• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen April 23rd


Odd. Crazy. Zebra. Four Left Hooves.


A good break I hadn't known i'd needed. (and something all should aim to watch) · 10:18am Sep 5th, 2016

I live in the states, so well, sadly, even with places like crunchyroll, and a few others, its often easy to miss a movie, or series that gets not as much hype. Now, interestingly, i had no idea this was a game first, if looking was right. Sadly, it's not made it to states that well. But it was a movie I was amazingly interested in. Released last year, it never really bridged the gap, until I managed to stumble across it by pure accident. An hour and forty minutes later. I had cried, laughed,

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Celadon's Cross · 7:00am Jun 19th, 2016

Apologies to being silent, but being down a pc, and allergies deciding to open up life's whoopass takes it out of you.

Anyhow, one little gem, that I'm glad is updating again. It's called Celadon's Cross, and is something else visually. It's by the fellow who did the Rocket to Insanity infinite canvas story. (Another good one to read.)

But, you can find it at, https://tapastic.com/series/Celadon-Cross , or at http://celadoncomic.tumblr.com/ respectively.

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Report TheStratovarian · 149 views ·

A criminally underrated story. · 5:16pm Feb 24th, 2016

I am not one for slice of life stories primarily. I can say it directly. It isn't my cup of tea with some stories. Yet, every so often. I find these real gems, and the person writing them has a style that is immensely enjoyable. Keeping it Simple, is one of those stories. Its a mac centric story, and holy balls of hay is it something else. It's maybe a once a month update, but every update is amazing.

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What I learned of XCOM 2 (Being mindful of spoilers) · 12:01pm Feb 5th, 2016

Oddly enough, I'm sorta sitting about 6 hours into Xcom2, and feeling sorta offput on the game so far. I know its going to be a very unpopular viewpoint, and it is to what folks are going nuts over.

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Report TheStratovarian · 256 views ·

A few more bits of music · 9:59am Dec 16th, 2015

Its 4ish am, ive thrown something in my back. But screw it, music for folks to enjoy.

https://marycrowell.bandcamp.com/album/acolytes-of-the-machine-other-gaming-stories A lovely voice, a good quirky humor, and dear hell are there some gems in here. Very much D&D influenced. Devil of Stories, and Pretty Little Ladies are my favorites, though danged if Act 3 doesnt find a way in too. And Oh milo is downright chilling. A balletto for rufus, oooh, that just begs for the fey muse to run..

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Report TheStratovarian · 170 views · #Music

The nuance of biofeedback and dreams · 3:46pm Dec 12th, 2015

It was time. The silver moon lay overhead. Golden silence flowed throughout the palace. No guards roamed the gates. The wolves ruled the lower quarters at night. Unpreturbed, the figure approached. No archer would see him, no warning call would sound until long past useful. A lone howl, a summons, cascaded through the quiet. The promise of blood would be answered this night. And in through the gates did he slip.

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Report TheStratovarian · 231 views · #Dreams #Epee #Idea

Armello and a nice freebie from epic games. · 4:52pm Dec 4th, 2015

First of all, for pc folks, you can get the darn fun game Shadow Complex for PC free until the new year. You can find the link over Here. Its a darn enjoyable game of the metroid-vania style, with some interesting features.

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Dreams in the aftermath of sensory overload · 10:24pm Nov 21st, 2015

Spending a large chunk of a friday and saturday in as close to a sensory deprivation enviroment is a great way to start a weekend. (still had touch). I dont know why I did have this attack, but it hit me about 3-4pm friday. The dreams you get in those, even better. A snippet of the odd lucidity of the thing still in memory.

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A little light moment of inspiration. · 2:04am Nov 20th, 2015

The glare of a police strobe pushing into the flat, words meaningless fuzz and static to the waking mare. Bloodstains and matted fur plastered to her haunch, again the words blaring from the speaker. Door breaching officers wipe the fuzzy image from the shadow cast room. A slit throat, dead unicorn, beige, at a glance, wingblade still gory. Preset explosives shred and mangle the first wave. Instinct and corrective software the stragglers with the assault rifle in the following seconds. Seconds

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A shoutout to a friend. · 11:52pm Nov 4th, 2015

A friend of mine, Winged Cat , has done a very nice story. Which in a bit of a darker time for me, brought about a lovely smile and chuckle. The story itself is something that I myself admit to not normally reading, but could use some nice exposure. Its short and simple 2 parts, each to their own. Constructive critique I would hope welcomed. And to give a follow to a very nice artist if its worth a smile or chuckle.

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