• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 343 Views, 1 Comments

A Thunderlane Trip - Thundery

A human to pony story with a twist, about guys who make a wish when shopping.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Oh yes... that's the spot."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Mmmm, Flitter... just a little to the left."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Yes! That's what I'm talking about, Flitter that's the spot. I'm so going to enjoy this."

Beep! Be- SMASH!

I opened my eyes glaring at the offended device in pieces that woke me up from my preening dream that almost happened. "Good riddance, that iPod Touch was shit anyway. Now to see if I can go back to sleep to have that dream of Flitter preening my wings again." I said to myself letting out a yawn and turned over... only to fall off the bed hitting the floor. "Ow..." I rubbed my face. "Or not."

"Wait a minute... that wasn't my hand, and that wasn't even my voice!" I quickly brought my 'hand' to my face only to realize that what I was staring at wasn't a hand at all and in fact was a hoof, a dark grayish hoof at that. "Oh... wow... no way this could be possible." Out of the corner of my eye I noticed two things that weren't there last night. Those being a big mirror leaning against my container nicely and two pairs of saddlebags with a pair of hoof bands and head band resting on top with a letter off to the side of that.

Looking back at the mirror, the reflection that stared back at me was a stallion dark grey in color with a slight crazy bed mane of two different shades of blue with the tail having the same colors, the eyes were close to the color of Azure and much bigger, two wings tucked neatly at the sides, cutie mark of a pegasus wing, ears higher up compared to a human, better hearing and eye sight and that stallion was me. Moving my now longer and wider tongue, I felt the inside of my mouth touching my flat teeth a sign that eating meat is a thing of the past now that I'm a herbivore. "Not that it's any problem for me. If being a cute little pony means that I can't eat meat anymore then so be it, I don't mind. But anyway... this morning just keeps getting better and better! I don't really care if I destroyed my Ipod Touch with my hoof, that device was shit anyway. Now to try and stand it shouldn't be hard."

I slowly rose on all fours, wobbling a lot. But, after a minute or so I was finally able to steady myself, looking back at the mirror again to let it all sink in talking to myself. "So the wish came true after all... but I thought magic wasn't real... well, there is something that I always wanted to say in a situation like this as odd as that would seem."

"My fantasy came true! I. AM. THUNDERCLAP! ... with his deep awesome voice to boot!"

Admiring myself in the mirror, I moved my eyes down and noticed that I didn't have to deal with the one thing that males would have to deal with every morning. "Thank Celestia I didn't have to deal with that today, but I know it won't be like that every day."

I noticed movement in the mirror and saw Thunderlane poke his head out of the covers, staring at me with a wide-eyed expression.

"Wait... Is that... Are you... Are you Thunderclap?"

"Sure am! And you are Thunderlane!"

"What?" William threw the covers to the other side of the room and looked down only to find a pony body in the place of his human body. "I'm Thunderlane! Oh my god!" He looked at his his butt: "I have a cutie mark on my butt!"

"Heh, enjoy." I smirked. "Why not have a look at the mirror? Take a few minutes to let it all sink in that we're somehow ponies now from the show because we both made wishes."

Thunderlane nodded and moved closer to the mirror to check himself out while I looked over to the saddlebags and then to the letter next to it. "As crazy as this morning has been, which I'm not complaining, I mean really, who would complain about waking up as a pony all of a sudden? Not us! But... that letter might mention how we ended up as ponies... maybe anyway. I only have to walk like two feet over to it...it shouldn't be that hard, right?"

I lifted my left forehoof to take a step without thinking and promptly fell face-first onto the floor, which caught Thunderlane's attention.

"Ugh... floor, if you wanted my face that badly you should buy me dinner first." I said standing back up and shook off the pain and tried to remember the pony walk cycle.

"You know, I'm getting plenty of entertainment here watching you trying to walk two feet to that letter." Thunderlane said with a stupid grin on his face.

"Shut up Thunderlane!" I glared directly towards him and finally remembered how they walk. "Okay, so it's Front right, then back left, then front left, then back right. Easy enough, but I should walk around in a circle first to get the hang of it."

After a few minutes and a few stumbles, I finally got walking as a pony remembered and walked back over to where the letter is and picked it up with a hoof and began to read out loud.

Hi Victor and William,

If one of you are reading this which I can tell that you are, Thunderclap then that must mean that both of you woke up as ponies, but, we already knew that. Anyway, both Princess Luna and I were aware last night that the both of you, and a certain other, made wishes to be specific ponies and since Luna wanted to be mischievous, decided to have some fun and grant them with my help of course. Now, you might be wondering, how was this even possible, how we know so much, and who exactly did that other person wish to be as?

Well, to answer the last question... lets just say that one of you will be in for quite the surprise.

As for the first two questions, it will be answered when all three of you return from your shopping trip. Would it be possible for you to get me a Discord Vinyl Collectible? I wanted one since it came out, but, I just never had the time.

So just have fun, other things on your world have changed from our magic which both of you will notice on your journey to Toys R' Us and Hot Topic, and we will meet you at your place when all of you return to explain everything.

Remember we'll be watching ;) and oh, enjoy the new mirror and saddlebags, I also made sure to include your headband and hoof bands with other necessary things that both of you would need.

Don't worry about getting used to your new bodies, you'll see that it will be pretty easy to do anything that a pegasus can do given time, which also means that you won't have to really learn how to fly, though you can do some practice if you choose to do so. As much as we want to have fun watching what the both of you do, we wouldn't want any of you to really get hurt.

Much love for my new little ponies, Celestia and Luna.

PS. We are aware that the mall that you and Thunderlane are going to recently put in a vending machine that has moon pies in them. Would it be possible for you to buy me a few? I would really be happy if you can do that for me.


"Well then, I totally didn't expect that." But a few things was bothering me about the letter. "Just how is it possible that the princesses would even know about what happened last night and me being the one reading the letter now? Who is this third person-turned-pony? And how the hell did they find out where we were going?! This visit will be fun later."

"They'll be watching? Do you really think the princesses watch others doing you know what?" Thunderlane wondered.

"I...don't know honestly. I really hope they're smart enough to not do that, but only time will tell later today. Now to deal with a certain someone who also lives here.”

Right at that moment, both of our ears twitched and swiveled in the direction of the noise just outside my door, as another door opened up and someone walked out to knock on my door. "Victor? Is everything alright in there? I heard some yelling among other noises and it has me concerned.”

My mother...

"Um... yeah mom I'm alright just excited about a particular big thing that happened is all..." "I wonder how she will react to both of us being ponies?"

The door knob jiggled. "Why do you have a much deeper voice all of a sudden? It doesn't sound like William... please open this door." I can tell that she wasn't going to give up obviously.

I looked over to Thunderlane, he looked at me and we both knew what had to be done. "Time to get this over it. Her reaction should be priceless." And walked up to my door making clopping sounds along the way with my hooves and used the tip of my hoof to turn the lock on the door knob, unlocking it.

"Well, that was easy, but it sucks that I don't have the easier Door Lever, instead I have a regular old door knob." Next, I wrapped my hoof around the door knob with my fetlock area and gave it a twist... only to have my hoof slip off. "Fuck... well only one thing left to do."

I backed away from the door. "Listen, Mom, when you open the door don't freak out alright? Things have changed last night."

"Okay." Was all she said and slowly opened the door and noticed two ponies staring at her in her son's bedroom.

Now, you might think she freaked out anyway? Priceless reaction? Or anything similar? Nope she only stared at us... a staredown you might say, that is until I broke it waving my hoof with an akward smile on my face tilting my head up to look at her since I only reached almost to her waist now. "Hehe... hey, Mom, it's me your son."

"Hiya Ms.B!" Thunderlane said a little too happily.

My mother only rolled her eyes. "Why am I not surprised that my son and his boyfriend are ponies now?"

I felt my face heat up. "I-I... is it crazy that this was because we both saw shooting stars last night, and made wishes to be ponies as a joke only to find out that we're now those ponies?"


"Alright then, because that totally happened and the 'sorta' proof is in the letter behind me." I said pointing to the piece of parchment in question. "Although it didn't mention exactly just how they knew we did. But, apparently they're coming here later today to explain."

My mother raised an eyebrow. "I think I want to be around for this one.

"So.... Mom, is it alright if you can call us by our pony names now? I mean I know this is unexpected for you, but, it would be better for the both of us."

"Do I really have to?"

"Pleeeeeeease Mom!" I begged with the most adorable puppy dog face.... no one can say no to that!

She let out a sigh, then smiled. "I'm alright with you loving a show that was meant to be for little girls... but, I can also tell that you are happy about this sudden change... and even though I will have to get used to this, I'll go ahead and call you and William by your pony names... But! I will need to watch some of these episodes to understand it more."

I pumped my hoof in the air, flicking my tail happily. "Yes! Okay, you can call me Thunderclap and my lover Thunderlane."

"Got it. Now, I'm just wondering how you and him will use the bathroom now." She grinned.

"I...well, for some weird reason I don't have to use the bathroom right now, but it will get interesting when that time comes. Only thing I have to worry about right now is taking a shower, and holding things with my hooves." Thunderlane nodded.

"If you say so... if you'll excuse me, I need to go get the bathroom ready for the both of you." And walked off.

While I waited I trotted over to the living room to take a look at my new surroundings noticing everything much higher because of my new shortend height.

"Well this won't be much of a problem once I learn to fly, then I can have easy access to stuff." I looked at my wings, opening them and gave a few experimental flaps lifting off the ground although wobbly and quickly landed back on all fours with a giddy look on my face. "Looks like I have the perfect place to practice flying. Maybe they'll let us use the roof of Toys R' Us for flying, I hope."

Thunderlane trotted over to the living room a few minutes later. "Were you trying to fly just now?"

"Yep, sure was! Looks like what Celestia said in the letter was true. But, I want to see if we can get access to the roof after we finish our shopping in Toys R' Us to really get some flying in.

"That should be fun," Thunderlane smirked. "Wanna bet that you fly off the roof and crash into a car first?

I only snorted. "Pony please, like what would happen, I mean, what can possibly go w-"

Thunderlane gave me a death glare that shut me up instantly. "Finish that and I will be more than happy to buck you across the living room to the door.

I let out a squeak and whispered, "Sorry..."


We both looked over to my mother with an amused smile on her face. "Well Vic-...I mean Thunderclap, I have everything in the bathroom ready for you. So you can go on ahead whenever you're ready but first..." She walked over to pick up the iPad and stylus, setting it down on the sofa for me. "Can you take me to the episode that you appear in? I would like to know more if possible.... assuming you actually appear in an episode?”

"Sure thing." I walked over to the sofa picking up the the stylus in my teeth, beginning to tap away by first tapping the safari icon going to dailymotion followed by typing 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 4. Episode 16 - It Ain't Easy Being Breezies' with the episode loading up shortly afterwards and spat the stylus out. "There ya go Mom, I don't appear much, but this the only episode I appear in."

"It'll do, thank you. Do you want to watch this episode with me, Thunderlane?" She said as she sat down.

"Sure. I haven't seen this episode yet myself, and I would like to know what it's about." Thunderlane climbed on the sofa to sit next to my mother.

"Well then, it looks like both of you will be busy for a little while. Time to go see how simple it might be to take a shower now." I trotted off to the bathroom.

Once I got inside, I closed the door almost all the way with a hind hoof and took notice of the changes she made that can help me out now that I'm a pony. The first thing I saw was a small step stool in front of the bathroom sink that will be useful for when I have to brush my teeth. "At least she was nice enough to leave my toothbrush within easy reach.” I thought to myself, walking closer to the bathtub. I noticed rugs covering the bottom with my body wash, shampoo and bath sponge off to the side. "I have no idea how the rugs will react to my hooves touching it when it's wet though. Hopefully I don't slip too much." And lastly, I looked behind me to see my towel on top of a container for easy reach.

"Okay, first things first. I gotta brush my teeth, because morning breath stinks...literally." Stepping onto the step stool, I balanced myself on my hind hooves while I placed my forehooves on the sink's countertop. "That was easy enough. Now comes the tricky part, but I should keep my balance steady enough for this." I turned on the faucet and grabbed my toothpaste, twisting the top off with my mouth, setting it to the side and squeezing out some onto the toothbrush. I then set that back down and wrapped my left hoof around it, brought it up to my teeth while setting my right hoof on the countertop for extra balance and got to work.

A few minutes later I had clean teeth and fresh breath, "How I held that cup to fill it up with some water to wash out the toothpaste is beyond me, but, I'll chalk it up to magnet hooves." "Now for the more interesting part." I said to myself as I jumped into the bathtub landing with a dull clop letting out a sigh of relief knowing that the rugs didn't move. "Time to get this over with." I muttered turning on the water until it was the right temperature and turned the shower knob feeling the water falling on me wetting my coat, mane, tail and wings... it felt great... really great.

I sat down like how a dog or cat would and grabbed my shampoo, opening it, and squeezed out a good amount into my mane and tail. Using my hooves, I started to scrub both until they were covered in shampoo goodness, letting the water drain it away afterwards leaving the whole bathroom smelling like Axe™.

Next up came the part that kind of made me nervous. I grabbed both the bath sponge and body wash, squeezing a bunch onto it. "Washing wings shouldn't be that much of a pain."

I opened my wings at their full length, watching the water fall in between, along the ends or at the tips of the feathers, noticing how much more real they looked compared to the show. "I don't know much about wing care, but, with the way my wings look right now, they look alright enough. Though I know I will at least have to ask one of the princesses for sure, or maybe they put a book about it in my saddlebag. I really should check in there after I'm done here."

Picking up the sponge by the handle, I got work scrubbing myself thoroughly, letting out the occasional shudder as I passed the sponge slowly through my wings, and a particular area below me. Standing back up, the water made quick work of washing the body wash away, which also meant that I was done. "Finally."

Turning off the water, I did the only thing I knew naturally and shook myself like a dog, getting most of the water off, then moved the shower curtain aside and hopped out, walking up to my towel, I still had pretty damp fur while my mane and tail stuck to me from the wetness. Picking up the towel, I got to work right away; drying myself as much as I could while making sure to go nice and slow on my wings, finishing up a few minutes later but still a little wet. "This will take some getting use to, but, I know it will come to me pretty easily. Time to head back on out."

Opening the door with a hoof, I was greeted to the sight of my mother and Thunderlane staring at me with creepy smiles with my mother holding some hair supplies.


"I finally get to brush a pony's mane and tail!" She said a little too excitedly

"Don't I get a say in this?"

"Nope!" Said my mother and Thunderlane in unison.

"You know I expected this from my niece right?" I deadpanned


I rolled my eyes as Thunderlane went inside to take his shower, "Ugh, fine. Just let me go get my saddlebag, at least it should have something in it that's actually meant for ponies." And trotted back into my room, biting down on the strap of my saddlebag, picked it up along with my hoof bands and headband and headed back out to the living room where my mother waited. I hopped up onto the sofa next to her and opened it up, taking a look inside while my mother got to work.

"Lets see..." The first thing I took out was a book titled 'Taking Care of Your Wings and Preening 101'. "Alright, that will definitely be useful for later." Next, I took out bottles of mane/tail shampoo and conditioner which meant I most likely can't use the stuff I already have...maybe. After that, I took out a bottle of Stallion Seduction™ cologne.

"What? Okay then..." The last two things were a bottle of gel for the mane and tail, plus an arm band for my cell phone so I can wear it on my foreleg. "Can't get any more weirder than this right?"

Setting the rest of the stuff down I looked behind me to the Ipad to notice that the episode was over already. Wow, I really did take a lot of time in the bathroom. "So, Mom, how did you enjoy the episode?" I said, relaxing some more from her brushing.

"Well, I did find it those breezies to be pretty cute and the episode was enjoyable to watch and as for the parts about you, I'm glad you helped with that migration."

"Heh, I just like helping a lot is all."

"Still, I'm actually somewhat surprised that you're a pony now, though which I'm sure you are very excited about."

"Of course."

"I..." My mother bit her lip. "...do you think I should make a wish also, to become a pony?"

Now that had my ears at attention. "What made you come up with that idea?"

"Well, I..." She hesitated for a moment. "I find them really adorable, and watching Twilight using her magic by the end of that episode made me think of how cool it would be to be a Unicorn, plus, it would make my job easier at the airport."

"You do have a point there," My face suddenly turned into a grin. "Maybe you can also find a stallion to do you know what." I gave her a wink.

Her face reddened. "Why did you have to go there? Eh, nevermind, I haven't even made up my mind about being a pony anyway so lets talk about something else like what happens now?"

"Well, me and Thunderlane are still planning on going to Hot Topic and Toys R' Us to get the pony merchandise that we want for our collection. Just because were ponies now doesn't mean we will have to be stuck in here. Though, it will be fun seeing the looks on the humans faces when they see us."

"You aren't worried at all?"

"Nope! And I'm usually a crazy one anyway, but if anything were to happen then I have these," I waved my hooves. "A good buck or punch will put them in their place."

My mother only laughed. "I can only imagine how a guy would look getting hit by one of those...aaaaand I'm finished!" She set the brush down, with a few lightning-blue hairs entangled in it. "Now your mane and tail are a lot straighter now compared to how you looked when you came out the bathroom. Now time for the gel to finish." She grabbed the bottle and poured a good amount in each area. Only a few seconds passed, when all of a sudden bright lights appeared and disappeared just as fast, leaving my mane and tail looking just like how it was in the episode.

"Hey, can I see that bottle for a moment?” My mother passed it over and I took another look at the bottle, noticing some writing that I missed. 'Made from the finest ingredients and Equestrian Magic, this gel will give you the mane and tail style that you always imagined.'

"That explains a lot." I said as I grabbed my hoof bands, stretching and slipping them onto my forehooves, followed by putting on my headband with ease. It feels good to get used to this body.

"I better go check on Thunderlane, I'm sure he'll be happy to know that all I will have to do is just use this gel and not a brush. In the meantime, why not eat something? I'm sure you're hungry." She said, grabbing the bottle and walking off.

Right at that moment my stomach let out a loud growl letting me know that it wanted food. Trotting over to the fridge, I opened it up to notice mostly meat related things with my muzzle scrunching up in disgust. "Ugh... just the smell alone is making me feel a little queasy. She brings fruit most of the time from work, so where is it? ... Oh! There we go!" I reached a hoof inside and took out my delicious prize of an apple, closing the door my mouth watered staring at the apple and took a bite. What came next was a flavor explosion of epic proportions that would have you saying 'I came!' times ten.

"Oh my Celestia, this is even better than sex! I know that will obviously change later tonight, but still!" I quickly ate the rest of the apple, throwing the core away and went back into the fridge to eat two more greedily. I then finished it off with a refreshing glass of water that was in the fridge. With that finished, I walked back to my room to have one more look in the mirror loving every moment of it.



"Looking good Thunderclap, looking real good!" I struck a few poses for fun, until a cough interrupted me and turned back around to notice my mother trying to hold in her laughter, while Thunderlane was already on the floor laughing like hell.

I smiled sheepishly. "Well, it looks like we're almost ready to go." I slid the arm band just up above my right hoof band. Also, Mom, can you put my cell phone in it so it can stay secure?"

"Sure." She replied, walking up and securing it. Once it was tightly strapped to my arm, I used the tip of my hoof to touch a side button and was relieved to see that the phone responded to the touch. "Since I know all the bus times, I only plan on using this to check the time and as of right now it's... eight fifty-five AM, so we have thirteen minutes until the first bus comes.

"Fair enough." She said.

“So now, all I need to do is get my saddlebag on and get the bus cards." I walked out and nuzzled a still laughing Thunderlane, "Hey, get ready will ya?" He nodded and trotted into my room to do just that. I went back to the living room and slipped on my saddlebag nicely, making a quick stop to the fridge and added three more apples so Thunderlane can have something to eat while we're out.

Thunderlane came over with my mom shortly afterwards with the bus cards in the holders with lanyards, plus the debit card in hand putting the debit card in my bag while putting the lanyards with the bus card holders around our necks, and grabbing my keys attached to a lanyard and putting that around my neck also.

"This is it huh?" she said staring at us.

"Yep, pretty much. Today will be the day we surprise the humans!"


"Alright, let me open both doors for you." She said walking to the door, opening it for us.

Stepping out into the hallway, we both stopped in front of the one thing that was only more of a issue for any person-turned-pony and that was... stairs ... all three steps. "Okay... only three steps... how hard can this be?" I stepped down the first step, easy enough. But when I took the next step, I lost my balance and tried to correct myself, failing I slammed muzzle first into the metal door with a loud Bang!

Peeling my face off the metal door I rubbed my muzzle with a hoof. "Ow... why didn't I just jump down those three steps instead?” I moaned.

Thunderlane jumped the three steps landing on the floor with a loud clop, with my mother facepalming and walking down the steps, grabbing the door knob.

"You aren't a smart pony Thunderclap." He smirked.

"Okay now that the show of steps is over, are you two ready?"

"We are."

"Alright, just be careful. I'll spend this time watching some more episodes until later."

"Thanks, Mom, we will. Also, Have fun watching the other episodes." And we both stepped out into what would become a very interesting day.