• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 4,964 Views, 167 Comments

Strange Winds - Caelum

A story of you, and you're shock of waking up to find that you are not quite yourself...

  • ...

Chapter 8: A Meeting of Chance (Un-edited)

Chapter 8

**NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Please remember that this IS and unedited chapter, so it hasn't been declared 100% yet, I'm just putting it out there so that you fine people have something to read and take time up with, anyways hope you enjoy Chapter 8!**

“Twilight, are you sure this is really necessary?” You ask, casting a sidelong glance at the unicorn, who was currently nose deep in the medical tome that she had gotten from the hospital and seemed too deep in thought to have heard you. “Twilight?” You say, waving a hoof in the purple mare’s direction in an attempt to break her from the trance of the book before her. Reluctantly she lifts her gaze to look at you with a slightly annoyed sounding “yes?” which only caused you to shake your head slightly, giving an amused chuckle at how the purple mare could get so engrossed in a book to the point that she tuned out her surroundings completely.

“I asked if this,” You said, gesturing to the many different machines she had you attached to with one hoof and a raised eyebrow, “was all really necessary? I mean, you’re not performing a heart transplant Twilight.” The light natured jab at her extremely complicated working space was enough to cause the mare to blush and look away briefly with a sheepish smile on her face.

“Well, erm, it’s just that even if it isn’t a large one or a too serious one this is stil a medical procedure and well, um therefore I just thought that we should follow everything to the book...” trailing off the purple unicorn began to conduct what appeared to be an extremely detailed inspection of the ceiling as her cheeks rapidly darkened.

Despite yourself you couldn’t help but chuckle at the mare’s reaction, regaining your composure you look back at Twilight with a good natured smile so as to show that you weren’t laughing to offend and it was all in good fun and therefore was not meant to offend in the slightest. “Twilight, you’re not even repositioning the wing, Rainbow did that for me, all you have to do is clear up the last bit of bruises and assist the muscles around the injury area to repair themselves faster so that I can use these dumb ‘ol things again.” You say lifting up your wings for emphasis, a wide smile on your features.

“That may be true, um, Creamie, bu-“

“Wait, wait, wait, what?” You say, obviously flustered over Twilight’s choice of a substitute name for you due to your noticeable lack of one, “Creamie?”

“Well excuse me, Mr. No Name but YOU don’t have a name so I had to improvise.”

“No I can understand that Twi, but, Creamie? Seriously I think you can do better than that.”

Having her creativity questioned Twilight’s expression showed a brief flash of annoyance at you before settling into a smirk, “Alright fine, I’ll think of something else then, since you don’t want me to call you by relating to your coat colour I’ll have to find something else.” She made a sarcastic show of looking intently at you trying to find something before her expression formed one of mock discovery complete with wide eyes and hoof pointed in the air as if at an imaginary light bulb, “Ah! Oh I’ve got it now, the perfect name for a stallion like you.” Said the mare before falling silent, obviously waiting for you to ask.

Letting a little huff you took the purple unicorn’s bait, “Fine Twilight I’ll bite, what’s the name?” You said rolling your eyes to the highest limits that playful sarcasm could reach before becoming rude.

As you looked back to Twilight you saw a satisfied smirk on her face as she replied with one word, your substitute name, not complicated not elaborate or detailed or some special meaning just simply... “Peggy”

“What?” You questioned, your voice cracking a bit.

“Your new name is Peggy,” replied Twilight in a calm voice with the same smirk on her face, obviously enjoying this moment.

“But, No that’s, what, PEGGY?” You said, stumbling over your words as you tried to express your displeasure over the ‘name’ if one could call it that, “But I don’t want to be called Peggy!”

“Well you didn’t want to be called Creamie either, Creamie referred to your coat colour and Peggy refers to the fact that you’re a pegasus, so now you’re new name is Peggy.”

“Okay, okay FINE I’ll be called Creamie, now can we get back to this thingy?”

“Yes,” Replied Twilight, her gaze changing back to a slightly more serious one, though not without a playful edge, as she looked to you once again, “Now as I was saying, even though all I’m doing for your wing is fixing a bruise and speeding up minor healing I’d still like to run some tests on your head for any signs of a concussion or other head trauma before I can send you on your way.” Replied the unicorn as she turned to look at the medical tome again.

Your brow furrowing in confusion, you raised a hoof in the air and waited a couple of seconds as if waiting for the teacher to call on you, before you realised what you were doing and lowered the aforementioned hoof with a deep red blush on your face. “Twilight?” You asked, the mare turning slightly so as to look at you with a sidelong glance, “What do you mean ‘head trauma’?” At your response the mare just stared at you with a deadpan look, before a small giggle escaped from her lips continuing until the mare in front of you was laughing hysterically. Standing awkwardly before your companion gasping for air between peals of laughter you pawed at the ground and shifted on your hooves uneasily before interrupting the purple unicorn by clearing your throat loudly.

“Oh, hehe, I’m s-sorry, but, hm ah, okay I’m better” Twilight said a small tear running down her face from laughing too hard, “Wait, you’re serious?” She said looking at you with a confused grin, at your nod the mare facehoofed, “Oh you’ve got to be, okay what was the first thing that happened when we met?” Valiantly trying to keep a straight face the mare waited for you to answer.

Unsure exactly where the purple unicorn was going with this you raised an eyebrow before formulating a response, “Um, I freaked out?”

Nodding Twilight motioned with her hoof for you to continue, “And then what happened as a result of that?”

Still slightly confused you did as the mare suggested, continuing with your explanation, “Well, uh, I kinda, well I guess the right wording would be froze up? I guess?” Twilight nodded, “Okay well I froze-up and my muscles all tensed at once and then my... wings... came... down...” Your voice trailed off, becoming an incomprehensible mumble as your brain finally worked out what your purple friend was hinting at.

“I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch that, what was that you said?” The bookish mare questioned, the sweetest of smiles on her face.

At your unicorn friend’s question you scowled slightly, before responding, “Smartass” Hearing your response Twilight giggled slightly before turning to fully face you.

“Now would you like me to run the tests or not Mr. Grump?”

“Yes please, Miss Sparkle, Ma’am”

“That’s better, but I’m going to need you to stop swearing okay? Spike might not be here now but I don’t want you to accidentally let one slip while he’s around, he can be very,” She looked to the air and tapped a hoof on her chin searching for the proper word, “impressionable, sometimes.”

“Okay, I can understand that I guess,” You reply, looking to the mare and flashing a quick smile to confirm that you actually did, at which she reciprocated in turn and faced once more at the complicated array of switches and dials before her.

“Okay I’m going to start by running a quick diagnostic and examination of your injured wing’s functionality and status before I get around to healing the affected areas and then checking out the rest of your body, is that okay?” Twilight asked casting a cursory glance back at you over her shoulder. As soon as you nodded in affirmation the purple mare’s horn was surrounded by the familiar aura which you had come to associate with her telekinetic abilities as she flicked the various switches, knobs, and dials before her. “There, now that that’s all set up there’s just one more thing to take care of,” The unicorn said as she turned around to face you once more, “Even though this is only a minor procedure, arcane healing is known to be quite painful if the patient is conscious.”

Taking this rather new tidbit of information in you looked at Twilight steadily before answering, “So what do you suggest?” You asked, waiting though you already knew the mare’s response.

“Well you have two options, If you want I can choose not to administer anaesthetic and we can try and do the procedure that way, but I might have to restrain you,” Twilight said, wincing slightly as she explained option one, a course of action she obviously did not prefer, “Or I can put you under the effects of a deep sleep spell, if I do that then you won’t be able to feel a thing and no restraints should be needed.” The mare finished with a smile.

Though most ponies would immediately go for the unconscious bliss of option two, instead of the less favourable option one you found that you were hesitant to be put into the black void of your subconscious yet again. You knew that your reasoning was flawed, and that you should immediately choose the less painful option so you didn’t go through something you didn’t have to, but you still couldn’t help but imagine what other strange things you might see while asleep. Things that you still were confused about from the night before, weighing the many different variables in your head, you looked from the floor to Twilight again, “What does this sleep spell do?” You asked, curious to know more about the option in which you didn’t feel pain.

“Well, it almost instantaneously gives you a drowsy feeling, then part of the spell creates the illusion of whatever the affected pony’s mind would think is the most soothing sound and will lull you to sleep. Pretty simple actually when you think about it, but complicated for the caster to maintain until fully charged.” Twilight said, keeping her gaze locked onto you as if watching for your expression to change so she could know how you were processing this new information.

Throughout Twilight’s explanation of the spell’s effects and behaviours you just silently nodded and stood listening, waiting patiently for her to finish before asking your next question, “And can you make the spell dreamless?” At her confused expression you quickly added, “I like a clear head.”

“Um, I think so,” Twilight said, perplexed at your strange request, “Yes, yes I think I can do that actually, so you want the dream spell then I take it?” The mare asked seriously, her violet irises looking straight into your own emerald green ones.

“Yes please, just make sure it’s dreamless if you can” You say with a smile.

“Okay, sure, one dreamless sleep coming up! Now just lay down on your front and relax okay?” Said Twilight, her horn igniting and motes of faint purple light appearing in your vision as you lay flat on your stomach, “Good! Just like that, now just close your eyes and lay still.” Twilight said, her words sounding far off and slightly muffled as the spell began to take effect. You yawned loudly as you started to hear the sound of rain, a torrent of pitters and patters upon hundreds of leaves and puddles. The soothing downpour carrying you further and further into the artificial sleep, the imaginary raindrops cleansing your mind of worries and washing away the doubts you previously had. With a small smile on your face you let yourself be carried further into the soft veil of sleep, the rain following in your wake.


Blearily you opened your eyes, blinking quickly and squinting as the irises adjusted to the brighter light, you saw the blurry purple outline of who you assumed to be your hostess/nurse. As your vision cleared you saw that your previous assumption was indeed correct and that Twilight still hadn’t noticed you had awoken, the mare was studying a clipboard a pale lavender glow surrounding it and her horn. The glow that you had come to associate with her inherent telekinetic abilities, watching her flip a page with the aura you found yourself gripped by an immense curiosity towards it.

“Hey, Twilight?” You asked, eyes fixed on the glow surrounding your purple friend’s horn, curiosity still burning inside you.

At the sound of your voice the mare jumped, surprised to hear your voice, “Oh! Sorry, I didn’t know you were awake yet! Um, anyways, what is it?” Twilight responded, moving a bit closer towards you and levitating the clipboard slightly away from her but keeping it in her grip.

“How does that work?” You asked, pointing a hoof towards Twilights forehead at her horn, The mare’s eyes crossed as she traced an imaginary line towards where you were pointing on her face.

“Oh, um... you mean my horn?” As you nodded the mare smiled warmly, “oh well that’s an easy one! Magic.” Twilight responded, as if this was the most obvious answer in the world and no other explanation could make sense to her. However whereas the purple unicorn’s answer left her own mind assured, it left you feeling extremely confused as your brow furrowed in your confusion.

“Um, Twi?” You asked raising a hoof in your unicorn friends direction but the purple mare had already looked back at her clipboard and was now looking between it and the book that she had gotten from the hospital, knowing from earlier that it would be near impossible to get the mare’s attention now that she was entranced by the book again you resolved to ask her at a later time, and chose at that moment to leave her to whatever she was doing.

* * * * *

Twenty minutes later you found yourself yet again in the marketplace of the town, feeling a slight sense of Déjà vu as you walked past the stall where you had bumped into Twilight earlier you quickened your pace slightly. Heading deeper into the Ponyville market district; strolling past the many diverse storefronts and stalls that the towns ponies had to offer seemed to put your churning mind at a sense of ease, the hustle and bustle of countless ponies in the busy town square absorbing the tension that any stressors you may have had produced.

Feeling your tangled mind relax itself you took a deep breath, closing your eyes slightly as you did so. Holding it in for a split second before exhaling through your nose.

“Th’ market relaxes you too huh?” said a voice no more than a short distance to your right

“Hm?” You replied, opening your eyes to better see as you turned towards the source of the voice. The speaker, as it so happened, was a red earth pony stallion, with light blonde hair and bright green eyes. Besides those noticeable traits of the pony you also took in the fact that he had about a full head of height on you and looked lke he could best a train locomotive in a head butting tournament.

“Ah just was sayin’ how it looked like the market set yr’ mind at ease.” Replied the crimson mountain of a stallion.

“Oh, hehe, sorry I guess I was in the clouds for a sec there.” You replied, laughing a little at the statement, “But, yeah it does, I don’t really know what it is really probably something to do with the fact that if everyone else is so busy and tense then why should I be? If that makes any sense that is.” You finished, walking over to where the stallion stood beside a cart filled with varying kinds of apples.

“Eeyup, I suppose it does heh,” the stallion replied, his laugh rumbling like a boulder grating on mountain stones. “Th’ name’s Macintosh by th’ way, Macintosh Apple, but just call me Big Mac or Mac, everyone else around here does.” The red stallion said holding out one of his hooves towards you.

“Well, um, it’s nice to meet you Big Mac,” You said, reaching your hood forwards in turn to shake the larger stallion’s in greeting, “Wedge” you blurted out at nearly the last minute randomly, the fading memory of your dream prompting the outburst.’Where the hell did that come from?’ You thought, trying to remember the source of the name from the fleeting memory.

“Wedge?” Big Mac said, an eyebrow raising at your statement, “Well Ah have to admit Ah’ve probably heard stranger names for a pony but if that’s yer name that’s yer name. Though Ah have to say those are an impressive set of feathers ya got there Wedge, you wouldn’t happen to be a guard now would you?” At the stallion’s last question you quirked an eyebrow up in a puzzled manner.

“A guard? Um, no, I don’t think so but what about you? You seem big enough to take on six ponies without even breaking a sweat.” You said, referring to the stallion’s immense size and implied strength. Hearing your question Mac rumbled a hearty chuckle.

“Nnnope, that definitely isn’t me,” Mac replied the remnants of his laugh still evident in his tone, “Ah can’t say Ah wasn’t an enlisted stallion once though.” At this you start to walk forwards, closer to the salespony, engaged in the conversation brewing between the two of you.

“Really now?” You asked, stepping closer to where the red pony stood and taking a seat near the apple cart that he was selling from. “And when was that? If you don’t mind me asking that is I mean.”

“A long time ago, Ah was hay of a lot younger then, and a mite less responsible. But trust me it’s a long and complicated story and none too exciting neither.” Replied the barrel chested stallion, his gaze stretching far away from the market the two of you stood in and becoming distant.

“Well, I can’t really say I have anywhere to go or be myself, besides I’m pretty sure you’re one of the only ponies in this town I’m friends with at the moment.” You said, eager to know more about the stallion, intrigued by his gentle giant persona and easy to talk to manner, traits you felt that you liked in a friend.

“Wellp, don’t say I didn’t war-,“ The stallion cut himself off mid-sentence, his eyes widening noticeably as Big Mac grabbed you by the shoulders and looked straight into your eyes with a stare that could make a rock confess to being a chicken, “Wait wait wait, now whaddya mean Ah’m one of the only ponies you’re friends with at the moment?” The red pony’s words were slightly rushed and anxious, hinting at a matter of grave importance, something that confused you beyond a many of other things you had experienced so far.

“Bwuh?” You replied, the extreme confusion you felt due to the stallion’s change in behaviour plainly apparent in your tone.

“Yah said Ah’m one of your only friends in th’ town, now Ah’m askin’ what ya meant by it, now answer me.”

“Um, well, it’s just that, I’m new in town and-“ But your explanation was cut off as one big crimson hued hoof was stuffed into your mouth, muffling your voice and immediately shutting you up.

“Whattaya mean, yer new in town,” hissed the red stallion looking left and right, almost as if he was looking out for someone, someone he didn’t want to see you, “listen Wedge, Ah’m really sorry ’bout this, you seem to be a nice guy an’ all but I’m gonna need you ta hurry on befo-“

But before you found out why you needed to hurry away, and what from for that matter, a heavy and sudden impact hit your chest. Hard. Hard enough to effectively knock any air you still had in your lungs out of your chest and send you flying through the air in an explosion of apples before you landed flat on your back in the middle of the street. Your immediate thought being that for some reason Big Mac had shoved you, but that was almost instantaneously dismissed. Mac had been gripping your shoulders, if he had hit you, you would have seen it.

“Hi there!”

Literally out of nowhere a violently hot pink face with a cotton candy colored pink poofy mane appeared in your field of vision, accompanied with the weight of a full grown pony standing on your chest. All of the sensations seemed to have appeared the same time that the face did, and not as in the way when someone steps on you and then they’re there, more so in the way that it seemed as if the mare had appeared out of thin air.

Needless to say that this randomly appearing pony had succeeded in scaring the feathers off of your wings in a metaphorical sense and normally would have elicited a rather impressive yell of surprise from your lungs, would it not have been for the randomly appearing pony having (assumedly) knocked the breath out of you and then now standing on your chest. Nonetheless even with the odds stacked against your ability to yell in surprise or panic or perhaps even both, your brain sent the signal to your vocal chords and all other related parts of your body required and….

…emitted a slight rattling series of wheezes.

“Hehe, you’re silly! That’s not how you say hi!” exclaimed the mare using your body as a floor perkily, before turning her head to the side slightly and looking up to the sky in a pondering pose, “well, at least not in plain Equestrian!” All of a sudden the pink pony’s eyes widened and she performed the largest scale gasp you could recall witnessing, “But MAYBE that’s how you say hi in balloonian! I bet there’s a whole secret ISLAND of tiny balloon ponies! WOW!! Hhh I wonder if the balloonians like cupcakes!"

“Oh wait! That’s right! Balloon ponies probably would eat different types of foods than us wouldn’t they? Huh, that’s weird, HEY! I just remembered something!” The pink pony’s gaze turned from the sky back down to your own while leaning in closer to your face, “You don’t know who I am! Oh and you’re still not talking” said the mare, finishing her rant with a cock of the head to the side.

Slowly (and with great effort) you began to refill your lungs with tiny gasps of air. As soon as you had a good deal of it you tried to respond to the mare atop your chest with some form of intelligible communication, however even with the larger use of your effort all that seemed to come out of your mouth was a barely audible hoarse whisper, “Air…” raspy and strained you said the word as loud as you could manage hoping that the pink mare would hear and understand

“Air?” Parroted the pony, “What’s air got to do with you not knowing who I am and you not talking?” The mare then burst into a small fit of giggles and snorts before heaving another one of her almighty gasps and plastering her face nose to nose with your own, “Unless ‘air’ is some sort of secret code word! But super-secret code words aren’t used by normal ponies, but then again, who gets to decide what makes a pony normal? I mean it might be duper normal-riffic to do a whole BUNCH of things in the thoughts of one pony which would seem super-duper wonky-wacky to me, or you! But then again-“

However before the mare could continue her completely randomised and seemingly endless rant she was cut off by a deep masculine voice somewhere behind her. “Pinkie, Ah think that what the stallion is tryin’ to say here is that he can’t breathe darlin’. You’re standin’ on his chest, maybe if ya could just hop off him and let the stallion stand then he could get acquainted with you better.”

“Okie dokie lokie, Macky! Actually, that would really help explain why the ground’s so soft over here!” Exclaimed the pink mare, lightly stomping her hooves before hopping off your chest onto the stone street, allowing you to heave a great intake of air whilst rolling your body into a sitting position off of the uncomfortable street you had been laying on.

Fighting off a slight wave of light headedness you performed a quick flurry of rapid blinks before looking around you. First, to where the pink pony hopped in place with a big smile on her face staring straight at you, then to where Big Mac silently stood, his hay straw shifting to the other side of his mouth as the red stallion stared at you for a few short moments before turning his gaze back to the pink mare. “Thank ya kindly Pinkie, now,” Said Mac as he once again turned his emerald eyes back to face in your direction, “Wedge, are you okay?” Questioned the stallion as he chewed on his straw with a slightly concerned look in his eyes.

As your previous feelings of light headedness passed you cleared your throat before responding to the apple salespony, “Yeah… yeah Mac I’m fine, what about you? How’s the stand?” You asked, your voice raspy from when the pink mare had been (inadvertently) blocking your capability to breathe earlier.

At your question Mac simply let out a quiet laugh before answering, “Yea I s’pose Ah’m fine, and the stand shouldn’t be too hard a fix, but” Replied the stallion, his expression changing to that of a concerned individual as he looked from the apple stand back to you, “Are ya sure yer alright though Wedge? You went down pretty dang hard there.”

Now, though you knew that the pony you were talking to was genuinely concerned for your well-being, and that less than 2 minutes ago you had most likely taken a very nasty fall just as he described. To even BEGIN to compare this little trip up to what you’d been through in the past few days was… well at least in your mind that is, comical beyond belief.

So, with that in mind, despite the inherent and blatantly obvious serious nature of the current situation, and despite the fact that to anypony else this was not the event one would take lightly; you did something that through the eyes of another would be seen as the first signs of madness and something to raise the nerves of other ponies who may have witnessed such a display after such an incident.

You began to laugh.

At first it started as a slight snort, then a quiet chuckle, until you were sitting in the market district of Ponyville after getting knocked flat on the cobblestone laughing hysterically at the pony in front of you for his very reasonable concern. But you couldn’t help it, compared to everything you had already been through in little more than a full week this so-named ‘Pinkie’ assaulting you in the middle of the street and disrupting your ability to draw breath was little more than a hiccup. A cold v.s. a strain of the flu, and it was because of this difference that you laughed.

As your laughter died away to gasps you heard a puzzling sound. Turning towards the source of the noise you saw the pink pony whom Mac had referred to as ‘Pinkie’ lying on her back, gasping between giggles and laughter of her own.

Catching your breath and giving the giggling pink mare another look over you couldn’t help but noticing her coat and mane colouring. Now this may sound as if you were failing to catch onto a given fact and no-brainer, but it wasn’t the fact THAT the pony was pink that struck you as interesting. It was HOW pink she was. You found yourself truly appreciating her given name as comically appropriate in your mind, most likely due to the blaring hot pink of her coat and secondly the bubblegum pink of her mane. The second thing you noticed was how the very sight of this mare seemed to emit waves of cheer, mirth, and overall happiness.

All of a sudden the pony snorted very loudly and snapped her eyes wide open before performing a truly epic gasp. Now this gasp was classified ‘epic’ in your mind mostly due to the fact that it was definitely the most prolonged one you had ever seen, and secondly for the fact that as she gasped the pony was lifted into the air a good measure before landing. “I just had a super dooper looper totally fun-errific idea!” Exclaimed the mare before she threw what looked to be a cupcake onto the ground, which then exploded into a cloud of confetti, streamers, and glitter. Upon clearing, it seemed as if the multi-coloured party favour cloud had aided the eccentric mare in vanishing.

Dumbfounded and utterly confused at this point you simply stared at the various falling party supplies landing around you and the now smooshed cupcake lying on the ground in front of your hooves, trying desperately and failing to work out precisely HOW the pastry had produced such a bizarre explosion. You felt a hoof lightly touch your shoulder and looked to see the lightly bemused face of your larger companion before you let out a small chuckle and asked the stallion what he knew about the mare.

“Welp, that was Ms, Pinkamena Diane Pie, or Pinkie Pie as her friends call her. And she is Ponyville’s go-to mare for parties, sweets, party supplies, and jus’ bout any other random object you could possibly think of.” Replied the apple salespony, looking in the direction of the cupcake with a faint smile on his face, “Ah reckon she’s off to get the supplies now…” the stallion said trailing off.

“Supplies?” You said, feeling your interest piqued and giving the stallion a suspicious glance, “supplies for what Mac?”

But the larger pony just shrugged at your question and shook his head, “As much as Ah’d like to tell ya Wedge, Ah can’t. Most likely Pinkie has declared that info secret or a surprise without informing anyone else.”

“Mac that doesn’t make any sense.” You said giving the red stallion a look.

At that however Big Mac let out a low chuckle, a sound reminiscient to gravel underhoof, “Oh mark my words Wedge, you’ll soon come to realise that with that mare?” He said, nodding his head at the small remnants of confetti falling to the ground, “Nothing ever does.”

Comments ( 19 )

Haha and which position might that be dark, hmmmmm? :pinkiesmile:


5007!! there is a new chapter! (unedited yet but still) and i am looking forward to reading your comment on it, no more like i have a MIGHTY NEED to read that comment, seriously, i enjoy that shit now get in here read it and work your magic

keep up the good work. but when you have the different parts of the brain talking each other if you can either change font size or some other way to show the difference between who is speaking.

........dammit why have i never thought of that thanks trucker, you have just given me a new tip i'll go back a bit to fix that up later

2337464 lol ooohhh yeah, thatd be pretty downright terrifying wouldnt it?

At first it started as a slight snort, than a quiet chuckle

1. Then.

Now for him to be dragged around ponyville and Twilight yelling at Pinkie to stop as he is a recovering patient... might be better if she didn't mention that she also tackled him and nearly caused him to asphyxiate... to an extent

BAM! Done and fixed up, thanks! Now this un-edited chapter is slightly less.. um.. un-edited? (hush this is a comment grammar is inconsequential) and refferee! Nice to see you again :) how've ya been?:twilightsmile:

Oh and maybe so, maybe not :P or you could go hang out with Mac some more then get Pinkie-napped!!

2338328 I've been quite fine. Just here and there, reading a few fics, playing HoTS and failing to get a good game for LagTV to cast... All in all, just fine. And no, I don't want to get Pinkie-napped, otherwise I would have to eat cupcakes.

They're just too sweet for my tastes... Sea salt ice-cream though, I would love to try that

What's up, Caelum?!
We hasn't talked in a LONG time.

No, no we hasn't where the hell have you been

Thats good, I'm still stuck with Wings cause i havent had the funds necessary for HoTS :/ and hah well maybe we'll go to visit the apples or something lol oh btw whats LagTV?

Where the hell has YOU been?!
I was busy moving to Procractination, wanna be my neighbor?
After all, Procrastination is best nation.


LagTV is a Youtube channel as well as a little community of people watching a pair of casters casting games. Their online names are ComputarPlayer1/NovaWar and MaximusBlack (or more recently QuanticBlack). Real names are Jeff and Adam.

They live in Canuckville, Canada and... yeah. They also have a website for you to submit your replays if you want to try and have them casted. They are mainly noted for their When Cheese Fails series.

I would have explained more but my mobile version of fimfic is not comment friendly

Procrastination? Oh well I'm actually on the chamber of commerce for that place! Wanna be on the board of dictat-i mean directors with me?

0.0 there's a place called canuckville in my country?? dafuq? and fair enough i didnt know there were mobile versions? (unless youre on phoneternets)

Sure! I'll sign up!


Wait, IS she performing an organ transplant?

"- follow everything to the book..."
Never change, Twi.

Creamie? OgawdIhopeThat'sNotMyName!

Yeah, Twi, you CAN do better than "creamie". (Sounds like something you'd call butter.)

Actually, despite the femininity of the name "Peggy", I'd take it to be ironic.
And it'd throw Twi off-balance.

So, brain surgery?

I forgot about my own head trauma? Well, it does seem to happen a lot in real life, so why not?

Creamie Grump. I like it.

Not often that I bloody swear anyway.

DON'T PUT ME TO SLEEP! (Sleep is for the weak.)

I'd rather be awake through the procedure (unless actual surgery is involved), thanks. But whatever.

"How does magic work?"
"That-" (everyone leans in closer) "- is a secret!" (faceplants across the board!)

I liek krouds? That's... new. Having Ausperger's, I normally don't like to be in a group of people larger than twenty or so.

"You said, reaching your hood forwards in turn to shake the larger stallion’s in greeting..."

WEDGE! One of the best Star Wars extended universe pilots (who is not Force-sensitive).

Wait... PINKIE! Yay!
Mac is implying PINKIE is going to give me a heart-attack!

Pinkie, I think you just broke my ribs. Mmmm... ribs.

Being smothered to death by my favorite pony? There are worse ways to go.

Saved by the Mac.

Ah, maniacal laughter! How I love it so!

And that's the "mysterious" and confusing end to that chapter.
I love Pinkie.

So, I noticed only one typo. There may be more, but this chapter was such a quick read that once the flow started, it wouldn't stop!

There you go, Caelum. Now I demand the next chapter. And remember to amputate your leg.

You don't have to mention every time Twilight uses telekinesis that it emits "a glow that you have come to associate with her telekinesis." You've written that exact sentence three times now.

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