• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


Name - Jason LaMonica Residence - Mesa, AZ Hobbies - Drawing, Reading, Playing Video Games, and now Writing MLP: FiM fanfics.


BLAH! · 4:14pm Aug 4th, 2013

Sup. How is everyone? I just wanted to make sure everyone know that I am still alive. And I am really sorry that it is taking me so long to update. It seems that that I have hit a wall, hard, and am now stuck. I want to write, but my mind wants to be distracted by other things. I thought that after the whole FrozenSound thing that I would be able to pull myself out of this hole I'm in and get back to work, but atlas, that has yet to happen. Now don't think for a second that I'm saying I quit. I

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FrozenSoundfavorited'Seeds' Say What?! · 2:43am Jul 18th, 2013

So, who listens to Everfree Radio, like all the time? In particular, on Wednesday? Around mid day? To a broadcast known as Eastern Sounds? DJ'd by a guy named Frozen Sound? Yeah, well, I am proud to say that HE FAVORITED 'SEEDS OF REDEMPTION'! At first I, didn't put two and two together, but after a few days of thinking on the name, I though it could be him. So today I PM'd him, asking him if he was indeed who I thought he was. And shortly there after, I got a reply back confirming my theory.

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It is SUBMITTED!!!!!!! · 5:59am Jul 4th, 2013

So yeah, remember that one shot I have been talking about, well... its done, and has been submitted. upon its passing, I will be returning to chapter 4 of 'Seeds' and banging that out for your reading pleasure. But now if you'll excuse me. I need some sleep.

Also, big thanks to my beloved Ldyrayvyn, for if it wasn't for her, this would never have gotten done tonight. So goodnight y'all. Ttul, later!/)

UPDATE! IT PASSED!!!!!!!!!! GO FUCKING READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You know that movie that came out? Yeah... · 1:25am Jun 30th, 2013

You know the one I'm talking about, right? The one with the stolen crown and the alicorn that had to go to a different dimension to it? That one? Yeah, well I went and saw it and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no idea why I was so scared. It was funny, and had a good story and all that good, MLP quality stuff. I recommend finding out when, or if it is gonna be shown in your area. Because it totally is worth it. Ttul, later! /)

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Fucking hell! · 5:01am Jun 10th, 2013

Ok, so you all know how I was talking about getting "In the Dreams of the Sun" up not too long ago... but I haven't? Yeah, well, writers block sucks. And I can't devote any time to "Seeds" till i get this done. Sorry guys. At work today, I'm gonna try and force myself to finish it, so I can have it up by the weekend. I'm sorry this is taking so long, but hey, I'm only human. That's all for now. Ttul. Later. /)

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What's up, what's up, what's up! · 11:04pm May 20th, 2013

Hey everybody, how's it hanging! Just a quick update for all ya'll. My one shot is but a few paragraphs short of completion. So YAY! Second, anyone still waiting for the next chapter of "Seeds"? Well, if you want it by next weekend, let me know below. I have 70 people who favorited it, so I want at least half of that to let me know that they are still interested in what happens to AJ and Jason next. Finally, "What the Hell Pinkie?" will be resuming... idk when, but it will be. And one more

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I'm...Back? · 12:56am May 6th, 2013

Sup everybody? Did anyone miss me? Well I have awesome news! I have internet again! YAY!

Now for the new you really want to hear. "Into the Dreams of the Sun" is nearing the end of production, and I will have it posted within the next few weeks. If anyone wouldn't mnid finding me a pic for the cover, that would be sweet.

"Seeds of Redemption" is NOT dead, just comatose, but never fear, that will come out of it once I can focus more on it.

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A Quick Update · 8:29pm Apr 17th, 2013

Sup everybody! I had a moment in a place with internet, so I thought that I would drop a bit of an update. 'Seeds' is still in the wind, waiting for its long over due update. And the one shot shall he titled ' In the Dreams of the Sun'. Production of that was slow starting, but after scraping my original idea, I have since re- started it and it is coming along more smoothly than before. So please be expecting that in the near future. That is all for this update my friends. Ttul, later. /)

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Long time no post. · 4:27am Apr 9th, 2013

Sup everybody. That's right, I'm not dead, yet. But to be honest, I feel that way. It's been weeks and I have been unable to update 'Seeds of Redemption' or 'What the hell Pinkie'. But as I eluded to last post, I would be losing my internet. We'll, if my absence had not been hint enough, figuring how I was on here like ever second I was home, it happened the day after I made the post. Which means that everything that I have commented on, and this very blog, has been done via my cellphone. And

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Terrible News Everyone! · 3:46am Mar 26th, 2013

Hey, what's up guys. I come bearing terrible news (Hence the title), so I'm gonna be blunt about it. I will soon be losing my internet. I don't know when it will happen, but it will be happening. Which means the I will be unable to update my stories regularly (like I wasn't doing that already?), not to mention I will have to forsake what I already have written for 'Seeds of Redemption'. I really am regretting starting Chapter 4 on Google Docs. So with that, I apologize for this sudden bit of

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