• Published 4th May 2024
  • 196 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 45: Fallen Heroes, New Rangers

"Ohh..." An uttered moan released from Noah when he managed to open his eyes. He felt something beneath him, having Noah touch on it whatever he's on.

It was a bed. Precisely, a cot.

He wasn't the only one for all the others, excluding the Elements of Harmony, Spike, and Twilight's pupil, for his team, the Asian ponies, as well as the Power Ponies, are all on cots.

He carefully sat up at the same time for him to be pushed back down from the lavender princess.

"Best for you to stay put," she recommended with caution. "All of you got belabored terribly in this case."

"Belabored?" Rainbow questioned, dipping a cloth into a bowl full of cold water. "What kind of language are you speaking?" Knowing her, she knows when she's gonna use a term no one will catch. She wrung the cloth, placing it on Orion's forehead.

"It means to attack or assault someone physically and emotionally," Twilight translated.

"Ah, I see. Though you should use words we all know," Applejack said.

"I have to agree," Pinkie nodded, munching on an apple from the basket filled with them. She offered one to Jake who declined. He was too hurt to eat.

Fluttershy came up with Noah, placing her chin on him.

He saw the look on her face. The scared expression she had on her. "I thought you never wake up," she spoke softly

A small smile returned to her worry, for he stroked her hair.

It was as soft as a feather. It smelled like strawberries.

Even though she smiled back, behind her eyes it still showed him the horrifying look she had for him.

He couldn't remember what happened, except wanting to check to see if everyone was okay when the idiot forced him to the rocky wall.

Speaking of the wall, he had smacked the back of his head pretty hard. No lie. It was hurting like the dickens.

It may be the worst headache he has ever gotten in his life.

Should've packed aspirin, he thought, feeling it get worse.

He messaged the back of his head, easing up the pain a little.

However, his head wasn't the part it was hurting for his whole entire body hurt.

He wanted to get off the cot, except he knew it wasn't much of a choice.

It was then Tensou rolled to one of the panels, turning it on. "Gosei, the Armada and the changelings are attacking. They're in Ponyville, Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, and all sorts of places!"

"But Grogar didn't say anything about the Armada and the changelings attacking our home at once," Twilight said, kind of looking confused.

"Yeah, he said they'll attack Ponyville first," Pinkie stated.

"Looks like he lied," Applejack grimaced with a scowl. For being honest, she despises when somepony lies.

Twilight came up to the panel - the red one. She gasped. "The School of Friendship!" The school, she saw, is completely damaged.

Ponies who were once asleep had awoken to the attack, all out of their houses partially destroyed for they ran out of them.

Ponies of Canterlot screamed for their lives when the panel switched to a different screen. Beams from the small Armada ships blasted everywhere. X-borgs and bruisers went after Celestia's subjects.

The screen went to the home of Prince Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and their daughter, where their subjects are being harassed.

She watched from the panel to see her brother blasting his beam at the changelings. It seems like they were trying to get to the baby.

It was then another panel turned on - the pink one. Pinkie Pie walked up to it.

"No, they're attacking my family and the Rock Farm," she cried, seeing the scene unfold upon her family. "Mom, dad, Marble Pie, Limestone Pie, run! Run away!"

"Pinkie, they cannot hear you." The blue winged pony tossed her eyes to the side.

The green panel was next. It showed the baddies attacking...

"Peaks of Peril!" The farmer saw them going after the kirins. "My friend Autumn Blaze lives there," she panicked.

The blue one was also on, for Rarity went up to it. "Mount Aris!" On the screen, the hippogriffs flew all over the place, along with the seaponies who swam as fast as they could go, bruisers chasing after them with the x-borgs with them, aiming their weapons at the half bird, half pony creatures.

The yellow one came on. Fluttershy, picking her chin off of Noah, went up to it. A gasp came when she saw the next location. "Our Town!"

"My home village!?" The pegasus was shoved out of the way, for she made an annoyed look. "They're in my town!? This can't be!" Fear came on Starlight's face.

While there isn't a sixth panel, one of them showed a different location.

Curious, Dash saw the location. Her curiosity turned to worry, for she faced the Silver Ranger. "Silvy... where does my rival live again?"

"...she lives in...Shireville," he managed to say.

"They're in Shireville." Hearing this from her made his eyes bug out of his head. "Chill dude," she went on assuring him. "Maybe they'll destroy Lighting Dust." This got everyone mad, all of them giving her angry looks. "What?" she asked.

"Dash, what you said was uncalled for." Applejack stomped a hoof.

"Sorry," she mumbled towards her. "Same for you, too."

All the sixth Ranger can do is nod.

While no one was running around in the Command Center, the robot was going around in circles. He was getting all worked up. "Gosei, they're everywhere. The Rangers are hurt, the Gokaigers, the Power Ponies...ohh, we're doomed." He circled around a lot more, until he was stopped.


He did as he was instructed by the non Element of Harmony.

With her consoling the anxious robot, Twilight went up to her mentor. "Princess, we have to do something."

"I understand what you are getting at," the Sun Princess replied. "However, I have no idea what to do at this point."

"I know what your subjects can do," the tiki head finally spoke up.

Intrigued, she went up to him. "And that will be..."

"The Elements of Harmony will have the Rangers' powers, to help save their world."

Everypony looked at him like he had another head.

Seeing their expressions, he explained it to them. "The Rangers won't recover right away. The same with the Gokaigers and the Power Ponies. You, the Elements of Harmony, will have to take over for a while until they do." He went on. "Twilight Sparkle, your great with your organization, you being Head Mare of the School of Friendship, and the Princess of Friendship, you'll become the Super Megaforce Red Ranger."

"Got it," she confirmed confidently.

"Rarity, you may be a fashioned pony, creating outfits for everyone to wear with glitz and glam. You may not like getting dirty, yet your generosity is the thing you consider first for you'll be the Super Megaforce Blue Ranger."

Rarity chuckled. "Why, I appreciate it, dear. I do say..." She bounced her mane. "...blue is my favorite color."

"Pinkie Pie, your enthusiasm can put anyone in a good mood, throwing parties for a lot of things. You refuse to see any sadness, wanting all to have such laughter from others, I choose you to be the Super Megaforce Pink Ranger."

She let out a joyful celebration. "Best thing I ever heard!"

"Applejack, you will never tell a lie to anyone. You want to always have a great heart, always being the big sister in the group, for your honest ways have led you to be the Super Megaforce Green Ranger."

The cowgirl, tipping her hat forward, smiled. "I thank ya kindly, partner," she appreciated with full meaning.

"Fluttershy, it seems like you're always a shy pony. But you have boldness from what I can tell. You certainly care for the environment, caring for all creatures from mythical animals to woodland ones from your kind nature, leaving you as the Super Megaforce Yellow Ranger."

"Oh dear..." Noah was the one who saw a frightened look on her. It even showed all over her body.

"Last, though not least, is you Rainbow Dash. You are a bashful pony, love flying at full speed. You enjoy sports of all kinds, except you won't let it get in the way for your loyalty is there with you. In this scenario, you have the power of the Super Megaforce Silver Ranger."

"Aw, yeah," she whooped, pumping a hoof.

Morphers came in front of them. "Since you have seen my people use these, you know what to do with them," Gosei said, not needing to explain about it. "Not to mention your keys." After Twilight and her friends retrieved their morphers, the keys appeared.

They each grabbed their colored key, all smiling at the thought of being Rangers.

Except for one.

Fluttershy. Facing Starlight, she walked up to her. "Here." She gazed at the floor after giving the confused unicorn her things. "You'll be a better Ranger." She began walking away.

Everyone had baffled expressions at this point of time. Was she unwilling to be a Ranger? This led Twilight to go check on her.

Before she could go any further, Noah stopped her, deciding to go check on her himself.

All of them protested for him to stay inside. Nevertheless, he blocked them, pretending they weren't there. He walked, or in this case, limped, outside of the Command Center. He swift his head up to the sky.

No nighttime clouds at this kind of night. It told him she isn't on one of them, unless she flew off.

If she did, of course.

Oh no. If she flew off, then she won't be able to help.

He searched for her. It didn't take long to locate her because she was sitting far from the place he walked out of.

Limping over, he went up to her. She doesn't notice him coming up to her once he is sitting down on the grass.

He sighed. "Fluttershy..."

"Noah, I can't be a Ranger," she interrupted, covering up her face. "I'll be a lousy one, too."

"Hey." Placing a hoof on one of the sides of her face, he had her look into his eyes. "You shouldn't say things like that. You shouldn't say you'll be a lousy Ranger."


He removed his hoof off her face, placing it on her lips. "You won't be a lousy Ranger."

It was the first time she saw the solemn gaze from him.

Removing his hoof away, he had another thing in mind. Fluttershy can basically see it radiating off of him. It was his turn to not look at her. He was about to speak when Fluttershy spoke before he could.

"You know, when I first got tackled by you, I had this...feeling when I first met you..."

"You did turn red in the face..." Noah looked back on, remembering the day like it was yesterday.

"You did, too."

Blinking, he focused his attention back on her. "I did?"

"Yes," she answered.

"I see..." He broke his gaze, glancing away. "...I have been wanting to tell you that..." Fluttershy watched him intently. "...I..." He struggled to get the words out. This was harder than he thought it would be. "I...like you," he finally spit out. Her eyes widened when he confessed his feelings. He doesn't look back at her. "I-I mean unless you blushed with embarrassment from being on top of you, then..."

He stopped when he felt her right hoof on his chin, turning his face in front of her - and kissed him deeply on his lips.

It sent shock waves when he returned it. His heart thumping rabidly like a jackhammer.

Pulling away from him, Fluttershy was as red as him; although she does manage to say, "I like you, too."

He has no idea what to say to her. The shade of red went away when he stood up, offering a hoof.

Placing hers on his, he pulled her off the floor. "So...are you still worried about being a Ranger?" he then asked.

"A little, but I don't know how well I do, to be honest," she responded, helping him in the Command Center for he is still sore from what Argus did to him. It made her furious. "Who knows, I may even take Argus down for you."

"I don't know about that..." Nevertheless, the two reached back to their friends. "Okay, we're back," he announced, getting back on his cot.

"Did you two kiss?" Jake's cheesy ear to ear grin got his best friend to a high color. He didn't say anything else, already knowing the answer to his question

Fluttershy, with a determined look, walked up to Gosei. "Where do we start first, sir?"

"Since there's a lot of x-borgs and bruisers in Ponyville, you all should start there. When the others are better, I'll send their way to help you all," he answered, his red eyes blinking. "Twilight, you may do the honors of teleporting you and your team to Ponyville," he gave permission.

"And I'll stay here to take care of them," Twilight's student volunteered. "Here's your morpher and key, Fluttershy," she said, hoofing the items to her for she took them back.

"Tensou and I will watch you, including the locations," the Princess of the Day went next. "Good luck, my little ponies."

"Thank you," her student returned. Lighting up her horn, the new six Rangers puffed away.

The young dragon sighed. "Twilight and her friends better be careful."

"No need to fear, my little dragon. Now go help Starlight out."

Spike did as he was told, hoping the Elements of Harmony will be a-okay.

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