• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 157: Nightmare Night

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door—
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more."

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Nameless here for evermore."

"Seems you're getting better." said Fluttershy as she was sitting next to Isaac at the dining table in the house as they were doing some homework.

"Well, the only reason I'm passing AP Literature is because of you. Trust me, without your help on understand what certain phrases and words mean, I probably would've failed the class." said the boy as she complimented the shy girl next to him.

"Thanks." said Fluttershy. "Speaking of our poems, any plans for the upcoming halloween festival?"

"Well, seeing as how Luna acted like a little girl and that Pinkie is planning the festival along with the Party Planning Committee, I think they'll do a good job." Just hope that things won't be crazy as it was last time.

Isaac then thought back to what happened on the last festival. Isaac's Dark Magician Girl had appeared and decided to cross the border between the human world and the spirit world for the night as she wanted to have a night like a normal person. Though there they did have to deal with an evil spirit that wanted to escape and cause havoc; though they were able to make sure that didn't happen as Vice-principal Luna stopped the evil spirit. So one would hope that this year it would be a bit less hectic, but one had to be prepared for anything.

The entire school was getting ready for the nightmare festival that everybody would soon enjoy. Pinkie even had the students help her at setting up as she couldn't wait to make her last halloween bash the biggest she could. With the festival being on everybody's mind, all the school was trying to have the field all set up; thankfully there were still some decorations from last year that it didn't take as much time to set up. And with this night coming up, it meant that many people would be dressing up. So Rarity took it upon herself as she allowed the kids to come to her boutique as she had tons of costumes already made as she allowed the kids to pick out the outfits they wanted to have.

As for the gang, they too were looking forward to their last halloween festival of their high school career. That being said, to avoid a certain issue like last time, Isaac was at his desk in his room as he was sitting in his chair as he was talking with his magicians.

"You both know what happened last time." said Isaac.

"Of course, master. Thankfully, Mana didn't cause any trouble that may have put both worlds in jeopardy." said Mahad.

"Hey, me and Isaac stopped Zombie Goblin from taking the souls of the students he captured and escaping into the real world. That counts as win in my book." stated Mana with a smile on her face.

"Well, regardless, I want to avoid another instance of that happening again." said Isaac.

"Exactly, which is why I'm going to be accompanying you again this year, Isaac." said Mana as she hugged Isaac from his side. "Can't have my cute master in danger, now."

"Mana, don't be ridiculous!" shouted Mahad. "Knowing you, you'll cause mischief. Keep in mind that on that night, even though we'll be able to see and feel things, we're still spirits. And our top priority is keep the barrier between our world and the realm of the mortals in check. Which means you can't fool around."

"This is the exact reason why I did what I did last year. You're too boring, you don't let me have fun." groaned Mana.

"Well, I wouldn't have to if you finally act responsible for once." replied Mahad as soon both he and his student began to argue in front of their master.

"Never gets old." said Isaac as he watched his magicians bicker.

"Halloween, spooky." said Black Robe Mentalist in her goth voice as she made a surprise appearance.

"Ahh! Oh, it's you. Sorry, I just didn't expect to see you." said Isaac as he looked at his teen magician. "So, let me guess. Halloween peak your interest."

"Blood, death, ghosts. All of it." said Black Robe Mentalist with a straight face.

"Ok-ay." said Isaac as he didn't know how to respond to that by his monster. "Well, knowing Mana, she'll probably want to tag along. Want to join in?"

"I'd rather read my books." said Black Robe Mentalist as she prefer to keep to herself.

"Come on. You can't just be like that, you need to get out. Meet some people, see how things are in this time period." said Isaac. I did say that I needed to spend sometime with her, this might be my best shot to get her to open up to me and learn about her.

"I've got it!" said Isaac as it caused Mahad and Mana to stop their bickering and look at their master. Black Robe Mentalist was reading her book as she listened to her master.

"Why don't you come with me to the halloween festival?" said Isaac as he looked at his Black Robe Mentalist.

"What?!" she said as she closed her spellbook of dark magic.

"You need to socialize and this might be the best way for you to opened yourself."

"I'll pass." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"On come on, girlfriend. Isaac might be right, you're always hiding away in your room. Me and the other girls all tried to get you to leave that place, but you never do." said Mana. "Personally, I agree with Isaac. You need to get out and expand your horizons and Isaac is the perfect guide to helping you."

"I promise to make sure you have a fun time." said Isaac.

"No." said Black Robe Mentalist as she turned her back to her master.

"How about this, if I can't get you to have a fun time or even smile once during our outing, I'll leave you alone for good. I won't ever bother you again." offered Isaac.

"Hmm." said Black Robe Mentalist as she looked at her master.

"You have more to gain than to lose." clarified Isaac.

"Fine." said Black Robe Mentalist as she let out a sigh.

"Then it's settled." said Isaac.

"Seems there's no stopping her. Very well, please try to not to cause trouble for the master, Mana during your night out." informed Mahad.

"You've got nothing to worry about Mahad. Lighten up."

"If only I could." said Mahad as both he and Mana disappeared back into Isaac's deck.

"Then it's settled." said Isaac as he looked at his Black Robe Mentalist. "By the way, seeing as how you're going to be with me. I probably should give you a name or an identity, instead of referring to you by your Duel Monsters name, just in case you interact with another person."

"Whatever." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"Question is: what name should I give you?" said Isaac as he put his hand to his chin as he was thinking. He then looked at his desk as he saw the name of the poem he had to recite for his AP Literature class as it was written by Edgar Allen Poe. Soon a lightbulb went off in his head. "How about... Raven? I don't think anybody would question that, it seems like a normal name."

"Raven... so dreadfully." said Black Robe Mentalist.

'I'll take that as a yes." said Isaac. "Though it'll probably help if I actually see your face too. So, can I?"

Black Robe Mentalist looked at Isaac as she was thinking of whether or not to grant her master's request. She soon let out a sigh as she hovered in front of Isaac as she still had a straight look on her face. Isaac then brought his hands up and he threw back his magician's hood of her cloak so that he could see how she actually looked. Safe to say he was surprised by how much her hood was able to cover up her features as it amazed Isaac. Her hair was black and it was done in the style of a strong bob, her skin was a beige color as she wore a pendant around her neck that was connected by a black string.

"Huh, wow." said Isaac as he was really taken back by his magician's appearance. "You're actually beautiful."

"I don't do pretty." said Black Robe Mentalist as she quickly pulled her hood back up as she covered herself so that only her eyes and mouth were visible for all to see.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that. Besides I think you'll have fun." said Isaac.

"I don't do fun, either. Are you always this annoying?" groaned Black Robe Mentalist.

"So I've been told." chuckled Isaac as he hoped to get a laugh from his magician but she still kept a straight face. "Yeesh, not even a chuckle. Man, do I have my work cut out for me?"

"I'm leaving, and tell Sunset the extra batteries are on top of the TV." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"Huh?" said Isaac as his phone made a noise as he received a text. He then grabbed it and he checked his messages and true to his magician's saying, Sunset was asking Isaac were the extra batteries for the TV remote were. "How..."

"I'm a mentalist, mind, brain." stated Black Robe Mentalist as she disappeared back into her deck.

The days rolled by as soon it was the night of Old Hallows Eve. In the Spirit World, all the good-hearted Duel Monsters spirits were getting ready to enjoy a pleasant night. Even a few of the jokers and tricksters were looking forward to having a bit of fun. Inside her dark, black room, Black Robe Mentalist was currently mediating as she tried to clear her mind.

"Inner peace... inner peace... inner peace..." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"Hey, girlfriend. You ready!!" shouted Mana as she was pounding on her door.

"Inner peace..." groaned Black Robe Mentalist as she tried to ignore the sounds interrupting her concentration.

"Hello." stated Mana.

"Ugg!" groaned the spellcaster as she put her hood over and then floated over to her door as she used her magic to open the door. "What?!" gritted her teeth in a cartoonish effect.

"Tonight's the night." smiled Mana.

"I was hoping you would forget." growled Black Robe Mentalist. "I don't know why I agreed to this stupid idea."

"Isaac, trying to get you to come out of your shell." said Mana.

"I like being in my shell. Nobody to annoy me." said the goth teen.

"That right there is why you need to get out. Now come on, We only have one night to be human again. Well, close to being human." said Mana as she grabbed her friend by her arm and dragged her off as the door to her room closed.

"Almost time." said Isaac as he looked at his watch as it was already nighttime as he was in his room. Soon a knock came from his door as he went to see who it was.

"There you are." said Twilight. "Like my costume."

"Love it." said Isaac as he saw his girlfriend was dress as her High Priestess of Prophecy. "Really makes you look just as stunning as she is." Isaac then grabbed Twilight by her waist as he pulled her in and brought his lips to make contact with her as Twilight brought her hand to cusp Isaac's face as he did the same. After a few moments, both pulled away as they both looked at each other with a loving smile on their faces.

"Okay, settle down. Don't want to cause suspicion to the others why my costume is all wrinkled." stated Twilight. "Speaking of which, what are your plans for tonight?"

"I've got something in mind." said Isaac.

"Like?" said Twilight as she rolled her hand for an explanation.

"It's a secret." said Isaac.

"And you can't tell me, because..."

"Remember last year, with my Dark Magician Girl."

"Not that again! Spirits?!" said Twilight.

"I mean, Duel Monster Spirits are real, Twi."

"Then how come everybody can't see them?" asked Twilight. "The reason you see your magicians is cause of your bond with them and your deck, it's not magic. I get that the cards we play in our decks do have souls to a certain degree, but to think that they can actually be human and interact with us. It's bit far fetched. And I know we've had magically encounters in the past, but we live in a world where Duel Monsters rule everything, from compromises, to settling issues, to even having fun. All of that is dedicated by this game we play. So if you think about, magic is just second to that and nobody eve thinks it exist." informed the nerdy girl.

"Then it's a good thing that only we fully understand these magical encounters." said Isaac. "Have fun tonight at Applejack's farm."

"You too with, whatever plans you have. Just be safe and don't do anything foolish." said Twilight as she put her hand to Isaac's cheek.

"I can't promise that, but I'll try." said Isaac as he grabbed Twilight's hand as he kissed it and then snuck one last kiss to his girlfriend as she said goodbye.

Isaac then entered back into his room as soon a small portal appeared as out came his Dark Magician Girl as she dragged Black Robe Mentalist by her arm as she was still against this idea.

"Seems you girls are ready." said Isaac.

"Oh, we are!" giddy Mana as she couldn't wait for the night.

"Yippee." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"Mahad is busy protecting the border and making sure that no evil spirits escape this time." said Mana.

"Alright then, now we just need to get you girls into costume.

"Isaac." said Mana as she pointed to her and Black Robe Mentalist outfits.

"Oh, right. Nobody would expect real Duel Monster spirits to go as themselves." said Isaac. "Well, then we need to make sure that we get our stories straight when we're around others. So?" Isaac was scratching his head as he was trying to come up with a fake identity, for Mana the last time she went with him, he just told everybody else that she was his cousin who was visiting from out of town. But he was having a hard time coming up with a story for his other magician.

"How about we keep it simple and say she's my sister?" said Mana.

"What do you think?" asked Isaac to his Black Robe Mentalist.

"Whatever gets this night over the fastest." groaned Black Robe Mentalist.

"Alright, then. And I haven't forget about the deal we made, if I can't get you to have fun or crack a smile. I'll leave you alone."

"Great." said Isaac's magician.

"Then let's go to the festival." said Isaac as he put on his signature hoodie and place his cap on his head. He grabbed his duel disk and slotted it on his arm as he wanted to be prepared in case things went south. Soon both he and his female magicians were off.

While the girls and Spike were at Applejack's farm which had been turned into an fright place for people to enjoy. At the school, there was a festival happening that was attracting just as much attention as it was filled with tons of kids enjoying themselves as they played games and ate some delicious treats. Isaac arrived with his magicians as they entered the premise and just like before, all the boys were immediately smitten with Mana and her appearance. She thanked them for her compliments as she clanged to her master's side as it got some of them to be furious at Isaac. Thankfully, they bought his story that she was his cousin as it got them to back off.

"Why does this always happen?" asked Isaac as he felt his life was jeopardy.

"Cause they're just jealous that out of all the men I chose to be with for the rest of my life, I chose you." giggled Mana as she planted a kiss on her master's cheek.

"Does she always do this?" asked Black Robe Mentalist.

"More times than I can count." said Isaac.

Eventually, they arrived at a handmade haunted house as the three decided to check it out. Safe to say, that the effects and the effort put into it was top notch as it got Mana to be scared for a bit. However, Black Robe Mentalist just kept a straight look on her face.

"I'm grateful, Pinkie isn't here." said Isaac as he shivered a bit as they encountered some kind of horrifying food monster in the haunted house. He could only imagine what she would do if she saw it.

"You're telling me." said Mana as she too was a bit frighten.

"Ehh." said Black Robe Mentalists as she gave a shrug.

"That didn't scare you." said the young master.

"I've seen scarier stuff in my books." said Isaac's magician. "Besides, I don't do fear."

"Well, good thing we've got other stuff for you to enjoy." said Isaac. He was about to suggest something when he saw Mana pull out a white stone as it began to flash.

"What?!!" shouted Mana.

"NOW!!" shouted a voice from it as it sounded like it belonged to Isaac's Dark Magician.

"You're no fun, Mahad!" shouted Mana as she put the stone back into her mini skirt. "Seems Mahad needs my help with some spirits. He knows this my was suppose to be my night with you, I told him not to call me. Sorry, Isaac but I need to take care of it or else Mahad is gonna start yelling." said Mana as she made a portal open in front of her. "I'll be back as quick as I can."

"No worries, Mana. Be safe." said Isaac.

"He's going to pay for ruining my date with you." complained Mana as she entered the portal and went off to help her teacher.

"Well, that was unexpected." said Isaac as they were now down one party member. "But I think we still have fun.... and hey where are you going?"

"Home." said Black Robe Mentalist as she started to levitate away. "I've got books to read and demons to cast."

"Come on!" yelled out Isaac as he managed to stop in front of his magician. "The night's only started. And we've barely done anything to get you to have fun. Give me a chance at least."

"I did. And you failed, now keep your end of the bargain and leave me alone."

"We've only gotten started. Just give me time." pleaded Isaac.

Black Robe Mentalist looked at Isaac as she examined his face. She didn't know what compelled her to listen to her master's wishes, but seeing as how he was going out of his way to give her a 'fun time', she at least thought it fair to make her judgement after he ran out of options.

"Fine." groaned the goth girl as she hovered in a direction with Isaac following her.

And so the two went off as Isaac was determined to get his magician to come out of her shell. One thing that Isaac thought might get his magician to smile was a Halloween scavenger hunt that was about to start. Seeing as she was a mentalist and you had to figure out what each riddle meant. He thought she would enjoy solving these tiny puzzles; well, he was partially right cause once they got their list of things to find and their clues were given, it took them but 20 minutes for them to finish. Mostly cause Isaac's magician got it right away and then used her magic to make the stuff appear. Isaac just smiled and nodded when they presented the stuff to the overseer as he was impressed by how quickly they finished everything. Isaac just joked about it, but was a bit disappointed that she used her skills and magic to get this over with.

The next thing Isaac tried to get his magician to smile was bobbling for apples. All the while, Black Robe Mentalist just kept her same straight face as she watched her master make a fool of himself. After about 3 tries, Isaac finally managed to get an apple into his mouth as his hair was soaked. She then snapped her fingers as it got the boy's hair all dried up and back to its proper place. Isaac then allowed her to take a try to which she just approached the bucket of apples and looked at it. She then pulled down her hoodie as it allowed others to see her true face as she lowered her head into the bucket and immediately she had one as she used her magic to make it appear in her mouth. She then spat it out as she put her hoodie back on. She still held the same expression as Isaac was now even more determined to get her to smile.

After that, they tried several other games that Isaac thought would help lighten the mood, but it seemed she didn't care much about them as she often used her magic to win the games without anybody noticing except Isaac. Even all the food that was being served didn't help as she just ate it with a straight face; one thing Isaac did find out about his magician was rather shocking.

"What?!" said Isaac.

"I don't like sweets." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"Nonsense! Nobody can resist something so delicious and sugary. Try it." asked Isaac as he had pieces of candy in his hand.

"No. I don't like sweets." stated Isaac's magician as she began to leave as Isaac ate the candy himself as he chased after her.

"Is it over? Cause I have other things I could be doing." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"The night is still young." said Isaac as he was trying to keep up with his magician which was hard as she was levitating faster than he could run.

"Professor?" said a voice.


Isaac then turned to see who the voice belonged to as it was Amber who was accompanied by Penny as the two of them were in costumes. Amber was dressed as her Lunalight Emerald Bird while Penny was dressed as one of her Blackwing monsters.

"Surprised seeing you here." said Amber.

"How is that surprising?" said Penny.

"Oh, girls. Nice to see you." stated Isaac. "Cool costumes."

"Thanks." said Penny. "Who's the girl you're with? Are you cheating on professor Twilight?"

"NO!" shouted Isaac as everybody around them all turned their head to him before they went back to doing their own thing. "No, this is... my cousin's sister." said Isaac.

"Your cousin's sister?" asked Amber.

"Yeah... her name is... Raven." said Isaac as he did his best to put on his best fake smile. "She and her sister are visiting from out of town, so I invited them to come enjoy the festival at school. However, her sister had to take care of somethings so she left her with me so that I can show her a good time."

"Really?" asked Amber as she was looking at Isaac's Black Robe Mentalist.

"Against my will, I might add." She then looked at Penny as she took in the young girl's outfit. "Cool costume kid, love the black."

"It's bad isn't." said Penny. "And I love the dark cloak, giving me lonely vibes."

"So where are the others?" asked Amber.

"Well, Twilight and the girls are at Applejack's farm as they wanted to hang out. I was going to join them, but as you can see, something else came up. So I told them to go on without me; I've been trying to get her to come out of her shell." said Isaac.

"Well, how about this?" said Amber as she led the four of them to another stand that was set up for the festival.

"Here they have several material that you can use to make a Halloween Feel Box." said Amber.

"What the hell is a Halloween Feel Box?" asked Penny.

"Basically you have your box to decorate and then you fill it up with items that are cold, slimy, or otherwise unpleasant to touch, such as cooked spaghetti or peeled grapes. Then people stick their hands in the boxes and try to guess what the items are." explained Amber.

"Sounds intriguing. Well, care to try with me." asked Isaac.

"Does it look like I have a choice?" said Black Robe Mentalist as she and her master approached one of the table.

Isaac then began to decorate the box using the materials as he did it to the best of his ability to make it look presentable.

"Alright, now that the box is done. We just need to figure out what to put in." said Isaac as he looked at the stuff that they could put in their box.

"Done." said Black Robe Mentalist as she used her hands and casted a spell at the box.

"So... what did you put in there?" asked Isaac as he was a bit concerned.

"Alright, time to see what you guys have?" said one of the judges as they approached their table. He then reached his hand into the box as he immediately felt it both squishy and oozing. "Well, that's a strange sensation. Never felt anything like it. Soft, yet gooey, and also did it just move? What is it?"

"Fish eye and also Loxosceles reclusa." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"What?" said Isaac and the judge at the last part mentioned by the goth magician.

"Brown Recluse Spider." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"Spider!?!" shouted the judge as he pulled out a literal fish eye as it was covered in goo and it actually blinked at him as it was still functioning. The spider was in the judge's hand as it then started to crawl up his arm as it was now on his shoulder. Soon it took a bit of the judge as he felt the effects of the bite.

"I... I... I... think..." said the judge as he fell on the floor.

"Oh, that's not good." said Isaac.

"That was fun." said Black Robe Mentalist as she still had a straight face.

"You didn't actually have to put real stuff in there. And is he going to be okay?" asked Isaac.

"All the other stuff bore me to death. No realism, plus I went light-hearted on what I put in the box." said Black Robe Mentalist. "And for him, he'll be fine. The venom will be give some allergic reactions within the next few hours. But he'll be fine, in a few weeks."

"Few weeks?! We can't wait that long. Can't you cast a spell on him to fix all this?" asked Isaac.

"Yes." said Isaac's magician in a deadpanned tone.

"Then what are you waiting for, do it! I don't want a death on my conscience." demanded Isaac to which Black Robe Mentalist just used her hand to cast some magic as she managed to revive the judge back to full health and make him forget about what happened.

"What's going on? It's feels like I feel down." said the judge as he got up. "Anyways, congrats you both win first place." The judge then handed a blue ribbon and put it on the box as he walked away.

"You two won? Nice." said Penny.

"So what did you guys put in your box?" asked Amber as she was about to put her hand inside.

"Don't do that!" shouted Isaac.

"I'm not a child, professor." said Amber. "I can handle myself." Amber then stuck her hand into the box as she felt the contents of Isaac and his magician's box. "Huh, rubber spiders and fish eyes. Funny, it feels so real."

"Huh?" said Isaac as he decided to stick his own hand into the box and to Amber's statement, all the stuff that was there before was now replaced with rubber stuff. Though to her credit, it felt like Isaac was actually holding the real thing. Well, minus the venom bite. He then turned to look at his magician.

"You're welcome." said Black Robe Mentalist as she started to walk away.

The next place Amber and Penny brought the pair to was an open stage where people were reading poems about Halloween. Isaac figured this might be a good idea, seeing as how his magician often read her spellbooks, she might like a bit of poetry, especially from some of the famous writers that his world had to offer. They all sat and listen, Isaac looked at his magician to see if she was having fun to which she kept a straight face. Soon they switched over to telling scary stories, as they wanted to give people some fright. One by one, people came up to the stage as they did their best to tell their story and try to give people a scare. While most of the stories were mediocre, they did send some chills down people's spines.

Isaac decided that he should have his Black Robe Mentalist go up and tell her own tale seeing as she probably had her stories to tell. She just shrugged as she approached the stage and tapped the mic as she got everybody's attention.

"Seems we have another person who wants to share." said one of the overseers as he and everybody else got comfy to listen.

Isaac was on stage with his magician as he wanted to provide moral support as he gave her a thumbs up. Black Robe Mentalist just rolled her eyes as she used her mind to create some special effects that allowed a visual for her tale.

She then cleared her throat. "The air was cold... the night skies black over the city. Many of the citizens slept on high alert (Or not at all), the rest rioting the streets due to the horrid events of..."

Everybody was shitting their pants when they heard the story by Isaac's magician. Normally the kids would have nightmares, but the story being told by Black Robe Mentalist was giving the adults nightmares. Not to mention the visuals created by Isaac's magician added more imagery that was going to be engraved in people's minds that would result in sleepless nights.

"The end." said Black Robe Mentalist as she finished her tale. There was silence as nothing but the wind blew. "Boo." she said in a soft tone.

"AHHH!!!!" shouted everybody as they all booked it and left in a trail of dust.

"That's some scary shit!!!" said Isaac as he too was a bit terrified.

After having sometime to cool off from the story told by his magician, they soon met up with Amber and Penny. They had been at the dessert table as Amber was stuffing her face with cake as fast she could.

"Mmmm! Ahh yes! These are the moments I live for!" said Amber as she was eating the sweet treat.

"I don't understand you." said Penny as she amazed the girl who was but younger than her not only had an appetite when it came to cake, but why she tried to hide it from other people knowing about it. She then tried to eat her own piece while watching Amber eat hers.

Isaac had gotten a piece for himself and gave one to his magician as he tried to get her to try a bite. While Isaac was turned around for a second, Black Robe Mentalist quickly gave it to a kid that was passing by as she told him it was a gift.

"So, Raven?" said Amber as she addressed Isaac's magician. "How did you like the cake? I bet you ate it, didn't you? I knew it was irresistible. What was the experience like? I'm curious, from a research perspective."

"I don't know. I didn't eat it. I gave it to some kid."

Amber spat out the food she had in her mouth as she heard the response from Isaac's monster. "You...gave it to some...undeserving child?!" shouted the young girl.

"We've been over this. I don't like sweets."

"Cake is not a 'sweet'. Cake is the divine essence of the heavens!" stated Amber as she was trying to justify her point.

"Why do I feel like Principal Celestia would agree with that statement." said Isaac as he took a bite of his own plate.

"Everyone has their own tastes." said Isaac's mentalist.

"That's true, but life without cake is no life at all. Your divisiveness regarding cake is inexcusable." said Amber.

"I'm not sure why you're so fixated on this." said Isaac's magician as she was impressed by how passionate Amber was for being so young.

"I simply can't resist the spongy magnificence of cakes. I don't understand how you can be so dispassionate about it."

"I don't know. I just don't like it."

"Just try a bite. Come on. Open up!" Amber then tried to feed a piece to Isaac's magician.

"No. I already told you, I don't want it." stated the goth spellcaster.

"But this one is made with care and attention—love even. Plus, it's light on the sugar."

"Not light enough, I'd bet." said Isaac's magician as she made a remark. "If I eat this, will you stop bothering me?"

"More or less. Just don't give it to some silly child this time." said Amber and she and Penny left.

"Let's get this over with." groaned the teen sorcerer as she reluctantly took a piece of the treat and used her power to lift the spoon to her mouth and ate it.

Isaac watched this interaction from his monster. "Well?" said Isaac with a hopeful smile.

"What?" said his monster.

"Seriously? Nothing." stated the boy.

"It was edible." said Black Robe Mentalist as she used her magic to whisk away the cake as she floated away with Isaac following her with his head down.

Eventually the two made it to the center of the festival as soon a noise was heard. Both looked to where it was coming from and it appeared to be some Zombie Warrior spirits who were starting to tear down some of the stands.

"Trouble, I should have expected this." said Isaac as he turned his duel disk on as it projected a gold card tray. "Time to send these spirits packing. Queen's, King's, and Jack's Knight!" said Isaac as he summoned his three royal knights as they stood in front of their master and charged forward to deal with the many spirits as they all started to trade swords while blocking each other's attacks.

Black Robe Mentalist soon got involved as she mindlessly hovered to the battle as she put her hands out and was blasting the monsters with ease as they crumbled into piles of bone and were defeated.

"How about a bit more help? Arcana Triumph Joker, Imperial Bower and Joker's Knight." said Isaac as he showed off some new cards of his deck as he summoned three more monsters with one of them being made up of two soldiers.

The new monsters then acknowledged Isaac as their new master as they too charged forward and got in on the action as they began to brawl with the enemy. While this was happening, the people around them watching all decided to take a seat as they believed this to be a part of the entertainment. After a good chunk of time, Isaac and his monsters had managed to repel the rest of the undead warriors as they all ran back into the portal they came out of as they returned back to the spirits world as it closed up behind them with a zipper sound effect.

"Man, are these new cards awesome!!" shouted Isaac as he loved the power his new monsters brought.

"What a show!!" shouted one of the individuals who watched the interaction.

"Huh?" was Isaac's response.

"My word, those were some cool effects. How did they make those skeleton costumes so real?" asked a women as she was clapping.

"I'm amazed as well, this looks like a real arm." said a women as she picked up an skeleton arm that belonged to one of the monsters.

"Uh, thank you. Thank you." said Isaac as he tried to play along with the crowd. "We hope to see you next year." said Isaac as he gave a bow to which his monsters did the same as they followed their master's movements. They then all returned back to Isaac's deck as only his Black Robe Mentalist remained. Isaac looked at her as she still had an unamused look on her face. Isaac just let out a sigh of defeat as the festival was soon over.

Isaac was on the roof of Canterlot High as he was sitting on the edge with his magician hovering next to him.

"Well, this night didn't go as planned." said Isaac.

"I predicted this." said Black Robe Mentalist as she soon sat down next to her master.

"I just thought that I could finally get you to come out of your shell. But I guess I couldn't." said Isaac as he put his head down. "I'm sorry I failed and I wasted your time." Isaac then stood up as he started to make his way to the stairs. "I'm man of my word, I'll leave you alone."

"Wait." said Black Robe Mentalist. "I had fun."

"What?" Isaac now stopped in his tracks as he turned back to look at his magician as she was still sitting on the edge of the building overlooking the place and staring straight forward as she talked.

"I had fun. I thought this night was going to be a drag and it was. But... seeing how determined you were in trying to make me interact with others and come out of my shell is admirable." said Isaac's sorcerer. "Not many people are, stubborn, annoying, self-centered,..."

"I feel like there's a 'but' coming." said Isaac.

"... idiotic, naïve, manipulative,..."

"Okay, you can stop anytime now?" said Isaac as his magician kept going on.

"...irritating, ignorant, headstrong..." continued Black Robe Mentalist.

"Not making feel better about myself." shouted the boy.

"... difficult, demanding, reckless..."

"I get it!" yelled Isaac as he put his head down.

"Determined." said Black Robe Mentalist as it caused the boy to lift his head.

"You're determined. You're willing to do whatever it takes to make those around you smile, even it costs your own happiness." said his magician as she soon hovered with her magic as she was now standing in front of her master. "I respect that about you. Which is why it was fun seeing you try so hard to get me to smile. And I thank you." smiled Black Robe Mentalist.

"You're smiling." said Isaac as he was shocked. "Holy shit, you're actually smiling."

"I could take it all back, right now." said his magician.

'No, no. It's okay. I'm just surprised that you had fun." said the boy.

"Well, I'll admit causing the judge to be paralyzed was amusing. So was scaring the others with my story. And the battle did allow me to have some fun." said Isaac's mentalist.

"And the cake?"

"It was satisfying and lightweight. I imagine it would be quite useful as a battlefield provision." said Isaac's magician.

"Not the compliment that Amber would like, but better than nothing." said Isaac. "And I won't tell anybody about it."

"I know you won't. It's not like you; I see why the others girls and female magicians all like you. Apart from your annoying side, you actually provided fun in the boring of scenarios." Once again she managed to smile as she looked at Isaac.

Isaac then raised his hand as he took off the hood of his Black Robe Mentalist as he wanted to see her hidden face with his own eyes.

"I meant what I said the other day, you're really pretty."

"Can you say stuff like that given you're in a relationship?" asked the goth girl.

"So? Just because I have a girlfriend, doesn't mean I can't give compliments to a girl's beauty. It's like saying you love someone, sure you normally say that to the special person in your heart. But you can also can say it and not have it be romantic. You don't need to be my special someone for me to say this. As my friend, I love you and I think you're beautiful. Same with the girls and all my female monsters." said Isaac as he had a smile on his face.

"You really mean that?"

"I do." said the boy.

"Thanks, master."

"You don't have to address me by that title. Only Mahad does that; just call me by my name. I treat you guys like my friends not my servants, even if that is our roles."

"Thanks, Isaac." smiled Black Robe Mentalist. She then brought her left hand to touch Isaac's cheek as she pressed her forehead to Isaac's as she closed her eyes.

Isaac was surprised by this when suddenly he felt the magic of his Black Robe Mentalist surging through him as his eyes widen. She was looking through Isaac's subconscious as she detected something radiating off of her young master. Inside his mind, she was mediating as she tried to focus; soon images started to flow. One image was what appeared to be two duelists battling but they were all blacked out as she couldn't make out who they were. Another image came as it showed another shadow of a person as they were taking on what appeared to be a another dark image but it was also blacked out. Another image saw the shadow of a person walking forward towards a door as a white light came from it and soon engulfed the person.

"These visions, what are they? And what do they mean?" said Black Robe Mentalist as she was trying to pick her master's mind a bit more. "I must know, what the future holds for my master. Wait... I sense something..."

Now huge room was depicted as it was all white and in the center were some more shadowy figures as they all stood side by side as they stared at a door. Soon the door opened and coming in was another figure as they all raised their duel disk and prepared to fight.

"Ahh." said Black Robe Mentalist as she had finished her magic but kept her forehead pressed against Isaac and her hand on his cheek.

"What is it?" asked the boy.

"I'm... not sure. From your mind, I've seen visions of what appears to be things that have yet to aspire." said the goth girl in a concerning voice.

"Is it bad?"

"I can't say. For some reason, my magic can't pernitrate your mind's defenses. It's like your mind is resisting my powers, or better yet a force greater than me is purposely blocking my view. But all I could see what shadows, followed by black and eventually darkness." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"Is that all? Is there no upside?" asked Isaac.

"Hmm." Black Robe Mentalist then closed her eyes as she accessed the boy's mind which lasted for a few seconds. "There appears to be a while light... but that's all I can make out. To what it means, I don't know."

"Oh." said Isaac as the silence was now filling the air. It lasted for a few moments, before Isaac spoke again. "Well, I'm sure everything will be alright in the end. It has too be."

"I guess." said the sorcerer as she removed herself from Isaac's touch.

"Now come on, it's getting late. We need to head home." said Isaac as he started to head towards the stairs.

"Or we could do this." said Black Robe Mentalist as she used her hands and teleported both her and Isaac back to his room.

"Oh, right. I probably should have asked you to do that." smiled Isaac sheepishly. Soon a portal was opening up in his room as out emerged Mana.

"Great! I had to help Mahad and I end up missing the whole night! Why do spirits always have to ruin everything!?" pouted Mana. "I didn't get to enjoy our date."

"It's fine, Mana. I'll tell you about once we leave." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"Huh. I didn't notice you, girlfriend. You actually have your hood down." Mana then realized what that meant. "Does that mean you were able to get her to open up, Isaac?"

"More or less." said their master.

"Anyways, the night's about to be over and the barrier is about to close." said Black Robe Mentalist as she approached the portal Mana came through. "See ya, Isaac. And thanks for tonight."

"My pleasure." stated the boy as his magician approached him.

"You're cute." said Black Robe Mentalist as she gave Isaac a peck on his cheek. "And I love you too." She then put her hood back up as she stepped through the portal and was gone.

"Isn't he?" smiled Mana as she planted a kiss on Isaac's cheek as well. "Wait up, girlfriend. I want to hear the story." stated Mana as the portal now sealed behind her as it closed.

Soon Isaac looked at his watched as it let out a beep as it read midnight. He then pulled out his deck as he took out his Dark Magician Girl card and saw Mana give him a wink to show she made it back safe. Isaac then pulled out his pendulum card as he saw his Black Robe Mentalist and observed her artwork to see if she was alright. Isaac stared heavily at her picture as she was displaying her magic with a serious look. Soon the expressed changed for just a second as she had a smile on her face as her the hood of her cloak was pulled down; it then changed back to her original art. With that Isaac let out a smile of his own which was soon followed by a yawn as he decided to head off to bed.

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