• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 3,383 Views, 49 Comments

My Little Invader - Amereep

Equestria has had many villains through the years but the worst one has just arrived, Invader Zim.

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Temple of Doom


"Good news Gir" Zim yell out, after kicking the door open to his base. "Our problems with the ponies will soon be solved for good. You see I~" Zim stopped right as he looked into the kitchen. There, he saw Gir and Pinkie Pie having a tea party, they just stared at him with a surprised look on their faces.

"Out out outoutoutoutOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUTOUT!" Zim was yelling as he was carrying Pinkie to the front door and throwing her across the streets. She was okay, she was enjoying the ride and even the throw performed by Zim.

"BYE PINKIE" Gir yelled out, waving his hand a goodbye to her.

Zim slams the door shut, then looks at his minion. "GIR, she's the enemy. You should be keeping her out, not letting her stay inside."

"We had a party" Gir said, oblivious to his scolding.

Zim grabs his head with a hand and shakes his noggin at the lack of cooperation from the robot. "Listen Gir, I've been visiting that 'Tree of Knowledge' lately to help me understand this world. Through my research, I found this" Zim takes out a book from his backpack that shows a golden fur mare pegasus on the cover. She had a range of grey colors for her mane and had a wardrobe that appears to be that of an archaeologist. "It's one of a series of books about a mare named 'Daring Do'. Through every story, she goes on journeys that involve her getting rare artifacts that hold incredible powers. With these, artifacts, I can use the powers they hold in order to rule Equestria." Zim put the book back into his backpack and heads deeper into his base. "Prepare yourself Gir. Tonight, we will go treasure hunting."

Luna's moon filled the sky and Zim set off in search for a temple to heist. "We'll be searching the 'Everfree Forest', Gir" he informed. "The ponies appear to stay clear of that place for various reasons, which means that place would most likely still have a temple unexplored." The invader arrives at the forbidden forest and starts scanning the area above the trees, moving a smooth constant pace forward. Zim focuses on the radar, trying to see if there was anything the computer may have overlooked.

About an hour or so later, Zim's computer responds [LARGE CONSTRUCTION FOUND].

This snaps Zim out of his trance on the screen and looks at the location. "Finally. Alright Gir, I'm going to-" he stops when he turns around to see himself alone. He starts looking around to try and find the little robot, but to no avail. He probably would've never found him if it wasn't for the reflection off the window in front of him.

"GET OFF MY HEAD!" Zim yells at the sleeping Gir. Gir jumps off as Zim lands the ship in front of the old temple. "Gir, I'll go search for the ancient artifact within this structure. I want you to maintain the ship and keep it running in case if anything goes wrong and we need to make a hasty escape." Gir just stared at Zim "I know you want to protect your master from whatever lies within this catacombs, but I need you here." Gir still stares in silence at Zim "I must go, but I'll be back. Don't worry!" Zim yells as he enters the temple. Gir, still in his deadpan mode, suddenly turns his head. He looks down, pushes a button and suddenly, the ship blasts one-thousand miles away into the sky.

Zim's backpack opens and shines lights inside the temple. He starts walking cautiously down the passages, checking his surroundings. He was noticing writings on the wall, but with his training and technology, he couldn't figure out what it meant. He was able to find a hieroglyph but he couldn't figure out the meaning behind it.

As Zim continues, he dodges various traps. A pit opens under him, but he uses his spider legs to grab the ledge before he falls to far in. He creates a force field around him from flames being blown at him. He levitates over large gaps with the help of his backpack. And even had to dodge sharks with laser beams attached to their heads.

Zim was finally at the main chamber, breathing from his last trap "SINCE WHEN ARE THERE LAND SHARKS?" Zim looks forward and sees a pouch on a pedestal. He steps up to the alter and uses all of his training that he learned when becoming an invader. Slowly and without warning, he takes the bag as quickly as possible "VICTORY!" he yells. Zim finally had the mysterious item that would help him conquer Equestria. Before he could open the glorious bag of power, a sudden shake started within the room. Within seconds, the room starts fill up from the cracks of the floor with the hot, deadly, burning, liquid that he knows as, water.

Zim looks around for a way to avoid such a gruesome fate to die by, but there were no exits. But this didn't stop Zim, he climbed as high as he could within the chamber. With his four spider legs from his backpack, he formed a laser cutter and began sawing through the walls. Each attempt seemed pointless, the walls were thicker then he anticipated. He kept searching for a thin enough wall, looking back as the water level had only about a third away from filling up the room. With a lucky break, he found a thin enough wall and broke through it. He felt the water burning him as he jumps through the hole before it could do anymore damage.

He found himself outside on top of the temple. This didn't stop him though, he ran as fast as he could off of the temple before the water over spilled onto the ceiling. Zim makes it off as the water falls off of the temple roof and onto the grass below.

Zim looks over at the quest he just accomplished, proud at the fact nothing can stop the great invader Zim. After enough gloating, he calls for his minion "GIR!" Gir was nowhere in sight "GIR! Where is that robot?"

"WEEEEEE-HUUUUUUUU!!!!" Gir yells, flying by a female pegasus. The air pressure Gir was leaving must've been strong, the mare was spinning out of control, having googly eyes on her face and what's worse, she dropped her muffin.

"Well in any case, I FOUND THE ARTIFACT" Zim yells in triumph. "I must see what it is, what it does" he says in anticipation. He opens the bag slowly and peers inside finding a tan color. He tilts the bag a bit and it shifts around like a bag of rice. Zim's face starts to fade to an appearance of worry as he stares in the bag "Wha- what is this?" He takes out a scanner and goes over the contents and the scanner tells what the strange substance is, sand. "That, that can't be" he pours out the sand, hoping something else was inside the bag. Nothing else lied withing the pouch. Zim collapsed at the outcome, why were they protecting sand? Was this journey all for nothing?

Zim took one more look inside the bag, in a desperate act to find anything and something caught his eye. It was a tag, a tag that was sowed onto the bag under all of the sand. There were letters written on it. Zim read it, it said 'Property of Daring Do'.

Zim stood up and raised his fists into the sky "CURSE YOU, DARING DO. CURSE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"