• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 3,383 Views, 49 Comments

My Little Invader - Amereep

Equestria has had many villains through the years but the worst one has just arrived, Invader Zim.

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Blending In

"♪Doom doooom dooom doooooooom doom doom doom doooooooooom♪"

"Gir, could you please stop singing." said a green alien to his robot companion. This alien goes by the name Zim, he's an invader that is currently on a 'secret mission' to invade and prepare the planet for the coming invasion. He is now currently riding in his spaceship, the 'Voot cruiser', in a brain-dead state listening to his robot companion 'dooming' him to death.

[DESTINATION ARRIVED] Zim's ship announced

He looks at the window and sees a blue planet, with specs of green lands and puffy white clouds. "Gir, were here" He looks over to the still singing robot.

"♪Doom doom doomy doomy doomy doomy.♪ Oooo, what's that?" Gir said, now glued to the window.

"A planet named... Equestria." Zim reads from the monitor of his ship. "This must be the place, well let's get started Gir. Get your scanning system on, while I look for a suitable area for our base" and with that, the green invader flew into the atmosphere. He flew into a small town, looking at the houses. Gir was like a kid in a candy shop, zipping his head left and right as he saw this new world. Zim stopped between two houses "HERE, we build HERE" he yelled and the ship descend. He got out of the ship, looking if anyone might've spotted him and luckily, no one did. Relieved he turns towards Gir, falling out of the ship "Quick Gir tell me, what have you learned?"

"I saw a bunny" the robot replied. Zim is standing in confusion at the statement "It was going like this" Gir then folds his arms, give a scowl and starts tapping his foot.

"Focus Gir, we need to blend in" Zim scolded. "Now, we need some disguises" he said then went to his ship. He brings a monitor out of the ship and a keyboard appears in front of him as he starts typing. He looks through various options for disguises.



He eventually comes across a disguise that he likes and pushes some buttons to make his ship to cover him. "OOOO AAAA WHY DOES IT HURT?" he cries at his new found knowledge that, makeovers actually hurt. The ship reveals the new Zim, showing him with barely any changes. He had contact lenses to hide his red eyes and has black hair to hide his antennas, he basically looked like his canon version. However he was given two more features. He was given a pin on tail that matched the color of his new hair. The other is a little bit hard to describe, so I'll compare it to something. Imagine a dog with a cone on him/her/it. Now replace the dog with your arm, having your hand be the head. And there you have it, their cuffs that cover his hands, and he is even given another pair to cover his feet. "This is going to take some getting use to" Zim said as he looked at the cuffs "regardless, this is for the mission. Now it's your turn, Gir."

"What am I going to be? Is it a mongoose?" the robot asked in anticipation.

Zim just pushed him towards the ship "I know exactly what your going to be." The ship surrounded Gir, and within seconds, Gir comes out dressed like a green dog (a bad one at that). His suit had a zipper in front and had stitches on his face. It wasn't really fooling anyone that something wasn't wrong with the dog, "ENGENIUS" Zim yelled.

"I'm a moose" Gir proudly proclaim, even though he was no-where-near correct.

"Now, we need to make a base" Zim takes out a hand held object, and stretches it, forming a pad. He takes out a stick on the side of the object and starts drawing on the pad for a few moments "That should do it." Zim closes the object up and pushes a button to form a drill at the end of it and sticks the tip into the ground. Within seconds the object drills into the soil and Zim get up, taking Gir, to the edge of the street.

The little device stopped at a certain level underground and then started to expand. As it grew, it formed rooms upon rooms shaking the ground. As for above ground, a house was starting to form. It looked like two stories tall and had a green coat on it with a dark pink roof. Two hanging flowers were next to the door that were secretly cameras to check on visitors and a wind indicator on the roof that was secretly a satellite dish in order to communicate into space.

After the house settled, everypony looked out of their windows and doorways to see what made the rumbling sounds. All they found was Zim, who was trying to blend in "Did anyone else feel that?" he asked out loud to anypony who cared to lend a eye. None of the ponies said anything as they looked upon Zim, who was making sure to stay on all fours.

Zim, who was starting to feel that they were catching on, decided to play it cool and walk to his new house, leading Gir along with. The door opened to his new house on its own as two figures appeared at the doorway "Welcome home, son" the figures said. One of the figures looked like a father figure who had wheels on the side of his hooves and seemed to be very stiff, like if it was meant to be on a carousel. The other figure looked like a motherly type that had arches on her hooves, like if it came off of a rocking chair or a rocking horse pony.

Zim looked over his shoulder one more time before entering in and shutting the door. "Phew" Zim said in relief "that was close. I thought the Equestrians were catching on to me, but they seem to be rather dense. They probably thought it was magic or something" Zim said to himself as he went deeper into his new lair and to start a plan to take down the new world.

Author's Note:

Salty Image by: psyduck on Deviantart
Derpy Image by: Makintosh91 on Deviantart