• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 4,968 Views, 167 Comments

Strange Winds - Caelum

A story of you, and you're shock of waking up to find that you are not quite yourself...

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Chapter 2: A Different Perspective

Chapter 2: A Different Perspective

“Whoa! Hold on there, just calm down! There’s no reason to freak out!” Spike cried out, obviously thrown off guard from your sudden response. Unfortunately for the young dragon, such creatures as himself had no logical place in your mind. That coupled with the fact that it is not only a menacing looking purple reptile with a hungry look on its face, it was a talking, menacing, purple reptile with a hungry look on its face.

’That lizard thing just talked! What the hell is this? What kind of twisted nightmare is this?’ These were your frantic thoughts, racing through your mind at the speed of light, as you stumbled shakily into an upright position; your wings arced behind you to help balance yourself. This stance, if not for the look of outright terror on your face, would probably have been a very imposing sight. At least, you hope it was imposing.

“B-b-back off! I’m warning you!” You manage to stammer out while rearing onto your hind legs and putting your hooves up into your approximation of a fighting stance, albeit a very unstable one.

“Spike! What’s going on?” This shout came from a second voice. It had a feminine edge to it, and it sounded anxious. “Is everything alright?”

You slowly began backing away from the reptile thing, which apparently was named ‘Spike.’ ‘Spike’ replies to the feminine voice with a small tremor in his voice. “The pony just woke up, and he doesn’t seem that happy to see me”

All of a sudden there were two bright purple flashes, both occurring within moments of one another. The first near the top of the hill, almost out of sight, which you still had bruises from falling down and where the feminine voice had seemed to be originating from. The second flash appeared directly in front of the reptile ‘Spike’ to reveal an angry looking purple unicorn. The anxiety building inside you finally reached its peak. The fact that there was a purple lizard thing in front of you, an apparently teleporting purple unicorn, and the fact that you didn’t know where you were, or WHO you were, all came together to just barely push you over the edge. Your body just seized up, and you were nearly paralyzed by it. Your jaw snapped shut with an audible click, your eyes snapped shut, and your legs locked up. Sadly, though, this panic induced muscular contraction extended to your wings. The fact that they were fully extended certainly made things worse for you.

Both of the feathered appendages on your back swept downward with extreme force, catching the air as they did so, and shooting you upwards. Now, had you been out in a field or in a slight clearing of the forest, with no overhead obstacles, this shockingly powerful takeoff might have propelled you straight into the air for what some might see as an impressive flight. Much to your dismay, though, you were not in a field, nor any sort of clearing with open sky. Instead you were in a forest, underneath a tree which just happened to have very, very thick branches right above you. So instead of propelling you to a successful escape, the wings on your back launched you into what seemed to be the biggest branch on the whole tree. Luckily you managed to hit it head first, saving the rest of your body from harm. With an almighty *CLUNK* the top of your head slammed into the tree-branch, sending you plummeting back to the ground in a heap, and straight into unconsciousness.’


“OH MY CELESTIA!” A very shocked Twilight Sparkle shouted, as the unconscious body of the Pegasus who, for no apparent reason, just launched itself into a tree branch fell to the ground with a dull thud.

“Twilight!” Spike exclaimed, surprised by the purple unicorns choice of words. “Did you just swear?”

“Spike, that doesn’t matter right now! What does matter is that this Pegasus just knocked himself unconscious, and probably gave himself a concussion too!” Twilight said frantically. “Oh no, what if he’s hurt? I don’t know much healing magic. Oh, I knew that I should have borrowed Nurse Redheart’s book of Arcane Medicinal Remedies! What if he’s seriously injured and-”

“Twilight,” Spike said in a serious tone, trying to cut into his purple maned companion’s rant, before she went into one of her infamous ‘episodes’. “Why don’t we try to think about what to do now instead of what we could have done then so we can actually help him?”

“Oh, um, well, you’re... you’re completely right Spike,” admitted the purple unicorn sheepishly as her cheeks began to change colour in embarrassment. “B-but, oh Spike, what should we do?” She asked in a nervous tone, uncharacteristic of the usually organized, headstrong, mare. The baby dragon frowned in confusion as he thought of all the different courses of action that he and his friend could take to help this poor pegasus. Then all of a sudden he got an idea, one that would involve Twilight’s unicorn prowess to carry the poor unconscious stallion.

“Twi, I know who we can take him to,” Spike said slowly, “but I don’t think that she’ll like the idea at first.”

Twilight’s brow furrowed in confusion at Spike’s explanation, but then slowly her confusion turned to a slight pang of worry as she realised just who her Number One Assistant had in mind. “Oh no Spike, but...I guess she is the only one who can help. And I think you’re right, she isn’t going to like this at all.


It was a beautiful sunny day at the small cottage that stood just on the outskirts of Ponyville, and the reclusive yellow pegasus who inhabited it couldn’t help but smile as she cared for the animals who chose to make their many dens and other manner of homes as near as possible to the animal-loving pony who lived there. At the moment Fluttershy was flying in between the many different bird feeders and homes to see if any had been damaged in last night’s unusually strong winds, and if any needed repair.

“Oh dear, it seems as if the roof of this bird feeder is broken Angel bunny,” the shy mare exclaimed to the small white rabbit that was resting on her back between the joints of her wings. The small creature quickly leapt from the middle of the diminutive pegasus’ back to the top of her head to look closer at the mentioned birdhouse before crossing his arms and nodding his head sharply.

“Oh my,” she quietly exclaimed. “Well, um, what do you suppose we do then?” out of nowhere the small creature produced a tiny orange construction hard-hat and mimed the usage of a jackhammer ,which was made quite realistic since the rabbit used his powerful legs to rapidly vibrate up and down. “Oh, Angel! I don’t know if demolishing the house would be the best, but, um, if you really think that would work then, um, we can do that-if-you-really-want-to.” She finished looking off to the side away from the small bunny.

Angel, obviously realizing that she had misunderstood his meaning face-pawed and shook his outstretched hands and head from side to side, then motioning to the saddlebags on Fluttershy’s flanks he motioned using a hammer to nail wood. “Oh, I think I see what you mean now! You meant to say we should repair the birdhouse, oh, Angel that’s a wonderful idea! But we will need to go get some more tools from the cottage, won’t we?”

The small creature nodded vigorously in agreement to the yellow mare’s statement content at being understood, and quickly hopped from her back and began to make his way to the cottage as fast as his little legs could carry him. Fluttershy gently landed upon the soft grass at the base of the tree before folding her wings back neatly against her sides. She looked back up at the damaged birdhouse, and she thought, ’oh I hope the little birds are all okay.’ Looking back to her cottage to begin the walk back when she heard a sound, it sounded like somepony was calling her name but she couldn’t be quite sure who it was or where it was coming from. Knowing that nopony had made any plans with her today, and since she didn’t expect any of the girls to come by, her mind started to enter panic mode.

’Oh my,’ she thought to herself. ’What if it’s Iron Will again! Oh no, I don’t know if I can deal with him again or maybe its somepony even worse than that! Maybe it’s… Oh my… a… SALESPONY!’ She let out a quiet squeak at that last thought, and she began quickly looking down either way of the road to see where the pony was coming from. After a moment she spotted them. On the road coming from the Everfree forest was a small blob which looked mostly purple with some hints of cream, and green. As Fluttershy began to run back to her cottage there was a blinding purple flash directly in front of her path. She let out a quiet shriek of surprise as she ran straight into the unicorn responsible for the bright purple teleportation spell.

Landing on top of a very exhausted Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy wasn`t quite sure what to expect, and was about to begin apologising for running into her when all of a sudden the out of breath librarian began to speak in between gasping breaths.

“Was... looking for... orchids to... Rarity... when all of a... Spike tripped and fell... found pegasus... went to see what was... wrong... the pegasus... unconscious... brought.. here... thought... you could help,” huffed the obviously exhausted Twilight unintelligibly.

“Um, Twilight, well it seems as if you aren’t speaking too clearly, and it’s making it just a teensy bit hard to understand what you mean. So, um, if you wouldn’t mind, maybe, talking just a bit clearer? But only if you really want to, that is. I mean it isn’t that big of a deal if I don’t understand...” Fluttershy trailed off weakly as she watched her friend’s chest heave, acting as further proof that she was obviously out of breath. The purple mare simply looked up at her friend and then simply pointed a hoof to the area behind where she was standing. Slowly turning to look at the spot where Twilight was pointing, Fluttershy’s eyes widened in surprise and concern as her gaze settled upon the unconscious form of a certain cream coloured, brown maned, stallion sprawled on the soft grass that she had landed on just moments ago.

“Oh dear.”


For the third time, in the course of what seemed a day, you opened your eyes, this time to the slight sound of wind going through a window and the slight chirping of birds. However you quickly realised that you were not underneath a tree in a forest, nor were you slowly being devoured by that strange ‘Spike’ thing, but in fact you were in a bed! Relief flooded through your mind like cleansing water, washing an invisible film of worry from your extremities. Sighing with content you burrow deeper into the warm confines of the bed sheets. You could hear the familiar sounds of the creaking bed frame, the gentle rustle of cloth on cloth, and the rustling of your wings’ feathers against the soft fabric.

All of a sudden, though, your eyes snapped open, taking in your surroundings, noting certain things as you did so. Yes, you were in a bed. No, it was not your own. Yes, you were now in a house of some sort but definitely not the apartment you could remember, or had it even been an apartment? With a slight twinge of despair you realised that you could still not remember your name, and now it seemed as if that the amnesiac episode which had taken the knowledge of your own identity from you was beginning to move into the limited memories you had before ending up in, well, wherever this was. With a groan you lean back into the bed, head against the pillow, trying to recall the events of the last time you woke up.

From the little you can recall, you gather that the purple thing that was called Spike was about to attack you had you not woken up to foil his plan. But then that purple unicorn had appeared out of nowhere and scared the living bejeezus out of you and then...you remembered seizing up in fear, and then being propelled upwards, and then....blackness. Looking at your surroundings again you begin to wonder just how you had gotten to this room away from your attackers? If you were unconscious then that must have meant that someone had come to your rescue and scared off the two purple perpetrators.

While you pondered these questions you failed to notice the sound of hooves coming up the stairs, only hearing them when they had stopped outside of the door. A slight knock on the door caused you to jump, and then a shockingly familiar voice came from behind the closed door. A voice that filled you with dread. It was the feminine voice of that purple unicorn from the forest!

“Hello? Are you okay in there?” she asked, “we thought we heard somepony moving around a bit up here and we figured you must have woken up. Do you mind if I come in?”

’Oh no, I was never rescued from that forest, those two captured me!’ You begin to think rapidly. ’And now they’ve taken me back to their lair! Oh dear lord what could they be planning!?’

“Um, are you awake?” The voice sounded once more.

’Quick, think! What should you do?’ You think, panicking, before the more reasonable side of your thoughts began to work out the situation.

’Well surely if they wanted to eat us they would have done so by now?’ This comment was brought forth by the side of reason.

’But maybe that’s just what they WANT us to think, so that they can lull us into a false sense of security!’ This frantic cry came from the other half of your mind.

Why would they go through the trouble of putting us into a warm bed, bandaging our head injuries, and bringing us to their home so we wouldn’t be left outside if they were just going to kill us anyways?’ The rational side of your brain was winning, and you knew it.

’Maybe they prefer to play with their food first, just like cats do! Or maybe they just didn’t want any damaged goods! Maybe we’re going to be sold into a cannibal meat market of sorts!’ The pleas of your panic were increasing in both volume, and absurdity.

’Panic,’ the reasonable side said, ’that is completely ridiculous and you know it’

’Not as ridiculous as if they were space aliens!’ Panic cried indignantly before gasping, ’MAYBE THEY’RE SPACE ALIENS!’

While the heated debate between the two halves of your mind continued on with a renewed gusto you almost barely noticed the slight sound of a sigh near the door and hooves on wood as the mare outside of it turned away from the door, presumably to head back down stairs while speaking. “Well then, I’ll just be downstairs if you wake up and need me. Please don’t hesitate to call.” A brief moment later you hear the voice speak again, this time in an undertone almost too low for you to hear, “please be okay.” With this small detail both sides of your mind came to a single and unanimous decision to end their debate to give you one important command to carry out while sitting in the unfamiliar bed, looking quite confused.

’SAY SOMETHING YOU FOOL! Panic and Reason both shouted.

“W-wait,” you stammered out, causing the hoof-steps to stop.

“Yes?” The relieved and hopeful reply quickly followed your words.

“N-no, I don’t mind,” you said quietly, before quickly adding, “If you come in, that is. If you still want to”. Even though you can’t see her yet, you could have sworn you saw the mare’s smile of relief in your mind.

“Of course I do!” Her reply is eager, and heartfelt. You even hear a slight giggle at the end of her sentence. As the door opens and the purple mare steps into the room you are lying in, you get your first true look at her since your panicked ascent into the trees. Remembering this you feel a slight heat rush to your face, as you think of what it must have looked like from her end and suppress the urge to bury yourself back under the sheets of the bed.

“Hello!” She says cheerfully, “My name is Twilight Sparkle, I’m the one who brought you here after your, um, accident.” You notice that she breaks eye contact for just a quick second and makes a conscious effort not to look at your head bandage, almost as if she’s the one who is to blame.

“But anyway!” She continues, ignoring the previous pause, “I was wondering what your name was? And maybe what you were doing all alone in the Everfree forest? It can be a dangerous place in there for ponies.” At the last remark a touch of concern enters her voice and her brow furrows as she looks at you.

Silently you begin to think about both of her questions, both loaded and each as unanswerable as the other. At your lack of answer you start to notice her breaking eye contact and shifting from hoof to hoof awkwardly

’Can’t just stay silent, gotta think of something, why not the truth? You ask yourself.

Looking down at your hooves on the bedspread you sigh deeply and look back up into Twilight’s, now puzzled, expression. “Well, um, the truth is, Twilight is it?” the mare simply gives you a warm smile and nods, letting you continue, “I honestly have no clue,” you say rather sheepishly.

At her confused glance you elaborate, “Well to answer your question about the forest, I woke up there. Yesterday I just opened my eyes and there I was, then I fell down a small hill and saw these,” you weakly flutter the wings on your back for emphasis, “before blacking out, then after I woke up I had to drag myself under a tree, because I couldn’t properly walk, and whenever I tried I would always overbalance and collapse. Then when I finally came to the next day there was this purple lizard thing staring at me, which kinda freaked me out, I think you called him Spike?”

She nods before you continue. “Well, anyway, as I’m trying to back away and get away from him, all of a sudden there are two bright purple flashes and then, poof, somehow you appear there. It’s hardly accurate to say that I was a little shocked at that point and then, well I guess you would probably know the story a lot better than I would from there on.” You finish giving a weak laugh. Twilight continues to stare at you for a small amount of time before slowly finally speaking.

“So, you don’t remember anything, before yesterday?” You shake your head in response. “Well then,” she continues, “Is your head feeling a little better now? As in do you think that you could get out of the bed and come downstairs?” She finishes with a smile, and you begin pondering this yourself. In response you slowly roll over onto your side off of the bed and land on your stomach. Knowing that you will regret it, you decide to try to stand on all four legs, even though you suspect that you will probably just fall over again. You mentally prepare yourself to put pressure on the four hooves underneath yourself. As you raise yourself up, you stand and slowly raise one shaky hoof forwards and place it back onto the floor.

With exhilaration you realise you hadn’t fallen! Slowly you begin to walk to where Twilight stood near the door, beaming at every step you took closer to her. When you finally reach her it looks as if her face is about to split in two from the joy she is displaying. “So you are? Perfect,” she exclaims. Together the two of you walk out of the room to the stairs where you stop, your confidence dying on the spot as the purple unicorn continued down the stairs, getting halfway to the bottom before you said something.

“Um,Twilight,” you ask in a whisper. Twilight looks back up in confusion as to why you have stopped before realisation dawns on her face.

“Oh…” she said quietly, looking on as your face began to burn with embarrassment. Before you can say anything else however a slight purple light encloses your entire being and lifts you into the air.

“Hey,” you exclaim. “What’s going on-” you start, before realising that Twilight’s horn is glowing the same colour as the field. The field lifts you to the bottom of the stairs gently, and quickly. Looking back up to the smiling unicorn’s face as she trots down the last few steps you start to say something, anything. An apology or an expression of gratitude begins to form in your mind but before you even have a chance to say one of the many words you wish to say to the helpful and caring mare, she simply lays a hoof on your shoulder.

“Shh, don’t think anything of it, it’ll be our secret as well okay?” She gives you a quick wink and you feel a blush rise to your cheeks. “Now, let’s go meet the others.” She giggles at your sudden change of colour, and she slowly begins to walk into what appears to be the kitchen. Her giggle manages to completely block out the thought of ‘the others’ and just who they might be as you followed her.