• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 3,383 Views, 49 Comments

My Little Invader - Amereep

Equestria has had many villains through the years but the worst one has just arrived, Invader Zim.

  • ...

The Pink Nightmare

Zim, being new on this planet, takes in the culture as he trots through the town of Ponyville. "Such pathetic creatures these Equestrians are" he says to himself as he looks around. "Look at them, all talking to one another, all having a smile on their faces, too foolish to even think that nothing could harm them. It's sickening. It makes me want to puke."

"Want me to get you a bucket?"

"No thanks, I think I can mana-AAAAAHHH!!!!" Zim yelled as he realized that a pink pony was walking right behind him and had entered into his privet conversation. She was giving a happy grin and was up close to Zim, getting into his personal space.

"You think you can manaaaahhh?" the pink pony said "I'm not a manaaaahhh, I'm a pony! If you want to talk about manaaaahhh, I suggest you talk to Lyra. She just loves to talk about humans."

Zim didn't give any care at the statement she made "Leave me pink pest, Zim has no need for company" and he walks away from her, but she follows him anyway by bouncing next to him.

"Zim? Who's Zim?"

"I AM ZIM! Now leave me be."

"Really, I'm Pinkie Pie. Zim, huh? That's a really weird name. I think you look more like a Field Grazer or maybe a Fern Forest. OOH OOH I KNOW, your name could be Thunder Bucket."

Zim stopped his poor attempt at galloping and turns to Pinkie Pie, who is now sitting on her hind legs, bouncing up and down. "Do you acquire my assistance for something?"

"No" she replied, still bouncing.

"Then why are you following me?"

"To make you feel welcome to the town."

"Well, I feel welcomed, so your mission is done be gone with you candy beast." Zim walks away giving a scowl at her, making sure she doesn't follow.

But, Pinkie replies by popping up from a stone tablet, which formed part of the road, in front of Zim. Zim had to double take to make sure their weren't two of them. "You don't look welcomed. You seem to be annoyed about something." Zim was gritting his teeth at her "I know, why don't I show you around the place" Pinkie said with a smile.

Zim's expression changed to a more calm one "Hmm... That might actually be useful. With her help, I could understand the culture better and find out about any weaknesses this planet has." "Very well, show me... around" Zim accepted with a sly grin.

Being thrilled, Pinkie jumps for joy and shows him around. The following is the places she showed him:

Town Hall

The library

A cafe

The lake

A bridge

A stall

A well

A tree

A bench

A trash can

Some rocks

and a sign post with some kind of pony giving a fierce look at the viewer with the word 'OBEY' underneath it.

And those were only the places she took him, don't get me started on who they met on this little tour. Zim was losing his mind to her rambling after about the fifth place they went to. "Her voice sounds like that of the screaming Mandrakiens! My head feels like it will explode!" Zim cried out in his mind. Zim tried to sneak away when Pinkie Pie was distracted but she appeared not far from Zim to tell about the new location that Zim ran to.

Time past and the tour ended before any casualties were mortally wounded (it was to late for being mentally wounded, though).

"That was fun" Pinkie said, not witnessing the signals Zim was trying to give her "But look at the sun, I gotta get going. I'm babysitting tonight" and with that she waved a smiling goodbye and zipped right out there.

Zim didn't pay much thought to what sitting on babies would accomplish, but was relived to finally have some silence around him. He wobbled home, holding onto his head. Once he made it home, he took a few steps in and then collapsed, face flat, onto the ground. Gir soon entered the house, drinking a milkshake, and stepped on Zim like if he was a door mat.

The next morning, Zim was staying home working on some experiments until he gets a knock on the front door. He looks over to a monitor screen that showed that Pinkie Pie was at the front door. Zim gasped at the sight of her "She's come to finish me off, I just know it." He pushes the monitor away and starts to think of a way to deal with her. "I WONT be subjugated to her voice again. There must be a way to get rid of her." Zim suddenly thinks up an idea "Maybe, I could rip out her eyeballs and put in new ones in order to re-arrange her mind?"

Their was a long pause at this moment.

"Although, seeing how this creature can stretch her appendages like rubber, I might have more trouble removing her eyes then to be expected."

"Why don't you give her a muffin?"

"Well it could put her into a false sense of security. Even so, I don't even have a muffin to give."

"I have one right here."

"Oh, could you lend me-AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Zim screamed at the amazing stealth Pinkie used to get into his base.

This was a serious problem. Within mere minutes, Pinkie was able to enter his base, find his hidden base underneath the first one and is now looking at him, without his disguise on. Zim was sweating bullets at the smiling pony. She was looking at him with a friendly face extending a muffin she had in her hoof. She didn't seem to mind that he looked different, but this didn't put Zim at rest seeing this.

Zim put on a tough look and slapped the pastry from Pinkies hoof. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he yelled at her, trying to show power over her.

Pinkie, still in a blissful state, replies "Well since I was showing you around yesterday, I realize that I didn't get to know you. So today I want to know as much about you as there is."

"OH NO!!! IT'S JUST AS I FEARED!!!" Zim yelled in his head "She's going to find out about everything. I have to do something quick before-"

"What food do you like? What's your favorite color? Why are your eyes red? What's your profession? What do you do for a hobby? What happen to your mane and tail? Where did you come from? How did you get those things on your hooves? What's in your back-pack? When are you going to come back with new episodes?"

It was to late. Pinkie was rambling-on non-stop as Zim started to grab his antennas in hopes to stop hearing her go on, but to no avail. "It's all over, she'll never stop talking now. I have to do something, I have to shut her up, I have to..."


Pinkie stops and looks over the the creature that just spoke. Zim does the same, but the creature they were looking at as a bit metallic. It was none other then a suitless wearing Gir. He was eating the muffin that Zim slapped out of Pinkies hooves a moment ago.

Pinkie's eyes started to grow "OOOOO, I haven't seen you around before. What's your name little fella?"

"Gir" the robot replied.

Pinkie started laughing "That's a cute name. It's like your making yourself seem tough and decided to name yourself after what a dog does to act tough might do."

"Show off stretchy powers?"

"No silly, why would stretching be considered tough? I'm saying they growl, 'GIRRRRRR'" she laughs at her own attempt at growling "So you like muffins?"

"They give me gas."

"*giggle* I know! Why don't we make cupcakes" she offers to Gir.

"And a rubber squirrel" Gir added.

"Sure" she replied happily and throws Gir onto her back and she gallops away, both of them laughing at the joys they will encounter.

Zim stares dumbfounded as the two went on their way out of the base. Pinkie was gone, so did he win? She is as out there as Gir was and she even seemed to match his attention span as well. She saw him without his disguise on, but would anyone believe her? Zim shook himself back into reality and went back to his work "Well at least she's gone, I just hope Gir will be able to handle her."

An hour later~

We see Gir and Pinkie doing a weird dance that requires 'pig snouts'.

Author's Note:

I feel like this started very wobbly, but I had to do this chapter in order to make the chapter that is going to follow this and the next one.