• Published 15th Oct 2014
  • 18,751 Views, 1,666 Comments

Batmare Beyond - Tatsurou

After hanging up his cape and cowl for good, Bruce Wayne finds himself adopting an infant Rarity.

  • ...

Beasts Within, Part 1

Rarity glanced over Bruce's shoulder at the news broadcast. "So what's this 'splicing' they're talking about?" she asked curiously.

"It's a relatively new science," Bruce explained. "Originally it was developed as a medical treatment, using animal based gene re-sequencing to correct genetic disorders, especially those that result in physical weakness or immunodeficiency. It was only in very small amounts when used medically, however, never enough to cause a visible physical change."

"Those changes sure seem visible," Rarity murmured as she stared at the teenagers who had apparently been spliced with vampire bat DNA, amongst other things, to look straight out of a bad vampire romance novel. "All they need is the sparkles and they'd complete the absurdity."

Bruce chuckled at that. "More recently, Dr. Cuvier has been promoting a new use of the technique, using animal DNA to rewrite larger portions of the subjects genetic code. At first it was only small things that were visibly different. The subject might end up with a leopard's spots, a tiger's stripes, a cat's teeth, a wolf's ears and tail..." He tapped out a sequence to call up other images. "Now, however, he's building towards even more total splicing techniques, completely altering the physical form-"

"Ooh!" Rarity squealed as she spotted one girl who'd been spliced with a skunk, the white stripe against black fur over parts of her body making quite the statement. "Now that's a fashion statement. I wouldn't mind having that dress in my wardrobe."

"It's not a dress, Rarity," Bruce scolded. "It's actual fur growing from her body."

Rarity winced. "That's...a bit far to go for fashion."

"It's no mere fashion trend," Bruce commented dryly. "Something sinister is going on there, and I fear it's a mess we'll have to clean up."

"I'm certain we can handle it," Rarity reassured him, petting Ace. "Besides, Sam Young is already pushing for it to be made illegal. Those independent studies make it plain how dangerous it is."

"The law can only do so much where the criminal or revolutionary mindset is concerned," Bruce warned. "When all is said and done, Sam Young is only a DA. There were those like him decades ago, but Gotham still needed Batman."

Rarity smiled reassuringly. "And that's why it has Batmare now," she preened. "How about I go investigate his new institute tonight, hmm?"

Bruce frowned down at her in worry. She had only just turned 13 recently, and had been getting more and more into being Batmare. While at first Bruce had feared for her safety and her life being overrun by the mask as his had, truly dangerous criminals didn't show up very often these days, and those that had shown up now all worked for Wayne-Powers as part of the security force.

The name change to the company had actually been a stroke of genius on Rarity's part, although it didn't seem that way at the time. Powers had an inherent craving for power and wealth, and would use whatever means at his disposal to acquire it. With the implication of partial ownership, he had the influence to seek out those in the criminal element who could be recruited for corporate espionage or sabotage. Derek's actual influence, however, was much less than even he knew, and Rarity was able to act - whether as Miss Wayne or as Batmare - to counteract each of Powers' stratagems before they were implemented, turning him into little more than a dowsing rod for professional criminals. And on top of that, Rarity kept a record of every single attempt with which to eventually purge Powers' effectiveness entirely.

Still, those years of easy successes had made Rarity a trifle overconfident. She had never come across a villain she couldn't either reform or overpower with ease. She had yet to face a true Joker, or other villain of his past, that would truly imperil her. He feared Dr. Cuvier - and his advantage of animal empowered fighters - might just prove to be that threat.

Despite all this, he knew he wouldn't be able to convince Rarity not to go. Sighing, he relented. "Alright," he allowed. "You can go investigate. But be careful. Observation only, no combat."

Rarity pouted. "But Father, with my magic-"

"Observation only," he insisted. "No combat."

She sighed. "Alright," she relented. "I might as well test out the suit's cloaking features."

Rarity slowly walked down from the ceiling of the inner room of the Chimera Institute, having snuck in quietly while cloaked. She quickly spotted Dr. Cuvier - a tall, thin, pale skinned man with thin black hair and piercing yellow eyes against a black cornea - in a deep conversation with three spliced underlings: a large, heavily muscled, dark skinned male with ram horns; a thin, bald, green skinned male covered in scales like a snake; and a lithe, dark skinned female with claws, tiger stripes, and a flat nose.

While Rarity briefly noticed the tiger female sniffing the air, she was distracted as she heard Dr. Cuvier state that they would be forcing the splicer revolution against the 'norms'...by taking out DA Sam Young tonight. "Father!" she whispered into the comms, "I can't just stay and observe! They're going to-" She paused, noticing someone missing. "Where'd the Tigress go-"

A powerful kick to the small of her back caught her completely off guard, knocking her into some power cables. As electricity ran through her body and suit, her back arched as the electricity followed the magic amplification circuitry straight into her horn, and from there straight into her brain. As she lost all awareness, the last two things she was aware of was Bruce calling out to her over the comms...and something deep inside of her stirring.

When Rarity started to regain consciousness, she felt something injected into her shoulder. "W-what did you inject me with?" she demanded, struggling against the bonds she found herself in.

"Something I'd prepared especially for you, Batmare," Dr. Cuvier replied easily. "I had a feeling you'd be sticking your hoof in our business, and I have been wondering how the process would work on a non-human like yourself. Though I admit I was hoping to convince Rarity Wayne to try the process. Having such a prominent member of society accept the treatment would have been very good for my cause. Splicing her DNA with Bruce Wayne's human DNA might have appealed to her..."

Rarity started to open her mouth to reply, but felt something flare forth inside her to shoulder her aside. "You really don't know what you're doing, do you little man?" a voice that both was and was not her own echoed from her mouth.

"What?" Cuvier demanded. "That shouldn't be-"

Batmare shadow stepped out of the bindings with ease, taking shape behind Cuvier. "Oh, how I would love to take the time to instruct you...but for now, I must say I'm rather fond of your gift, as it heralds my return somewhat." Dark purple bat wings erupted from her back, folding majestically around her frame.

Cuvier staggered back in surprise, before lunging forward to try and contain her. "The process shouldn't be that fast, even with your small frame! And it shouldn't-"

Batmare batted him aside easily with a magic enhanced hoof, one of his claws breaking off in her suit. "You are a scientist, you foolish man," Batmare replied with a wicked chuckle. "Even this one doesn't fully understand the consequences of mixing science with magic, and she thinks she came up with the idea!" She suddenly sneered. "However, it appears her will is a bit stronger than it once was. How tiresome. It appears I'll have to deal with you later. For now, I must - ugh - save that human." Batmare suddenly dissolved into a swarm of bats that flowed out through a window they shattered as they passed.

Cuvier stared at the broken window. "I think I may be in over my head," he muttered.

Barbara Gordon struggled in Rarmod's grip, trying to break free as the trio of spliced thugs laughed at her and Sam Young's desperate struggles. As King Cobra began to squeeze - following Ramrod's suggestion of breaking the DA in half - the skylight burst open as a swarm of bats descended, knocking all three splicers about the room.

"What children these foolish mortals be," a wicked voice echoed from the cloud of bats after Sam Young was knocked unconscious. "Come little boys and girl, I shall play with you." The cloud of bats coalesced, and Batmare stood before them...but she was quite different.

The suit had changed from black to a very dark purple to match the bat wings that had sprung from her back. The crimson bat symbol had morphed towards the demonic, and her eyes were visible behind the mask...turquoise corneas, sapphire irises, and slit pupils. As she smiled, a mouthful of razor sharp teeth became visible.

"What the hell?" Ramrod gasped, lowering his head in the hope his horns would protect him.

"What have you got against us?" King Cobra demanded as he contorted his body, hoping to evade whatever strikes came his way.

"You aren't a norm!" Tigress proclaimed. "You aren't even human!"

Batmare 'tsk'ed quietly in her throat. "Oh, you shouldn't have said that," she scolded. "I would have just captured you...but now she doesn't like you very much, so I have a bit more leeway." Her horn flared into light.

All three splicers found themselves seized in their magic and flung about the room, smashing into walls until they were unconscious and badly bruised.

Barbara stepped forward. "Batmare!" she called out, getting a hand on the mare's neck. Seeing she was the only civilian conscious, she whispered, "Rarity-"

Batmare hissed, pushing Barbara back with her magic. "Do not touch me, mortal!" she commanded. "And Rarity is not in command just now." She suddenly winced. "Though her will is far stronger than it should be...stronger even than the Princess's was in the beginning...too strong. Fine, I won't kill them!" This last did not seem directed at Barbara.

Batmare's horn glowed, and something red was drawn out of the three splicers in a mist before dispersing into the air. Right before Barbara's eyes, they reverted to ordinary humans.

"I believe I can leave them in your hands now, Commissioner," she mused. "The police are at least that effective, aren't they?" Batmare then vanished in a swarm of bats, leaving a stupefied police commissioner.

In the Bat Cave, Bruce was startled as a swarm of magically charged bats coalesced in front of him into the costumed and altered form of his equine daughter. "I truly despise you right now," she growled.

Bruce faced her calmly, one arm holding Ace back with his cane, the other casually reaching towards the antimutagen. "You aren't Rarity," he said bluntly. "So who are you?"

The figure chuckled wickedly. "Well, well, no wonder she's changed so much since I last manifested. You are unusual for a mortal." She smiled, baring her fangs. "I am one who once controlled this body temporarily, though situations have...changed things. You may call me the Nightmare."

"Are you controlling her now?" Bruce demanded angrily.

"And that is why I don't like you very much," she growled. "Even when I should be in total control like right now, I can't go against her morals. You've rubbed off on her too much; her will is far too strong for me to bend or break. As much as it pains me, I will have to compromise with her, because I'm now bound to her irrevocably because of how that Doctor's science melded with the bit of my magic inside her." She sighed. "When she regains consciousness and you've examined her to your heart's content, tell her to summon me to her consciousness so we may bargain with the phrase, 'The Night falls, The Mare rises'."

Bruce nodded. "Alright." He didn't know what was really going on, but when magic of this level was involved, he knew better than to try to force whatever it was out of Rarity until he knew more.

The Nightmare smiled. "Very well then. Pleasant dreams."

Batmare fell over onto her side, the coloration of her costume returning to normal as her bat wings turned white. Bruce rushed over and caught her as she fell, and Ace nuzzled her side. After a time, Rarity stirred.

"Father?" she asked. "How did I get back here?" Blinking, she stared at her back as she felt muscles flex. "And why do I have bat wings?"

Bruce sighed. This was going to be a long conversation. He privately hoped Jason would still take his calls...