Strange Winds

by Caelum

First published

A story of you, and you're shock of waking up to find that you are not quite yourself...

You awoke in an unfamiliar forest, your bed and apartment is gone, as is the city that they had inhabited. Though as you get your bearings in this new and unfamiliar world it seems that more than just your location has changed.

Now, scared and confused in a world that is not your own you must struggle to find a place of belonging and the reason as to why you have ended up in this strange and colorful new setting.

**Note From The Writer, Caelum: So if you haven't guessed already this is my first ever true attempt at writing; and so me being a fan of the second person surprise ponification FanFics decided to write my own. So happy reading to any of you who decide to read my little (hoping to grow bigger) story here. Also big thank you to Howitzer for editing this and giving me advice when i needed it. Also i highly recommend that you check out some of Howitzer's work particularly Rising Sun which in all honesty was one of the stories which kinda gave me the base idea for this one and is an awesome read. also Howitzer is willing to do editing work and is willing to help out aspiring writers

Chapter 1: Rude Awakenings

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Once again thanks to Howitzer for editing this for me and helping me get the ball rolling for this story idea thingy, but anyways happy reading.

Chapter 1:Rude Awakenings

With a groan you squeeze your eyes shut as tight as you can. Trying desperately to shut out the radiant light from the sun and go back to the sweet numbness of sleep. With a sigh you turn over to your other side, stubbornly keeping your eyes firmly shut hoping for even a few more minutes of sleep. As you lay there, you notice how unusually quiet it is for a Thursday morning. Normally in the city all you could hear in the wee hours of the morning are the alarm clocks in other tenants’ apartments; buzzing and beeping away for their cursing owners to get out of their beds. That, or the sounds of angry and impatient drivers in the streets below leaning heavily into their horns while shouting insults of incompetence and mockery to their fellow road users.

This morning, however, was different. Instead of the unpleasantness of the usual city atmosphere, all you could hear was the chirping of a collection of birds. Doubtlessly they are nesting outside your window. It’s pleasant nonetheless. There is also the sound of trees swaying in the breeze. You take a deep breath of the sweet air, and you let out a great sigh. You slowly open your eyes, content to just lay there forever in the soft warm confines of your…


Faster than a bullet you whip your head around, taking in your surroundings. This isn’t your bed. Hell, this isn’t even your room.

‘Trees, sunshine, BIRDS?! Just where the hell am I!?!’

You quickly back up to the nearest tree trunk, desperately trying to blend into the colour and texture of the dark brown bark, now digging into your back. Squeezing your eyes shut you attempt to bury your face in your hands flinging them up to your-

‘OW!! Why did that hurt so mu-ahhh ah AHH!’

Ignoring the pain in your face, for the moment, you stare in shock at where four fingers, a thumb, and a palm should be, only to see what appeared to be a hoof of some sort. Whatever it is, it is definitely NOT your hand. You slowly shift your gaze to your other arm, and you see the same odd protrusion where your other hand should be. Then you notice something is wrong with your arms as well! Your arms seem to be covered entirely in short, cream coloured hair! You attempt to stand up on your two legs with the plan to run. You don’t know where you’ll run, but somewhere, anywhere, is better than here. As soon as you push down on the ground, though, you wobble. You feel incredibly unbalanced, and fall down a slight hill near where you had been resting.

‘Ow, ow, ow, dammit! Gah!’ These were only some of the many thoughts going through your head as you rolled down the hill, hitting god-knows-what along the way. You must have hit several trees, branches, and even a few rocks. Then, just as you thought it was over, you roll off a slight ledge and land face-first in a rock strewn creek bed.

You’re in no rush to exacerbate your injuries, so you slowly bring yourself up from the misshapen heap you had somehow managed to land in, and stand up. You look down at the water, and your reflection, and you see a small, cream coloured, winged horse looking back at you.

Now, being a very rational person, and having dealt with your fair share of bizarre situations you did the very first thing that came to your mind. And, to be perfectly frank, it seemed the best course of action in the current predicament you found yourself in. You screamed. Very, very, loudly. And for quite a while, too. Then, when you had finally ran out of air and felt you couldn’t scream any longer, you took a deep breath and promptly fell to the ground, unconscious.


It was night. That was the first conclusion you came to when your eyes opened for the second time that day. Lying there, in the cold evening air, in a small creek, in a forest god-knows-where, you shiver. You slowly realize just how cold the night air was. Slowly, but surely, your mental faculties return, and you start thinking of what you saw before your unexpected blackout. It rushes back to you, and with a jolt you stand. Flicking your eyes to the surface of the creek you notice that the moonlight isn’t quite enough to see your reflection clearly. With a curse you look down to where you hands should be, only to see two cream coloured appendages with hooves on them. Your eyes, now widening to roughly the size of dinner plates, slowly make their way to your back, already dreading what you knew you would see. But you found yourself unable to continue without seeing it. You were surprised to see a pair of wings, neatly folded, on your back. They were a light cream colour, the same as your newly discovered equine body.

Despite the cold of the evening air, or the bone chillingly frigid temperature of the small creek, you sank to the ground, numb from shock, and disbelief. A small break in the clouds overhead allows the, now, bright light of the moon to shine through the canopy of trees, and onto the surface of the water. You gaze at the creek, and see your reflection staring back at you once more. With the light from the moon you can now get a clear look at yourself. You have a light cream coloured coat, two wings, which were sagging down to the ground in what appeared to be defeat, a brown mane which seemed undecided whether it wanted to be a darker or lighter shade, and two very large, very frightened, bright green eyes staring back at you from the depths of the water. Without warning the immensity of the situation you are in hits you at the same time that the reality of it sinks in. You reel backwards for a moment, feeling a sensation much akin to that of despair.

The reflection staring back at you from the calm creek is disrupted as a single tear falls from your muzzle into the slow moving water. Reaching up with your hoof to wipe away the tears you give a wet snuffle as you shakily stand up on all four legs and try to take a step forwards, only to overbalance yourself and fall face first into the rocky embankment of the creek.

Choking back a sob of anguish you try twice more to rise and walk to the opposite embankment, only to fail on each attempt. After falling for the third time, the tears you had been trying to hold back finally flowed freely from your eyes as you gave up on trying to walk. Using your front to legs to drag yourself underneath the overhead cover of a tree, you curl up against the trunk. You weakly raise a wing to drape over the rest of your shaking cold form. You slowly fall into a restless sleep, filled with thoughts of fear and uncertainty throughout the night.


“Come ON, Twilight! Today’s the day that Mr. & Mrs. Cake told me that they would make me that sapphire cupcake that they were hinting at all last week! Do we REALLY need to come out here?” Spike said with a hint of exasperation in his voice as the Number One Assistant of Twilight Sparkle trudged along with her. They were making their way down the dirt path that ran along the edges of the Everfree forest and the small creek that flowed near Ponyville.

“Spike,” Twilight began, “you know as well as I do that Mr & Mrs. Cake weren’t hinting at that cake. You accidentally heard it from Pinkie Pie during one of her, erm, moments, and secondly you mischievous little dragon,” she added with a knowing glance, “we need to be out here so that we can get Rarity some more of those blue orchids she uses to dye her fabrics, you do want to do something nice for, how did you put it? Your ‘sweet lady Rarity’, don’t you?”

“Oh! Well, um, I-I guess y-you’re right T-twilight, b-besides, I bet that c-cake isn’t even f-finished yet and it’s such a, uh, beautiful d-day” Spike stammered nervously while his scales showed the amazing ability to change from their original hue to one of a much darker violet as he quickly looked away from Twilight’s amused look. Suddenly, Spike tripped over a stray rock on the path that they were walking on. With a quick shout of surprise the little dragon stumbled sideways through the small bushes that lined the path that they were walking on.

”Spike!! Spike are you okay!?” shouted Twilight as she stuck her head through the bushes, trying to catch a glimpse of her fallen friend hectically casting her gaze into the gloom underneath the tree canopy.

“Uggh yeah, I’m fine Twilight, you don’t need to worry about me” came the reply from the shade “but it is a bit da-whoa!

“What, what?! What’s wrong?! Are you hurt?? Is something down there?? Spike? SPIKE??”

“Whoa whoa whoa Twilight! Calm down!! I’m fine, but there is something-“

“What? Spike, what is it?” Twilight shouted into the dim light of the forest.

“TWILIGHT!” shouted Spike with a commanding air that Twilight had not known he could muster, “I’m sorry for shouting...” he added in a downcast tone.

“I-It’s alright Spike” said a rather shocked Twilight Sparkle, “I should have listened to you, now what is the thing you saw down there?”

“Well Twilight that’s the thing it’s not what I saw down here, it’s more so who” explained Spike, “There’s somepony else down here!”

All of a sudden the tranquility of the small forest clearing was shattered by an ear-splitting scream. You were the source of the scream, since, at the moment that Spike was looking at you, you woke up. It’s bizarre form, slitted pupils, and coloration all came together to form a creature that shook you deeply. So, once again, you let out a piercing scream.

Chapter 2: A Different Perspective

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Chapter 2: A Different Perspective

“Whoa! Hold on there, just calm down! There’s no reason to freak out!” Spike cried out, obviously thrown off guard from your sudden response. Unfortunately for the young dragon, such creatures as himself had no logical place in your mind. That coupled with the fact that it is not only a menacing looking purple reptile with a hungry look on its face, it was a talking, menacing, purple reptile with a hungry look on its face.

’That lizard thing just talked! What the hell is this? What kind of twisted nightmare is this?’ These were your frantic thoughts, racing through your mind at the speed of light, as you stumbled shakily into an upright position; your wings arced behind you to help balance yourself. This stance, if not for the look of outright terror on your face, would probably have been a very imposing sight. At least, you hope it was imposing.

“B-b-back off! I’m warning you!” You manage to stammer out while rearing onto your hind legs and putting your hooves up into your approximation of a fighting stance, albeit a very unstable one.

“Spike! What’s going on?” This shout came from a second voice. It had a feminine edge to it, and it sounded anxious. “Is everything alright?”

You slowly began backing away from the reptile thing, which apparently was named ‘Spike.’ ‘Spike’ replies to the feminine voice with a small tremor in his voice. “The pony just woke up, and he doesn’t seem that happy to see me”

All of a sudden there were two bright purple flashes, both occurring within moments of one another. The first near the top of the hill, almost out of sight, which you still had bruises from falling down and where the feminine voice had seemed to be originating from. The second flash appeared directly in front of the reptile ‘Spike’ to reveal an angry looking purple unicorn. The anxiety building inside you finally reached its peak. The fact that there was a purple lizard thing in front of you, an apparently teleporting purple unicorn, and the fact that you didn’t know where you were, or WHO you were, all came together to just barely push you over the edge. Your body just seized up, and you were nearly paralyzed by it. Your jaw snapped shut with an audible click, your eyes snapped shut, and your legs locked up. Sadly, though, this panic induced muscular contraction extended to your wings. The fact that they were fully extended certainly made things worse for you.

Both of the feathered appendages on your back swept downward with extreme force, catching the air as they did so, and shooting you upwards. Now, had you been out in a field or in a slight clearing of the forest, with no overhead obstacles, this shockingly powerful takeoff might have propelled you straight into the air for what some might see as an impressive flight. Much to your dismay, though, you were not in a field, nor any sort of clearing with open sky. Instead you were in a forest, underneath a tree which just happened to have very, very thick branches right above you. So instead of propelling you to a successful escape, the wings on your back launched you into what seemed to be the biggest branch on the whole tree. Luckily you managed to hit it head first, saving the rest of your body from harm. With an almighty *CLUNK* the top of your head slammed into the tree-branch, sending you plummeting back to the ground in a heap, and straight into unconsciousness.’


“OH MY CELESTIA!” A very shocked Twilight Sparkle shouted, as the unconscious body of the Pegasus who, for no apparent reason, just launched itself into a tree branch fell to the ground with a dull thud.

“Twilight!” Spike exclaimed, surprised by the purple unicorns choice of words. “Did you just swear?”

“Spike, that doesn’t matter right now! What does matter is that this Pegasus just knocked himself unconscious, and probably gave himself a concussion too!” Twilight said frantically. “Oh no, what if he’s hurt? I don’t know much healing magic. Oh, I knew that I should have borrowed Nurse Redheart’s book of Arcane Medicinal Remedies! What if he’s seriously injured and-”

“Twilight,” Spike said in a serious tone, trying to cut into his purple maned companion’s rant, before she went into one of her infamous ‘episodes’. “Why don’t we try to think about what to do now instead of what we could have done then so we can actually help him?”

“Oh, um, well, you’re... you’re completely right Spike,” admitted the purple unicorn sheepishly as her cheeks began to change colour in embarrassment. “B-but, oh Spike, what should we do?” She asked in a nervous tone, uncharacteristic of the usually organized, headstrong, mare. The baby dragon frowned in confusion as he thought of all the different courses of action that he and his friend could take to help this poor pegasus. Then all of a sudden he got an idea, one that would involve Twilight’s unicorn prowess to carry the poor unconscious stallion.

“Twi, I know who we can take him to,” Spike said slowly, “but I don’t think that she’ll like the idea at first.”

Twilight’s brow furrowed in confusion at Spike’s explanation, but then slowly her confusion turned to a slight pang of worry as she realised just who her Number One Assistant had in mind. “Oh no Spike, but...I guess she is the only one who can help. And I think you’re right, she isn’t going to like this at all.


It was a beautiful sunny day at the small cottage that stood just on the outskirts of Ponyville, and the reclusive yellow pegasus who inhabited it couldn’t help but smile as she cared for the animals who chose to make their many dens and other manner of homes as near as possible to the animal-loving pony who lived there. At the moment Fluttershy was flying in between the many different bird feeders and homes to see if any had been damaged in last night’s unusually strong winds, and if any needed repair.

“Oh dear, it seems as if the roof of this bird feeder is broken Angel bunny,” the shy mare exclaimed to the small white rabbit that was resting on her back between the joints of her wings. The small creature quickly leapt from the middle of the diminutive pegasus’ back to the top of her head to look closer at the mentioned birdhouse before crossing his arms and nodding his head sharply.

“Oh my,” she quietly exclaimed. “Well, um, what do you suppose we do then?” out of nowhere the small creature produced a tiny orange construction hard-hat and mimed the usage of a jackhammer ,which was made quite realistic since the rabbit used his powerful legs to rapidly vibrate up and down. “Oh, Angel! I don’t know if demolishing the house would be the best, but, um, if you really think that would work then, um, we can do that-if-you-really-want-to.” She finished looking off to the side away from the small bunny.

Angel, obviously realizing that she had misunderstood his meaning face-pawed and shook his outstretched hands and head from side to side, then motioning to the saddlebags on Fluttershy’s flanks he motioned using a hammer to nail wood. “Oh, I think I see what you mean now! You meant to say we should repair the birdhouse, oh, Angel that’s a wonderful idea! But we will need to go get some more tools from the cottage, won’t we?”

The small creature nodded vigorously in agreement to the yellow mare’s statement content at being understood, and quickly hopped from her back and began to make his way to the cottage as fast as his little legs could carry him. Fluttershy gently landed upon the soft grass at the base of the tree before folding her wings back neatly against her sides. She looked back up at the damaged birdhouse, and she thought, ’oh I hope the little birds are all okay.’ Looking back to her cottage to begin the walk back when she heard a sound, it sounded like somepony was calling her name but she couldn’t be quite sure who it was or where it was coming from. Knowing that nopony had made any plans with her today, and since she didn’t expect any of the girls to come by, her mind started to enter panic mode.

’Oh my,’ she thought to herself. ’What if it’s Iron Will again! Oh no, I don’t know if I can deal with him again or maybe its somepony even worse than that! Maybe it’s… Oh my… a… SALESPONY!’ She let out a quiet squeak at that last thought, and she began quickly looking down either way of the road to see where the pony was coming from. After a moment she spotted them. On the road coming from the Everfree forest was a small blob which looked mostly purple with some hints of cream, and green. As Fluttershy began to run back to her cottage there was a blinding purple flash directly in front of her path. She let out a quiet shriek of surprise as she ran straight into the unicorn responsible for the bright purple teleportation spell.

Landing on top of a very exhausted Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy wasn`t quite sure what to expect, and was about to begin apologising for running into her when all of a sudden the out of breath librarian began to speak in between gasping breaths.

“Was... looking for... orchids to... Rarity... when all of a... Spike tripped and fell... found pegasus... went to see what was... wrong... the pegasus... unconscious... brought.. here... thought... you could help,” huffed the obviously exhausted Twilight unintelligibly.

“Um, Twilight, well it seems as if you aren’t speaking too clearly, and it’s making it just a teensy bit hard to understand what you mean. So, um, if you wouldn’t mind, maybe, talking just a bit clearer? But only if you really want to, that is. I mean it isn’t that big of a deal if I don’t understand...” Fluttershy trailed off weakly as she watched her friend’s chest heave, acting as further proof that she was obviously out of breath. The purple mare simply looked up at her friend and then simply pointed a hoof to the area behind where she was standing. Slowly turning to look at the spot where Twilight was pointing, Fluttershy’s eyes widened in surprise and concern as her gaze settled upon the unconscious form of a certain cream coloured, brown maned, stallion sprawled on the soft grass that she had landed on just moments ago.

“Oh dear.”


For the third time, in the course of what seemed a day, you opened your eyes, this time to the slight sound of wind going through a window and the slight chirping of birds. However you quickly realised that you were not underneath a tree in a forest, nor were you slowly being devoured by that strange ‘Spike’ thing, but in fact you were in a bed! Relief flooded through your mind like cleansing water, washing an invisible film of worry from your extremities. Sighing with content you burrow deeper into the warm confines of the bed sheets. You could hear the familiar sounds of the creaking bed frame, the gentle rustle of cloth on cloth, and the rustling of your wings’ feathers against the soft fabric.

All of a sudden, though, your eyes snapped open, taking in your surroundings, noting certain things as you did so. Yes, you were in a bed. No, it was not your own. Yes, you were now in a house of some sort but definitely not the apartment you could remember, or had it even been an apartment? With a slight twinge of despair you realised that you could still not remember your name, and now it seemed as if that the amnesiac episode which had taken the knowledge of your own identity from you was beginning to move into the limited memories you had before ending up in, well, wherever this was. With a groan you lean back into the bed, head against the pillow, trying to recall the events of the last time you woke up.

From the little you can recall, you gather that the purple thing that was called Spike was about to attack you had you not woken up to foil his plan. But then that purple unicorn had appeared out of nowhere and scared the living bejeezus out of you and remembered seizing up in fear, and then being propelled upwards, and then....blackness. Looking at your surroundings again you begin to wonder just how you had gotten to this room away from your attackers? If you were unconscious then that must have meant that someone had come to your rescue and scared off the two purple perpetrators.

While you pondered these questions you failed to notice the sound of hooves coming up the stairs, only hearing them when they had stopped outside of the door. A slight knock on the door caused you to jump, and then a shockingly familiar voice came from behind the closed door. A voice that filled you with dread. It was the feminine voice of that purple unicorn from the forest!

“Hello? Are you okay in there?” she asked, “we thought we heard somepony moving around a bit up here and we figured you must have woken up. Do you mind if I come in?”

’Oh no, I was never rescued from that forest, those two captured me!’ You begin to think rapidly. ’And now they’ve taken me back to their lair! Oh dear lord what could they be planning!?’

“Um, are you awake?” The voice sounded once more.

’Quick, think! What should you do?’ You think, panicking, before the more reasonable side of your thoughts began to work out the situation.

’Well surely if they wanted to eat us they would have done so by now?’ This comment was brought forth by the side of reason.

’But maybe that’s just what they WANT us to think, so that they can lull us into a false sense of security!’ This frantic cry came from the other half of your mind.

Why would they go through the trouble of putting us into a warm bed, bandaging our head injuries, and bringing us to their home so we wouldn’t be left outside if they were just going to kill us anyways?’ The rational side of your brain was winning, and you knew it.

’Maybe they prefer to play with their food first, just like cats do! Or maybe they just didn’t want any damaged goods! Maybe we’re going to be sold into a cannibal meat market of sorts!’ The pleas of your panic were increasing in both volume, and absurdity.

’Panic,’ the reasonable side said, ’that is completely ridiculous and you know it’

’Not as ridiculous as if they were space aliens!’ Panic cried indignantly before gasping, ’MAYBE THEY’RE SPACE ALIENS!’

While the heated debate between the two halves of your mind continued on with a renewed gusto you almost barely noticed the slight sound of a sigh near the door and hooves on wood as the mare outside of it turned away from the door, presumably to head back down stairs while speaking. “Well then, I’ll just be downstairs if you wake up and need me. Please don’t hesitate to call.” A brief moment later you hear the voice speak again, this time in an undertone almost too low for you to hear, “please be okay.” With this small detail both sides of your mind came to a single and unanimous decision to end their debate to give you one important command to carry out while sitting in the unfamiliar bed, looking quite confused.

’SAY SOMETHING YOU FOOL! Panic and Reason both shouted.

“W-wait,” you stammered out, causing the hoof-steps to stop.

“Yes?” The relieved and hopeful reply quickly followed your words.

“N-no, I don’t mind,” you said quietly, before quickly adding, “If you come in, that is. If you still want to”. Even though you can’t see her yet, you could have sworn you saw the mare’s smile of relief in your mind.

“Of course I do!” Her reply is eager, and heartfelt. You even hear a slight giggle at the end of her sentence. As the door opens and the purple mare steps into the room you are lying in, you get your first true look at her since your panicked ascent into the trees. Remembering this you feel a slight heat rush to your face, as you think of what it must have looked like from her end and suppress the urge to bury yourself back under the sheets of the bed.

“Hello!” She says cheerfully, “My name is Twilight Sparkle, I’m the one who brought you here after your, um, accident.” You notice that she breaks eye contact for just a quick second and makes a conscious effort not to look at your head bandage, almost as if she’s the one who is to blame.

“But anyway!” She continues, ignoring the previous pause, “I was wondering what your name was? And maybe what you were doing all alone in the Everfree forest? It can be a dangerous place in there for ponies.” At the last remark a touch of concern enters her voice and her brow furrows as she looks at you.

Silently you begin to think about both of her questions, both loaded and each as unanswerable as the other. At your lack of answer you start to notice her breaking eye contact and shifting from hoof to hoof awkwardly

’Can’t just stay silent, gotta think of something, why not the truth? You ask yourself.

Looking down at your hooves on the bedspread you sigh deeply and look back up into Twilight’s, now puzzled, expression. “Well, um, the truth is, Twilight is it?” the mare simply gives you a warm smile and nods, letting you continue, “I honestly have no clue,” you say rather sheepishly.

At her confused glance you elaborate, “Well to answer your question about the forest, I woke up there. Yesterday I just opened my eyes and there I was, then I fell down a small hill and saw these,” you weakly flutter the wings on your back for emphasis, “before blacking out, then after I woke up I had to drag myself under a tree, because I couldn’t properly walk, and whenever I tried I would always overbalance and collapse. Then when I finally came to the next day there was this purple lizard thing staring at me, which kinda freaked me out, I think you called him Spike?”

She nods before you continue. “Well, anyway, as I’m trying to back away and get away from him, all of a sudden there are two bright purple flashes and then, poof, somehow you appear there. It’s hardly accurate to say that I was a little shocked at that point and then, well I guess you would probably know the story a lot better than I would from there on.” You finish giving a weak laugh. Twilight continues to stare at you for a small amount of time before slowly finally speaking.

“So, you don’t remember anything, before yesterday?” You shake your head in response. “Well then,” she continues, “Is your head feeling a little better now? As in do you think that you could get out of the bed and come downstairs?” She finishes with a smile, and you begin pondering this yourself. In response you slowly roll over onto your side off of the bed and land on your stomach. Knowing that you will regret it, you decide to try to stand on all four legs, even though you suspect that you will probably just fall over again. You mentally prepare yourself to put pressure on the four hooves underneath yourself. As you raise yourself up, you stand and slowly raise one shaky hoof forwards and place it back onto the floor.

With exhilaration you realise you hadn’t fallen! Slowly you begin to walk to where Twilight stood near the door, beaming at every step you took closer to her. When you finally reach her it looks as if her face is about to split in two from the joy she is displaying. “So you are? Perfect,” she exclaims. Together the two of you walk out of the room to the stairs where you stop, your confidence dying on the spot as the purple unicorn continued down the stairs, getting halfway to the bottom before you said something.

“Um,Twilight,” you ask in a whisper. Twilight looks back up in confusion as to why you have stopped before realisation dawns on her face.

“Oh…” she said quietly, looking on as your face began to burn with embarrassment. Before you can say anything else however a slight purple light encloses your entire being and lifts you into the air.

“Hey,” you exclaim. “What’s going on-” you start, before realising that Twilight’s horn is glowing the same colour as the field. The field lifts you to the bottom of the stairs gently, and quickly. Looking back up to the smiling unicorn’s face as she trots down the last few steps you start to say something, anything. An apology or an expression of gratitude begins to form in your mind but before you even have a chance to say one of the many words you wish to say to the helpful and caring mare, she simply lays a hoof on your shoulder.

“Shh, don’t think anything of it, it’ll be our secret as well okay?” She gives you a quick wink and you feel a blush rise to your cheeks. “Now, let’s go meet the others.” She giggles at your sudden change of colour, and she slowly begins to walk into what appears to be the kitchen. Her giggle manages to completely block out the thought of ‘the others’ and just who they might be as you followed her.

Chapter 3: A Silent Greeting

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Chapter 3: A Silent Greeting

The first thing you noticed as you walked through the house was the vast array of different animal-related objects placed around the room. Cat scratchers, bird posts, some beds for dogs, the list went on, and on.

Okaaay, so either I am in the local animal shelter, or this unicorn is a step up from a crazy cat mare. You chuckle quietly to yourself at this thought, trying to imagine the kind unicorn surrounded by cats. The picture in your head was quite amusing to say the least, so amusing in fact that you hadn’t noticed the uneven floorboard in front of you.

Hitting the loose plank with the edge of your hoof you stumble forwards clumsily, just barely catching yourself before hitting the hardwood surface. Looking up you see Twilight taking extra care not to look back at you, but slowing her pace so that she didn’t leave you behind in the unfamiliar room. You see that she is trying very hard to suppress a giggle. With a slight burning in your cheeks, you pick yourself up and continue to follow the purple mare through the living room into the kitchen. ’Well at least she tried to keep my pride intact.’ You thought as the slight heat from your cheeks faded and they returned to their normal hue.

As you continue to make your way to the kitchen you notice that the small purple reptile, Spike, if you recall correctly, was fast asleep on the couch. You hear Twilight give a slight chuckle as she sees him.

“Oh, Spike,” she sighs. “I guess that was a bit too much excitement for you after all.” As you see Spike’s unconscious form you can’t help but laugh at the notion of thinking that this tiny creature was about to somehow attack you. Hearing your laugh Twilight turns her head to look at you with a humorous smile on her face.

“Usually he’s very active,” she says, nodding her head in gesture to Spike sleeping peacefully on the couch. “But I guess high levels of stress, and me freaking out, really takes it out of the little dragon.” At her last remark you pause in your laughter and glance in confusion first at Twilight then at Spike before voicing your question.

“Dragon?” You say cocking your head to one side, “That’s what he is?”

“Why yes of course, silly, what did you think he was?” She giggles while looking at you incredulously.

“Well, it’s just, I thought that,” You stumble over your words as you try to pick the best answer. Preferably one that wouldn’t undermine the little sleeping dragon’s pride. “Aren’t dragons supposed to be all,” you expand your wings for emphasis, “I don’t know, huge?”

Realization crosses Twilight’s face as she sees your meaning “Ooohhh” she starts as she begins to shake her head slowly. “No, no, nonono. Spike here is actually just a baby dragon, which is why he gets so tired so fast! If he was fully grown, or even in his early stages of adolescence for that matter, the little Spike here would actually be much, much bigger. In fact I’m not even sure if he would be able to fit in the cottage,” she exclaimed with a smile, seeming to understand your confusion.

“Oh! Well then how did you come across Spike exactly? If you don’t mind my asking, that is?” The last part of your sentence was a bit rushed, as if you are worried of causing unintentional offense. As is her nature Twilight gives another giggle at your rushed response, which, despite yourself, you cant help but notice how cute it makes her appear. Once again you feel a heat rise to your cheeks as you listen intently to what the mare in front of you has to say.

“Oh of course I mind! How could you ever ask such a thing?” She replies with a heavy hint of playful sarcasm, “Well I came across Spike during an entrance exam for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. The point of the exam was for me to hatch the egg that Spike was in at the time, and since dragons as a species have a very high resistance to magic themselves it would have required a very large amount of arcane energies to even crack the egg slightly. But then all of a sudden during the exam there was a very loud bang!” She clops her hoof down in front of herself for emphasis, “and a very bright rainbow flashed across the sky. And it just so happens it was one of my good friends, Rainbow Dash, who had just performed her very first Sonic Rainboom.”

You are confused by this, and it must show on your face. Twilight continues with an apologetic look on her face. “Which I cannot explain truthfully. Rainbow is much more knowledgeable on the subject than I am.” She adds sheepishly, “But, anyway, after the Rainboom occurred I felt a massive pressure being released from my chest, and a feeling much akin to being dunked in a tank of ice water. Then all of a sudden my horn began to glow from a dark purple to a bright white, and a surge of power unlike any I had felt before washed over the small egg in front of me,” Twilight exclaimed, obviously becoming lost in her reverie. “And then when the bright spots on my vision had faded there was Spike, as cute a baby dragon as ever, sucking on his tail. But don’t tell him that I told you that last part, I wouldn’t want him to be embarrassed” she adds with a conspiratorial wink.

“So wait,” you begin trying to understand, “to him, Spike, I mean, you’re like a mother figure of sorts?” Immediately you can see this was not the case at all, as it is Twilight’s turn to be embarrassed. She looks away quickly with cheeks darkening by the second.

“Oh!…well,” she begins as if unsure how to respond to your remark. Realizing your mistake you start to apologize.

“Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t know that-” you begin.

“No, no, it’s quite alright, it’s my fault I didn’t-” Twilight stammers.

“Well it just seemed that-”

“Spike’s my friend, and that’s… um-”

“Well, yes, now that I think about it I don’t know how I saw that.”

“Wait, what?” Twilight looked quite confused at what you had just said.

“Not that I don’t think you could be a mother! Of..welll..uh…” You trail off and look to the side, very much aware that Twilight is doing the same. You are also very much aware of the burning heat of your face as you keep from making eye contact with one another. Very faintly you hear a slight grunt of annoyance from the couch.

“Ugh” mumbled the now awake Spike. “Twilight, if you don’t let me sleep in peace I’ll tell him just what you think abou- mmmf mm mfffmm.” Spike never got to tell you what it was that the unicorn had an opinion about, as at that moment the blanket that had been draped over the baby dragon had flown into his open mouth, efficiently gagging him, and preventing him from finishing his sentence.

As the aura around Twilight’s horn faded away it seemed almost as if the glow from it had stayed on her face, as she quickly spun around and began to trot away. She spoke quickly, mirroring her embarrassment. “Why don’t we go meet Fluttershy? I think she’s in the kitchen, this way!” She quickly turned the corner, and entered the next room. You give an apologetic look to Spike, who had just managed to remove his impromptu gag. Spike just grumbled, before flipping over on his other side as you trot off around the corner Twilight had just rounded, to find where she went off to.


As you walked into the kitchen you see a very brightly coloured toucan sitting upon the fridge in the far corner of the room. However as soon as you open your mouth to ask about it, you walk straight into a yellow pegasus, causing her to drop the cookbook she was carrying. “Oh! I’m so sorry,” you stammer quickly. “Are you alright?” Without a word the yellow pegasus simply nods her head, and looks back down to the ground.

“Um, well what’s your name?” You ask valiantly, trying to start a conversation with the seemingly mute pegasus. “Mine’s...uh...” Your voice drops off as you speak. You suddenly realize just how difficult it was to not have a name. Turning your head sideways, you glance out the window, thinking to yourself about what your name could be when you hear a small sound. It was almost as if the small rabbit in the corner had coughed. “What’s that,” you question as you come back from your thoughts to the small kitchen again.

The yellow pegasus’ eyes darted back up for a split second, fixating on your own, before darting to the side as she mumbled something in the quietest voice you could possibly imagine. The only part of the word you could actually hear was an ‘F’ at the beginning and what sounded like ‘shy’ at the end. Slowly a small inkling of understanding leaked into your confused mind, and with an unsure note in your tone you speak up, “Um... it’s Fluttershy, right?”

Meekly, the yellow mare looked up and nodded before her eyes darted back down and another unintelligible mumble came out of her mouth. You were about to ask what she said, but, before you could do so, a bright purple flash came from outside of the house, quickly followed by a yelp and a splash. Both you and Fluttershy race outside to see the source of the noise, only to see a very disgruntled, and very wet, Twilight Sparkle clambering out of the small creek that ran by Fluttershy’s cottage, muttering darkly under her breath.

“Oh m-my!” You almost jumped as the reclusive yellow mare beside you spoke up with a tone much louder than the inaudible mumbles she had been using before. “Twilight! Are you okay?”

“Oh yes! I’m just fine and dandy!” Twilight blurted this out in a rather huffy voice. When Twilight noticed the reaction in Fluttershy her expression softened drastically. “Oh horseapples, I’m sorry Fluttershy. I didn’t mean to shout. It’s just, ugh, what with unicorn teleportation being prone to emotional distraction etcetera, etcetera, I didn’t think that I would wind up, well soaked.” She finished with a small flick of her tail, shaking some water out.

“Oh, well that’s alright Twilight, I’m sure you had a good reason to be emotionally distracted” Fluttershy said with a small smile. “But, if you don’t mind me asking, what was it that you were distracted from? Oh, but you don’t have to tell me, only if you really want to…”

At this the purple unicorn flushed deeply, and started to shift from hoof to hoof while looking at the various trees to either side of her. “Er, well Fluttershy, um, it was, well that is to say.” You see the slight spark of an idea appear in her eyes. “Well it was about our new friend here! And about what we might, um, do about him to help him and, ah, how he might be feeling and other things…” Twilight trails off, and you ponder the meaning to what she had said, quickly becoming confused at the unicorn’s odd behaviour.

“Well, um, since you’re all wet Twilight, maybe you’d like for me, but only if you want me to, to go get some towels so you could dry yourself off? Oh but only if you want to. If you like being wet that’s fine too…” Fluttershy hesitantly commented, obviously not wanting her friend to stay in discomfort.

Twilight’s features lit up with a warm smile, directed at the yellow mare. “Why thank you Fluttershy! Sure lets go inside, um, are you going to come inside as well?” Twilight added directing the question at you, with what seemed like an eager look in her gaze.

“Um, well not right now” You reply, but upon seeing Twilight’s eager face fall you are quick to correct yourself. “But I will in a bit! Just being inside, I guess, has taken its toll on me. I just need some fresh air, that’s all.” Finishing your explanation with a warm smile you see Twilight’s features light up once again.

“Okay,” she says with a hint of relief. “We’ll probably be upstairs or in the living room when you come in, is that okay?” You nod, and the two mares make their way into the cottage, commenting on how Twilight had miscalculated her teleport so badly. Not having any clue whatsoever as to how magic worked you rustled your wings slightly, and gave a mental shrug. Looking from the small dwelling around the yard you realise just how much the nearly silent pegasus must care for the animals in the surrounding area.

While looking around the yard you spot a small mockingbird sitting upon a tree branch. As you stare at it, the avian creature gives you a cheerful whistle then flies off of the branch, flitting away to the other side of the cottage. After the small bird is well out of sight you find your eyes lingering on the light blue of the sky. Unconsciously you feel your wings rustle and twitch as you begin to get the strongest urge, no need, to feel the wind blowing across your face hundreds of feet above the ground.

Giving a cursory look around, and making sure that nopony is around to see you, you raise your powerful cream coloured appendages high over your head. Looking to either side of you, you take in a gasp of breath, never before had you truly seen your wings before now. Never before had you seen such elegance. You feel a blush rise to your cheeks at the narcissistic thought. You once more glance around for a sign of anypony else, and flex your wings. Thinking to yourself, ’Hey I did it in the forest, how different could it be?’

Almost as in response your head gives a slight throb reminding you of the episode in the forest. This recollection of the events almost made you turn back to the cottage so you could just go lay comfortably back into the bed that awaited there.

Almost that is. With one mighty downsweep of your wings, powerful enough to rival even that of the one from earlier, you rocket into the sky as a cream blur and you feel the wind fly past your face.

You laugh to yourself as you take to the sky. ’I’m flying, I’m actually flying. This isn’t that hard I could do this all day, easy peasy lemon squeezy’

No words could describe how wrong you were about to be.

Chapter 4: Falling in Style

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Chapter 4: Falling in Style

Terror. Absolute, mind numbing, terror, actually. That was the best possible term to describe the emotions rampaging through your psyche, as you plummeted 2000 feet to the bone crushing, life-ending, ground below. Now, your mind racing at speeds previously unbeknownst to Ponykind, you can’t help but smile at the irony of the whole situation. You had wanted to admire the hills from above, and now they rush up to greet you, like familiar friends. Then again, none of your friends want to kill you. At least, you hope not.

’Less than two days in this world, and I’m going to leave it with no true memories. And to make matters better, I’m going to leave the same way I arrived. In a crater.’

As soon as the smile appeared on your face, however, it vanished, only to be replaced by the pure terror in your mind as the instinctual fear of death took over coupled with a generous amount of panicked adrenaline shot straight from your brain into your nervous system. You feel the world seem to slow around you as your brain kicks into overdrive from the overwhelming emotion of fear all but took over. But even with the dead weight of you fear you notice something, another emotion in the further reaches of your mind growing rapidly to push out the gripping terror. The will, no, the need to survive. Having just arrived in this world you thought it was your right to live a bit longer than two damn days, most of which you weren’t even conscious for! At this realization all of the built up fear and anxiety drained from your complexion, only to be replaced by the cold, hard, face of determination. The determination to live, breathe, and, in all aspects, not become an unknown pony-pancake to be referred to as ‘that poor soul’, or ‘the terrible tragedy’.

Gritting your teeth, you slowly begin to reposition you body so that your hind legs were outstretched behind you, and your forelegs pointed to the ground. The rushing currents forcing you to squint your eyes to see without your eyes watering, you slowly begin to re-extend your wings, still sore after being frozen paralyzed against your flank.

As you continue to hurtle to the ground you begin to level yourself out, attempting to slow your rapid descent. With a painful whipping sound your wings catch the billowing air ripping past your slender frame. Wings flaring at the mercy of the wind you begin to pick up speed yet again with renewed vigour.

You snap your wings back against your sides with a grimace. As you stare at the rapidly approaching ground a feeling of despair washes over you. However, instead of this unwelcome emotion sapping the last remaining ounce of your resolve it just fortifies it. You redouble your efforts to stabilize your breakneck descent, and you vaguely notice that you passed the point in the sky where the initial velocity from your first down stroke on the ground had faded.

Your face takes on an expression of grim-faced contempt as your memory reminds you of your soon-to-be- fatal mistake. As you began to slow in the air you started to raise your wings, preparing for another mighty down stroke of the cream feathered wings, yearning for a higher altitude as the adrenaline of being so high up pumped through your system. You quickly realize that, though the risk of falling immediately onto your face was significantly less, the prospect was of maintaining a level balance and stable posture was more than just a gentle suggestion. It was a life or death necessity, and due to your current situation you had obviously wandered down the second path.

As your wings had reached their peak in preparation for another mighty flap, your center of balance (and therefore your entire being) began to roll to your right side and in a panicked reaction you twisted your body to the left performing a full barrel roll with your wings, much like they had earlier in the forest, reflexively whipping downwards with astounding force. Thankfully you had been facing the right way up when the cream coloured appendages caught buckets of air and propelled you far past the thin cloud layer and into the slightly thinner oxygen levels of the higher altitudes. Your wings, your only hope for salvation, at this point, are frozen against your sides. Despite any attempts to move the lightly coloured wings, in your petrified state the appendages refused to budge. That was the beginning of the terrifying plummet you started just moments ago.

You tried, yet again, to extend your wings against the wind, as it pinned the two feathered appendages against your sides. Tearing your gaze from the unnerving sight of your wings pinned to your sides, you realise with a cry of despair that you are able to make out individual details on the larger buildings of the town. Vague details, mind you, but still! Those buildings had been little more than multicoloured specks a few moments ago!

With one final burst of effort, your wings spring open like an umbrella caught in a windstorm. You grit your teeth, and clench your eyes shut, as you prepare yourself for the socket wrenching pain of the wind hammering your wings without mercy, hell bent on keeping you within its vice-like grip of death. With a whimper you feel the beginning sensations of your wings giving way under the stress and pressure being put under them. You tense what you assume to be your primaries in a desperate attempt to keep the two protrusions, and the braking action they were providing for that matter, stable. With growing dread you can feel the pressure and stress building up in the sockets set in the nook just behind your shoulders in the small of your back. You squeeze your eyes shut in preparation for the wrenching pain you were about to feel as your wings were ripped with astounding force back into the slipstream of air behind you.

Only the wrenching pain never came.

Your eyes snap open, and you whip your head around to stare at the trembling appendages behind you. Your ruffled wings look as though they had just been through a baseball bat fight that they had brought a pillow to, after being pummelled by the harshest winds known to all pony-kind. Yet somehow the beaten, and battered, wings had won. There, just behind your shoulders, obviously on the precipice of their breaking point were your two fully outstretched wings.

You turn your head back to the fast approaching ground, and blinked in confusion. All of a sudden you knew exactly what you needed to do. With no explanation whatsoever the information you needed to be able to pull yourself out of the steep dive was there. All in your head, seemingly unlocked from the dark recesses of your mind came forth multiple possible flight trajectories some complicated and some simple. There were also calculations of wind speeds and altitude to allow you know how long until you collided with the ground, and the locations of various updrafts and patches of dead wind to be wary of.

Had you been thinking more deeply about the situation you might have realized that this newly discovered useful information could only have come from the vast memory banks still locked in the iron banded grip of your amnesiac attack. But currently your mind was focused on more, shall we say, pressing matters. Such as the daunting task of angling your trajectory so that it would bring you curving into the direction of the small cloud to your right, seeing it as the last piece of driftwood in a roiling sea, you direct yourself towards it. Hoping this last attempt to slow your trajectory could save you from becoming a pony-pancake.

Almost expertly you begin to perform a combination of subtle adjustments to how your wings and different individual feathers within them were positioned, while ever so slightly leaning to the right, second by second coming closer to the cloud that was to save your life.

It only took fifteen seconds, but to you they lasted an eternity.


Rainbow Dash flicked her tail contently. Happy with how she had oh-so-expertly beaten her previous record for sky clearing in under 8.5 seconds. Leaving Twilight shocked once again.

Now that she thought about it though, something about the purple unicorn had seemed... off. Rainbow couldn’t quite place a hoof on it but there was something there, ’meh’ thought the self proclaimed (yet still not proven wrong) fastest flier in all Equestria, ’I’ll just ask the egghead later, she’s probably just freakin’ out about nothing again’

Reflecting on how her close friend had once enchanted a stuffed doll with some crazy spell just because she thought she was late for homework. Homework! Rainbow shuddered at the thought of one of the studious librarians more well known infamous ‘episodes’ , mentally making a note to check in on her ASAP to ensure nothing got out of hoof.

“Ahhhh,” sighed the rainbow maned pegasus as she nestled deeper into the fluffy cloud for her nap, putting aside any of the days previous worries. Just before she retreated to the sweet reprieve of her daily afternoon rest period she heard a faint whistling sound. Confused she opened her eyes and scanned the sky.

“Last time I checked nopony ever flew round this time.” She muttered under her breath pondering what the whistling sound could be. As the tone increased in pitch and volume the cyan blue mare stood up, scanning the sky more fervently for the source of the sound.

Just when the sound reached a screaming crescendo and Rainbow had opened her wings with the intent to search in the air for the worrisome sound, the cloud which she had been using as shade from the sun above her shook, emitting a dull *WHUMP*, and an almost simultaneous *POP*, as the source of the odd whistling sound burst the cloud above a very surprised Rainbow Dash, and continued straight through the second cloud bursting it in a similar fashion as the previous one above.

Unfortunately for the rainbow maned pegasus the aforementioned “second cloud” that the object had burst through just so happened to be the exact cloud that she was standing on. So, just as she began to comment on “What the buck” the cream coloured blur was doing, the solid cloud underneath her own hooves gave way, leaving the end of her sentence a high pitched yelp, as Rainbow entered freefall. She quickly righted herself in midair, though, and she tracked the fast moving cream hued blur, much like a hawk spotting its prey.

Firing up her powerful wings Rainbow gave an evil grin, and she let out a snort.

“So you think you’re fast, eh?” Shouted the annoyed pegasus after pumping her wings once, twice, and a third time before building up an impressive amount of speed for her size, “Let me show you what fast really is!” shouted Rainbow shooting off in the blink of an eye as she gave chase.

As her crimson hued eyes tracked the blur she smirked as a single thought went through her mind.

’Somepony’s flank was about to get kicked


Whipping your head around you see the blue winged pony whom you had previously disturbed right herself in the air and start shouting something, just before turning your head back forwards. Wings flaring out behind you like dual parachutes you begin to rapidly dump the speed you had gained during you death defying descent. Now, however, with your newfound knowledge of flight theory and how your own wings worked, you couldn’t help but keep a stupid grin on your face as you decelerated with force.

“Hey!” The shout just barely reached your ears over the roaring wind, you twist your neck so you can see past your, in your mind and somewhat truthfully, impressive wingspan. Behind you was the cyan blue pegasus that, judging by her unhappy expression, you had succeeded in making effectively and thoroughly annoyed. To make things better she was closing the gap fast.

Looking forwards again you see the signs of a wind tunnel approaching, in response you straighten your wings stopping your rapid deceleration and begin to glide through the tunnel. Looking back you see the rainbow hued mane out of the corner of your eye, and you hear what seems to be an angry catcall after you. You don’t know why but this pegasus seemed to set your nerves on edge.

As the cyan blue mare got closer you made up your mind about a certain number of things. One, the blue pegasus was indeed chasing you. Two, she was gaining on you fast. And three, she was pissed off beyond belief.

Deciding upon your course of action in a millisecond you pump your wings downwards. You were no longer fearful of the vast expanse of sky with your newfound aviator knowledge. You rocket away from the approaching pegasus, ascending into the blue sky. Looking over your shoulder you see her expertly mirror your sudden ascent and begin to gain on you yet again.

With a smirk you realise that she was taking the bait, just as you’d hoped. Seeing the last remaining clouds in the sky, you choose the one closest to you, straight above you, it was a little under 100 yards away. Pumping your wings harder your face sets into a grim mask of determination, staring daggers at the cloud you fail to notice the humour in the situation. Not less than a minute ago you were hurtling to the ground and required a cloud to stop, and now you required it again, but for vastly different reasons.

As you close on your target, you can hear the constant *WHUP WHUP WHUP* of your rainbow maned pursuer, and right as the sound of her powerful wings are right on your tail, you touch into the cloud and as soon as it fully immerses you, your wings give a powerful beat sideways sending you slightly to the right. Concealed by the cloud your sudden transference of location goes unnoticed by the cyan pegasus as she zooms past with a confident “Got you now!”

’Not quite,’ you think to yourself as you do the equivalent of a back flip, so that your nose was facing the earth. You tuck your wings tightly against your sides, on purpose this time, and you begin to pick up speed, moving at a rapid rate back to the earth you hoped to find refuge in, should the pegasus not catch on to your ruse. Thinking of what you’re doing you suppress the urge to laugh out loud. The aspect of going this fast to the ground had been terrifying just moments before, but now after the miraculous unlocking of one of the many inaccessible memories and skills of your past flying was like second nature.

As you begin to be able to pick out details on the rapidly approaching landscape yet again you prepare to open your wings to pull out of the dive. When the grasses and trees of the ground were no longer green blobs and smears you began to count off the distance to the ground.

’1500 feet.’

Calculating the distance rapidly in your head you tense your wings in expectation for the coming change of course. The ground rushing up to meet you getting closer by the second you gulp suddenly getting nervous flutters in your stomach as you think of what might happen if you mistimed your wing extension...

’1000 feet.’

You physically shake your head in an attempt to clear the mutinous thoughts from your head lest Panic begin another colourful commentary, focusing on the task at hoof. Nevertheless a bead of sweat rolls partway down your forehead before being whipped away by the wind.

’500 feet.’

As you reach the 500 feet mark you feel a multitude of different sensations, your heart hammering in your chest, the rapid expansion and decompression of your chest as your breathing increased immensely, and the involuntary muscle spasms of your wings as every instinct in your body was screaming at you to open the feathered appendages as the ground got even closer. Still you pushed on.


So close. Risking a quick glance over your shoulder you see the rainbow maned pegasus emerge from the cloud looking around confused, turning your head back forwards your feeling of determination returns with renewed viciousness.


Glancing back again, you can’t spot the tell tale rainbow mane against the light blue of the sky. You give a slight nervous huff at the sudden absence of your pursuer, ’no matter now,’ you think to yourself.


So close to the point where your life would be decided you became intensely aware of everything in your surroundings; The roaring of the wind past your ears, the rushing feeling given to you by the buckets of adrenaline being injected into your system, the tightened clamp of your jaw as you gritted your teeth, and the building screaming sound of something pushing the limits of speed behind you. Whipping your head back you see what appears to be a silver cone falling after you, shrinking in size as it elongated due to the high velocities it travelled at.


You briefly hear yourself shout “Now!” as your wings spring open on either side of you. Pulling up almost immediately you skim the top of a rather tall pine tree, very nearly spinning out of control. You right yourself, and turn sideways to dodge between the smallest of gaps between two more branched giants. Leveling out over a flat expanse of long grass you look back up again to see that the disk had become a silver spot in the sky. The screaming sound had become an ear piercing shriek, and the disk still seemed to be coming straight for you! Turning your head back in front of you, you tense your primaries ready to take evasive action.

’If I can just dodge it once then I can double back to-‘ your thought process is cut off by an explosive *KRAAACK-BOOOOOOOOOOMMM* behind you and a concussive wave of force slamming into your back as Rainbow Dash, unbeknownst to you, performed her signature Sonic Rainboom.

’Aw crap’ you thought as you began to ride the wave of pressure down to the rocks and solid ground below.

Chapter 5: Spectrum Spectacular

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Chapter 5

As soon as Rainbow saw the pony fly into the cloud layer she knew that she had him. This was mostly because, less than an hour earlier, the cyan mare had placed those clouds herself. And she knew exactly what was above them, and that was…

’Absolutely nothing,’ she thought with exhilaration as she kicked her wings into overdrive. With a massive burst of adrenaline rushing through her Rainbow let loose a frenzied burst of speed, spurred on by the proximity of her goal. As she shot through the cloud, into the wide open expanse of blue sky, she felt Celestia’s glorious sun warming her cheeks and adding significantly to her feeling of triumph.

“Got you now!” Rainbow shouted as she shot through the cloud. The cyan Pegasus quickly stopped, confusion building as she whipped her head around in search of her absent cream hued target. Seeing nothing in the empty sky above the cloud layer, Rainbow swiftly shot back to the opposite side of the precipitate fog, scanning the airspace around her. Rainbow frowned, as unbidden thoughts of failure and actually being outmanoeuvred by somepony rose within her mind. Crushing amounts of frustration, and feelings of wounded pride, built up as she gave a low growl at just the notion of being beaten. And that’s when she heard it.

A distinct sound and one that she had heard for a short time only, yet one that was familiar all the same. It was faint and small against the great whooshing of the higher altitude’s gusts of wind. The small sound was none other than the whistling tone that had originally alerted her to the approaching missile of a pony’s descent before he had burst her clouds.

Faster than a bolt of lightning, Rainbow’s head snapped downwards searching for the cream hued target among the distant blurred shapes below. She narrowed her eyes with the effort of trying to pick out the small cream speck that was her goal.


Directly below her, barely more than a pinprick against the vast sea of the green grass, was the cream pegasus. Wings tucked against his body in a nose-to-the-earth dive he was obviously trying to get as close to the ground as possible without being detected, in the hopes of finding safe haven there. Despite her feelings of mild animosity Rainbow couldn’t help but be slightly impressed at how the pegasus had performed and conceived such a devious evasive manoeuvre.

Immediately, Rainbow performed a barrel roll transferring into a head-first dive as she began to propel herself towards the fleeting speck that was the cream coloured Pegasus. Rainbow’s eyes were narrowed, trying her best to keep him in her sight. Feeling a slight drag holding her back the rainbow maned mare extended her neck as far forward and as straight in front of her as she could, while tucking her legs tightly against her body. She smiled as she began to pick up an astonishing amount of speed in a matter of seconds, only giving further credit to the cyan mare’s well known athleticism.

As she gained on the pegasus she felt the thrill of the chase fill her body and mind causing a determined grin to form on her face. Knowing very well that she only had less than a minute to catch him she began to beat her wings furiously, the twin cyan appendages becoming dual cyclonic blurs on either side of her frame due to their rapid pace. She knew that to reach the pegasus before he found refuge on the ground, so she would have to push herself to, and past, her absolute limits.

Giving a short grunt with the effort of pushing herself so hard, Rainbow’s eyes locked onto her rapidly approaching target. With a smirk she felt the familiar tingling feeling spreading over her body as she began to push closer, and closer, to the sound and spectrum barrier.

As the beginnings of the mach cone surrounded her slim frame, Rainbow became acutely aware of her heart hammering against her ribcage; like a hoof on a drum. Focusing her eyes forwards once more she could see the cream pegasus looking back at her over his shoulder.

’That’s right buddy,’ thought the pursuing Rainbow Dash, ’I’m right behind ya.’

With an icy cold feeling the mach cone, which had been forming around the pegasus, began to solidify. From a translucent grey to a bright silver cone which coiled itself around the rainbow maned pegasus’ inertia, steadily shrinking as her momentum increased further.

A thin bead of sweat rolled down Rainbow’s face, and she gritted her teeth, pushing against the resistant barrier. Suddenly, through the veil of the sound and spectrum barrier, she saw her target’s wings snap open, and rapidly pull him out of his dive. A small twinge of fear touched Rainbow’s mind as the cream pony sped away.

Now, for Rainbow, pushing through the immense wall of the sound and spectrum barrier was as easy as blowing the seeds off of a dandelion; as long as she went straight that is. Pushing through it diagonally however was a cross between impossible and suicidal. So, when the cyan mare began to angle herself towards the very specific pegasus below her, she knew that this was going to be one of the most complicated and dangerous Rainbooms she had ever attempted. Despite her mind warning her of the danger inherent in what she was doing she did what she would always do in this situation. She would do the only thing expected of Equestria’s Best Young Flyer. She did it anyway.

Letting out a shout, tainted with her frustration at the tricky pegasus below, she pushed through the pain of going through the resistant barrier sideways. Rainbow did her best to track the flying pony as he wound between the trunks of trees, only narrowly avoiding collisions.

As soon as he cleared the forest and levelled out over the grassy field below him Rainbow saw her chance. Raising her wings behind her, for one final push, she vaguely noticed him look up in shock at the silver cone which surrounded her. Pushing down with all of her might, Rainbow felt the thin white barrier shatter with concussive force as she rocketed towards the pegasus, the full colour spectrum exploding across the sky in a shockwave behind her, punctuated by a monumental *KRAAACK-BOOOM* sound. Looking behind her at the spectacle Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh hysterically.

’I can’t wait to see his-‘ Rainbow’s thought process was stopped abruptly, as she gasped in horror. When the cyan mare had turned her head back around she had expected to see the cream pony’s shocked face staring back up at her, but instead all she saw was the other pegasus hurtling to the ground with his wings flailing wildly, trying to find stability. Unfortunately his efforts were in vain against the crushing concussive wave of force from the Rainboom.

Her face setting into a concrete line of focus Rainbow shot after the falling pegasus like a bullet from a gun. Swooping
him into her forelegs and rapidly ascending again just inches from the rocks below.

“Hahaha, oh yeah! Who’s the most awesomest pony in all of Equestria?” Rainbow’s voice had taken on its usual swagger, but upon looking down on her newfound companion’s face, her gaze lingered on the new hoof-shaped bruise forming on his forehead. A sudden heat flowed into her cheeks, as she blushed profusely. After seeing what damage her ‘rescue’ had done the only thing the usually ‘so sure of herself’ mare could do was look away from the discolored mark on the stallion’s head while muttering a sheepish “whoops” as she looked for a good landing space.






Call it anything you want, but that’s what you felt as you opened up your eyes, again, looking up into the sky with the mighty sun seeming to be mocking you.

“Really?” Your exasperation was evident in your voice. “I mean come on! REALLY? Can I not stay conscious for ONE day? ONE DAY! That’s ALL I’m asking for! Gragh!” At this outburst you suddenly hear a slightly nervous laugh come from your left side.

“Heh. Er, sorry about that,” said a voice.

Turning your head sideways, to face the new speaker, you see the cyan mare from before. She notices that you are listening, so she continues. “Y’see when I did the Sonic Rainboom it threw off your balance, causing you to spin out of control. And when I came to rescue you” you see her chest slightly puff out at this, “I guess my hoof kinda, accidentally, hit you on the head.”

Slowly, you take in the information that the pony in front of you had just given you, trying to figure out why it seemed so familiar. However, in your muddled state of mind, you couldn’t quite place it, ’if only Twilight were here, I’m sure she-‘ your entire train of thought is brought to a screeching halt as two words separated themselves from the entire explanation the cyan pegasus had given you.

’Sonic Rainboom.’ The two words rang through your mind with all the force of a clock tower bell being struck at high noon. Suddenly the conversations with Twilight at Fluttershy’s cabin came rushing back to you. Looking again at the mare in front of you, you see the similarities in her appearance with the very brief description the purple unicorn had given you.

’Rainbow mane, cyan blue coat, magenta coloured eyes, well,’ you muse to yourself, ’it seems that this is Twilight’s friend, Rainbow Dash, but then again just to be certain…’

Your head swimming, you push yourself back up onto your hooves, stumbling slightly as the blood rushed back to your head in a torrent, throwing off your balance. Regaining your composure you look to your pursuer/rescuer with a look of uncertainty, well aware that just moments ago, or maybe it was more than moments. You aren’t quite sure whether you can trust this pony, given the aching bruise on your forehead, a constant reminder of your recent ‘rescue’. A rescue that was made, ironically, by the pony in front of you who had been trying to capture you with extreme prejudice.

“What’s your name?” You ask with a painful grimace as the vibrations of your voice pulsated through your battered skull. “Or, actually, no, better question would be who are you?” At this you see the assumed Rainbow Dash puff out her chest in pride.

“Well,” begins the cyan pegasus with a cocky grin, “You just so happen to be in the presence of the fastest flyer in all of Equestria! And the winner of the Best Young Flyer award. The one, the only, Rainbow Dash!” She exclaims this as she rears up on her hind legs, adding to the effect.

’Bingo’ you think to yourself as the now confirmed Rainbow Dash settled back onto the ground with a content smile. “Fastest flyer in all of Equestria?” You ask dryly, “how can you be so sure of that?” You see Rainbow’s magenta eyes give a brief flash of annoyance.

“Psh, because,” she recovered, “I am the most awesomest. Besides, I caught you, didn’t I?”

“I wouldn’t so much say ’caught’, as knocked unconscious.” You retort causing the mare in front of you to break eye contact. Looking up into the sky with a hoof rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment Rainbow appeared at a loss for words.

“And without good reason too!” You continue, “there I was having just-“ but before you can continue Rainbow, her previous embarrassment giving way to anger, cuts you off.

“Hey!” She yells out in anger. “Now wait just a second. ‘Without good reason’? Are you kidding me? You’re the one who busted my clouds while I was napping and almost killed me!” Her wings were flaring up behind her in agitation.

“Almost killed you,” you snap back with annoyance. “How about you almost killing me, with your Sonic Rain-whatchamacallit!”

“It’s called a Sonic Rainboom, jerkwad, and if you hadn’t gone flying through those trees, making your flight path off-balance, you wouldn’t have been taken out by the shockwave!”

“Oh, so now it’s my fault that your…your…thing” you say waving an angry hoof in the air as explanation, “knocked me out of the sky?”

“Well…yeah! If you hadn’t have busted my clouds in the first place then none of this would have happened!” Rainbow exclaimed jutting her chin out, refusing to take responsibility for her actions. Sighing, you look away from the infuriatingly stubborn Pegasus, before you look in the direction you think that Fluttershy’s cottage was.

“Fine, whatever,” you say with a hint of resignation in your voice, “you win Rainbow. Now I’ve got somepony who is probably wondering where I’ve gone off to.” As your mind turns to Twilight you feel a cringe of guilt in your gut. ’Ah crap I told her that I’d be inside in a bit. And I think this is a lot more than that’, giving a slight shake of your head your mind turns back to the situation at hand. “So if you don’t mind I’m just gonna go, goodbye.”

At that you raise your wings and prepare to flap downwards with the intent of flying in the direction you believed Fluttershy’s cottage to be in.

That was your plan, but it was quickly stopped by a sharp pain in your shoulder, right where the wing joint was. Hissing in pain you gingerly fold your wings shut, and look to the wing in question. There, on the joint of where your feathered appendages connected to your back, you can see a dark purple bruise, and severe swelling. Huffing in frustration you try to move your wings again, this time being stopped before they can even extend fully. Seeing the look of pain on your face you hear Rainbow’s stubborn tone turn to a more concerned one.

“Hey are you alright? Your wing looks like it’s hurt.”

“No, I’m fine,” you lie, “I’ll just walk. Don’t worry about it.” You turn away, to start the long walk down to the main road. As you turn, though, you hear a slight *WHUMF* behind you followed shortly by a stern-faced Rainbow Dash landing directly in front of you.

“No, you’re not fine, and no, you won’t ’just walk’.” Looking into her fiery magenta eyes you briefly consider refusing again. But considering her adamant stare and how outright pig-headed she had been just seconds ago you let go of the thought. Turning your body slightly so that the injured wing was facing Dash you simply nod to the darkly purpled area behind your shoulder blades. Rainbow walks over with her confident gait, leaning in close to examine the afflicted area she extends a hoof and gently probes the injury with her hoof.

This slight prod, however, was more than enough to elicit a less than savoury response from you as you shrink away from the cyan mare’s outstretched hoof a couple of steps.

“Why don’t you be a bit more careful where you poke the injured pegasus, huh?” came your reply hissing through clenched teeth.

“Hey! I’m the pony helping you, so don’t give me that ungrateful tone,” snapped Rainbow. Then her voice changing to a softer tone she continued, “if you don’t stand still then I won’t be able to help, so if you just stay still and think of something else I’ll be able to see what’s wrong, okay?” After she is done reassuring you your head begins to nod up & down. You couldn’t quite understand why but for some reason the cyan mare’s voice was oddly… comforting. Causing you to immediately relax and move back within her reach.

Staring straight forwards you see, out of the corner of your eye, Rainbow gingerly stepping forwards with a hint of a smile playing on her lips. Immediately you begin to examine every last detail of the tree 15 yards away from where you stood.

You look at its brown bark, the cracks and fissures between separate pieces giving the needled giant a wisened, ancient look. The image of the tree however is blacked out from your vision as your eyelids reflexively close from Rainbow prodding another sensitive area near your wing. Giving a slight gasp of pain, you clench your jaw shut tight, but you uphold your silent agreement with Rainbow. You stand stock still, unmoving despite the sharp pain.

“Ouch,” Rainbow said, “I thought this might be the case.” Turning your head sideways to face her you notice she is frowning particularly at the swollen nub sitting on the joint of your wing.

“Why, what is it,” you question with a slight edge to your voice. Rainbow just furrowed her brow and looked to the injured area with a look of concentration as she examined the injured are further.

“Is it bad?” traces of fear are audible in your voice due to the pegasus’ lack of response. Hearing your concern Rainbow seems to snap out of her trance.

“Hm? Oh, right!” She stops hovering over your body and gently lands next to you. She looks you in the eye before she continues. “Well, no it’s that serious, but your wing is a teensy bit out of alignment with the socket.” Seeing your look of panic her words come out in a rush. “But don’t worry! It’s not that big of a deal. I’ve had way worse things happen to me than that! Besides all we need to do is pop it back into place!” She states with a reassuring grin.

This time, however, Rainbow’s calming tone did little to ease your nerves. You looked back to your wing and then to the smiling pegasus next to you, and you let out a groan. “Will it hurt,” you ask, simple resignation emanating from your words.

“Oh no, not at all,” replied Rainbow her voice dripping sarcasm, “I’m only forcefully pushing the joint of your wing back into proper alignment.”

“Oh, well if that’s all.” You leave the rest of the sentence hanging with a slight chuckle.

“That’s right, medical pony extraordinaire right here and at your service.” Rainbow stated giggling.

“Oh good,” you say rolling your eyes with a humorous smile on your face. “Well I’m so glad to have your-“

Now, had you been able to finish that sentence you would have continued your playfully sarcastic ‘praise’ of Rainbow’s self-proclaimed medical prowess. However, as it were, your sardonic remark was abruptly cut short by two things. The first being a very loud *POP* coming from behind you somewhere. The second was a sharp stabbing pain originating from an area directly behind your shoulder blades.

Stars exploded across your vision as your wings popped back into its socket, and you jumped sideways, away from the ‘medical pony extraordinaire’ who was hovering by your flank, yelping in pain. “Son of a bitch,” you swear turning to the, now laughing, Rainbow Dash. “Aren’t you supposed to count to three or some crap like that?”

Once more alighting on the ground beside you, Rainbow stuck her nose in up in the air. A smile playing across her face she simply pointed her hoof at you, or more specifically slightly above you. Puzzled, you look to where she is pointing, and chuckle at the sight of your wings both arched high above your back in receding agitation. Turning back to Rainbow you sigh slightly which only added to the self-satisfied smirk that was quickly growing across her face.

“Go on,” she began, voice full of self-gratification, “tell, me HOW awesome I am and what a great medical pony extraordinaire I am. And say it like you mean it” she cuts in as you begin to open your mouth in reply. Groaning you slump to the ground, all four legs splayed out around you in mock exasperation.

“Do I have to,” you whine playfully.

“Yes” comes the simple reply.

“But whyyyyyy?”

“Because, I said so, besides I’m awesome enough to deserve it.”


“No buts!” Said Rainbow, cutting you off and silencing you with a wave of hoof, “Now,” she continued “repeat after me; I hereby state…”

“I hereby state…” you parrot sarcastically

“Hey, no sarcasm, buddy, that Rainbow Dash is super awesome…”

“Hey, no sarcasm, buddy, that Rainbow Dash is super awesome…” Stopping, you see the serious look plastered on Rainbow’s face. “Oh, come on, really?” You groan, and Rainbow gives a nod.

“Really,” replied Rainbow with another nod of her head.

Giving a frustrated sigh you simply mumble an incomprehensible “fine” under your breath before continuing the repetition of Rainbow’s praise

Chapter 6: Logical Explanations & Revelations in the REM

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Chapter 6

The recital of Rainbow’s immense awesome-ness and exemplary performance as a ‘medical pony extraordinaire’ had quickly turned into a three part apology, somehow. Mainly it had concerned the busting of her clouds, the disturbance of her nap, and furthermore having her chase your flank all across the sky.

Now, trotting down the dirt road to Fluttershy’s cabin, you looked to your left at the cyan mare walking beside you. After you had finished your recital to a somewhat smug Rainbow, you had tried flying again. You were saddened to find that, though the wing had been popped back into place, it was still much too sore to fly anything more than a short distance. This being the case, you had only flown as much as you absolutely needed to; meaning till you had found the road. After safely landing on the dirt path without ‘assistance’ from a certain somepony, you gave Rainbow a quick explanation that after all the hard flying earlier you would much rather walk the remaining distance, in order to give your wings a rest.

However Rainbow, upon hearing your flimsy white lie, had simply alighted on the road beside you, and she began to walk steadily forward. Apparently determined to keep in your company for the entirety of your trip, and knowing how infuriatingly stubborn she could be, you did not refuse. Besides, despite her stubborn and cocky nature, the cyan mare’s presence relaxed your frayed nerves, and soothed your mind, though you couldn’t quite place a hoof on why. Nevertheless you were glad for her company.

Walking down the road she begins to tell you about the many different things in Ponyville. Starting with the most notable landmarks of the small township, she lists off the varying buildings. Starting with the prestigiously elegant Carousel Boutique, and its extravagant owner, Rarity, with whom she was apparently good friends. Those weren’t her exact words, but that was the gist of what she was saying. She then gave similarly colorful commentaries on the other well-known places in town, including Sweet Apple Acres, Sugarcube Corner, and the town library.

But Rainbow didn’t really get into any subject until flying came up. Her eyes lit with excitement, as her voice took on a rapid pace at the subject of being in the air; of not relying on anything but yourself and your wings to navigate the endless ocean of the skies. Something about her monologue, however, for some inexplicable reason, caused the jammed cogs of your mind to turn.

It may have been her enthusiasm at the aspect of flight, or it may have been the wording she used to describe the joys of aviation, but whatever the cause you were forced into a brief memory. It started with a subtle buzzing, just on the edge of your awareness.

Feeling the beginnings of a headache stirring you close your eyes, suddenly finding the bright rays of the sun above blinding. As soon as your eyelids closed you gasped as a single image flashed across your mind’s eye with startling intensity.

You were flying, but not with your wings. Instead you found yourself sitting in a seat of some sort, with some form of transparent bubble over your head, protecting your face from the whipping winds. You could see a vast expanse of desert terrain far below. It was at an angle as well, almost as if you were banking to the right.

As soon as you began to truly examine all the aspects of the image it was gone, lost, again, in the vast roiling storm-ridden sea that was your mind, like a ship with no sails. Opening your eyes again in confusion you turn to see Rainbow fixing you with a pointed stare.

“What?” you ask, shifting uncomfortably under her gaze.

“Well, first off, you gasped for no reason at all. Then, when I asked if you were okay, you just sorta zoned out.” Rainbow said, her eyes never leaving yours. “Was it your wing?” Realizing that your cyan companion was referring to the image that had just momentarily burned itself into your conscience you stiffen slightly. You don’t know why, but you didn’t want Rainbow to know about your recent insight into your past, and so looking to your injured wing you grasp at the excuse Rainbow had provided like a life ring.

“Y-yeah,” you lie, “I probably just moved it weird or something, I guess.” You finish the sentence, looking her in the eye with what you hope to be a convincing smile on your face. Shrugging, Rainbow looks ahead again, launching with enthusiasm into the fresh new topic of some group of pegasi, known as “The Wonderbolts,” who were apparently the most awesome fliers in all of Equestria. She also went on about how she, Rainbow Dash, would one day join their ranks in ‘supreme awesome-ness’ as she stated.

As your rainbow maned companion continued working herself up over the passionate, well at least for her that is, subject you retreated back to the recesses of your mind. Making sure to keep a vague amount of attention on where your hooves were going to ensure you didn’t trip or fall.

’What was that?’ You think, looking up into the sky above. ’Was it just some weird daydream, some random spark of the imagination?’

’No… no that was far too detailed and familiar to have been a daydream. It had to have been a memory, but if it was a memory then where was I? And what was I sitting in, some sort of flying machine? Ugh, God, why can’t I just remember?’

’Well there is an obviously simple answer to that question my dear fellow’ came a new voice from the corners of your mind, its tone emanating a well read logical aspect to it.

’Oh? And that is? You ask this new voice brought forth from your psyche with a sarcastic drawl.

’You are concussed, and also suffering from amnesia.’

Mentally, you give a snort of annoyance, fully preparing to give this new voice of Logic, seemingly (yeah right!), a piece of your mind. Giving a slight moment to pause at the pure idiocy of what you just planned another voice comes into the exchange, this one more recognizable.

’I’m pretty sure he already knew that Logic,’ cuts in Reason, ’how couldn’t he? HE’S the one concussed, after all!’

’Well, I was just stating the facts, Reason. To fully understand one’s true predicament one must first take in all possible contributing factors’

’Contributing factors? Contributing factors? Logic that makes no sense whatsoever, you’re not talking about a contributing factor, for god’s sake, you’re talking about the main problem!’ Reason cried with an incredulous tone to his voice.

’Reason, I am truly sorry, but in my good stature of person I simply refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent,’ replied Logic with a haughty tone.

’Thank you Logic, I’m glad we could- Hey! Wait a minute!’ came the indignant cry from Reason as Logic’s remark fully registered to him.

Lost in the verbal dispute going on between the two halves of your mind as you debated what had transpired, it barely registered in your mind, with good reason, as Fluttershy’s cottage appeared on the horizon. Only when you dimly heard Rainbow’s voice did you snap out of the trance, and quiet the two quarreling factions of your subconscious.

“Hm?” you reply, looking up to Rainbow with a questioning glance. Giving a small snort of frustration, Rainbow rolls her eyes, obviously being less than enthused at the notion of repeating herself.

“I said that I have to go do something in town, and it’s getting close to when I was supposed to head into town, so I was wondering if you thought you’d be fine walking by yourself from here?”

“Oh,” you reply as the realization that you possibly had hindered the pegasus dawned on you. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me, but what about you? Like what’s the thing that you’ve got to do?” In response to your question Rainbow rolls her eyes and groans.

“I’ve got to train one of our, um, less skillful members of the Ponyville Weather Team. Poor Derpy accidentally zapped the Mayor with a storm cloud yesterday,” Rainbow shakes her head, obviously reminiscing of the Mayor’s visit. “She ordered a full re-evaluation of Derpy’s skills, to see if she’s even fit for Weather Team duty. If she doesn’t pass then she’ll have to be bumped back down to Post Service, poor mare. She just made it in last week.” Seeing Rainbow’s face you discern a mixture of different emotions, the main sentiment apparently being empathy for this ‘Derpy” character.

“Well do you think that she’ll be able to make the cut again?” You ask trying to put a dash of optimism in the cyan mare’s demeanor. Slowly, in response, she shakes her head with a sad smile on her face.

“No, I don’t think she will, but Derpy will understand, I think. And as long as she knows that she’ll be helping somepony, she should be happy.” You see Rainbow’s expression lighten somewhat as this thought occurs to her. Spreading her wings out behind her, in preparation for flight, your cyan companion gives a quick goodbye before taking off in the direction of Ponyville.

You watch Rainbow fly into the distance, until she passes over a small cluster of hills a moderate distance away from where you stood. Shaking your head slightly, you continue the walk to Fluttershy’s cottage. As your mind turns back to the cottage you feel a slight pang of guilt, as an image of Twilight passes through your thoughts.

’Crap, how long has it been since I left?’ Looking up into the sky you can see that the sun has moved from its earlier position in the sky. Though you had no idea how to tell the time by position of the radiant star, you could estimate that an hour or two had passed since your accidental adventure. ’Oh well,’ you think, dismissing the feelings of guilt. ’Twilight seems like an understanding mare with a good head on her shoulders. I’m sure she won’t be mad or upset at my inadvertently lengthy absence.’

With that thought you continue your trot to the cottage, ’Besides,’ you think with a humorous laugh, ’judging by how cool-headed she was last time we talked it’s hard to imagine her overreacting, or freaking out, over something as trivial as this.’ And so you began to hum to yourself as you walk to the calm cottage of the animal loving pegasus. Where the supposedly level-headed, completely calm, and totally not freaking out, or overreacting, purple unicorn was.


Walking across the small bridge towards your destination you notice, absent mindedly, that of the orchestra of birds and other creatures which had been emitting a multitude of diverse exotic sounds and calls, only a sparse few remained. Inwardly you give a mental shrug, ’Oh well, they’re probably just all out getting food or flying or something.’ Walking up the path to Fluttershy’s door you see Spike’s face appear in one of the windows, smiling, you cheerfully wave a hoof at the tiny dragon. However, instead of seeing the purple drake return your greeting, you see him turn to someone away from the window to say something. Suddenly Spike’s face turns bright purple, illuminated from a sudden flash inside, but before you can even begin to ponder what it was, another flash occurs just inches from your muzzle.

“Waugh!” You shout in surprise as the abrupt purple light blinded you, causing you to stumble backwards, and land, unceremoniously, on your backside. Blinking to clear the violet after-image from your retinas, you rub your eyes with your hooves. As the purple haze fades from your vision, you notice Twilight standing before you, and you had to admit she looked the worse for wear.

Her mane was in complete disarray, sticking out in random directions. Her tail was frayed and frizzy, and somehow even though you had only been gone less than 2 hours, there were dark bags beneath her eyes. She gave off the impression of a pony who was not quite so level-headed, was thoroughly distressed, and was definitely freaking out.

“And where have you been,” questioned Twilight, in the voice of somepony stressed beyond reasonable, or healthy, limits.

“Well after-” but before you can finish your explanation twin purple flashes blind you, yet again, as Twilight teleported from directly in front of you to the side your injured wing was on, next to your right flank.

“Oh sweet Celestia, what happened to your wing?” she cried before teleporting to the left wing’s side. “And how in all things under the sun did you manage to only damage the right one?”

“Uhh,” you start rapidly blinking your eyes, AGAIN, trying to, clear the purple after-image before being blinded again as the unicorn appeared in front of you once more.

“And why didn’t you tell me you were going to be gone for a while?” She cries waving a hoof in exasperation before teleporting a small distance away from you, so she could study your body language and reaction to her interrogation. “I… I was… I was worried sick!” She panted, apparently rapid teleportation was a trying task for unicorns, even one as talented as Twilight.

“Twilight...” you start, trying to cut into the unicorn’s stressful tirade before she could begin her performance of random teleportation anew.

“WHAT?” She shouted, teleporting once more so that she was centimeters from your face, causing you to begin your rapid blinking yet again. As the bright purple blob cleared from your vision you focused on the darker portion you assumed to be Twilight.

“Can I at least explain what happened before you start dis-and-reappearing again?” You ask, not unkindly, eyes finally re-focusing on the now clear and defined image of the stressed purple unicorn before you.

“Oh,” Twilight replied sheepishly, her complexion noticeably darkening in embarrassment. “Well, um, yes. I apologize for my outburst.” As the purple unicorn finished her sentence her head lowered so that she was staring at the ground between her two front hooves.

“Hey now,” you say, kneeling down so that your face was looking up at Twilight’s downcast one. “Don’t be like that, it was sorta my fault. I didn’t mean to end up as far away as I did. But, anyways, do you want to know what happened?” You finish with a warm smile. Slowly, her eyes locking onto your own you see Twilight begin to nod.

“But I don’t think I will be able to like this.” You say with another smile, causing Twilight to give one in return, accompanied with a good natured laugh, as you stand up and straighten your neck. Once Twilight has fully straightened her posture and is looking you in the eyes with an attentive stare, you begin your tale of the past events. Twilight, for the most part, remained quiet while listening to your recount of your ‘eventful’ afternoon, give or take the odd question here and there. After you are done your explanation the purple mare in front of you began to shake her head slowly with a sigh.

“I’m sorry for overreacting, I should have let you explain before,” Twilight gestures to her horn with a hoof. “You know, going all crazy on you.” Giving a slight chuckle you shrug and wave your hoof dismissing the affair as no big deal.

“Don’t worry about it Twilight,” you reply with a wink, “no harm done right?”

At this Twilight blushes slightly and chuckles, her eyes looking up at the small fringe of her hair that was visible to her without a mirror. “Oh and by the way, you never commented on my new mane style, what do you think?” She queries, turning her head to the side striking a model-like pose with a joking smile on her face.

“Oh miss Twilight! I do believe it is simply exquisite, you must tell me how you achieved such a look!” You comment in what you thought to be an upper class accent before breaking down into laughter. Twilight gave a small joking pout before she joined you.

After the two of you regain your breath, composure, and stop laughing; you both in turn begin to walk up the path to Fluttershy’s cottage together. And though you yourself couldn’t exactly tell what it was, you had seen something in the purple mare’s eyes as the two had spoken and laughed in each other’s company. Such a little thing, but something that made your heart give a small flutter all the same, a spark or twinkle in her eyes and her gaze. As the door to the cottage you now stood in front of opened you dismissed the thought, vowing to ponder it tomorrow.


Looking around the room you were slowly trotting into, you shake your head slowly. Though you had tried to refuse Fluttershy’s hospitality when she had offered it to you, the mare had just looked so… so sad. So, swallowing your modesty and pride, you accepted Fluttershy’s offer.

Now, standing in the reclusive homeowner’s bedroom, you sigh. Not only had she given you a place to stay for the night, but she had insisted on you using her bedroom. Even though you had tried to outright refuse the room and medical care she had been offering, the yellow mare was insistent upon helping you. But as soon as the beginnings of your argument had built in your throat they shriveled and died at the yellow pegasus’ glare. It was terrifying, in all truth the sternest stare you had ever encountered or were ever likely to encounter.

You shudder slightly as you remember the bucket-of-ice feeling that had washed over you while staring into the twin depthless pools of clear blue that were Fluttershy’s eyes. Something about her unwavering gaze had filled you with the compulsion to do whatever the yellow mare requested of you and to never deviate from her wishes. Even Panic remained silent at the yellow pegasus’ stare; almost as if Fluttershy was ordering the troublesome faction of your subconscious from where she stood in front of you.

Looking around the room with mild interest you hear a tiny cough from the door directly behind you and turn to find the source of the barely audible sound. As per your suspicions the coughing noise had come from none other than your pink maned host.

“Oh… um, I’m sorry if I interrupted something, not that I’m saying you were doing anything that is. But I was just wondering, if you needed anything?” Though the last part of Fluttershy’s question had dropped to a near inaudible tone you still manage hear the yellow mare’s query and shook your head with a grateful smile.

“No, Fluttershy, this is perfect.” You say, keeping the smile on your face, not wanting your hostess to feel more obligated to your well-being than was truly necessary. “Thank you for letting me stay the night, though.

“Oh it was nothing really,” Fluttershy replies. “After all, your wing is still hurt, and I can’t just leave you out in the cold, well um that is unless you want to be out in the cold,” she added in a downcast tone. At her response you have to suppress the urge to run and comfort her to stop her from feeling depressed in the slightest, instead though your voice simply takes on a reassuring tone.

“No, it’s fine. Thank you very much Fluttershy.” As you finish addressing the mare you notice her ears perk up as she looks from the ground to the smile on your face, which she promptly returns.

For a time the two of you stand in silence, smiling warmly at one another. Suddenly the silence is broken as a lengthy yawn escapes from your muzzle, quickly stifling it you realize just how much of a toll the day’s events had taken on you. Looking to the pegasus standing in the door way of your room for the night you give a quick apology, commenting on how the rather nerve racking events of the day had left you both physically and mentally exhausted leaving you longing for the bed just behind you.

Fluttershy simply nods in understanding and backs out of the room with an almost silent “goodnight” before you climb into the single-pony bed in the room. Setting your head on the pillow you close your eyes, submitting your weary mind to the vast unknown world of your subconscious and dreams.


”This is Flash 2-5, rollin’ in from the East, angels 10; ready to drop nose to the dirt and bring the heat, how copy Siphon 0-1?”

Opening your ‘eyes’ you take in the strange sights and sounds of the dreamscape that your subconscious had put forth with a twinge of familiarity; looking around, you see you are yet again sitting in the same seat from the image you had envisioned on the road with Rainbow.

“Flash 2-5 this is Siphon 0-1, solid copy. Requesting fire mission and strafing run directly North of our current position, danger close. Coordinates are Lima-Foxtrot 6-7-6-niner.”

Hearing this exchange you try to shift your field of vision from the clouds whipping past to track the new tinny sounding voice coming from an unknown source, only to find the task impossible. A twinge of fear grips you as you try to move any part of your body with similar results.

“Roger that,’ came the first voice, the one which had previously been referred to as ‘Flash’ and was nowhere near as warbled as the second, “shifting trajectory 6 degrees starboard for fire mission and strafing run at coordinates Lima-Foxtrot 6-7-6-niner; gonna drop some JDAMS in your AO, confirm?”

There was a slight crackling sound of static as the second voice, which you identified as ‘Siphon’, replied, “Siphon 0-1 confirms fire mission at previously designated coordinates.” A loud popping noise interrupts the speaker, “How far out are you? It’s getting pretty crowded down here sir!”

“2-5 acknowledges and wilco, just sit tight and wait for the fireworks,” came the reply from ‘Flash’, “Hey Wedge! Arm strike package bravo and prep-“ but he was cut off as another burst of static was emitted from the unidentifiable source and an urgent voice came through, still tinny but without the distorted quality of the last transmission.

“Flash 2-5, this is 3-5. I have radar warning! Three blips right on our six and closing fast! No IFF tone back, they are not friendly, I say again they are not friendly. We are climbing to angels 12; advise you do the same.”

“Roger that 3-5, we are climbing. Alright Wedge, cancel the JDAM authorization and arm heat seekers and prep flares, this is gonna get dicey.”

You hear yet another voice; this one however was completely different in comparison to the last few, as it was not distorted or tinny in the slightest respond to the first. “Copy that Shifty, flares are prepped and foxes six through twelve are armed and ready.” As this new voice speaks you find your field of vision shifting from the clouds to what you assumed to be directly in front of you. This shift reveals other aspects of your environment which had previously been indiscernible, nothing but blurs and smudges in your peripheral vision as you had gazed at the clouds.

Now, however, you could see five window-like panes of glass with glowing green writing and images on them, accompanied by a vast multitude of important looking switches and buttons. As your mind rapidly examined and processed these new pieces of information something detached itself from the nest of random objects in front of you and began to touch the switches and buttons before moving towards your face.

The object coming towards your face was an appendage of some sort, you reasoned, and it seemed to have a flat palm, with five extensions of itself sticking out from it. All five had unique joints which gave the impression of dexterity in the limb, obviously for handling and grabbing objects, a skill which it was performing stupendously as you watched its fluid movements.

The dexterous body part reached for something directly above your field of vision, along the top of your hairline, and began to slide down a tinted visor over your eyes. As the dark screen shaded the dreamscape before your eyes you blinked…


…And looked straight at the wooden post of the bed you had rolled off of in your sleep. Sighing, you roll over onto your front, and sit up on your rump, thinking of the strange dream. You raise your hooves into the moonlight to examine them much like you had when you first awoke under the watchful gaze of the moon. Recalling the dexterous appendages and how easily they had manipulated the switches to their will, and then the visor that was slid before your eyes. You place your hooves back onto the ground and walk to the window.

Looking up into the sky you see the comforting glow of the moon emanating through the overcast night sky. Staring up at the glowing break in the cloud layer a single unbidden thought comes to your mind as you pondered the different aspects of your dream, particularly the dexterous appendages that you had observed.


The thought, though simple, made a resounding mental click as it rang through your brain. You couldn’t understand how but for some reason it seemed… well it seemed right. And in that moment, you knew that was what the appendages you had seen must be called. Turning from the window you slowly crawl back into the bed, simply wrapping your wings around your slight frame instead of taking on the arduous task of gathering the blankets and sheets that had been tossed aside in your dreaming state.

“Just who the hell am I?” comes the soft mutter from your lips as the dark folds of sleep overtake you yet again, transporting you to a dreamless uneasy slumber, tossing and turning the whole way.

Chapter 7: A Rare Coincidence

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Chapter 7

The golden rays of the morning sun fell upon your sleeping form, the sudden change in light causing you to be roused from your sleep. Squinting against the radiant star’s shining tendrils of light, you give a lengthy groan, and turn over onto your front, rolling off of the soft surface that was Fluttershy’s bed. Standing up onto your hooves you heard an audible *CRICK* sound come from the joints in your fore and hind legs as they extended from their cramped position during your sleep. Noticing that this stiffness had not only been limited in your knees but was spread throughout the joints in your body, you began to stretch your various stiff limbs out of their locked positions.

Extending your wings up and behind your head emanated a series of popping sounds while the dual appendages straightened from their folded positions; arching your back upwards and downwards produced a series of very loud cracks one after another; and twisting your neck from side to side elicited several clearly audible pops and cracks.

Now, having remedied your stiffened joints, you rustle your wings and take a deep breath of the fresh pine wood scent of Fluttershy’s room and… ’toast?’ Taking another deep breath you find your previous suspicions of toast to be correct, as well as your sensitive ears picking up the distinct sounds of somepony preparing a meal. The intoxicating scent of whatever the pony (presumably the owner of the room you now stood in) was cooking tickled the end of your snout, and caused your mouth to immediately start watering in longing and your stomach to give an angry growl in protest of its emptiness.

With a start you realize that you haven’t eaten anything since you had woken up near the small creek Twilight found you in two days ago. The constant transitioning between the states of unconsciousness and consciousness, where your mind was completely preoccupied with other things, had left you no time at all to consider your concerning lack of sustenance. You cringe slightly as your stomach gives another longing rumble, the result of another whiff of the tantalizing scents from downstairs reaching your senses yet again with a vengeance. At the second rumble from your torso region you start walking towards the door. With the sole intent of confronting the dreaded stairs, finding the source of the enticing aroma, and devouring it to the last bite; that is before one of the many different sub-personalities of your subconscious spoke its mind.

’Stop,’ slurred a groggy sounding Panic.

At the sudden sound of your over-reactive, unpredictable, problematic part of your subconscious’ voice you let loose a very long and stretched out groan. ’Yes?’ comes your mental reply with a flash of annoyance at Panic’s interruption of your search of glorious food.

’Go make the bed, it looks terrible.’ Panic replied matter-of-factly with an incorporeal snort.

’Oh? What, will the Mess Police come to take us to their secret holding cells, forever locking us away from society in the dark halls of their own conspiracy?’ Your reply bristling with a dry sardonic edge, you snort in annoyance, briefly wondering why Panic couldn’t just let you go get your food in peace.

’No, that’s just idiotic. Now shut up and make the bed.’ Panic snaps his reply at you, causing you to do a mental double take at this change in behavior for the figment of your personality.

’Whoa, what the hell dude? Usually you’d be all over something like that?’ Your incredulous confusion easily palpable in your thought processes as your brow furrowed.

’I’m just not a morning person’

’Panic you’re not even a person.’

’Neither are you technically, now go make the damn bed.’

’Yes I am! And why should I after you’ve been such a dick, huh?’ You think with an indignant huff laced with anger.

’No, no you’re not. You’re a pony now quit being moronic and go make the bed, Fluttershy is making breakfast for us. It’d be the nice thing to do.’

Your mind began to furiously churn over the fact that Panic, Panic, out of all the separate sections and subdivisions of your mind and subconscious, had said a serious sounding piece of advice and course of action; and the worst part? The reasoning behind it. And, no matter which way you looked at it, it made perfect sense. Fluttershy not only provided you with a roof to sleep under for the night, she had also given up her own bed, taken care of your wounds, somewhat, and was now supposedly making you breakfast.

Thus, with a slight groan, you quell the empty rumble from your stomach and turn to the disaster zone which had been your place of rest for the night. Looking at the misshapen sheets strewn across the floor you find yourself wondering how, in all things under the sun, you were going to arrange the various cloth blankets and comforters onto the mattress neatly in front of you.

Approaching the closest sheet, you lower your head and grab a corner between your teeth and lift it up. Your jaw clamped on the edge of the sheet you look between the rest of your cargo and the bed behind you in confusion.

’Aw… crap, how am I going to… well maybe if I just… hmmm I think it could work. Well screw it, let’s try anyways,’ you think, stopping the awkward attempts you had been trying to further your goal of making the troublesome bed. These attempts included using one of your front hooves to lift the blanket with the intention of throwing it on the mattress and working from there. However this approach, as you soon realized, took away from the stability of how you stood on the ground and left you extremely prone to falling, and so, to your great dismay, you found yourself flat on your face with a throbbing head.

With a huff of frustration you spat out the corner still clutched between your teeth and you glower at the infuriating object, briefly considering giving up and pretending to be asleep until your hostess came to make the bed herself and wake you up. However, a desperate rumble from your stomach and a steely flash of objection from your pride quickly erased any and all thoughts of the notion.

Looking back at the jumbled, evil, mass of your cotton-based purveyor of torment the tiny spark of an idea lit in your mind, causing the frustrated frown that had previously dominated your features to be replaced with a confident smirk. Sliding your good wing underneath the blanket before you, you lift the warm cloth over your head and body.

Once again clamping a portion of the sheet between your teeth, you proceed to walk to the edge of the mattress and lift your body onto the springy surface with your front hooves. Standing on the bed you begin to slowly move forwards, hooves sinking into the soft mattress and springing back up with every step to the other edge of the bed. Noticing the edge of the comfortable surface is now underneath you; you lower your head and release the sheet from your mouth.

‘That should be good enough, and even if it isn’t I should be able to finish it as soon as I’m done with breakfast.’ Your hunger-driven thought arrives as you begin to back slowly off of the mattress. However, as you were moving backwards towards the floor and, more importantly, food; you found that for some curious reason that the blanket was not staying where you had placed it and instead was moving with your body.

Giving a slight grunt of annoyance you place your hooves on the edges of the thin sheet you were under and begin to slide off of the mattress yet again. As your rear hooves come into contact with the hardwood flooring you cease putting pressure onto the edge of cotton and attempt to quickly slide out of the cocoon you inhabited.

However, just as you slid yourself out of the blanket-cave you found yourself still very much covered by the sheet! It seemed that while you were attempting to extricate yourself from the light yellow covering it had somehow managed to get caught up on your wings. So with a slight twinge of pain and soreness from your injured joint you spread the troublesome appendages but to no avail, as you quickly discovered that this only caused the sheet to fall around the feathered protrusions like canvas around tent poles.

Your previous grunt of frustration was now replaced with a throaty growl as you kicked out at the cotton threaded villain with one of your front hooves. This unfortunately caused the blanket to wrap around said hoof and subsequently cause you to lose your balance and fall to the ground with a surprised yell and a thump. Laying there, in a position much like the one when you had been in the forest creek when you had first woken up, you let out a huff of frustration. But your pride didn’t begin to crack despite how tangled up in the yellow bed sheet as it was, until you heard the faint sounds of hoofsteps coming up the stairs.

’Oh, great. Well not only do I look like an incompetent stallion, but also a complete idiot! And it’s all for Fluttershy to see as well, this is just fucking perfect.’

As the yellow mare in question’s quiet pace can be heard stopping outside of the doorway you hear a quiet knock come from the other side with a whispered, “Um, good morning, might I be able to come in?” Trying your best to avoid what you thought was going to be and extremely embarrassing, and humiliating, moment you immediately had another go at getting out of the soft prison. An attempt that failed, epically you might add, before relaxing in not-so-humble defeat. Simply muttering a quick “Come in” to the timid pegasus on the other side of the door.


Much to your pleasant surprise the yellow mare whose bed you had, in a figurative sense, destroyed did not laugh or ridicule you in your current state. In contrast, she had simply asked if you were alright and if there was any way she could help you. Now, with the ever so kind Fluttershy assisting in your removal from the blanket-prison, you blush in embarrassment at having ever thought of the kind mare laughing at your expense.

As the last bit of your wing is unwrapped from the soft covering you heave a great sigh of relief and give the appendage several experimental flaps to loosen the cramped muscles. Refolding the dual feathered cream protrusions against your against your sides, you look to your left, with a faint *CLOP* of her hooves Fluttershy lands directly next to you, gently placing her cargo onto the ground before looking up at you with a gentle smile. Coughing slightly, you break eye contact and look towards the ceiling beams while rubbing a hoof behind you head in mild embarrassment.

“Um, thanks Fluttershy. I was, uh, well I was trying to make the bed… you know as a sort of thank you for letting me stay here the night and everything.” You say, as an embarrassed glow spread across your muzzle. Looking back from the thick, pine wood ceiling supports you can’t help but chuckle as you see that the yellow mare had looked away as well.

“Oh, um, it was nothing really. In fact, I’ve gotten my wings tangled like that myself a couple of times.” Fluttershy replied, her eyes shifting positions to look into yours as a sheepish smile spread across her face. With a slight laugh you gently rustle your wings against the sides of your body, smiling at the blushing mare in front of you. Suddenly however the pleasant silence shared between the two of you was shattered by an unnaturally loud rumble from your stomach, causing both you and Fluttershy to jump in surprise.

Immediately you begin to stammer unintelligibly as your brain begins its fruitless quest to comprehend, and figure out a proper response to, what had just happened. Quickly you cast an accusing gaze towards your torso, as if your stomach could sense the cold disapproval you were giving it. Turning your face back to Fluttershy you notice that her blushing meek expression from before had been replaced with a concerned stare over your well-being.

“Oh dear, are you hungry,” questions the pink maned pegasus, taking a few steps closer to you. Feeling the hot burning sensation of your emotions in your face, you quell the senseless gibberish coming from your mouth and slowly nod. “And, um if you don’t mind my asking that is, when did you last eat?” She queries further, her eyes staying locked on your own.

“Um, well, uh, now that I think about it, it was before I woke up so… two days ago? But I’m fine really! I can eat after we’re finished fixing the bed, you really shouldn’t… worry…” Trailing off you break eye contact from the yellow mare as you see the concern already painted across her complexion visibly triple, almost to a motherly level of concern. As soon as you looked away you could see Fluttershy begin to shake her head from side to side at your answer in your peripheral field of vision.

“Oh, my goodness, no. I can’t make a poor starved pony work! I mean, that wouldn’t be very nice of me now would it? No, no, you go downstairs right now mister, I made breakfast and there’s toast, and green pepper and cheese quiches, on the table.” She finishes pointing a hoof to the door in a commanding fashion.

Locking eyes again with the yellow mare you immediately feel each and every one of the cleverly thought out stubborn arguments you had built up in your mind fall away, like so many grains of sand through an hourglass. Lost forever due to the tiny icy spark you saw reflected in her eyes that chilled you to the core, immediately causing your memory to consider the arctic commanding depths the twin cerulean orbs that were the yellow pegasus’ eyes could attain.

Tearing your eyes away from the yellow mare’s with a huff of frustration you turn swiftly on your hooves to leave her to her work; stepping out into the hallway with a muttered “Fine.” Looking into the doorway quickly you can see Fluttershy gently hovering above the bed top with a corner of the bed sheet that had infuriated and trapped you in her mouth. You mentally kick yourself as you realize just how simple the task that you were previously, and quite literally, trapped in truly was. All you had needed to do was use your wings to fly over the bed and put the covers down that way!

’Oh well, it’s too late to turn back time I guess, and I already look like an idiot so… yeah.’ As your sullen train of thought continues to beat you up, you almost don’t notice as you come to the top of the dreaded stairs. Quickly pulling back your hoof from the empty air it had occupied, you look down the evil construction before you with a scowl.

All that stood between you and your delicious toast was a set of old, stupid, pointless, stairs for god’s sake! And if these stairs were what stopped you from eating that delicious toast, well then your name wasn’t… wasn’t… whatever your name was! You stamp your foot with a snort as if to punctuate the sentiment, tensing your body you prepare to take a step forwards and submit yourself to the stairs… before relaxing again and looking downwards with what some might call a ‘derp’ look.

’Wait a second, why the hell am I going to try and walk down these when I’m obviously going to fall? I’m a freaking pegasus damn it! I can fly can’t I? So screw falling, I’m going to fly’ Your wings ruffle in aggravation as this thought streaks through your mind in annoyance as you flare them out behind you. Automatically adjusting and micro tuning the positions of your wings’ individual feathers on instinct, preparing the cream appendages for the diverse flying conditions that were Fluttershy’s home.

Exhaling a small breath, you give your wings a gentle downward flap, the newly positioned feathers lifting you just high enough off of the ground to allow you to lazily glide to the ground floor without trouble.

Touching down on the wooden planks of the lower level, you gently refold your wings against your sides. But, as the feathered appendages move back into their natural position, you feel a slight twinge of pain. You cringe slightly as you feel the slight ache coming from the still healing bruise on your wing joint. Looking back over your shoulder to the area in question you see that, though the swelling around the joint was now more or less completely gone, the purple bruising around the area was still very prominent.

Gauging the level of pain that had come from your wings, and judging by how the bruising and swelling looked, you guess that you are still able to fly short distances like yesterday with the possibility of medium range flights as well. Nothing so far as flying the distance into town, let alone anything like yesterday yet, but perhaps to the giant apple orchard you had seen from the air?

Smiling, you begin to walk towards the kitchen to remedy your (yet again) rumbling stomach. Stepping into the tiled area you cast your eyes across every surface searching for the delicious food, wherever it might be. There, on the table, was a plate. And on that plate were 2 pieces of bread as well as 3 medium sized things you guessed to be the “quiche” on a second plate beside it.

Eyeing the quiche with an unsure gaze as you approach the plates you lean forwards and take a bite out of the piece of toast closest to you. Immediately you find the saliva that had built in your maw sated as the currently-being-chewed morsel of toast exploded in a wave of buttery goodness with hints of strawberry jam flavoring in your mouth. Closing your eyes, you let out a long content “mmm” as you work the lump of delicious food around your tongue with a content expression on your face. Finally swallowing the bite of toast, you lick your lips. Ensuring that every last particle of the delicious breakfast food was eaten, before leaning forwards to take another bite until before you knew it you were turning to the second piece vociferously.

Now, after having cleaned the first plate of any remnants of toast, you look to the moderately sized pie shaped food on the second plate. Briefly you considered just simply leaving these strange looking foods untouched on their plate, but alas another mighty growl from your stomach was all that it took to change your mind.

Narrowing your eyes at the closest ‘quiche’ on the plate before you, you take a step forwards and lean closer to the three food items. Still feeling a slight apprehension to the pie shaped food, you open your mouth and take only the smallest bite possible of it, and begin to turn it over in your mouth. As you continue to mull the tiny morsel around your pallet your face scrunches up expecting something not to your liking. But as the taste buds on your tongue finally began to send your brain their analysis of the food, you found that the tiny portion had completely defied your expectations! The quiche, still being chewed, was neither bitter nor foul tasting but instead, quite to your pleasant surprise, was delicious!

With all of your previous apprehension towards the three quiches gone, you quickly began to devour your new found favorite breakfast food in less than 3 bites apiece. As the last chewed gulp of quiche began it’s descent down to your stomach, you sat back onto your haunches with another contented “mmm.”

Feeling a slight breeze against your feathers, you stand up and walk to the small window in Fluttershy’s kitchen which was wide open. As you approach the small portal to the outside your mane is blown about your forehead as the pleasant breeze flows into the room through the unobstructed window. Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air blowing against your face from the outside, you allow your eyes to gently flutter closed, enjoying the serenity of the moment.

Reopening your eyes, you turn to face inwards at the kitchen yet again with a happy sigh. A slight smile forming on your features you step towards the dirty dishes on the table, ’If I can’t help Fluttershy by making the bed, then I guess the least I could do would be to clear the table for her.’ You think to yourself, causing the smile on your face to widen further. But, just as you were about to take the closest plate to you from the table, the sound of somepony knocking on the front door reaches your ears.

“Don’t worry I’ll get it Fluttershy!” You shout upstairs to the preoccupied pegasus who was still making the bed upstairs as you walk to the wooden entryway to the small cottage. Slipping your hoof into the latch of the door in front of you, pulling open the wooden door you hear a voice somewhat reminiscent to Logic’s except with a higher pitch and a better sense of sophistication than the painfully obvious piece of your subconscious.

“Oh there you are, Fluttershy, dear I was beginn-,“ the pony before you paused her intended dialogue as soon as she completed her turn back to the doorway and looked upon your face. Her gaze flitting up and down your cream hued frame quickly, you hear her give a school girlish giggle before speaking in a coy voice.

“Well, well, well! I simply must apologize my dear sir. I had no idea that Fluttershy was having, err, company over. Shall I come back at a later time?”

Immediately you feel your cheeks burn as blood rushed to them in embarrassment as you realize just what the mare was insinuating, “Um, what? No! That’s not what, well what I mean to say, oh, it’s just, ahhh fuck.” Hopelessly stammering and stuttering you felt the explosion as you stepped on the verbal landmine that this mare had placed before you. Thankfully the mare in question seemed to get the gist of your unintelligible word vomit and simply giggled again, apologizing for her assumption.

Heaving a sigh of relief as the embarrassing presumption was confirmed as incorrect, you take a moment to fully analyze the appearance of the mare in front of you. She was a little bit shorter than you were, with a white coat and a purple shimmering mane, as well as sparkling sapphire irises which only complimented the horn which rose from her forehead, and there on her flank for some reason was the image of three magnificent gemstones. Looking back up to her eyes you see how the sapphire orbs that you stared into now had a mischievous glint in them with an eyebrow raised and a playful smirk cracking across her visage.

“S-so you’re, um. You’re here for F-Fluttershy?” You blurt out, in hope of breaking the strange silence spreading between the two of you, probably with the same amount of tactfulness as your common Neighanderthal.

“Yes, well, I suppose I did say that, didn’t I?” The unicorn replies, her sly gaze drifting to other things around the room as a knowing smile grew from the previous smirk. “Speaking of which, where is she? I only ask because today is the day of our weekly excursion to the spa, and so I decided that I would surprise her by meeting her here so that she and I could walk together!” The unicorn finishes with the flash of another dazzling smile.

“Oh, how nice of you.” Your reply comes after the ivory hued mare gives her explanation. “And, actually, I’m pretty sure she’s still upstairs Ms…?” You leave the rest of the question hanging in the air for the purple maned mare to pick up, and she did just that, her sapphire eyes widening in something that was a cross between shock and horror.

“Oh my goodness, where are my manners? I have yet to properly introduce myself, please forgive me, kind stallion, but my name is Rarity and I am a close friend of Fluttershy’s.” The white mare answered in a hurried fashion, not expecting this type of a response you blink several times before chuckling slightly.

“Hehe, Miss Rarity there’s no need to apologize, trust me, its fine. Such a kind mare shouldn’t feel the need to apologize over such a small thing.” You say, smiling at the white mare to punctuate your sentiment. As you smile at her you see Rarity raise a hoof to her muzzle, mostly to suppress a giggle before responding.

“Well thank you, kind sir, for that compliment, but I fear I must correct you; it is Fluttershy who is the kind one not me, and speaking of which.” Your brow furrowing at Rarity’s cryptic statement you turn your head noticing Fluttershy standing in the stairwell, having obviously finished the bed upstairs the timid pegasus had chosen to come back downstairs. As the mare in question sees Rarity you notice her features visibly brighten, as she trotted over the front door with a warm smile on her face Fluttershy greets the mare with wave.

“Oh hello Rarity, what are you doing here,” Fluttershy asks before her ears flatten on her head as she frowns. “Oh no, I wasn’t late and missed our plans today, did I?” Just as you are about to console the yellow mare, and tell her what Rarity had previously told you the unicorn’s posh voice rang out directly behind you.

“Oh, good heavens, no, dear. I just thought it would be a nice change for me to come meet you here instead of at the Boutique where you have to walk all the way into town by yourself; so I took it upon myself to come meet you so we could walk together! What do you say?” Rarity responded, a faint clopping sound accompanied her voice as she walked forwards to stand beside you with a smile.

Quickly you see Fluttershy’s demeanor change, her ears perking back up and her brow unfurrowing as she smiled back at the white unicorn. “Oh well in that case yes!” The yellow mare exclaimed in her usual hushed tone, “but, um, what about you?” She asked, her gaze shifting to your direction, “Will you be alright here by yourself? It’s just that Rarity and I always go to the spa once a week and, well, it just so happens that-“

Before the pegasus could finish her meek explanation, you wave a hoof in a dismissive manner, “No, it’s alright. I’ll walk with you two into town. I’ve been meaning to look around a bit anyways. Well assuming that’s alright with the two of you that is?” You ask hurriedly looking between the two mares, not wanting to be the kind of pony that just invited themselves without the consent of others.

But, to your immense relief, you see both Rarity and Fluttershy begin to smile and nod at your answer/question. “That’s fine with me” Fluttershy replies, her smile still in place, “Well, um, that is if it’s okay with Rarity too?”

“Oh Fluttershy it would be perfectly fine with me. I would be honored to have such a gentlecolt escort us into town.” Rarity answers in turn with a quick wink, “So, shall we be off,” Questions the purple maned unicorn, motioning to the door with a hoof and small curtsy. Your head feeling a bit light as you considered the white mare’s wink you nod and fall into line behind Fluttershy as the three of you began the walk into town from the secluded cottage.


Less than an hour later you were walking through the main square of the small town you had seen from the air yesterday. Having already bid farewell to your two companions after accompanying them to the location of their appointment you were alone, simply looking around at the various shops and stalls in the square.

So far your visit to the town, Ponyville if you could remember the name that Rarity had provided for the cluster of homes and shops correctly, had been nothing short of enjoyable if not amazing. Mostly due to the fact that pretty much every resident of the town was in an infectiously positive mood, every time you walked past a new face the pony in question gave no qualms against waving and saying a greeting of some sort. Already you had received a multitude of good morning’s, how do you do’s, and peculiarly one pony who simply looked at you, smiled, and shook his head saying “Pinkie’s gonna have a field day.” And while the last greeting had confused you, you still had waved at the colt and continued on.

Trotting happily along the line of shops and stalls, you stop to observe a small mirror hanging on a post to your left. Staring into the deep emerald pools that were your eyes you lose yourself to your own thoughts and emotions. Thoughts of confusion, intermingled with feelings of loneliness, and desperation raced through you. Confusion of who the creature staring back at you really was, and what connection did it have with the ‘others’ from your dreams. And feelings of loneliness over the fact that, though you were still very much surrounded by other ponies, you were still alone in the sense that nopony truly knew what your situation was like, and desperation over the fact that it seemed as if no matter what you did and no matter how hard you tried the key to unlocking the amnesiac safe that cut you off from your memories continued to evade you.

Mulling over these dismal thoughts in your mind, while enraptured in your reflection before you it hardly registers in your mind as the sound of rushed hooves on cobblestone approaches you. Suddenly you feel something bump into your side and fall to the ground with a hefty *THUD*.

“Oh my goodness, I’m very sorry, sir! I guess I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and didn’t see you-…oh! Hello there!” Looking to your side you see the familiar purple form of Twilight. The sight of her causing a slight flutter in your stomach. The mare picked herself up from the ground, having fallen after bumping into you during your zoned-out state, her head obviously having been buried in the hefty tome which now rested cover first in the street between the two of you.

“Oh, h-hey Twilight, how are you,” you ask with a slight stutter, a slight flush spreading across your face at the sight of the purple unicorn. Bending down to the ground you pick up the dropped tome with your hoof, lifting the book off of the ground you see Twilight’s cheeks darken in color to match your own.

“Oh, you really didn’t have to…” her sentence trails off as you extend the hoof holding her book towards her with a smile.

Her blush deepening, Twilight encases the book in the familiar violet aura you have come to associate with her telekinetic powers with a sheepish smile and muttered thanks. The book was lifted from your hoof into the air, drifting directly into the purple mare’s similarly colored twin saddlebags resting on either side of her. As Twilight relinquished her hold on the book and saddlebag, the light purple glow around the objects and her horn fading, she looked back to you with a slight flush still prominent in her cheeks.

Still looking into her eyes, you raise your eyebrows at the unicorn before you with an expectant look, waiting for her to answer your previous question. “What?” Twilight asks giving a confused stare in return to yours, only causing you to give an amused chuckle before answering in turn.

“You never answered my question,” you state. “I asked, how are you?” At your restatement of the question Twilight’s blush only deepens, her eyes starting to look at anything but you, much like a certain yellow pegasus’ would in any given situation.

“Oh, sorry,” She mumbles her eyes slowly refocusing onto your own, “But I’m, um, well I’m good! In fact I was just about to come and get you from Fluttershy’s. Actually, wait a minute. Now that I think about it,” the unicorn added with a thoughtful glance, “what the hay are you doing in town? I was sure Fluttershy would have locked you in her room because of your injury.” She finishes with a slightly playful tone and a smirk spreading across her face.

Hearing this you find it very hard not to give a hearty laugh in the middle of the busy market square, settling instead for a low one under your breath. “Well, she did try to,” you reply with a wink. “But apparently she and a white unicorn mare, named Rarity, had an appointment to go to the spa. And since I had been thinking of coming into town anyway, I decided to walk with them,” You answer with a smile at the purple mare. “But anyways, what did you need me for?”

“Oh! You met Rarity? She’s another good friend of mine! And Fluttershy and Rarity go to the spa once every week, usually on a Saturday like today, so that makes sense that you would come into town, instead of staying all alone at Fluttershy’s. And in answer to your question,” Twilight adds with a sly glance to you, “Today I visited Nurse Redheart, at the Ponyville General Hospital, and she let me borrow one of the hospital’s copies of Arcane Medical Remedies! So I thought that you might want me to take a look at your wing and the, -ahem-, rest of your overall health perhaps?” Twilight asked quirking an eyebrow up at the final part of her last sentence, obviously referring to your many other ‘mishaps’.

Though your face brightened slightly at Twilight’s joke, your expression lit up immediately all the same as soon as you realized what Twilight was offering. Upon seeing your overtly positive response Twilight’s wry grin widened into a fully fledged joyful smile.

“So, wait, you think you can fix my wing?” Your words fly out of your mouth in an excited rush, “and I’ll be able to fly full strength again?” A wide smile still on her face, Twilight began to nod before giggling at your sudden outburst, causing the somewhat receding blush to race back into your cheeks with renewed color.

“Well, yes. I think it is highly possible that I can! But I really don’t think that we should be doing a procedure like this in the middle of the street, as medical magic is a much more complicated branch of the arcane arts than some ponies might think.” Your expression’s enthusiasm drains a bit at this information before you question Twilight on where you could do the magic if you needed to be in a stable environment just to be able to perform it.

“Hmm well now that I think about it nothing really -OH! I know! We can go to the library, I still need some equipment for a proper procedure anyways, y’know some stuff to help keep you still and the works.” She responds with a warm smile. “Plus I have to check if Spike has finished his chores. Now that I think of it…” She finishes as her eyes narrow in a thoughtful manner, before she shakes her head slightly and looks back to you, the smile from earlier back on her face. “So? What do you say?”

“Well, to that? I say lead the way mademoiselle.” You say, bowing to the purple unicorn in a mock aristocratic air as you recalled the description that Rainbow had given the hollowed out tree home of Twilight Sparkle.

Giving a slight laugh and mock curtsy, Twilight walked past you merely motioning a hoof to tell you to follow her, before she was walking down the street in what you assumed to be the direction of her home. As you fall into step beside her Twilight begins to question you on how your stay at Fluttershy’s was.

Walking down the street on the left side of Twilight you tell her all about what had happened in between the time of her heading back home last night, and this morning. From Fluttershy’s icy glare which compelled you to do whatever she wanted, to your failed attempt at making the bed; the two of you talked about every aspect right until you found yourself right on the library’s doorstep.

At which point Ms. Twilight, and you walked into the library to make preparations for wing fixing.

Chapter 8: A Meeting of Chance (Un-edited)

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Chapter 8

**NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Please remember that this IS and unedited chapter, so it hasn't been declared 100% yet, I'm just putting it out there so that you fine people have something to read and take time up with, anyways hope you enjoy Chapter 8!**

“Twilight, are you sure this is really necessary?” You ask, casting a sidelong glance at the unicorn, who was currently nose deep in the medical tome that she had gotten from the hospital and seemed too deep in thought to have heard you. “Twilight?” You say, waving a hoof in the purple mare’s direction in an attempt to break her from the trance of the book before her. Reluctantly she lifts her gaze to look at you with a slightly annoyed sounding “yes?” which only caused you to shake your head slightly, giving an amused chuckle at how the purple mare could get so engrossed in a book to the point that she tuned out her surroundings completely.

“I asked if this,” You said, gesturing to the many different machines she had you attached to with one hoof and a raised eyebrow, “was all really necessary? I mean, you’re not performing a heart transplant Twilight.” The light natured jab at her extremely complicated working space was enough to cause the mare to blush and look away briefly with a sheepish smile on her face.

“Well, erm, it’s just that even if it isn’t a large one or a too serious one this is stil a medical procedure and well, um therefore I just thought that we should follow everything to the book...” trailing off the purple unicorn began to conduct what appeared to be an extremely detailed inspection of the ceiling as her cheeks rapidly darkened.

Despite yourself you couldn’t help but chuckle at the mare’s reaction, regaining your composure you look back at Twilight with a good natured smile so as to show that you weren’t laughing to offend and it was all in good fun and therefore was not meant to offend in the slightest. “Twilight, you’re not even repositioning the wing, Rainbow did that for me, all you have to do is clear up the last bit of bruises and assist the muscles around the injury area to repair themselves faster so that I can use these dumb ‘ol things again.” You say lifting up your wings for emphasis, a wide smile on your features.

“That may be true, um, Creamie, bu-“

“Wait, wait, wait, what?” You say, obviously flustered over Twilight’s choice of a substitute name for you due to your noticeable lack of one, “Creamie?”

“Well excuse me, Mr. No Name but YOU don’t have a name so I had to improvise.”

“No I can understand that Twi, but, Creamie? Seriously I think you can do better than that.”

Having her creativity questioned Twilight’s expression showed a brief flash of annoyance at you before settling into a smirk, “Alright fine, I’ll think of something else then, since you don’t want me to call you by relating to your coat colour I’ll have to find something else.” She made a sarcastic show of looking intently at you trying to find something before her expression formed one of mock discovery complete with wide eyes and hoof pointed in the air as if at an imaginary light bulb, “Ah! Oh I’ve got it now, the perfect name for a stallion like you.” Said the mare before falling silent, obviously waiting for you to ask.

Letting a little huff you took the purple unicorn’s bait, “Fine Twilight I’ll bite, what’s the name?” You said rolling your eyes to the highest limits that playful sarcasm could reach before becoming rude.

As you looked back to Twilight you saw a satisfied smirk on her face as she replied with one word, your substitute name, not complicated not elaborate or detailed or some special meaning just simply... “Peggy”

“What?” You questioned, your voice cracking a bit.

“Your new name is Peggy,” replied Twilight in a calm voice with the same smirk on her face, obviously enjoying this moment.

“But, No that’s, what, PEGGY?” You said, stumbling over your words as you tried to express your displeasure over the ‘name’ if one could call it that, “But I don’t want to be called Peggy!”

“Well you didn’t want to be called Creamie either, Creamie referred to your coat colour and Peggy refers to the fact that you’re a pegasus, so now you’re new name is Peggy.”

“Okay, okay FINE I’ll be called Creamie, now can we get back to this thingy?”

“Yes,” Replied Twilight, her gaze changing back to a slightly more serious one, though not without a playful edge, as she looked to you once again, “Now as I was saying, even though all I’m doing for your wing is fixing a bruise and speeding up minor healing I’d still like to run some tests on your head for any signs of a concussion or other head trauma before I can send you on your way.” Replied the unicorn as she turned to look at the medical tome again.

Your brow furrowing in confusion, you raised a hoof in the air and waited a couple of seconds as if waiting for the teacher to call on you, before you realised what you were doing and lowered the aforementioned hoof with a deep red blush on your face. “Twilight?” You asked, the mare turning slightly so as to look at you with a sidelong glance, “What do you mean ‘head trauma’?” At your response the mare just stared at you with a deadpan look, before a small giggle escaped from her lips continuing until the mare in front of you was laughing hysterically. Standing awkwardly before your companion gasping for air between peals of laughter you pawed at the ground and shifted on your hooves uneasily before interrupting the purple unicorn by clearing your throat loudly.

“Oh, hehe, I’m s-sorry, but, hm ah, okay I’m better” Twilight said a small tear running down her face from laughing too hard, “Wait, you’re serious?” She said looking at you with a confused grin, at your nod the mare facehoofed, “Oh you’ve got to be, okay what was the first thing that happened when we met?” Valiantly trying to keep a straight face the mare waited for you to answer.

Unsure exactly where the purple unicorn was going with this you raised an eyebrow before formulating a response, “Um, I freaked out?”

Nodding Twilight motioned with her hoof for you to continue, “And then what happened as a result of that?”

Still slightly confused you did as the mare suggested, continuing with your explanation, “Well, uh, I kinda, well I guess the right wording would be froze up? I guess?” Twilight nodded, “Okay well I froze-up and my muscles all tensed at once and then my... wings... came... down...” Your voice trailed off, becoming an incomprehensible mumble as your brain finally worked out what your purple friend was hinting at.

“I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch that, what was that you said?” The bookish mare questioned, the sweetest of smiles on her face.

At your unicorn friend’s question you scowled slightly, before responding, “Smartass” Hearing your response Twilight giggled slightly before turning to fully face you.

“Now would you like me to run the tests or not Mr. Grump?”

“Yes please, Miss Sparkle, Ma’am”

“That’s better, but I’m going to need you to stop swearing okay? Spike might not be here now but I don’t want you to accidentally let one slip while he’s around, he can be very,” She looked to the air and tapped a hoof on her chin searching for the proper word, “impressionable, sometimes.”

“Okay, I can understand that I guess,” You reply, looking to the mare and flashing a quick smile to confirm that you actually did, at which she reciprocated in turn and faced once more at the complicated array of switches and dials before her.

“Okay I’m going to start by running a quick diagnostic and examination of your injured wing’s functionality and status before I get around to healing the affected areas and then checking out the rest of your body, is that okay?” Twilight asked casting a cursory glance back at you over her shoulder. As soon as you nodded in affirmation the purple mare’s horn was surrounded by the familiar aura which you had come to associate with her telekinetic abilities as she flicked the various switches, knobs, and dials before her. “There, now that that’s all set up there’s just one more thing to take care of,” The unicorn said as she turned around to face you once more, “Even though this is only a minor procedure, arcane healing is known to be quite painful if the patient is conscious.”

Taking this rather new tidbit of information in you looked at Twilight steadily before answering, “So what do you suggest?” You asked, waiting though you already knew the mare’s response.

“Well you have two options, If you want I can choose not to administer anaesthetic and we can try and do the procedure that way, but I might have to restrain you,” Twilight said, wincing slightly as she explained option one, a course of action she obviously did not prefer, “Or I can put you under the effects of a deep sleep spell, if I do that then you won’t be able to feel a thing and no restraints should be needed.” The mare finished with a smile.

Though most ponies would immediately go for the unconscious bliss of option two, instead of the less favourable option one you found that you were hesitant to be put into the black void of your subconscious yet again. You knew that your reasoning was flawed, and that you should immediately choose the less painful option so you didn’t go through something you didn’t have to, but you still couldn’t help but imagine what other strange things you might see while asleep. Things that you still were confused about from the night before, weighing the many different variables in your head, you looked from the floor to Twilight again, “What does this sleep spell do?” You asked, curious to know more about the option in which you didn’t feel pain.

“Well, it almost instantaneously gives you a drowsy feeling, then part of the spell creates the illusion of whatever the affected pony’s mind would think is the most soothing sound and will lull you to sleep. Pretty simple actually when you think about it, but complicated for the caster to maintain until fully charged.” Twilight said, keeping her gaze locked onto you as if watching for your expression to change so she could know how you were processing this new information.

Throughout Twilight’s explanation of the spell’s effects and behaviours you just silently nodded and stood listening, waiting patiently for her to finish before asking your next question, “And can you make the spell dreamless?” At her confused expression you quickly added, “I like a clear head.”

“Um, I think so,” Twilight said, perplexed at your strange request, “Yes, yes I think I can do that actually, so you want the dream spell then I take it?” The mare asked seriously, her violet irises looking straight into your own emerald green ones.

“Yes please, just make sure it’s dreamless if you can” You say with a smile.

“Okay, sure, one dreamless sleep coming up! Now just lay down on your front and relax okay?” Said Twilight, her horn igniting and motes of faint purple light appearing in your vision as you lay flat on your stomach, “Good! Just like that, now just close your eyes and lay still.” Twilight said, her words sounding far off and slightly muffled as the spell began to take effect. You yawned loudly as you started to hear the sound of rain, a torrent of pitters and patters upon hundreds of leaves and puddles. The soothing downpour carrying you further and further into the artificial sleep, the imaginary raindrops cleansing your mind of worries and washing away the doubts you previously had. With a small smile on your face you let yourself be carried further into the soft veil of sleep, the rain following in your wake.


Blearily you opened your eyes, blinking quickly and squinting as the irises adjusted to the brighter light, you saw the blurry purple outline of who you assumed to be your hostess/nurse. As your vision cleared you saw that your previous assumption was indeed correct and that Twilight still hadn’t noticed you had awoken, the mare was studying a clipboard a pale lavender glow surrounding it and her horn. The glow that you had come to associate with her inherent telekinetic abilities, watching her flip a page with the aura you found yourself gripped by an immense curiosity towards it.

“Hey, Twilight?” You asked, eyes fixed on the glow surrounding your purple friend’s horn, curiosity still burning inside you.

At the sound of your voice the mare jumped, surprised to hear your voice, “Oh! Sorry, I didn’t know you were awake yet! Um, anyways, what is it?” Twilight responded, moving a bit closer towards you and levitating the clipboard slightly away from her but keeping it in her grip.

“How does that work?” You asked, pointing a hoof towards Twilights forehead at her horn, The mare’s eyes crossed as she traced an imaginary line towards where you were pointing on her face.

“Oh, um... you mean my horn?” As you nodded the mare smiled warmly, “oh well that’s an easy one! Magic.” Twilight responded, as if this was the most obvious answer in the world and no other explanation could make sense to her. However whereas the purple unicorn’s answer left her own mind assured, it left you feeling extremely confused as your brow furrowed in your confusion.

“Um, Twi?” You asked raising a hoof in your unicorn friends direction but the purple mare had already looked back at her clipboard and was now looking between it and the book that she had gotten from the hospital, knowing from earlier that it would be near impossible to get the mare’s attention now that she was entranced by the book again you resolved to ask her at a later time, and chose at that moment to leave her to whatever she was doing.

* * * * *

Twenty minutes later you found yourself yet again in the marketplace of the town, feeling a slight sense of Déjà vu as you walked past the stall where you had bumped into Twilight earlier you quickened your pace slightly. Heading deeper into the Ponyville market district; strolling past the many diverse storefronts and stalls that the towns ponies had to offer seemed to put your churning mind at a sense of ease, the hustle and bustle of countless ponies in the busy town square absorbing the tension that any stressors you may have had produced.

Feeling your tangled mind relax itself you took a deep breath, closing your eyes slightly as you did so. Holding it in for a split second before exhaling through your nose.

“Th’ market relaxes you too huh?” said a voice no more than a short distance to your right

“Hm?” You replied, opening your eyes to better see as you turned towards the source of the voice. The speaker, as it so happened, was a red earth pony stallion, with light blonde hair and bright green eyes. Besides those noticeable traits of the pony you also took in the fact that he had about a full head of height on you and looked lke he could best a train locomotive in a head butting tournament.

“Ah just was sayin’ how it looked like the market set yr’ mind at ease.” Replied the crimson mountain of a stallion.

“Oh, hehe, sorry I guess I was in the clouds for a sec there.” You replied, laughing a little at the statement, “But, yeah it does, I don’t really know what it is really probably something to do with the fact that if everyone else is so busy and tense then why should I be? If that makes any sense that is.” You finished, walking over to where the stallion stood beside a cart filled with varying kinds of apples.

“Eeyup, I suppose it does heh,” the stallion replied, his laugh rumbling like a boulder grating on mountain stones. “Th’ name’s Macintosh by th’ way, Macintosh Apple, but just call me Big Mac or Mac, everyone else around here does.” The red stallion said holding out one of his hooves towards you.

“Well, um, it’s nice to meet you Big Mac,” You said, reaching your hood forwards in turn to shake the larger stallion’s in greeting, “Wedge” you blurted out at nearly the last minute randomly, the fading memory of your dream prompting the outburst.’Where the hell did that come from?’ You thought, trying to remember the source of the name from the fleeting memory.

“Wedge?” Big Mac said, an eyebrow raising at your statement, “Well Ah have to admit Ah’ve probably heard stranger names for a pony but if that’s yer name that’s yer name. Though Ah have to say those are an impressive set of feathers ya got there Wedge, you wouldn’t happen to be a guard now would you?” At the stallion’s last question you quirked an eyebrow up in a puzzled manner.

“A guard? Um, no, I don’t think so but what about you? You seem big enough to take on six ponies without even breaking a sweat.” You said, referring to the stallion’s immense size and implied strength. Hearing your question Mac rumbled a hearty chuckle.

“Nnnope, that definitely isn’t me,” Mac replied the remnants of his laugh still evident in his tone, “Ah can’t say Ah wasn’t an enlisted stallion once though.” At this you start to walk forwards, closer to the salespony, engaged in the conversation brewing between the two of you.

“Really now?” You asked, stepping closer to where the red pony stood and taking a seat near the apple cart that he was selling from. “And when was that? If you don’t mind me asking that is I mean.”

“A long time ago, Ah was hay of a lot younger then, and a mite less responsible. But trust me it’s a long and complicated story and none too exciting neither.” Replied the barrel chested stallion, his gaze stretching far away from the market the two of you stood in and becoming distant.

“Well, I can’t really say I have anywhere to go or be myself, besides I’m pretty sure you’re one of the only ponies in this town I’m friends with at the moment.” You said, eager to know more about the stallion, intrigued by his gentle giant persona and easy to talk to manner, traits you felt that you liked in a friend.

“Wellp, don’t say I didn’t war-,“ The stallion cut himself off mid-sentence, his eyes widening noticeably as Big Mac grabbed you by the shoulders and looked straight into your eyes with a stare that could make a rock confess to being a chicken, “Wait wait wait, now whaddya mean Ah’m one of the only ponies you’re friends with at the moment?” The red pony’s words were slightly rushed and anxious, hinting at a matter of grave importance, something that confused you beyond a many of other things you had experienced so far.

“Bwuh?” You replied, the extreme confusion you felt due to the stallion’s change in behaviour plainly apparent in your tone.

“Yah said Ah’m one of your only friends in th’ town, now Ah’m askin’ what ya meant by it, now answer me.”

“Um, well, it’s just that, I’m new in town and-“ But your explanation was cut off as one big crimson hued hoof was stuffed into your mouth, muffling your voice and immediately shutting you up.

“Whattaya mean, yer new in town,” hissed the red stallion looking left and right, almost as if he was looking out for someone, someone he didn’t want to see you, “listen Wedge, Ah’m really sorry ’bout this, you seem to be a nice guy an’ all but I’m gonna need you ta hurry on befo-“

But before you found out why you needed to hurry away, and what from for that matter, a heavy and sudden impact hit your chest. Hard. Hard enough to effectively knock any air you still had in your lungs out of your chest and send you flying through the air in an explosion of apples before you landed flat on your back in the middle of the street. Your immediate thought being that for some reason Big Mac had shoved you, but that was almost instantaneously dismissed. Mac had been gripping your shoulders, if he had hit you, you would have seen it.

“Hi there!”

Literally out of nowhere a violently hot pink face with a cotton candy colored pink poofy mane appeared in your field of vision, accompanied with the weight of a full grown pony standing on your chest. All of the sensations seemed to have appeared the same time that the face did, and not as in the way when someone steps on you and then they’re there, more so in the way that it seemed as if the mare had appeared out of thin air.

Needless to say that this randomly appearing pony had succeeded in scaring the feathers off of your wings in a metaphorical sense and normally would have elicited a rather impressive yell of surprise from your lungs, would it not have been for the randomly appearing pony having (assumedly) knocked the breath out of you and then now standing on your chest. Nonetheless even with the odds stacked against your ability to yell in surprise or panic or perhaps even both, your brain sent the signal to your vocal chords and all other related parts of your body required and….

…emitted a slight rattling series of wheezes.

“Hehe, you’re silly! That’s not how you say hi!” exclaimed the mare using your body as a floor perkily, before turning her head to the side slightly and looking up to the sky in a pondering pose, “well, at least not in plain Equestrian!” All of a sudden the pink pony’s eyes widened and she performed the largest scale gasp you could recall witnessing, “But MAYBE that’s how you say hi in balloonian! I bet there’s a whole secret ISLAND of tiny balloon ponies! WOW!! Hhh I wonder if the balloonians like cupcakes!"

“Oh wait! That’s right! Balloon ponies probably would eat different types of foods than us wouldn’t they? Huh, that’s weird, HEY! I just remembered something!” The pink pony’s gaze turned from the sky back down to your own while leaning in closer to your face, “You don’t know who I am! Oh and you’re still not talking” said the mare, finishing her rant with a cock of the head to the side.

Slowly (and with great effort) you began to refill your lungs with tiny gasps of air. As soon as you had a good deal of it you tried to respond to the mare atop your chest with some form of intelligible communication, however even with the larger use of your effort all that seemed to come out of your mouth was a barely audible hoarse whisper, “Air…” raspy and strained you said the word as loud as you could manage hoping that the pink mare would hear and understand

“Air?” Parroted the pony, “What’s air got to do with you not knowing who I am and you not talking?” The mare then burst into a small fit of giggles and snorts before heaving another one of her almighty gasps and plastering her face nose to nose with your own, “Unless ‘air’ is some sort of secret code word! But super-secret code words aren’t used by normal ponies, but then again, who gets to decide what makes a pony normal? I mean it might be duper normal-riffic to do a whole BUNCH of things in the thoughts of one pony which would seem super-duper wonky-wacky to me, or you! But then again-“

However before the mare could continue her completely randomised and seemingly endless rant she was cut off by a deep masculine voice somewhere behind her. “Pinkie, Ah think that what the stallion is tryin’ to say here is that he can’t breathe darlin’. You’re standin’ on his chest, maybe if ya could just hop off him and let the stallion stand then he could get acquainted with you better.”

“Okie dokie lokie, Macky! Actually, that would really help explain why the ground’s so soft over here!” Exclaimed the pink mare, lightly stomping her hooves before hopping off your chest onto the stone street, allowing you to heave a great intake of air whilst rolling your body into a sitting position off of the uncomfortable street you had been laying on.

Fighting off a slight wave of light headedness you performed a quick flurry of rapid blinks before looking around you. First, to where the pink pony hopped in place with a big smile on her face staring straight at you, then to where Big Mac silently stood, his hay straw shifting to the other side of his mouth as the red stallion stared at you for a few short moments before turning his gaze back to the pink mare. “Thank ya kindly Pinkie, now,” Said Mac as he once again turned his emerald eyes back to face in your direction, “Wedge, are you okay?” Questioned the stallion as he chewed on his straw with a slightly concerned look in his eyes.

As your previous feelings of light headedness passed you cleared your throat before responding to the apple salespony, “Yeah… yeah Mac I’m fine, what about you? How’s the stand?” You asked, your voice raspy from when the pink mare had been (inadvertently) blocking your capability to breathe earlier.

At your question Mac simply let out a quiet laugh before answering, “Yea I s’pose Ah’m fine, and the stand shouldn’t be too hard a fix, but” Replied the stallion, his expression changing to that of a concerned individual as he looked from the apple stand back to you, “Are ya sure yer alright though Wedge? You went down pretty dang hard there.”

Now, though you knew that the pony you were talking to was genuinely concerned for your well-being, and that less than 2 minutes ago you had most likely taken a very nasty fall just as he described. To even BEGIN to compare this little trip up to what you’d been through in the past few days was… well at least in your mind that is, comical beyond belief.

So, with that in mind, despite the inherent and blatantly obvious serious nature of the current situation, and despite the fact that to anypony else this was not the event one would take lightly; you did something that through the eyes of another would be seen as the first signs of madness and something to raise the nerves of other ponies who may have witnessed such a display after such an incident.

You began to laugh.

At first it started as a slight snort, then a quiet chuckle, until you were sitting in the market district of Ponyville after getting knocked flat on the cobblestone laughing hysterically at the pony in front of you for his very reasonable concern. But you couldn’t help it, compared to everything you had already been through in little more than a full week this so-named ‘Pinkie’ assaulting you in the middle of the street and disrupting your ability to draw breath was little more than a hiccup. A cold v.s. a strain of the flu, and it was because of this difference that you laughed.

As your laughter died away to gasps you heard a puzzling sound. Turning towards the source of the noise you saw the pink pony whom Mac had referred to as ‘Pinkie’ lying on her back, gasping between giggles and laughter of her own.

Catching your breath and giving the giggling pink mare another look over you couldn’t help but noticing her coat and mane colouring. Now this may sound as if you were failing to catch onto a given fact and no-brainer, but it wasn’t the fact THAT the pony was pink that struck you as interesting. It was HOW pink she was. You found yourself truly appreciating her given name as comically appropriate in your mind, most likely due to the blaring hot pink of her coat and secondly the bubblegum pink of her mane. The second thing you noticed was how the very sight of this mare seemed to emit waves of cheer, mirth, and overall happiness.

All of a sudden the pony snorted very loudly and snapped her eyes wide open before performing a truly epic gasp. Now this gasp was classified ‘epic’ in your mind mostly due to the fact that it was definitely the most prolonged one you had ever seen, and secondly for the fact that as she gasped the pony was lifted into the air a good measure before landing. “I just had a super dooper looper totally fun-errific idea!” Exclaimed the mare before she threw what looked to be a cupcake onto the ground, which then exploded into a cloud of confetti, streamers, and glitter. Upon clearing, it seemed as if the multi-coloured party favour cloud had aided the eccentric mare in vanishing.

Dumbfounded and utterly confused at this point you simply stared at the various falling party supplies landing around you and the now smooshed cupcake lying on the ground in front of your hooves, trying desperately and failing to work out precisely HOW the pastry had produced such a bizarre explosion. You felt a hoof lightly touch your shoulder and looked to see the lightly bemused face of your larger companion before you let out a small chuckle and asked the stallion what he knew about the mare.

“Welp, that was Ms, Pinkamena Diane Pie, or Pinkie Pie as her friends call her. And she is Ponyville’s go-to mare for parties, sweets, party supplies, and jus’ bout any other random object you could possibly think of.” Replied the apple salespony, looking in the direction of the cupcake with a faint smile on his face, “Ah reckon she’s off to get the supplies now…” the stallion said trailing off.

“Supplies?” You said, feeling your interest piqued and giving the stallion a suspicious glance, “supplies for what Mac?”

But the larger pony just shrugged at your question and shook his head, “As much as Ah’d like to tell ya Wedge, Ah can’t. Most likely Pinkie has declared that info secret or a surprise without informing anyone else.”

“Mac that doesn’t make any sense.” You said giving the red stallion a look.

At that however Big Mac let out a low chuckle, a sound reminiscient to gravel underhoof, “Oh mark my words Wedge, you’ll soon come to realise that with that mare?” He said, nodding his head at the small remnants of confetti falling to the ground, “Nothing ever does.”