• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,711 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Chapter 11
From Friend, to Nightmare

(Amy's POV)
(Pinkie's House)

Amy sat in the spare bedroom Pinkie had gave her, everything was of course pink.

She sighed a little irritated, "What is it Sonic sees in that rainbow headed prick? I've known him longer, he's saved my life more, heck, I've saved his life more than she has. Why does he love her more!"

"Amy? Is everything alright in there?" Pinkie said knocking on her door.

"Yes Pinkie Pie. I'm fine. Just… thinking." Amy said.

"Ok. If you need anything, I'm here." Pinkie said.

Amy decided to go out for a walk to the park. She left Pinkie's house and walked around the city.

When she got to the park, her eyes widened at what she saw. Sonic, Rainbow, Silver, Rarity, Tails, and Twilight were sitting down having a picnic.

Amy hid behind a bush close to the group and listened.

(Group POV)

"So Tails. I wanted to ask you a few things about yourself." Twilight asked the yellow-orange haired teen.

"Ask away Twi." Tails said.

"Well first off, in your world, why do you have two tails? Are they of any use to you? Or are they just there." Twilight asked.

"Well I'm not sure why I was born with them, neither my parents that I can remember had two tails." Tails responded, "But they do come in real handy. For instance, I can use them to fly and propel myself forward faster."

"Really? That's very interesting." Twilight said smiling at him.

"Th-thanks Twi." Tails said blushing.

"Besides the X-Tornado you built, what kind of other machinery did you build?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Well, the X-Tornado is my greatest creation I've ever made. It served us for longer than I can remember. However, I did create other things from my time such as the Blue Typhoon." Tails explained.

"The Blue Typhoon? Is that some kind of Tycoon?" Silver asked.

Tails Chuckled, "No Silver, It's a spacecraft." Tails answered.

Twilight's eyes widened, "A spacecraft? You and your friends literally went into space!?" Twilight asked shockingly

"Well actually I built it myself, and not just space, we traveled to many worlds and explored many galaxies as the eyes can see. Even accidentally went through to another dimension." Tails explained.

Twilight's eyes sparkled and smiled at the yellow teen, "You have to tell me everything about your space adventure."

"I'm curious as well Tails. But my question is, why did you and the rest of you guys go into space?" Silver asked.

"Oh, that's easy, we met Cosmo and she wanted... our…..oops." Sonic realized what he said and cringed.

Hearing her name, Tails frowned and looked away sadly, "Tails what's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"*Sigh*, Tails, I'm really sorry for bringing her up again." Sonic said.

Tails didn't say anything. Twilight saw a lone tear escape his eye.

"Sonic, who is Cosmo, and why is Tails upset?" Twilight asked.

"Well, Cosmo was one of our dearest friends. She was known as a seedrian, a special species of plant. She's also known to be the last of her kind. Her last few remaining family got attacked by an evil group of mutated Seedrains called the Metarex." Sonic explained.

"Mutated?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, long ago, the leader of the Metarex, named Dark Oak, wanted power. In order to do that, he stole the life source of the planets, called Planet Eggs." Sonic explained.

"Planet Eggs?" Rarity asked.

"They're the power sources and hearts of every planet that exists, Even your planet has one." Sonic said.

The girls went wide eyed at this. Twilight will have to research this later on.

Sonic then continued, "Whenever the Metarex stole a Planet Egg, the planet will begin to lose its life. Trees, plants, animals, everything that exists on the planet, will start to die, and the planet will just become a large solid rock, that will drift endlessly through space." Sonic explained sadly.

The girls gasped, "How can they be so brutal and heartless?" Rarity asked disgusted.

"*Sigh*, guess it's just how it rolls. Anyways, Cosmo was able to escape and land on Mobius. However she was followed by a large Metarex. Me, Knuckles and the others tried to destroy it, but it was too strong for us and it got away with the planet Egg. I wasn't at the planet in the beginning, because I was fighting off Dark Oaks minions in space." Sonic said.

"How were you able to go into space?" Rainbow asked shocked.

Sonic chuckled, "Well, the answer to that is because I was in my super form. My super form allows me to breath into space and underwater. As a matter of fact, me and all my friends have the ability to breath into space."

The girls and Silver went wide eyed once more.

"What else can you, and the Emeralds do?" Twilight asked.

Sonic chuckled again, "Well, I'll tell you later. As I was saying, Cosmo was the only one who knew about the Planet Eggs and the Metarex. As our adventure went on, Tails started forming a strong bond with her….and he actually fell in love with her." Sonic said.

"Aww, that's so sweet Tails...but where is she?" Rarity asked.

Tails clenched his fist and shut his eyes tightly. Tears of pain and sadness fell from his eyes,

"Cosmo made the ultimate sacrifice by giving up her life to save the galaxy. We tried to find her, but I only found a small seed. Tails became so heartbroken when she died." Sonic said sadly.

The girls gasped, "Oh Tails, I'm...I'm so sorry." Twilight said with tears forming in her eyes.

Tails fists tightened and he started sobbing, "It just wasn't fair. She didn't deserved to die. She meant everything to me. Why did it had to happen to her?" Tails asked sobbing through his words.

Twilight sat next to him and gave him the most meaningful, caring hug she could give him, "I'm so sorry she died Tails. Letting someone go can be the hardest thing you can ever do in your life. I just wish there was something I could've done." Twilight said.

Tails returned the embrace and sobbed into Twilight's shoulder. The others kept quiet, allowing Tails to get as much of his negative emotions out, while Twilight was trying to comfort him, "Shh, it's alright Tails. It's okay."

5 minutes passed, and Tails started to calm down. The two broke their embrace, and Tails smiled a little while wiping his tears away, "Thank you Twilight."

Twilight smiled warmly, "If you ever need to talk to someone, I'll be there for you." Twilight said.

Tails blushed by her sweet, and kind words, "Thanks."

The others smiled at the two teens.

"Heh. Never thought I'd see another day you'd blush little bro." Sonic chuckled, "Especially because of another girl."

Tails' blushed increased.

Rainbow went wide eyed and then smirked, "Wait, don't tell me Tails has a crush on the Egghead?" She asked smirking.

"WHAT!? No I don't!" Tails shouted looking away while blushing deeply.

"RAINBOW DASH! Stop trying to embarrass me and Tails!" Twilight shouted while blushing deeply as well.

Sonic and Rainbow laughed together, "I can't believe this! You actually have a crush on her. Way to go little bro." Sonic said smirking.

"GAH! I gotta go!" Tails said leaving quickly while his entire face went red as a tomato.

"I gotta go too." Twilight said quickly with an extreme blush on her face.

"Hehe, never thought my little bro would ever have feeling for another girl. I would say he and Twilight are a good pair, right Rainbow?" Sonic asked.

"Hehe, I would say so." Rainbow responded laying back against his chest.

"Oh, those two are such a great pairing. They look so cute together. I can just picture the two together as one big happy family." Rarity squealed with excitement.

Silver chuckled, "I would say so to. The two are very smart, loves reading, and create machinery. I would say the two are a perfect match."

"Hehe, It's funny that most of us have the same similarities. Like me and Sonic love speed and Racing, while twilight and Tails are both the smartest in the group." Rainbow said.

"Yeah, and I'm glad Silver found that prophecy, otherwise, we would have never meet each other and form such an amazing bond." Sonic said smiling at his girlfriend.

"You're so sweet Soniku." Rainbow said smiling at him.

Sonic smiled back and planted a passionate kiss on her lips, which she returned.

(Amy's POV)

Amy's anger to Rainbow just doubled, 'DID SHE JUST CALLED HIM SONIKU!? NO ONE CALLS HIM THAT, BUT ME!' Amy thought extremely angry.

Amy wanted to stomp over to her and hit her so hard….but she promised she would leave Sonic and Rainbows relationship alone. It hurt her so much. She quietly snuck away and walked back to Pikies home. While she was walking home, tears of pain and anger dripped from her eyes.

What she didn't know is that hidden in another set of bushes, a night blue foggy mist with cyan dragon eyes was watching her, 'Well, it seems this girl is in pain for losing someone she loves.' The mist thought. It thought for a second, until it started chuckling evilly, 'Maybe she's the one who will help me defeat Twilight and her friends once and for all. Luna gave up on me. So I'll rely on someone else instead.'

(Time traveling forward to late night)

Amy laid down in her bed, her pillow soaked from her crying, "Why Sonic? Why do you like her more than me?"

Amy began to dream of her and Sonic together.

(Amy's Dream)

Amy and Sonic were walking through the park, holding hands happily.

Suddenly Amy heard someone growl and she turned and saw Rainbow Dash.

Her hair was a mess, her clothes were torn a little, and she had furry in her eyes, "Sonic!? What are you doing with her? You and I are supposed to be together!"

Sonic turned around, "You and me? Pfft. In your dreams Rainbow Crash. I'm with Amy. Leave us be."

Rainbow growled and lunged at Amy, but Sonic grabbed her and threw her into a pond.

Amy laughed at Rainbow as she began to drown.

Suddenly, Amy's dream changes and everything becomes a dark blue zone.

"What the? What just happened? Where am I?" Amy asked looking around.

A dark female voice spoke, "Don't worry my dear. You're safe here."

"W-Who said that? Who are you?" Amy asked scared.

A blue foggy mist with cyan dragon eyes floated in front of Amy, "I am the conscience called Nightmare Moon. And I can offer you a deal that will help you get your Sonic, back to you and away from Rainbow Dash."

Amy's eyes widened, "Really?"

"On one condition. You let me do all the work and allow me full control over your mind and body." Nightmare Moon said.

"Y-You promise not to hurt Sonic right?" Amy asked.

"I promise." Nightmare vowed.

Amy thought for a second, until she came up with her decision, "If it means getting Sonic back, then I'm in."

"Excellent." Nightmare's blue mist began to cover Amy's body. Amy felt really weird. She was then engulfed by the mist. Soon, the mist faded and Amy had a new appearance. Her pink clothing was now dark blue and black, her pink hair sparkled like the night sky, and her eyes changed to Cyan and had dragon daggers.

"At last, I'm reborn. Now, Twilight and her friends will fear the all mighty and dark power Nightmare Rose! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!"

Author's Note:

ShadicBro B: Alright everyone, that's a wrap for this chapter. Sorry it isn't long like the others, but the next one will. Bro, would you like to tell our lovely audience what happened?

DarkMaster0224 stunned and still blushing.

ShadicBro B snaps fingers in front of his face: Yo bro! Snap out of it!

DarkMaster0224: Huh? Oh, sorry bro. I was uh…... spacing out. Still thinking about Rainbow.

ShadicBro B: You feeling alright? Your face is all red?

DarkMaster0224 looks away blushing even more: M-my face is not red.

ShadicBro B chuckles: Right. Well anyways, will you sum up this chapter please bro?

DarkMaster0224: Y-yeah sure. Ahem. SO, It would appear Amy still wants Sonic, even though she said she would stop. AND OH NO! Nightmare Moon's conscience followed Twilight into this world and now has tricked Amy into letting her take over her body and mind. What does Nightmare Rose have in store for our heroes? Find out later. Until then.

DarkMaster0224 and ShadicBro B: PEACEOUT EVERYBODY! See you all later.

All the main characters appear: See you all later

DarkMaster0224 sees Rainbow, runs in my room, and shuts the door, blushing madly

ShadicBro B turns to the group: What's eating him?

Rainbow shrugs: Beats me.