• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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February 6 [LARP]

February 6

The best thing about Saturdays is that I can sleep in if I want to. I hadn't really planned to, but my bed was nice and warm, and the pillow smelled like Aric.

The downside was that I wound up not even going trotting at all this morning, 'cause I was being lazy.

Peggy and I did laundry, and then she said that she was going to go to Meijer because she was out of snack food and beer, and asked if I wanted to come along. Of course I said yes; I've gotten more used to big crowds of people, so it probably wouldn't be as intense as it was last time, and when I wasn't so nervous about sticking close to them I'd get a chance to see more of what people sold in stores.

We both went to lunch together, and Christine said that she'd come along, too, and asked me if I was still interested in LARPing—they were having a session tonight in the common room of Hoben Hall (which is the one where Sean lives).

Christine wanted to go right after lunch, but Peggy said that she didn't want to go to Meijer without a bra, so we'd have to wait a little bit. I didn't see what the big deal was; she'd been without all morning and it hadn't seemed to be a problem.

She said that there was a lot I had to learn about fashion, and I said I was perfectly happy being ignorant. Then she asked if it bothered me that people could see my junk. She had to explain what she meant; I thought the word only meant stuff that's broken. Then I told her that I thought that was a dumb thing to call it; my vagina worked perfectly well. Christine nearly choked on her drink when I said that.

Then Christine asked Sean if he'd ever looked at my butt, and he told her that he wasn't going to answer that question, so she punched him in the shoulder.

Maybe if ponies had eaten fruit from the tree of knowledge we'd be ashamed to be naked. But why would God want people to hide their bodies if He made them in His own image? Was He embarrassed about how He looked?

I thought the answer might be in the Bible, so I started reading Exodus while Peggy's laundry was finishing. It was about Moses, who was an important person that God spoke to from a burning bush.

It reminded me of the Crystal Ponies, how they had been oppressed by King Sombra and then trapped in a spell for a thousand years. They were a strange bunch; they sometimes put more faith in their Crystal Heart than Princess Celestia, although perhaps that was understandable, since it had been the Crystal Heart which saved them from Sombra in the end.

I was disappointed in how little progress I'd made. At the rate I was going, I wouldn't finish the Bible until the very end of the year, but it was difficult to read, and there were so many people to keep track of, and I didn't always know who was going to be important later on.

When Peggy's clothes were done, she got dressed and we got into Cobalt and stopped by Christine's dorm, then drove out to Meijer. While we were on on the way, I asked Peggy if the two different Meijers sold different things, but she said that they were basically the same. She said it was more convenient for people to not have to go so far to get to one, and that made sense.

Christine said that she thought that there were four in Kalamazoo: besides the one I'd been at and the one I'd seen on the other side of the 131 Highway, there was one further south in Portage and another one on Gull Road.

Since the girls wanted to get a few more things, and since I wanted to look around, we took our time. I didn't get to explore the whole store, though, because that would have taken forever. But I did get to look at the toys (there are Star Wars dolls, and I think I'll buy one for Christine because she's so nice) and lots of cute stuffed animals and toy cars and a whole row of building blocks called Legos.

Then we went to the stationary department, and I bought some new pens. Human pens took a bit of getting used to, but they write very well, you don't have to wait for the ink to dry, and a lot of them have a little clicker on the end that I can push with my tongue, but not too much because it annoys Peggy.

The notebooks are nice, too: the paper is very white, and has little blue lines to guide you. And there are many different colors for the cover, so that you can tell which one is which at a glance.

Then we went over to the personal hygiene department. I bought more shampoo and conditioner—the human stuff doesn't seem to last as long as pony shampoo—and since I was thinking about it, I asked Peggy where I could go to get my mane and tail trimmed. She shrugged and said that probably a normal salon could do it. Christine said that Action Shot had gone to a groomer, but that she also had had her coat trimmed.

Unicorns are really vain about that, and some earth ponies too. I don't mind being shaggy in the wintertime, because it helps keep me warm. I might have to have my hooves trimmed while I'm here, though. I'm walking on a lot of pavement, more than I usually would, and sometimes that makes them wear unevenly.

We got food next; mostly beer and snack food because the dining hall doesn't have either. Christine bought a whole bunch of boxes of Mac and Cheese and bags of Ramen noodles, and then we went into the canned food aisle so that she could get some tuna to put in her Mac and Cheese.

I considered getting some for myself, but then I found something even better: little flat cans of anchovies. That would make a much better snack than Doritos, I thought.

Peggy thought it was weird that I would eat fish, and I told her that I'd lived on the coast for years, and it was a part of our diet, especially in the winter when other forage was harder to come by. Plus fish are really energy-dense.

I paid for my purchases with a Visa card, which is like my student ID card, except it has an eagle on it. I had to stand up on my hind hooves to put it through the machine, and then use the plastic stick to sign for it. The cashier was very patient with me, which was nice.

We got back to campus in time for dinner, which wasn't anything too special. Then I did a little bit of homework, until it was time to meet with Christine so that we could LARP.

She'd put on different clothes—a tight-fitting chestpiece that she called a bodice, tall boots with buckles on them, and she'd braided her hair. She said that some of the people who played liked getting dressed up in costumes that fit their characters.

Then she explained the rules to me. It was a little complicated and confusing, and I couldn't do rock-paper-scissors with my hooves, so she thought about that for a little bit, and then suggested that I could hold out my wings for paper, stomp a hoof for rock, and bite for scissors. So we practiced that a little bit.

Christine told me that she'd stay close to me as I was getting used to it, and that everyone who played was friendly and would not be bothered if I had to ask questions. She said that Keith and Sean and Seth and Thomas all played frequently, and that they'd be there tonight, and any one of them would be happy to answer any questions I had.

Then she asked me who my character would be. I couldn't really think of anything creative, so I said Zapp (I had to explain who that was). She thought that was a pretty good choice, that it would probably be good as a starting point to play a character who I was familiar with, and then later on maybe I could make an original character.

So then we walked to Hoben and started playing. It was a bit confusing, especially since some of the people I knew were pretending to be different people, and even their actions were different. Christine 'killed' a couple of them.

There were some people in the group who did multiple roles; Christine told me later that they were NPCs, and the storyteller told them what to do, while other people like her and me were main characters, and we got to make our own choices. She said that everyone took turns at being a NPC.

I liked the idea of making my own choices, but I thought it might be easier to get into it if I played as a NPC for a while, until I got used to the game. She was kind of disappointed at first, but then decided that might actually be a good idea, so next time I play I won't be Zapp, but I'll be whoever the storyteller says I am.

It was pretty late when I got back to my dorm room, but Peggy was still up. She asked me if I'd had fun, and I said that I had and that I thought I was going to play next week as well. She said that maybe she'd come and watch.

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