• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 344 Views, 1 Comments

A Thunderlane Trip - Thundery

A human to pony story with a twist, about guys who make a wish when shopping.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Trotting inside we decided to look around to see what kind of reaction we would get at a mall and even though it was getting close to twelve pm this place was pretty packed. But for the most part, it was mostly smiles and waves as they continued about their business.

I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Thunderlane. "You know, this looks almost too convenient."

Thunderlane nodded. "I know something stupid is gonna happen though, trust me on that one Thunderclap so in the meantime..." He wrapped a hoof around me while moving the other around pointing at everyone else. "Lets just enjoy this attention we're getting."

I laughed, "Well, can't argue with that, now come on, the food court is up on the second floor." And flew up to the second floor with Thunderlane close behind. Reaching the food court area, hovering in place, my nose instantly picked up on the nauseating scent of meat causing my muzzle to scrunch up slightly. Looking over to Thunderlane I can tell he was getting the same reaction.

"Time to hurry this up and choose a place, even though the smell isn't as strong, I want to hurry." I muttered scanning the list of food choices that hopefully had some sort of vegetarian option or just something that we can eat. But as I kept looking it seemed as though finding something like that was out of the question and my eyes settled on a Sbarro instead. "That will have to do for now then."

Tapping Thunderlane I pointed over at the place. "Come on we can get something from there."

"Good enough for me, I'm starving." And he flew off.

Flying after him we both landed in front of the counter rearing up on our hind legs while placing our forehooves on the counter with me tapping the counter with a hoof to catch the cashier's attention. "Excuse me good sir, but, we would like to order."

The guy looked around at first trying to figure out who had said that until a cough from me caught his attention as his eyes traveled down to see to equines staring back him and yes, his initial reaction was pretty funny.

"P-ponies ...here at the m-mall?" He stammered. "Pinch me I must being dreaming."

"Hehe no need for that." I winked at him. "This is all true."

"*Squee* oh my gosh my brony fantasy came true! What can I get you two? And don't worry, you'll only pay half the price of the total order. Think of it as the 'pony special treatment'."

"I uh... wow, thanks that's really unexpected but, we're very grateful for that." I looked over to Thunderlane to notice that he was trying not to laugh and if I had to guess it was probably because of that guy squeeing, much funnier when a guy does it and kinda cute... anyway!

"Just two large sodas with two orders of Pasta Rustica and two large slices of pizza will do for us."

"Alright..." The guy added everything in the register. "Okay, your total will be fifteen even."

Taking out the card, I swiped it, put in the pin again and got my receipt a few seconds later.

"Everything will be ready in about 10 minutes." The cashier smiled and walked off to the back.

"Ten bits says the cashier wants to be one of us." Thunderlane chuckled.

"I'm sure he does, I'll make sure to let him know."

The next few minutes were spent greeting the occasional passerby with a few brohoofs here and there until finally the cashier came back with our food and sodas with straws already in them on two trays. This guy is awesome!

"Here ya go! Hot and fresh which I'm sure you two will enjoy... uh." He stared at the trays then at us. "Need help carrying that to the table?"

"Nah, we're good, trust me."

"Well, alright then, enjoy! Hope to see you again real soon! And oh, I almost forgot, I've been hearing people talking about another pony around here somewhere, but I haven't noticed him. Just something to keep in mind."

"Thanks for the heads up and don't worry, you'll be seeing us again and many more ponies I'm sure after today. Why not go out tonight and wait for a shooting star to appear and make a wish to be one of us? I know the princesses will be happy to make it happen."

He squee'd again... damn that was adorable, I gotta make sure to get Thunderlane to make that sound especially if he wants to make me squeak.

Waving goodbye at him, we both grabbed our trays with our teeth which held pretty steady, how? Magicâ„¢ that's how! And made our way to a random table and sat the trays down and sitting in our seats.

While waiting for the pizza and pasta to cool down some, I decided to bring up a question that has been on my mind since we left. "So, Thunderlane, how are ya enjoying the morning so far now that we've been out and about as ponies for a few hours?"

Thunderlane thought about that for a moment. "With everything that's been going on, I can't really complain, I'm enjoying the life of a stallion so much and it was pretty damn funny scaring that lady off by throwing a rock... but anyway I just want today to hurry up so we can have our 'fun' tonight if you know what I mean?" He grinned mischievously. "What about you? I can tell that you're having fun telling people about how we became ponies."

I felt my face heat up. "Dammit Thunderlane! Anyway, I feel the same way as you and I'm happy telling others about how we ended up like this, sure it's their choice, but, I'm sure most will go ahead and do it in the end. Also, even though what happened, happened, this would be expected from the sudden appearance of us ponies but, this is our new lives now and I can't wait to be your best pet and pleasure you in so many ways... Erm yeah enough of that, I'm just surprised that we haven't seen that third person-turned-pony yet but we at least know that he's here from what that cashier told us but enough talk, lets eat already."

"Fuck yeah!" Thunderlane greedily started eating his slice of pizza with a happy smile on his face by sliding the slice off the edge of the plate with a hoof to eat it easier.

I stared at my food, then at the pasta. "Hmm ... I really wouldn't do it as a human but I sure as hell am now that I'm a pony!" I shrugged, "Time to have some fun!" And went muzzle first into the pasta, eating happily.

Now, while I didn't get the same flavor orgasm explosion like the apples, this pasta was pretty fucking delicious. The penne was great and the plum tomatoes,broccoli, and buttery garlic sauce all tasted fresh to my taste buds. Mall food ain't all that bad and I'm sure Thunderlane would agree.

Finishing the pasta a few minutes later, I lifted my head up and used my now longer tongue to lick up all the sauce around my face. Opening my eyes I noticed Thunderlane staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Having fun, Thunderclap?"

I smiled sheepishly, "What? I always wanted to do that, it's fun."

"If you say so." And Thunderlane started on his pasta.

I quickly drank some soda and started on my slice of pizza eating it the same way he did until a random guy came up to us holding a tray of his own.

"Um... this may seem slightly random, but, how come you two aren't sitting with that other pony over there?"

That perked our ears and got our attention.

"You mean there's another pony actually here in this area?"

He nodded.

I quickly flew up and hovered looking in the direction the guy was pointing to until I spotted him. The bluish gray color and two-tone dark gray mane and tail there was no mistaking it, I knew right away who this pony was. "Oh wow... It's Rumble, Thunderlane's little brother... this is awesome!"

"What's awesome?" Thunderlane asked.

I flew back down, "It's Rumble, that's what's awesome!"

His eyes got wide. "My little bro is here? Come on lets go see him already!"

I flew over and hugged the guy. "Thank you so much, we're very grateful for this. We were told that there was another pony around here but, I didn't think we were this close to him."

"No problem, I'm happy to help out." And walked away.

We quickly grabbed our trays and made our way to where Rumble was. Getting closer I noticed that he was busy drinking a smoothie and not noticing our approach. Setting our trays down on the table I decided to let Thunderlane handle this moment and just watch.

He tapped the table with a hoof, "Hey, Rumble."

Rumble looked up and instantly his eyes got wide. "T-Thunderlane? Is that really you?"

"Of course it's me silly!"

Rumble quickly set down the smoothie and flew over to embrace Thunderlane in a big hug with Thunderlane doing the same, tears of joy in both their eyes.

"I missed you so much big brother."

"I missed you too little bro."

"Gah!" Rumble backed up slightly, "why is some of your face covered in buttery garlic sauce?"

"Blame my coltfriend."

A chorus of 'Awws' followed that and I gotta admit it was kinda funny and very heartwarming to see.

Rumble tilted his head curiously, "Coltfriend?" And looked over at me while I waved awkwardly and flew over to me and started inspecting me. "Whoa cool, you're Thunderclap!"

"Yep, that's me alright, the one that appeared in only one episode so far."

Rumble giggled and flew back over to sit with Thunderlane sitting next to him while I sat on the opposite side.

"You know, when Celestia said that I was going to expect a surprise here at the mall, I didn't think it would be Thunderlane."

"That's funny because she said a similar thing in the letter to us minus where it was going to actually be happening at just that there was a third person-turned-pony and that one of us would be surprised and we only found out about you was because we were told." I said finishing up my pizza and drinking some more soda, wiping my face with a napkin afterwards.

"Celestia and Luna are gonna be visiting us later back at my place."

"Which also means you can come with us, Rumble." Thunderlane grinned.

"Yay! I get to be with my big brother!"

Now was my chance to ask a question that had me curious. "Say, Rumble, did you actually work at one of these stores as a human?"

He nodded. "Yep, right at Hot Topic, I'm on break right now."

"How convenient, me and Thunderclap were headed there after we finished eating." Thunderlane said, going back to eating his pasta.

"Well, we're having a fifty percent off sale on most merchandise including pony."

I pumped a hoof in the air. "Aww yeah! I get to save more money now and my main focus right now is buying the AJ, Twilight, Trixie, Daring Do, Rarity, Big Mac and Discord Vinyl's unless something else catches my attention."

"Well, lucky for you." Rumble smiled. "We have them all in stock still."


Both of us look over to Thunderlane who grinned sheepishly, "Excuse me. So, Rumble, what made you pick him and how did you react when you actually woke up as him?"

"I just like him and I dunno, something just made me make the wish and as far as my reaction was when I woke up, I was surprised at first but then I was happy afterwards, of course my family just found me too adorable and wouldn't leave me alone until I left for work. Then again, after I got here it was just the same especially at Hot Topic with my co-workers having fun with me. Overall, I don't mind it much."

Thunderlane ruffled his mane. "Well, you are the cutest colt, so of course others will find you adorable."

I noticed Rumble's face turn red with embarrassment, "Big brother! Stop!"

Thunderlane stuck his tongue out, "Make me."

"Alright, as funny as this scene is, it's time to go to Hot Topic and get the last of our shopping done, but first, there's one other thing I need to do, something I need to do for Luna." I said getting up, grabbing the tray, trotting over to the garbage bin, throwing away the trash and setting the tray on top of it.

Hovering up above again, I scanned my surroundings until I found what I was looking for: The Vending Machine and a few at that... that for some reason is located next to the bathrooms because who wouldn't want to buy a can of pringles after taking a huge dump? But that's just me being random.

Flying over to it, I landed in front of the one that contained my prize... Moon Pies taking up the entire first row and six slots, one dollar each and uses a debit/credit card as payment. "Just how did Luna actually know this was here? I didn't even know." I said to myself. "Ah well, we'll get our answers soon, for now time to get what she wanted."

Taking the card out I flew up and swiped it pressing '1A' with the tip of my hoof and repeating the process nine more times until my left saddlebag was slightly bulging with sugary goodness. "That should be enough for her for now, at least it's the regular size and not the mini size. Time to return to Thunderlane and Rumble."

Turning back around I instantly stop in my tracks, there wasn't anything behind me to scare me or anything, but, what I saw ahead of me did catch my attention, sitting at a table were five guys wearing nothing but black which included sneakers, jeans, shirts and even leather jackets. They continued staring at me for another few minutes and went back to their business.

"That was too weird, they just appeared out of nowhere, but, I'm getting a feeling this wont be the last I see of them." And quickly flew back over to notice that Thunderlane and Rumble were already finished and were waiting for me.

"Alright!" I grinned widely. "Time to get the final part of our shopping finished."

Rumble jumped on Thunderlane's back and pointed a hoof in the direction of the store. "Onwards big brother!"

Thunderlane laughed. "As you wish." And started walking with me along side.

Nothing interesting happened as we walked to Hot Topic, but as for when we actually got inside...

"Welcome back, Rumble! ...! Oh my gosh there's two more ponies and one of them is your big brother! EEEEEEEE!!! This is so adorable! Hey Luke! Come check this out!"

A guy came out from the back who I assumed to be Luke to take a look at us. "Well, I'll be, I wasn't expecting to see more ponies and it was surprising enough when our co-worker here showed up as Rumble."

"I'm just glad that the both of you are fans of the show and are happy enough about this situation."

"We are also. Oh! Silly me, I'm Luke and this is Jessica." He said pointing to the person who first greeted us.

"Nice to meet the both of of you, I'm Thunderclap and I'm sure you're aware of Thunderlane."

"We are, so how can we help you today?" Luke asked.

"Actually they're here to buy those MLP Vinyl Collectibles." Rumble spoke up.

Jessica pointed to the left. "We have them all lined up on the shelves next to that wall."

Looking over, my face turned into a stupid grin taking in the sight of all the Vinyl Collectibles that I needed so I can have a current collection they even have ones I already have. All except one... one was missing from that selection.

"Aww... no Daring Do? I thought you had her."

Luke waved his hand dismissively, "No worries, we have a box full of her in the back, I just didn't have the time to take them out yet. Come, you can open it and take her out yourself."

I wanted to fangirl so badly, but I decided to hold that in and yes, I said 'Fangirl' ... just imagine a stallion doing that, it's very funny :D.

As we followed them both inside he pointed over to the box in question. "There it is, go ahead and claim your treasure." He grinned.

Slowly walking up to the box, I noticed a strange glow coming from the box. Opening the box, the glow became a bit brighter and some very familiar music started to play as I reached inside and took out my prize, holding it above me.

You got Daring Do!

With this item you can fangirl until your hearts content. You can stare at it's beauty of how well it's made while other fans who can't afford her yet can get super jelly at you for having her, while you give them a smug grin saying "U Jelly?"

Set it X,Y or Z to use it.

"Um...." Luke looked over at Jessica. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"


"A blue rectangle with words scrolling across it appearing out of nowhere... huh, well that's new." Thunderlane said.

"Sweet, a Zelda reference!" Rumble grinned as everyone else looked at him. "What? It's Unexpected, but pretty amusing."

"Uh..." I looked above me at the text and the Daring Do Vinyl spinning in a circle not even touching my hooves. Also, I realized I was standing on my hindhooves during this. "Wtf? This is by far the most craziest thing that's happened today since becoming ponies."

Suddenly the text disappeared and the box fell into my hooves. Staring at it I can only wonder until a cough shook me from my thoughts and I looked back to see everyone looking at me.

"As random as that was, we should head back on out then you can go ahead and pay for everything."

I nodded and grabbed a second one since I'm such a fan of her and followed everyone else out.

While Jessica, Rumble and Thunderlane were chatting outside, I spent the next few minutes getting all the other Vinyl's I needed, setting them on the counter and making sure I got an extra Discord for Celestia. I even decided to get another one for Discord himself... I can only imagine his reaction when he receives it while Thunderlane ended up getting Rarity, pretty obvious as to why.

"That will be seventy-five dollars and thirteen cents." Luke said.

"Okay." I took out my card again, swiping it, putting in the pin and getting the receipt afterwards as he started putting everything in two big bags.

"So what happens now?"

"Well, we're done here so it's time to head on back home to meet with the princesses and talk about this whole thing."

"And is Rumble going with you?"

"Of course... well, if you're okay with that?"

"I'm fine with it, me and Jessica can handle things here."

"That's good to know... huh?" My ears swiveled in the direction of the exit from hearing a loud commotion which involved Thunderlane. "This can't be good." I muttered and walked out to find the same five guys from earlier all glaring at Thunderlane for some reason.

"You got some nerve being with Rarity." One of them said.

"And I already told you, I'm not really with her! It's just bronies who ship me with her. Plus, I have a coltfriend." Thunderlane countered.

"Nice try, pony, but, we'll have to make sure that you never hook up with her again." All of them cracked their knuckles and I could tell where this was headed.

Suddenly all of them unzipped their jackets and I saw that they were wearing 'Rarity Is My Waifu' shirts. "The fuck? I didn't even think shirts like that existed."

"I would like to see any of you try something." Thunderlane warned, growling with Rumble clinging to his mane.

"Like you can beat us." One of them chuckled followed by the rest laughing.

I took a step forward to put a stop to this until I felt a tap, looking behind me I saw another group of five guys staring at me wearing shirts saying 'Flitter Is My Waifu'.

My right eye twitched, "What? OH COME ON!! Just because I was in that episode with her doesn't mean I'm actually with her!" "This is just like with Kurt and Hunter... maybe these guys are dumb also? Hmm... time to try out my plan and see if it works."

Moving away from them before they did anything stupid and walking next to Thunderlane, all three of us moved away to give them room, I decided to give it a shot. "Lets be resonable here guys, we're both together but, if you think that Rarity or Flitter is your waifu only one of you can claim dibs on that since they're only one pony each so, which one of you is worthy for that? "Please work, please work!"

Thunderlane looked at me with a confused expression but I only winked at him.

One of them spoke up, "Ya know something? This pony speaks the truth, only one of us can have Rarity or Flitter as our Waifu so I call dibs on Rarity."

"I call dibs on Flitter!" Another one shouted.

"Fuck you! I want Rarity!"

"And I want Flitter!"

"Fight me then!"

"Come at me bro!"

What followed next was best described as a hilarious fight scene that you would only see in cartoons with both groups fighting each other in two balls of clouds with the occasional hand or leg sticking out as both balls moved away while other shoppers hurried to get out of the way to not get caught in it.

"What idiots... thankfully that plan worked." I chuckled and felt another tap, turning around I noticed the one person who I'm not really all that surprised to expect to see... that crazy pet pony lady.

"What do you want now?" I gave her a flat look.

She let out a sigh and sat down. "I don't want any trouble, I just came to apologize."

"Oh?" I sat down also. "Why the sudden change?"

"When I first knew about you and Thunderlane I thought this would be my chance to live out my fantasy, but after your coltfriend there scared me off with a rock of all things, I got into thinking and finally realized that my husband is a fan of show so I decided to talk to him about it and surprisingly enough, he agreed! He's willing to be my pet pony starting tomorrow since he likes the idea a lot. So, I apologize for acting the way I did and hope that you can forgive me?"

I smiled and leaned over to hug her with her doing the same. "Of course I forgive you...erm?"

"Oh, my name is Lucy."

"Well Lucy, I forgive you and I also want to apologize for the way I acted to you earlier, I'm not that type to hit a mare or a woman in this case, I just let my anger get the best of me then."

"Apology accepted, I'm just happy that I don't have to deal with hoof prints on my face... oh! Here, take this." And took out a collar and leash out of her purse which Thunderlane took with glee setting it in his saddlebags.

Lucy laughed. "Looks like somepony is excited, but I can tell that you would need it." She winked and got back up. "Time for me to go meet up with my husband and leave, bye Thunderclap and Thunderlane, we'll see each other again real soon oh and Rumble? You are super adorable!" And walked off.

"A collar and leash?" Jessica asked?

"Blah, just don't wake me up with whatever you end up planning on doing tonight. I don't mind that you two are together, but still..." Rumble muttered.

Me and Thunderlane laughed as Luke came out with our bags in tow. "That has to be the craziest scene I've seen in forever, I love working here even more now.

Jessica leaned down and picked up Rumble and hugged him. "I'm going to miss you so much!"

"I'll miss the both of you too, but I'm sure I will be coming back and if something interesting happens in the meeting later I'll make sure to let the two of you know, alright?"

"Deal." She smiled and set Rumble back on Thunderlane's back. "Well it's time for us to head back inside and get to work, more people tend to show up around this time anyway." Waving at us they both went inside.

Grabbing our bags which were slightly heavy which I'm sure we'll manage, Thunderlane spoke. "So, what now?"

"Now, we can go back home and meet with the princesses, but first... I waved my right foreleg at them that had my cell phone in the arm band. "Time to call up Josh."


The ride back home went smoothly, after calling Josh which my hoof worked well on the phone... somehow, he showed up in his bus with the rest of the brony fans pretty fast, while me and Thunderlane relaxed our hooves there was a crowd around Rumble. It didn't look like he was enjoying the attention as much as we were but it was an amusing sight nonetheless, just gotta give it time is all.

As the bus came to a stop near the corner of where I live (He was just that nice) Josh opened the door as we got our bags and got off.

"Bye everypony! The next time you see us we'll all be ponies" Josh said as everyone else cheered.

I grinned and waved. "I can't wait to see that!." And he closed the door, driving away.

Holding our bags in our hooves we flew over the street because fuck yeah! Flying! And just before rounding the corner I saw something that made me quickly move back holding out a hoof to stop Thunderlane and Rumble, landing back to the ground.

"What's going on?" Thunderlane asked.

"My sister, and my niece are all outside talking and luckily facing away from us." I passed my bag to Thunderlane. "Here, hold this, time to have some fun and scare both of them."

Walking back around the corner the noise of my hooves hitting the ground alone would be enough to catch their attention, but apparently they're too into there conversation to hear my approach. "Perfect." I smirked.

With a smug grin I said the perfect thing that can work well enough with my now deeper voice:

Surprise Motherfucker!

Instantly both jumped up at the sound of my voice while I fell to the ground laughing. "Yep, just the reaction I was hoping for."

Getting back up, I looked at their reactions and noticed one surprised look and one extremely happy one, coming from my niece that is since she's a fan also. Who knows what she might be thinking.

My sis raised an eyebrow, "A Pony? How is this even possible."

"It very much is and I'm not alone. You can come out now!" I shouted behind me.

Thunderlane flew from around the corner with Rumble on him and landed next to me.

"Three of you... just who are you exactly and why are you wearing that key chain and that bus card holder?"

"Why not take a guess, 'sis'?"

That got her eyes so wide it could be the size of small dinner plates if she had our eyes.

She stammered a bit. "V-Victor? Is that really you?"

I grinned stupidly. "Damn right it's me! And Thunderlane here was William while we met Rumble at the mall who works at Hot Topic."

"I'm happy for you... I guess? But how did all of you end up like this?"

"To be fast about this, all three of us where star gazing last night, we see shooting stars, we jokingly made wishes to be specific ponies and today here we are because fuck yeah, magicâ„¢! So Celestia and Luna are waiting for us inside so all of us can talk about this to know the full story." I looked at my niece. "And I rather not have you interrupt us." She only gave me a pouty look in return.

"All of you are still adorable anyway." She grumbled.

"Alright, I suppose..." She held the outside door open. "Go on then, I can see that it's very important to all of you, but after everything is over, I want you to tell me everything and the house door is also unlocked."

"Thanks sis!" I flew inside and up the stairs, (Ha! take that stairs, I can fly now, so I don't have to worry about slamming into that metal outside door anymore!) And landed in front of the house door with Thunderlane right behind.

It took a few tries, but I finally got a decent enough grip on that blasted door knob and opened the door. Walking inside I noticed my mother sitting on the sofa, staring at me with a smile while next to her were the two ponies who we've been waiting to meet since this morning. Celestia and Luna.

"Hello Thunderclap, Thunderlane and Rumble." Celestia said with a motherly tone. "I believe it is time that we explain everything."