• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 343 Views, 1 Comments

A Thunderlane Trip - Thundery

A human to pony story with a twist, about guys who make a wish when shopping.

  • ...

Chapter 1


Date: September 29,2014
Time: 11:30pm
Location: Newark, NJ

"Ah, isn't it just great that I finally got access to the roof, so I can do my Star Gazing in peace and not worry about idiot troublemakers down below? Plus, I get to spend some time with the most amazing person I have met."

I said as I looked over at William with a big happy smile on my face and snuggled closer to him. William look over at me and smiled. "Well, I'm glad you feel that way, because I'm glad that I'm here now with the most amazing, random, funny, and can't forget handsome guy." He said with a smirk and a wink.

We were laying on our backs on the roof, enjoying the view of the sky.

I guess I can take this moment to tell all of you readers about us. My name is Victor while my friend is William. I'm twenty-five and he's twenty, and we're both Bronies, which obviously means that we are fans of the very popular show My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. I got into it way back in 2011 (August ninth to be exact) after I found some pretty cool looking pictures of Pony fursuits of Rainbow Dash and Applejack which really got me interested ...Crazy, right? Well, anyway, two days later on the eleventh, I finally watched my first episode Green Isn't Your Color and instantly fell in love with it since. Nowadays I watch episodes, buy merchandise and pretty much read for a living since I do it so much. I read over one-thousand, five hundred and fifty MLP:FIM stories that would make my old english teachers proud, and maybe even Twilight too, that is if she were real. As for William, he also got into it back in 2011 and a little over a year after that we both found each other through a popular social website, known as Facebook, and became great friends after that point and even closer as time went on... but that's a story for another time. Time to continue.

I felt my face flush "I'm just glad you left your state of Washington to come live here with me."

He let out a chuckle and said, "What can I say? I love you, Victor and I wanted to make sure that I can come here to be with you, nothing will ruin this moment between us."

"I love you too." I said softly and nuzzled him, looking back up and admiring the view of the clear night sky. "You know, the best thing about being up here is the lack of trees and houses blocking our view." I said as I moved my hand pointing to various parts of the sky. "I'm seeing so many constellations tonight like: Cygnus, Lyra, Aquila which are part of the Summer Triangle which I was so happy when I saw it for the first time, also Corvus, Sagitta, Delphinus, Cepheus, Ursa Major... whoa..." I said as I squinted my eyes off in the distance and noticed the one constellation I thought I would never ever see.

I then jumped up and starting hopping up and down, squealing in delight, "I can't believe it! Ursa Minor! I didn't think I would ever see this constellation! But now I did... by being on the roof..." I stayed standing up, my eyes locked on the dim constellation, though not dim enough since I was wearing my glasses and was able to make it out clearly enough. "So cool..."

William stood up, wrapping an arm around my neck and grinned, "You are such an astronomy nerd Victor, I can learn a bunch from you."

I just gave a stupid grin in return, "Heh, maybe, I'll be your astronomy nerd and more..." And moved my head and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Now, enough about astronomy for now, lets talk about our shopping trip tomorrow for Pony Merchandise..."

See, earlier in the day I got really super lucky in the lottery, and won a rare amount of six-hundred dollars. Why rare you might think? It's because I won twice with the same number in one drawing and it only happened once before. So I decided to use some of that money (like three-hundred fifty dollars) to buy specific Pony Merchandise that I really want, and any that William will want. I also got lucky enough to be able to use my sister's Debit Card, which of course I put the money on to make my purchases, meaning I will be swiping that card like hell tomorrow!

"Do you know what you're buying?" William said with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course." I said. "We're going to Toys R Us first since I'm hoping to find those sets that has Thunderlane and Daring Do in them. Followed by going over to the mall and Hot Topic to get pretty much seven vinyl collectibles that I'm missing" I mean, what can possibly go wrong?

William facepalmed... hard, "I can't believe you just said that sentence."

I smiled sheepishly, "Sorry. So, what about you?"

He only shrugged, "Whatever might interest me at both places."

"Fair enough." I said and that was when we both noticed out of the corners of our eyes a bright streak going to the sky and turned our attention to that part to see three shooting stars streak across the sky... in the same part of the sky only seconds apart ... "Huh?" I scratched my head in confusion, staring at that part in the sky "I didn't know that Shooting Stars can appear like that... ah well." I shrugged and suddenly thought of a brilliant idea that was both stupid and crazy. Nuding William's shoulder, while staring at the sky, I suddenly blurted out "I wish I was Thunderclap!"



"What?" was all he said.

I backed away from him, rubbing the back of my neck and stared at his confused expression with an awkward smile on mines. "Well, I-I mean...I always have fantasies about what it would be like to be a cute pony from the show, and even dreams. So when I saw those Shooting Stars, making that wish just seemed... right to me. But, I know it's only for fun, I know it will never come true..." I sighed. "But I wish it was because that would be so awesome!"

"Well... if it's only for fun" William said, looking at the same part of sky "I wish I was Thunderlane."

I only raised an eyebrow at his wish "Why Thunderlane?"

He shrugged "He's just sexy looking, he's a Wonderbolt Trainee, he has his little bro Rumble. It would be pretty damn cool if I were him." He sighed happily and looked at me "So, why did you pick Thunderclap? I mean, I ain't complaining, he is a hot stallion, but I'm curious."

I could only smile "Well, after watching the Breezies episode, I had that 'love at first sight' feeling for him, even though there wasn't much characterization for him aside from helping Flitter with the Breezie migration. So, yeah, I just like him a lot." I took out my phone that was in my pocket to check the time and saw that it was thirty minutes past midnight. "Wow, time sure flies when we're talking ponies and astronomy, right, William?"

"Eeyup." he replied.

I laughed and tucked my phone back into my shorts pocket, walking towards the door to the roof.
"Let's go back inside now, we need our sleep if we are going to be doing any shopping in the morning, that and I want to be out around nine."

"Alright." He said and came up behind me, licking me behind my ear and whispered in a seductive tone. "You know... I'm hoping I can make you squeak tonight."

"S-shut up!" I stammered feeling my face heat up in embarrassment and opened the door. "Lets just go already before I die of embarrassment even if it's just the two of us."

William failed to hold in his laughter as he passed me, while I only rolled my eyes and closed the door, locking it.


Meanwhile, over in Equestria in Canterlot.

Stars were twinkling, the moon was shining bright down below on the ponies who were either sleeping peacefully, or just out and about doing random nightly activities. And for one pony in particular standing outside on the balcony in the Canterlot Castle who turned out to be Princess Luna, it was a good night for her as she smiled looking up at the sky.

"So, some humans actually saw my Shooting Stars... three in particular and all three made wishes to be ponies. Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with this!" She said, jumping with glee and flew down the castle halls to a particular door of a very large room that not many ponies knew about because this was a special part of the castle where the Princesses had hundreds of Cameras installed watching various areas around Earth.

Luna stopped at the door and wrapped the door knob in her magic aura, opening it and trotted inside and closed the door.

"Tia, I'm sure you are aware that three humans actually made wishes to become ponies correct?"

"Yes Lulu, I am aware that it did happen"

Luna flew over and landed next to Celestia as both were watching two screens with one showing two men getting ready for bed, while the other screen showed only one guy doing the same.

"I was waiting for this moment for so long." Luna said and looked over to Celestia, smirking, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"You really want us to grant them their wishes?" Celestia asked even though she already knew the answer.

Luna started grinning, rubbing her hooves together. "Yes! They obviously don't believe in magic and we can prove them wrong! Come on, even you gotta admit that it should be interesting and entertaining to see how they react, plus, we know what all three are doing so we can just teleport to both houses after they are done with everything and explain to them everything!" Luna said with pleading eyes.

Celestia sighed then smiled, "Alright Lulu we can do it since I too am curious about how this will turn out, and, well, I need some entertainment also."

"YES!" Luna shouted pumping her hoof in the air "Time to turn three humans into ponies and watch the fun unfold." She said as her horn started charging up with white magical energy. Celestia also started charging her horn with the same spell.

"On the count of three." Luna said grinning, and Celestia matched her grin.

"One... two... three!"

Both Princesses shot the white magical energy through the first screen, followed by the second one less than a minute later.

As the magic in both of their horns went out, they relaxed knowing that all they had to do was wait.


I slipped into bed slowly, with William following suit.

"But come on, Victor! I wanna make you squeak! I love it when you do that." he whined.

I gave him a flat look, "I know you want to do that badly but we need some sleep so we can get this Pony shopping done." Then I gave him a quick kiss. "How about this, tonight after we get everything done, you have your way with me?"

His face changed to happy in an instant. "Anyway I want?"

I chuckled. "Of course, think of it as a reward, you deserve it." He eagerly returned the kiss and laid down "Goodnight, Victor. Sweet Dreams." And was already out by the time his head hit the pillow.

I smiled, laying down and slipped on a Sleep Mask "Goodnight, William." and went to sleep.


A few minutes later a bright light could be seen coming from the room appearing from out of no where, but neither of the two men that were sleeping made any movement, due to being completely passed out, they didn't feel their bodies changing...

Just outside of the room, another door opened up and another person came out and caught sight of the bright light coming from under the door and stayed standing there staring at it until it winked out five minutes later. She blinked her eyes a few times not knowing what to make of what she just saw and shook her head "He is so paying the light bill next month." she muttered to herself and went and did her business.