and your crew. It was an amazing ride here to Canterlot.”

“That’s fantastic to hear your majesty.” Midnight said. “But don’t get too sentimental. We’re also going to bring you back to Ponyville. We’ll be here waiting for you.”

The party then proceeded to find a shop in Canterlot to buy winter clothes. After much discretion, Rarity had deemed one of them to be the one they needed to shop at.

“Now let’s see. Ah yes, this shop should have quite the collection of winter attire.” Rarity said as she led Kain into the store.

There were various coats that Rarity showed Kain. Some were simple yet elegant brown cloaks, other had a feeling of regality to them with fringes on them. Rarity brought one coat for Kain to try on.

“This one seems nice.” Rarity said as she held a black coat with white fleece trim on it.

Kain looked at it for a moment, but decided against it. “I’ve never seen a coat like that before. I don’t know if it’s something I’d wear”

“What about this one?” Rarity brought up a blue coat with a thin gold fringe on it. It was a much deeper blue than Kain’s cobalt coat on his body.

“This navy jacket should match well with that cloak I designed made for you. Why don’t you try the two of them together?” Rarity asked.

Kain took his cloak out from his satchel and grabbed the coat Rarity had picked out for him and moved to the changing room.

It was a surprisingly comfortable ensemble that Rarity had put together. When he emerged, he could have sworn he say Rarity blush.

“I must say Kain, it looks even better on you than I first thought.” The unicorn said.

Kain paid for the garment and the two left the store and out into the cold.

“You know Kain; we still have a few hours before we need to meet at the palace. What would you say to a walk around the city?” Rarity asked.

“That sounds like an excellent idea milady.” Kain said.

The two ponies went about Canterlot taking in the winterscape of the city. All of the ponies were about their daily lives, not in the slightest inconvenienced by the snow storm. If someone had brought Kain here to Equestria today, he might have believed that it was well into winter.

Rarity led Kain to a bench in one of the snow covered parks. It faced a frozen fountain. There, the two of them sat and beheld the sight of a winter wonderland.

“Back on the airship you meant to ask me something Rarity. What was it?” Kain asked.

“I meant to ask you about finding any special somepony.” Rarity asked.

Kain knew what she meant. With all the time he’d spent preoccupied about Rosa, he hadn’t ever considered anyone else.

“There was that time back on the Unicorn Mountains that you called me Rosa.” Rarity said.

Was this happening? Kain questioned whether Rarity had grown feelings for him apart from their friendship. Had someone actually the romantic interest in him? But then, he began to consider the situation. Could he return those feelings to a pony?

Kain, is there by chance the possibility that you might consider me…” Rarity began. “What I’m saying is that I find you to be quite the attractive stallion and more than in just physical appearance. You’re brave, strong, and despite what you’ve done in the past, you’ve been nothing but honorable to me and my friends.”

The dragoon felt a strange sensation in his chest. It wasn’t aching pain he felt every time he thought about Cecil or Rosa, one that felt like it was going to burst from inside him. Nor was this feeling like the time he first felt love for the white mage, body light as a feather; a lighter feeling than when he was in the air itself.

Kain felt warmth building up in his chest and dispersing throughout the rest of his body, mingling with the cold already present. It wasn’t the pressure for battle, nor was it overwhelming anger; it was simply warmth that he felt.

“Would you consider being my special somepony?” Rarity asked.

Kain was at a loss for words. He’d never considered anyone apart from Rosa as the one he’d consider having feelings for. There had been women interested in him in the past, but none of them had looked at him the way Rarity was looking at him this moment.

“I would like that.” Kain replied. “I would like to be with you.”

Had he really just told this pony how he felt about her? Why had it come so easily? Before much more could be pondered, Rarity peered into his eyes, embracing him, and then kissed him.

This wasn’t just a kiss from someone he liked or found attractive. This was from someone who shared these feelings of wanting to make up for the past, to atone for wrongs made in poor judgement.

The two stayed with locked lips for what may have been an eternity. After having broken their kiss, the two ponies sat and held each other, paying no attention to the cold. Nothing existed but them for this moment.

Rarity then broke the silence with a question.

“Kain, I’ve a question to ask you. I know that you aren’t originally a pony, and I was so quick to confess my feelings to you. Are you ok with this, ok with us being together? From what you’ve said, you were nothing like a pony before.” Rarity said.

“I should find it strange that I confessed my feelings to a pony, but as it stands I haven’t been troubled as much as I thought I would be by it.” Kain said. “I thought about returning to my world so much that the thought of meeting the one who I would love here never crossed my mind. Perhaps I was brought here for not only redemption, but to begin anew.”

“So does that mean that you’re fine?” Rarity asked.

“It will still take some time to fully get used to it, but I think we’ll be fine.” Kain said.

After moments of silence, their time did end when a particular weather mare descended from the clouds to collect the two of them.

“There you two are.” Rainbow Dash began. “Hey it’s about time we head over to the palace. What have you two been doing anyways? I-“ She caught herself mid-sentence after putting together what was happening.

“Oh! I uh, didn’t mean to interrupt! Just get to the palace, we’ve got half an hour.” Rainbow Dash said and then took off.

Rarity giggled at her friend’s reaction. “Rainbow Dash has always had a difficult time when it comes to ponies expressing themselves. Its refreshing to see her fumbling for words every now and then.”

Kain chuckled. “It’s one of the few times I’ve seen her without something to say.”

“Well, I suppose we’d better make our way to the palace.” Rarity said.

The two walked down the streets of Canterlot to meet with the princesses at the royal palace. Rarity held her head against Kain’s, both ponies were at ease for the first time in a long while.

~Belligerent Bindlestiff

Author's Note:

Musical Inspiration/Accompaniment: “Airship” Final Fantasy XI OST; “Troian Beauty” Piano Opera Final Fantasy IV/V/VI; “Theme of Love” Piano Opera Final Fantasy IV/V/VI