• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,709 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Chapter 8
Friends and Enemies Return
(Mobius: Angel Island - Master Emerald Shrine)
(Tails POV)

Tails fired his laser cannons at the egg pawns that were attacking Knuckles and Tails on the ground and some of them that re attack him in the air, 'Man, where's Sonic when you need him?' Tails thought.

"Hahahahaha! Give up! You all know you can't win since Sonic is not here." Eggman said laughing, "Now, make it easy and hand over the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald!"

"How many time do we have to tell you, we don't know where they are!" Knuckles shouted punching away an egg pawn.

"Enough of this fooling around! Hand them over or I'll blow you all to smithereens!" Eggman shouted.

"Doctor." Eggman turned and saw his creation Metal Sonic flying up to him, "The Echidna is telling the truth. My scanners do not detect the Chaos Emeralds anywhere on Mobius. Only the Master Emerald." Metal Sonic said.

"WHAT!? If that's true, Then where are my Emeralds!?" Eggman shouted.

Before Metal could answer, Tails fired his lasers and hit The cockpit of Eggman's ship, "GAH! How dare you, you little pest!" Eggmans shouted.

The cannons aimed at the X-Tornado, "On my mark. Aaaaand FI-AUGH!"

Amy had thrown several of her hammers at Eggman's ship, leaving several hammers on the ship's exterior, "You leave Tails alone! And if you know where Sonic is, you better spit it out!" Amy shouted summoning another hammer.

"I have no idea where your boyfriend is you stupid pincushion!" Eggman shouted.

Metal flew out of the main deck and towards Angel Island where Amy was. He charged at Amy, but received a hammer to the face. Metal was flung near the Master Emerald. He slowly got up and looked at it. He then felt the Master Emerald's energy giving off some signal to a different dimension, "Doctor, I believe I know where Sonic and the Chaos emeralds are." Metal called out through his mic.

"Where!?" He asked getting impatient.

"I am attempting to download and send you the coordinates now." Metal said, but then he was punched away from the Master Emerald.

"You stay away from the Master Emerald, tin head." Knuckles said guarding his birthright.

"Out of my way Echidna I don't want the Emerald right now. I want the coordinates it sent the Chaos Emeralds and three other entities to." Metal growled grabbing Knuckle's throat. He pulled Knuckles away and started scanning the Master Emerald, "Scanning the Master Emerald now." Metal said, "45%...61%...79%."

"Let Knuckles go you piece of scrap metal!" Amy shouted running towards them with her hammer in her hands.

"Fine. I'll let him go." Metal didn't turn, but threw Knuckles at her.

"99%...Scan complete, sending coordinates now, Master." Metal said sending the download to the Egg Carrier.

"Good. Now, activate the Egg Drive! Locking onto coordinates and fire dimensional portal on my mark… FIRE!" Eggman shouted.

The Egg Carrier fired a rainbow colored beam and a portal had opened a rip in the Space and Time continuum.

"hehehehe, AHAHAHAHAHA! So long Rodents!" Eggman shouted, "I'll give Sonic your regards personally."

"Sonic!?" Amy said, "Tails, lock onto those coordinates! NOW!" Amy shouted into her comlink.

"Roger." Tails said in the speaker, 'Like I know that already.' Tails thought.

He read the coordinates from the portal and lock on to the dimension, "Dimensional coordinates locked on. Get on guys." Tails commanded.

"We need to grab the Master Emerald Tails!" Knuckles shouted.

"On it." Tails fired a grappling hook and grabbed the Master Emerald. The hook hauled the Master Emerald and Tails and the others went through the portal. As they did, Angel Island fell into the ocean.

(Canterlot City)
(Group POV)

Silver, Sonic and Shadow were outside at Sweet Apple acres training. The girls were watching them from a good distance, not wanting to get in their way.

The guys were wearing their undershirts, due to Sweet Apple Acres being in the hot sun.

Sonic and Shadow squared off against Silver who needed training with hand to hand combat. Sonic lunged forward and tried to hit him, but Silver dodged the attack.

Shadow kicked Silver in the face, causing him to fly into a tree. Silver grunted and got up. He felt something trickle down his lung. He touched it and saw his red blood. Silver smirked and wiped the blood off his lip. He lunged forward and punched Shadow in the gut, causing him to stumble back a little. Sonic came from behind and tried to punch him again, but Silver caught his punch and threw him to Shadow, Shadow didn't have time to respond in time and he collided with Sonic, and the two fell to the ground.

Silver smiled and dusted the dirt off his shirt, "Looks like I'm getting better with this." Silver said.

The two got up to their feet and dusted the dirt off of their shirts also, "I gotta say Silver, You're a fast learner. Keep this up and you can handle anything that comes your way." Sonic said smiling.

Shadow grinned, "Well done Silver, you did enough training for today." He said.

Silver nodded as the girls walked up to the three, "That was Awesome! You three are really strong." Rainbow said excitedly.

"We train every day to keep ourselves in check. We need to be ready for anything that comes our way." Sonic said smiling at his girlfriend.

Rarity looked at Silver, who was moving his shoulder a little, "Darling you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My shoulder is a little sore is all. I need a good massage though." Silver said rubbing his shoulder.

Rarity's eyes sparkled, "I know, let's all go to the spa, my treat."

"Sorry Rarity, but I'm not a fan with that kind of girly stuff. You should know that by now." Rainbow said crossing her arms.

"Please darling?" Rarity pleaded.

Before she said something, Sonic placed his hand on her shoulder, "C'mon Rainbow, it will only be for a little while."

"*Sigh*, Ok fine, but only if you come with us." Rainbow said.

Sonic chuckled and kissed her forehead, "Deal."

"Then it's settled. Let's go." Rarity said.

"Wait, won't the media know Sonic and the others immediately?" Twilight asked.

"Don't worry Rarity, we got that covered, Shadow?" Sonic asked looking at the black haired teen.

"*Sigh*, Fine." He pulled out the blue Emerald, "Chaos...Control!" The group teleported to the spa.

The re-appeared, and Rainbow was a little dizzy, "You alright Rainbow?"

"Yeah, I'm still getting used to teleportation." Rainbow said shaking her head.

Sonic chuckled, "You'll get used to it eventually. I was feeling very dizzy the first time I used Chaos Control." Sonic said.

"Lotus, Aloe!" Rarity called clapping her hands.

Two girls zipped in front of the group. One had pink hair with blue shin and the other was the same thing, but her colors were opposite. Her hair was blue and her skin was pink.

"Welcome back Rarity. Will you be doing the...the...OH MY GOSH, It's you three!" Aloe shouted.

"Shhh, pipe down. We don't want the media to know we're here." Sonic asked, "We'll pay you a little extra if you don't tell any of the public we're here."

"Our apologies, but we never expected you three to be here. Heard a lot about you and your brothers. It will be an extra treat for us since you three are here." Lotus said, "And don't worry about paying us extra, anyone who is a friend of Rarity's is certainly a friend of ours. We won't say anything."

"You sure?" Silver asked.

"Positive." Lotus said smiling, "Now, will you be doing the usual Rarity?" Aloe asked.

"Certainly." Rarity said.

"Excellent, please follow us." Lotus said.

The group followed the two twins to the back. There were a few hot tubs, massage tables, and mud baths around. A few steam rooms as well.

"You three can change in those rooms while the girls change in that room." Lotus said pointing to the two rooms across one another. They all nodded and got changed.

The girls were now waiting for the three to come out so they can get started.

"Why did I even come here?" Rainbow asked.

"C'mon darling, it won't be so bad, besides, you're going to spend a nice relaxing morning with Sonic." Rarity said.

"I guess so." Rainbow said shrugging.

The doors opened and the girls turned. Their eyes widened by the sight. The three boys changed into their bathing suits, but their upper bodies is what caught their attentions, especially to the twins. They were very well developed, with six packs on their lower bodies. The girls in the room were blushing madly.

'Whoa….This might be so bad as I thought.' Rainbow thought scanning her eyes through Sonic's chest.

The boys saw the girls looking at them while blushing and they knew why, 'Oh boy, why me?' Sonic thought chuckling a little.

"Are you all going to continue staring at our chests or are we gonna get started?" Shadow asked feeling a little uncomfortable with their eyes looking at them.

The girls blushed madly, but looked away, "Sorry." They said.

Sonic was escorted by Aloe to the massage table. She gently placed him down and made him lie on his stomach, "Ready for your massage?" Aloe asked.

She then started rubbing his shoulders, making Sonic tense up a little but then relax, "Whoa, mmmm, wow...that...feels….amazing." Sonic cooed feeling her hands massaging his shoulders and back.

Aloe blushed feeling his strong back and muscles, 'Strong and very handsome...I wonder if he's single.' Aloe thought. She leaned to his ear and whispered, "Are you enjoying this handsome?" She asked.

"Very." Sonic cooed enjoying his massage.

Rainbow saw what Aloe was doing, and was not liking this at all, 'If she trying to hit on him, I'm gonna hit her to the next county.' She thought growling.

"I'll keep going as long as you like. If there are some places you want me to do, just say the word." Aloe whispered.

Sonic then snapped back into reality and knew where she was going with this, 'Uh oh, that's not a good sign.' He thought, "Listen Aloe, you're a really nice girl in all, but, I already have someone." Sonic said.

"And who might that be?" She asked whispering.

"Rainbow Dash." Sonic answered.

Aloe stopped and looked up at Rainbow , who had a pissed off look, "Oh my, I'm really sorry Rainbow. I didn't know he was your boyfriend. Please forgive me." She said.

Rainbow sighed, "Since you didn't know, I'll let it slide...for now, but try to hit on him again, and you'll regret it." She warned.

"I promise, this will never happen again." She said.

Rainbow nodded and Lotus went back to massaging her. She looked at Sonic who smiled and winked at her. She blushed and smiled at him, 'Glad he doesn't go behind someone's back for another.' She thought.

Through the remainder of the day, Sonic, Silver and Even Shadow were enjoying their relaxing time at the spa. The boys had their fill with their massages and Lotus and Aloe set up a hot tub for them. The three stepped in and sighed, 'Normally I hate being around water, but I have to admit, this feels great.' Sonic thought smiling.

The then felt someone laying on him. He opened his eyes and saw Rainbow in the tub with him, "Mind if I join you?" She asked.

Sonic blushed, "Uh, sure." He said.

She smiled and nuzzled into his chest. She even glided her hands up and down his chest. Sonic felt her touch and he blushed deeply, along with Rainbow.

"So Sonic, Tell us a little bit more about your world." Rarity said nuzzling against Silver, who was blushing deeply as well.

"Well, Mobius is a peaceful world where me and everyone live together in peace and harmony...that is until Eggman shows up. he tries to enslave everyone we know and build something called the Eggmanland project." Sonic explained, "However me and my friends always put a stop to his evil plots over and over again."

"How long have you been fighting with him?" Rainbow asked.

"Longer than I can remember. I first fought Eggman when i was just a young hedgehog. I had my siblings Manic and Sonia helping me fight against Eggman when I meet them at a bar." Sonic explained.

"Wait, you three were separated?" Rarity asked.

Sonic nodded, "Yes. My mother did it for the good of mobotropolis and for our safety. But, we found each other through the power of Music." Sonic said.

"Music?" pinkie asked while leaning against Shadow.

"Yep, when me and my sibling were born, my mother gave us special medallions. They have the ability to turn into Instruments. Which we also could use them as weapons."

"Wow, so that's how you're so good with a guitar." Rainbow said amazed.

"Mhm. I played the Guitar ever since then. I'm still glad I know my stuff with it." Sonic said chuckling a little.

"Do you still have your medallion?" Rarity asked.

Sonic nodded, "Even though I never wear it a lot now, I always keep it with me, because I still miss my mother and my siblings." Sonic explained.

"When we leave can you show us?" Rainbow asked excitedly.

Sonic chuckled, "sure."

An hour passed and the girls and boys were ready to leave. They paid Aloe and Lotus and left the spa. Shadow teleported them back to Sweet Apple acres, "C'mon Sonic, I'm dieing to see it." Rainbow said.

Sonic chuckled, "Alright, alright." He dug into his hair and pulled out a guitar shaped necklace. He place it around his neck and smiled. He rubbed the medallion and it glowed. Then, the medallion transformed into a guitar with spines of a hedgehog at the end, 'Ahh, this brings back memories.' Sonic thought.

The girls saw this and looked at the guitar with awe, "Whoa, That's so cool!" Rainbow said excitingly.

"Hehe, thanks." Sonic said smiling, "C'mon play something for us." Rainbow said.

"Well, I need Silver and Shadow to get their instruments, but we left them at the school." Sonic said.

"No problem, they can use our instruments for the moment." Rainbow said.

She opened her case and gave Shadow her guitar, "Be careful with it." She said.

He nodded, "Silver can use my drum set." Pinkie said. They turned and saw her Drumset just a few inch from her.

"How did it get there?" Silver asked.

"Best to not know." Rainbow responded.

Silver shrugged and got into place with Shadow and Sonic as well.

"Alright girls, This song is dedicated to all the adventures I had during my life. I call this song, 'Sonic Youth.' Hit it!"

(Play 'Sonic Youth' by Crush 40.)

"When I've opened my heart,

and I lived and learned,

When I'm taking a step in his world.

When I danced in the Shadows,

When I felt the Sonic Boom,

When I am who I am with you.

Racing forward on my mind

Crushing 40 all the time

It never seems to disappear

Oh no,

Always know, Always knowing that you're near.

Now don't you worry,

It's a never ending story,

Stand proud, Let it out,

Let'em know, let it show

Wait til' they hear

Hear the Sonic youth

(It's easy as you wanted it to be)

(It's easy, It's easy)

(Like 1, 2, 3)

Hear the Sonic youth

(It's easy as you wanted it to be)

(It's easy, It's easy)

We are the Sonic Youth!

Like a Sonic hero,

Or a knight in the wind,

Now you know what I'm mad of.

You can watch me fly,

Live, Life or die,

Never turn back you and I."

(Mobius: Mobotropolis)

In the Kingdom of Mobotropolis, Sonia and Manic were just relaxing, until their Medallions started glowing. They then heard Sonic's voice, "Sis do you hear that?" Manic asked.

"I do Manic. That must be Sonic's voice." She said listening to her brother.

"Racing forward on my mind

Crushing 40 all the time

It never seems to disappear

Oh no,"

"We miss you bro, but we'll always be connected by our Medallions." Manic said smiling while clutching his Medallion.

(Canterlot City)

"You can feel, That the Sonic youth is near!

Now don't you worry,

It's a never ending story,

Stand proud, Let it out,

Let'em know, let it show

Wait til' they hear

til' they hear

Hear the Sonic youth!

(Part Guitar Solo)

We are the Sonic youth!



We are the Sonic Youth!

Now you know what I'm made of!"

Twilight and the others then saw hedgehog ears, and quills appear on their heads and backs, 'What's this? This never happened before from school. Could this only happen when Sonic play's his birth guitar?' Twilight thought.

The three then sang together,


Now don't you worry,

It's a never ending story,

Stand proud, Let it out,

Let'em know, let it show

Wait til' they hear

til' they hear

Hear the Sonic youth!

Me and you.

Hear the Sonic Youth!

That's You!"

(Stop Sonic Youth)

The girls was awestruck.

Sonic's guitar disappeared and returned into a medallion, hanging from his neck. Sonic looked at the girls who were still awestruck by their amazing performance. They were also looking at their new appearance.

"You girls okay?" Sonic asked.

"Dude, you have hedgehog ears, quills, and a tail Sonic." Rainbow said.

Sonic was a little confused at first, but then he placed his hand on his head and felt two pointy ears. He looked at his back and saw his quills and tail, "Whoa, when did this happen?" Sonic asked.

"When you guys were playing, you started to form your hedgehog features." Twilight told Sonic.

"But they didn't when we played at the school." Sonic said.

"Maybe it only happens when you play your birth guitar." Twilight said.

"If that's the case, how did it happen to us then?" Silver asked feeling his hedgehog ears, quills, and tail.

"Hmmm, maybe because you two have some special energy or magic within you that only comes out when you three play music with Sonic while he plays his birth guitar." Twilight thought.

"That's probably the best guess we got." Sonic said.

The quills, tails and ears vanished from the three.

"Gotta say Sonic, you three boys are full of surprises." Applejack said.

Sonic chuckled, "Hehe. We try."

Suddenly there was a loud explosion at the center of the city.

"What the?" Sonic said looking towards the area. His eyes widened, "Oh no." He saw a huge air-craft with a symbol he knew all too well. Eggman's ship.

"What is Dr. Eggman doing here? How did he get here?" Silver asked.

"Dr. Eggman? Is he that guys you've been fighting?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah. That's him. He must be here to find the Chaos Emeralds." Sonic said, "And to kill me."

"Well he's not gonna lay a single finger on you, Sonic. Not while I'm here." Rainbow said.

"Sorry Rainbow. But you guys can't help this time. You've never fought Eggman before. We have." Sonic said.

"But Sonic." Rainbow began but was stopped when Sonic put his finger on her lips.

"We'll be ok, Rainbow. I promise. Now please, get everyone else to safety. This battle isn't going to end very well." Sonic said.

A single tear formed in Rainbow's eye and she nodded, "You better come back ok."

Sonic kissed his girlfriend and he smiled.

"Come on girls. We'll go to my house." Rainbow said as she and the girls ran to Rainbow's house.

(Town Square)

Police cars were parked below and around the giant Egg Carrier.

"I am speaking to the captain of the giant air vessel. What do you want with the city?" An officer spoke through a megaphone.

"I want your city. Now give me what I want, or perish." Eggman responded.

"Uh... We can't do that exactly. You see, we're not in charge of the city. The Mayor is." The officer responded.

"Well then get me the May-ORRR!" The ship suddenly shook violently.

A huge boulder had thrown at the Egg Carrier's command deck and shook the ship.

"Who in the blazes threw that?!" Eggman said infuriated.

"Yo Egghead! Forget about something?" Said a familiar voice.

Eggman's eyes widened, "No. It can't be!"

"Too bad it is." Sonic said as he, Shadow, and Silver appeared on the ship's deck.

"Sonic, Shadow, and Silver!? NO!" Eggman said panicking.

(Play Transformers 4 Battle Theme - Gojira Gigantis)

Sonic began running down the deck, towards the Command deck.

Turrets rose around Sonic and pointed directly at him.

A helicopter with a live video camera flew around the scene and filmed it.

(Rainbow Dash's house)
(Girls' POV)

"Here we are with live footage of what looks to becoming a battle on top of a giant air-craft. And by the looks of it the mysterious boys Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, are going to be fighting the man called Dr. Eggman." The female news reporter on the TV said.

The girls were watching Sonic, Shadow, and Silver fight Eggman and his ship, on the news station.

Rainbow was worried for Sonic, along with Rarity worried for Silver, and Pinkie worried for Shadow.

(Back to the battle)
(Sonic's POV)

Sonic was running backwards across the main deck dodging the torrents' gun fire easily, "C'mon Egghead, you know these turrets can never touch me, so why do you even bother?" Sonic said yawning.

"Grrr. Metal. Take care of Sonic for me." Eggman ordered his creation.

"Yes Dr." Metal replied flying out of the command deck and straight at Sonic.

Sonic didn't see Metal coming from behind him and ran right to him and he tripped, "Whoa. What the?"

Metal grabbed Sonic by his vest and threw him towards the edge of the main deck.

"Metal? When did you reactivate? I thought I scrapped you." Sonic said getting up.

"I reactivated myself and now I seek to take my revenge on you. By killing you." Metal said boosting towards Sonic.

Sonic jumped up and out of the way just in time, "Not today, Metal."

Sonic did a homing attack toward Metal from behind, but Metal was waiting for it.

He grabbed Sonic's neck in mid attack, and began to choke him, "You thought that was going to work on me again? I learned from my mistakes. Have you? Clearly not." Metal threw Sonic off the edge and watched him fall through the clouds.

Metal began to turn around, but then he heard jet engines.

He turned around and saw Sonic standing on Tails' X-Tornado.

"Hey Sonic, good to see you again." Tails said to Sonic.

"Thanks little buddy. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take the garbage to the scrap yard." Sonic said jumping off the plane and back to Metal.

(Girls' POV)

Rainbow was in tears when she saw Sonic thrown over the edge of the air-craft. But when she saw Sonic on the X-Tornado, she was crying in joy.

"Oh my goodness. I think that's Sonic's friend Tails. And his plane too." Twilight said looking at the X-Tornado and Tails.

Then a teen with red hair landed on the aircraft. His hair went down to his shoulders, his skin was tan, he wore a brick red vest with a yellow/gold zipper, a red t-shirt with a small white crescent, dark blue jeans, red and orange shoes, and he wore white finger gloves. But they also had spikes on top of them too. His arms' muscles looked stronger than even Shadow's. His eyes were purple.

"Who in tarnation is that?" Applejack asked and then thought to herself, 'He looks very strong and mighty good looking.'

Then a female pink haired teen with the same hair style landed near him. She had a red hair band, she had green eyes, her skin was also tan, she wore gold ring bracelets, a red dress with white trimming, red and white boots, and she had white gloves. Suddenly a big red and orange hammer appeared in her hands.

"WHOA! Who is that! And where did that hammer come from!?" Twilight asked shocked.

(Back to the battle)
(Team POV)

Sonic was battling with Metal; Knuckles and Amy were dealing with on coming eggpawns; Shadow and Silver were dealing with the turrets; and Tails was dealing with flying Egg pawns. Tails fired his laser cannons and destroyed three flying Egg pawns.

"Grrr. Metal, call more Egg Pawns!" Eggman shouted.

"Negative Dr. I am dealing with Sonic.!" Metal shouted punching Sonic in the face.

"Grrr, I always have to do everything myself." Eggman said pushing buttons.

Seven more Egg Pawns emerged from the ship and surrounded Tails. Silver saw this and quickly acted. Using his Psychokinesis, He took control of the strongest Egg Pawn. He controlled the robot and the Flying Egg pawn fired and blasted the Pawns surrounding Tails.

"Thanks Silver!" Tails called out heading for Eggman.

Silver gave him a thumbs up and went back to the turrets with Shadow.

"CHAOS SPEAR!" Shadow fired and destroyed two turrets. The turrets opened fired and Shadow teleported out of the way. Silver crushed the last of the Turrets and landed to the ground, tired by using his energy.

Sonic dodged a punch from Metal and returned one of his own.

"Bzztt!" Metal flew into a wall and it cracked. He shook it off and flew back into the air.

"You really are a powerful opponent my insuperior copy." Metal said.

"Heh, which is why I'm the one and only, Sonic the hedgehog." Sonic said smirking.

"It's time I finish this. Today, you will DIE!" Metal shouted charging at Sonic.

Sonic dodged Metals attack, but Metal quickly turned around and collided with Sonic, holding him by his throat, "I've been humiliated by you for so many years ever since my master created me. But, those days are gone, and today, you will be erased from history, FOREVER!" He held his open robot arm out and a ball of yellow energy began to form. Sonic tried to free himself from his grasp, but Metal held on to him tightly.

(Girls' POV)

Rainbow saw what was happening and turned away, know her boyfriend was gonna die. Rainbow held onto Pinkie, not wanting to see what was going to happen, 'NO, This can't be happening!' Rainbow shouted in her mind, 'Please Sonic, don't die!'

(Back to the battle)
(Sonic POV)

Sonic continued to escape from Metals grasp, hoping he can get away before he completes his attack, "Struggle all you want Sonic, but no one will be here to save you." Metal said as his attack was almost ready.

"YES, YES Metal, Finish Sonic off for good. HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!" Eggman laughed looking at the helpless teen.

'There has to be something I can do, but what?' Sonic thought. He looked around hoping he can find a way to get out of this problem. Suddenly, he looked down and saw his medallion, 'THAT'S IT!'

Metals attack was now glowing brightly, knowing it was time, "WELCOME TO OBLIVION SONIC!" Metal shouted as he moved his hand close to Sonic's face.

Moving quickly, Sonic rubbed his medallion and his guitar formed. He quickly grabbed it and shredded his guitar. The guitar shot out a blue beam of energy and hit Metal in the face, causing him to stumble back.

"WHAT!? NO!" Eggman shouted, not trying to believe what just happened.

"How can this be?" Metal asked as his circuits sparked, looking at Sonic and his guitar. It disappeared and returned back into its medallion form.

"Gotta be quicker than that Tin head." Sonic mocked waving a finger at him.

Shadow and Silver appeared next to him, "Shadow, what do you say we finish Metal off, Light speed style."

Shadow let out a very small chuckle, "You never see to surprise me faker." Shadow said.

"Silver, Hold Metal in place." Sonic said. Silver nodded and grabbed Metal with Psychokinesis.

"What!? I can't move!" Metal said trying to free himself from his prison.

"Make it quick guys, I can't hold him for long." Silver said.

"Right. Tails, we need two power rings!" Sonic shouted.

"You got it. Two power rings coming up." Tails said shooting two power rings out of the X-Tornado and to Sonic and Shadow.

The two caught the rings and then began to focus the energy from the rings. A blue aura formed around Sonic, while a yellow aura formed around Shadow.

"GAH! Egg pawns, focus all attacks on Shadow and Sonic!" Eggman commanded.

The Pawns turned to the two speed demons and aimed their weapons at them, but they were blown up by Knuckles, Amy, and Tails.

"HOW DARE YOU RODENTS!" Eggman roared.

Finally, the two hedgehogs stood in their crouching positions with yellow and blue auras surrounding them.

"Readyyyyy?" Sonic said.

"Play time is over!" Shadow growled.

"GO!/HA!" The two said in unison.

They disappeared, only two blue and yellow streaks could be seen. They collided with Metal countless times over in many possible directions.

(Girls' POV)

Rainbow, Pinkie and the others looked dumbfounded on how fast Sonic and Shadow were going. They only saw the yellow and blue streak hitting the blue robot in so many directions they couldn't even imagine.

'Oh….My…..Gosh! THAT'S SO AWESOME!' Rainbow thought on how fast her speedy boyfriend is.

"That's unreal! Not even the fastest car, or jet ever made can top that kind of Speed!" Fleetfoot said amazed by the two.

(Back to the battle)
(Sonic POV)

Sonic, and Shadow hit Metal a few more times and the two jumped into the air, "YOU'RE FINISHED!" Sonic shouted as the two dived down and gave Metal and hard kick by the heels of their feet. Metal smashed into the ground, creating a small crater, badly damaged, and in power down state. The two stood up and looked at Eggman.

"Had enough Baldy Mc. Nose hair?" Sonic mocked.

"GRRRRRR! This isn't over Sonic! I will return, and this world and the Chaos Emeralds will be MINE!" Eggman shouted as he picked up Metal and retreated into the ship. The Egg Carrier turned around and flown away in the distance.

(Stop playing Transformers 4 Battle Theme)

Sonic and Shadow pounded their fists.

"That was tight." Sonic said.

"Hmph. Next time the Doctor won't be so stupid to fight all of us at once." Shadow said.

The X-Tornado was seen flying down with Amy and Knuckles on the wings. Silver was flying next to it also.

"Sonic!" A familiar female voice shouted.

Sonic turned and saw Rainbow running towards him.

"Sonic!" Another familiar female voice shouted.

Sonic looked behind him and saw Amy running towards him.

"Uh oh," Sonic said looking between the two girls. He had forgotten to tell Rainbow about Amy. And Amy didn't know anything about his and Rainbow's relationship, but she wouldn't care either, "Not good."

The two girls hugged Sonic in death hugs and spoke in sync.

"I missed you sooo much Sonic." They both said not hearing the other.

"Gahk! Rainbow… Amy… can't breath!" Sonic gasped.

The two girls let Sonic go and saw each other.

"WHO IS SHE!?" They both said in sync, "SONIC!?"

Sonic panicked, "Gah um… Rainbow, this is Amy Rose." Sonic said introducing the two.

"I'm Sonic's girlfriend." Amy said suddenly.

'GAH! Amy shut up!' Sonic thought getting ready for the loudest screaming and yelling ever.

"NO HE'S MY BOYFRIEND!" Rainbow yelled at Amy getting up to her face.

"Ahahaha. Don't make me laugh Rainbow head. Sonic loves me. And no one else." Amy said grabbing Sonic's arm and pulling him next to her.

"Um Amy… Uh… That isn't t-" Sonic began.

"No. He's mine!" Rainbow said grabbing Sonic and pulling him towards her.

'Oh boy. This is going to hurt.' Sonic thought.

The two began to tug on Sonic's arm over and over again, making his arms almost pop out.

"He belongs to me!" Amy shouted.

"No! He's mine!" Rainbow shouted.

"Mine!" Amy countered.

"Mine!" Rainbow countered back.





Finally Sonic had it, "ENOUGH!" Sonic screamed pulling his arms back to his body. The two took a step back by his sudden outburst. Sonic took five very deep breaths to calm himself before he took action. He slowly walked up to Rainbow and wrapped an arm around her, "You need to understand Amy, I'm not your boyfriend, and I never was in the beginning, and I never will be. Rainbow is the one I love, and no one else. I'm sorry."

Rainbow smirked at Amy.

"But, I want you two to be nice to each other." Sonic said looking between the two, "Rainbow, you be nice to Amy because she's still my friend. And same to you Amy, you be nice to Rainbow. Ok?"

"Yes Sonic." Rainbow said hugging Sonic.

Amy sighed, "Yes Sonic."

Sonic smiled and hugged Amy, "Thanks for understanding me, Amy."

Sonic saw Knuckles and Tails walking over to him.

Tails hadn't changed much in human form. His hair was orange-yellow, he wore a yellow jacket with his logo on the back, he had goggles on his head, he wore his same normal shoes, and his gloves. His skin was peach. His hair also had specks of white on the tips.

"Hey guys." Sonic said pounding fists with Knuckles, and then giving Tails a noogie.

"Good to see you two big bro." Tails said fixing his hair back up.

"How did you guys and Egghead get here?" Sonic asked.

"Well we were defending the Master Emerald from Eggman's hands. When he all of a sudden commanded Metal to get some coordinates from the Master Emerald. Which he opened a portal to this world and we followed." Tails explained.

"You guys didn't leave the Master Emerald there did you?" Sonic asked, "A certain bat might take it."

"Nah. We brought it with us. How else are we supposed to get back home without it?" Knuckles said pointing at the X-Tornado's back.

"The Chaos Emeralds duh." Sonic said.

"What? The Chaos Emeralds are here too?" Tails asked.

"Well yeah. How did you think me, Shadow, and Silver got here?" Sonic said.

"Good point." Tails responded.

"Hey Sonic. Who are you talking to?" Sonic heard a familiar voice ask.

He turned around and saw the rest of the girls walking up to them.

"Oh. Girls, this is my little brother Tails." Sonic said, "And this is my friend Knuckles."

"Hi. My name is Miles, but everyone calls me Tails." Tails said smiling.

"Hi Tails, I'm Twilight Sparkle. Sonic has told us many things about you Tails. What are you back on your planet?" Twilight said.

"I'm a two tailed fox back on Mobius." Tails responded.

"Two tailed?" Twilight asked.

"I have two tails back on Mobius. That's why everyone calls me Tails." He explained.

"Sonic also mentioned you are an amazing inventor." Twilight said getting closer to Tails.

Tails blushed a bit and scratched the back of his head, "Eheh. You could say that."

"What kinds of inventions have you made?" Twilight asked.

While Tails and Twilight were talking, Knuckles and Applejack were chit-chating.

"So you're an echidna back on yer planet?" Applejack asked.

"Yeup. I'm the last of my kind also. I guard the Master Emerald and the floating island, Angel Island." Knuckles explained.

"What's with the spikes on yer hands?" Applejack asked pointing at his spiked hands.

"Oh. Uh, well. I don't know why. But I was born with them and they're part of my hands." Knuckles said taking off his gloves revealing his spiked hands.

"Well I'll be. That's crazy." Applejack said shocked.

Applejack and Knuckles continued talking, when Sonic spoke, "Hey girls. Who wants to have Tails, Amy, or Knuckles at their place?"

"Tails can stay with me and Fluttershy." Twilight said, "If that's ok with you Fluttershy."

"It fine with me." Fluttershy said.

"Amy can stay with me and Shady." Pinkie squeaked.

"Knuckles here can stay with me." Applejack said.

"Ok then. It's settled." Sonic said.

"Hey Sonic. Who do you stay with?" Amy asked.

"Uh... Rainbow and Sunset Shimmer." Sonic told her.

"Ok." Amy said, "See you later."

And the groups split up and went to their appropriate homes.

(Sonic, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset Shimmer POV)
(Rainbow's house)

Sonic, Rainbow, and Sunset Shimmer were sitting on the couch, talking about Sonic's home world.

"So let me get this straight, that guy you guys fought earlier, is your archenemy?" Sunset asked.

"Yeup. He wants to take over the world and turn it into his own Eggman Land. But, me and my friends, mostly me, keep foiling his plans." Sonic said.

"Soo cool. Tell us about one of your adventures." Rainbow pleaded.

"Hmmm. Which one shall I tell?" Sonic said thinking, "Aha! I'll tell you about my adventure in the King Arthurian legend. Except its now called Sonic and the Black Knight."

"Sonic and the Black Knight? King Arthur, as in the king of Camelot?" Sunset asked, "How old are you Sonic? The Arthurian legend is over 1000 years old."

"I had gone on this adventure recently actually. About, 3 years ago." Sonic said remembering his adventure in the book of King Arthur.

"Well tell us about it." Rainbow said scooching closer to Sonic.

"Heh. Well it all started when I was waiting for Amy because I lost a bet to Knuckles and was forced to go on a date with Amy." Sonic said explaining.

(5 Hours later)

Sunset had fallen asleep on the couch during the middle of Sonic's story, but Rainbow was still awake and listening to the story and every detail.

"And then I was revealed to be the REAL King Arthur. But I couldn't stay because I had more important things back on Mobius. I left the Kingdom in the hands and responsibility of Lancelot; Caliburn returned into the stone pedestal, waiting for the return of me or a new worthy king; and I was sent back to Mobius... and to a REALLY mad Amy." Sonic explained rubbing his head, remembering the bump Amy gave him using her hammer.

"Wow Sonic. That sounded like an amazing adventure. Do you plan to return to the kingdom ever?" Rainbow asked.

"Nah. I didn't want to be royalty. The same reason I didn't stay in Mobotropolis. I wanted to be a freedom fighter. I don't want people to bow down to me, worship me, or anything related to that." Sonic said, "Besides, if I did stay, I wouldn't be here with you right now, now would I?"

Rainbow smiled and hugged Sonic, laying her head against his warm chest, "No. You wouldn't. And I'd still be the lonesome Rainbow Dash I used to be."

Sonic smiled as he combed his fingers through her rainbow hair.

"Sonic." Rainbow said looking up at the blue haired teen.

"Mmm? What is it, Dash?" Sonic asked looking down at her.

"Please don't leave me." Rainbow said with a little worry in her voice.

"Why would I leave you, Dash?" Sonic asked.

"When you and your friends complete that prophecy. You will have to go back to your world. Won't you?" Rainbow asked.

Sonic hadn't thought about that, "Oh. Right... I... I don't know Rainbow."

Rainbow looked back down and tears began to seep from her eyes.

She felt Sonic's gloved hand lift her chin up, "Don't cry, Rainbow. Even if I do leave, I'll always be with you, I'll be in your heart. Always."

"B-but what if we f-forget about each other?" She said crying harder.

Sonic smiled, "The day you forget about me, will be the day you forget how to live. And I'll never forget about you Rainbow. Never in a million years."

Rainbow continued to cry in Sonic's chest. Sonic felt a single tear escape his own eye as he thought to himself, 'I'll always love you Rainbow.'

(Eggman, Metal, and unknown POV)
(Egg Carrier)

Eggman was recharging and repairing Metal Sonic after his fight with the furry rodents, "Grr. Why does he always have to beat me!? I can't ever seem to kill him, much less harm him. No one can seem to."

"I managed to kill him once." A dark unknown voice chuckled.

Eggman turned around and saw nothing there, "Who's there? Show yourself."

A small pool of blackness slid across the ground.

"What? Who are you?" Eggman asked.

A figure rose out of the liquid. It was a male adult and he looked just like Shadow, except where Shadow had red, this guy had pale blue; his eyes were green slits; and he had teal rings around his wrists.

"My name is Memphis the Dark. And I too seek revenge on those three pesky hedgehogs. I have killed Sonic before, and I intend to do it again. We could make a great alliance to defeat them." Memphis said.

"Hmm." Eggman thought and then smiled evilly, "Deal. But how do you plan to defeat them? They are strong together and rarely split."

"Don't worry. I have this all planned out." Memphis said, and then looking at the powered down Metal Sonic.

Author's Note:

DarkMaster0224: AAAND That's chapter 8 for you all. ShadicBro B isn't gonna be talking for a while because I told him to take a break from this story so he could work on his own. So, I'll wrap this chapter up.

OH NO and YAY! Sonic's friends found a way into the world of Canterlot High, along with Eggman and Metal. Sonic and Rainbow have a sad moment, realizing they might not see each other after everything is over. And now Memphis is here too. He, Eggman, and Metal have teamed up and plan to finish Sonic and his friends. Or so Memphis says. What is going to happen to our heroes? Find out next chapter. See you all next time.

DarkMaster0224 and (Imaginary T_T) ShadicBro B: PEACEOUT EVERYBODY! DarkMaster0224 and ShadicBro B signing off. Until next time.