• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,579 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 23: Fall Formal Finals: Isaac vs Sunset

After that heated exchange with Sunset, Isaac began to head back home. The rest of the girls had followed him behind as he was making his way out of the building. He then stopped at the statue before addressing to them with his back turned.

"You know, you guys don't have to keep your thoughts to yourself. I can handle what you guys what to say, so spit it out!"

Applejack was the first one to step forward and address Isaac. "Listen, sugar. We're all hoping that you win tomorrow, but it's just well..."

"You didn't think that I had that kind of speaking skills, right? That's what your all thinking about. Well I did say I was from Chicoltgo, so you should have expected me to pick up that kind of language."

"It's just that you were really cool with how you handle Sunset." Rainbow then stepped forward and put her hand on his arm. "You basically told her what we were all thinking, not many people have the balls to say the shit that's on their mind. Impressive."

"Rainbow, language please. I understand Isaac saying stuff like that given that he was in a heated debate with Sunset. But that doesn't mean we should use that language outside in public. It's best to use it in our personal space and privacy." Rarity was giving Dash a stern lecture in saying such vulgar language.

"Whatever, all I'm saying is that he really stood up to Sunset and wasn't afraid to get in her face. That takes guts and Isaac has shown he's got plenty of them."

"Look Dash, as cool as it was for me to get up all in Sunset's face. I still had to control myself; Sunset knows that if I lost my temper it would cloud my judgement and would severely affect my performance in our duel tomorrow. I know that the moment I let my anger control me, Sunset will have already won. I need to remember that I'm not just fighting for me, I'm fighting for everybody who has been affected by Sunset in some way shape or form. So yeah, I'm serious about my match with Sunset. So much so that I have to win, no matter what the fate of Canterlot High depends on it; I know it may sound cliche but I have to be victorious in my duel tomorrow."

Once Isaac had made that statement, all of his friends then put their hands on his shoulders as they showed their support for him ahead of his match against Sunset. Isaac gave them a thumbs up with a convincing smile that said everything would turn out ok. With that they all said their goodbyes and headed their separate ways.

Isaac made his way to his house and saw that his parents weren't home yet. He texted them wondering where they were to which they responded that they were working a bit late as their bosses demanded them to put in a couple more hours. They did ask them if he had a suit ready to wear for the dance tomorrow night. Isaac told them not to worry as Rarity had volunteered to make a suit for him. Once that was settled, Isaac then made his way to his room where Tigre was curled up in a ball on his bed. Isaac gave her a gentle petting as she uncurled herself and let out a meow. She then stretched her legs as her claws appeared, but thankfully she didn't scratch up Isaac's bedsheets.

"Hey girl, hope I didn't wake up. I'm glad to have someone like you, you've brought me happiness that can never be replaced. I'm going to be facing someone who has done some bad things to people and it's up to me to make things right. Hopefully, I can try one last chance to convince her, but only time will tell."


"You're right, I should focus on getting myself ready." With that Isaac bent down on his knees as he looked under his bed looking for something. Once he felt it he grabbed it, he pulled it out from under the bed. He then looked at the cover of the box before taking the lid off and looking at the contents inside. Tigre then jumped down from her resting place and rubbed against Isaac's side before also looking at the stuff inside the box. Isaac then began to take the stuff out of the box and began working on rebuilding his entire deck from the ground up. He knew that he wanted to stand a chance against Sunset Shimmer then he would need to cover all of his bases; that meant he would need to start from square one and go back to learning the basics. Isaac spent a good majority doing this with Tigre by his side. It was just about 8 pm when Isaac had finished what he constructed. It wasn't the finished product but he had made at least some decent progress. Due to it being night time, Isaac decided to call it and would finish the rest tomorrow hopefully with having the girls assisting him. He then put everything away and prepared himself to get some rest as he was about to have the battle of his life.

The clock rang. The sun was coming up on the horizon. The little beams of light that made their way into the room was enough to wake Isaac up. He looked at his bed stand and saw the time that had appeared on his clock. Twelve hours. It would be about twelve hours till the Fall Formal Dance began, with the finals of the tournament taking place two hours after it had started. Celestia told him that students would partake in the event itself and at about 8 o'clock the duel between him and Sunset would begin. She also told him that he would have time to get ready in order to make sure that his mind was focused and if he wanted to make any last minute changes. With that Isaac got out of bed and began to get ready. He made sure to take a shower and apply the proper hygiene. He then put on a fresh set of clothes and began to head downstairs to get some breakfast. After Isaac had finished eating, he then grabbed his backpack, duel disk and all the stuff he had been working on last night. He also made sure to grab his deck and put it in the pocket of his belt. Isaac then said goodbye to his parents as he wouldn't see them until late at night. He was planning to meet up with the other girls at Rarity's place where they would change and catch a ride together to the school. Isaac's parents told him to have a good time and try not to stay out too late; they also vowed to watch their son on the TV as the duel would be broadcast for their viewing pleasure. Isaac then gave them a hug and a kiss and left out the door.

Isaac made his way to school where he saw tons of students talking with each other about their plans for tonight. He then looked around for the girls and saw that they were standing by the statue from yesterday. He called out to them to get their attention.

"Hey girls."

"Hey Isaac. Well today is your big day. Do you think you're ready?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I know I am, I spent all night going over my deck and reconstructing it from the ground up. However, I didn't fully finish it because I wanted to complete it with you guys. You've all helped me to get this far, so I wanted to repay the favor. I wanted to battle Sunset with a deck that not only is made up of me, but of my friends. I wanted her to know that it's not just me she's fighting but rather all of us. So what do you say, care to give me a hand?"

"Totally, after all we're in this together. Right, gang?" Rainbow turned towards to the others who all returned with thumbs up of their own.

With that the first bell of the day rang which signaled the start of the school day and that time was fast approaching before Isaac's encounter with Sunset Shimmer. The morning went by as normal with most of the students being excited due to that they could hardly wait for the dance and the duel. There was even some talk of seeing how Pinkie had designed this year's Fall Formal to which Isaac had full confidence that she had everything covered. By the time lunch began, Isaac had met up with the girls and they began to chow down on their food. After they had finished their vittles, Isaac then pulled out his deck and the box he had put in his backpack. It wasn't nothing fancy but just a regular old box that had a metal/shiny coating. However, what was inside was much more important because within it contained hundreds of cards that caused the girls to drop their jaws.

"Woah, I knew that you had extra cards to give to us Isaac, but I didn't expect you to have a whole darn collection." said Applejack who was stunned by how much of a geek Isaac was for having so many cards.

"Like I said, I think every card has a value and a purpose for existing. Now I don't use all these cards, and the ones that I don't end up using I put them to good use. Now then lets get started."

With that they began on getting to work to complete Isaac's deck. Due to them having witnessed so many of his duels, it was easy for the girls to figure out that Isaac would be rely on his Dark Magician to help get through his battle with Sunset. So they started to look at cards that would synergize well with his monster and would work well with Isaac's playstyle. They offered their suggestions and Isaac gave them his opinions on how he felt. Anytime they felt like they saw a card that would be perfect they ran it by Isaac first as they didn't want to feel like he wasn't in control. He told them that it was alright and that he trusted them with what cards they picked; they even found some cards that they liked and could help them with their decks. Even Rainbow found a whole bunch of new cards that could help to improve her deck. Isaac told them that if they found a card they liked then they could take it for themselves. They all were hesitant at first, but Isaac assured them that it was alright. He said every card was meant to be used and if that meant with his friends then he was more than willing to give them a new home and make his friends happy. They had huge smile on their faces as they each gave showed him affection with Fluttershy and Rarity giving him a peck on the cheek. Applejack had given him a hug, while Rainbow made sure to punch him in the arm, but not too hard as he still needed it for tonight's duel. Pinkie on the other hand went way overboard crushing Isaac's air supply as she gave him a death hug. It took the strength of all the other girls to force Pinkie to let him go as Isaac was trying to gain back air into his lungs.

"Oopsies, guess I got carried away, huh?"

After Isaac took a couple of deep breaths, he told Pinkie it was ok. "It's fine Pinkie, just give me a little warning next time?"

"Okey dokey lokey." saluated Pinkie.

They then got back to work on constructing Isaac's deck. After about 20 minutes or so, they had finally done it. There in the middle of the table stood the deck that not only did Isaac build but he had his friends help in constructing it. When he grabbed it and looked at it, it resonated with him. It was like it was calling out to him as it served as the symbol of his friendships with the girls. Together they faced so many obstacles to get to where they were at and now here he was on the cusp of his greatest duel to date and he had the support of his friends. The little bits of magical energy that had secretly entered Isaac's deck then began to circle around it and then merged together as it disappeared into the deck. Nobody saw this, but Isaac felt a tingling sensation as it entered his body. It was a rather nice sensation as it warmed him up and made him full of life. Ultimately, they didn't have time to test it out as the next bell rang which signaled the end of lunch and the start of the second half. With that everybody grabbed their belongings and made their way to class.

Despite it being a school day, Principal Celestia had told the students that they would be let out early so that they could have time to get ready for tonight's event. So once 3pm hit, all the students rushed out and headed either home or with their friends as they prepared to get ready. Isaac had gather his stuff and met up with the girls as they all headed to Rarity's boutique to get themselves dressed.

Even with school being let out early, Sunset stayed behind and was in the girls bathroom where she began to go over her plan.

The time is finally hear, it draws very near. Can't you hear it?

"Loud and clear. Tonight I'll cement my status as the number one duelist in Canterlot High. Then once I've won the Fall Formal and defeated Isaac, I can then start my takeover of not only this school but this entire world. After I've accomplished that, then Equestria will be next. I'll make everyone pay for turning their backs on me, especially Princess Celestia. With the entire school by my side and the power of Duel Monsters they will be nothing to stop me from taking what's rightfully mine!" Sunset let out an evil laugh as her reflection joined in.

So tell me, what are your plans for Isaac? We've talked about how he would make a valuable soldier, but seeing as how he's very defiant. I figured it will take some more extreme measures to persuade him to join our sides.

"I offer Isaac a chance to join me, a chance to stand by my side as history is created, But instead he chose to turn me down and reject me; leaving me to hurt his so called friends. He's knows the price I'm willing to pay. In fact I'm still giving him one last chance to side with me as we watch the entire world crumble before our feet, with him in my arms no one will ever think about messing with us. But should he still refuse after his last opportunity, then I'm afraid it's time we put him out of existence. Such a shame, he's really made me have such a good time. I would hate to get rid of my favorite boy toy."

Isaac and the girls had arrived at Rarity's place where they began to get ready for tonight's event. Rarity had pushed Isaac into a separate room as to give her and the girls privacy as they changed. She told him not to peek or it would be the last thing he would ever see in his life. Isaac took Rarity's words to heart and obeyed his command. She then left to the other room as Isaac took a seat on one of the many sofas Rarity had all over the place. He then pulled out the deck he and the girls had created during lunch and pulled out his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl and looked at them.

"Well guys, we've come this far and we can't turn back now. All my life I've had you guys to show me the way and I'm entirely grateful. All the battles we've fought has all been leading up to this moment, we take down Sunset and we free the entire school from her evil clutches."

Just then Isaac's cards started to glow and the spirits of his magicians formed. They opened their eyes and looked at their master and gave him a smile. Isaac was stunned to say the least, I mean he was always talking to his cards but to think that their spirits were actually alive and communicating with him caused him to jump up and down with excitement. Isaac's Dark Magician then began to speak.

"We will do all that we can to help you in this fight, master."

"I appreciate it, but you don't have to refer to me as master all the time. You can call me by my name, Isaac."

"Isaac, that's a cute name. Didn't I tell you master that he was adorable? It's no wonder he's caught the eyes of a certain group of ladies." said Dark Magician Girl who was feeling Isaac up before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Mana behave, I told you not to embarrass the young master or do anything to make him uncomfortable."

"And didn't he tell you to not always call him master, Mahad. Did you even listen to a word he said?"

As both magicians started to argue back in forth, Isaac couldn't help but let out a small laughter and a smile. It was nice to know that he had friends everywhere he looked.

"Thanks, both of you, for everything you've done. Not it's up to me to do my part and make sure not to disappoint you."

Mahad, the Dark Magician, then spoke. "You could never disappoint us master. We've been honored that you had us in your deck and are proud to stand by you in this fated battle. Just like our original owner, we promised that no matter what we would watch over him and make sure that he remained safe. Well you have our word that we will do the same, we will protect you with our very lives if need be."

"Hey Mahad, what happened to your original owner? Mind telling me a bit about him and do you miss him?"

Dark Magician then smiled at Isaac before giving him some details. "Our previous owner was a great pharaoh who ruled all of ancient Egypt. For years we stood side by side with him growing up and watching over him. When the time came we passed on a bit of our power and transferred them to cards as a way to always protect him. It would be thousands of centuries before we would meet up again, but even then he remained the same and had managed to find a new person who he can consider his friend. As for wanting to meet him, well it would be wonderful to be able to see him one last time."

"Well about after we win the Fall Formal we make any effort to reunite the two of you, sound like a good idea?"

"I'm afraid that won't be necessary, master. We've fulfilled our duty to him and now it's time we watch over somebody new. I will say that you do remind us a bit about him, he was always passionate about Duel Monsters and would jump at the sight of a duel. He asked us to watch over someone new and we've chosen to stick by your side."

Isaac's heart began to melt and his eyes started to tear up. To think that his monsters had chosen to be with him of their own free will was heartwarming. His magicians looked on with cheerful smiles as Isaac started to wipe away the tears.

"It's time we returned back to the spirit world. Come along Mana, lets leave the master to get ready to enjoy himself and his evening."

"Alright, bye Isaac. Make sure you show those girls a wonderful time." Dark Magician Girl then winked and blew a kiss at Isaac before vanished back into her card.

"Never forget we will always be by your side. Take care, Isaac." Dark Magician then vanished as his spirit was sucked back into the card.

Isaac looked at his cards for a minute and gave them one last smile before putting them back into his deck. Just then Rarity came back through the curtains and she was still wearing her same clothes as before. She had just come to drop off Isaac's suit and told her that she and the girls were about ready.

"Well, the girls are almost done. All that's left is for you to get dressed. Here you go, Isaac. I did my best to not only make it comfortable but to your liking."

"Thanks Rarity, you don't know how grateful I am."

"Thank me later darling, when you beat the pants off of Sunset and free the school." Rarity then handed Isaac his suit and left through the curtain to give him some privacy to get dressed and get herself ready.

"Well time to see how I look." Isaac then begun to put on his new suit and looked himself in the mirror. His outfit featured a black formal shirt that had some low key glitter to it with a splatter style grey vest and gold necktie. He also had some shiny black shoes and a fedora hat that had a black band around it with a red rose tucked into it. After looking himself over a couple more times, Isaac had grown used to his clothes. "Not bad, not bad at all." Isaac then made his way through the curtains to see the girls.

"Alright, girls. I'm all dressed so lets see...." Isaac's train of thought was interrupted by what he saw.

The sight that Isaac saw was like no other. Standing before him was his friends who were wearing some of the most gorgeous dresses he had ever seen. Overall they were stunning and beautiful which really brought the girls personalities to life. Some of the girls wore special accessories/jewelry, Rarity was had a diamond necklace, Pinkie was wearing blue and yellow balloon earrings, Applejack also had a red rose for her stetson hat. Even Rainbow had decided to gushing it up by picking wings for her boots. When they posed and showed off themselves Isaac started to get a little red. Eventually they saw him and they were also impressed by Isaac's outfit.

"My word, darling. You look absolutely handsome, Isaac. They say clothes make the person and you really show that with how stunning you pull off that look. I'm so happy that it turned out so good."

"Thanks Rarity, but I have to say that you really outdid yourself by making me a suit that's not only dashing, but also accessible for events that less formal. I feel like I could wear this to a casual event and not feel overdressed."

"I appreciate your praises, dear. Just make sure you take good care of that suit."

"Don't worry, I will."

Rarity then looked at the clock hanging on her wall and saw that they needed to get going if they were going to make it on time for the dance. "Well it's about time we all leave, lets go everybody. Time to have the best night ever!"

Everybody shouted in agreement and then Rarity called for the limo she rented and together they all got in and drove off to the school. While they were on their way to the school, they began to talk about what they would be doing at the event. The drive didn't take long as the car pulled up to the school. Isaac was the first one to get out and being the gentleman that he was helped each of the girls as they got out of the car and held the door for them when they entered through the front of the school. They then made their way to the auditorium where the music was pounding hard. When they first stepped in they saw thousands of streamers and decorations, balloons were scattered all over the place. There was even Dj booth that that had music playing as well as a place in the corner for people to take photos. The first thing they did was take a few pictures as a group. Once that was done, Pinkie then went to the DJ and requested that they begin the party with some pumping music. While the girls wasted no time dancing, Isaac was a bit hesitant as he hadn't much experience. Rarity then eventually pulled Isaac to the dance floor and told him to get go with the flow and move his body to the music. It took a while but Isaac eventually got into the groove of things and matched his movements with the beats. The girls each took a turn to dance with Isaac, with Pinkie more often than not jumping off the stage and into the crowd as she surfed throughout the room. Everybody has having the time of their life as for that moment in time, they didn't have to worry about anything interrupting the biggest night of their lives.

Isaac was having a wonderful time because he was here enjoying himself with the people he cared about the most. Isaac even managed to see Celestia and Luna kick back and relax. However, while they were partying, Isaac kept looking around the place expecting Sunset Shimmer to show up but she never did. It kind of frightened him but shrugged it off. Ultimately time flew by quick as Celestia was on stage and had a microphone to address the students.

"Thank you everybody for attending tonight. First lets all give a round of applause for the head of the party planning committee, Pinkie Pie. She put a lot of work into making this an event special." Everybody then turned to Pinkie and gave her a round of applause. "Now then I'm pleased to announce that the finals of the Fall Formal tournament is about to begin. I would like the two finalist to please make their way to their respective rooms and prepared themselves. Once everything has been set up, we will notify you. Good luck!"

"Well, time for me to get ready. I'll see you girls after the duel."

"Alright then, sugar. Promise that you'll be safe. If anything happens me and the rest of the girls will be here." Applejack put her hand on Isaac's shoulder as she looked into his eyes.

"I will Applejack." With that I gave them a salute and made by way through the doors and went to get ready.

As I made my way into the waiting room, I noticed a package on the bench. It was just a plain looking package and was wrapped with a ribbon on top of it. There no name to determine who it was from so Isaac removed the bow and opened the box. The first thing he saw was an envelop so he put the box down and opened it up. Inside was a letter, not just any letter but from Rarity and the girls.

Dear Isaac,

The girls and I wanted to say thank you for everything that you've done. You have really brought all of us closer than we ever have been before. Because of you, we are now stronger than when we first began. So we just wanted to say that you should go out there and do your best. Oh and do us all a favor: Kick Sunset Shimmer's ass!!"

Signed Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. xoxo

P.S. There's a little surprise I've made for you when I made your suit. I was hoping you would wear in your match against Sunset. Also there's another little secret.

I then put the note on the bench and looked at the box. I removed the piece of paper that the envelope was on and underneath it was a sight to behold. It turned out that Rarity had made me an outfit for me to wear in the finals; also there was 5 cards that I found in the pockets of the outfit. I pulled them out to see it was none other than the girls' cards as they gave me their most trusted monsters for me to use in my battle against Sunset. With that I put them to the side and changed into the outfit Rarity made for me. Once I had put it on, I looked in the mirror to really get a good look at it.

Rarity had designed Isaac a hoodie which was colored black, with silver pauldron-like additions to his sleeve and white lining. His undershirt was navy blue with a red patch in the center. His pants, similar to chaps, was also colored black on the outside, and navy blue on the inside, lined with silver-white edging. His pants was held together with a dark blue belt with a silver belt buckle. The pants also had red pockets; his gloves were fingerless with them being black and yellow and having a grey shape in the center. Isaac had changed from his dress shoes into his regular shoes. Isaac was amazed with how amazing his clothes was, he looked like character out of a video game. Just then the P.A. system went off.

"Will the two finalist please report to the stage? The duel will start very shortly."

Isaac then grabbed his duel disk and put it on his arm which fit snugly with his new outfit. He then grabbed his deck and the cards the girls left for him. He looked at them once more saying thank to the girls and put them in his deck which he then slotted into his duel disk. Once that was done, Isaac then headed out of the room and started to walk down the hallway to his final destination. The entire room was packed with students, so much so that they had to bring extra chairs from the classrooms just to have enough seat for everybody. There were several screens being displayed as multiple cameras were being set up to broadcast the event to the student's homes. Pinkie was still in her Fall Formal outfit as she sat at the commentary table with Celestia who were both adjusting their headsets and making sure the sound check was working. Luna was helping to get the dueling field ready and once it was she told her sister to start the event.

"Welcome one and all, tonight is the night. Tonight we'll see two titans clash in this very room and only one will walk away as the winner." said Celestia.

"It's the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. Two duelists meeting face to face for the first time; one hopes to submit her reign as the number one duelist in CHS history, while the other hopes to show the world why he belongs here and to achieve his dreams. This promises to be battle of not only wits, but of skill and passion. Ultimately, somebody's life is going to change here tonight."

"Thank you Pinkie Pie, now the moment had arrived. Please welcome our two finalist on my left Sunset Shimmer and on my right Isaac." As both made their way through the doors, they each took a moment to see each other from afar and then began to walk the long path to the center of the room. While they were walking the crowd was expressing their opinions by cheering for Isaac and booing Sunset. In the back, on the screens, there was a little video package playing that was highlighting the duels of both of them as it played for everybody to see, there was even some music going on as well.

They had made it to the center just as the video and the music had finished playing. Their eyes were still on each other and didn't flinch for a second. Luna then got up on the stage and told both of them to shuffle their decks. She then asked both of them to shake hands to show respect. This time it was Isaac to put his hand out first to which Sunset hesitated a bit before doing the same. Once they broke they then took their respective spots and activated their duel disk waiting on Luna's command to start. Everybody in the crowd was literally tapping their foot in anticipation of the duel about to start. The people watching the duel at home got themselves comfortable as they knew they were in for a treat. Isaac's parents were sitting on the couch holding each other as they prepared to watch their son to go into battle. Silence filled the room. Empty silence. Luna then decided to start the duel.

"If both duelist are ready, then let the duel begin!!!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said both of their duel disk.

"Let's duel!" both shouted.

Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"Make your move, Isaac."

"Very well then, Sunset. I draw!" Isaac drew his card and looked through his hand. "I summon Marshmacaron(200/200) in defense mode. Then I'll end my turn with 2 facedowns."

Turn 2: Sunset

"It that all, fine then. It's my turn!" Sunset was unimpressed with what Isaac had done so far. She drew her card and immediately began to go on the offense. "Rise up, Assault Archfiend(1800/1000). Now time to slice and dice that blob of Isaac's. Go Slash attack!" Sunset then gave her command to her monster who used its sharp claws as Marshmacaron turned into bits and pieces but still remained on the field instead of disappearing.

"That's much appreciated, Sunset because you just created double the trouble for yourself! Now when my Marshmacaron is destroyed by battle, I can then replace him with 2 more copies from my hand, deck, or graveyard." Isaac's deck then slotted out the two cards and Isaac played them on his duel disk which were then summoned to the field in defense.

"Hmm. You're not the only one who's monster has an ability. Watch as I activate my monster's effect, now whenever my Assault Archfiend destroys a monster in battle, I can then tribute it to summon an even more powerful monster from my hand. So I play, my Red Emperor Archfiend(3000/3000) in attack mode." Sunset then monster's vanished into tiny particles and when they formed again there stood a totally different monster. It had a mean demeanor on its face as it looked at its victim. However, Sunset wasn't done with her move.

"Next I'll play Archfiend's Revenge! My monster now gains an additional attack for every monster that you have out on the field. Since you have two monster that means my Archfiend can attack a total of 3 times which means you're about to lose some serious life points! Now go, Red Emperor, Triple Scarlet Slash Attack!" Sunset's archfiend then blasted away both of Isaac's monster and then used its third attack to target Isaac's life points.

"Unh!" said Isaac as he put his arms up to protect himself as he dropped to a knee.
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

"I activate my facedown, Dark Horizon! Now I can summon a spellcaster who's attack points are equal to or less than to the amount of life points that I just lost. I may have taken damage, but that has allowed me to summon my dear friend, Dark Magician!" Isaac then called on his star monster as it appeared on his field and starred at Sunset.

The crowd was into this match as Sunset had made the first move in terms of attack, but Isaac had managed to play his favorite monster and was ready to strike back. Immediately they began to clap for both of them for pulling off such amazing first turns. Even everybody at home was in awe at how well each duelist had set themselves up in the opening round. Pinkie was so ecstatic with how things had turned out that she was jumping up and down on the table to which it Celestia had a tough time trying to control Pinkie before she finally settled down and sat back into her seat. Sunset was impressed with how Isaac had played so far, he had hoped that she would attack him so that he could call on his star creature. Not many people would think that far ahead and play such a risky move, but in the end it paid off for Isaac. Sunset gave a light clap to Isaac to commemorate him on his quick thinking.

Isaac then got back to his feet and looked at his magician. He saw the eyes of his monster and began to speak to it. "Good to have you, old friend. Now what do you say we take down Sunset!"

The Dark Magician then gave Isaac a nod as he prepared to battle. "As you wish, master. I put my trust that you know how to handle that creature of hers. I'm at your command, my liege!"

"I look forward to destroying him. When I'm ready. It's your move, Isaac." Sunset then placed 1 card facedown.

Turn 3: Isaac

"Here goes! I draw!" Isaac then looked at his options before deciding on a course of action. "With this, I end my turn." Isaac had just placed 1 card facedown.

Everybody was both scared and confused with how fast Isaac's turn had ended.

Turn 4: Sunset

Sunset was heavily disappointed with what she saw. She expected Isaac to launch an attack on her monster but instead chose to play it safe.

"A single facedown?" Sunset drew her card. "Why, Isaac, it's like you're not even trying anymore. Emperor, attack!" Sunset's Emperor was getting ready to strike again, but this time Isaac was ready.

"Now! I activate my trap! Metamorphortress! I can activate this card by targeting 1 level 4 or higher monster on my field. I can special summon this card as an effect monster with a 1000 attack/defense, then I can equip it to my monster." Isaac's trap then caused a castle to appear which had his magician stand at the top of it while the front gates of the castle shut with Isaac safely behind it. "Can't get to me now, Sunset. Not with your Emperor." Isaac's monster then had 3500 defense.

"Lucky move" said Sunset who had her Emperor call off its attack and ended her turn.

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn!" Isaac drew his card and then started his assault on his opponent. "Now it's my Castle's turn to show it packs a punch!" Isaac's castle then morphed itself into a giant fist as it smash Sunset's monster with a single blow and destroying it. "Now since my castle attack, I can then change it back into defense mode at the end of the damage step. I then end my turn." Isaac's card then morphed itself back into a castle as it switched modes.
Sunset's Life Points: 7500-

Turn 6: Sunset

Sunset drew her card and looked at her hand. "Heh. You think you've taken things to the next level. Very well. You've given me no choice but to ritual summon and take things to the maximum level! I play the spell card Blood of the Fiend." Sunset then discard the card she wanted in order to summon the monster she was dying to play. "You said I couldn't get to you with my Emperor. Well, I can with this! Chaotic Devil Archfiend(4000/0)!" Out came a monster that was even more nasty than her emperor, it had black clothing and its eyes were glowing yellow. The scent of death came from this monster as it had skeleton battle armour and horns on its head. It led out a piercing roar as everybody covered their ears. Sunset then popped a smile as she looked at Isaac. "You remember what I told you yesterday, that playtime is over? Well, soon it will be! Attack!!!"

Sunset's devil then raised its hand and launched a powerful beam as it pierced through Isaac's defense and monster; when that happened the castle that was surrounding Isaac began to crumble as Isaac did his best to dodge the falling pieces of his structure.

"When Chaotic Devil Archfiend destroys a monster in defense mode, you still take damage, double the damage! Now, how's that for storming the castle? I end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Isaac grunted as he got back to his feet. He managed to survive Sunset's attack but still suffered some damage. "You haven't defeated me yet, Sunset. I've learned to duel to the end! And it's not the end yet!"

Turn 7: Isaac

Isaac then took his turn and drew his card. "I summon Apple Magician Girl(1200/800)! All right, if your monster is so tough then let's see if it can take her down!" Isaac mocked Sunset as he placed 1 card facedown and ended his turn.

Turn 8: Sunset

Sunset was annoyed that Isaac was goating her and her monster's strength with such a weak and pathetic monster. She drew her card and shot a death stare at Isaac for saying that comment. "You fight me with fruit? Don't you dare mock me! Chaotic Devil Archfiend, pulverize her! Show Isaac was it means when you try to disrespect the greatest duelist in this school!" Sunset's archfiend was getting ready to attack when Isaac shouted.

"Thanks for the assist, Sunset. Because when Apple Magician Girl is attacked, she can bring out her friend! And this friend's bound to leave a sour taste in your mouth. She's Lemon Magician Girl(800/600)! And your archfiend's attack is diverted to her! But that's not all, she cuts the strength of your attack points in half! Try making lemonade out of that!"

Isaac's Apple Magician then casted a spell that caused a giant lemon to appear in her hands and when the spell was finished it started to be surrounded by a white light as the fruit opened up and revealed Isaac's second monster: Lemon Magician Girl. She looked at her friend and her master before giving them a nod and jumped in front of the attack and pointed her wand at Sunset's monster as it drained it of its attack and power.

"There's more. Like Apple Magician Girl, Lemon Magician Girl also calls up her friend! The one-and-only Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac then summoned out his second best spellcaster as she gave a wink and a kiss before striking a pose which caused all the boys to go crazy. She then jumped in front of her fellow magicians as she was now the new target of Sunset's monster. "Zap away Chaotic Devil Archfiend's attack points!" Isaac's dark Magician Girl then fired a blast from her wand which reduced Sunset's monster even more and then was destroyed by Isaac's spellcaster counteracting. Once her creature was destroyed, Dark Magician Girl then floated in front of Isaac giving him a smile.
Sunset's Life Points: 6500-

"Thank you Dark Magician Girl, you really helped me out there."

"Anytime, Isaac." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before taking her position back on the field. Thankfully, only Isaac was able to see her movements, or else he would have a horde of pissed off boys trying to rip him to shreds.

Sunset on the other hand was started to get really annoyed with how Isaac was being able to match her move for move. It seemed that Isaac was refusing to go away; eventually the dark aura started to surround her but she wasn't fully tapping into her magic just yet.

"You really are starting to piss me off, you know? But no how matter how many of my monsters you destroy, they'll never stop coming! Not until they made you suffer for the pain you've been putting me through! Watch as the devil may cry, from even the deepest parts of tartarus, darkness come crawling seeking vengeance! Appear one of my favorite female fiends, witness Dominatrix Archfiend! As the name suggest she like to be in control and dish out punishment. Which she'll gladly do thanks to her special ability, now she deals damage for every creature in my graveyard time 600. Since I have 3 monsters, the damage dealt to you is 1800, furthermore I can give the attack points of one of my fiends in my grave. So my Dominatrix now has my Chaotic Devil Archfiend's points making her 4000. Now feel their wrath!" Sunset's monster then whipped out her chain and with a single crack began to inflict the damage to Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 2200-

"Don't think your safe yet, boy toy. I'm not done because now I'll have my Dominatrix attack your Lemon Magician Girl, finish this duel! I told you would face consequences, well it's time to collect! Rid my life of Isaac by destroying his very existence!" Sunset's Dominatrix then unfolded her weapon and launched it at Isaac's spellcaster which destroyed it.

"I play my trap, Magician's Defense! Now the damage I take is cut in half!" Isaac was able to minimize the amount of damage that was coming his way but the attack still caused him to fall on his back as he felt the pain from Sunset's magic. He started to have a couple bruises on his face and some dirt on his outfit.
Isaac's Life Points: 600-

Isaac felt his body aching a bit with how powerful Sunset had hit him. He was experiencing first hand what Flash and Rainbow went through when they faced Sunset. But Isaac knew that he had to defeat Sunset, so he willed his body to ignore the searing pain as he got himself back up slowly.

"Unh... your move." Sunset then laid a card facedown. She thought for sure that last attack would have done the job, but Isaac proved her wrong again by finding some way to hang on.

Everybody in the crowd was in silence and had grim looks on their face. Despite the back and forth action, Sunset was still in command of this duel. If this kept up any longer, then it was only a matter of time before they would all submit to Sunset's rules. Even Celestia and Pinkie who were commentating the match to the folks at home, had worried looks on their faces when they saw Isaac get tossed around. Celestia wanted badly to check on her student but knew that would be against the rules, plus she knew Isaac wouldn't want the duel to abruptly end as it would be a disrespect to him as a duelist.

"Geez, that last attack nearly wiped out Isaac's life points. It was because of that trap card, that Isaac found a way to hang on with just a few points of health." Pinkie no longer had the pepping tone in her voice as it was replaced with more of a concern and serious tone.

"Indeed, Pinkie. Isaac managed to activate his facedown in time, but if he doesn't find a way to turn things around this turn then I'm afraid there's nothing he can do. He's finished." said Celestia as a tear of sadness began to roll down the side of her face.

Turn 9: Isaac

Isaac was just getting back up as he had got a bit used to the pain. He looked at Sunset and gave her glare as he drew his card. Isaac then looked at his hand and decided to go for an all out move. "This is it, Sunset. It's all or nothing." If this works, then I'll finally have freed everybody from her grip, got to believe this will work. "First I'll have to give you a card. So here take this one!" Isaac then threw his card at Sunset who caught it with one hand and looked at it. For a second, her eyes grew big at the card Isaac decided to hand her. "By doing so, I can activate the spell Magical Contract Door. It lets me draw a new monster and I'll summon it right now! So my magicians lend me your strength and pave the way for a new monster to take center stage. Break free from your iron prison! Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition(0/0)!"

"Good luck, Isaac." said Dark Magician Girl as she and Isaac's other magician disappeared as their spirits were being used to summon out a more powerful monster.

Once the seal had been broken off the door, out came a new monster for everyone to see. It was a dragon that had tons of light red lights all over its body and led out a mighty roar as it stormed the field. Everybody was in awe and shock by the new beast that Isaac had managed to summon as it wasn't backing down from Sunset or her monster. Sunset was not expecting Isaac to summon this kind of monster, but regardless she made sure to take it down just like his other cards.

"Now Gandora-X's ability activates! It can destroy any 1 monster that I choose and I choose your Dominatrix Archfiend! And you take damage equal to its attack points! Then Gandora-X gains the attack of Dominatrix. So now my dragon will have 4000 attack points." Isaac's dragon then began to light up with the spots on its body and unleashed multiple lasers that went all over the place as they zeroed in on Sunset's monster.

"Unh! No! Don't think my monster is the only one going down. She'll take Gandora down with her! Now whenever she's destroyed she too can destroy all the monsters you have on your field!" Just as Sunset's Dominatrix was being destroyed, she flung her whip at Gandora which caused it to blow up in a similar explosion as they both were simultaneous destroyed.

Once again they were back to an even playing field. Neither had any monster left and the collision from both attack had caused a shockwave that caused the whole building to shake. The students were holding on for dear life as they waited for the ride to be over; not a single person had a completely different look as they all had the same expression with their jaws hanging down.
Sunset's Life Points: 2500-

"Stay down!! Just stay down!!! Everytime I've beaten you to a pulp, you still find some way to get back up! I kick your ass and you get back up. I kick your ass again and you still try to get back up!! Maybe your parents told you that if you face a bully and he's beating you down then you should just get back up. Well let me tell you, the next time that bully is not going to let you get up. They're going to keep beating you till they make sure that your don't get up! I said that you were going to be in for the beating of a lifetime but you still are trying to fight. So tell me!! What do I have to do!? What do I have to do to get you out of my life!? Tell me!!! Sunset now had the evil look in her eyes as the evil magic surrounding her was starting to take control as her hair was now floating.

"Now you know, Sunset. You said it yourself, that I'm going to be in the beating of a lifetime. Well that's like saying that the sun will come up tomorrow. Of course I know that, I know that. But I also know what it takes to beat you! You see that's the difference between us. You have no passion for anyone but yourself! You're tough, you're powerful, and you're damn good. But what separates me from you Sunset is heart. And when the chips are down, you may beat the hell out of me but you're going to have beat every last breath out of this body!!" The magic that had entered Isaac's deck was started to surround Isaac, but only Sunset noticed this.

"That's why I dislike you!!! You come out here and do your little song and dance and people actually think that you're some kind of noble hero! It sickens me to my stomach that you actually believe what these sheep think is true about you! You don't belong here with me and you're no more than a fraud! I! HATE! YOU!!!!" Sunset screamed that her voice echoed around the room that everybody in the room and at home watching on their TV heard her.

"Why am I still here? Well right now, I here to shut your mouth! Why am I still here, that's an easy answer because I've finally found the answer to a question I've been asking my whole life!" Isaac looked at Celestia for a second to which she knew what he was talking about. "They keep telling me, what do I duel for? Well I duel out of love!"

Sunset had a disgusted look on her face like that was most stupidest answer she ever heard from someone.

"Oh no, don't get me wrong I see you, I see the look on your face. Because we don't use/say the word love around here, especially if your a guy because when we say that we don't look tough. Please I'm a grown ass man, I could do/say what the hell I want and I don't give a damn on what anybody else thinks! I love this game, I love the fact that I can make people happy, I love every little aspect that Duel Monsters brings to me and my life! I love the look on these people's faces; I love the smiles that I put on for the people not just in here but also for the fine folks at home watching and to the readers who're reading this story. It warms my heart when I'm pulled to the side and people say 'thank you'. I am here out of love, what the hell are you doing here!! Cause I'm not just fighting for me, Sunset. I'm fighting for everybody whose dream was to be here, whose dream was to stand here on the grandest stage of them and say they've made it. Know that because this is my life! This is my passion! This is all that I got!!!" Now it was Isaac's voice that was heard by everybody as they looked on with them now knowing how Isaac felt.

Turn 10: Sunset

Sunset then drew her card and started to put the final nail in the coffin of Isaac. "Now I activate my facedown, this trap lets me discard a spell card to activate it. And the spell I'll activate is the one you foolishly gave me! Monster Reborn! Return from the great beyond, Dominatrix Archfiend! This is it, Isaac, it's over! Sunset was smiling as her monster was starting to reappear, but when she looked over at Isaac he wasn't concerned in fact he had a look like he knew she would do something and she fell for it.

"I activate my facedown the trap card Final Geas! All the monsters in both of our graveyards are banished. But I'm allowed to bring one them back!" Isaac had caught Sunset off guard and now she was completely defenseless as Isaac had managed to summon his Dark Magician back to the field and was poised to end this duel on his next turn.

"Him" said Sunset as it was symbolic that Isaac would choose his star monster to deal the final blow to her life points. Sunset ended her turn as she prepared for what was about to happen.

Turn 13: Isaac

Isaac drew his card and looked at Sunset with worry on his face. "Are you ready, Sunset?" Isaac was offering her one last chance to make amends.

"I'm always ready" was all Sunset said to Isaac.

"Hmm. Go, Dark Magician! Dark Magic Attack!" Isaac's magician then pointed its wand at Sunset and launched a magical attack that struck Sunset right at her life points. Sunset's life counter then started to drop as Sunset had her eyes closed. This concerned Isaac as he looked on, "Sunset?"

Just then Sunset opened her eyes and she had a smile on her. It was at that very moment that her life point counter hadn't reached zero but instead only left her with 100 life points which shocked Isaac.
Sunset's Life Points: 100-

"Sorry, Isaac but just when your attack made contact I activated my final facedown the trap card Endure. This assured me that when your magician attacked I was able to reduce it's attack so that I could survive it. This duel isn't over, we're just getting to the good part."

I thought for sure I would've ended there. But seems I'll have to try even harder. "I'll end my turn with 2 cards facedown."

Turn 14: Sunset

"You may have survived this long, but I'm afraid your luck is about to run out. Now, I draw! I'll play Fiend Selector(400/1700) in defense mode. Next I'll activate his ability which allows me to add a level 4 or below monster to my hand. I'll choose my Fiend Chainman(1200/1300) which I can then summon to the field when there's another monster on my side in defense mode. But that's not all his ability now activates, once per turn he can bind a monster and make them not switch battle position or defend you. Next I'll place 2 cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 15: Isaac

"All right then, here goes. I draw!"

"I activate my facedown Rings of Tartarus, it activates the second you drew and now you take 600 points of damage for every 'fiend' card on my field. So say goodbye, it's over!"

"Don't think so, Sunset. I activate my own trap card Damage Transfer, now damage I would have taken is negated and as an added bonus I can upon monsters whose attack is equal to or less than the damage I would have taken. So come out Wolf Beast(1200/1300) and A/D Changer(100/100). Now Sunset prepare yourself, because you're not just fighting me. You're fighting me and my friends, so go I tune my Wolf Beast with A/D Changer in order to Synchro Summon Thunder Unicorn(2200/1800)!"

The crowd was shocked as Isaac had managed to summon Fluttershy's creature. Nobody was more ecstatic than Fluttershy whose was clutching her heart seeing Isaac use her card. Sunset was caught off guard as Isaac summoned a monster that wasn't even a part of his deck.

"I told you that you're not just fighting me. Now then I'll play my Magician's Valkyria in defense mode. Now time for me to take out your monsters, go Thunder Unicorn take out her Chainman. By doing so, it releases my Dark Magician from his iron binds and now I'll have him attack your Fiend Selector." Thunder Unicorn obeyed Isaac's command as he powered up his horn and charged straight at Sunset's monster; Dark Magician then escaped and from its hold and took out her other monster. "With that I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 16: Sunset

"My turn, draw! I activate my other facedown Gambler's Life. Here how it works, I roll a six-sided dice and if it lands on a 6, then I get to summon a monster ignoring its summoning conditions. However should I roll anything lower, then I lose 1000 life points. Now time to see what I get!" Sunset grabbed the dice and infused it with her magic as she rolled it which happen to land on a 6. "Looks like my roll succeeded, not I summon to the field my Caesar, the almighty King of Fiends(4000/4000). Now time to attack, go Caesar take out his Magician's Valkyria."

"I activate my trap Magical Cylinder, now I'll redirect your attack right at your life points!"

"Don't think that's going to happen I reveal my facedown Fiend Bodyguard, now any damage that done to becomes zero till the end of the turn, in addition I get to add one monster from my deck to my hand. I'll then end with 1 card facedown."

Turn 19: Isaac

"Alright, my draw. Now I'll play the spell card Swords of Revealing Light now this prevents you from attacking for 3 turns. But I'm not done, next I'll play Polymerization and use to fusion summon another monster, make way for Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon(3300/2500)!" Now it was Applejack's turn to smile as Isaac had managed to her ace creature. "Next I'll use Venom Dragon's effect not I can reduce your Caesar's attack to 0 and negate its abilities. Then I'll have my Dark Magician attack and destroy your monster!"

"Not so fast, I activate Monster Transfer, now I can take control of one of your monsters and use it as if it were my own and I choose your Magician's Valkyria."

Sunset had managed to snatch Isaac's own monster and use it to protect her own life points. Isaac was less than please that he had to target his own monster let alone fail to take out Sunset.

"I'll end my turn. Which means your monster's strength goes back to normal."

Turn 20: Sunset
Turn count: 1

"You failed yet again, now draw! I play the spell Pot of Greed, now I'll draw 2 more cards from my deck. I may not be able to attack but there's another way to hurt your life points. So I'll activate my Silent Archfiend, now if I discard it from my hand then he deals you 1000 points of damage which is more than enough to end this. So say goodbye!"

"I'm not going anywhere, Sunset! I reveal my trap card Negate Damage, now for the rest of the turn neither player can take damage. Looks like you failed again, Sunset. But then again it's not the first time you've failed, right?" said Isaac as he had a smug look.

"I end my turn!" Sunset was less than pleased that Isaac was mocking her.

Turn 21: Isaac

This duel is really taking a toll on both me and Sunset. Even I'm starting to feel the aftereffect. I'm surprised that either one of us still has the strength and energy to keep fighting. Either way I need to end this duel. "Draw. I'll start by playing the spell card Graceful Charity, now I'll draw 3 more cards and discard two. Next I'll have Venom Dragon use its effect once more and reduce your Caesar's attack to 0. Now Dark Magician attack her monster!" Isaac's magician then pointed its wand at Sunset's Caesar and fired its spell card. This time however, Sunset's monster was destroyed but her life points remained untouched.

"You seem confused, well you can thank my Fiend Judgeman when he's in the graveyard, all I have to do is banish him then as payment he bails me out of losing life points. Still my monster was destroyed."

"Well I'm not done yet, because I play my spell card Extra Attack, now I give up half my life points and it allows my monster to conduct a second attack, so go Dark Magician."

"Well I've got something for that, now if I banish my trap card Rings of Tartarus from my grave I can immediately end your battle phase, furthermore I can destroy one spell/trap on the field and I choose your swords." Sunset had managed to save herself from Isaac's plan.

Fuck! "Well then, I end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 300-

Turn 22: Sunset

"This is ends now! Because I'm about to play a creature that is like no other, watch I can summon it by banishing every monster that's currently in my deck. I play a manifestation of myself, appear a creature that embodies my spirit. Appear, Demon Inferno(3000/3000)!" (Basically just imagine Sunset when she turned into a demon, that's basically the monster she played). "She even got a sweet effect because when she's summoned to the field, she reduces your monster's attack to 0 and negates their effects. Then for every monster that is in your hand/field she gets 1000 attack points." Four cards lighted up with Isaac's 3 monsters on the field and the 1 monster he had left in his hand. Then the power was drained from Isaac's creatures as they were being sucked into Sunset's Inferno. "Look at your monsters, they're helpless. Now behold as I make them watch their master suffer! Inferno erase Isaac from this world! Attack with Flaming Crimson Dive!!! Finish him!!!" Sunset's Inferno then flew high into the sky and began to spin rapidly which created a firestorm around it and came tumbling down at high velocity and power.

Isaac was standing there still, not sure what to do. No, it can't end like this. I won't allow it, there must be some way. Everyone's counting on me. Isaac looked at his hand and at that very moment was hit by Sunset's attack.

"YES!!! Finally!!! You are out of my life for good!! What!?"

Isaac was standing there and all his monsters were safe. "Thankfully I remembered the effect of my Electromagnetic Turtle, so by removing it from the grave I ended your battle phase."

Sunset led out an angry scream. "Well you'll still take damage, because whenever my Inferno fails to attack she can cut your life points by half. You wanted to protect your monster well now you pay the price!" Sunset's monster blasted Isaac as it knocked him off his feet and he landed hard on his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 150-

"Master!" screamed Isaac's Dark Magician. "Master, are you alright!?"

A few moments passed and there wasn't a response from Isaac. He just laid there on his back with his eyes closed and his body covered in bruises. Everybody was concerned with Isaac's well-being and felt that the duel should be stopped as it was going on long enough. Luna was about to call off the match.

"It seems Isaac is unable to..."

"Don't!" Isaac screamed as he started to stir.

"But Isaac, you're hurt! I need to do my job!" yelled Vice-Principal Luna.

"Don't. Whatever you do Luna, don't call it off! I can get up which means I can still fight." Isaac had just made it back to his feet and looked at Sunset while his body was aching. Isaac then looked at his Dark Magician who was concerned for his master. Isaac just merely gave him a smile and a thumbs up.

"Hey Sunset, anybody ever tell you that you hit like a bitch? Come on, here I was expecting to feel some pain and all I've been receiving is some little love taps. That the best you got!?"

"You want more, fine then. I'll break every bone in your body. Tear you limb from limb until I leave you in a pool of your own blood and guts. Mark my words, Isaac! It ends!!"

Turn 23: Isaac

"Your right, Sunset. It ends, but not for me." Isaac then put his hand on his deck and remained still. He closed his eyes and concentrated, he thought back to all the duels he had and all the memories he made since coming to CHS. He remembered meeting the girls and how fast they all bonded. That was Isaac's power, his friends gave him strength and right now he had plenty of it. Isaac then let out an anime cry of battle and drew his card which had a rainbow light that followed behind it with dashing particles sparkling as an afterglow. "Now Sunset, time to show you a power that you don't comprehend, a power that unites us all. Watch as I play Harmonious Friendship!" Isaac held his card high up which was giving off radiation of rainbows that covered the entire field. The girls were watching Isaac when he played that card and they felt something in them as part of their aura was transferred to Isaac and the card which unlocked it's hidden power.

"What's happening!?"

"I'll tell you what's happening Sunset. This card allows me to combine using several creatures from either my deck, hand, and field. So I'll combine Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon, Thunder Unicorn, Rainbow Dragon, Red-Eyes Toon Dragon, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, and lastly my Dark Magician!" All monsters then appeared as they surrounded Isaac's magician who stood in the center as they were lifted into the heavens were their power was being fused together. Out from the clouds came a paladin warrior who had a shield with 7 studded geodes that were each a different color of the rainbow; it wielded a sword that shined brightly as it had one side full of light and the other side full of darkness. "Say hello to my Chromatic Paladin(3000/3000). My paladin has a unique ability because when he's summoned he gains the attack points of your monster, so now my Paladin's attack points rise up to 10,000!"

"10,000 attack points! That's impossible!!"

"Nothing is impossible, Sunset! Now Chromatic Paladin, attack Sunset's Demon Inferno. Rainbow Slash!!"

Isaac then fused his spirit with his monster as it lifted its weapon and then jumped into the air and with a mighty swing of its sword brought it down on Sunset's monster and struck the final blow to Sunset as it brought her to her knees. The attack produced a blindly light that surrounded the entire field as Isaac and Sunset were sucked in. Inside Isaac saw Sunset on her knees and he was standing in front of her looking down at her; Sunset was looked up at Isaac and had tears in her eyes. She had tears in her eyes as she had finally come to realize her actions, all the things she did to people she finally saw her mistakes. Isaac saw that Sunset was starting to feel sorry for herself and was ready to atone for her sins. Isaac then extended his hand for Sunset to accept; she saw what Isaac was doing and was hesitant in accepting his forgiveness. Eventually she grabbed Isaac's hand as the rainbow that surrounded Isaac was then transferred to Sunset as it washed away the remaining darkness in her heart.
Sunset's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Back in the room the light had died down and there stood Isaac with his monster standing by his side while Sunset was lying on her back as she had been defeated. Everybody was silent as they took in the sight in front of them. The duel had ended and the last person standing was their hero. Then in the next moment the crowd came unglued as they cheered at the top of their lungs and showed their appreciation for a battle that would keep them entertained for a long time to come. Isaac didn't stop to take in the moment as he made his way to Sunset and checked on her.

"Hey, Sunset. You okay?"

Sunset opened her eyes and saw that Isaac was kneeling by her side checking on her health. She didn't know what to think, after all the pain and suffering she put Isaac through, he was still willing to give her a chance. She just couldn't figure it out as she began to form more tears in her eyes. "Why? Why did you still help me?"

"Because I wanted to give you a choice. To understand the idea of friendship. You can either choose to seek it out or forever be alone, the choice is up to you."

"I do want to change, but how can I face them after all that I've done. I wouldn't know where to start?" Sunset put her head down as she sat up.

Isaac then put his hand on Sunset's shoulder which caused her to look at him. "I think I may know some people who can help." Isaac was shown pointing at his friends who were standing on their feet celebrating that fact that their friend had won.

Sunset then wrapped her arms around Isaac's neck as she gave him a hug. Isaac then embraced Sunset as he helped her to her feet. Just then they heard someone clapping as it got closer to them. It was none other than Celestia who had a huge smile on her face.

"Now that's the kind of person who deserves to be duel champion. A true duel champion leads not by forcing others to bow before them, but to inspire those around them. To take a stand for the very things you believe in and to show that no matter you will always have people who support. You've shown that you're capable of just that and more. I hope that you see it too, Isaac."

"You know what, Celestia. I do. When I first came here, I didn't know what I was dueling for; but now that I've been on this crazy journey and met some of the most amazing people, I can truly say that I've found my purpose for dueling. Thank you, to you and to everybody who's helped me to realize that. Even you, Sunset Shimmer."

"Good. Now everybody please give one more round of applause for our new duel champion, Isaac!!"

The crowd once again was clapping for Isaac as he had managed to restore honor and glory back to CHS. The girls even rushed to him and pulled Isaac into a giant group hug. Isaac was a bit taken back by this, but eventually decided to let the girls have their moment. Pinkie then grabbed the microphone from Celestia's hand and screamed at the DJ to kickstart the after party. The Fall Formal continued with the all of the students partying and dancing. Sometime later, Isaac had decided to get away from everybody and snuck out of the dance floor and made his way to the front of the school entrance. He was still in his outfit that he wore for his duel against Sunset because it felt a bit more comfortable than his suit. The wind had a cool breeze and the nighttime had granted him some peace and quiet. A sound was then heard as he saw Sunset in front of the school statue looking at it. Isaac then called out to Sunset as he made his way to her.

"Hey Sunset, what are you doing out here?"

"Oh, hey Isaac. Well I was just thinking about something? Thinking should I really stay here and try to fix my mistakes or should just leave and never come back?"

"I don't know what you exactly mean, but I do know that you can't run from your problems. You can try to avoid them as much as you can, but at some point you'll have to face them."

"But will they give me a chance? Will they learn to trust me, or are they forever going to be mad at me? I just don't have the strength to move on."

Isaac then put his hand on Sunset's shoulder as he looked into her eyes. "As long as you show that you want to change, that's all they'll need to give you a chance. And as for not having strength to move forward, know that you'll always have me as a friend and I promise to always be there for you Sunset. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or just want someone to have a laugh then I'm your guy."

Sunset then cracked a small smile as she was touched by Isaac's words. Seeing Sunset be happy was enough for Isaac to feel heartwarming knowing that a new chapter in his life was about to begin. He had managed to save Sunset and was able to become duel champion of Canterlot High. Just then a song was playing and was perfectly describing this moment of Isaac's life. Isaac then looked at Sunset where he offered her his hand.

"Well, care to dance, Sunset?"

Sunset had a bit of a blush when Isaac asked her to dance. She eventually put her hand in his and accepted his request. "I'd like that, boy toy."

They then made their way back to the school as the song was playing. For both of them they knew this chapter of their lives had ended and a new story was beginning to form. For Isaac he didn't know what the future held, but he was certain of one thing. As long as he had his friends by his side then he knew everything would work out alright.

Author's Note:

Well, it seems we've reached the end of this story. I just wanted to say that... HA! I'm joking; you didn't think this was the end did you? I've got so many more ideas planned for this story that I don't even know where to begin. Plus I've yet to introduce a character, so you best believe I'm far from finishing this. That's for damn sure. But seriously thank you to everybody who's been reading this, it make me happy to know that I can create something for people to sit back and enjoy. And I hope to continue to provide you with more content to come. Also a little side note, by the time I post this I'll have written the next few chapters. Before I ever published this story I had about 5 or 6 chapters completed, so that whenever I release a new chapter I don't have to worry about taking so long to update. I'd like to have a couple of chapters done in the case that something happens where I'm unable to write for a couple of days, or if I decide to take a small break then I want to make sure that I don't leave you guys without something to enjoy. Anyways this chapter is long enough without me rambling, just wanted to say thank you for those reading this and for sharing it with your friends. Makes me happy, alright take care everybody and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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