• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,579 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 12: Calm Before the Storm

The next day at school the entire atmosphere was drastically different. I knew why because today was the final day to get ready because starting tomorrow the whole entire school would be a warzone. Everybody would be looking to secure a spot in the finals in order to show what they can do. For me, I was a bit scared, I know right. Me, afraid? Well I am. This was the first time I was going to be on a big stage with hundreds of people watching me not only seeing what I could do but also studying me to find out how to beat me. That feeling alone is enough to drive anybody wild; not to mention that I was doing this for the greater good. Although, I never told the girls this because I didn't know how they would respond. But a part of me believed that Sunset could be redeemed; I know someone who's had a bad reputation is the last person you would expect to turn over a new leaf but I'm a firm believer in second chances. Still, if Sunset wasn't one to accept my help then there's not much I could do for her. We'll just have to wait and see. Anyways I was in class focusing on the teacher's lecture; despite it being the day before the tournament students were still expected to attend class and anybody caught skipping would forfeit their opportunity to compete.

By midday everyone was preparing like their life depended on it. Everywhere you could see everyone was looking at their cards, some were even taking apart their deck piece by piece, others began to trade in order to cover their weaknesses. While all this was happening, Isaac decided to step out for a second to get some fresh air. He needed to escape from all this tension so that he could gather his thoughts clearly. In less than a day, everything he knew about Duel Monsters would be put to the test, not to mention he was also helping the girls to liberate the school power hungry tyrant. Still in a way it felt like Isaac was trying to save the world, he knew it sounded strange to compare that to something major but it felt like that in a way. Anyways there wasn't much he could do beforehand, the best thing was to prepare himself.

Sunset awoke with a weird headache. All day she had been dealing with a tremendous amount of pain that she constantly had to make trips to the restroom. Her head was beating so fast that it felt like she was experiencing a migraine. After splashing some water on her face, she was able to regain some of her senses.

"What happened? I haven't experienced something like that in a long time." Eventually, her memories started to come back as she replayed the events of last night in her mind. "Now I remember."

Yes, it's been a while. Now that we've been unleashed we can bring this world to its knees.

"Yes, then once this world has fallen under my rule. Then all of Equestria will bow down to its new ruler!"

Celestia was wrong to abandon us and we'll make her pay. With this power there's nobody who can stand in our way!

"Still, I worry about that kid and the group of girls. They've been a thorn in my side for far too long. Once I've won the Fall Formal, I'll dispose of them properly."

And what about Isaac? He could prove a problem if he's not dealt with.

"What good can he do by himself? As far as I'm concerned, he's nothing more than an afterthought. Still he would prove to be a valuable asset. Maybe I'll keep him around as a sort of boy toy, he's kinda cute when he's playing the hero. HA HA HA!"

Celestia and Luna were in their office making the final preparations for the tournament. They were going over every students who were participating and running a sort of background check on each competitor. they were able to see all of the information about the students like what deck they had, their star monster, win/loss record, etc... While that was going on, Celestia was looking out her window while she was lost in her thoughts. Eventually, Luna saw this and addressed her sister.

"Something on your mind, dear sister?"

"Oh, Luna. It's nothing really, I'm just thinking about this year's Fall Formal and how it's shaping up to be. This is the biggest roster we've had of students partaking in this event and I couldn't be more proud of them."

"Indeed, we've had more duelists enter than we expected we nearly ran out of registration forms. Still you should see that as a success, it means that we get to see more of our beloved students showcase their skills. Not to mention the massive support we're getting from the Board of Education. It's a shame we can't partake."

"Now Lulu, it would be unfair to the students if we suddenly stole all the attention away from them. This is their moment and they should have the right to enjoy it. Still it would be fun; it's been a while since I've felt the rush of competition. Oh what I would give to enjoy being young again even if it's just for a while."

"Now dear sister, let's not get ahead of ourselves besides don't forget we still haven't settle our dispute between each other. Mmm.... yes if memory serves right the record between us two happens to be tied with 70 duels a piece, although I still call blasphemy on our last duel. Making me deck out until I had no cards left, have you no honor sister?"

"You call it an excuse, but I merely see it as victory. Besides we both know who the better duelist is anyway Lulu, I let you win because you were my little sister." said Celestia with a smug look on her face. Luna however was less than pleased that her own sister was downplaying her dueling skill. Nevertheless they both let out a laugh. While they had a duty to run this school, a part of them longed for a chance to get back on the dueling field and live out their past memories.

"Still Luna, me and you both know that we don't have time to duel even if we wanted to. We both planned that when it came time to retire we both would have one final duel that we would be satisfying. One final duel that when it's all over we will be proud of all that we've accomplished with our decks and careers."

"I'll admit I too wish for final duel where I can just be myself and lay it all out on the line. I just want to make sure that whoever my final opponent is someone who can push me to my limits. Oh well, it'll be a while till that happens."

"Indeed Luna. Anyways, now about the students participating? May I ask who?"

"Just the usual amount, including Rainbow Dash and her merry band of friends."

Celestia was surprised that all of the girls were choosing to partake in this year's event. "Even Fluttershy? I'll say in the past she's refused to compete due to her confidence and the compatibility of her deck. What has caused her to have a sudden change of heart?"

"Well given that Sunset Shimmer is currently ranked as the champion and is competing. It seems they have a plan to relinquish her of that title. Given how much trouble that girl has given to both the school and the students, I can't blame them. I know that you've chosen to take a sort of a back seat when it comes to Sunset's attitude but couldn't you have at least given her a punishment."

"What good would that do Luna? If I gave her a stern lecture, what's to stop her from doing it again? You know as well as I do that any issues happening between students are settled in a duel as it's the only fair way for both people. I'll admit that I wish I could help her, but I doubt she'll listen to me. In fact, I think she might resent seeing me as I remind her of someone else though everytime I ask she merely chooses to ignore it. I know that we've hand some students complaining about her, but I believe that there's still good in her. The first step is being able open her heart and be willing to allow friendship in her life. I just hope we can reach her before it's too late. Is there anybody else?"

"Well this one should fascinate you. It seems Isaac has also chosen to be a part of this event. Although that shouldn't come as a shock. Despite being relatively new, he's really become one of CHS's fastest students to rise in the ranks. After you completed your meeting with him and his family, you told me about him being a duelist. At the time, I figured he was just another run of the mill duelist. But since his time enrolling he's really shown he's a cut above the rest; his knowledge of cards/talents are years beyond him. According to his parents, ever since he was young he was always fascinated with Duel Monsters. I'll admit I love the game, but to think that a young age he was already playing. He's only in his teens, imagine if he decided to go pro why he would be unstoppable well into his prime. It's kinda scary in a way."

"I have no doubt that Isaac will put on a show. Seeing how he has so much respect for his cards, I have no doubt he'll go far in this tournament. In fact, a part of me hopes that he wins. Call me crazy but I believe that this Fall Formal has a lot more meaning behind it, like the fate of world is at stake."

"Clearly, you've been watching too many shows, Tia. Something like that only happens in fantasies. Best to assume that everything will be alright, although I can't say the same for us if we don't process these forms we'll have to delay the whole thing and that will be a whole issue not including the rioting students who will be banging on our door. So mind giving me a hand, sister."

With that both sisters worked hard into the nighttime to make sure everything was ready for the big day tomorrow.

Rainbow was hanging out in a tree where she spent her time looking at the school with her deck in her hand. Lots of thoughts came rushing to her mind, but the one constant was being able to dethrone Sunset. In the past, she and her friends have tried to do that only to end in defeat. She never admit to anybody, but even she felt like she couldn't beat Sunset; but this time it was different because she had her friends and together they were willing to do whatever it takes to restore CHS to its glory days. All her life, Rainbow prided on herself to be the best at everything. The constant support she got from her parents is what motivated her to achieve greatness, while being the captain of every team at CHS helped with her ego she still longed for a challenge.

"Even after all this time, I still feel like there's something missing. I know I'm awesome, but what's the point if there's nobody to challenge you? Arhh, I can't focus on that; my friends are counting on me to do my part if we want this school to be filled with laughter instead of fear. I have to win, no matter what!"

She knew that if she wanted to be recognized as the best, she would need to beat the best. Some time had passed when a thought crossed her mind, she always thought is was weird that Isaac would always talk to his cards as if they were alive. Of course, she never did that because they were inanimate objects. She understood why he did it because in his words 'you need to put your trust in your deck' but to talk like they're real people just didn't add up. Nevertheless, she was looking forward to tomorrow as the battle of the Fall Formal was upon them.

Pinkie was with Rarity in the auditorium where she was going over the preparations she had planned for the Fall Formal dance. While Pinkie did most of the work, bouncing here and there and everywhere, Rarity did offer her supervision on certain things while also giving some suggestions on colors and designs.

"I must say Pinkie, even I'm impressed with how much stamina you have and I've known you for a long time."

"What can I say? My pinkie sense is tingling and when that happens, I have to get it out of my system with a party! This year's is going to be the biggest, wildest, most supercalifragilisticexpialidocious party of CHS!"

Rarity was left with raising an eyebrow and a confused look on her face on what Pinkie said. "Excuse, Pinkie what did you just say?"

"What, party?"

"Before that."

"My Pinkie sense?"

"No... you know what it's best I don't ask for the sake of mind's well being."

Pinkie just gave a shrug and continued with what she was doing. After some time they eventually decided to take a break with Pinkie suggesting that she and Rarity play a game. Rarity knew that once Pinkie suggest a game there was nothing that was going to change her mind, so she reluctantly agreed to it. They decided to have a duel for fun as they pulled out their decks and began to play on the floor. While they played they began to start a conversation with each other.

"I'm truly looking forward to tomorrow's event, while it's not in my nature to compete in such barbaric events it's for a good cause to rid this school of Sunset's evil reign. Also it's helped people to see that lady can conduct herself in an orderly fashion while putting up in a fight."

"Me too, I'm really looking forward to craziness that will ensue from these duels. Not mention that Celestia has asked me to help commentate/announce the duelists who compete in the finals of the tournament. It's going to be exciting that I can practically taste it!" Pinkie had her tongue sticking out of her mouth as she imagined eating delicious treats.

"Still to think that we'll be fighting to get rid of Sunset Shimmer, I never thought I see myself doing it. I figured I either leave that task to Dash or Applejack but here we are, my how the world works in mysterious ways."

"You said it, like discovering a new cupcake recipe, or discovering that there's secretly another world that's similar to ours but everybody is all colorful horses, now that would be weird." said Pinkie as she played a card on the field.

"Indeed.... Anyways what do you think of Isaac?"

"I like him, it sort of reminds me of the brother that I never had. Ohh, do you think we're related? What if he's some kind of long lost brother? That means I'll have to make up for the birthday parties I've missed!" Pinkie almost went into a state of shock as she mentioned that. Thankfully, Rarity was able to calm her down.

"Settle down darling, I doubt Isaac is related to you but he does possess that quality of an older sibling. He's very supportive of his friends and is almost willing to jump into danger no matter the circumstances. Not to mention that he's very mature for his age, combine that with his skills as a duelist I definitely am glad to have met him. He is kinda cute not to mention handsome, ohh do you think he's single? I'm surprised that no girl has decided to date him that would be one lucky girl. Maybe I should ask, do you think I should lead him on or ask him straight up?" Rarity's mind was running with thoughts on how much she was interested in their male companion.

"Don't know, as far as he told me he hasn't experienced much when it comes to the world of romance. He was always focused on getting good grades and making his parents proud that he never found time to get involved in dating others. Not to mention that with his love for dueling, he's hardly had time to ask if girls are interested in him. I'm sure he'll be fine, right Rarity?"

Rarity had an interesting look on her face. When she heard Pinkie say that Isaac has never been involved in a relationship, a sense of happiness and comfort started to grow in her.

"Of course, I'm sure Isaac will be fine." she said while putting on a half-hearted smile.

Perhaps I can make his life better, of course I'll wait until after the tournament. Ohh, just you wait Isaac, I'll make sure you understand the wonders of romance, maybe even with me.

Fluttershy was sitting on one of the benches in the soccer field. While she looked out to see plenty of students get some last minute practices before tomorrow, she was looking for a way to relieve some stress by just relaxing and looking at the clouds. The sky was clear with a few white puffy clouds passing by and the sun was shining bright. When Fluttershy looked around, she noticed that a couple of squirrels and birds started to form around her.

"Why hello every creature. Trying to get away from all the excitement of tomorrow's event?"

There was just a bunch of chirps and squeaks that they gave as their response.

"Believe me, I know the feeling. I never thought I find myself in this position. When it came to dueling, I would always let the others handle it, especially Rainbow Dash. But now we have a reason to fight, and this time I can actually make a difference. I thought that my whole life would be living in fear and always having to rely on my friends to fight my battles, but now thanks to this deck I can be able to stand on my own two feet. It's all thanks to them, they gave me the strength to carry on and not become a doormat and let others walk all over me." Fluttershy grabbed her deck tightly and put it close to her heart as she closed her eyes.

"Of course, I have Isaac to thank. Because of him, not only did he give me a huge push in becoming more confident but that he created a deck for me to use. I was scared that I would let him down, all the hard work he put in creating this deck for me and I was afraid of letting it all go to waste. This time I'll repay the favor by making sure that even if I don't defeat Sunset, I'll make sure that I do what I can to weaken her for the others; no more running, that was the old Fluttershy. This new Fluttershy is not afraid and I will make Isaac and the girls proud. Count on it!" Fluttershy stood up and gave a determined look to the animals to which they cheered in their own way.

Everyone was getting ready to turn in for the night, after completing the night tasks for the farm, Applejack decided to get some rest ahead of tomorrow's tourney. She was able to eat a hearty meal with her folks and they wished her the best of luck in the competition. Applebloom was even asking her some questions to which she responded.

"Ohh, I can't wait to see my big sis kick some hind in tomorrow's event. I'll be rooting for you to win the whole darn thing; go Apple Family." Applebloom was waving a flag that she and her friends made to show their appreciation for their sisters competing.

"Easy now, Applebloom. I'm not sayin' that it'll be easy, there's a lot of duelist enterin' this event. I might not even make it to the finals."

"Yeah right, there's nobody who can best my sister. Nobody can defeat you, especially with your deck."

"Now Applebloom, what have I told you about havin' overconfidence." Applejack was starting to put on her mother voice.

"I know but it's true. Well, maybe Isaac. I mean did you see what he was able to do at the family gathering. Now to mention that cooling looking monster he was able to show off. Ohh, I'm getting excited just thinking about it."

"I understand how you're feelin', sugarcube. But don't forget why I'm competin'. Both me and my friends are doing this to stop Sunset's wrath. She's been rulin' this school for too long that almost everybody is afraid of comin' to school since they don't want to mess with her. I don't want to see anymore trouble, especially if she starts to target you. If you were a victim of hers, I wouldn't forgive myself for not being there. Also I'll probably do something that I'll regret later. You understand, right?"

"I understand. It's your job as my big sister to protect me and I appreciate it. But know that I can take care of myself, so don't worry about me. Just focus on doing your best and kicking Sunset's hide; you leave the cheering to me and the CMC. Deal?"

Applejack then gave Applebloom a hug. "It's a deal. Now get ready for bed, it's already late." With that the Apple family turned in for the night.

With that the stage was set, the Fall Formal was soon upon our characters. Everybody was fighting for different reasons, some for power, fame, quest for glory, etc. Overall they all knew that once the fireworks started, the entire school would turn into a war. The journey to crown CHS's duel champion was about to begin, and one thing was for sure there could only be one duelist to rule them all.

Author's Note:

The time has finally come. With this chapter, I felt like wanting to give the motivations/thoughts that everybody was feeling so as to understand that even though they have a common goal, there will be some heartbreaks. Well the tournament is about to start, so everybody get ready because when we get close to the final results, you'll be shocked to say the least on who qualifies, but I shouldn't say more to avoid spoilers. Anyways I wanted to say thanks to everybody who's enjoying this story. It really makes me happy to know that people are enjoying what I write. Thanks to everybody for taking the time to give this story a chance, even if it's just a paragraph it means a lot to me. Thanks and don't forget to tell your friends about this story, hopefully they love it a much as you do. I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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