• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 4,968 Views, 167 Comments

Strange Winds - Caelum

A story of you, and you're shock of waking up to find that you are not quite yourself...

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Chapter 7: A Rare Coincidence

Chapter 7

The golden rays of the morning sun fell upon your sleeping form, the sudden change in light causing you to be roused from your sleep. Squinting against the radiant star’s shining tendrils of light, you give a lengthy groan, and turn over onto your front, rolling off of the soft surface that was Fluttershy’s bed. Standing up onto your hooves you heard an audible *CRICK* sound come from the joints in your fore and hind legs as they extended from their cramped position during your sleep. Noticing that this stiffness had not only been limited in your knees but was spread throughout the joints in your body, you began to stretch your various stiff limbs out of their locked positions.

Extending your wings up and behind your head emanated a series of popping sounds while the dual appendages straightened from their folded positions; arching your back upwards and downwards produced a series of very loud cracks one after another; and twisting your neck from side to side elicited several clearly audible pops and cracks.

Now, having remedied your stiffened joints, you rustle your wings and take a deep breath of the fresh pine wood scent of Fluttershy’s room and… ’toast?’ Taking another deep breath you find your previous suspicions of toast to be correct, as well as your sensitive ears picking up the distinct sounds of somepony preparing a meal. The intoxicating scent of whatever the pony (presumably the owner of the room you now stood in) was cooking tickled the end of your snout, and caused your mouth to immediately start watering in longing and your stomach to give an angry growl in protest of its emptiness.

With a start you realize that you haven’t eaten anything since you had woken up near the small creek Twilight found you in two days ago. The constant transitioning between the states of unconsciousness and consciousness, where your mind was completely preoccupied with other things, had left you no time at all to consider your concerning lack of sustenance. You cringe slightly as your stomach gives another longing rumble, the result of another whiff of the tantalizing scents from downstairs reaching your senses yet again with a vengeance. At the second rumble from your torso region you start walking towards the door. With the sole intent of confronting the dreaded stairs, finding the source of the enticing aroma, and devouring it to the last bite; that is before one of the many different sub-personalities of your subconscious spoke its mind.

’Stop,’ slurred a groggy sounding Panic.

At the sudden sound of your over-reactive, unpredictable, problematic part of your subconscious’ voice you let loose a very long and stretched out groan. ’Yes?’ comes your mental reply with a flash of annoyance at Panic’s interruption of your search of glorious food.

’Go make the bed, it looks terrible.’ Panic replied matter-of-factly with an incorporeal snort.

’Oh? What, will the Mess Police come to take us to their secret holding cells, forever locking us away from society in the dark halls of their own conspiracy?’ Your reply bristling with a dry sardonic edge, you snort in annoyance, briefly wondering why Panic couldn’t just let you go get your food in peace.

’No, that’s just idiotic. Now shut up and make the bed.’ Panic snaps his reply at you, causing you to do a mental double take at this change in behavior for the figment of your personality.

’Whoa, what the hell dude? Usually you’d be all over something like that?’ Your incredulous confusion easily palpable in your thought processes as your brow furrowed.

’I’m just not a morning person’

’Panic you’re not even a person.’

’Neither are you technically, now go make the damn bed.’

’Yes I am! And why should I after you’ve been such a dick, huh?’ You think with an indignant huff laced with anger.

’No, no you’re not. You’re a pony now quit being moronic and go make the bed, Fluttershy is making breakfast for us. It’d be the nice thing to do.’

Your mind began to furiously churn over the fact that Panic, Panic, out of all the separate sections and subdivisions of your mind and subconscious, had said a serious sounding piece of advice and course of action; and the worst part? The reasoning behind it. And, no matter which way you looked at it, it made perfect sense. Fluttershy not only provided you with a roof to sleep under for the night, she had also given up her own bed, taken care of your wounds, somewhat, and was now supposedly making you breakfast.

Thus, with a slight groan, you quell the empty rumble from your stomach and turn to the disaster zone which had been your place of rest for the night. Looking at the misshapen sheets strewn across the floor you find yourself wondering how, in all things under the sun, you were going to arrange the various cloth blankets and comforters onto the mattress neatly in front of you.

Approaching the closest sheet, you lower your head and grab a corner between your teeth and lift it up. Your jaw clamped on the edge of the sheet you look between the rest of your cargo and the bed behind you in confusion.

’Aw… crap, how am I going to… well maybe if I just… hmmm I think it could work. Well screw it, let’s try anyways,’ you think, stopping the awkward attempts you had been trying to further your goal of making the troublesome bed. These attempts included using one of your front hooves to lift the blanket with the intention of throwing it on the mattress and working from there. However this approach, as you soon realized, took away from the stability of how you stood on the ground and left you extremely prone to falling, and so, to your great dismay, you found yourself flat on your face with a throbbing head.

With a huff of frustration you spat out the corner still clutched between your teeth and you glower at the infuriating object, briefly considering giving up and pretending to be asleep until your hostess came to make the bed herself and wake you up. However, a desperate rumble from your stomach and a steely flash of objection from your pride quickly erased any and all thoughts of the notion.

Looking back at the jumbled, evil, mass of your cotton-based purveyor of torment the tiny spark of an idea lit in your mind, causing the frustrated frown that had previously dominated your features to be replaced with a confident smirk. Sliding your good wing underneath the blanket before you, you lift the warm cloth over your head and body.

Once again clamping a portion of the sheet between your teeth, you proceed to walk to the edge of the mattress and lift your body onto the springy surface with your front hooves. Standing on the bed you begin to slowly move forwards, hooves sinking into the soft mattress and springing back up with every step to the other edge of the bed. Noticing the edge of the comfortable surface is now underneath you; you lower your head and release the sheet from your mouth.

‘That should be good enough, and even if it isn’t I should be able to finish it as soon as I’m done with breakfast.’ Your hunger-driven thought arrives as you begin to back slowly off of the mattress. However, as you were moving backwards towards the floor and, more importantly, food; you found that for some curious reason that the blanket was not staying where you had placed it and instead was moving with your body.

Giving a slight grunt of annoyance you place your hooves on the edges of the thin sheet you were under and begin to slide off of the mattress yet again. As your rear hooves come into contact with the hardwood flooring you cease putting pressure onto the edge of cotton and attempt to quickly slide out of the cocoon you inhabited.

However, just as you slid yourself out of the blanket-cave you found yourself still very much covered by the sheet! It seemed that while you were attempting to extricate yourself from the light yellow covering it had somehow managed to get caught up on your wings. So with a slight twinge of pain and soreness from your injured joint you spread the troublesome appendages but to no avail, as you quickly discovered that this only caused the sheet to fall around the feathered protrusions like canvas around tent poles.

Your previous grunt of frustration was now replaced with a throaty growl as you kicked out at the cotton threaded villain with one of your front hooves. This unfortunately caused the blanket to wrap around said hoof and subsequently cause you to lose your balance and fall to the ground with a surprised yell and a thump. Laying there, in a position much like the one when you had been in the forest creek when you had first woken up, you let out a huff of frustration. But your pride didn’t begin to crack despite how tangled up in the yellow bed sheet as it was, until you heard the faint sounds of hoofsteps coming up the stairs.

’Oh, great. Well not only do I look like an incompetent stallion, but also a complete idiot! And it’s all for Fluttershy to see as well, this is just fucking perfect.’

As the yellow mare in question’s quiet pace can be heard stopping outside of the doorway you hear a quiet knock come from the other side with a whispered, “Um, good morning, might I be able to come in?” Trying your best to avoid what you thought was going to be and extremely embarrassing, and humiliating, moment you immediately had another go at getting out of the soft prison. An attempt that failed, epically you might add, before relaxing in not-so-humble defeat. Simply muttering a quick “Come in” to the timid pegasus on the other side of the door.


Much to your pleasant surprise the yellow mare whose bed you had, in a figurative sense, destroyed did not laugh or ridicule you in your current state. In contrast, she had simply asked if you were alright and if there was any way she could help you. Now, with the ever so kind Fluttershy assisting in your removal from the blanket-prison, you blush in embarrassment at having ever thought of the kind mare laughing at your expense.

As the last bit of your wing is unwrapped from the soft covering you heave a great sigh of relief and give the appendage several experimental flaps to loosen the cramped muscles. Refolding the dual feathered cream protrusions against your against your sides, you look to your left, with a faint *CLOP* of her hooves Fluttershy lands directly next to you, gently placing her cargo onto the ground before looking up at you with a gentle smile. Coughing slightly, you break eye contact and look towards the ceiling beams while rubbing a hoof behind you head in mild embarrassment.

“Um, thanks Fluttershy. I was, uh, well I was trying to make the bed… you know as a sort of thank you for letting me stay here the night and everything.” You say, as an embarrassed glow spread across your muzzle. Looking back from the thick, pine wood ceiling supports you can’t help but chuckle as you see that the yellow mare had looked away as well.

“Oh, um, it was nothing really. In fact, I’ve gotten my wings tangled like that myself a couple of times.” Fluttershy replied, her eyes shifting positions to look into yours as a sheepish smile spread across her face. With a slight laugh you gently rustle your wings against the sides of your body, smiling at the blushing mare in front of you. Suddenly however the pleasant silence shared between the two of you was shattered by an unnaturally loud rumble from your stomach, causing both you and Fluttershy to jump in surprise.

Immediately you begin to stammer unintelligibly as your brain begins its fruitless quest to comprehend, and figure out a proper response to, what had just happened. Quickly you cast an accusing gaze towards your torso, as if your stomach could sense the cold disapproval you were giving it. Turning your face back to Fluttershy you notice that her blushing meek expression from before had been replaced with a concerned stare over your well-being.

“Oh dear, are you hungry,” questions the pink maned pegasus, taking a few steps closer to you. Feeling the hot burning sensation of your emotions in your face, you quell the senseless gibberish coming from your mouth and slowly nod. “And, um if you don’t mind my asking that is, when did you last eat?” She queries further, her eyes staying locked on your own.

“Um, well, uh, now that I think about it, it was before I woke up so… two days ago? But I’m fine really! I can eat after we’re finished fixing the bed, you really shouldn’t… worry…” Trailing off you break eye contact from the yellow mare as you see the concern already painted across her complexion visibly triple, almost to a motherly level of concern. As soon as you looked away you could see Fluttershy begin to shake her head from side to side at your answer in your peripheral field of vision.

“Oh, my goodness, no. I can’t make a poor starved pony work! I mean, that wouldn’t be very nice of me now would it? No, no, you go downstairs right now mister, I made breakfast and there’s toast, and green pepper and cheese quiches, on the table.” She finishes pointing a hoof to the door in a commanding fashion.

Locking eyes again with the yellow mare you immediately feel each and every one of the cleverly thought out stubborn arguments you had built up in your mind fall away, like so many grains of sand through an hourglass. Lost forever due to the tiny icy spark you saw reflected in her eyes that chilled you to the core, immediately causing your memory to consider the arctic commanding depths the twin cerulean orbs that were the yellow pegasus’ eyes could attain.

Tearing your eyes away from the yellow mare’s with a huff of frustration you turn swiftly on your hooves to leave her to her work; stepping out into the hallway with a muttered “Fine.” Looking into the doorway quickly you can see Fluttershy gently hovering above the bed top with a corner of the bed sheet that had infuriated and trapped you in her mouth. You mentally kick yourself as you realize just how simple the task that you were previously, and quite literally, trapped in truly was. All you had needed to do was use your wings to fly over the bed and put the covers down that way!

’Oh well, it’s too late to turn back time I guess, and I already look like an idiot so… yeah.’ As your sullen train of thought continues to beat you up, you almost don’t notice as you come to the top of the dreaded stairs. Quickly pulling back your hoof from the empty air it had occupied, you look down the evil construction before you with a scowl.

All that stood between you and your delicious toast was a set of old, stupid, pointless, stairs for god’s sake! And if these stairs were what stopped you from eating that delicious toast, well then your name wasn’t… wasn’t… whatever your name was! You stamp your foot with a snort as if to punctuate the sentiment, tensing your body you prepare to take a step forwards and submit yourself to the stairs… before relaxing again and looking downwards with what some might call a ‘derp’ look.

’Wait a second, why the hell am I going to try and walk down these when I’m obviously going to fall? I’m a freaking pegasus damn it! I can fly can’t I? So screw falling, I’m going to fly’ Your wings ruffle in aggravation as this thought streaks through your mind in annoyance as you flare them out behind you. Automatically adjusting and micro tuning the positions of your wings’ individual feathers on instinct, preparing the cream appendages for the diverse flying conditions that were Fluttershy’s home.

Exhaling a small breath, you give your wings a gentle downward flap, the newly positioned feathers lifting you just high enough off of the ground to allow you to lazily glide to the ground floor without trouble.

Touching down on the wooden planks of the lower level, you gently refold your wings against your sides. But, as the feathered appendages move back into their natural position, you feel a slight twinge of pain. You cringe slightly as you feel the slight ache coming from the still healing bruise on your wing joint. Looking back over your shoulder to the area in question you see that, though the swelling around the joint was now more or less completely gone, the purple bruising around the area was still very prominent.

Gauging the level of pain that had come from your wings, and judging by how the bruising and swelling looked, you guess that you are still able to fly short distances like yesterday with the possibility of medium range flights as well. Nothing so far as flying the distance into town, let alone anything like yesterday yet, but perhaps to the giant apple orchard you had seen from the air?

Smiling, you begin to walk towards the kitchen to remedy your (yet again) rumbling stomach. Stepping into the tiled area you cast your eyes across every surface searching for the delicious food, wherever it might be. There, on the table, was a plate. And on that plate were 2 pieces of bread as well as 3 medium sized things you guessed to be the “quiche” on a second plate beside it.

Eyeing the quiche with an unsure gaze as you approach the plates you lean forwards and take a bite out of the piece of toast closest to you. Immediately you find the saliva that had built in your maw sated as the currently-being-chewed morsel of toast exploded in a wave of buttery goodness with hints of strawberry jam flavoring in your mouth. Closing your eyes, you let out a long content “mmm” as you work the lump of delicious food around your tongue with a content expression on your face. Finally swallowing the bite of toast, you lick your lips. Ensuring that every last particle of the delicious breakfast food was eaten, before leaning forwards to take another bite until before you knew it you were turning to the second piece vociferously.

Now, after having cleaned the first plate of any remnants of toast, you look to the moderately sized pie shaped food on the second plate. Briefly you considered just simply leaving these strange looking foods untouched on their plate, but alas another mighty growl from your stomach was all that it took to change your mind.

Narrowing your eyes at the closest ‘quiche’ on the plate before you, you take a step forwards and lean closer to the three food items. Still feeling a slight apprehension to the pie shaped food, you open your mouth and take only the smallest bite possible of it, and begin to turn it over in your mouth. As you continue to mull the tiny morsel around your pallet your face scrunches up expecting something not to your liking. But as the taste buds on your tongue finally began to send your brain their analysis of the food, you found that the tiny portion had completely defied your expectations! The quiche, still being chewed, was neither bitter nor foul tasting but instead, quite to your pleasant surprise, was delicious!

With all of your previous apprehension towards the three quiches gone, you quickly began to devour your new found favorite breakfast food in less than 3 bites apiece. As the last chewed gulp of quiche began it’s descent down to your stomach, you sat back onto your haunches with another contented “mmm.”

Feeling a slight breeze against your feathers, you stand up and walk to the small window in Fluttershy’s kitchen which was wide open. As you approach the small portal to the outside your mane is blown about your forehead as the pleasant breeze flows into the room through the unobstructed window. Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air blowing against your face from the outside, you allow your eyes to gently flutter closed, enjoying the serenity of the moment.

Reopening your eyes, you turn to face inwards at the kitchen yet again with a happy sigh. A slight smile forming on your features you step towards the dirty dishes on the table, ’If I can’t help Fluttershy by making the bed, then I guess the least I could do would be to clear the table for her.’ You think to yourself, causing the smile on your face to widen further. But, just as you were about to take the closest plate to you from the table, the sound of somepony knocking on the front door reaches your ears.

“Don’t worry I’ll get it Fluttershy!” You shout upstairs to the preoccupied pegasus who was still making the bed upstairs as you walk to the wooden entryway to the small cottage. Slipping your hoof into the latch of the door in front of you, pulling open the wooden door you hear a voice somewhat reminiscent to Logic’s except with a higher pitch and a better sense of sophistication than the painfully obvious piece of your subconscious.

“Oh there you are, Fluttershy, dear I was beginn-,“ the pony before you paused her intended dialogue as soon as she completed her turn back to the doorway and looked upon your face. Her gaze flitting up and down your cream hued frame quickly, you hear her give a school girlish giggle before speaking in a coy voice.

“Well, well, well! I simply must apologize my dear sir. I had no idea that Fluttershy was having, err, company over. Shall I come back at a later time?”

Immediately you feel your cheeks burn as blood rushed to them in embarrassment as you realize just what the mare was insinuating, “Um, what? No! That’s not what, well what I mean to say, oh, it’s just, ahhh fuck.” Hopelessly stammering and stuttering you felt the explosion as you stepped on the verbal landmine that this mare had placed before you. Thankfully the mare in question seemed to get the gist of your unintelligible word vomit and simply giggled again, apologizing for her assumption.

Heaving a sigh of relief as the embarrassing presumption was confirmed as incorrect, you take a moment to fully analyze the appearance of the mare in front of you. She was a little bit shorter than you were, with a white coat and a purple shimmering mane, as well as sparkling sapphire irises which only complimented the horn which rose from her forehead, and there on her flank for some reason was the image of three magnificent gemstones. Looking back up to her eyes you see how the sapphire orbs that you stared into now had a mischievous glint in them with an eyebrow raised and a playful smirk cracking across her visage.

“S-so you’re, um. You’re here for F-Fluttershy?” You blurt out, in hope of breaking the strange silence spreading between the two of you, probably with the same amount of tactfulness as your common Neighanderthal.

“Yes, well, I suppose I did say that, didn’t I?” The unicorn replies, her sly gaze drifting to other things around the room as a knowing smile grew from the previous smirk. “Speaking of which, where is she? I only ask because today is the day of our weekly excursion to the spa, and so I decided that I would surprise her by meeting her here so that she and I could walk together!” The unicorn finishes with the flash of another dazzling smile.

“Oh, how nice of you.” Your reply comes after the ivory hued mare gives her explanation. “And, actually, I’m pretty sure she’s still upstairs Ms…?” You leave the rest of the question hanging in the air for the purple maned mare to pick up, and she did just that, her sapphire eyes widening in something that was a cross between shock and horror.

“Oh my goodness, where are my manners? I have yet to properly introduce myself, please forgive me, kind stallion, but my name is Rarity and I am a close friend of Fluttershy’s.” The white mare answered in a hurried fashion, not expecting this type of a response you blink several times before chuckling slightly.

“Hehe, Miss Rarity there’s no need to apologize, trust me, its fine. Such a kind mare shouldn’t feel the need to apologize over such a small thing.” You say, smiling at the white mare to punctuate your sentiment. As you smile at her you see Rarity raise a hoof to her muzzle, mostly to suppress a giggle before responding.

“Well thank you, kind sir, for that compliment, but I fear I must correct you; it is Fluttershy who is the kind one not me, and speaking of which.” Your brow furrowing at Rarity’s cryptic statement you turn your head noticing Fluttershy standing in the stairwell, having obviously finished the bed upstairs the timid pegasus had chosen to come back downstairs. As the mare in question sees Rarity you notice her features visibly brighten, as she trotted over the front door with a warm smile on her face Fluttershy greets the mare with wave.

“Oh hello Rarity, what are you doing here,” Fluttershy asks before her ears flatten on her head as she frowns. “Oh no, I wasn’t late and missed our plans today, did I?” Just as you are about to console the yellow mare, and tell her what Rarity had previously told you the unicorn’s posh voice rang out directly behind you.

“Oh, good heavens, no, dear. I just thought it would be a nice change for me to come meet you here instead of at the Boutique where you have to walk all the way into town by yourself; so I took it upon myself to come meet you so we could walk together! What do you say?” Rarity responded, a faint clopping sound accompanied her voice as she walked forwards to stand beside you with a smile.

Quickly you see Fluttershy’s demeanor change, her ears perking back up and her brow unfurrowing as she smiled back at the white unicorn. “Oh well in that case yes!” The yellow mare exclaimed in her usual hushed tone, “but, um, what about you?” She asked, her gaze shifting to your direction, “Will you be alright here by yourself? It’s just that Rarity and I always go to the spa once a week and, well, it just so happens that-“

Before the pegasus could finish her meek explanation, you wave a hoof in a dismissive manner, “No, it’s alright. I’ll walk with you two into town. I’ve been meaning to look around a bit anyways. Well assuming that’s alright with the two of you that is?” You ask hurriedly looking between the two mares, not wanting to be the kind of pony that just invited themselves without the consent of others.

But, to your immense relief, you see both Rarity and Fluttershy begin to smile and nod at your answer/question. “That’s fine with me” Fluttershy replies, her smile still in place, “Well, um, that is if it’s okay with Rarity too?”

“Oh Fluttershy it would be perfectly fine with me. I would be honored to have such a gentlecolt escort us into town.” Rarity answers in turn with a quick wink, “So, shall we be off,” Questions the purple maned unicorn, motioning to the door with a hoof and small curtsy. Your head feeling a bit light as you considered the white mare’s wink you nod and fall into line behind Fluttershy as the three of you began the walk into town from the secluded cottage.


Less than an hour later you were walking through the main square of the small town you had seen from the air yesterday. Having already bid farewell to your two companions after accompanying them to the location of their appointment you were alone, simply looking around at the various shops and stalls in the square.

So far your visit to the town, Ponyville if you could remember the name that Rarity had provided for the cluster of homes and shops correctly, had been nothing short of enjoyable if not amazing. Mostly due to the fact that pretty much every resident of the town was in an infectiously positive mood, every time you walked past a new face the pony in question gave no qualms against waving and saying a greeting of some sort. Already you had received a multitude of good morning’s, how do you do’s, and peculiarly one pony who simply looked at you, smiled, and shook his head saying “Pinkie’s gonna have a field day.” And while the last greeting had confused you, you still had waved at the colt and continued on.

Trotting happily along the line of shops and stalls, you stop to observe a small mirror hanging on a post to your left. Staring into the deep emerald pools that were your eyes you lose yourself to your own thoughts and emotions. Thoughts of confusion, intermingled with feelings of loneliness, and desperation raced through you. Confusion of who the creature staring back at you really was, and what connection did it have with the ‘others’ from your dreams. And feelings of loneliness over the fact that, though you were still very much surrounded by other ponies, you were still alone in the sense that nopony truly knew what your situation was like, and desperation over the fact that it seemed as if no matter what you did and no matter how hard you tried the key to unlocking the amnesiac safe that cut you off from your memories continued to evade you.

Mulling over these dismal thoughts in your mind, while enraptured in your reflection before you it hardly registers in your mind as the sound of rushed hooves on cobblestone approaches you. Suddenly you feel something bump into your side and fall to the ground with a hefty *THUD*.

“Oh my goodness, I’m very sorry, sir! I guess I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and didn’t see you-…oh! Hello there!” Looking to your side you see the familiar purple form of Twilight. The sight of her causing a slight flutter in your stomach. The mare picked herself up from the ground, having fallen after bumping into you during your zoned-out state, her head obviously having been buried in the hefty tome which now rested cover first in the street between the two of you.

“Oh, h-hey Twilight, how are you,” you ask with a slight stutter, a slight flush spreading across your face at the sight of the purple unicorn. Bending down to the ground you pick up the dropped tome with your hoof, lifting the book off of the ground you see Twilight’s cheeks darken in color to match your own.

“Oh, you really didn’t have to…” her sentence trails off as you extend the hoof holding her book towards her with a smile.

Her blush deepening, Twilight encases the book in the familiar violet aura you have come to associate with her telekinetic powers with a sheepish smile and muttered thanks. The book was lifted from your hoof into the air, drifting directly into the purple mare’s similarly colored twin saddlebags resting on either side of her. As Twilight relinquished her hold on the book and saddlebag, the light purple glow around the objects and her horn fading, she looked back to you with a slight flush still prominent in her cheeks.

Still looking into her eyes, you raise your eyebrows at the unicorn before you with an expectant look, waiting for her to answer your previous question. “What?” Twilight asks giving a confused stare in return to yours, only causing you to give an amused chuckle before answering in turn.

“You never answered my question,” you state. “I asked, how are you?” At your restatement of the question Twilight’s blush only deepens, her eyes starting to look at anything but you, much like a certain yellow pegasus’ would in any given situation.

“Oh, sorry,” She mumbles her eyes slowly refocusing onto your own, “But I’m, um, well I’m good! In fact I was just about to come and get you from Fluttershy’s. Actually, wait a minute. Now that I think about it,” the unicorn added with a thoughtful glance, “what the hay are you doing in town? I was sure Fluttershy would have locked you in her room because of your injury.” She finishes with a slightly playful tone and a smirk spreading across her face.

Hearing this you find it very hard not to give a hearty laugh in the middle of the busy market square, settling instead for a low one under your breath. “Well, she did try to,” you reply with a wink. “But apparently she and a white unicorn mare, named Rarity, had an appointment to go to the spa. And since I had been thinking of coming into town anyway, I decided to walk with them,” You answer with a smile at the purple mare. “But anyways, what did you need me for?”

“Oh! You met Rarity? She’s another good friend of mine! And Fluttershy and Rarity go to the spa once every week, usually on a Saturday like today, so that makes sense that you would come into town, instead of staying all alone at Fluttershy’s. And in answer to your question,” Twilight adds with a sly glance to you, “Today I visited Nurse Redheart, at the Ponyville General Hospital, and she let me borrow one of the hospital’s copies of Arcane Medical Remedies! So I thought that you might want me to take a look at your wing and the, -ahem-, rest of your overall health perhaps?” Twilight asked quirking an eyebrow up at the final part of her last sentence, obviously referring to your many other ‘mishaps’.

Though your face brightened slightly at Twilight’s joke, your expression lit up immediately all the same as soon as you realized what Twilight was offering. Upon seeing your overtly positive response Twilight’s wry grin widened into a fully fledged joyful smile.

“So, wait, you think you can fix my wing?” Your words fly out of your mouth in an excited rush, “and I’ll be able to fly full strength again?” A wide smile still on her face, Twilight began to nod before giggling at your sudden outburst, causing the somewhat receding blush to race back into your cheeks with renewed color.

“Well, yes. I think it is highly possible that I can! But I really don’t think that we should be doing a procedure like this in the middle of the street, as medical magic is a much more complicated branch of the arcane arts than some ponies might think.” Your expression’s enthusiasm drains a bit at this information before you question Twilight on where you could do the magic if you needed to be in a stable environment just to be able to perform it.

“Hmm well now that I think about it nothing really -OH! I know! We can go to the library, I still need some equipment for a proper procedure anyways, y’know some stuff to help keep you still and the works.” She responds with a warm smile. “Plus I have to check if Spike has finished his chores. Now that I think of it…” She finishes as her eyes narrow in a thoughtful manner, before she shakes her head slightly and looks back to you, the smile from earlier back on her face. “So? What do you say?”

“Well, to that? I say lead the way mademoiselle.” You say, bowing to the purple unicorn in a mock aristocratic air as you recalled the description that Rainbow had given the hollowed out tree home of Twilight Sparkle.

Giving a slight laugh and mock curtsy, Twilight walked past you merely motioning a hoof to tell you to follow her, before she was walking down the street in what you assumed to be the direction of her home. As you fall into step beside her Twilight begins to question you on how your stay at Fluttershy’s was.

Walking down the street on the left side of Twilight you tell her all about what had happened in between the time of her heading back home last night, and this morning. From Fluttershy’s icy glare which compelled you to do whatever she wanted, to your failed attempt at making the bed; the two of you talked about every aspect right until you found yourself right on the library’s doorstep.

At which point Ms. Twilight, and you walked into the library to make preparations for wing fixing.