• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,711 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
New friends

Sonic, Shadow and Silver walked down the halls of the school. Sonic was not enjoying being in school at all.

"C'mon Sonic, school isn't so bad." Silver said trying to cheer him up.

"How would you know? You never been in school." Sonic said to the white haired teen.

"I guess you make a good point." Silver responded.

"Focus guys, we to stay on topic here." Shadow told the two teens.

"Right, but first, we need to check out our schedules."

The boys took out the papers Celestia gave them for their school year.


1st: Free period

2nd: PE

Lunch break

3rd: Math

4th: Music


1st: Free Period

2nd: PE

Lunch Break

3rd: Health

4th: Music


1st: Free Period

2nd: PE

Lunch Break

3rd: History

4th: Music

"At least we're going to be in most of our classes together." Silver said looking at his schedule.

"At least we have PE, one class that has excitement." Sonic sighed.

Sonic, Shadow and Silver continued walking down the hallways of the school, until something caught their eyes. Three boys, around ages 16 and 17, were circling three girls. One girl had pure white skin, while wearing a purple skirt with three diamonds on them and had curly purple hair; the second girl had light pink skin, dark pink poofy hair, and wore a white t-shirt and pink skirt with three balloons on them; The last girl had cream skin, light pink hair that fell to her waist, a white tank top, and wore a green skirt with three pink butterflies on the side.

The boys were getting closer to the girls and cornering them against the lockers, "C'mon baby, how about we get outta here and have some fun?"

"You get away from us you brutes!" The white girl said slapping one of them away, leaving a bruise mark on his face.

One of the others grabbed her and slammed her against the locker, "We tried to do this the nice way, now we'll do this the hard way."

"HEY! Not cool." Sonic said as he began to walk over to the scene.

But suddenly, he was pushed over and saw Silver run up to the group and grab the boy's wrist, pulling him away from the girl.

"Leave her alone. Or you'll regret it." Silver growled in a dark voice.

"And what are you going to do about it little weasel?" He taunted to Silver.

"This." Silver said.

He twisted the guy's wrist, causing him to yell in pain.

"Gah! Stop it!" He yelled.

"Only if you leave these girls alone." Silver said not showing any pity.

"Fine FINE! Just stop twisting my wrist. Gah!" He whined.

Silver let him go and the kid ran away crying like a baby. He and his pals ran away also scared of what Silver might do to them.

Sonic was so surprised by Silver's actions. He never saw him so aggressive before. It was completely new to him.

Shadow was a little shocked at Silver too. He had to admit, he was slightly impressed. Silver turned to the girls, who had wide eyes and their jaws dropped.

"Are you three okay?" Silver asked the girls.

"Y-yes." The light pink haired girl said shyly.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you girls." Silver said smiling.

Sonic and Shadow walked up behind Silver and tapped his shoulder. Silver turned around and saw his brothers, "Oh. Hi guys. ehehe." He scratched the back of his head, "I was a little out of control wasn't I? Sorry."

"Sorry? What are you sorry about? You just saved these three girls from a lot of pain." Sonic said punching his shoulder.

"I gotta say Silver, that was a little impressive." Shadow said grinning a little.

"I couldn't just sit by and let them do whatever it was they were planning to do to them." Silver said shrugging.

Silver then felt a finger tapping his shoulder. He turned around and saw it was the white girl the boy was harassing.

"I personally wanted to thank you for saving me and my friends darling. If you didn't show up…...I personally don't want to think about what would have happen to us next." She said.

"It's no problem at all. I won't sit by and let a someone hurt others." Silver said smiling.

Her cheeks blushed pink a little, "Well, we're very grateful for it. Thank you darling." She thanked giving a small bow to Silver.

"Uhh, sure." Silver said blushing a little as well, "But please don't bow to me, I don't need that much respect. All I need is to know my friends are safe."

"Why were those boys doing to you three anyway?" Sonic asked stepping in.

The white girl groaned, "They have been trying to hit on us for quite some time, and have gotten on our nerves. Mostly mine."

"Well, I'm sure they won't bother you three ever again. But if they do, you tell us and we'll put them in their place." Silver said clenching his fists.

"By the way, Name's Silver." Silver greeted smiling, "And these two are my brothers, Sonic and Shadow."

"Nice to meet you. Name's Sonic. Fastest thing alive." Sonic greeted with his trademark thumbs up and wink, then Shadow glared at him, "Well at least where I come from. Ehehe."

"Hmph, name's Shadow." Shadow growled, "Don't piss me off more than I am now."

"Pleasure to meet you three. My name is Rarity." The white girl greeted, "And I must say, your clothing is really fabulous." She said looking over Silver's clothing.

"Um, thanks." Silver said.

"Even your hairstyle...It's so divine." Rarity said stroking his white/silver hair.

Feeling her touch made Silver blush deeply. He suddenly felt butterflies in his stomach, 'What is this feeling? I haven't felt this since I first met Blaze.' Silver thought.

Sonic chuckled by what he was seeing. "Looks like you got an admirer Silver." Sonic taunted his brother.

Rarity stopped and quickly withdrew her hand, blushing red deeply.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry darling. I don't know what had overcome me." Rarity quickly apologizing.

"Umm, it's okay." Silver said stroking his hair back into place.

Then, the dark pink haired girl zipped in front of Silver face, even before he could even blink.

"HI! My names Pinkie Pie. Thank you for helping us from those boys. I love throwing parties! Do you like parties? Heck who doesn't love parties! What kind of cake do you like, Chocolate, Vanilla, or maybe you-whoa!" Pinkie was pulled back by Rarity.

"Calm down darling. You're confusing the poor darling." Rarity said trying to calm her down, "Sorry about her. She's always like this."

Silver blinked, and then smiled while chuckling. "In all my years, I've never gotten such a happy greeting before."

"Well, she loves seeing everyone here in Canterlot High smile and loves to throw parties for new students." Rarity said.

"Really? That's pretty cool." Silver said smiling.

"Did she eat too much sugar or something?" Sonic asked Shadow.

"Beats me." Shadow responded, "I think she said all that in one breath."

Silver looked at the last girl who was looking at them shyly, while hiding most of her face in her pink hair.

"What's your name?" Silver asked.

"I-i'm...Flu…" She whispered.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you." Silver said moving closer to her.

"It's Fluttershy." She whispered again, but a little louder, making them hear her name.

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you Fluttershy." Silver said smiling.

"It's...nice to meet you too." Fluttershy whispered.

"Is she okay?" Silver asked Rarity.

"Oh yes. She's just shy around new students." Rarity explained.

"Aah, that would explain a lot." Silver said, "Hey Rarity, do you three girls have a free period during first quarter?"

"Yes we are darling. How did you know? Are you three boys?" Rarity responded to Silver.

"Yeah. Wanna hang out until next quarter?" Silver asked blushing a little pink.

"S-sure Silver darling." Rarity said blushing.

Sonic chuckled, "Silver and Rarity sitting in the tree, K-I-S-S-"

"SHUT UP SONIC!" Silver shouted blushing really heavily and whacking Sonic in the back of his head.

"Ooow, Silver, what was that for?" Sonic groaned while rubbing his head, "I was only joking around."

"Sure you were." Shadow said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

Rarity was taken back by Sonic's little joke and was blushing bright red.

"C'mon Shads I said I was only kidding." Sonic said.

"Call me that again, and your head going into the wall." Shadow growled while clenching his fists.

"You three are brothers? How come Shadow seems to act completely different compared to you and Silver?" Pinkie asked Sonic.

"Yep, Shadow, Silver, and I are brothers. We're one big happy family." Sonic said wrapping his arms around his brothers.

"Let. Go. Of. Me. Now." Shadow growled, 'I hate not being aloud to use my powers, but hate having to deal with Sonic as my brother even more.' He thought.

"Aww, Lighten up Shadow." Sonic said letting him go.

"I-is he always like this?" Fluttershy asked.

"All the time." Sonic said. He then remembered hearing from Rarity that Pinkie loves making students smile. He smirked, "Shadow never smiles. And he never laughs either." 'This is going to be awesome.' He thought plugging his ears. Silver saw this. He didn't know what was going to happen, but quickly plugged his ears as well.

"*GAAAAAAAASP* NEVER IN YOUR LIFE!?" Pinkie asked shouting running up to Shadow and shaking his by his shoulders like crazy.

"Le-ee-t go-oo-oo-ooo oo-oo-oo-oof me-ee-ee-ee noo-ooo-oo-oow." Shadow said as Pinkie shook him violently.

"Never." Sonic said smiling.

Pinkie released Shadow shoulders. Shadow then glared darkly at Sonic. 'When we get back to Mobius Sonic, I'm going to beat the living shit outta you.' Shadow thought.

"Hey Shadow, why did the elephant family get kicked out of the public pool?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't know why?" Shadow growled rolling his eyes.

"Because they kept dropping their trunks!" Pinkie said laughing.

"Hilarious." Shadow said not smiling.

"Hmmmm. Okay, how about this one. How does a boy know god touched your pants?" Pinkie asked

"Don't know." Shadow growled.

"Because his pants are holy!" Pinkie said laughing again.

"haha. Hysterical." Shadow said rolling his eyes again and crossing his arms.

"*GAAASP* WHAT!? NO SMILE!? That joke always works! How can you not laugh at that!?" Pinkie asked shocked.

"I don't laugh and I don't smile. Get it through your thick skull." Shadow growled.

"Mark my words Shady, I'm going to make you laugh or smile soon, if not both. I pinkie Promise." Pinkie vowed.

"Whatever, and don't call me Shady!" Shadow growled again as his eye twitched.

"Ahem, well uuh, we should get going now." Silver said changing the subject looking at the clock, "Next period starts in 3 minutes. Me and my brothers got to go to PE next."

"Ok. Bye Sonic, Bye Shadow. Bye Silvy." Rarity said winking at Silver.

Silver blushed as he waved back to Rarity as the girls left

"Hehehe. Silver and Rarity-" Sonic began.

"Finish that sentence and I'll turn you into a pincushion when we return to Mobius and are hedgehogs again." Silver growled threatening the blue teen.

"Jesus I was only kidding." Sonic said putting his hands up.

"Whatever. C'mon, class is about to begin soon." Silver said.

The three brothers started walking down the hallways to their next class.

Author's Note:

DarkMaster0224:And that's chapter 2 for you all. ShadicBro B if you would please.

ShadicBro B: Sonic, Shadow and Silver have made 3 new friends. Rarity has taken interest in Silver vise versa; and Pinkie Pie is now trying to make Shadow smile or even laugh. Sonic is now looking forward to Gym, but has yet to meet his match. What will be in stores for our heroes? Will they ever find the Chaos emerald(s) and discover the riddle to the Prophecy? Find out Next time on chapter 3 of Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fate between Worlds.

ShadicBro B: We both had a great time making this chapter, and hope you all enjoyed it.

DarkMaster0224: Indeed we did and we don't plan to stop anytime soon.

ShadicBro B: No we don't bro.

DarkMaster0224/ShadicBro B: And this is where we leave you all for now. PEACEOUT Everybody! DarkMaster0224 and ShadicBro B signing off.