• Published 15th Oct 2014
  • 18,709 Views, 1,666 Comments

Batmare Beyond - Tatsurou

After hanging up his cape and cowl for good, Bruce Wayne finds himself adopting an infant Rarity.

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Bruce had spent a long time thinking about Rarity's words. From the moment he tucked her in after their relaxing day together, he had sat in his chair before the fire, thinking on those words. The reason he couldn't get past them was because of one crucial detail that gnawed at him until he was eventually forced to face it.

She was right.

In hindsight, it became plain that everything that had driven a wedge in his relationship with Richard could be derived from his own unyielding stubbornness. The decisions he made that affected Richard - made without consulting him - had driven him to go solo as Robin. His choice to put being Batman before being Bruce Wayne had prevented a civilian reconciliation. His own pride had kept him from trying to patch things up. And then putting Batman before Bruce had meant he wasn't even there when Richard - the man he claimed to call son - was married. He had done this to himself, and if he wanted to fix things, he would have to swallow his pride and admit it.

Even coming to this conclusion, it was still very difficult to do so. When he was finally forced to be Batman alone, his pride had been one of the few things to keep him going, and it was hard to let it go. But time and again Rarity had taken an ax to the pillar of his pride, cutting it away and forcing him to confront reality...and each time, his life had improved for it. For her sake, he could do what was right over what was easy. It had been easy to be Batman, despite the strain on his body and his life. Being Bruce was hard.

Thinking that, he realized the one reason he had to call Richard. When solo as Robin - and later as Nightwing - Richard had managed to balance a normal life with his heroing, without sacrificing anything to either. In fact, it was through his acts as Robin - ignoring Bruce's own rule of preserving the secret identity - that he had made many of his closest friends and met and romanced his wife. If there was anyone who could teach Rarity how to be Batmare without losing Rarity, it would be Richard.

As he reached for the phone, Bruce marveled at how easy it was to do the difficult things when he rationalized them as being a good parent. He wouldn't disappoint his own folks by doing badly there, whatever the personal cost. As he dialed the number, he wondered how things would have been different if he'd made that realization 45 years ago, when he first adopted Richard.

The phone rang for a time, and a sleepy female voice answered. "Grayson residence, Mrs. Grayson speaking."

"Hello Mrs. Grayson," Bruce replied. "Is Richard in?"

"He is," she replied. "Who is this?"

"It's Bruce. Can I talk to-"

A gasp interrupted him, and he heard her eager voice away from the phone. "Dear husband, wake up! On the telephone, it is your k'norfka!"

Bruce couldn't help but smile as he heard that. It seemed even after all this time she still slipped into her native tongue on occasion...or perhaps she just felt no word in English as accurately described his and Richard's relationship as that one did.

It plainly made his identity clear to Richard. "Bruce?" he asked as he grabbed the phone. "What makes you call at this hour?"

"Sorry for waking you," Bruce replied. "I know it's late. It's just...I felt it was time to try and patch things up between us."

There was silence on the other end for a while. "Really? Wow. I mean...what brought this on?"

Bruce sighed. "Let's just say something's come up that...has made me realize what a fool I've been for a large part of my life. And...I'd like to try and fix my mistakes if I still can. Is there any chance you could swing by the manor sometime soon? I think this should be a face to face discussion, don't you?"

The silence from the other end was profound, and Bruce actually heard a pin dropping from a nightstand onto carpet. "We'll be there tomorrow...Dad."

Bruce's eyebrows went up at that response from Richard, but he decided not to question it at the moment. "Thank you...son. I look forward to seeing you again. For now, I think we both need our sleep. Get some rest; it's a long trip here."

"You too," Richard replied, his voice thick with suppressed emotions.

As Bruce hung up the phone, he wondered what could have caused that reaction in Richard. However, the warmth of the fire and the relief of accomplishment worked its magic on him, and in leaning back to think he instead found himself dozing off.

When Rarity awoke the next morning, the first thing she noticed was the sense of Bruce's presence in the study before the fire, instead of in his bed. She sighed in frustration. "Father, you can't push yourself like this..." Getting to her hooves, she went to check on him, only to find him sound asleep. She smiled softly. Shaking her head ruefully, she levitated the blanket in his lap up to tuck it around his chin.

At that moment, the security system bleeped, signifying someone with proper clearance had driven up the driveway and was approaching the door. As the only one Rarity was aware of who had proper clearance were the McGinnis's, she went to the door to inform Terry that Bruce was feeling under the weather this morning. However, when she opened the door, she found five people completely unfamiliar to her.

The one raising his hand to knock was human, an older man with healthy skin tone, black hair just beginning to go white at the edges, and friendly but piercing blue eyes. She felt immediately that he was one who could be counted on for just about anything.

Next to him was a woman with orange skin, crimson hair, and green eyes. She also looked to be about half the age(1) of the first man, whose arm she was holding in a manner that plainly indicated they were a couple. Rarity was able to conclude that the woman was a non-human. Not only were her eyes a solid green - pupil, iris, and cornea merely shading from dark to light green - but she was also floating a half foot off the ground. However, her face bespoke an open friendliness that made Rarity feel warm just to see.

The second man was tall and lean, and his skin had a slight greenish tinge to it. He also had sharply pointed ears. Rarity got the impression he must have looked like a goblin when he was younger before he grew into his looks. He also looked no older than 25(2), but his green eyes bore a deep wisdom and experience, belied by the openly friendly smile on his face rivaled only by the alien woman's, slight fangs visible in upper and lower jaw.

The second woman was moon pale, with pale purple hair and dark purple eyes. Her hair was cut short, and she looked like she hadn't changed physically since her 20th birthday(3). Like the green man she stood near, though, her eyes bespoke an ancient and powerful wisdom and great experience. Her face was neutral, but the aura of magical power Rarity could feel from her was overpowering, ancient and terrible yet strangely gentle. Shuddering slightly, Rarity turned her attention to the last man.

His skin was far darker than any of his companions, and he was much taller. Despite his bald crown, he also seemed not to have aged for a long time(4). However, Rarity quickly realized why this was in his case. More than half the skin she could see had the slight sheen she recognized as plastiskin, and his left eye was solid red, obviously cybernetic. From the amount of plastiskin visible, it was plain a large portion of his body was cybernetic...which was frankly fascinating. The way the group stood together implied they were the same age group, which meant his cybernetics were plainly at least 40 years old. She didn't know cybernetics had been that advanced back then.

Realizing she was staring, she quickly recovered and smiled at them all. "Welcome to Wayne Manor," she said calmly. "Can I help you?"

The man who was going to knock stared at her for a time before clearing his throat. Holding his quietly squealing female companion back, he responded. "We're here to see Bruce," he said calmly.

Rarity sighed. "I'm afraid Father has not yet awakened today. He had a-"

"Father?" the man asked in surprise.

The alien woman squealed loudly and swooped down on Rarity. Her training kicked in, and she focused her magic through her horn and then back into her body, toughening against whatever was about to happen. She soon became glad this included resistance to compression.

"Oh Richard, you have a new little sister and she is adorable!" the woman shouted happily.

As soon as the hug relaxed enough she could release her magic, Rarity turned to the man. "Richard? Richard Grayson?"

"That's me," he replied easily.

"Oh, it is wonderful to meet you!" she said happily, hopping down from the woman's embrace. "Please, do come in. But be quiet, Father fell asleep in the study-"

"Too late, Rarity," Bruce said, stepping out of the study. "Kori's quite loud at times." His soft smile took the sting from his words.

The woman who'd hugged Rarity blushed in embarrassment. "My apologies," she said softly, settling to the ground.

"Please, come in," Bruce said calmly. "We can talk in the study."

"I'll prepare some tea!" Rarity said happily, rushing to the kitchen.

Bruce chuckled indulgently. As he sat down in the study, he found himself under magical scrutiny. "Is that really necessary, Rachel?"

"At the moment, it's Dr. Roth," she replied bluntly. After a moment, she let go of her magic. "Although apparently, it was just Richard overreacting again, and the urgency to get here today was an illusion, since you aren't dying as far as my magic can tell."

"Blunt as always," Bruce commented dryly before turning to Richard. "You thought I was dying?"

"With how you were talking about fixing past mistakes, can you really blame me for thinking that?" Richard protested defensively.

Bruce thought about that for a minute. "Not really. If not for Rarity, that's probably the only thing that might have budged me." He turned to the other two men. "So tell me Garfield, Victor...did you two come along to be Richard's emotional support if I was dying?"

"That's just the grass stain!" Victor replied, earning a blown raspberry from Garfield. "I'm actually here just in case you needed help getting your affairs in order. I'm not the best lawyer in the country for nothing."

"If we're all done making me feel like an idiot," Richard joked, getting a laugh from the other four. "So what did spark this, Bruce?"

Bruce chuckled. "Two reasons. One, Rarity browbeat me into introducing her to her big brother, saying it was my turn to extend the olive branch."

Raven snorted mildly in amusement. "I take it she has her ways of getting what she wants?"

Bruce smiled. "Indeed she does. As for the second...I'm actually glad you all came." This piqued all their interests. "She's decided to follow in my footsteps, and take on a role I'm physically no longer capable of fulfilling." Looking at Raven, he touched a finger to his heart.

Raven raised an eyebrow. "So she's Batmare now, huh?"

"Indeed," Bruce replied, "despite my wishes to the contrary." Richard looked surprised at this. "I didn't want her to have to live the life I did. I wanted her to have a normal life. Or, at any rate, as normal a life as she can have when she's the only unicorn in a world of humans." That brought a chuckle from Garfield. "But you five managed it."

"Managed what?" Kori asked in confusion.

"You five managed being heroes and living normal lives, without sacrificing either. You even managed to live normal lives as superheroes while you lived in your Tower." Bruce leaned back with a sigh. "I want Rarity to have the benefit of your experience, Richard. Please, help her live a normal life."

After a time, Richard smiled softly. "All you had to do was ask...Dad."

Bruce returned the soft smile. "Thank you...son."

At that moment, Rarity returned with refreshments for everyone. "I hope I guessed everyone's tastes correctly," she stated nervously. She then set out the tray with Earl Grey tea for herself, Richard, and Bruce, a strong herbal blend for Garfield and Rachel, black coffee for Victor, and a bottle of mustard with a straw for Kori.

The alien female gasped happily. "However did you know of my fondness for the wonderful mustard beverage, little pony sister-in-law?"

Rarity smiled. "A lucky guess, I suppose." She climbed into her chair and levitated her tea to her lips. "So what brings you all here today, Richard?"

Richard smiled softly. "My friends call me Dick."

Rarity frowned. "I think I'll call you Richard. I shouldn't be tasting one of those on my lips at my age."

Richard groaned as Garfield and Victor cracked up laughing. "Good one!" Garfield crowed.

Rachel groaned. "Just when I thought you'd finally grown up..."

Richard shook his head ruefully as he sipped his tea. "Sis...we've got some stories to tell you."


Richard held his cup, staring into its swirling depths. "It all begins the day I decided to take my own path separate from Dad's...and found my way to Jump City..."

(1)Obviously, aliens who are able to generate radioactive energy blasts from their body would age differently from humans...especially when they haven't used them for a long time.
(2)Self rewriting genetic code plus being part all animals - when several age incredibly slowly - means visible aging is really a matter of personal choice.
(3)Hey, that heritage has to have some benefits.
(4)I don't think this one needs explaining.