• Published 4th May 2024
  • 199 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 23: Mount Aris And Seaquestria

It's been two and a half months, getting close to Hearth's Warming Eve, ever since the Power Ponies joined the Power Rangers and the Elements of Harmony. Fluttershy had a blast taking her class out to the field trip to the zoo. And they had already went to a game of buckball-

Why can't you just write chapters for those moments?

Pinkie Pie?

Yes, it is I, your favorite bubble gum party pony who loves sugary goodness, my lovely favorite author who's writing this amazing crossover.

Are you... Are you...

Breaking the fourth wall? Yes, ma'am, I'm breaking the fourth wall. I've been breaking the fourth wall ever since the MLP:FIM started.

Great, you're breaking the wall with the number four on it. Amazing. Like I need it for this story.

You're welcome. I bet you need it. The story is getting...um...what's the word I'm looking for...? Ah, yes. It's getting a little boring...

Boring!? Why atta...!

Whoa! Don't get your balloons on a pin. I was letting you know. I'm doing this for more comedy use - by breaking the fourth wall you're writing.

I'm not writing it, you're writing it.

Oh, yeah. Well, about those chapters for the zoo trip and buckball...

I don't have time to post those chapters. Wait, scratch that, I never had time to post them up. What am I supposed to do?

Hmm. You could write separate moments of the chapters you never had time to post. You know, write deleted scenes of this crossover. Like what lots of movies have. By the way, will there be shorts and sequels for this crossover? And what's the difference between those two?

Honestly, I have no idea. I guess shorts are... Huh, what is the difference between those two? I've read so many fics and I have no idea what the difference is between those two terms. Unless, there is a difference.

Mm, well, whatever the difference is, unless there is a difference between those types of stories. Anyway, will there be shorts and sequels? Please say yes, please say yes.


You should write short stories about Noah and Fluttershy.


Along with lots of sequels for this crossover.


*Gasp* You should do a crossover crossing over Ninja Steel. It'll be-


Yes, author?

I have to finish this story before I even do shorts and sequels. Plus, how am I supposed to write a crossover with Ninja Steel? I hadn't watched it yet.

Good point. You know, we should get back to the story.


Don't forget to write deleted scenes from this story.

I won't forget.

Pinkie Pie Promise?

Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Can I please continue writing?

Yes, ma'am.

Good. Now, Fluttershy had a great time taking her class to the zoo with Noah, and all of the Power Rangers, their pony friends, along with the Power Ponies, went to Califoalnia to watch Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie play buckball...

Yeah! And no Armada bad guys and changelings or anything ruined the game.

...and if this pony doesn't stop interrupting me and ruining stuff, I will never write it. Pinkie Pie, you spoiled one of the deleted scenes I'm gonna write someday, thank you very much!

You're welcome.

*Sigh* I hope she doesn't do this throughout the whole book. Ahem. It was getting close to Hearth's Warming Eve, and Twilight, Troy, Starlight, Ice Crystal, Cobalt, and Spike were on the train, heading to Mount Aris.

Troy looked out the window. "Is it true that Mount Aris isn't in Equestria? I thought it'll be part of your world until you had told me about it."

"Correct," the princess confirmed.

"And the creatures who live there are hippogriffs? Yet, there are hippogriffs who became so attached to their underwater home that they decided to stay into seaponies, living in Seaquestria?"

"Mhm." Twilight pulled out a book from one of her saddlebags, hoofing it over to the Red Ranger. "This book will tell you everything you wanna know about Mount Aris and Seaquestria," she said when he took into his own hooves. "I bet Noah would love this book, too." She leaned back on her seat. "My friends and I were there when we needed help saving Equestria from the Storm King, and I also went back when Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom got called to the Cutie Map to solve their first friendship problem. My friends and I got turned into seaponies by a pearl which was once owned by Queen Novo, but with the Storm King defeated, some of them turned back to hippogriffs, while others got used to the water. You may see the seaponies and hippogriffs wearing pieces from the pearl."

Spike looked up from his Power Ponies comic book. "I was a puffer fish," he told him, flipping over to the next page.

"A puffer fish?" Cobalt questioned.

"You were turned into a puffer fish by Queen Novo?" Ice Crystal laughed, getting a grumbled look from the dragon. "Even though my team weren't in your world, I'll have to say, for a puffer fish, it sounds cute," she bet between giggles.

The colt hopped on his seat. "I wanna be a seapony."

"And I would like to meet the queen."

The Princess of Friendship liked what she's hearing. She sat up, looking out the window. She liked how Ice wanted to meet the queen. To be frank, the lavender alicorn has been wanting to see how the queen was doing.

She could be a seapony - unless she can go back and forth from Mount Aris to Seaquestria.

She was also excited to bring Troy, Starlight, Ice, and Cobalt over there, where they can meet the creatures - half pony, half bird.

The train came to a halt. "Final stop - Mount Aris Station!" a stallion named All Aboard announced.

All the ponies, including the Power Ponies, the Ranger, Twilight, and her two friends, got off the train. Starlight looked around. "I see a lot of hippogriffs," she observed, seeing them chatting to one another or flying in the sky.

"Look, look!" Cobalt tugged on Ice's hoof. "Seaponies. Let's go to Seaquestria."

"Twilight is the princess. She can take us to Mount Aris first," she responded, pulling her hoof away.

"Yes," the princess nodded. "I wanna speak to Sky Beak about you and your friends, Troy, along with yours, Ice and Cobalt. He's one of the hippogriff guards, though the queen is still the leader, and then we can go down to Seaquestria."

The red hero looked to where the ocean is at. "How are we going to see her? I know you said you turned into a seapony, Twilight, as well as your friends, but..."

"No worries, Troy," Twilight assured him. "I know a seapony here who goes back and forth here and underwater."

"I wanna be a seapony." All of them chuckled at Cobalt's childish behavior, even though he is a foal.

His leader rubbed the top of his head, messing up his mane. "Let's have Princess Twilight speak to Sky Beak first, then we can go to Seaquestria."

Ice Crystal has been calling her princess ever since she found out she was an alicorn like Luna and Celestia. She's been told many times by her that she doesn't need to be formal, except she keeps forgetting.

She did learn a lot of new spells by her and her student. Troy hadn't learned any yet. He decided it'll be better for both him and his Blue Ranger friend to learn together.

In other words, he doesn't want his pal to be left behind.

He did see him being around the Element of Kindness a lot. He'd seen Hazel with them a few times, except she wanted them to have alone time, and he and his friends have been told by Noah that he and Fluttershy are only friends.

Troy knows that Noah has feelings for her. The issue is whenever Tensou finishes up his invention, they would have to leave this world, to go back to earth whenever they get rid of the Armada and their new friends by their side.

The brains of the Ranger team had even come up to his leader, thinking that maybe there would be a way for them to stay.

However, the leader of the Ranger team, being the calm one, told him it was merely impossible.

Noah can only hope he's wrong, refusing for the conversation to turn into an argument. He liked Fluttershy, willing to tell his true feelings to her before it was too late.

Troy understood. He has feelings for Emma. He hadn't told her ever since he first laid eyes on her.

Anywho, Twilight, Troy, Ice, Starlight, Cobalt, and Spike, went to see Sky Beak, who was in his golden armored outfit.

He saw them right off his, well, beak. "Twilight!" He gracefully flew up to her. "I see you brought your friends." He shook Troy, Ice, Starlight, Cobalt's hooves. "I was informed by one of the princesses about what you are. Your secret's safe with your trusting hippogriff friend."

Troy took back his hoof, placing it back on the ground. "My friends and I are glad. We have to make sure no one knows our true identities. Does the queen know?"

"I'm not too quite sure, my boy. My son, Terramar, can take you there to see her."

"Great!" Troy approved. "Is he here?"

"Haha, he's over there - in the water with his mom, Ocean Flow," the hippogriff said, directing his claw to where his son and mother are at. "And here he comes." They all watched his son transform into a hippogriff, soaring up to them. "Nice to see you, son," his dad greeted, lending him a feathery hug.

Terramar returned the gesture. "Nice to see you, too, dad." They both departed, and he grinned. "Twilight. It's nice to see you again. Who are your friends?"

"Nice to see you, too," Twilight answered. "This is Troy, Starlight, Cobalt, Ice Crystal, and Spike," she introduced each friend to the hippogriff and seapony. "Guys, this is Terramar."

Her friends gave him hellos when the youngest one came up to him. "Is this piece part from the pearl?"


"Terramar, is it okay for us to meet the queen?" Starlight asked. "It's important," she told him.

"Yes, you can see her. She isn't busy." Waving for them to follow him, he led them to the water. With a magical flash, he turned back into a seapony. "Come on in," he encouraged.

Not hesitating, the ponies and dragon went into the water. Troy kicked off his sneakers and socks, as well as his black leather jacket. He went into the water, his red T-shirt and jeans being greeted with wetness from the water.

They went deeper until they couldn't feel the sand beneath them. The white and blue seapony held out a hoof like fin. Twilight placed her hoof on it, holding out her other hoof to Troy.

"It's how we can transform into seaponies," she explained with an encouraging smile.

"And a puffer fish," her dragon friend added. "Maybe I'll be a seadragon this time," he hoped.

Looking down at the clear water, he saw seaponies swimming pass them. He does want to meet the queen, so he placed his hoof on Twilight's, offering his other one to Starlight.

Taking his other hoof, the unicorn gave her hoof to the Power Pony mare. Ice Crystal placed her hoof on her's, giving her other hoof to the youngest pony.

Cobalt placed his hoof on hers, excitedly eager to get turned into a pony who can swim underwater.

Placing his other fin like hoof on the pearl piece, the rest turned into seaponies by Terramar. Twilight, Troy, Cobalt, Starlight, and Ice Crystal's back legs have disappeared, being replaced with a tail that's been turned into fins. They have a dorsal fin on their backs. The princess and Starlight have their cutie marks on them, as well as Ice Crystal's, while Troy and Cobalt's don't.

Twilight's fin like mane seemed to be pulled back. The other ponies' fin like manes don't have too much of a difference.

Looking at himself, Troy dove into the open waters, swimming around, getting the feel of being a seapony for the first time. He could even breathe underwater.

Using his new seapony body, he swayed his way up to the service.

Popping out of the water, he had a huge grin on his face. "This is fantastic!" he exclaimed in full enjoyment. "Woo hoo!" He leaped out of the water, doing a couple of front flips, diving back in. "My friends aren't going to believe this - me turning into a seapony. They're gonna- Spike?"

While everyone else got turned into seaponies, the dragon wasn't. Spike, like last time, got turned into a puffer fish - a purple puffer fish with green fins.

"Again!?" he fumed, splashing in the water. "Can I at least be a seadragon? I was a puffer fish the last time."

"Aww, you look so cute," Starlight gawked, patting him on the head. Spike puffed up, expanding like a balloon, floating away. She grabbed him, helping him get deflated.

Twilight laughed. "What do you think, Troy?" she said, when they all dove into the water. "Neat, huh?"

"It's great!" From the look on his face, she can tell he was happy. "I'll repeat what I said - my friends aren't going to believe this." He swam around, using one of his martial arts skill moves.

"Cannon ball!" Troy quickly moved out of the way, smirking when the little Power Pony dove where he was at. Laughing, Cobalt did some back strokes. "This is fun!"

Twilight let her friends swim around, letting them get used to their seapony forms with Spike by her side, grumbling about being a puffer fish rather than something cool. Then, she called out to them. "Let's go see Queen Novo."

"We're right behind ya," Ice Crystal returned, with her and the rest swimming with the alicorn, who followed Terramar.

Troy followed them, too, looking at all the ocean creatures, knowing Emma would love this.

I can sure bring Emma here, he thought, seeing all the seaturtles, fish, dolphins, underwater crabs, and all sorts of animals who live in the ocean. She'll get a good kick out of this. He pictured taking her here to Mount Aris, going into the water, with one of the seaponies transforming the both of them into seaponies.

It was until they reached a place. A place known as Seaquestria, where Troy saw other seaponies doing daily stuff, like drumming drums, blowing into shells like trumpets, making crafts out of seashells, everything.

One seapony offered him a seashell necklace. It would be a perfect gift for Emma for Hearth's Warming Eve.

He put it in his pocket of his jeans, catching up with the others, wanting to meet Queen Novo.

They reached her, and she's a seapony, yet she has a piece of the pearl. She put on a warm smile when she saw a familiar pony and fish. "Twilight, Spike." Departing from her large, seaplant throne, she swam up to them, hugging them both. "Glad to see the both of you again. And Spike." She petted him like he was a seadog. "You look adorable."

Spike huffed. "I wanna be a seadragon."

Novo then saw newcomers she had never seen before. "And you must be..."

"Starlight." Twilight's student shook the queen's fin like hoof. "This is Troy, Ice Crystal, and Cobalt. Oh, and you already know Terramar."

"Yes, I do. Thanks for bringing our guests, sweetheart. You can go."

Terramar bowed. "Will do." He waved at his friends. "I'll see you later. Hope you have a nice visit." He then swam off, probably to go see his mom or his dad.

Twilight gazed up at the queen. "Queen Novo, you know about the Power Rangers Super Megaforce team, right?"

"Of course, I do." Novo gave a gentle grin to the male seapony unicorn. "You're one of them, correct?"

"Yes, your highness. I'm the Red Ranger," Troy answered with a small bow of his head. "Do you know about the Power Ponies?"

"Yes, I do." After the Power Ponies joined the Rangers, the Elements of Harmony, Spike, and Starlight, the Princess of the Day and the Princess of the Night, had reported them to the ones whom they could trust. "It's great to meet you, too," she greeted heartily to the Power Ponies. "Where are the others?"

"My friends are with Twilight's other friends," he told her. "The other Power Ponies are also with our friends back in Equestria."

"Well, that's totally fine. Maybe you can bring your friends here. You and everyone are welcome to come whenever you want to visit," the queen invited passionately.

"Or Gosei will send them here in case of an attack," the puffer fish spoke up. "Queen Novo, can you turn me into a seadragon?"

Novo chuckled. "Sorry, buddy. The pearl chose you to be a puffer fish. Nothing I can do about it. Why don't you all enjoy the sea? Go on, play, have some fun." She gestured to them to go. "I don't want my guests to have nothing to do. Go on, interact with some of my subjects. You might run into my daughter."

Ice blinked. "You have a daughter?"

"Uh, huh. Her name's Princess Skystar. She's the cousin of Terramar and Silverstream."

Twilight's eyes bulged. "You're an aunt!? How come I never knew about this? This is...amazing."

"It is, isn't it?" A fish then came up to the royal seapony, speaking to her. "It's time for my seaweed wrap and message," she announced to the newcomers. "You go and enjoy Seaquestria."

"Have a nice seaweed wrap and message," the seapony stallion returned, waving back at her.

With her going to Seaquestria Spa, Twilight and her friends spent their day in the water. The Red Ranger figured that the Armada and changelings won't get into the water. No way in Tartarus they could get to this underwater world.


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