• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,711 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
Explanations, Secrets, and Way Too Much Attention

Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, and Fleetfoot had gathered at Sweet Apple Acres to listen to watch Sonic, Shadow, and Silver had to explain.

"Okay Sonic, we want to know what is going on and what happened from last night." Rainbow demanded.

Sonic knew this wasn't going to be easy, but they need to know, " *Sigh*, we didn't want to let you get involved with this, but after what you all saw and witnessed last night, you all need to know who we really are."

Sonic took a breath and started to explain, "The truth is...me and the boys are actually from another world called Mobius."

The girls eyes went wide. Sonic continued, "Mobius is another world where we come from. We're not humans at all, we're actually Mobians, a special species of animals from our world. Me, Shadow and Silver are species of hedgehog. Also, we're not actually brothers, we call each other brothers to lay low from the time being so no one can be suspicious of us. We came here because of a Prophecy Silver found. When he read it the seven Chaos Emeralds, along with the Master Emerald started glowing and we got sent here. The emeralds got scattered through the city and now we need to find them before anything bad occurs. We've discovered what they do to people in your world. The Emeralds negative energy will corrupt them, and form a conscience of it's own in the person's mind."

All the girls were wide eyed and jaws dropped after Sonic finished explaining about what happened, "We're sorry we didn't tell you all. We didn't want you all to get involved with our problems, and we didn't want to put you all in harms way." Silver said.

"So let me git this straight, you three are hedgehogs?" Applejack asked

"You three are from another world?" Fluttershy asked surprisingly.

The three Mobians looked at one another for a second, but then nodded to the group. Sonic closed his eyes, waiting for what might happen. He believes he along with Shadow and Silver might have lost new friends, especially Rainbow.

"That….is….AWESOME!" Rainbow shouted.

The three looked up surprisingly at the girls, "Wait...you're all not mad at us?" Silver asked.

"How can we be mad when we have awesome friends that are from another world!?" Rainbow asked excitingly.

The girls gathered around and started asking the boys many questions, but they couldn't understand them, "Alright, alright, everyone calm down. One question at a time." Sonic said calming down the group, "Rainbow, what's your question?"

"From last night, I saw you move from one place to another, how did you do that?" Rainbow asked.

Sonic smirked, "Hehe, that was my speed you saw." Sonic answered.

Rainbow's jaw dropped, "What!? You were running? But no one can go THAT fast." Rainbow said in disbelief.

"Hehe, you want proof?" Sonic asked.

Before Rainbow could answer, Sonic quickly picked her up and carried her bridal style, making her blush in surprise, "Hold tight."

Sonic then took off through the fields at extreme high speeds. The girls jaws dropped by his burst of speed. A few seconds later, Sonic skid to a halt and placed Rainbow down, who had a shocked face.

"That… was… soooo… AWESOME!" Rainbow squealed.

"I know right? Moving so fast, everything is a blur to you." Sonic said, "I can do a lot more than that also. Anyone got targets that I can use in mid air that you don't mind me breaking?"

The girls each picked up a rock and got in a line.

"Ready?" Sonic said getting ready.

"Ready." They said in union. They threw their rocks up one at a time.

"Heh." Sonic said jumping in mid air.

He rolled into a ball and did a homing attack on each rock. Then he landed on his feat perfectly.

"Whoa! That was soo COOL!" Rainbow said. "What was that?"

"Homing attack. I have a few more also." Sonic said crouching.

"Huh?" The girls asked.

Sonic began spinning in a ball and then he dashed forward.

"WHOA!" The girls gasped.

Sonic stood up and smiled, "I call that a spin dash."

"So cool." Rainbow said hugging her boyfriend.

"What about you Silver darling?" Rarity asked looking at her boyfriend.

"*Sigh* Well, I come from the future of Sonic's world." Silver said.

Without warning, Twilight immediately zipped up in front of his face, "You're from the future!?" She asked in complete shock.

"Yes, 200 years to be precise." Silver answered.

Twilight's eyes sparkled like the stars, "Tell. Me. Everything." She said with a huge grin in her face.

Silver frowned, "I...I really don't want to talk about it. It's too painful." Silver said with sadness dripping from his words.

"Silver?" Rarity knows something is wrong.

"*Sigh*, instead of explaining about the future, I'll show you all. Shadow, I need the emerald." Silver said.

Shadow nodded and tossed the blue emerald to him, "Clear your minds, and watch." Silver held the emerald up in the air, "CHAOS CONTROL!"

The emerald glowed brightly and the group was engulfed by the light. When the light died down, the girls opened their eyes. They all gasped by what they were seeing. Lava spilled everywhere, many buildings destroyed, and the sky was nothing but darkness.

"Silver...what is this?" Rarity asked.

"This is my home, the future before I met Sonic and Shadow." Silver said.

The group then saw a silver hedgehog flying above the ground glowing cyan, "Who is that Silver?" Twilight asked.

"That's me in my hedgehog form in the past/future." Silver answered.

Past Silver stopped when a wall of fire blocked his path. He used his psychokinesis to die the wall down

"I've been meaning to ask darling, what was that you just did?" Rarity asked.

"That was called psychokinesis. It's an ability that can allow me to move things with my mind. It allows me to fly and paralyze my enemies also." Silver explained.

"Silver!" The group turned and saw a purple cat jumping to him, "Blaze, what's wrong?" Past Silver asked.

"He's appeared again!" Blaze shouted pointing to the distance. Past Silver took off at high speed in the distance with Blaze hot on his tail, "Darling, who was that?" Rarity asked.

"That was Blaze, my friend." Silver answered.

"Who was Blaze referring to?" Twilight asked.

"You'll find out right now." Silver responded.

The memory then faded and a new one was formed. Past Silver and Blaze then came face to face with a huge lava creature, bigger than the building around it. It had obsidian armor around it.

"What in tarnation is that Thing!?" Applejack shouted.

"Iblis." Silver growled.

"Iblis?" Twilight asked.

"He's known as 'The flames of Disaster', the one who is destroying my home." Silver answered.

"C'mon you monster!" Past Silver shouted. Iblis roared and the battle began. The memory faded and Silver and Blaze were the last ones standing.

"Looks like we stopped it for now." Blaze said taking a few breaths.

"You and her literally kicked that thing's big fire butt!?" Rainbow asked in total shock.

Silver nodded, "But, it will only rise up from his ashes again." Past Silver growled. He banged his fist to the wall in anger, "What's the point in all this!? It'll never end!" Past Silver shouted.

"Calm down Silver." Blaze said trying to calm him down, "Then tell what we should do. How can we completely destroy Iblis!?" Past Silver asked.

"What did you mean completely destroy Iblis?" Rarity asked.

"Iblis was immortal, no matter how hard me and Blaze tried to defeat him, he only returns stronger than ever." Silver answered.

"By knowing the truth of course." Answered a dark voice.

Past Silver and Blaze turned around and saw a black hedgehog with dark cyan streaks and green eyes, "Just as flower comes from a seed, or a chicken that comes from an egg. Everything has an origin." He explained.

"Who is that?" Pinkie asked.

"Mephiles. He's the one who fed me nothing but lies. I thought he would help me, but I found out he was trying to trick me." Silver growled.

"What did he trick you into doing darling?" Rarity asked.

Silver looked at Sonic sadly and Sonic nodded.

"Mephiles told me that Sonic was held responsible for Iblis being awakened. He told me if I kill him, Iblis will never have been awakened in the first place." Silver explained.

The girls gasped, "You believed him!?" Rainbow asked shocked and angry.

Silver nodded sadly, "I was desperate to save my home from Iblis, and I thought he was helping me, but he lied to me." Silver then looked at Shadow and smiled a little, "But thanks to Shadow, I found out the truth."

"But if you killed Sonic, then how is he here now?" Applejack asked.

"Shadow and some of Sonic's friends interfered with the few times I found Sonic. When I squared off with Shadow, we both used the power of Chaos Control and we created a portal to travel through time. Shadow and I went through the portal and traveled back 10 years ago to the truth about how Iblis was free." Silver explained.

"I see, but how did it happen?" Applejack asked.

"It's best that I show you all." Silver responded.

The memory faded and Past Shadow and Silver were in some kind of facility. Then, an explosion came from the distance. the two ran for the source and found many scientists on the ground dead.

"Is that?" Past Silver asked looking at a ball of fire, "That flame, it's Iblis."

"And the black shadow is the original Memphis." Past Shadow explained while black liquid was leaking from the machine, "That's Mephiles?" Past Silver asked.

Suddenly, the flame and shadow scattered, "They're escaping!" Past Silver shouted.

"We'll have to split up, I'll pursue Mephiles." Past Shadow said, "Got it, then leave Iblis to me." Past Silver said.

Before the two separated, a scientists stopped them, "Wait!"

ran to him and he was holding what looked liked some kind of scepter, "Seal it with this." He said weakly.

"Hurry!" shoute running for Iblis. grabbed the scepter and ran for Mephiles.

"What was that thing you took Shadow?" Pinkie asked.

"That thing was called the Scepter of Darkness. It's the only thing that was able to hold Mephiles." Shadow explained.

The memory faded and was seen holding the flame with his psychokinesis, but saw he was struggling to hold him. The scientist that gave Shadow the Scepter was limping toward the flame with a young girl in his arms, "What are you doing here!? You need to leave now!" Silver shouted.

"I have my duty. This Living flame has been entrusted to the royal Family." The man said, "The Flames of Disaster will awaken if nothing's done. That must not happen."

The man placed the young girl on the table and pulled out a white chaos emerald. The emerald then floated in the air above the girl, "Eternal Sun! The living flame that has been entrusted to the royal Family! Fall into slumber with a royal soul!"

The flames entered the chaos emerald and the emerald shot out a red beam of energy into the girl. The girls gasped by what they were seeing, "Did he really just do that to that poor girl!?" Rarity asked.

Silver nodded, "Iblis needed a vessel in order to be awakened. If not, he will run free into this world and spread his destruction throughout the planet." Silver explained.

The man barely collapsed after the flames were sealed. He weakly picked up the girl and gave her to Silver, "I'm sorry but...can you take her to a safe place?" He asked weakly.

nodded and gently took the girl in his arms. the man collapsed to the floor, using the last of his energy, "That's a good girl, Elise. Remember, be brave. Don't cry, no matter what happens. Otherwise your tears will call forth the flames inside you...Become a strong queen who doesn't cry, no matter what happens." The man was now at the bridge of his peak, "And...live….happily." With his last breath, he fell to the floor, no longer alive.

The girls had tears in their eyes by what they saw, "This is so awful." Fluttershy whispered.

Silver nodded sadly, "I know. It pained me dearly for what he did, but he had a reason." Silver explained.

"What happened then?" Rarity asked.

"After I found out the truth, Me and Blaze returned to the future to finish Iblis once and for all. We planned to use one of us as the vessel to seal him, but I didn't work for me."

The memory faded and a new one was final battle is over and Blaze and Silver emerged victorious. Iblis's flames shot out and merged into a fire sphere. Silver knew the time has finally come to defeat Iblis once and for all. He took out the cyan and white chaos emerald and began to call out to the emeralds power.

"Chaos emeralds, lend me your power. Eternal Sun! The Living flame that has been entrusted to the royal Family! Fall into slumber with my soul Iblis! You cursed Flames of Disaster!"

The two emeralds glowed brightly and the flames responded to the energy. The flames entered the emeralds and two beams of energy shot into Silvers soul, but rebounded, refusing to enter. Silver grunted as he continued to try to make Iblis enter his soul.

"NO! Why won't it accept me as the vessel?" Silver asked.

Silver continued to struggle, until a certain purple cat stopped him.


"I'll take Iblis." Silver looked at her like she was going crazy.

"Don't worry, my soul is already alit with flames. I will be accepted."

She took the two emeralds from Silver and called out to their power. To a different response, the flames entered Blaze and she started to glow brightly. She too, was also struggling to hold in all of Iblis's power.

"Come on, make it quick. Use your chaos control…to stop time. Then…seal us into a different dimension." She said grunting.

"No, I can't do that to you!" Silver shouted at her.

"Didn't we already go through this!?" Blaze shouted back. "We agreed to save the world at any PRICE!"

Silver knew this had to be done. He held his hand out to activate chaos control, but he continued to struggle to activate it. He couldn't afford to lose her.

"Why were you stopping?" Shadow asked.

Silver went Silent for a second until he spoke, "Blaze was everything to me. She was my best friend. And...before i met you Rarity...I actually developed feeling for her….but I didn't say anything." Silver explained.

"So….you didn't want to lose her?" Rarity asked.

"No." Silver answered as a tear left his eye and continued watching.

"I can't! I…wouldn't know to do without you! You fought alongside me to save the world…" Silver started. "You're my friend…right?"

"You're still so naïve." Blaze said. "But I…I've always liked that about you."

Blaze then glowed brightly and she dropped the chaos emeralds. She then started to faint into nothing but a lifeless ghost as she started to hover into the dark sky.

"BLAZE!" Silver shouted as tears began to form in his eyes.

"Good luck Silver!" Blaze called out smiling at her friend.

Silver watched helplessly as Blaze continued to float higher and higher into the sky. Finally, a massive explosion accorded the dark clouds began to lift, and the sun that was being blocked shined its warm light through the burning city. In the distance, people began to cheer that Iblis 'The flames of Disaster' had finally come to an end. Silver however, wasn't happy. He collapsed on his knees and looked at the two chaos emeralds. He couldn't believe that Blaze was gone forever. He felt sudden waves of pain, guilt and sadness wash over him. If his soul was alit with flames, Blaze would've been here right now. He banged his fist to the ground as he allowed his tears to flow freely from his eyes. He then started to sob quietly as the emeralds glowed faintly against him.

"I'm sorry Blaze, I'm so sorry." He whimpered quietly.

The memory faded and the girls had more tears running down their eyes. Rarity was most heartbroken above all of them.

"Oh darling, I'm so sorry." Rarity said pulling Silver into a caring, warm hug, which he gladly returned.

"I wish this never happened to her." Silver whimpered quietly.

"Shh...It's okay darling. It's alright." Rarity whispered into his ear.

They stayed quiet until Silver calmed down. After a few minutes, the two broke the embrace and smiled, "Thank you."

"I know Blaze would be very proud of you." Rarity said smiling.

"I know she would be proud if she was here." Silver said smiling as well.

Rarity pulled Silver into a soft kiss, which he returned as well. They all 'awwwed' at the sight….well, almost everyone. In twilight's bag, Spike growled in anger, 'I knew he was trying to get Rarity. I'm gonna tear him to pieces later.' Spike thought angrily.

They broke the kiss and smiled. They decided to move on now.

"What about you Shadow? What's your story? Did you ever know your family." Twilight asked the black haired teen.

"... I don't have a family... I wasn't born... I was created." Shadow said.

"WHAT!?" The girls said in union.

"I was a project called "Project Shadow." I was meant to be the Ultimate Life Form, created by the human genius Professor Gerald Robotnik, in a space station called the ARK. His granddaughter, Maria Robotnik, was diagnosed with a sickness, and was on the verge of dying. So, he created me using hedgehog DNA, a small bit of Maria's blood, a Chaos Emerald's energy, and the blood of an Alien named Black Doom." Shadow explained, "Together, they created Project Shadow, me, and me and Maria had developed as special friendship together, slowly killing off the disease."

"Aww. That must have been one of your happiest moments." Rarity said smiling, "But where is Maria now?"

Shadow stayed quiet for a few moments and then spoke, "Maria was... shot by a G.U.N. soldier... G.U.N. is a government that protects the human world back in our universe. They had planned to shut down the ARK and all the scientists in it. They killed everyone until all that was left was the Professor, Maria, and me. They captured the Professor, and he told me to take Maria and use the escape pod to save both of us..." Shadow explained, "We managed to get to the escape pod, but a soldier followed us. I got into a pod and it shut me in it. Then the soldier shot his gun, and hit Maria. She only had a few moments left of her life. I was banging on the pod's door, trying to escape. Maria crawled over to the escape pod controls and then looked at me smiling with tears. She told me one last thing, "Please Shadow, give the humans and people a like a chance. Give them a chance to be happy. Shadow, I know you can do it. That's why you were brought into this world, Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog " Then she fell down dying, pulling the launch switch down too. My escape pod launched and I was sent down to the planet below the ARK."

"Oh no. Shadow, your past sounds just as bad as Silver's." Twilight said. The girls were all in tears.

Shadow took the blue chaos emerald and his memories appeared. He stood in the field's when a dark red cloud began to form and black aliens came down and they started destroying everything in their path.

"After my pod crashed, I had lost all my memories. All I could remember was my name, Shadow the Hedgehog. I had been wondering who I was, why I came to be, and what was my purpose?" Shadow said, "10 years later, the planet was attacked by the Alien race of Black Doom. I stood and watched as he destroyed the city. Then Black Doom's eye came down to me and gave me a message, "Shadow.." looked behind him and saw a six tentacled creature with a red eye showing a hologram image of a black creature with three eyes, no mouth and had two long horns with red on the end, "As you can see, the day of reckoning will soon be here. Find the seven Chaos Emeralds and bring them to me, as promised."

"Huh? Who are you, and how do you know my name is Shadow? And what are you talking about?" asked.

The alien vanished, before Shadow could run after it, "Just what was that all about? If he says he knows the truth about who I am, then like it or not I have to believe him. The only way i'm gonna get the secrets to my past, is to get those chaos emeralds." skated toward the city.

"How could you believe that...that wretched thing?" Rarity asked a little disgusted.

"It's like I said, I had very little memory about who I was, and I needed Chaos Emeralds were my best shot getting my memories back." Shadow explained.

Before Shadow moved them to his next memory, something clicked, "I'm going to show you this memory for a little fun." Shadow said grinning a little.

The memory faded and was seen running through a path near a park, "Where's that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald!?" asked running looking around a carnival place.

Pinkie burst out laughing, "That's was soooo funny!" Pinkie laughed clutching her stomach.

Shadow couldn't help but let out a small chuckle also, "I know. I was desperate finding the emerald." Shadow said.

Shadow looked at Sonic, who had an annoyed look on his face, knowing they're starting to get off topic here. Shadow cleared his throat , "Anyway, let's move on."

The memory faded and Shadow was seen with all seven Emeralds circling him, "Finally, I got all the Chaos Emeralds. Now, I can uncover the truth about my past...all of it." Then, Black Domm appeared through the floor, "Well done Shadow...Our ritual can now commence as planned. Give me the Chaos Emeralds." Black Doom said holding his hand out.

The memory went on when Sonic and his friends showed up, telling him not to give the Emeralds to Black Doom, but then he took the Emeralds and used Chaos Control to warp the comet down to the earth. Black Doom explained to Shadow what really happened when he was created and how he and Gerald Robotnik made a deal. collapsed to the ground in disbelief. Soon, they were all frozen by a gas. Small creatures then appeared and began to feast on them, much disgust to the girls, "He's not only brutal, but he's also a barbarian!" Rarity shouted.

They all then heard voices from Shadow's friends along with himself and Black Doom. They then heard a girls voice, "Please help me Shadow."

Then rose from the ground and stepped on the creature, "What!?" Black Doom asked surprisingly.

looked at Black Doom, "I'm Shadow the Hedgehog. I've left the past behind me. No one can tell me what to do now! I will destroy you Black Doom!" shouted.

"I gave you life, and THIS is how you repay me!? The irony of it all is...is that I gave YOU life...now I'll take it back. Hahahaha!" Black Doom fled with hot on his tail.


"You're our only hope now." said still frozen.

"How can you just leave Sonic and the others!?" Rainbow asked angrily.

"There was nothing he could've done for us Rainbow. Shadow was the only one who could stop Black Doom. We were also still frozen by the gas, so we still couldn't move." Sonic explained trying to calm his girlfriend down.

The memory was then replaced with on the ground with Black Doom and the Seven Chaos Emeralds above him, "Shadow! My son!" Called out a voice.

"Professor?" asked, "What is this!?" Black Doom asked while three holographic screens appeared. An old man with a huge white mustache and a white lab coat was seen, "Shadow, who is that?" Pinkie asked.

"Professor Gerald Robotnik. He was the one who helped Black Doom create me." Shadow explained.

"If you're listening to this, then the worst has happened. You need to know the truth. The Government plans to shut down this research facility. They also plan to to cease all of our research, and imprison all who know about you. I made a terrible mistake Shadow...It's all my fault...making contact to that Comet. Now listen very carefully, in 50 years that comet will return….they plan to harness its power to destroy this planet! The only way to stop them...was to develop a way to use the very power they intended to use against them. Shadow...It's up to YOU, and only YOU can stop them. I developed the Eclipse Cannon. It's the only weapon that can destroy that Black Comet. Shadow, you are our only hope...to save mankind as we know it. The future of this planet depends on...YOU." The professor said.

"Wow, he must be very upset with himself for what he did." Silver said.

Shadow nodded, "He was."

A young girl with golden-yellow hair, blue eyes, and a blue dress was then shown, "Don't worry grandfather, Shadow and I will protect this planet, right Shadow?"

"Is that?" Twilight asked.

Shadow nodded, "Yes, that's Maria… she was my first and best friend I've ever had." Shadow said.

Pinkie looked at him and saw a lone tear escaping his eye, "Oh, Shadow." Pinkie then gave Shadow a warming hug as she continued watching this memory, "Hahaha, Gerald you fool. Shadow is already under my control." Black Doom said making the screens disappear, "What's This!?" He shouted when he saw P. Shadow upon his feet, "Well well well, it seems you're immuned to my mind control." Black Doom said impressed.

"He was controlling you!?" Twilight asked shocked.

"Yes, his blood runs in my veins allowing him to have control over my body, but thanks to Maria and the truth, I was able to free myself from his grasp." Shadow explained.

"You have no control over me Black Doom. I now understand why I am here. I made a promise and I'm here to keep it! Today, I put my past behind me!" said walking up to Black Doom.

He jumped in the air and kicked Black Doom, but he teleported before Shadow got the chance to hit him, "Have it your way Shadow. So be it...be prepared to meet your maker! You're past, present, and future ends here...TODAY! Prepare to die! Say goodbye Shadow, as you witness my true wrath!" Black Doom shouted in the air.

The memory faded, "What happened after that?" Pinkie asked.

"I was able to defeat Black Doom and had the Eclipse Cannon finished off the Comet." Shadow explained.

"You made the right decision Shadow." Silver said.

Shadow nodded, "What about you Sonic? Do you remember your parents?" Rainbow asked.

Sonic remained quiet for a few seconds, "Yes, but I don't know my father, he abandoned my mother after I was born."

"Who is your mother?" Rainbow asked.

"Heh. My mother? Well, she's Queen Aleena. Queen of Mobotropolis." Sonic said.

The girls gasped.

"So your mom is a queen? Then that means you're a... a..." Rarity said.

"Yes. I am Prince Sonic of Mobotropolis." Sonic said scratching the back of his head, "But I didn't exactly want to. I didn't want to rule a kingdom and be given so much respect. I decided to step down from royalty after we beat Dr. Robotnik, now called Dr. Eggman, and I left the kingdom as a Freedom fighter."

"But what happened to the kingdom?" Rainbow asked.

"My siblings took over as the leaders of the kingdom. Sonia and Manic the Hedgehogs." Sonic said remembering his siblings, "That reminds me, I've got to send a message to them when I get back home."

"Hey Sonic? You said Silver found a prophecy that brought you guys here. What did it say?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Why don't you read it yourself? Silver, can Twilight see the prophecy please?" Sonic said.

"Sure. Just let me find it first." Silver said trying to find it in his pockets, but couldn't find it, "Huh? Can't find it." He said scratching the back of his hair. His hand then hit something in his hair, "Huh?" Silver pulled out the prophecy scroll from in his hair, "How did it get there?"

"Um, probably because we don't have pockets in Mobius due to the fact that we only wear shoes and gloves." Sonic said, "Besides, putting things in your quills is always a safe place. That's where I put the Chaos Emeralds when I have them. Never lost them once."

"Hmm. Interesting Sonic. Anyways, here you go Twilight." Silver said handing the scroll to Twilight.

"Thanks Silv- Hey! Wait a minute. This is one of Princess Celestia's scrolls!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Uhh, Princess Celestia? Don't you mean Principle Celestia, Twilight?" Silver asked confused.

Twilight just then realized what she had just said, "Ooops."

"Are you hiding something, Twilight?" Sonic asked.

Twilight's cheeks went red as she nodded.

"Well spit it out." Shadow said crossing his arms.

"*gulp* Like you three, I'm not from this world either." Twilight said.

"WHAT!?" The three Mobians said in union.

"Mhm. I'm from an alternate world called Equestria. The inhabitants of Equestria are ponies. Four types of ponies. Earth ponies, Unicorn ponies, Pegasus ponies, and the rarest, Alicorn ponies." Twilight explained.

"And there are also dragons too!" A small male voice said.

"Who said that?" Silver said looking around.

"Down here pal." The voice said below Silver.

He looked down and saw Spike looking up at him, "Huh? Spike?"

"That's my name." Spike said.

"...AHHHHHH! IT CAN TALK!" Silver yelled running behind Rarity.

"... A talking dog? How is that scary? You guys come from a land of talking animals." Spike said with a straight face.

"Uh, hehe, you make a good point there." Silver said emerging behind Rarity.

Rarity giggled at Silver, "Don't worry Silvy, I was shocked at first too."

"Wait, you guys knew Twilight wasn't from this world?" Sonic asked.

"Sure did partner. Twilight here came to this world to retrieve her crown." Applejack said.

"Why come all this way for a crown? Can't you just get a new one?" Sonic asked.

Twilight shook her head, "This crown is different. It has a magical element called an Element of Harmony, in it that is used to power the other five Elements of harmony."

"Magic element?" Shadow asked.

"Yeah. It in my bag. Spike can you get the Element for me please?" Twilight said.

"Okey dokey." Spike said climbing into Twilight's bag.

He came out with a golden crown with a six star pink crystal in the center of the top. Shadow took a closer look at the crown. He then felt the same energy surge from before from school during lunch, "This must be the source of the energy I felt from before." Shadow said.

"What do you mean Shadow?" Twilight asked.

"Yesterday, during Lunch at school, I felt the presence of an energy signal coming from somewhere nearby. It might have been your crown." Shadow explained.

"You felt the energy of my crown? how is that even possible?" Twilight asked surprised.

"The time I was created, Professor Gerald gave me the ability to sense Chaos Emeralds energy from far distances. I thought at first your crowns energy was an Emerald, but it was off a little." Shadow explained.

Then, the emerald in his hand started glowing, along with the element, "Woah, what's happening?" Rainbow asked.

"They're drawn to one another." Shadow said a little surprised by this. He brought the Emerald closer to the Element, and the two gems glowed brighter, "Your Element might have the same wave lengths and properties like the Chaos Emerald." Shadow said.

"But how can that be?" Twilight asked.

"The Chaos Emeralds have two different energies, positive and negative. It seems your Element has pure positive energy and that energy from both it and the Emerald are connected. Positive energy from the Chaos Emerald can give light and pure energy to the user, but if one holds darkness and negative emotions, within them, the negative energy responds to it." Shadow explained.

Rainbow looked at Sonic, "Sonic, what I saw last night when you were fighting Fleetfoot, what happened to you from then?"

Sonic sighed sadly and started to explain, "What you saw last night was my dark form. It's a form I recently discovered a long time ago during one of my adventures with my friends. My dark form gives me unbelievable strength and energy, but I lose control of that power. Dark Sonic is… well… his own mind. He is a form I never wanted to use ever again the first time I used him, but when Fleetfoot hurted you, I lost control of my anger and allowed Dark form to take hold of me again." Sonic explained.

They all looked at Fleetfoot, who was looking at the ground in shame, "I….no words can describe how sorry I am for the way I acted. I never should have put you all into great danger. Because of me, you four almost got killed because of my stupidity. And I nearly got myself killed too. I hope you all can forgive me. And, I'm especially sorry to you Rainbow." Fleetfoot said looking at everyone, "I just wanted Spitfire to be happy. When she told me a little bit about Sonic, I knew she wanted to have him as a boyfriend."

"Fleetfoot," She turned and looked at Sonic, "Me and Spitfire worked everything out after math class yesterday. She thinks that me and Rainbow are better off together than me and her. She said something about liking Soran."

"Really?" Fleetfoot asked surprised. Sonic nodded, "Yep, even though Spitfire is a cool girl, but no one is cooler than Rainbow." Sonic wrapped an arm around Rainbow, making her blush.

"Well, I'm still really sorry for what I did. I hope you can forgive me." She said still upset with herself, she began to tear up.

"It's all cool Fleetfoot. And I'm sure Spitfire will understand as well. You also need to apologize to her though." Sonic said.

Fleetfoot nodded sniffling, "I will. Thank you Sonic." Fleetfoot smiled.

Sonic smiled and winked at her, "Anytime Fleetfoot, anytime."

"Well, with everything now behind us, what next?" Applejack asked

"Look, there they are!" The group turned around and saw hundreds of people with cameras and mics.

"Oh shit." Shadow muttered pulling out the Chaos Emerald, "Everyone, hold one anothers' hands. Now!" Shadow commanded.

They all quickly took one anothers' hands quickly.

"How is this going to help us get away from the crowds, Shadow?" Rainbow asked.

"CHAOS CONTROL!" Shadow shouted.

Before the media could surround them, the group vanished.

"Where'd they go?" One man asked.

"They disappeared!" Said a woman.

(Canterlot High)

The group re-appeared in front of the school.

"Woah, what just happened!?" Rainbow asked looking around a little dizzy.

"I used Chaos Control to warp us here." Shadow explained, "With the Emerald, I can control time and space. This allows me to also teleport to different locations, but it's limited without an Emerald."

"Amazing, It's just like my teleportation spell." Twilight said.

"That's so cool Shady!" Pinkie said, her eyes swirling, hugging him tightly.

"My question is, why were they looking for us?" Sonic asked.

Suddenly, Rainbow's phone went off. She pulled it out and looked at the screen, "I got a message from Vinyl. She said look up 'Out of control girl, defeated by three mysterious boys.'"

Pinkie pulled out her laptop and typed in the video's name. She opened the video and their mouths dropped. In the video, was Sonic, Shadow and Silver fighting Chaos Fleetfoot at the mall.

"Who the hell was recording us!?" Shadow asked extremly pissed off grabbing Rainbow's phone out of her hand.

"I don't know! I'm not a mind reader! Now give me back my phone." Rainbow said angrily.

Shadow growled, but handed back her phone, "Text this, Vinyl, and ask her who uploaded it." Shadow said.

She nodded and texted her. After a few seconds, she got a text, "She said two boys named Snips and Snails were the ones who recorded the video." Rainbow said.

Sunset face palmed, "You gotta be kidding me." She muttered.

"You know them?" Sonic asked.

"*Sigh*, apparently so. I made them help me humiliate Twilight when she first came to Canterlot High, but I'm done with all that now, and I want to move on and away from my evil ways." Sunset explained.

The group continued watching the video and saw both Silver and Shadow each fighting one of the clones. Shadow was now starting to get pissed off big time. They even recorded the two hugging the girls. They even caught Silver kissing Rarity, which made Silver and Rarity blush fiercely.

"Why those little…" Rarity was pissed, but Silver was more pissed off than her, "I'm gonna kill those two if I see them." Silver said clenching his fists.

"Haha, At least they didn't get my dark moment." Sonic said jokingly.

"Sorry Sonic. They even got that." Rainbow said showing Dark Sonic's moment.

"Oh come ON!" Sonic shouted angry, "Now I'm gonna kill those two when I see them."

The video ended and they looked at the comments.

One said, "Wow, that was so awesome!"

Another, "LOL on the kissing scenes."

Another, "Silver and Rarity sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

One other, "Shadow, the extremely tough guy, has a soft spot for a pink party girl."

One about Dark Sonic said, "Fear the dark speed demon."

The three mobians growled with pure anger, until they heard two voices, "I can't believe we got so many views and followers from that video."

"Duh, I know." Said another.

The group turned around and saw two boys walking down the sidewalk, "Are you two Snips and Snails?" Silver growled asking the two.

"Yes, and we…..we…." Snips and snails went wide eyed and turned pale when they saw the three boys.

"Do you two know what you done? Media and everyone now knows what we did back at the mall!" Sonic shouted.

"You. Two. Are. Dead." Shadow growled cracking his knuckles.

"Give us one good reason why we shouldn't pound you two to a pulp right now?" Silver growled.

"Uh...RUUUN!" Snips and Snails took off leaving a trail of dust behind them.

"GET BACK HERE!" Shadow roared taking out the Chaos Emerald, "Chaos… Control!" Time slowed down where Snips and Snails were and they were frozen in space and time.

Silver picked them up with his psychokinesis and brought them back over to the group, "Now we're giving you two, two choices. One, delete the video and all evidence of it. Or."

Shadow cracked his knuckles while glaring at the two, "We can have our brother beat the information out of the two of you." Silver said, "And believe me, he has no problem doing the second option."

"O-o-o-okay okay, we'll delete the video, just don't let him hurt us please!" Snips begged.

Silver lowered them down to the ground and released them, "Get to it before I change my mind and let Shadow pummel you anyways." Sonic growled.

The two took out their laptops and deleted the video and everything, "Rainbow, check to be sure its all gone." Sonic said.

She nodded and checked their profile for any signs of the video or any part of it, and their computer folders for it, "They're clean." Rainbow said.

Shadow picked up the two and brought them close to his face, "You two better listen to me very carefully, if any of us catch you spying on us again, and publish anything like that ever again, you two won't get a second chance. Understand!?" Shadow warned them growling.

The two nodded in fear. Shadow dropped them and they scurried away in utter fear.

"Shadow, don't you think that was a little too much?" Twilight asked.

"Those two need to take a hint not to mess with us and spy on us. Especially me. They should be lucky I didn't beat them up." Shadow said crossing his arms.

"He's right, Shadow doesn't normally let anyone go unharmed." Sonic said.

"Well, alright. I just hope no one will keep looking for us." Twilight said.

"Sigh*, the best thing we can do for the time being is to try to lay low until this whole thing blows over." Silver said.

"There they are! Sonic, Silver, Shadow!" Said multiple voices.

"Shoot not again. Shadow?" Sonic said.

"Yeup." Shadow said reaching into his pocket to get the emerald, but it got stuck, "Shit. The Emerald is stuck. I can't get it out. We'll have to go on foot."

"Alright, I like going on foot better anyways." Sonic said, "Coming Rainbow?"

"No need to tell me twice." Rainbow responded as Sonic picked Rainbow up bridal style.

"Pinkie, got your skates?" Shadow asked.

"Yeup." Pinkie said with her skates already on somehow.

"Do you mind if I carry you Rarity?" Silver asked.

"Not at all darling." Rarity responded.

Silver picked up Rarity bridal style, much to her enjoyment while blushing.

The rest looked back and saw the mob coming closer, "What about us? We can't follow you guys at your speed." Sunset said.

"Don't worry, I got that covered." Silver responded.

He glowed cyan and the girls were covered in cyan aura and started to float in the air.

"Okay, Let's move it!" Sonic said taking off at high speeds.

Shadow, Silver and the others took off, following Sonic.

(Play - Sonic Unleashed: Spagonia - Rooftop Run Day)

Sonic and the others wet at full speed. They looked back and saw the mob still hot on their tail, "How can they keep up with us!?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know!" Sonic responded.

"Sonic, what do we do!?" Silver asked.

Sonic looked up ahead and saw the town, which was surrounded by many large buildings. He smirked and got a plan, "Everyone split up!"

"I know a place where we can meet. We'll catch up at the auditorium at the west edge of the town." Rainbow said.

"Right!" The three boys said in union.

The three went three different ways and the mob splitted.

Silver and the girls POV

Silver ran through the town with part of the mob on his tail. As he ran through the town, people were eyeing him and what he was doing.

"Silver, they're getting closer!" Fleetfoot shouted.

Silver looked back and saw the mob closer and closer, 'I refuse to let them get to us.' Silver thought.

He began throwing trash bins and other things in the middle of the alley in front of the mob, trying to slow them down.

He ran harder and faster than ever before. He quickly turned and was running towards a wall, "We're trapped!" Twilight shouted.

"Not quite." Silver smirked.

"I can't look." Fluttershy said covering her eyes.

Using every bit of his energy, Silver jumped high in the air and gave himself a boost with his psychokinesis. He landed to the top of the wall and looked down at the media, "Better luck next time."

He jumped down and slowly descended to the ground and kept running through the town, "Rarity, wheres the auditorium?" Silver asked.

"Just up ahead." Rarity said pointing in the distance.

Silver nodded and ran as fast as he could.

Shadow and Pinkie POV

Shadow and Pinkie skated through the town, dodging poles and people.

"Shady, they're gaining on us!" Pinkie said looking back.

'They just don't give-' Shadow's mind froze by what he saw in the back. This looked exactly like back 50 years ago when G.U.N were chasing him and Maria through the ARK. He then saw Pinkie starting to get closer to the mob, 'I refuse to let this happen again!' Shadow thought as his mind and point of view changed. He was now seeing only what happened on the ARK and saw Pinkie as Maria.

He quickly turned around and scooped up Pinkie bridal style, making her blush in surprise, "Shady?" She asked confused.

"I won't let them lay one finger on you Maria." He answered sternly.

Pinkie was a little confused, but then felt really happy in Shadow's arms. She smiled and nuzzled into his chest listening to his fast beating heart pumping blood into his legs. Shadow blushed by her action, but then he grinned a little. He looked up ahead and saw a construction sight, "Maria hold tight." He said.

Pinkie saw the construction sight and held on to him tightly. He jumped in and skated through it. Shadow went into a pipe and did 360 spins in it. He jumped out and started grinding on a rail, leaving sparks behind his shoes. The workers eyes widened by what they were seeing. Shadow saw a cruncher up ahead and knew it was their ticket outta there, "Hang on." Shadow jumped of the rail and went full speed and dashed forward to the cruncher. Pinkie closed her eyes, not wanting to see what was going to happen. Shadow jumped and bursted through the cruncher before it closed. Shadow landed and continued skating through the town.

Shadow's mind returned to normal again.

"You okay, Pinkie?" Shadow asked.

She opened her eyes and smiled, "Yep, I'm good." She looked behind her and saw the mob was gone, "I think we lost them."

"Good. Now, where's the auditorium?" He asked.

"Take a right near that corner and go straight." Pinkie said.

Shadow nodded and took a right turn and went straight.

(Sonic and Rainbow POV)

Sonic and Rainbow were running through the streets and then saw a mob coming at them from in front of them.

"Sonic. Media mob at twelve o'clock." Rainbow said.

"Got it." Sonic said running into an alley way.

At the end of the alley was a dead end, but Sonic kept running, going faster and faster.

"Sonic? That's a wall there. Dead end. We're trapped." Rainbow said a little worried.

"Heh. I know that. And we're not trapped. We have an advantage." Sonic said smiling.

"What? How?" Rainbow asked confused.

"Because of this." Sonic said as he ran up the side of a wall and up to the rooftop, "Can't follow us where they can't get at."

But to Sonic and Rainbow's dismay, they weren't away from the media. Suddenly a helicopter with a camera flew over to Sonic and Rainbow.

"Sonic! Who and what are you? The city wants to know. What is your answer?" The co-pilot asked through a megaphone.

"Rainbow, hold on really tight." Sonic whispered to Rainbow.

Rainbow tightened her grip as tight as she could.

"Hey. If you want me to answer your questions. Then you have to do one thing first." Sonic said. He pulled out a small ring and his shoes began to glow.

"And what is that Sonic?" The co-pilot asked.

"Catch me if you can." Sonic said smirking.

Sonic then boosted away, breaking the sound barrier instantly, and he and Rainbow disappeared leaving a long trail of dust behind them across the rooftops.

The helicopter shook violently as the wind blew really hard, "Whoa. Where did they go?"

"Don't know. They don't show on the radar. Can't track them." The pilot said.

"Dang it." The co-pilot said.

(Stop playing Rooftop Run)
(Town Music Auditorium)

Silver and the girls he was carrying with his psychokinesis, made it to the auditorium. When they got to the fields in front of it, the girls fell to the ground as Silver also collapsed in exhaustion.

"Silver! Are you ok darling?" Rarity asked Silver worried.

"*huff huff* I'm ok. Just *huff* really *huff* tired after using all that energy. I don't think I can use my powers for a while now." Silver said clutching his chest.

"It's alright darling. We should be ok here. You can rest as long as you need. You deserved it." Rarity said hugging Silver.

Suddenly Sonic and Rainbow appeared out of nowhere. Rainbow's hair was messed up due to the speed Sonic ran at.

"That… was.. the… BEST RUN EVER!" She shouted squeezing Sonic in a hug.

"Heh, glad you liked it. But now my only Power Ring is now completely drained." Sonic said looking at the small ring he had. It was no longer glowing and had become bronze.

Shadow and Pinkie came up and stopped. Shadow was still holding Pinkie bridal style.

"Hey Shadow, glad to see you and Pinkie in one piece." Sonic said.

Shadow nodded and placed Pinkie down, "I'm just glad Pinkie's okay." Shadow said looking at her.

"Well, I don't think the media will find us here. At least for a while." Sonic said putting Rainbow down.

"Yeah. I think we're safe for now." Rainbow said fixing her hair.

"Hey does anyone have some food?" Silver asked, "Using my powers kind of drains all my energy."

"Here sugarcube, take this. It'll help you git yer strength back. Sweet Apple Acres apples are the best in town." Applejack said tossing an apple to him.

Silver caught it, "Thanks Applejack." Silver bit down into the apple and juices squirted onto his face. He chewed on it for a second until he froze, "You alright Darling?"

Silver swallowed the apple and a huge smile stretched across his face, "This is the best apple I've ever had in my life!" Silver bit down again and devoured the apple, the core, stem and all.

"Wow, Ah knew you wud eat it, but not the entire thing." Applejack said, a sweatdrop formed on the back of her head.

"Hehe, sorry, It's just I never had such a good apple before in my entire life." Silver said blushing a little.

He spit out a few apple seeds.

"Well, ahm glad you liked it sugarcube." Applejack said smiling

Fleetfoot noticed Shadow was twisting the two gold rings on his wrists, "Hey Shadow, what are those?" Fleetfoot asked.

"What? These rings on my wrists? These are my inhibitor rings. They keep most my power and energy in balance. When I take them off and use a powerful Chaos move, like Chaos Blast, the power increases by a lot. But I get extremely tired." Shadow explained.

Twilight then remembered Sonic mentioning there were seven Chaos Emeralds, "Hey Sonic?"

"Huh? Yeah what's up Twi?" Sonic responded.

"You said there were seven Chaos Emeralds, right?" Twilight asked.

"Yeup. Seven total, six left to find." Sonic said smiling.

"Why are there Seven? What happens when you collect all of them?" She asked.

"Oh. Right. Well, I don't know why there are seven. Actually, no one knows why they were even created. But I do know what we can do with them when we collect all seven of them." Sonic said, "Only me, Shadow, Silver, my buddy Tails, and Knuckles have ever used all seven of them. When we collect all of them, Shadow please show the events of me, you, and Silver fighting Solaris."

Shadow nodded and pulled out the blue Chaos Emerald, "Chaos… Control."

A light engulfed them and the group opened their eyes again. They saw Sonic on the ground with both of his arms crossed and the seven Chaos Emeralds were around him.

"Why are you on the floor like that Sonic?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, you remember Silver mentioning Mephiles right?" The girls nodded, "Well, apparently he did a sneak attack on me and, well, he, uh, killed me."

The girls gasped, but Rainbow was shocked above all, "How can you be still alive after that!?" She asked.

Sonic smiled, "The Chaos Emeralds are very powerful. From this experience, they have the power to bring anyone back from the dead." Sonic explained.

The girls gasped, "Gems that can bring anyone back from the dead!? But, that's impossible!" Twilight said totally shocked.

"Anything is possible with the Emeralds." Shadow said.

The memory continued on, and a young women walked up to him, "Who's that darling?" Rarity asked.

"That's Elise, she was one of my friends from this adventure." Sonic said.

Elise bent down to Sonic's height and shocked everyone, but Silver and Shadow, but this shocked Rainbow big time by what she did. She kissed him on the lips and engulfed them in light. Rainbow turned to Sonic surprisingly and shocked. Sonic looked at her.

"Just a note, I didn't know about this. I swear to Chaos." Sonic said to Rainbow trying to help her understand, "I don't even Like her in that kind of way."

The light dimmed and the girls went wide eyed and their jaws dropped. Sonic was now floating in the air, but his appearance has changed. His blue fur and color were replaced by a golden color and his quills and spines stood up. His eyes also changed from emerald green to blood ruby red.

"What just happened to you?" Rainbow asked in total shock.

"That's my super form state. I can only be in this form when I have all seven Chaos Emeralds in my possession. This form increases my strength and speed tenfold and making me invincible." Sonic explained.

Sonic descended to the ground and Silver and Shadow went up to him. They held their hands out and Sonic shared the Chaos energy into their bodies. Soon, both Shadow and Silver were glowing Golden as well and their eyes changed red as well. Then, they busted up into the air. The memory then faded and the girls were shocked by what they saw.

"That….was…. SO AWESOME!" Rainbow squealed.

"I never thought the emeralds can be so powerful. If Princess Celestia has just one of them, she can be the most powerful ruler in all of Equestria." Twilight said processing what she saw.

"It's very important that we collect all of them before they fall into the wrong hands." Shadow said.

"I'd like to help." Fleetfoot said, "I caused a lot of trouble, and I want to help and make up for it all."

"Thanks Fleetfoot." Sonic said smiling at her.

"We would appreciate if you don't tell anyone about all this." Silver said.

"Pinkie promise." Fleetfoot said doing the pinkie promised.

"How did you know the Pinkie Promise?" Pinkie asked.

"I've seen you do it many times when we see each other." Fleetfoot answered.

The friends laughed and then went back to their homes.

Author's Note:

DarkMaster0224: And that's chapter 7 for you. I'll let you my brother, ShadicBro B, wrap this chapter up this time.

ShadicBro B: Sonic, Shadow and Silver have explained who they really are and why they are here. They also discovered about Twilight and Spike as well. Now, the media are now after them. Fleetfoot has now become part of the crew and has become friends with the others. Can they all find the all Emeralds in time before another catastrophic event happens? What will be in stores for our heroes? Find out next time on Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fate Between Worlds Chapter 8.

ShadicBro B and DarkMaster0224: THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! Please leave a Read and Review for more. PEACE OUT EVERYONE! ShadicBro B and DarkMaster0224 signing off.