• Published 24th Mar 2024
  • 153 Views, 7 Comments

All that remains - Blue-Bolt

Its cold, here in the north. So many songs and families and love, years gone by. Will I ever see their warmth again? A Flurry Heart Tale.

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Chapter 3

Grumbling awake, Flurry Heart felt a sharp ray of light hitting her square in the eye. The princess would start to pull her head from her pillow. Her eyes were blurry and her mane was a mess from her sleep.

Smacking her lips, Flurry gave a very un-princessly yawn. Stretching out in bed, she looked more towards the offending light. It was sunlight, piercing the gloom of the night to bring in the day. She had always loved to greet the day, so she had once grown up moved her room to this side of the castle.

“Seems Auntie Twilight is feeling good today. I hope it’ll hold out.” Pulling herself out of bed, the alicorn would look at the time just after six in the morning. Taking a quick look, she noted the lack of clouds in the sky, at least around or within the dome. “Good day indeed.” Flurry Heart would begin to go about her morning routine, she stretched, bringing herself into a deep bowed position, nose touching her own back hoofs. Holding onto the back of her legs. Wings held out for balance.

As she worked on herself, the doors to her chambers knocked. “May we come in your highness?” The soft voice of a mare came.

Flurry Heart recognized it as one of her attendees and smiled. “You may come in Brightmoon.” The princess responded, the doors opened admitting a small group of four attendees to enter. Brightmoon was the first of course a petite little batpony, she trotted in, her tuft and other winter fluff all neatly brushed and kempt. With her was Jewelbug, a beautiful, Iridescent changeling whose chitin seemed to match the colors of the crystal palace when it caught light just right. The other two were a pair of crystal pony twins. Rina and Hope. Identical sisters who had found themselves swept away from their small town lives to live here in the crystal palace. Were all the talk back home.

Walking into the room the four of them began helping Flurry Heart get ready for the day. She very well could do it all by herself, sometimes it was nice to talk to others. And so the four attendees to Princess Flurry heart worked and even chatted among themselves and even to the tall alicorn. While she bathed, they helped to rinse and clean her mane, getting it all silky and clean. Her hooves were hooficured to perfection, a beautiful shimmer.

“How is the family Jewel?” Flurry Heart asked, her voice was soft and her eyes closed. She was floating on her back, head resting on a little ledge, her mane strung out into the wash basin to get it perfectly clean.

”Oh the little grubs have been giving me the run around Princess, wouldn’t have it any other way though. Springstep has been doing really well at controlling herself.” Jewelbug responded happily.

“Oh? Well that’s amazing, you give all my best to your husband won’t you?” Flurry asked curiously, her right eye peeked open and looked towards the softly shimmering changeling.

Who in turn nodded back. “Of course, he’ll be at the Faire today.”

“Is this your way of telling me to tell him myself?” Flurry asked, her eyes now fully open and looking at the changeling. Those icy crystal blue eyes piercing all. Jewelbug simply stared back and had the most blank and deadpan expression. Her expression did change back into a humorous one however.

“You can, or I can. It doesn't matter much to me. So long as it gets to him I guess.” Jewel looked at the princess and shrugged.

“Well, fine, maybe I will go see him and tell him to have a nice day and to have all the best.” Flurry responded with a little smirk on her face. It was only a matter of time before that barely held facade crumbled. She sputtered and giggled a little. “Ok, ok, that’s enough lets just get me all sparkly and clean. Gotta be ready after all, cant have me looking all shabby for the Faire.”

The four attendees would quickly, efficiently get Flurry Heart all cleaned, her curls were curled and her horn was even given a quick file. Any stray, misshapen feathers were preened from her wings. Of which three got a shiver from her. “That one was really dug in there.” One of the twins commented.

Soon enough, Brightmoon had gotten her regalia all primed, shining beautifully. Any imperfections were removed and the glittering crown was ready. Flurry Heart, with Jewelbug still helping her clean and finishing her tail. Stepping forward, her beautifully shined hoofs stepped into her shoes. The silvered metal and crystal clacking against the floors, even while carpeted. Still the twins would be brushing, removing any stray hairs, straightening their Princess’s coat. All the while Jewelbug levitated the royal peytral up and settled on onto Flurry’s shoulders and around her neck and collar. Backing off the four mares stood, watching Flurry’s own bright magic taking the crown up into the air and placing it on her own head.

Looking at the four of them, Flurry Heart nodded to them and gave a gentle smile. “I need to go now, to begin the preparations and see to it that they are finished. You four finish up here, clean what you need to. When you’re done with that, You have the day off girls. Enjoy it, enjoy the day.” Flurry Heart spoke, the tall alicorn gave a little smile before watching as the four of them nodded and then gave little curtsies. She turned and headed to the door of her room. Trotting forward, Princess Flurry Heart passed through the large double doors of her room and with her guard falling into step with her. Made her way down the hallway. Once more the alicorn princess kept her head high, her posture straight and her face stoic as she walked the halls. Passing by the rooms she had done so before. Watching as the halls pass her by. She noticed those same guards from last night, some of them had been replaced but a few hadn’t so much as moved. Good knights and guards indeed.

Walking down a series of stairwells. Princess Flurry Heart would exit out of the door which led outside, on one of the palace’s main support struts. Stepping outside, she would notice the air while it was cold, was more that of an average early spring morning.

Seeing that already there were a few vendor stations being set up. She even saw a few ponies already setting themselves up in them. She made her way towards one of them. “Good morning there, sir.” Flurry Heart spoke, her voice was soft for this time of the morning. The vendor pony looked up and almost knocked their head on a bench they were working on.The stallion came around and gave a little bow staying low for a moment.

“G-good day to you, Princess. What can I do for you?” The crystal stallion asked, the Crystal Princess.

“Oh, nothing as of now, I am coming to check on the preparations for the Fair. To see how it is all coming along.” Craning her long neck over the bench of the vendor’s workplace. “Those berry pies? Those look like they are coming along nicely.” The crystal princess mused, looking at the pies in the portable and functional oven. Even from here she could see all the different styled tops the pies had.

“Would you like to try one your highness?” The stallion asked, coming out of his bow to reach for a pair of oven mitts. Before he could open the door to the oven.

Flurry Heart replied. “No, no but thank you for the offer however. I wouldn’t dare deprive others from tasting the fruits of your labors.” Taking a short step back, she gave a small nod to him. “I will be back though, they look scrumptious.”

“I will be sure to save you some your highness. You have a fantastic Crystal Fair day.” He replied heartily before the alicorn Princess turned to go explore the rest. To check in with the rest of the vendors and such which were just getting set up. She checked in with a couple of the crafting stations, and it seemed they had plenty of material.

Flurry Heart after a while would return inside, she felt the pangs of hunger catching up to her. She had gotten plenty of checking done, whatever was left, or what she missed. She was sure the organizers could handle it. Flanked by two guards, Princess Flurry Heart would walk the halls of her palace. She would look down one and saw a few visiting ponies and even a couple of Griffins and Yaks. Many of the Griffins were clad in parts of plate. Seemed there were a few knights here, getting ready to head down. But of course first was breakfast for them also.

Entering the royal banquet hall, a large room with plenty room for the long table No one else was here yet. Flurry Heart would trot towards the head of the table. Planting herself down in a comfortable seat. Flurry Heart would look to her left, the kitchen doors were closed. But her sharp ears could hear the kitchen staff hard at work. Feeling her stomach rumble, she blushed a little bit before she would place a hoof on the table.

Almost right on cue, the chief popped the doors open and entered the dining hall. “Breakfast is ready, your highness.” The exuberant earthpony chef spoke up. “I bring you Baked Beans, Cooked Tomatoes, Crispy haybacon, Mushrooms and Sunnyside up and scrambled eggs. Toast with a selection of jams and other spreads.” Other kitchen staff helped to bring in the other parts. While one poured a glass of the freshest Orange Juice. Just because she is a Princess doesn’t mean she can’t enjoy juice.

“Thank you for this lovely spread of lovely Breakfast.” She watched as another of the wait staff brought in her favorite mug, it was old and a little chipped but she still liked using it. A perfect blended coffee was poured in and she gave a thankful smile. Once more giving her thanks and dismissing the staff to go about getting breakfast meals for the rest of the castle guests their food.. She happily for the most part ate in silence, sipping on her two drinks and eating the delicious meal.

Managing to just barely stifle a very unladylike belch, Flurry Heart, wiped her lips keeping any smudges from her face. Standing up from her seat, Princess Flurry Heart walked out of the hall, turning left and she moved at a trotting pace. Arriving at the massive double doors of the throne room. Lighting her horn, the Princess’s magical aura covered the doors and swung them inwards. Right away she noticed Sir Strings already nearer to the throne speaking with Captain Bulwark. Their conversation quickly stifled the moment she walked in through those doors. Looking at her, the Captain moved back and stood at attention before her. “A good morning to you, Captain. Strings. I take it you two took my advice and got some good sleep? It certainly seems like it.” She said, letting her keen eyes see much in a single glance.

“It is a good morning your highness, I do admit I slept quite well. Even with the winds outside.” Strings said in reply.

“You heard that as well? And here I thought I was dreaming when I heard that” Flurry Heart replied. “Seems the storm has let up for today, that’s a silver-lining if I have ever seen one. Looks like it's going to be a good day for the Fair.” Flurry Heart said with an upbeat tone of voice. She climbed the steps of her throne and planted herself on the cushioned seat. “Now I want to get any royal duties out of the way, what is there I need to do to deal with Strings? Tell me what needs to be seen too so we can all have a good day’s off?”

Strings began to go through what he had so far for today. “The day is still young, your highness, perhaps things will come up over the day. I-” Pausing he noticed his ruler’s face was an expression of ‘Get on with it’. So he did. “Right, of course. Well first of all is the jousting tournament and the presentation for it.” He said as he and Princess Flurry Heart would go back and forth over the coming hour.

Talking about different topics, different aspects of today and of the empire that needed to be addressed. There was an increasing need for warm clothing and even more firewood. The cold had been increasing a little bit. But inside the barrier it wasn’t too bad. “We’ve been noticing a small influx of citizens from outside the barrier being forced away from their homes, your highness. They say the cold outside is just becoming too much.”

Flurry heard what was said and hummed softly. Musing and mulling the information over for a moment. “What has been done about it before now?”

Strings turned back to his notes and found the passage he was looking for. “Says here, they have been given basic shelter for the time being until more permanent housing can be located and or built up.” Was his response.

“Good, that is what they need at the moment, is support from us. I’ll continue to give it to them. Allocate what funds we can to the builders and the families of those affected.” She was also told of rangers who have been out checking on families who have remained at their homes or Grizzled old wilderness types who are holing up in their backcountry cabins. Flurry Heart would make sure that these ponies and even a few other creatures were safe. And to be checked on, every now and then.

Eventually all the things which had come up and to be dealt with by the Princess had been handled. “Is that all, Sir Strings?” She queried with a tilted head, looking at the stallion beside her.

“I believe so, Princess Flurry Heart. We are done for the day, at least for the time being. However, if anything comes up. I will personally see to it.” He would brush his rather well groomed beard before smiling. “You enjoy the Fair and you have a good day, your highness. I will let you know if anything comes up.” Princess Flurry would give him a nod, even slightly bowing her head in thanks.

“Alright then, this meeting is adjourned, I will be off and enjoying today.” The tall alicorn almost bounced off of the throne and glided on her large wings. Touching down on the carpeted floors again, she looked over at Captain Bullwark. “Come on captain, let's go see what fun we can rustle up today.” She turned without another word, the good captain knew better than to disagree with the excitable alicorn. Following on behind his Princess, the stallion did almost crack a small smile.
Outside, the sun was now much higher in the sky and was casting its rays onto a now wide awake city. The crystal empire was abuzz with activity as ponies, changelings, Hippogriffs and creatures of all walks of life came together to help put the finishing touches on the Crystal Faire.

Colts and Fillies ran about playing with Grubs and cubs, running about their parents and guardians’ legs. Jewelbug was currently at a stand for some empire made Hippogriff cuisine which had been handily mixed with the tastes of the north. Ordering from the small but delicious menu, she would walk with her partner and made sure to keep a close watch on her small clutch of nymphs.

An older mare, easily pushing her 80s, shambled through the streets, between the different stalls and events. Strolling over to one of the crafting stations, one of those she had attended even when she was but a little filly. She did admit to herself perhaps it was rather silly. But she couldn’t help but enjoy the things she did in her youth now as an older mare. Still, she continued on, for these things were quite to her, dear.

The winds outside the barrier howled and whipped and whirled all the could but against the lively, warm atmosphere inside, it was unable to affect any mood within. The Crystal Heart glowed brightly, as it always had.
Princess Flurry Heart came down from the castle, stepping back outside, with only a small troop of guards. Many who saw her, stopped and bowed only briefly to her. To pay their respects to their ruling Princess. Approaching the same pie stand from earlier. “Greetings to you again Mr. Crispycrust. All well and good here?” She asked, the Alicorn looked at the selection of perfectly cooked pies.

The portly stallion smiled up to her. “Of course, Princess I take it you’ve come back to get your slice of the pie?” He asked her right back, the Alicorn nodded and placed down on the bench. “Oh that’s not necessary your highness.” He moved to gently pass the currency back to her. But the Princess gently placed her gilded hoof on his own. Looking back at her with confusion, all she said.

“Keep it, I’m just a paying customer today.” Removing her hoof she simply nodded to him to continue with the transaction. The baker would take the bits and deposit them. Before grabbing a knife and cutting an entire half of the pie and passing it to her.

It was a beautiful blueberry pie. “Thank you very much sir and have a wonderful day.” Was her reply. Walking away with her newly received pie. Flurry Heart would steadily use a fork pulled little bite sized pieces out and ate them. Chewing on the pie, she would walk through the crowds. Some new Fair attendees would be awestruck at seeing the Princess. So casually walking among them, here at the festivities. Others, those who had been to many of them, they knew this was normal. The Princess, on just this day, simply wanted to be involved in the fair. As she had been, when she was little. To enjoy the day.

Enjoying the day, Flurry Heart stopped by an arcade game, there were prizes to be won. Stuffed toys, water pistols, balls and all sorts of things. Stopping at one, she watched for a couple of turns. Watching children of her subjects attempt to throw tennis balls at different targets.

Walking up, Princess Flurry Heart smiled at the game vendor and nodded to them. “Would you mind if I came to play again Markus?” She asked the friendly Male griffin whom looked up to her and nodded a welcoming smile on his beak.

“But of course your highness, you are always welcome.” There were numerous foals and other little ones in awe of seeing the Princess, the ruler of the empire standing before them. And she was going to play a game?

Stepping up, Flurry Heart would, without using her magic, use her left wing, the dexterous feathers upon them to pick up a ball. Gently tossing the ball up and getting a feel for its weight, the Princess then began her attempts. Pushing her wing forward, she tossed the little round ball towards the first red and white target, which she hit, it thunked backwards. Earning her a point. “Woo! I got this today.” Cheering aloud, the foals watching her. The princess had their attention. Was she going to do it?

Picking up for another attempt, Flurry stuck her tongue. The next target was smaller, and she held the tennis ball a little differently. “Guide my throw.” Whispering softly to herself. Princess Flurry let the ball loose, getting it to spin and hit the target with a thunk. Knocking it down.

A number of the foals cheered at the target going down. “You have been practicing I see, your highness?” Markus asked with a playful smirk, crossing his talons across themselves.

“Heh, you know it. I’m getting that Ursa this year.” Flurry Heart said, looking up towards the large Ursa Major teddy which had been there, ready to be won for the last half decade. It must have been nearly as big as a full grown stallion.

Picking up her last ball third and final try. Flurry wiggled her hips, shifted her shoulders, her tongue stuck out once more. The next and final target was a tiny little face, sticking its tongue out at the player. She watched it, the foals who had been cheering were silent. Save for a single little changeling nymph. She was almost jittering with excitement. Clouds passed overhead, seconds ticked by. Flurry Heart watched the shifting little target. The clouds shifted away, bringing back the light. Rearing her wing back, Flurry Heart made to throw.

“YOU CAN DO IT PRINCESS!” The excitable yell from her left sounded. So focused she was, she hadn't seen it coming.


Was the sound of splintering wood and shattered crystal. The Princess, so startled, had released at full power. Flurry Heart stared at the rather gaping hole in the back of the stand. A small blush appeared on her face, before she then managed to compose herself. Looking over to the one who had shouted. She found the little nymph also staring at the hole she had made and then, noticing the way the little one’s eyes moved.

Looking back, she saw it, the little moving taunting face. It was still on its track, and it still moved. She stared rather aghast at it, before she gave a little dismissive snort. Markus to his credit had taken but a moment to recover from the briefly supersonic tennis ball whizzing by his head. Turning back to the Princess, his smile had returned. “That’s two out of three missy, looks like you’ve lost out yet again.” He looked the Princess up and down. “That all for today, your highness? Or are ya gonna go round again?”

Looking at the griffin, Flurry Heart looked at that Ursa Major plush toy. Before shaking her head. “Not today, I have others to see and things to do.” Markus no doubt gave a fist pump beneath the bench.

He’d evaded the Princess again; he must be thinking. “You got two of the three, that entitles you to a second tier prize. Which one would ya want?”

Flurry with a bit of an annoyed expression, looked at the series of prizes just below that ursa major plush. One was a pillow sized Ursa Minor, There was a Slinky Green Dragon Scarf, All sorts of teddies and other soft toys. Pointing to a particularly adorable little round ball plushie. It was covered in purple ‘scales’ and had a cute face on it. “I would like that one please.” Flurry said politely

“Of course, One Spike the brave and Glorious coming right up.” Markus gently untied the plush and handed it to her. She held the little Spike the Dragon plush in her hoof. Looking it over and gently squeezing it. She could help but smile. Remember those days gone by. With Spike, all his friends and all her family.

She stood there for a moment, it seemed like years to her, she stood there. Just staring at that face. How long had it been since she had last seen Spike? Far too many by her counting.

“Thank you again for a good game, Markus.” Flurry said before she gave a little nod.

“Anytime, better luck next time, your highness.” He said respectfully, Flurry would with her prize in hoof turned to leave. She saw the little nymph, the one who screamed. Tilted her head before smiling and winking down to her.

Flurry Heart continued about her day, going from stand to stand, picking out crafting techniques. Many she had been doing all her life and could finish with her eyes closed. Any of them she made, those 5 minute pieces. She gave it away. The day drew on, the clouds continued to pass overhead. Blocking the sun for a moment before moving on.

By noon, she was making her way to the grand jousting stands. She and her guard made their way up to the royal booth. Taking her seat, she would look to her left, to her right. And watched as numerous Empire knights and even knights of other kingdoms were setting themselves up. Griffins and Hippogriffs strapping on armored plates, emblazoned with the standards of their nations and houses.

“Would be nice to compete again, whatcha reckon Bull?” Princess Flurry asked, looking at her protector.

“I think you would do well once again. But we both know the competitors would hold back or withdraw if they knew it was you. Like they did when you tried that a couple decades ago.” He replied to her, Flurry would solemnly nod. Remembering that fiasco. She had disguised herself, even going so far as to hide her wings under her armored plates. But one stray lance had caught her helmet and pushed it up enough to reveal her face. She had been doing well too, before the other knights began pulling out if they found out she was their next bout. Forcing her to withdraw entirely.

“Yeah… Fair enough, it would be nice to get back into it though. Oh well.” Looking away from him, she watched as the crowds began streaming in. They were finding their seats, picking up snacks and drinks. Standing from her seat, Flurry Heart approached the edge of her viewing platform. Extending her wings, the Princess of the Crystal Empire lifted her head. Gaining the attention of the entire stadium.

“Welcome one and all! For we have an auspicious day, this Crystal Fair has been one of the grandest I, Princess Flurry Heart have seen many a year!” Projecting her voice, the Princess smiled and looked down to those around her. The crowds, the knights as they cheered and thumped hoofs to ground or claws to plates. “All the glory and best of luck to the knights here today fight hard and conduct yourselves with honor and grace. May luck spread her glory upon all combatants today!” The large crowd cheered all the more. Stomping their hoofs in applause. Once more taking her seat, Flurry Heart watched as the arrival announcers for the first up bout.

They introduced their lords as given. On one side was a home hero, Knight of the crystal empire and protector of the realm. Sir Truestrike, part of the long line of Sentry ponies. Announced as uncle to the Captain of the royal guard and Son of general Flash Sentry. Stepping back a griffioness took the time to introduce her own knightly lord. Baron Octavian Belisarius of the Duchy of Feathisia, formerly of the Griffinhiem knights order. Victor of the 1083 siege of Bluffhead some 26 years ago. The shining younger stallion, clad in his dazzling plate and the Grizzled on Griffin in his worn but veteran plates lifted their lances in respect towards each other and to the Princess.

With the dropping of the flags, the two raced towards each other. The two knights sped across the dirt, speeding into each other before the colossal crash of wooden lances on tempered steel. Neither knight fell, passing by each other, Truestrike took a moment to come out of the intense hit however.

Coming about the end of the tilt, their squires tossed up to their lords a fresh lance. Before they then raced back towards each other. Lowering their new lances, Baron Belisarius found his mark. Within seconds Lord Truestrike had been swept from his hooves and shoved back several feet with a resounding crash of wood on metal on ground. Throwing up a great dust cloud. The knight sputtered and spun.

“What a hit, he’s gonna be feeling that for a while.” Flurry mused, watching as the knight from her home struggled to get up. She watched as the Griffin Baron proudly held his shattered lance aloft. Taking a brief victory lap before going into the resting area.

“Seems that my uncle has let himself slip a little bit.” Bullwark said with a little smirk on his face. “Oh where has his skills gone, old stallion?” Flurry watched as the old knight picked himself up, giving a bow towards her, he then limped off to the same rest area as his victorious competitor had.

And so the competition to win the most glory through hitting others really hard with sticks got under way. Stallions and Mares, Griffins and even a few changelings got involved. Flurry Heart gave rave applause to those she threw her support behind. Drinks and snacks were handed out around the stands. Audience members cheering for their selected combatants. Flurry Heart sat, clapped and gave her appraisal to all combatants even if she gave more to some. She would notice over the course of the competition, every now and then a member of the crowd looked skyward or even behind her out into the distance. Speak with those near to them before getting swept back up in the action.

It was of little interest to her however, Princess Flurry Heart found herself rather engrossed in the bouts as they took place. She had been watching a youthful, up and coming mare who had been rising through the lists. Having downed all of her opponents thus far. The pegasus was a deep cobalt blue, tall and powerfully built. Flurry Heart noted the wonderbolt symbol etched into the dark armored plates over her hips and flank.

“Seems Equestria still has some loyal and brilliant soldiers out there. Good to see them here.” Flurry said, pointing them out to her captain.

“Mm yes I believe she is of the Bolt line. Good to see they’re still doing their matriarch proud.” Captain Bullwark said with a nod.

Coming up to the final bout of the day, the finalists were now reacquiring their arms and helmets. Preparing themselves as the bronze finalists got under way.

As she sat, watching the bout between Baron Belisarius and a Changeling of her Crystal Guard, Princess Flurry Heart, swiveled her ears. She had heard quick hoofs approaching and hushed whispers. Turning her head, she found a runner from the castle being permitted through her guards.

“I apologize, your highness but a message for you Princess. Sir Strings said it was urgent.” The runner colt said, holding out his hoof, in which was a folded note.

Confused, but thanking the runner. Princess Flurry Heart took the message in her magic and read it. Silently, her eyes would be confused, however as she read what was written. Her gaze switched to a visible concern, eyes slowly widening. Once she had finished reading it, without a word she stood from her seat and left her platform. Informing Captain Bullwark to follow.

She would give a brief apology to the competition announcer whom she told something had come up and she must make haste. Said announcer, made it clear she understood and would handle it.

Flurry Heart would begin moving at a quick trot back towards the castle. However she wouldn’t walk for very long. Getting out of sight of the stands, she waited until this moment to teleport away. Her and her guard reappeared just outside the situation room. Where she found runners coming in and out of. The guards at the door noticed her and ushered said scribes and runner ponies out of the way. Her face was hardened upon entering the room. She found numerous castle staff and more than a few of her advisors speaking with each other. Of which she was able to catch the tail end of a conversation.

“-Reports from the countryside and estates further out have all been saying the same thing. The winds from last night have only been increasing. Rangers have been find-” A stallion as big and hardened that Flurry Heart had ever seen spoke, before noticing the Princess had just arrived. He certainly appeared like some rugged mountain stallion, one who had seen much in the wilds.

Sir Strings spoke up from the head of the table. “Princess Flurry Heart, your grace, I apologize for this hasty meeting. But it needed to be said.” Flurry simply nodded and looked at him.

“It's ok Sir Strings. Your note said just how much worse have these storms gotten since last night?” The royal alicorn inquired, looking between those before her in the room.

One of which is a smaller, older mare. Glasses resting upon her muzzle, she adjusted them a little before bringing up a report. “Your highness the Ranger Captain Brindlesweep has been reporting snow drifts moving and increasing in size towards the crystal mountains. Moving southwards. And.. and…” She trailed off barely able to speak the next words.

Ranger Captain Brindlesweep continued on where the mare had stumbled. “Your highness, we’ve been finding some of those who stayed behind… They hadn’t made it. Some are continuing to hold out but we have found more than one family now. Frozen. Dead.”

Flurry at the news felt herself go still, much of the room doing so. She looked down, thinking, contemplating her next words carefully. “Get them out. I want my subjects safe. Even if they have to leave their homes. I want them to stay safe.”

Outside, at the train station a train, coming from the south had just arrived, pushing through the bubble shield projected by the crystal heart. It blared its whistle on approach, it was accompanied by the rising screech of wind outside the barrier.
Pulling up to the station, the workers saw it was covered in snow. Icicles the size of stalactites, hung from the engine like the fangs of an elder dragon. It pulled a single carriage. From which a single occupant exited. This stallion, wearing a long, wool overcoat stepped from the train. Still however he shook, shivering from the cold he had been through. He began making his way in the direction of the castle, at a gallop. Taking one look at the train conductor, the stallion was more cloth then stallion at this point.

Back in the situation room, the advisors of Princess Flurry Heart were busy drawing up plans and she was thinking, mulling them over. Already plans for dispatching rescue teams were being made to head out into the frozen tundra to collect ranch owners and mining teams. To be brought back to the city, the protection of the crystal heart.

“Princess, a train from the south, Equestria has just arrived.” A guard from the outside of the room called out to her. The Princess looked over towards the guard before furrowing her brow. “It appears to have brought only a single pony, a single messenger.” Flurry Heart without another word stood from the table and headed out of the room. Moving at a fast trot, her long legs brought her to the entrance of the palace. There she found the stallion from the train galloping up towards her.

“Princess! Princess Flurry Heart!” Came his worn and wearied voice. The stallion just barely was able to come to a halt, stopping before her and bowing as low as his cold and tired body would allow.

“Out with it. What news do you bring from the south? Is my Aunt ok? What is it!?” The crystal princess asked, her voice rising in volume steadily. She after a moment brought her hoof to her chest and then calmed herself down. “I apologize, please continue, what have you come to tell me?”
The stallion messenger too had come to compose himself finally. He would take from his jacket. Sealed in a water and cold proofed container and handed it to her a scroll. Taking it, Flurry Heart began to read it.

“Princess Flurry Heart. I know not what you might have already heard or what you might be experiencing in the crystal empire. But news of this event must reach your ears.”

Confused, Flurry heart, reread what she was reading carefully.

“Over the course of the previous night, an event of unspeakable disharmony and horror has occurred, Cloudsdale the home of the pegasi. It began to dissipate at approximately 22:00 hours last night. Forcing many pegasi to the ground. By the time you are reading this the worst has come to pass. Cloudsdale has Fallen.”

As she finished reading that last sentence, her eyes only continued to widen and the events taking place. As she did, the dots connected in her head. The worsening cold, the disharmony, the strange sounds in the winds, change in conditions so extreme over night. She stepped away for a moment, looking up into the now billowing clouds, forming and utterly obscuring the sun outside. Held at bay by the love and harmony of the heart. But beyond it, she could see it. She could hear it. The screeching was not, it was a long winded whinny of joyous celebration.

A single solitary word passed the young Crystal Princess’s lips in a cold whisper. Staring skyward right into the eyes of another.
