• Published 15th Oct 2014
  • 18,709 Views, 1,666 Comments

Batmare Beyond - Tatsurou

After hanging up his cape and cowl for good, Bruce Wayne finds himself adopting an infant Rarity.

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A New Adventure

Bruce stared at the filly in his arms as he fed her from a bottle of goats milk he'd warmed up for her. He still couldn't quite figure out what she was or where she came from. A unicorn small enough to fit in his lap...he'd never heard of anything like it. He wished he could consult someone on this.

He mentally went over the list of those he knew he could talk to about this. He had cut his ties to the Justice League not long ago, and hadn't heard from any of them since. His previous sidekicks had hung up their capes and were living normal lives. He knew very few of the people who worked for him personally. And not long before he cut ties with the League, Alfred passed away from old age...

He'd never noticed it before, so focused was he on continuing to fill the role of Batman, but being Bruce Wayne had slowly become more and more lonely. The empty echoes of the Wayne Manor weighing on the mind, wearing away at resolve, forcing the realization of loneliness on the last resident.

As he came to this realization, little Rarity popped the nipple of the bottle out of her mouth, let out a tiny burp, and giggled before nuzzling into his chest. Bruce couldn't stop a slight smirk from gracing his face.

A thought occurred to him. As Batman, he was known as being the modern world's greatest detective. Why did he need to consult with someone over this new arrival? It was just yet another mystery to be solved. He was only forced to hang up his cape due to a failing body. His mind was still as sharp as ever. This was just what he needed, a new challenge to keep his fire burning.

With this in mind, he lifted the tiny pony up to his face to look her right in the eye. "Let's see what I can make out of you," he whispered with a slight smile.

Giggling, Rarity reached forward and booped his nose with one hoof.

Bruce's eyes crossed as he stared at the hoof. "Don't do that," he scolded, eliciting another giggle.

Bruce carefully washed Rarity in the kitchen sink, getting a good examination of her in the process. He'd so far found that she was completely at ease in the bath and enjoyed being cleaned, as long as he used high quality shampoo. The minute he reached for a generic, she kicked up a fuss and sent it flying across the room in a telekinetic aura. She also barely whimpered when his inexpert washing got soap briefly in her eyes. From what he could tell from that, she was an exceptionally well behaved infant.

He had considered putting her in diapers, but when he'd set her down in the bathroom to look for supplies, she had kept trying to climb up to the toilet. Stabilizing her over the bowl, he had discovered that she was already toilet trained, and also apparently knew how to properly use a bidet. He'd instead made note to look into either designing a floor level toilet attached to a bidet or getting a stepladder she could climb up to the bowl with, along with a seat cover that gave her room to stand on.

Drying her off, he found that her appearance before had been deceptively smooth. Between how floofed up her coat got after drying and the mess her mane became, it took all his self control to keep from bursting into laughter. However, Rarity's anguished expression had him quickly reaching for a brush and comb to return her coat and mane to their former pristine, well groomed look. Discovering that he was actually enjoying it, he even took the time to curl her mane and tail.

Sitting back once she was neatened up, Bruce decided it was time to introduce her to the one other resident of the Wayne Manor. He let off a shrill whistle. "Ace!"

With a loud bark, a large German shepherd came racing up to his call. The canine came to a halt at his feet, coming to heel without being ordered, his eyes locked on his master.

"Puppy!" Rarity said happily, toddling over and trying to climb onto his back.

Ace glanced briefly at the filly before turning back to Bruce. He gave a questioning woof.

"This is Rarity," Bruce explained. Though this was technically Ace V, the courage, loyalty, intelligence, and determination of the original had bred true in at least one pup of each successive generation, and that pup that possessed those qualities was given the name and remained at Wayne Manor with Bruce ever since the first Ace had been by his side, and it was more comfortable for Bruce to treat each successive Ace as a continuation of the original. They certainly acted like it. "She'll be staying here, too. Be gentle with her, and keep an eye on her."

Ace gave an affirmative woof, then turned to watch as Rarity batted at his upturned ear.

Bruce sat back to watch. He knew he didn't have anything to worry here, at least as far as Ace interacting with Rarity. He had proven gentle with youngsters before. After a time of watching, he stood up. "I'm going to get some supplies from the store," he told Ace. "Keep her out of trouble until I get back."

Ace gave an affirmative woof. Rarity waved a hoof at him. "Bye bye!" she said happily.

Bruce wasn't sure if he should be pleased that Rarity was such a secure and good natured youngster, surprised at her grasp of language so young, or concerned if leaving her with Ace as her only watch was smart. Then again, she was a good deal smaller than Ace, and didn't look to be capable of much climbing. As he headed to the door, he shrugged. What was the worst that could happen?

As Bruce walked back into the manor with his groceries as his eyes fell on Ace and Rarity. Rarity looked overjoyed, Ace looked resigned.

Rarity turned to Bruce. "Fada! I make puppy pwiddy!"

Bruce groaned, wondering how he was going to clean up the mess.

It wasn't until much later that night, when Rarity curled up in a basket on a coffee table in his bedroom, that he realized what the first word she'd said there was.