• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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January 6 [Poetry Class]

January 6

Tuesdays are slow days for me. I only have one actual class, which is poetry. I like poetry; it's like a song that you make up the music to yourself. A lot of ponies write poetry, so I should do very well.

Our teacher is called Conrad Hillberry, which I think is a type of grapes that humans grow. He's old; he might be the oldest human I've ever seen, but he has a nice friendly face.

There are a lot of different kinds of poetry, too. Some of it has a very strict structure or meter, and other types are more free-form.

We don't have a proper book for this class, because the instructor said that a lot of the poems would be online, which means I have to see it on my computer. However, my helpers got me several of the books which he recommended in his syllabus. We were encouraged to do that so that we could keep the books when we went back home, and it will be nice when I'm back in Equestria to be able to read them whenever I want. Plus there are a lot more poems which we won't be reading for the class at all in the books.

I have the afternoon free. I don't know what I'll do with all that free time in the future, but for today I got to spend it with Mister Salvatore and Miss Cherilyn. They came and picked me up in Sienna, and we went to the airplane station. I had a meeting with a man who works for the FAA. (Humans like to make abbreviations for things because that makes them sound more important.)

It was just like a class lecture, but not as fun. Mostly he and Mister Salvatore talked, and I listened to what they had to say. Then he showed me a big chart of restricted airspace, where I wouldn't be allowed to fly at all, and he also gave me a big book of rules. Before I am allowed to fly any higher than buildings, I have to read all the rules and take a test.

Mister Salvatore protested, saying that ultralights and powered parachutes don't have to follow all those requirements, to which he said that those weren't the same, and anyway they did have rules that they had to follow, too. Then they got into a bit of an argument whether I could be considered an experimental aircraft or a helicopter, and just when they started to get a bit shouty, Miss Cherilyn said that if anything, I ought to be classed as an ornithopter.

That got him to shut up for a minute, and he sort of changed his tune. Well, first he said that ornithopters didn't actually exist, and Mister Salvatore got a smug look on his face and just pointed at me.

So he came up with a compromise. He said that I was still limited to a thousand feet max, couldn't fly in controlled airspace of any type until I read the book and passed their tests, and that I had to wear a high-visibility vest with a beacon if I was going to fly anywhere off-campus. He said that the campus police could come to their own decision about where and how high I could fly on campus, but reiterated that it was not to be above a thousand feet regardless of what they said.

I was kinda disappointed by that, but rules are important for everypony's safety. Sometimes for weather patrols, we have to wear identifying vests if we're assisting in other pegasuses' patrol territory, just so that everypony can keep track of who's who. That's especially important during Winter Wrap-Up, because so many nomadic pegasi come along to help. It makes things more efficient.

And when I read the book and pass the test, I'll be able to fly wherever I want to, so I was going to do that as quickly as I could.

They offered to buy me dinner before they dropped me off on campus, and they asked what I liked. I told them that I had pizza the night that Peggy arrived and that it was really good, even though there weren't enough vegetables on it, and so we went to a little restaurant called Bilbo's. It was right near another university which was called Western Michigan, and I found out that their mascot was a bronco, which is a kind of wild horse that they have on Earth.

Their pizza was better than the one Peggy had ordered. We talked about how things had been going so far, and I said that it had been great and told them a little bit about my classes and the people I'd met so far. Mister Salvatore had a beer with his dinner, and when he was halfway done with it he looked over at me and asked if I had ever had beer before, and then Miss Cherilyn gave him a dirty look and he just shrugged and said that he was curious. That was very strange. Then they had a whispered discussion about me drinking which they obviously didn't mean for me to hear but it was hard not to (human ears might not be as sensitive as pony ears; for one, they can't move, and for two they're not very big).

Miss Cherilyn said that I probably shouldn't drink beer, and she wasn't sure if I was old enough anyway. I said that I was and then they had a little more of a debate, and she finally said that I could have it if I wanted to, but that I should be responsible. Then she said that I ought to be careful if I wanted to drink at parties because sometimes men put roofies in drinks and did bad things.

I assured her that I would be careful, and that I was aware that drinking and flying and landing on roofs uninvited was not smart. So they decided that I could have one, and Mister Salvatore suggested that I ought to have an Oberon because that is the most important beer in Kalamazoo, and he said that we had driven right by the brewery on our way into town.

When we were done with dinner, we went back to campus and they dropped me off, and just as I was leaving Miss Cherilyn remembered that she had Aquamarine's telephone number and address, so that I could write to her. She said that there were a couple of other ponies that lived not too far from us, and once she had their telephone numbers and address, she would let me have them if I wanted to call them or write to them.

I probably should have done that last night, but I started reading the book the FAA man had given me, and after a while I got real tired and decided to go to bed.

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