• Published 4th May 2024
  • 199 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 9: Welcome To Ponyville, Rangers

The next day, everyone got up first thing in the morning just like Celestia had said, her royal guards waking them up.

Noah stepped out of his room, rubbing his eyes. He placed his glasses on when he saw Fluttershy carrying in what seemed to be two saddlebags on a strap between her teeth. Probably because of her injured wing.

Going up to her, he stuck out his hoof. "Allow me to carry it."

"You don't have to..." Fluttershy muffled, looking into his eyes. "It isn't heavy."

"I want to be a nice gentleman- I mean, stallion," he said, quickly correcting himself. "May I?" His hoof was still at an outreach.

Smiling, she placed it on his back. She was right, her saddlebags aren't heavy. In fact, he wondered if she packed anything at all.

Once it was on him, the two of them caught up to the rest of the group. Jake noticed his pal, stepping up besides him. "Who are you carrying for?" he asked.

"Fluttershy," Noah simply answered. "I wanna carry this for her." He saw a smirk on his athlete's face. "Jake, I'm doing this since I..."

"Since you liiike her." He snickered, punching the nerd on his shoulder. "Looks like you found your type."

"We hardly know each other, man." Noah adjusted the saddlebags, wanting to make sure it won't fall off his back. "We had met since yesterday." Taking a look at the girl, he couldn't help when his lips curved upwards. "Besides, she's pretty. I should also add that she's adorable, too."

The earth pony's brows went up. "You should tell her your feelings."

Of course, the other one scoffed. "Too early."

Jake nudged his friend. "It isn't too early to develop feelings for somebody."

Noah dodged him away when he was about to nudge him again, with Fluttershy's saddlebags flopping on his sides like stirrups. His friend does have a point. It's never too early to like somebody right away, like when he started having feelings for the Yellow Ranger, with Noah noticing it every time Jake took a look at her.

Normally, he wouldn't think about girls, let alone not think about them at all. Like what he said back at home, he probably hadn't found his type, until yesterday.

With his thoughts on the mare he certainly likes, he trotted when he realized he's been slowing down, catching up to everyone else when he saw Spike carrying stacks of suitcases with no problem. His face was blushing when he looked at Rarity.

He doesn't seem to have any trouble carrying all the stuff for her for being such a small dragon. Noah could have sworn he saw hearts popping around the little one.

"Spike, are you sure you can carry all that?" he heard Troy asked the youngster.

"Yep." Spike adjusted them when one of the suitcases began to fall. He caught it quickly before it could hit the ground. "I'm a strong dragon from eating a lot of gems." This led the stallion to form a crooked grin, getting all quiet like he usually is.

When they reached the Canterlot Train Station, they all waited for the train to pick them up. None of the Rangers ever been on a train in their lives. They also never were on one made for ponies, either.

Pinkie has been jumping up and down like a spring on the way here, excited when she made new friends who she never saw. "This is gonna be the best day ever!" Beaming, she gave the Green Ranger a tight squeeze of a hug. "When I first saw you guys I was like..." She let out a loud gasp. "When I was the little robot, I was like 'hey pal'." A second gasp. "This is gonna be a great story."

Rainbow inwardly smacked her face. "Pinks, we aren't in a story. How many times do we have to tell you this?" the pegasus said, knowing how weird her friend can be. "You can be hilarious, but this is getting ridiculous."

Releasing Jake, Pinkie seemed to ignore her rainbow maned friend. "It's been a year since the author wrote the eight chapter." Tilting her head, she placed a hoof on her chin in thought. "It's similar to another story she had read, inspiring her to make her own version."

Starlight looked at Twilight, along with everyone else. When Applejack went to say something to the party pony, they all heard a loud whistle.

"Here comes the train." When the alicorn announced this, Pinkie let out a happy squeal, hugging Jake tightly then before.

"Pinkie Pie, let go of him this instant." Using her magic, Rarity removed her off of him. "You're gonna end up cutting his airway."

"Aww." Pouting, she stuck out her lower lip until her mood changed. "Look, look, the train's getting closer. Ooo." Her body shuddered with joy when her stomach growled. "I'm hungry. Anyone else?"

"We'll eat breakfast on the train." Pinkie's smile widened when Applejack answered her.

By the time the train reached the station, the doors flung open. All the suitcases were taken by the conductor who would put them in the back with others while each pony got on the train, the last being Spike.

Once on the train, they all went to the dining car, and each of the ponies sat down with each Ranger. Twilight, Fluttershy, Starlight, and Spike shared a table with Noah and Troy, Rarity and Applejack joined at a table with Emma and Gia, while Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash shared a table with Jake and Orion.

For their breakfast, Twilight and her friends ordered daisy and rose petaled pancakes, hash browns, and fruit with a side of apple cider. Spike had his own kind of pancakes with blue, sapphire gems inside of them. Troy and his friends ordered pancakes with blueberries, hash brown, and fruit, along with apple cider, too.

When the breakfast plates arrived, they all ate together like they did last night, having their own conversations.

Twilight set her fork down, straightening it out on the napkin. "It's nice to meet other heroes rather than us." She took a drink of her cider. "You guys are from earth from what your mentor stated, am I right?"

"Correct," Noah said, eating some of his fruit. "At a place called Harwood County."

"We aren't ponies when we're there, we were humans," Troy added, finishing his plate.

Twilight gasped. "You're from the human world? I went to the human world - twice. One to get my crown back and the second time where I helped defeat the sirens."

"I went there, too," Starlight said, levitating her fort with a piece of pancake on it, popping it into her mouth. "While you were out of Ponyville solving a friendship problem," she added towards the princess.

"I was a dog when I was with Twilight when we were in the human world," Spike said.

Twilight giggled and faced the Red Ranger. "How long have you've been a leader?"

"For a while," he answered. "I actually moved to Harwood County, and I was new there. I hadn't had any friends until that day when I first met Jake, Gia, Emma, and Noah when we became Power Rangers. Orion came later."

Setting her glass back on the table top, she realized his story is similar to hers. "Nice how you say you're new at Harwood and never had friends in at the start. It's like how I was. I lived back in Canterlot, and my mentor sent me to Ponyville to create some friends. I started off being a loner until I found my group of pals when we first unlocked the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon. I bet Harwood sounds like a great place."

"It is a nice place," the Blue Ranger nodded. "Though I would love to learn about your world."

"You can stay at my castle," Twilight offered when Fluttershy frowned. "Is something wrong, Flutters?" she asked her.

"I was hoping that Noah could stay at my place..." Fluttershy looked at Noah. "I would like you to stay at my cottage. It's my way of saying thank you for rescuing me from yesterday."

Noah played with his glasses. "I would, but..." He hadn't finished when he saw her giving him the puppy look, her eyes getting all shiny, getting her pupils to widen where they filled in her eyes, adding lots of highlights. Her lower lip stuck out and she brought her front hooves up close to her chest. He tried to shake it off like it was nothing, ending up failing when he laughed. "Okay, I'll stay with you," he gave in. "Just no more puppy faces."

Fluttershy relaxed, releasing the adorable face she made him fall for. "Thank you. You're lucky I hadn't used The Stare on you. You're too much of a gentlecolt for that sort of look."

"Well, Fluttershy, since you're having Noah stay at your place, Troy can stay at my castle," Twilight said. "It also has the School of Friendship next to it. Basically, it's a school where everypony and every creature learns about friendship. I'm the Headmare of the school while Starlight is the counselor, where she helps the students solve their problems they may have. The rest of my friends are the teachers at that place." She ate her hash brown. "What about you? Do you go to school?"

"Yes, we go to Harwood High." Placing his fork down, Troy leaned back on the booth. "Except we learn actual stuff like science for example, not friendship."

"Maybe you can be Twilight's Headmare assistant." The dragon finished his piece of pancake. "Twilight can get stressed out from time to time," he frowned, looking at her.

"I do not get stressed out."

"Oh, yeah? What about last year when you panicked about not getting everything done on time for Hearth's Warming Eve?"

"I was behind schedule."

"I'm sorry," Noah cut in. "But what's Hearth's Warming Eve?"

"It's a holiday where we put up trees to decorate, have snow, and get lots of candy and presents," Starlight told him, answering his question.

Troy blinked. "Sounds like the holiday we have back at home, only we call it Christmas. What other holidays do you have?"

"Well, we do have Nightmare Night where everyone wears costumes to be someone else. It's coming up in several weeks..." The pegasus shuddered in fright. "I'm really not into it. I feel more safe at home than being out there with everyone dressing up as monsters."

Twilight placed a hoof on her shoulder. "They're just costumes. It's only for fun."

"Not when a pony jumps out and yells something scary," she shook her head, her pink mane swaying. "What about you guys? Have you ran into any monsters?"

"We do, and we have to fight them," Noah answered. "I once had a duel with Skatana - a one on one with him."

"Sounds terrifying." The pegasus let out another shiver. "Even his name sounds scary."

"It does, but I've been dealing with Argus, the prince's bodyguard."

"Yeah, we battle lots of monsters from Vrak's villains to Vekar's own," Troy put in.

"And Vekar is the one your dealing with now?" Starlight assumed.

The Red Ranger moved his head up and down. "We certainly are. And with Vrak, we have no idea where he's at. The last time we saw him is when we defeated the Messenger." He turned away. "It was also the last time where we had Robo Knight with us."

"You two were pretty close," the princess bet.

"We are." Playing with his napkin, he sighed. "I've been searching for him for days, and I can never locate him, but I know he'll turn up someday."

"I'm sure he will."

"Heh, I don't think I'll find him here in your world," he slightly smiled.

On the right side of them, Applejack and Rarity have been talking to Gia and Emma. Rarity is surprised that Emma could sing.

"You should join the Pony Tones," she said. "One of them will be off to Delamare, visiting her parents, and I do need someone with a good vocal cords."

"Sure," Emma accepted. "Just let me know when it is."

"I will, darling," the fashionable unicorn promised. "I just need to know when she's going. It'll only be for one day, though." Rarity brought her hoof to her chin. "I've been eyeing your outfits for a while, and they're not the best things to wear for the Grand Galloping Gala that's scheduled on the sixth of May."

"What's the Grand Galloping Gala?" Gia asked.

"It's a party that Celestia hosts," Applejack replied. "It's a great experience to have. Unless it gets ruined of course. Our first night there didn't go well. The same being for the second time when Discord brought the Smooze." She sipped her apple cider, making a face. "You know, the apple cider I make is a lot better than this. Except, I need help with the Applebuck Season which will be over soon. My sister is getting a cold and my brother injured himself, and I need a strong pony to help get the job done."

"Gia can help you." The Pink Ranger wrapped her arm around her best friend. "She's really strong."

"Really?" The cowgirl perked her ears up. "Then she could stay with me and my family. We do have a spare bedroom you can sleep in. You do have to get up early to do all the farm chores. You may not look like a farm gal, but I know you'll love it."

Gia seemed to like the idea. "Seems like a good change of scenery. Our home is a city, so being in the country will be a nice experience," she replied. "Yeah, I can help you with your Applebuck Season, whatever that is."

The orange pony smiled. "Thank you. I'll tell you about Applebuck Season when we get to Sweet Apple Acres after Pinkie Pie's welcome party."

When the two decided to stay with each other, Emma looked at Rarity. "Since Gia will be staying with her, I guess I'll be staying at your place."

Rarity dabbed her face with her napkin, folding it in half. "Yes, though I do hope you won't mind my little sister, Sweetie Belle, and my cat , Opal."

"I won't mind," Emma replied smiling.

As their conversion continued, right behind them, Rainbow and Pinkie are having their own talk with Jake and Orion.

"Wait, you're an alien?" Rainbow exclaimed, after the new pegasus stallion told her and Pinkie about himself. "And you lived on a planet called Andresia?"

"I used to live in Andresia," he answered, looking at his silver bracelet on his wrist. "Until it got destroyed, killing my friends and family."

"Sorry to hear that, pal." The sky blue pony showed sympathy for him.

Orion looked up from his wrist jewelry. "It's nice to hear you say that. Really, I mean it. It's a lot to take in when you lose the people you're close to."

"Speaking of families, did your parents ever give you support?" she asked, remembering how her parents were. "My mom and dad were too supportive. I always hated it when they got excited for every little thing I do. I had once hung up a towel in the locker room at the Wonderbolt Academy, causing them to get hyped up. They can be supportive, but they learned not to be too supportive. I actually started off as a trainee..."

"Where you met Lightning Dust," the cotton maned pony perked up, getting a harsh stare from the other mare. "Sorry." She leaned away from her. "I should've brought her up like I did last night."

"Lightning Dust?" Jake gave Rainbow a questioning look. "Who's she?"

"Somepony I met, like Pinkie said. We were friends until I realized how reckless she is," Rainbow snorted out of his nostrils. "She almost demolished my friends and she put my sister, Scootaloo, in danger by making her do a dangerous stunt for the Washouts for she's the leader of the group. I never wanted to see her ever again in my entire life."

"Well, from the information you gave, she does sound reckless," Orion said, thinking about the name. "Did you ever try talking to her?"

Rainbow scoffed. "Talk to her? Yeah, right. She'll have her ears plugged. Trust me, Orion, you do not want to come across her. Her and I are rivals for life - forever." Brushing her ex-friend off her mind, she looked at Jake. "What about you, dude? Tell us about yourself."

"Hm." Jake thought for a second. "I'm an athlete for the soccer team and I have a crush on Gia."

"Ooo, you should play buckball some day," Pinkie said, munching on her pancakes. "I'm sure you'll love it, and we can teach you. In fact, Rainbow is an athlete, too, so you can stay with her while Orion can stay with me."

Chuckling, Rainbow patted her shoulder. "We probably need to switch up. Jake's an earth pony, and the only ponies who can walk on clouds are pegasi and alicorns."

"Lucky how you can walk on clouds..." the Green Ranger muttered, a little jealous again.

"Aw, don't worry, Jake, you can stay with me," Pinkie offered. "I live in Sugarcube Corner where I bake lots of pastries alongside the Cakes and their twins. Oh, do you dance? Cause I can dance."

"Yeah, Pinkie sure can dance to get you moving and grooving." Jake smiled when Rainbow mentioned this.

"I got good moves," he shrugged. "Though, I do have one question?"

"And that would be...?" Pinkie began to wonder, swallowing her piece of pancake.

"Why do you ponies have tattoos on your flanks?" This got the two girls laughing, with them hitting their hooves on the table, leaving him confused. "All I asked is why you have tattoos on your flanks. I wasn't telling a joke even if I wanted to."

Breathing in deeply, Pinkie stopped laughing, while her friend did her best to control her snickers. "These aren't tattoos, silly, they're called cutie marks."

The Silver Ranger tilted his head. "Cutie marks? What are those?"

When Rainbow calmed down a little, she explained. "Cutie marks are these symbols that appear on ponies' flanks. The ponies get them once they find their purpose in life, getting them when they're kids. I got mine when I raced these three colts who were teasing Fluttershy, creating my first Sonic Rainboom. You have to see it some time, it's awesome!"

"I would like to see it," the alien grinned.

The Rangers and their new friends talked on and on, until they arrived at the Ponyville Train Station. They all got up from their seats, with the alicorn leading the way.

Crossing the bridge, the Rangers saw that they're in a village, seeing different types of ponies doing their own thing from watering their gardens to relaxing in the sun shine.

Troy looked around. "Nice place," he commented. "Though it could use less pink." Emma nudged him by the shoulder. Before she can say anything, the party animal got between them.

"No time for standing, it's time to throw you a welcome party. Twilight, can we have it at the school?"

The princess shook her head. "No, but we can give them a tour of our school. Let's have their welcome party elsewhere."

"Sure thing." Pinkie hopped away. "I know a perfect spot. It's where we hosted Rainbow's birthday and anniversary with the help of Cheese Sandwich."

"What about our stuff?" Fluttershy reminded. "We have to bring them to our homes."

"We can do it after their welcome party." Jiggling with joy, the hyper earth pony let out an excited cry. "I shall grant you new ponies the best and biggest welcome party you'll ever see." She began jumping away.

"Follow the hopping pony," Noah said laughing.

They all followed her, with Noah being with Fluttershy who is taking her time. Looking at him, she moved her mane behind one ear. "We do want you and your friends to like this place," she hoped, smiling. "Plus, Pinkie Pie promises to give you guys the best welcome party ever."

"I sure hope so. My friends and I never had a welcome party," he replied, smiling back in return. "We can get to know each other a little more while we have it," he winked, getting her heart to drop a beat.

"Sure, I would love to know more about you, even when we are different," the shy one responded.

While they walked, Noah had this love trance around her from being next to her as they went with their friends to where Pinkie Pie is taking them for the welcome party, unable to keep his eyes off the yellow pony.

So much so, he ended up bumping into one of his own allies without paying any sort of attention, knocking him out of it. "Sorry," he apologized embarrassed for not looking where he was going.

Jake chuckled. "It's fine." He looked at Fluttershy. "He's a great guy- I mean, stallion - to be with."

"I'm sure he is," she spoke softly. "He's such a nice stallion."

"Time to party!" Fluttershy yelped when Pinkie jumped out of nowhere like she normally does. "We need streamers, balloons, confetti, presents, a table to put the cake and candy on, a banner with the words Welcome To Ponyville with your-" She poked the nerd on the chest. "-names on it, of course, and I'll invite everyone here to the party. They're gonna be your friends for sure."

"Uh, Pinkie, how are you gonna set everything up?" Orion asked as they continued walking.

"No need to fear, Pinkie's got your back."

Troy and his friends have no idea what she meant by, but they shrugged it off. If she knows what she's doing, then she knows what she is doing.

Reaching the area, she pulled out her party cannon. "This is what I use to set up a party a lot faster." Pressing the red button, the cannon exploded, and within zero seconds the whole place was decorated. Streamers hung from the trees, with balloons right by them. There was even a table that she somehow crammed into the cannon with lots of different candies with a cake at the center. She put it away. "I'll be right back with lots of friends."

"Pinkie, maybe we should-" Twilight hadn't finished her sentence when she ran off, going door to door of each home. Sighing, she looked at Rangers. "She'll be back. I think she had some sugar last night and it didn't seem to fade off."

The new ponies laughed, knowing how right she was when Pinkie Pie came back without a sweat.

"I invited everyone here, including our favorite students," she reported. "We're gonna have the best party ever! Eee!"

The party seemed to go well like Pinkie had stated who is busy greeting other ponies. "Hi, thank you for coming. Hi, thank you for coming. Hi, thank you for coming," she would say to each guest when they got to the area where the party is being held outside.

When everyone arrived, the party pony introduced them to the new ponies. "This Troy, Jake, Noah, Gia, Emma, and Orion." She gave Jake a warm hug. "They're new so let's all give them a nice welcome."

With that, the guests greeted the newbies with them doing the same. Once Troy and his friends got to know their guests, they started having fun, playing games, opening presents to eating candy despite the breakfast they had on the train.

Well, not all them. Noah had separated himself from the group with Fluttershy, the two sitting face to face near a pond.

Fluttershy laughed as Noah told her stories about what's been going on back at home, like when Jake dressed up in a fro-yo costume.

Hearing her laugh made him grin. He could just be doing this to impress her or it may be from something else.

Looking down at the water, Fluttershy laid on her stomach with Noah mimicking her, laying down on his stomach, too, their hooves barely touching each other's.

The water reflected from the morning sun, creating a mirror to show themselves. "So how long were you a Power Ranger?" Fluttershy kept her voice low for no one else to hear.

"I've been a Power-"

"Professor Fluttershy." He was interrupted when he saw what looked to be a yak coming up to them. "Professor Fluttershy's wing okay? Yona hopes it's okay. Yona never meant to hurt you with the door."

"I'm fine, it's just a sprain. It'll heal within a week," the pegasus answered, having her student sigh with relief. "Next time, watch when you close the door, and maybe this time, don't slam it."

"Yona understand." Yona noticed Noah. "Who's this?"

"Yona this Noah, Noah this is one my students, Yona," Fluttershy told each of them.

"Nice to meet you, Yona." He stuck out his hoof.

"Nice to meet you, too, Noah." She shook hooves with him. "Yona is glad to meet new friend."

Taking his arms away, he chuckled. "Have you met my other friends yet?"

"Yes, and they're friendly, like Yona," she said, pointing at herself. "Will there be school tomorrow?" she asked Fluttershy.

"Yes, there will be school tomorrow. I'll see you in class then."

"Okay, Yona will see you tomorrow," the yak waved, stomping off.

With her out of sight, Noah placed his foreleg over the other one. "So, what do you teach in your class?" To him, it seemed great to have a friend who's also a teacher.

"I teach them about kindness," Fluttershy told him. "It's one of the traits of friendship." She sat back up with him doing the same, the two of them getting back up. "It's always important to be kind, even to our worst enemies, and our kindness sinks into them."

"I don't think your kindness will seep into the enemies my team and I are dealing with," he said honestly. "They're too heartless for any sort of kindness."

Fluttershy frowned. "They need to learn that being evil isn't a good thing."

"I'm telling you, they rather destroy your homeland." Elbowing her, he gave her a friendly smirk. "Let's continue on with the party. I'm in the mood for some cake - unless I can eat it. Troy and I have never been unicorns so we don't know any magic."

"...I can feed you a piece of cake," she offered, digging her hoof in the ground, her timid nature coming all over her. "Unless you want me to, of course," she quickly added, wanting to know if it's okay.

Noah shrugged. "Eh, sure." They went over to the table where the cake is, this time in half from being eaten by all the other ponies, cutting each piece of cake for their own, going back to their previous spot by the water.

With her teeth, the pegasus picked up the end of the fork, stabbing a large crumb of the Blue Ranger's cake, bringing it to his mouth.

Taking it off the fork, Noah enjoyed the dessert. "You want me to do the same for you?" he asked before taking another bite.

"I can manage." As she continued to feed him the pastry, she began to wonder something. Is it bad that she's falling too quickly for him? Or is it normal? They had met since yesterday, and her feelings for him are beginning to grow.

It's too early to be more than friends, in which these two are fine with.

For now.

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