• Published 24th Mar 2024
  • 154 Views, 7 Comments

All that remains - Blue-Bolt

Its cold, here in the north. So many songs and families and love, years gone by. Will I ever see their warmth again? A Flurry Heart Tale.

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Chapter 2

Centuries ago

“Frightfully cold tonight isnt it sir?” A guard asked, his eyes peering skyward, the crystal eyes twinkling against the faint sparkle of stars. He tensed a little as he remembered quickly he was with his captain. Who just stared at him for a moment. Before he simply shrugged and looked back.

“Seems that way Private, has been getting colder more often. Even with the heart keeping us all safe.” The captain of the crystal guard said. They could both see the cold winds blowing through the air, but also the worse howling gusts just outside the protective dome of the Crystal Heart’s barrier.

They could all see it, the blustering winds of the tundra just beyond this protective barrier which had kept the empire safe all these long years. The captain stared, looking at it before shrugging his heavy shoulders and looking over to his small group of subordinates. “You remain here, I will see how she’s doing. And also private Sweetsteel?” He paused, he had begun to turn around, managing to catch that earlier private’s attention.
“Yes sir?” Was all the response that came.

“Chin up, it isn't so bad. We’ve still got the city.” He then turned and walked away, trotting at pace as he left the group.

His heavy armored sabots thumped against the polished carpeted crystal floors. He trotted down the many halls. Passing many doors, many even most were closed but a few were open at this time of night. A few weary souls remain awake. Captain Bullwark Sentry marched, passing the many doors until he came to the ones he was looking for. A pair of massive double ornately engraved and well made doors. The entrance to the throne room.

He walked up to them and wedged a hoof in between them to poke his head inside. His eyes took a moment to scan the inside. Quickly finding what or in this case whom he was looking for. “You know you don’t have to poke your head in like some stranger Bull?” A voice came in a calming and had a humored tone to it. The captain would push the doors open enough, as the speaker continued. “You’re the captain of my royal guard. You don’t need to worry about such things” Looking up at the sound wind being pushed, the unfurling and shifting of wings. Before him where’s a moment before had been upon the large throne. Standing before him was Princess Flurry Heart.

“Of course your highness, I simply didn’t wish to disturb you. In case you had some business still being conducted.” He lowered his head to a respectful level before looking back to the Princess.

“I mean you can see I don’t have any, what is it you’ve come to speak to me about Captain?” She inquired, the Princess’s eyes were curious as ever.

“The winds from the outside, they are still getting stronger Princess. I was unsure if they were something to yet be concerned about?”

“You’re afraid of some cold winds Captain?” Flurry questioned, her brow raised a little bit. The edges of her lip curled into a slight smile. It was brief as her eyes lowered and she dropped the smile even as it was forming. “I am aware of the situation Captain. I have been writing to my Aunt, Princess Twilight about it for a while now. She is… concerned.” Princess Flurry Heart, she did know. Better than most what the situation was. The news coming from the south, little of it good. Disunity had been spreading for sometime now, even more so now than ever before. Walking with her captain, Flurry contemplated what she had been told, what she had heard. Ponies were fighting with themselves and each other. She’d heard that some other non pony Equestrian citizens were being forced out. Or were leaving on their own accord. The other nations are currently pulling away from Equestria, as it seemed set on turning on itself.

It was painful to hear, to know that the nation which had been so prominent in bringing much of the world together. Because of distrust and disharmony, it could become so divided. Walking with the captain, the pair of them entered a large but not quite ‘throne room large’ room. Walking into the crystal empire’s situation room, sometimes a war room but not that it had to deal with such a thing in a long, long time. Stepping inside, Flurry Heart would step up to the table. And once the doors were shut by the Captain. She spoke. “What have you been making of the situation, the news we’ve been hearing, Sir Strings?”

She looked up to a graying stallion, one other head advisors. He looked about as aged as she felt. “They could be better, your highness. Certainly worse as well. While Equestria does appear to be having some issues. It does appear the issues are also minor and that Princess Twilight has things for the most part under control. What ties to the other nations still remain, have her hoofprints all over them.” Flurry couldn’t help give a little smile at that, sounded like her Auntie had things still pretty well in good at a good stable point. Even if it was tenuous.

“I am glad to hear that, and the situation here?” She questioned, her brow quirked.

Clearing his throat, Strings spoke. “You keep asking this question. But a valid one nonetheless.” Pulling out some papers, he began to go over what had been found since their last meeting. “The empire’s citizens while there has been some tensions rising, these appear to have been mostly from the changing temperatures rather than whatever disharmony is happening down south.” Flurry’s head moved away and looked down for a moment before she brought her eyes towards her chief advisor.

“The empire still remains stable and healthy… At least we have that. I have my suspicions about some things but for the most part. Seems like all is well in hoof, if a tad chilly.” Flurry Heart smile, perking up a little bit. She would look towards a calendar on the wall and her sharp Alicorn eyes picked out the date for tomorrow and smiled. “And the preparations for the Crystal Faire tomorrow?”

Looking towards Strings with a curious tittering hum. The aged stallion mused before looking down at some other notes. He too smiled more noticeably. “I have been thinking about that, it seems we are gonna be having quite a grand Faire tomorrow. 21% more vendors have requested to be set up this year. The joust has attracted a serious number of knights from the Griffionian Empire who are coming to compete. We’ve made sure to leave plenty of free space at the airship port and accommodations for all those who have traveled here.” The old crystal stallion smiled as he explained all he and his fellows had managed for this Crystal Faire.

“Certainly seems like all is well in hoof.” Flurry spoke, her eyes sparkling with a similar light to the crystal heart.

A smile appeared on her face as she stood up. Looking over to her advisor. “Keep doing a good job, looks like we’re gonna be having a fantastic day tomorrow.” Flurry almost jumped out of her seat, smiling happily. Her large wings were all aflutter. The curls in her mane bounced and bobbed. Setting back down she would quickly compose herself, coughing into a hoof. “I ah… that didn’t happen.” She said, her voice in a faux stern tone. There was no real seriousness in it.

“Nothing happened Princess, nothing at all.” Came the voice of her as of yet still a rather silent captain.

“Exactly, see he gets it.” Gesturing with a hoof, the soft pink coated alicorn jeered just a little bit.

Strings couldn’t help but deadpan, before shaking his head. His long goatee, shifting with it. “As you will, Princess Flurry Heart. There was nothing to see.” He looked back to her a swift wink coming from him as he too got up now she had.

“I think I will take myself and my old bones to bed. I have much excitement to attend tomorrow. At your command of course, Princess.” Giving a little nod of his head, he noticed the alicorn nodding in turn.

“Of course, I will do the same. Can’t have the Princess all tired for tomorrow and looking like she's about to fall asleep.” She stood there for a moment, just watching as her old advisor strode from the room. After he had turned the corner down the hall, hearing his hoofsteps fading. She let out a noticeable sigh, her body seemed to deflate a little bit. Shaking her head, her bouncy curls following, she looked over to Bullwark. “What did you make of all that, Captain?” She asked, her voice was less cheerful as had been moments before. She sounded a little more her own age.

“Considering all the things happening down south, I imagine it could well be a lot worse, Just as Strings spoke of. But there is no denying things are not great. ‘Not great, not terrible’ I believe the saying is.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “Are you sure this is the right choice, your highness? Having the Crystal Faire during all of this?”

Flurry looked over towards him before nodding, her eyes looked away for a moment, her expression firming up. “I am certain Equestria is in turmoil, I have presided over all the annual Crystal Fairs since my coronation when I turned twenty. When mom…” Taking a moment, she recomposed herself. “When mom handed me the crown. I will not take away what little happiness my subjects have.” She said, a light stamp of her right hoof. Putting down her point.

“It's been 10 years, your highness. I know it is tough. The empire misses her, Equestria as does the world.” The Captain spoke softly.

Flurry Heart turned her head away, looking towards a wall, she stared silently at it. For a moment, she seemed to be entirely still before she turned back to him “I take one day at a time, even now it is hard sometimes without her. I always wished for something to happen, but now ‘excitement’ has found me. I’m not sure I want it, I would much prefer the boredom I have had for the past Hundred and six years. At least then I would know my ponies were safe, they were happy.” Flurry Heart spoke, her voice calm but remaining strong in its firmness rising out of the discomfort she had started with.

“Regardless of what comes next, in the days, weeks, months and even years to come. Tomorrow, I will see to it that the empire has at least one more day of happiness.” Looking over to Bullwark she found herself smiling again. “Will you see this old mare too her room, Captain?” She asked with a humored expression while she picked herself up and she began walking.

“Of course, Princess as you command.” The guard walked with her, silent beside that lone response. Walking the halls of the crystal palace, the pair of them could hear the sleeping ponies in their rooms. There were even a few foreign guards posted outside the rooms which were the current sleeping quarters of visiting creatures from beyond the borders of the empire.

The Princess strode past them all, she kept her head straight and her posture kept properly. She was still a ways off her Aunt Celestia’s height but already closing in on her Aunt Luna’s height. Most ponies had to look up towards her.

On the outside she remained this stoic and proper Princess. She held herself to the standard set for her as the ruler of the Crystal Empire. On the inside she could feel herself beginning to slip a little bit. Keeping the tiredness of her face. Not quite letting it show. One if they knew what to look for could no doubt see it, but there were none of those around. Bullwark and Flurry Heart climbed stairwells and walked hallways passing the actual royal chambers. The doors locked, the key to which remained with the crystal Princess. She had however not taken up residence within. Leaving it as it had been, when her parents were still here.

Instead Princess Flurry Heart walked until she came to a pair of slightly less grand double doors. Each one intricately carved and beautifully crafted from crystal and timber. All of which was self-done by the Princess. There were even a few little notches in the wood where she had messed up a little bit and then corrected them. She walked up to them, looking to a pair of guards on either side. One was a crystal guardsmare and the other was a changeling stallion, clad in heavy chitin plates. She nodded to them the tiniest bit, the pair of them turned about to face each other. Taking the handles of the door in their magic, they opened it up for her. Taking two steps forward, the Princess looked back before turning to the Captain of her royal guard.

“This is where I turn in for the night Captain Bulwark. I bid thee a goodnight.” She mused, pausing for a moment before speaking up again. “We have a big day tomorrow, get some sleep, Captain.That’s an order.” Was all she said before continuing into her room. The conversation was over, her heavy doors shutting behind her.

Letting out a noticeably even bigger sigh than she had when Strings had left, Princess Flurry Heart walked over to her dresser and began to look at herself, her face over in the mirror. Making sure she looked as good as she had when she woke up that morning. Letting out a noticeable yawn, Flurry brought her hoof to her lips to cover it.

Quickly using her bathroom, brushing her teeth and doing her business. The alicorn would begin to remove her regalia. She sat down on the beautiful and ornate carpet beneath her. Removing her shoes and tucking them neatly against her dresser. Looking at her right hoof, she shook it a little bit. Flexing it a little bit before she then reached out. Her hoof caressing a simple but sweet picture of her, when she was just a filly. No regalia, no dresses. Just her, as she is. A filly held tightly, cuddled in her mothers hoofs. As she is, was in turn held by her father. Shining Armor. She looked at the photo for a moment. She remembered that day so clearly. She closed her eyes, using her magic to remove her regal Peytral and set it on its stand. Its polished blued metal surface and the crystal heart set into the center, shone ever. Her hoof still on the picture frame, looking into it, her magic lifted her crown off of her head. Holding her hoofs out she gently laid the crown upon them. She looked at the little thing before she softly placed it on her dresser Staring silently at the little headwear, her symbol of royalty. Standing up after a few moments, she stifled another yawn. Turning and heading towards the big, warm comfy bed which was calling to her.

Pulling herself up into the covers, she would wrap them around her, laying her head upon one of her pillows, she would lay there thinking for a moment. Her eyes staring at the wall, thinking of tomorrow and the fun to be had. So with a smile on her face. Princess Flurry Heart drifted off to sleep. Leaving this world behind for the night, to enter her dreams.

Outside the cold winds of the north continued to whip and whirl against the houses, gently caressing the sides of the castle and the many houses of the empire. The citizens of which slept soundly within.

Beyond the barrier however, the howling gusts of cold arctic winds over the course of the night turned from the howls of cold winds. To the chilling screaming of triumph.