• Member Since 25th Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen May 11th, 2020


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Comments ( 11 )
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Thank you for becoming my follower! :scootangel: I hope, though, that you didn't follow me to ask me for a roleplay. I'd much rather have you follow me because you are interested in my writing, so check out one or two of my stories and see if you enjoy them. :twilightsmile:

Let’s rp plz

Please stop spamming people (mostly authors) to RP use one of the designated groups on here to find someone.


Stop spamming people asking them to roleplay with you or your account will be banned. There is practically nothing in your entire comment history that's not you begging people to roleplay. There are groups here to organize roleplay (though roleplay itself is not permitted on Fimfiction), so find one of those and get involved in a community of people that actually enjoys doing it. Most people here don't. So stop harassing everyone you meet about it, it's incredibly annoying.

np lets rp and follow me back as well

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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