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Chapter 5 of Secret Agent Dinky is finished. · 8:35pm Jan 29th, 2019

Another new chapter. I am not sure where exactly this disaster movie chapter came from, but, as usual, I can't make things easy for my heroes can I? I have this weird compulsion to make things worse at random moments. Oh well, makes for interesting writing. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 5


Chapters 29 and 30 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished + Chapter 4 of Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Secret Agent Dinky · 9:14am Jan 26th, 2019

Sorry for this late blog post. Sometimes I get lazy and don't want to do these. I am terrible at this social media thing. I promise not to slip so badly again. Anyway, I like Scavenger taking the center focus. He's turned into an interesting character. His stand is pretty cool. It's a bit basic when it comes to its abilities, but it has a lot of utility and is not to be underestimated. Why does it have that power specifically? I wanted something very different from Break's power and I thought

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Chapter 3 of Secret Agent Dinky is finished. is finished + a special Hearth Warming story · 5:56pm Dec 18th, 2018

Chapter 3 of Secret Agent Dinky is finished. This one is mostly set up for the next chapter which I am sure you will find most interesting. I have some great news. While I was writing this chapter I also wrote a colab with several other Lunaverse writers. It about the Luna 6 giving Secret Santa gifts to each other. Each author took one of the members of the Luna 6 and wrote about how they found/bought their gift. I did Raindrops. Each chapter will be released daily until Christmas Eve. Check it

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Chapter 28 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished. · 10:37am Dec 7th, 2018

Hello again, another chapter of Fallout Equestria Black Cat is done. I am not sure how I keep releasing these once a month. It isn't something I planned. It just happens. But if chapters are coming out on a regular basis, then that's fine with me. Not much to say about this chapter, but the next chapter things get really interesting. Scavenger gets his stand. So see you next time. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

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Chapter 2 of Secret Agent Dinky is finished. · 10:05am Nov 17th, 2018

Hello again. Another chapter of Secret Agent is done. This chapter reveals a little on Bon's past and her secret troubles and angst. Her past was going to be crazier and more elaborate. It involved secret cults, time travel, and Trixie, but I couldn't bring myself to put it to paper. No, instead I came up with a more realistic tale that I personally think works so much better. I am glad I listened to my instincts on this one.

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Chapter 27 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished. · 7:20am Nov 9th, 2018

Another new chapter of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished. This chapter is mostly set up for the next one. I hope you enjoy the newest crazy situation I've put Break into. The poor mare can never get a break, can she? Pardon the bad pun. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 27


New Story! Secret Agent Dinky. · 9:23am Oct 30th, 2018

Hello again. Here is another new installment of the Galaxy Rangers. This story is about Dinky learning Bon-Bon is a secret agent. Hijinks and craziness ensue. I've been wanting to do a story about Bons being a secret agent for a long time now and I thought it would be fun to write a story about Dinky wanting to be a secret agent.

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Episode 32 of Doctor And Ditzy's Science Theater is done. · 8:48am Oct 5th, 2018

Hey again. The second part for the riff for The Moon's Wrath by Dolphy Blue Drake is finished. You know, there are some ideas I really like in this fic. Particularly the relationship between Nightfall and Wishful. I like their father-daughter relationship. It's cute if a bit overdone. I wish the show did something like that with Twi and Spike, but it is a kids show I suppose. The only part I can't get over is changing everything for no reason. I've never been able to remember anyone's new name

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New Story! Trixie and Prince Charming. · 10:04pm Oct 1st, 2018

Hello again. I have a new story out and it's called Trixie and Prince Charming and this story is canon to the Lunaverse. It about Princess Luna setting Trixie on a play date with Prince Blueblood. It goes about as well as you might suspect. No real origin to this story idea, I just thought it would be fun to write a story about filly Trixie and the idea of a play date with Blueblood randomly came out from there. It was a lot of fun to write and awoke a lot of childhood feelings I'd almost

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Chapter 26 of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished. · 7:08am Sep 24th, 2018

Another new chapter of Fallout Equestria: Black Cat is finished. If it isn't obvious from this chapter. I am a huge fan of Fist of the North Star. I love the ridiculous over the top raiders in that story. I couldn't help but use them. I have been wanting to use raiders in my story for a while now just so that I can use FOTNS thugs. What's a post-apocalyptic story without a mohawked leather-clad style bandit? Not one at all if you ask me.

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