• Published 15th Oct 2014
  • 18,750 Views, 1,666 Comments

Batmare Beyond - Tatsurou

After hanging up his cape and cowl for good, Bruce Wayne finds himself adopting an infant Rarity.

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Rarity sighed heavily as she came back from a rather exhausting patrol around the city. While not particularly difficult as she didn't spot any criminal activities, she'd felt compelled to keep scouring more and more. There seemed to be an odd ringing in her ears, and she felt convinced that there was something she was missing somehow. Unable to find anything despite her best efforts, though, she eventually returned home shortly before sunrise. "Ugh," she grumbled to herself. "Today is not going to be a good day. Wish Father had been staying home today. It would have been nice to be able to talk to him while patrolling to pass the time. He might even have been able to give me some hints as to what that weird feeling meant." Shaking her head, she discarded the suit before climbing the stairs to the main house.

Entering the main house, she saw the alert that someone with clearance to come and go at will was approaching the house. Quickly shutting the Bat cave entrance, she headed towards the front hall, pausing at a mirror to primp herself briefly and don the sundress she'd left behind when she'd gone to be Batmare the previous night.

Just as she reached the front door, it swung open. "Lucias?" she asked in shock, recognizing the Vice President of Wayne-Powers. "Aren't you early? Is something the matter at the office? Your son's company? I'm afraid Father didn't come home last night after he went out to walk in old memories..."

"Rarity," Lucias interrupted, "Bruce has been in a terrible accident. He's in the hospital as we speak."

Rarity gasped loudly. "Take me to him immediately!" she cried out. She raced towards Lucias' car in a panic.

At the hospital, Rarity was allowed to breathe a sigh of relief. Bruce's accident hadn't been as bad as she had been led to believe by Lucias' panic. While the car was wrecked - practically broken in two - getting only the state of the art security measures had paid off, and Bruce had only been banged about a little bit, and left dazed after the front half of the vehicle had wrapped itself around a tree. His heart condition hadn't acted up either.

"Thank goodness he's alright," Rarity told the duty nurse, her relief palpable.

"Would you like to go in and see him?" the nurse asked.

"Immediately," Rarity asserted.

Following the directions she was given, she heard her father's voice raised in a shout. "Not a chance!"

"Mr. Wayne," a nurse was trying to calm him, "you need to take it-"

"Get out!" That shout was accompanied by a flung bedpan which Rarity instinctively caught in her telekinesis.

The bedpan was followed by a rather harried looking nurse. "You can go in now, if you dare," she groaned.

Chuckling, Rarity entered. "Well, someone's chipper," Rarity teased.

"Rarity!" Bruce said eagerly. "Thank goodness. They want to keep me overnight for observation! You can make them let me sign myself out-"

"You know, you've been trying to teach me discipline and self control for years," she interrupted smoothly. She levitated the bedpan to where he could see it. "After this nearly hit me, I have to wonder what's happened to yours?"

Bruce winced. "Touche," he said dryly. "So are you going to get me out of here?"

"But of course, Father," Rarity said sweetly, inwardly pleased at the frown that instantly crossed his face. He knew her too well. "Just as soon as I'm absolutely certain you're 100% and have suffered no real damage from your accident."

Bruce sighed as he lay back in the bed. "You're going to insist I stay overnight for observation? Even though I'm just fine?"

Rarity smiled warmly. "And when's the last time you got to tell me, 'I told you so'?"

Bruce managed a smirk. "I look forward to this time."

"I'll fill in for you at the company, Father," she promised.

"You already mostly do anyway," he replied proudly, causing her to blush with pleasure.

After running the company all day, Rarity decided to skip patrol that day, hoping to be fully rested when it came time to bring Bruce home. She even called a few friends of the family to help him settle back in, just in case he got ornery about the plans she'd put in place to let him take his ease after the accident. However, she encountered an unexpected hurdle at the hospital.

"What do you mean he's been transferred to the psychiatric ward?" she demanded in a rage.

"According to the reports, he was found by an open window in the middle of the night after screaming loudly," the nurse explained. "He complained of hearing voices, and when the nurses attempted to help him back to bed, he threw one of them across the room. When the orderlies attempted to restrain him, he severely injured two before he was sedated. He's been restrained, and-"

"Where did you move him to?" Rarity demanded angrily.

"I'm afraid you can't see him until-"

Rarity slammed her hooves down on the counter hard enough it cracked. Her horn glowed, yanking the poor nurse up to the counter by her lapel. "Let's briefly overlook the fact that, as his next of kin, you can't legally prevent me from seeing him, especially as you are a general hospital and not one specializing in the treatment of mental patients, and instead focus on the fact that I'm an angry, multi-trillionaire heiress Daddy's Girl who won't hesitate to sue this hospital in general and you specifically if you do not tell me where my father is this instant!"

"Room MW137!" the nurse replied instantly, her voice full of fear.

Rarity immediately released her. "Thank you. Terribly sorry about that show of temper. I hope you can forgive me." She turned and headed into the hospital.

The nurse shook violently as she caught her breath. She had been ordered not to give out Bruce Wayne's room number, and not to allow any visitors. The reasons given had made sense at the time. But Rarity had been right about the legalities of the situation.

Besides, when that filly had stared into her eyes with barely contained rage, those blue eyes had seemed to shift somehow. For the moment, there had been something almost...predatory about the gaze, and the nurse had been filled with inexplicable fear above and beyond what the situation should have caused.

It had been like staring into the face of a living nightmare...

"I'm sorry, Miss Wayne," the doctor said, blocking her way to room MW137, "but I can't let you in to see him just now. We've had to sedate and restrain him, but because of his good physical condition despite his age, we can't be sure either will keep him under control. I can't in good conscience allow someone as young as you inside." Truthfully, the reason he wasn't letting her in was because he had been bribed anonymously to keep Bruce in the Mental Ward - and incommunicado - after he had his apparent mental break. He had been in a bit of a financial crisis at the time, and had taken the generous bribe. He hadn't expected to have to deny next of kin, but backed by two heavy set orderlies, he was certain he could handle this, and that the little unicorn would back down.

Rarity sat down as she stared up at the doctor. "Doctor, there are three ways this can go. Option one, you can let me into my father's room immediately, as you are legally obligated to do as I am his next of kin."

"As I've explained-" the doctor began.

"Option two, I will remain right here in this spot until Father's personal physician, our family attorney, and our company's press secretary arrive, and then you can explain to the family lawyer on live broadcast why you are denying my Father contact with both his next of kin and his legal counsel," she interrupted. "They're already on their way, as they're also friends of the family who I called to help me bring him home this morning, and I've already told them they may be needed in their official capacity instead." Rarity was bluffing about the press secretary, but the doctor didn't need to know that. Besides, her personal physician and trainer could easily act the part if he put his mind to it.

The doctor paled, not having expected such firm and well organized opposition. "And...the third option?"

Rarity's horn glowed. A matching glow surrounded the door to the room, and it began to groan. "Option three, I rip the door to my father's hospital room from its hinges, and use it to beat any other obstacles to seeing my father into submission!"

One of the orderlies, apparently not being anywhere near as brave as the doctor or his fellow worker, quickly palmed the door open and pushed the doctor aside. "Go right in, Miss."

"Thank you," Rarity replied sweetly. "See how much better things are when we are civilized?" She entered the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Rarity!" Bruce cried. "I saw your magic. Quick, someone is-"

"Zut!" she chided. "Lay back now."

Surprised at her sudden insistence, Bruce lay back on the bed.

Rarity hopped up onto the bed, laying herself down beside him. With her magic, she undid the restraints. "Now, in a calm, controlled voice, tell me about these voices."

"Not voices," Bruce replied, Rarity's own calm suffusing him. "One voice. Telling me to kill myself. It's not from my own psyche."

"You are certain?" Rarity asked.

He nodded. "It's-"

Rarity put her hoof to his lips. "No more. We'll wait until our friends get here. For now, just relax, and tell me if you hear anything else, and exactly what you hear."

Bruce sighed as he lay back. "Alright."

They remained like that in silence for a time, Bruce taking comfort both from Rarity's presence and from knowing she believed him. After a time, the door opened again. Victor, Rachel, and Garfield stepped in.

"Mr. Stone," Rarity greeted gravely. "Dr. Roth, Dr. Logan. Good of you all to come so soon."

Victor sat down. "I understood my clients were in something of a bind?" he asked, a mischievous gleam in his human eye.

Garfield gently lifted Rarity from the bed, holding her in his lap. "Rae needs some room to work," he explained.

Rachel approached Bruce and began examining him with her magic. "A few bumps and bruises," she said as she went over him. "Some bruising on the muscles. Minor concussion..." She paused over the bandage on his forehead. "Minor concussion, but no injury under this bandage...but there are electronics."

Bruce immediately ripped the bandage from him to examine the electronics. "A transmitter of some sort," he growled. Rarity pulled the bandage from his grasp, floating it over to her as she pulled her special glasses out and examined the electronics through them. Bruce noticed the chain of beads the glasses were held by had gotten quite a bit longer, wrapped tight to hang close to her neck. "Any ideas?" he asked.

"Oh, I know exactly where this tech came from," Rarity mused. "And I'll deal with it."

"I'll let the doctors here know what's really going on and get Bruce's release," Rachel said, standing up and heading out to go give the doctor a piece of her mind.

"Victor, Garfield, can you get father home?" she asked. "I'd like to deal with this immediately."

"Sure thing," Victor agreed. "I'll take care of him."

"Thank you." Climbing back onto the bed, Rarity leaned in to give her father a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you when I get home, Father," she promised.

"Mr. Shreeve to see you now," Rarity's secretary said into the intercom. "You can go right in," she told him.

Walter swallowed nervously. He wasn't sure why Rarity Wayne was calling him into her office. While it was common knowledge around the company that Rarity was the new CEO in all but title, and that only until she came of age, he'd only reported to Derek Powers since his company had been bought out after going bankrupt. And given what Mr. Powers had insisted he do, Walter was in no hurry to be called to the young Wayne's attention.

Entering the office, he noticed that the room was quite dark, the metal blinds shut tight. As soon as the door swung shut behind it, it locked tight and he could hear the sounds of sound dampening technology kicking in. Most wouldn't have noticed, but sound was his specialty.

The office was lit only by candles and a strange device on the desk that was emanating a blue aura. The only other detail he managed to catch was the strange shiny quality of the purple roof before his eyes fell on something that stopped all thought.

On the center of the desk was a bandage...the one with his transmitter embedded in it.

Rarity smiled up at him from her chair. "Mr. Shreeve, would you care to explain why your transmitter was in a bandage on my father's head while he was in the hospital, emitting a voice only he could hear to make him look like he'd suffered a psychotic break?"

Walter paled. "Umm...uhh..."

"Perhaps we should begin by explaining this device on my desk," she offered. "It's a localized electromagnetic jammer. While it's on like this, no electronic device within its range will function. And you already heard the sound dampeners kick in, so you know our conversation is just between us. Now...shall we begin with Derek Powers strongarming you?"

"You...you know about that?" Walter gasped, falling into a chair.

"It would be best if you started off assuming I know just about everything," Rarity purred, "and that your fate depends on you having something I don't know to show your value."

Walter's resistance crumbled. "He said he wanted returns on the technology I'd developed, and he gave me a way to do it. I'd managed to partially perfect my sound based demolitions technology, and he ordered me to use it to kill Bruce Wayne. I didn't want to do that, so I deliberately made it look like I'd tried and failed. When that didn't work, he said he was going to fire me and keep my patents as property of Wayne-Powers. I...I suggested the possibility of keeping Bruce out of the way by making him look crazy. He liked that idea, said that if he could get Bruce removed from his position as head of the company, you'd have to be placed in Richard Grayson's custodianship as your only other living relative, which meant you'd have to leave Gotham, at which point he could easily manipulate matters with the Board of Directors and the stockholders to get him named the new CEO."

Rarity sighed. "I really shouldn't be surprised at this point," she admitted. "Still...can you actually get sound manipulation controlled enough to turn it into a weapon?"

Walter gulped. "I can...show you the prototype suit."

Rarity waved her hoof dismissively. "Not me. Tell Lucias I've transferred you to the Special R&D department under his direct supervision. I look forward to seeing what you make for our company."

Walter stared in amazement. "You mean...I'm not fired? I'm not going to jail?"

"Not today," Rarity replied calmly. "Do good work, and likely not ever. Don't disappoint me."

Walter got up. "Y-you won't regret this!" he promised fervently, his knees weak with relief. He staggered out of the office, helped to the elevator by the secretary.

The door locked again. "Don't you think you're trusting him too easily?" an echoing voice asked Rarity.

"Trust must start somewhere," Rarity explained. "As a child of the Waynes, I believe people deserve a second chance."

"And if he stabs you in the back?" the voice asked again.

"Well isn't that your job to stop now?" she asked, turning her eyes to the ceiling.

A white circle swung around to focus on her. "I still think you're a little too trusting of me," Inque replied.

"You have earned that trust," Rarity replied. "Not to mention your place here, with all the good you've done for our company."

After Inque had worked as a security consultant for a few months and shown that she was dedicated - both to her new life and to being Deanna's mother - Rarity had removed the spell that blocked her shape shifting. Inque now used her abilities for the benefit of the company in a legal way, backing the security detail and assisting with those jobs that required minute detail work. She had also helped the company make excellent connections when her services had been loaned out to 'the government alphabet brigade', as Rarity had dubbed them.

Thinking of all this, Rarity smiled. "And how is Deanna?"

"In school just now," Inque replied warmly. "I'll be heading over to pick her up soon, but I have time to keep an eye on Shreeve for you first."

"My thanks," Rarity replied warmly.

She sat back as she watched Inque flow out of the office as the door unlocked again, heading back to her tasks. As the office door closed, Rarity sighed happily. Once it was locked again, she pulled out a small crystal ball. "Rachel," she spoke into it, "what's the report on the tracking spell you placed on Miss Clay for me?"

Trust did have to start somewhere...but Rarity wasn't just a child of the Wayne's. She was also Batman's daughter.