• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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April 13 [Fermented Cabbage]

April 13

It was actually feeling properly spring-like outside, finally. I know Michigan is in the north, which is probably why spring is delayed, but they ought to have their first day of spring scheduled better to account for that.

I flew northwest, past the dirt mines and into the farmland. There were little wispy cumulus clouds way up high, higher than a pegasus could fly even if she had permission, and a bunch of long narrow airplane clouds. As I watched, I could see another one making a trail: the airplane itself nothing more than a glint in the sunlight.

I wound up going a bit further than I had intended to and found a long strip of land that had big metal towers carrying wires off into the distance. That was how electricity got from one city to another.

Humans had a lot of different ways of making it. There were factories that turned fuel into electricity, and there were also glass panels that made sunlight into electricity and big windmills that did it, too. I knew about them because all of them were on the list of places I wasn't supposed to go, especially the places that used nuclear fuel to make electricity. There was one of those called Palisades not all that far from Kalamazoo, and I wondered if that was where the wires came from.

I flew along above them for a little while, until I got to a big cement lot where there was an electricity switching yard that had all kinds of wires coming and going. Humans build a lot of really big things and it must be hard to keep track of it all.

One of the sets of wires curved around and went back south to Kalamazoo, so I followed it just because I was curious. They were a better path to follow than railroad tracks, because the tops of the towers were above the trees, and they had a much wider path where everything had been trimmed down.

I took a little detour when I got to a runway, and I checked all around to make sure that there weren't any airplanes nearby. I didn't see any, but I called the airplane directors to make sure. I knew what it was called, because the roof of the building said Walker on it.

When I was taking my shower, I got to thinking how much better it had been to take a shower with Meghan, and I decided I should ask her if I could come over on Thursday night and watch another Harry Potter movie and then maybe share the shower in the morning.

We got to do group work in math, which was really fun. There were a couple of students who grumbled about it, but I always thought that you learned better when you did something together. So Keith and Sean and me all formed into a little group and Professor Sir Doctor Banerjee gave us our math problem and we set to work figuring it out. I got out my weather wheel and both Keith and Sean got out their graphing calculators, and then we discussed what kind of equation we would need to solve each point, and then took turns calculating the answer.

They were really impressed with my weather wheel, because they'd never seen anything like it used before. But it wasn't all that complicated when you knew how, and it certainly wasn't as smart as their calculators, which could even draw graphs and stuff on the screen. I guess sometimes people (and ponies) are amazed by something that they've never seen before, no matter how complicated the inner workings are.

Plus their calculators were more precise than my weather wheel, which I thought might be an important factor later. So I guess I ought to get one and figure out how to use it. It would be really humiliating to fail math class because my calculations weren't precise enough.

We had a really boring lunch meal, which probably meant something special for dinner. Christine said that she thought they were going to do another ethnic meal, and I said that it wasn't fair that they didn't do any pony ethnic meals. Sean said that was because humans couldn't eat hay, and Christine punched him in the shoulder.

When we were done eating, I went over to Meghan's table and asked her if I could come over tomorrow night and watch Harry Potter and she said that would be nice.

Professor Amy had us watch a documentary film about snake-handling, which was where people who were Christians would play with poison snakes because they believed that if they were faithful enough, God would keep them safe from snakebites. So far in the Bible, there hadn't been anything about handling snakes. I supposed if God told them to then they ought to, but when we were discussing the film after it was over, nobody in class thought that the Bible said anything about it.

I reminded myself that I wasn't supposed to judge, just observe, so I kept my hoof down even though I had a lot of questions. And I didn't have enough knowledge to participate in the discussion of what a normal Christian service looked like, because I'd only ever been to the Easter service, and I didn't know how normal that was. But I paid attention, and the class together decided that drinking poison was not part of a normal church service, nor was healing.

Then she said that culture gives meaning to what we do; that nothing by itself has meaning except what the culture teaches us. She said that as we grow up, we have to decide whether to follow along with what we learned as children, or taking our own paths. And she said that she didn't want to speak for anyone in the class, but she was sure that some people in the classroom were having their childhood experiences validated, while others of us were making our own path.

That gave me something to think about after class. Nothing in my foalhood had prepared me for being an exchange student on Earth, 'cause we didn't even know it was there then. So I guess I was making my own path.

And that kind of bothered me a little bit, because it felt like I was showing that what I'd learned as a filly was wrong, and I didn't think that was so. Then I thought about it a bit more and decided that sometimes there's stuff that comes up that you couldn't anticipate or plan for before, and that didn't mean you were rejecting your culture. You were just adapting to the new situation.

When my Mom went to the weather conference, she wasn't expecting to come back pregnant with me. And when I decided that I wanted to go to college to be a weather supervisor, I didn't expect that I'd get the chance to go to Earth, but both of those things happened.

Dinner was German, and I was thankful that even when they had special meals they kept some of the basics the same, including the salad table. The main hot food line had various different kind of sausage and fermented cabbage, which didn't smell appealing at all. Everyone else at the table liked it, though.

They did have German-themed dessert, though, and that was a nice change from the usual cookies and pies.

After dinner, I read through some of Samuel. I learned how Samuel was favored in God's sight, and Eli's sons had been bad, so God punished them. And the Ark was captured, but it brought a curse wherever it was, so they sent it back with a peace offering. Then the Philistines attacked but the Israelites had learned their lesson and did what God had told them to and won the battle.

Then Samuel got old and decided to crown Saul (who was looking for donkeys) as the new king. And he fought in wars for all the time he was king, so Samuel decided to make David king instead.

I probably should have finished it, but Peggy came home and we talked for a little bit and she told me that she was going to be gone tomorrow night and Friday and all of the weekend because she was going on a little trip with her boyfriend. I asked if she was worried about missing her Friday classes, and she said that she wasn't; she could make it up later.

That didn't seem right to me, but then I'd skipped one of Conrad's classes to go on a road trip, so I couldn't really say anything about that.

So I packed up my flight gear and went off to Aric's house, even though it was a bit early. He was watching a movie with David and Angela, and it was a really weird movie that had bees in it. David said it was called Wax and I had no idea what was going on at all. After it was over and we were in the bedroom together, I asked Aric what it had been about, and he didn't know either. He said that David had really weird taste in movies.

Then he told me that he was going to be gone for the weekend, because David had sold a radio console on E bay, and when they'd tried to ship it they had discovered that it was too big to be mailed, so they were going to drive it down there in Winston.

That was disappointing; now I didn't know what I was going to do for the weekend, but surely something would come up.

I didn't let it get me down, though. I'd been the one to desert him last weekend, so I couldn't be upset that he’d made plans without me. I told him I'd miss him and to be careful and then I climbed on top of him and pretty soon we weren't thinking about anything beyond the moment.

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