• Published 24th Mar 2024
  • 153 Views, 7 Comments

All that remains - Blue-Bolt

Its cold, here in the north. So many songs and families and love, years gone by. Will I ever see their warmth again? A Flurry Heart Tale.

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Chapter 4

An icy chill had risen within the far northern gales, picking up great amounts of snow and ice. Drifting the large packs of snow drifts along with them. Shifting with the movement of the winds.

A trail of hoofprints trailed their ways through the snow. Becoming filled in as each second past, erasing them nearly entirely within the span of a minute.

“Too damn cold… Why in all that’s holy, did we build up here in the first place? Couldn’t have picked a better spot?” A grizzled stallion, a long, thick wool coat was draped over their barrel, their head almost entombed in the scarfs and other headwear. They did help to keep the stallion’s hat on, and not let it be blown away in the wind.

“Pipe down over there, Hecklerson.” Came a younger sounding but equally as tired sounding voice. Just ahead of him was the other stallion. A small group of outdoors looking ponies were trudging through the ever deepening snow. “You know as well as I, Master Sergeant, that it doesn't need to be explained. The city was founded in warmer times. Times gone by.” The stallion at the front of the marching group spoke.

“Aye, of course Ranger Lieutenant Lightstrike. I was just expressing my frustrations with our current situation.” The non commissioned officer replied to the superior.

Sighing noticeably the officer would just shake his head, looking up at the winds which he had to shield his face from a moment later. A sudden gust battered at his face. Even behind his cold weather mask it was biting into his fur and skin. Sinking into his very bones. “Nghh… I understand your reservations, Sergeant but the Princess tasked us with getting any civilians we could out.” He said shivering, managing to speak through the chill. “And that’s just what we’re gonna do.”

“We’ve been doing that for days now, Sir.” Another of the group spoke up. A younger mare, shivering under her almost arctic type weather gear. “We’ve already gotten the Rhinestone and Junebug families out of their estates! Along with a handful of others! And even a few of those backcountry types!” She had to nearly scream over the gusting winds. The sounds of haunting whinnies high above, almost drowning out her shouts.

The reply came quickly, the leading stallion of the group. The tall, heavily built and cloaked stallion looked back to the group. “We have but there are others, and as long as they have a chance we will be getting them home. Is that clear!?” He shouted, having to be heard over the sound of the wind.

Upon speaking those words, the group of rangers would nod to him. All saying in unison. “Yes Captain Brindlesweep!” Was their reply before then setting back out into the near white out pushing through it to get those stuck out there, somewhere to safety.


“The snow’s coming down even harder Sir Strings… Has there been any word further since that messenger got here?” Came the chittering tone of the Princess of the Crystal Empire.

The aged stallion in question looked positively frozen to the Princess. Even with him being bundled up in a thick gown. “None as of yet your highness. Brr… It has gotten bitterly cold though. How can you stand it?” He asked her, his eyes looking at the Princess who was wearing just a scarf and a couple of boots.

Shrugging her scarf lined shoulders, the Princess just smiled softly. “Guess I’m somewhat used to it. Always had a high tolerance for the cold however this has been getting there for me.” She mused looking at her misting breath, watching it collect in front of her face. She turned away from it towards him, humming thoughtfully. “And here I was starting to think ruling was getting rather boring for me. What an ‘exciting’ time for me to witness isn’t it?” She asked, her voice thick with her sarcasm. So much so that it dripped from her lips.

Sir Strings would give a soft little sigh before shaking his head, sighing softly. Walking over to the taller mare. “Nopony could have predicted this, your highness. It is a horrible circumstance to be involved with. It hurts to see it all… So hard fought come to naught. But we’re still here, that’s got to count for something? You’re still here to guide us through whatever time this is. I have faith in you, Princess” He spoke with great respect towards the alicorn, her icy blue eyes, clear as crystal sparkled a little.

“You really do still know how to get a mare like me to smile. Thank you Strings it is nice to hear whenever I get like that. It is a stressful time however.” Was her reply, she gave a nod towards him thankful for uplifting words from her advisor. She had turned away from the window she was staring out of for the duration of this conversation.

“Always happy to be of assistance to you, Princess. I am your advisor after all.” He spoke with a rather knowing smile before he relaxed it and nodded to her. “ What we do, we follow you as you command.” The graying stallion said before looking over to the door and then back to her.

Princess Flurry Heart did not respond right away, she had a little smile on her face. A sad little one. To think all of which had come and gone before her in the days gone by. It hurt her to think what was happening down in the south. “It's been a mess from what I’ve been getting up from the south, Equestria with the fall of cloudsdale… Weather production has disappeared and no longer can the pegasi control the winds. Seems the magic of the Windigos has really set in. I really do hope my Aunt has something. I feel so helpless being up here. Even though it's where I’m needed.” She was talking mostly to herself, just spouting off as she sat there, slumping a little.

Clearing his throat, Sir Strings would bring his hoof to his lips before speaking. “Your highness, I know it is not something we perhaps want to think of right away but we need to be ready in case the worst shoul-”

He was cut off when the Princess brought her gaze to hers, she for a fraction of a second looked every bit the age she truly was. “No…” Was her cold reply. “We will not abandon the crystal empire, not now, not ever. It can’t all end like that. I don’t… I don’t want it to end like this.” She said, her voice shaking as she trailed off. She wanted to deny the truth.

“That… if i may be so bold your highness. The funny thing about the truth, it matters little what we think. It is there, and always will be until we acknowledge it and work with it.” He spoke, his wizened voice calming the crystal princess’s nerves a little. As it always did. “Should the worst come to pass, I hope beyond hope it shall not. But we need to be practical about the situation.” He said simply, calmingly to Flurry.

She stood there and sighed, taking a breath and then releasing it with a push of her hoof. Like her mother taught the now ruling Princess. “I know, it is the correct thing and the right thing. We do need to be ready. Shall we go over the things we need just in case?” She asked, looking over to him.

“Certainly, your highness.” He said respectfully, turning he would light his horn to lift up a piece of parchment. His horn flickered as did the aura around the paper which fluttered back down to the table only for his magic to come back. “Why does this keep happening to me? I’m not feeling tired at all.” He said with a frustrated, slightly undignified snort before turning to Flurry Heart.

“I have been noticing some hiccups in my own magic every now and then as well. Has this been happening to you a lot, Strings?” The alicorn asked the crystal unicorn stallion.

“Yes Princess, it feels like when you fall asleep for a brief second only to snap back to reality… But it's as if my magic is the one doing so.” He commented in confusion. Looking to her with a look, to question if she may know what is going on.

“I’ve been getting reports of this throughout the city, magic of the horn failing and enchantments weakening as time has gone on. I have a hunch on what it is, but if it is true then things are far worse than I have and as a whole we have been told.” She was frowning softly before she lit her horn, unseen to her there was a slight wobble within her own magic as she picked up the dropped parchment. “Let’s just get through this and figure out a plan.”

“Yes your highness, as you will.” Came the stallion’s reply once more.

Both of them would get to work on a possible evacuation plan, should indeed the worst come to be.


The wind was battering away at Ranger Captain Brindlesweep, the towering stallion marched through the building snow. His powerful frame brushing away the snow around his legs, creating a route for those behind him.

“Come on we have just one more homestead to check, we need to make sure these ponies are safe!” He commanded, his voice even in this hellish windswept bellowed over the howls and screeches above them all.

“Yes Captain!” The team of four replied to him, pushing forward the small group of ponies with their captain kept trudging through the powdery snow. Crunching beneath their heavy winter boots, ice hanging from their thick, heavy coats.

Walking through the snow,the near complete white out, the dark clouds above never parting, only thickening and the winds would gust with near hurricane force winds. Threatening to knock the small group off their hoofs. Up ahead after what felt like hours of endless screams of windy horses above and the product of their joy and celebration, the team caught sight of something.

It was just ahead of them, barely visible through the snow was the gloomy silhouette of a ranch house. It took the team steadily more time to reach the front gates.

“This is gonna take some budging, come on let's get this thing moving!” The grizzled old Master Sergeant belted out to his group. The five ponies including the captain would press their tired, cold, worn body against the snowed in gate. Upon stopping they felt the biting wind starting to chew through their protective clothing. Threatening them with each passing second. Grunting with effort the team would get the gate pushed out of the way. Making their way onto the property. It was Captain Brindlesweep that noticed a problem. The home was dark, he wasn’t entirely sure why. But just looking at the once happy, family home so still, quiet. It gave him a chill that was not the doing of the cold. The lack of any smoke at all rising from the chimney had already caught his attention.

“Be careful, we don’t know what kind of state the lands could be in.” Walking up towards the building, he would notice other structures of crystal and wood which were so covered in snow already. An old shed, a chicken coop and even a small barn were so compacted with snow, they were either buried or had outright collapsed, splintered wood, shattered crystal sticking out above the powder was all that remained.

Despite it all, Brindlesweep tasked a team of three to go search the still standing main barn about a hundred meters from the house to the north. They would give an affirmative nod before moving to carry out a search.

Approaching the front of the house, Brindlesweep couldn’t help but feel that sensation about this house come back to him. The look on his face was stoic and was level as he approached what was the front door.The windows were frosted over, the floorboards creaked and groaned. Protesting the battering winds, the timbers of the house shook and whined from the stress, the roof bowing a slight bit. The captain raised his hoof to the door, he however had a sick feeling in his gut he knew what the results would be.

Knocking upon the door, thumping it loudly and for all to hear. He made sure none could have missed it. He furrowed his eyebrows, letting out a little sigh, hoping still beyond hope that everything would be ok. And he could get everypony out. But as the seconds ticked by…

“Sir, I don’t hear anything inside.” One of the two stallions who had remained with him, he had moved to one of the windows. Using a shaky, half frozen hoof to wipe the glass to clear it to peer inside. “And it looks quiet. Could the Crystal Pine family have made their way to the city on their own, or headed south?” He asked, looking to his commander with a chattering voice.

“I’m not so sure, Private.” He had seen the frozen, unmoved carriage on the way in. It hadn’t moved from where it had been last parked. “Please… please be ok.” He closed his eyes, doing something he, the hardened leader of the rangers of the frozen north rarely ever did. He sent a silent prayer. “Please, Princess, Guardians let them be ok…” He whispered before using his powerful frame to begin pressing on the front door where he could feel the frozen wood bending a little before he managed to get a hoof in and shoved it open.The door flew from its hinges into the house.

“Hello! Mister Pine, are you here?! We’re here to get you to safety! This is the Northern Rangers!” He called out into the house, walking into what was most likely the main living room. He could see already that indeed the fire was not going. What had been once a roaring fire was stilled and cold. “Hello?! Is anypony there?!” He called once more, his voice filling every hall and room of the large home.

His two subordinates came in after him. Helping to search, calling out to the family who was supposed to be here waiting for them. “Crystal Pines?! We are here to evac you, please come to the sound of our voices!” They began going from room to room, it was silent. Far to silent for a house like this should be.

This feeling, Brindlesweep only had ever had a hoofful of times before. One of those times was coming across a campsite, which had been ravaged by a snow bear. Tearing apart the occupants and having to find and piece it all back together. Yet here he was in a silent building, an otherwise safe place. The overwhelming dread only built as he moved towards what was on the second floor of one of the bedrooms. One of the few remaining closed.. He stared at it, looking at the door with caution before sighing and lowering his head.

He straightened himself before he looked at the door, bringing a hoof to it. He knocked softly, as knelt as he could. “Hello, this is Captain Brindlesweep… I’m with the Northern Rangers. Please, can you hear me?” He waited, his ear perked and twitched. He had heard this too many times now, the silence, the lack of a reply. He would reach for the door handle and to open the door. Dreading what he would see, as much as any other time he had previously.

With the door open he got a clear view of the room. His hearing drowned out the voices of his underlings as they searched the rest of the building, in vain. It was a large master bedroom with all the nicest and finest fittings. Cabinets of keepsakes, knick knacks from travels long past and memories to be cherished til the end of time now covered in a fine layer of frost. A large princess bed was set against the far wall. Next to it was a formerly lit fire, its burnt and charred logs having frozen over and had an icy sheen to them. It was what was on the large bed that made him pause. There in the middle was a large bundle of blankets and pillows. There he saw them, what was left of a family so full of love. Frozen…

Taking off his hood, he looked at them. Silent and somber as he observed, standing vigil even for a moment to remember these ponies. He lowered his gaze. The little ones were held snugly in their parents and older sibling’s hoofs. He was too late. “I’m… I’m so sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say, or even what he could say. There were no words to describe this situation. An outcome he dreaded more than any.

“Captain!? Have you found anything- '' The voice of one of his rangers came up from the hall, approaching the door before pausing and cutting off abruptly. This younger stallion, he stared mouth agape. “Oh…”

Brindlesweep put his hood back on. “Don’t stare, Private Hind. Give them some respect.” He spoke with a hoarse voice, looking from the private and then back to the bed, not to those he had failed.

He turned his head away from them fully, looking at his Private. “Come on, Private Hind, there’s nothing for us here.” The older, larger stallion told the younger. He just sounded dejected and hurt by the find. He knew it would happen eventually. Making their way from the room, closing it shut once more. He respectfully sealed it back up. “Alright, let's start heading back. We’ve got everypony we could at this point. We’ll collect the others and make our way back to Crystal City and report.” The closing of that door was not unlike the sound of the sealing of a tomb.

The subordinate didn’t need to be told twice before turning on their hooves and trotting after their Captain. The two in the house walked out of the house where they would meet up with the group from the barn and began to make tracks, heading back out into the blizzard to make their way back to the city. To report their findings. Grim as they may be.


Heavy winds swirled about the many snow flakes, brushing through the air. Icy chills howled and screamed against the large shield dome. Beyond of which held the crystal city. Snow was piling up heavily against the base of the shield. Massive snow drifts shifted and built up into mountains of powder, solidifying into ice. The squeaking of the ice as it formed began to crack and rumble as it advanced ever onwards against the shield.

Watching from one of her balconies, Princess Flurry Heart observed as another small weary group of ponies came in through the portal to the west. She found herself frowning more intensely. She found her gaze being brought upwards looking towards the sky. Her eyes were silently searching, peering into the swirling mist of the storm beyond the power of the crystal heart.

There! Flurry Heart saw it, the eye peering back, a glowing pure white eye of malice. She saw the swirling of the Windigo’s magic. She couldn’t help but shiver at the meer look it gave. It was indifferent to her and the plight of those lives they threatened. Turning away, Flurry Heart would walk back inside. She was met with a member of her guard approaching her inside the royal chambers.

“Princess, a messenger has come reporting the return of the last of the northern rangers to the city’s borders.” The crystal guard spoke, his eyes looking forward and his posture straight. Speaking to the princess with as much decorum as ever.

Nodding, Flurry’s loose curls, unkempt still bounced with her head’s movements. “Thank you, I will meet with Captain Brindlesweep right away.” Was her curt reply.

The guard nodded to her. “I will send the messenger to go see to that he comes straight to you, Princess.” The crystal guard pony then turned away and trotted back out of her room.

For a moment, the Princess stood there, looking out from her balcony. Looking skyward, she however appeared to be looking past the numerous clouds above her, past the gloom of the storm. She stared silently, a soft shimmer in her eyes as she thought of years past. She was at the same time being glad her mother, her father were not here to experience something terrible like this…

“I just wish I had some family with me through this.” She whispered to herself, closing her eyes as she thought softly to herself. ‘Why now, why me?’ Was all she could think inwardly. Letting out a breath she had not realized she was holding, the Princess would turn around and begin walking back towards the entrance to her bedchambers. Where she would step through closing the balcony doors also.

Stepping out into the hall, she would pass by a smaller group of guards she would normally see. However seeing the familiar eyes of Captain Bullwark Sentry… it was reassuring. She didn’t say a word, neither did he. They just smiled and nodded to each other before continuing down the hallway. Walking in silence they pass by room after room. With doors open or closed it mattered little. Princess Flurry Heart would keep her posture to the correct standard set for her so many decades previously, a century before.

The three guards with the princess maintained the correct amount of distance behind their ruling princess. Watching out for any problems, not that there was anything on the small trek to the throne room.

Lighting her horn, Flurry Heart would push the large double doors open. Stopping just a little as in the middle of it. “OW! Mmmmph…! Sweet Luna.” The alicorn princess gave quite the undignified grunt from running directly into the half open doors. “Ugh… I am so sick of my magic doing that.” She said reaching out with a hoof to shove the doors open the rest of the way. Rubbing her stinging muzzle as she did so.

“Door trouble, your highness?” Came the voice of Sir Strings, he was already standing next to the dias of the throne. He had a small smile on his face watching as she came up to him and then passed him.

“No, I like having my nose slammed into a door, Sir Strings.” Was her irked reply to his snide remark. She did have a small smile on her lips however. Not fully able to resist the little fun poked at her. “What have you been hearing out there Sir?” She asked him to walk up past him and sat upon her throne. Looking at him curiously.

“Well what I believe you have, Captain Brindlesweep has finally made it back. His party of 18 managed to bring home a few dozen ponies safely to the city. The last of that group, including himself, has just returned and now is heading here to tell us what he has found.” Sir strings reported with a nod towards the princess.

Before they could continue, the sound of heavy hooves were heard from down the hallway. Approaching with a trotting pace, they were soon to be revealed to be the good Captain himself. Stepping into the room, the large stallion walked up to then stood at attention before the throne itself. “Captain Brindlesweep, reporting in, your highness. Here to give my report on what was found.” He was stoic but there was a twinge of grim expression in his voice.

Nodding, Princess Flurry Heart smiled softly, simply. “Thank you for coming so quickly, Ranger.” She didn’t say anything, her eyes did however betray that she could notice something was up with the hardened captain.

“Yes Princess, thank you. As I have already reported through my subordinates, we have managed to get the families of the Rockfalls, SnowBerry and Stonehill along with their families back to the city safely. The backwoods hunters and outdoor creatures have also been making their way back here.” He said, his stance remaining firm and still, speaking freely about those his team had managed to get through the gusting winds. “Though it appears Block Mchoofield had a little trouble getting in.” He said with a bit of a shrug of his shoulders.

Flurry Heart, she let out a little sigh. Finding this news to be a relief, she placed a hoof on her chest. “This is good news, I am glad you were able to get them out Captain. You’ve done good, was there anything else?” She asked with a curious look in her eyes.

Brindlesweep, he looked away at her praise before nodding. “Yes your highness, there is.” He said with a tone of voice, the grimness now lacing within it. “We had separated from the last group heading back to the safety of the crystal heart. Back to the city. We had made it to the last homestead on our rounds to check on. The Crystal Pines…” He trailed off at the name, the air seemed to cool in the throne room at that.

Princess Flurry’s eyes narrowed and her head had lifted more fully. She knew there was something wrong when walked into the room. But now she had a horrible sinking feeling… “Continue captain.” Was all she said.

“We found their house dark, it was silent and nothing moved t-the chimney was cold and there was no movement within.” The weathered and experienced ranger leader paused before he could continue. His gaze kept away from that of all the other eyes of growing worry, horror at the implications. “We found them, your highness, but we were too late. We found the family in the master bedroom. They had passed before we could get to them, the cold was simply too much.” His gaze remained away from the others in the room. Staring at the floor, a look of shame was written across his hardened features.

Throughout it all, the other occupants of the room had been listening curiously, silently along to the events being told to them. The fact that the cold of this storm, the power of the Windigoes already had grown to such a point.

Deaths. A family gone. Princess Flurry Heart, her facial features hardened at the news. She looked at the captain of her rangers before nodding. “Yes, thank you for the report Captain.” Her voice was calm, it was level. The jitters on the edge of her voice however betrayed her sorrow which threatened to bubble over. “You did what you could, you have done more than anypony could ever ask of you. Make your peace with what you can.” Was all she could think to say to this stallion. His eyes only barely left the floor finding it difficult to bring himself to look upon the Princess.

“As you say… princess.” Brindlesweep said, his voice was still hard as ever. He brought his gaze to look upon the throne and the mare upon who sat it.

She could see it in his eyes, and nodded to him. “You may go sir, take the time you need.. Go in peace Brindlesweep.” She spoke to him softly before nodding to him.

At which the large, heavily built stallion nodded in turn to her. “Thank you, your highness I will.” As he stood there, the Captain of the Northern Rangers gave a bow towards the ruling Princess. Turning in place he left the throne room, without another word. The heavy beat of his hoofs trailing off into the distance.

Staring, Princess Flurry Heart watched as the Captain of her Rangers left. She stared for minutes afterwards, her eyes overtime grew weary. Finding it harder to keep them the way they were. Feeling the soreness in them, Flurry finally blinked. “We- they waited too long…” The princess released a chest racking sob. For minutes on end, her tears ran down her ever youthful face.

Watching this, the two remaining ponies in the room. Captain Bullwark and Sir Strings looked at Flurry. This mare with the weight of a nation on her shoulders.

“We cannot dwell on it your highness, it is a tragic event. One that should not have happened but did. Nothing that can be done now but ensure that doesn't happen again.” Was the words that Captain.

Sir Strings nodded, a pensive look on his face. “It is a horrific outcome, but Captain Bullwark is right, your highness. They are gone, but we do need to focus on those that are here with us still your highness.”

Looking over at the pair of them, Princess Flurry Heart, lifted her head from her sorrow and took in what was said to her. Her eyes were red, tears stained her fur. But she looked to them, an expression of pain hardening as the seconds ticked by. Before she finally nodded, sniffing softly. “Yes, you’re right. We need to focus on those here and are alive. We can mourn for them, we will say our goodbyes to them. But for now we need to-”

Her voice trailed off as she looked at a wisp of magic floating towards her. She recognized her aunt’s magic anywhere. The magic approached quickly and coalesced before her. Without the telltale wisps of smoke, she already knew this wasn’t delivered by Spike but by her aunt’s own magic.

Taking it quickly in her own magic, this was the first correspondence she had received from her family for weeks. She stared at it curiously.

“The royal seal of Equestria?” Sir Strings questioned, looking at the unbroken seal upon the letter which had been sent here.

“It would seem that way, my Aunt Twilight has finally managed to get word up here. I am glad to hear from her.” With a small popping crack she broke the magical seal which kept the letter together. Unraveling it she opened it up to read it. Her eyes narrowed in confusion and worry as she read…

"To whomever this may concern, but most likely you, Flurry Heart.

I know it has been a long while since we have talked Flurry, but this was important and it must have been sent. I do apologize for not writing back sooner. There has just been a lot on my plate of late.

I know you have likely heard of the unrest going on down here, I am quite happy and thankful you are safe in the empire. I do not wish for you to witness what is transpiring here in Equestria. When we last spoke, we talked about the unity crystals, for which I am thankful to you for your help in their assortment.

The trouble keeps me awake. The unrest down here seems to be fueling the hunger and the want of the windigos, calling to them. I am unable to get a rein on this chaos taking place. With this disharmony, I do not know…. I do not know if I can fix this one, I do not have my friends and I am alone and I am scared. I am taking the only course I think that could help the situation. The races are at each other's throats, unicorns are already being forced from their homes in Canterlot, Cloudsdale, it's been over two weeks since it dissipated into the sky...

To stop this situation from getting out of hoof, from becoming truly irrecoverable. I send this to you, with fair warning to you, to your subjects. I will be separating the crystals, it will take our link to our magic. But it will, at least I hope, give the races one less weapon to use against each other. But it will also help stave off the windigos, with no magic to feed the disharmony and thus their spiritual forms will be dissipated, keeping Equestria from their frozen touch. To give them a chance they wouldn’t have in the frozen wasteland the windigos now plan to hold us all in.

I can only hope this letter is of some comfort, in knowing what is coming. Do what you can for your little ponies as I do the same for the sake of my own, to see them tearing at each other like this, I cannot bear it. I will give a crystal to those I trust and to take it with them. To take care of. In hopes in the future, Hope can come to bring them back together, one day perhaps.

But that is neither here, nor there. I am rambling, I suppose you do that when you get to be my age. I love you Flurry, I trust and hope you will be ok, I know you will be. I have been there for every big milestone in your life. I was there when you opened your eyes and I saw those first big steps. I can still remember when you came and lived with me in Canterlot, learning and me teaching you how to properly use your magic. I remember the most amazing day, the day you showed us all who you really are, what an amazing princess you would be. I do love you, my amazing niece. I hope we will see each other again. If not, then perhaps in the next world we will meet again there. You, me, your dad and your mom will go on one more adventure, I will be waiting for you, as they and my friends are for me.

Your loving Aunt Twilight."

Comments ( 2 )

Outstanding work this chapter was.
The sentences aided by dialogue is an improvement over the previous chapter, and along with in-depth emotions depicted to the actions coincide the dialogue is presentive of the terrible catastrophe occurring in Equestria over the 'Unity Regression' event between ponies.

Some mistakes were made according to the significance of the term mentioned such as;

I can still remember when you came and lived with me in canterlot.

Capital should be mentioned in Canterlot. an overlooked word it be of no concern. Do improve as do all authors do.

A suggestion it be limit the minimum of 4, maximum 5 sentences as a standalone paragraph. It would lessened the fatigue encountered the viewer and overall allow more rest stops for the reader to take time to apprehend the content you've produced.

Nonetheless excellent work! Have a pleasant Morning Sir Blue-bolt.

Just glad I could make a good enough Fic. Things are unraveling fast for Equestria and now the clock is ticking.

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