• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 344 Views, 1 Comments

A Thunderlane Trip - Thundery

A human to pony story with a twist, about guys who make a wish when shopping.

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Chapter 6

Now, even though this isn't Equestria, me, Thunderlane and Rumble all did the one thing that came to mind: We all bowed low with our muzzles nearly touching the floor. "Princesses! What an honor it is to be here meeting you at last."

My mother laughed while Celestia and Luna looked at each other awkwardly until Celestia spoke up, "Please, rise, there's no need for that here, we are in your house after all. And you can just call us by our names, no need for the title here."

All of us rose and I smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, force of habit. Oh, and here ya go Luna, your Moon Pies." I said opening up the left saddlebag which contain the sweets.

Luna's mouth watered staring at the sweets and she quickly took them all out with her magic. "Thank you so much, Thunderclap! We are very happy for your generosity." Tearing the wrappers and eating the Moon Pies with glee.

I could only laugh and smile at the sight. "You're very welcome, Luna."

With all of us sitting down afterwards, I looked over at Celestia as she looked at me knowing what I was going to ask.

"Seeing as though Luna is busy at the moment. I'm guessing all of you are wanting to know how this is all possible?"

"Yes." I said while Thunderlane and Rumble listened.

She took a deep breath. "Okay, as you can see already, Equestria does exist and has so for a very long time now. For a certain amount of time Luna and I were searching to see if there was life else where since we were that curious and stumbled upon your world a few years back. Not wanting to make our presence known yet anyway, we decided to send out hundreds of cameras to see your world and see what goes on. There's actually cameras here now."

All of us looked around, but, I didn't see anything. "Um, I'm not seeing anything."

She continued, "That's because these are very special cameras called the 'Luna S.T.C 9000™' or the 'Luna Special Tiny Camera 9000™' they're so tiny that humans can't see them, but we're able to see everything with ease and don't worry, we are respectful of the humans private times and don't look. And that also explains how Luna was aware of the vending machine that had moon pies in it that was mentioned in the letter."

I took a moment to let that sink in. "How is that possible?"

Celestia shrugged, "It's magic I ain't gotta explain shit."

All of our jaws instantly dropped at hearing her talk like that while Celestia snorted and laughed. "Sorry, but, after seeing your world for a long time, I had to just find the perfect moment to say that."

"But how does that explain us as ponies now?" Thunderlane asked.

"Back in Canterlot at the Castle, there's a secret large room that only Luna and I including a few other ponies know of. In that room contains hundreds of video screens linked to the cameras on earth and I was looking at them at the same time the three of you saw Luna's shooting stars and made the wishes. So she wanted to be mischievous and grant them with my help of course. So we charged up our magic and shot it through the screens of the cameras that were in your rooms and watched as all of you transformed as you were sleeping."

"Well, that explains the bright light I saw last night coming from your room." My mother said.

"Heh, that would be quite the sight if you got so curious and came inside while it was happening but, at the same time that sure sounds crazy and I have another question which has me wondering. What do you think of MLP:FIM?"

Luna finished her last Moon Pie and burped loudly and spoke, "We enjoy it very much! Everything that has happened in the show really did happen." Luna grinned. "I'm surprised Tia hasn't gotten fat yet from eating so much cake."

Celestia rolled her eyes, "Very funny, Lulu. And we came here about a year or two before that show started and even though that alone would be enough of an excuse to make our presence known after it started, we decided to hold off on that until the time was right and well, we have the three of you to thank for that. Anyway, lets move onto the stuff like the merchandise that you bought and tell us about your day from your point of view?"

"Yes, of course! The merchandise." I walked over to the Hot Topic Bag and took out the two Discord Vinyl's and walked back to Celestia. "Here ya go, and here's an extra one for Discord, I'm sure he'll be surprised and happy."

"Thank you, Thunderclap, you are very nice and I'm sure he will be also."

My ears perked up and I smiled with pride. "No problem, now to tell all of you how our day went...."


Recounting everything that happened to us leading up to the point of coming in here I could tell that my mother was the only really surprised one of the three since Celestia and Luna pretty much saw everything. And of course they laughed about the part of me scaring my sister and niece.

"I'm just glad that you didn't really hit her at all." Celestia said with relief on her face.

I let out a sigh, "Even though I can get pretty angry missing the bus for a dumb reason or just getting mad at the simple things, I'm glad I didn't either and at least in the end her husband agreed so it works out for her regardless and I'm happy for them and I'm not the type to hit a lady or a mare. As for Hunter and Kurt ... well, I'm sure if any other stallion was watching, they would cringe pretty hard... I should apologize to them sometime.

"Yes." Luna agreed. "We can only imagine that. But, aside from our magic changing you into ponies, it also changed certain things on your world that's why the other stuff that happened to all of you happened."

"Hmm..." I tapped my chin with a hoof, "That explains a lot more for sure."

Rumble, who was quiet for most of the time decided to speak, "The question now is, what happens now?"

Celestia and Luna looked at each other, winked and turned to face us again. "Well, this is where it gets fun. Now that all of you helped out in telling others about us, we're thinking about opening portals around the states, starting with here, linking them to Canterlot at first then other cities after and letting people come see our world and have some highly trained unicorns ready to turn people into ponies if they prefer to."

"Well, that makes it easier on both of you for sure. And I know that bronies would be lined up to become ponies too." I smiled.

Luna spoke. "Also, we're giving all of you a choice if you want to come live in Equestria as our little ponies? We have set up a decent size house in Cloudsdale for the three of you with everything you need, plus a monthly income from the royal treasury and you could even have jobs if you want to do something with your day, ponies are always hiring. Remember, it's your choice and if you agree we can come back for you tomorrow."

All three of us looked at each other, Thunderlane and Rumble gave me nods and I knew right then and there what the answer was and turned back to the princesses.

"We accept, we will be more than happy to live in Equestria in Cloudsdale as your little ponies and start a new life and thank you, that means a lot to us that you're doing all of this for us."

Celestia and Luna waved a hoof dismissively, "It was our pleasure. Think of it as a reward for what all of you did for us even though at the time all of you made the wishes not knowing that it was going to actually come true and that this moment would even happen."

Right at that moment my mother let out a sigh and got up and went to her room which of course was noticed by the rest of us.

"I think I should go talk to her and see if she's alright." I said.

"We understand and I think we should teleport back to canterlot." Celestia said as they both charged up their horns. "And I'll make sure to visit Lotus tomorrow like you said. I know she'll be very excited to see us." And with that, they were gone in a flash.

"Do you think your mom will be alright?" Thunderlane asked.

"I hope so." I said and walked to her room and inside finding her sitting there staring at the floor deep in thought.

Flying up onto the bed, sitting down, I tapped her with a hoof to catch her attention. "Hey, Mom, you alright?"

She snapped out of it and looked at me. "I'm alright, Thunderclap. It's just that even though I'm happy for you that you can finally go do something, this is a lot to take in."

"I know." I grinned. "But look at it this way, at least you get to save a lot more money now that I'll be living in Cloudsdale with Thunderlane and Rumble. Plus, I finally get to do something with my life and I'm just so happy with the way things are now even if it is unexpected."

That got a chuckle out of her, "Of course, that's a really good thing." And wrapped me up in a hug while I did the same. "I'm going to miss you, Thunderclap."

"I'm going to miss you too, Mom, though I think I'll be able to come visit you now with the portals opening and everything."

"I look forward to it. And always remember that no matter what, you'll always be my son even if your a pony now."

"I will mom, I will and thanks for being so understanding with how crazy this day has been and everything and from what I heard, Rumble's parents took it well enough."

She shrugged slightly, "I'll admit that I was surprised at first, but not really as angry. But then I noticed just how happy you were so I just decided that as long as your happy then I should be too for you."

"Does that mean you'll become a pony like us?" I asked with a hopeful smile.

She only laughed. "Even though I spent time after you two left watching some more of the episodes, I decided to just wait for now. I'm still thinking about being a unicorn though since it would make my job at the airport a whole lot easier."

"Well, when you do, I'm sure Celestia can find somepony to teach you magic."

"Great! Oh, I have one last thing I wanted to do before you go about your business."

"What's that, Mom?"

*Scratch scratch*

My face instantly turned into a stupid smile, melting into the feeling of her awesome fingers scratching me behind my ears as I closed my eyes letting out a happy sigh, flicking my tail.

"Great, my son is such an animal." She teased.

"Just you wait Mom. When you become one of us, you'll be hoping some human scratches behind your ears."

"Well, well, well, I knew you were always such a softie." Thunderlane said, grinning by the door with Rumble smiling."

"Don't care, Thunderlane! Awesome fingers! Maybe you ca-" I didn't finish that because something hit me hard... something that I never gave much thought at the time is making itself known now.

I really had to go to the bathroom.

Quickly taking off the hoof bands and the arm band with my cell phone, I spoke as fast as I could.

"I really have to pee I didn't think about it much and that soda is getting to me and I don't know how to use a bathroom as a pony, but, I'll think of something okay bye!" And flew off into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

My mother looked over at Thunderlane and Rumble. They looked back at her.

She wiggled her fingers, "Want me to scratch your ears?"

"Sure." Thunderlane said.

"Yay!" Rumble shouted with happiness.


Later that night around 10pm


"It sure is a beautiful sight tonight, isn't it, Thunderlane?"


"And I get to spend my new life with the stallion I love before we leave for Equestria tomorrow." I said with a smile on my face leaning against him staring up at the sky, watching the stars while on the roof.

Thunderlane nuzzled me. "I feel the same way."

"To think that right up here last night is where it all happened. Who would've thought that it would actually lead to this. This is the best day ever! And look!" I pointed a hoof at the sky as shooting stars started to appear.

"I can't wait to see how many ponies appear tomorrow." Thunderlane said.

"Same, but enough about that, since Rumble is sleeping in the house, we have the whole roof to ourselves if you know what I mean."

"Oh, I do know." Thunderlane grinned and took a certain something out.


I look down and notice a collar around me with the leash wrapped around Thunderlane's hoof as he pulled me closer, almost touching snouts.

"Now, you're going to be my pet for tonight, you been a very naughty stallion and naughty stallions must be punished, you will do what I say as I have my way with you. Do I make myself clear?

I gulped and nodded knowing that I was about to have the best time of my life sex wise and that Thunderlane and I wanted this so badly since the transformation. "Y-yes master."

Thunderlane smirked. "I like that, now lets begin shall we?"


Over the next few hours, the only things that could be heard were moans, squeaking, and smacking to 'naughty ponies are to be punished!' basically everything you would expect in pony pet play.

Oh, and lots of cum too and sex that could leave me sore for a few days.


Meanwhile, down below and two guys walking by


"Hey, Hunter, you hear that?" Kurt asked, pointing up above.

Hunter looked up as the sexual noises continued. "Whoa... those two stallions we met earlier are sure going at it."

Two shooting stars appeared which they both noticed.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Kurt asked.

"Sure am, I wanna do and experience what they're doing right now... sounds extremely arousing..." Hunter said.

"Then lets do this then!" Kurt pumped a hand in the air.

Together they both made their wishes and held hands as they skipped happily down the street, which went unnoticed by the two stallions involved in the best pet play session of their lives on the roof, while the two guys waited for morning to come to start their new lives.