• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen Jul 23rd, 2019


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oh, we also can't rp on here, just a heads up. it is meant for chatting, blogging, writing stories, drawing, and some other things i can't think of lol

It was a warm spring night in Equestria, not a single cloud blocked the near full moon's light that had lit up the land. Trees darkened the ground with their shadows hiding away little critters such as mice. An owl flew silently above the trees searching for food, it turned it's head left and right before it found a tasty little mouse. It quickly dove down to the unsuspecting mouse. The mouse squeaked as the owl picked it up and flew off, breaking it's spine with its talons. It flew into Sweet Apple Acres barn and began to feast on the mouses corpse. Bats flew near Ponyville hunting unsuspecting insects that flew in the night, some bringing food for their babies. Every-pony was asleep in Ponyville, well except for Apple Bloom and her friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo whose voices could be heard not far off. They were full grown mares and they walked on a path near the Everfree forest. They were laughing and remembering their childhoods, well until Apple Bloom brought up and interesting topic.

" Guy's I know this isn't the time but, do you remember that colt. The one with red mane, brown coat, and gorgeous blue eyes?"

Scootaloo Replied, " Yeah, I remember, you acted very shy around him. Do you have a crush on him Apple Bloom? "

She laughed as Apple Bloom spoke with a bit of embarrassment,

" Nuh-uh, we are just friends, nothing more, nothing less. Y'all need ta get your facts straight. " Apple bloom spoke in frustration.

" Okay Apple Bloom, whatever you say. " Sweetie Belle spoke with a bit of a giggle in her voice.

Apple Bloom trotted ahead of her friends, having a little blush, she remembered how she met him. She was a filly playing tag with her friends, and was being chased by Scootaloo when she crashed into him. Both of them got up rubbing both their heads, Apple Bloom apologized to him an introduced herself. He introduced himself as

" Pie Baker. "

At that time he was dating a filly, but Apple Bloom can't remember the fillies name. Apple Bloom noticed she was far ahead from her friends, when she heard a twig snap in the Everfree. She turned her head to the noise but it was too dark to see in at first glance, but after her eyes adjusted, she could see a figure of a mare. The mare looked like a unicorn but the top of her horn was broken off, the mares color wasn't easy to see, but it looked like she wore a jacket. The white mask was visible and it seemed familiar. uneasiness filled Apple Blooms body as the mare stared at her, but before Apple Bloom could open her mouth, her gaze was broken when Scootaloo playfully punched her, startling her a little.

" Hey Apple Bloom, we are planning a party with Pinkie Pie tomorrow for our friend who is coming to Ponyville! We haven't seen her since we were fillies. isn't this exciting?" Spoke Scootaloo excitedly,

Apple Bloom smiled but looked back into the Everfree to see the mare had vanished without a sound.

Sweetie Belle saw that Apple Bloom was frightened by something. " You okay Apple Bloom? You seem like you saw a ghost or something. " Spoke Sweetie belle in a worried tone.

" Yeah, I'm fine Sweetie, just a little shocked from the punch. " Responded Apple Bloom

Scootaloo Replied. " I didn't hit you that hard, did I? "

Apple Bloom shook her head and smiled, " It's getting late, we best get inside and ready up for tomorrow's party. Don't want our eyes droopin during it. "

The two friends nodded before Apple Bloom trotted off home to Sweet Apple Acres, where she stayed with her sister Applejack.

When Apple Bloom could see the roof of her house, a dragging noise of hooves was heard behind her. She turned around to see no pony was there. But there was something black and gooey on the ground, Apple Bloom stared at it for a moment, thinking

" i hope that is owl droppings!" she stood there trying to figure out where it came from.

She sighed, turned around and continued home. when she reached her house, she saw the front door wasn't shut all the way.

" Maybe Applejack was busy and forgot to shut the door all the way, she has been doing that lately. " But another thought crept inside her mind " Or maybe some-pony snuck in. "

Apple Bloom decided to investigate after a minute or two of thinking. She walked on the porch, that had creaked from each of her steps. Then she opened the door all the way and looked inside, but couldn't see anything, it was too dark. Apple Bloom slowly walked in and when she believes she is in the middle of the living room where the coffee table is that held a candle, the door slammed shut, causing Apple Bloom to jump a bit. Not long after the smell of decay filled the room and Apple Bloom covered her nose from the it. She began to cough from it as a light illuminated the room. The light came from a candle that was recently lit.

" that didn't make sense no-pony could light a candle without being seen from its light? " Apple Bloom thought as she felt like she was being watched.

she looked around to see the front door was gone, and the windows were covered in concrete. Apple Bloom hyperventilated as she looked around for a way out, and in the distance, ahead of where she faced before the door shut. was a door way that appeared out of no where, it was dark on that side, so Apple Bloom picked up the candle and began to walk. When she got closer to the door way, she could see some kind of bones sticking out like teeth from the walls. Apple Bloom's mind told her to go back, but where can she go, there is no way out except whats in front of her.

" There is only one way out. " whispered Apple bloom to herself.

So she entered the room and as she did, flesh and bone filled the door way to prevent her from escaping. Apple Bloom turned and tried to break it, but with no prevail. She heard something wheezing behind her, but as she turned around, nothing was there except a door. This door wasn't ordinary, it was covered with black goo and splinters of dark oak wood. Apple bloom took a deep breath before the walls creaked then slowly moved in towards her. Apple Bloom heard and saw this and it caused her to run to the door, every step she took though, the door seemed to go farther away.

Apple Bloom cried out " Help, please i don't want to die! " as the walls inched closer and closer together, groaning could be heard as if something was in pain.

Apple Bloom cried out once again " Hey, stop please, i don't want to die! " she screamed.

she didn't want to die this way, but it seems like she was going too. When she took another step, she hit the door. The door seemed like it never moved, but black goo and dark oak was all over Apple Blooms face and chest.

" Ow, how in Celestia? " spoke Apple bloom, rubbing her head.

She then remembered the walls... the groaning, she turned to investigating the room. It seemed that they haven't moved but the groaning didn't stop.

" But, they were moving a second ago... and where is that noise coming from? " said Apple Bloom in confusion.

The groaning grew louder and louder, as it grew more disturbing, as if Apple Bloom is inside something. She looked at the door and seen it was normal, grabbing the candle that survived the crash she stood up then grabbed the knob and twisted it. The door opened with a loud creak, this made Apple Bloom uneasy. She decided to walk in, Apple Bloom was cautious when she was in, when she turned around after the groaning finally stopped, the door slammed shut and locked itself.

Apple Bloom dropped the candle and ran to the door, hitting it, screaming " What is going on!?"

The candle light died as the room went dark. That's when she heard it, scratching of multiple metal objects on tile. A shiver went down Apple Blooms spine as she turned around and when she did, the lights turned on and flickered. The sudden flash of light blinded Apple Bloom, causing her to cover her eyes for a moment.

" What in the hay! " she grunted a bit frustrated.

It took a moment before she can see the room, it was gray and large, its ceiling looked like cement but lights were placed in odd spots, like on the walls and the floor. tables of flesh and organs was visible at the center of the room and corpses littered the place. Apple Bloom's eyes widened with fear as her mouth opened slightly as she wanted to scream, it wasn't long before the smell of rot reached her nose. She noticed movement in the far corner of the room, next to an old wooden door. the figure stood up, but as it did, it made sickening noises of joints being popped out of place and broken bones grinding against each other.

The figure was tall with it's six long, slender legs that had sharp metal objects at the ends instead of hooves, it's body was sickly skinny with bones popped out of place or broken, it wheezed every breath it took. The creatures coat was scruffy and covered in patches of blood, the flesh on it seemed to be rotting in certain places. Insects crawled in and out of it, feeding on it as it stood there. The creature turned and looked at Apple Bloom, the face of the creature resembled a pony she knew but can't remember her name. The ponies face had a creepy grin, with long, jagged, sharp teeth. Her eyes were nothing but black goo that dripped from it's chin. It stared at Apple Bloom with a sickening look, as if it wanted to harvest her flesh and organs and feed on them. After a few moments the creature moved slowly, making the awful sound of metal on rock while it shambled like an undead monstrosity of flesh and metal.

Apple Bloom screamed as the creature inched forward slowly while speaking in an distorted raspy voice, " Help... me... help... me! hungry... hungry..."

Apple Bloom began to sob, pressing her back against the flesh and bone of where the door was while the creature kept falling over itself, but getting up shortly after. When the creature was in leaping distance, Apple Bloom got ready to jump out of the way. The creature moved quickly causing Apple Bloom to jump left with a near slice of her hind leg, Apple Bloom took off running to the door at the other end of the room, slipping on blood, and tripping over bodies. The creature ran after her with haste, Apple Bloom got up one more time and ran to the door that was now ten feet away. The creature had an idea then leaped over her and landed in front of the door, it swung it's front right leg at Apple Bloom. But Apple Bloom slid against the floor after seeing this, then the jumped back from the creatures attack.
She then turned and ran pleading to the creature not to kill her, but the creature followed her with full sprint. it only took a few seconds till it was right behind Apple Bloom. It tried to tackle Apple Bloom but only got her bow, Apple Bloom jumped right before the creature leaped and onto a table full of flesh and organs. The creature slid into the wall, it then let out a howl of pain. It turned its angry gaze towards Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom took her chance and had ran to the door then the creature followed, letting out a bloodcurdling scream. Apple Bloom jumped off the final table with a little slip on blood, while the creature was gaining at an incredible speed. Apple Bloom charged as fast as she could slamming herself into the door, breaking its hinges from the door frame and knocking it over with her on the other side.
The creature slammed into the doorway as it was closing with flesh and bone, it screamed as it tried to fit through the door way, but it was to small. It then got stuck and pleaded for help, Apple Bloom panted as she turned into the darkness ignoring the creature. The door way closed cutting off half of the creature, dropping the frontal half on the floor. Blood quickly pored from it while bugs flew away or crawled away then returning back to the corpse. Apple Bloom sat up, looking around the dark place before sobbing again. it was cold, very cold. As if it was in dead winter on the mountain tops.

" Hey Apple Bloom, there isn't any time to pout over an obstacle. you have to get around it somehow. " A familiar voice was heard, it seemed proud and courageous.

" S-Scootaloo? " Spoke Apple Bloom with as she looked around the dark room.

" Scootaloo is right Apple Bloom, we need you here and in order for that to happen, you need to over come this. " Spoke another voice, this voice seemed kind and had a bit of joy in it.

" We need you Apple Bloom me and Sweetie Belle. Beat this thing and come home to us! " Spoke Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom nodded then she got up and walked forward in the darkness. It seemed like hours until Apple Bloom felt a cold wall, when she touched it, a light illuminated the room. It was like magic, a ball of light, and more glowed after. once the room was lit, Apple Bloom could see it was like her home, The wooden flooring, the painted walls, but memories of her childhood floated above. Apple Bloom noticed they were lined up to a door down the room and to the right, Apple Bloom followed the lights to the door. The door was a black goo with eye's swimming in it. This freaked Apple Bloom out even more. She gone to put a hoof on the door, but the door bit her hoof.

* ow! What in the hay. " spoke Apple Bloom as the door opened to Ponyvilles town center, it looked like it was Nightmare Night. judging that the decorations are up, and everypony is in costume. Apple Bloom walked through the door, nopony seemed to notice her as she did.

the snow she felt looked red, an odor filled the air, causing Apple Bloom to cough once more. She held her breath again for as long as she could while getting up and began walking, it grew harder to hold her breath as a minute went by until she exhaled then inhaled. The odor was gone and replaced with an aroma, it smelt familiar and Apple Bloom followed it with curiosity.
It wasn't long until Apple Bloom saw a familiar pony, the pony had a lime green coat and a grey mane that was held back in a bun.

" G-Granny...? " Spoke Apple Bloom as tears ran down her cheeks, the old mare turned to her and smiled but didn't respond.

Apple Bloom ran to Granny Smith and hugged her while crying. Granny Smith felt ice cold, which caused Apple Bloom to look at her again to see the rotting flesh. The insects crawling in and out of the corpse.

Apple Bloom fell to her knees gagging, she spoke a moment later. " N-no...NO! " She tried to cry but all her tears were already wept away.

She sniffled " I will find who did this to you granny. " She got up and walked forward

Every tree she passed, the bark grew darker until it was black. Apple Bloom stopped thirty minutes later and seen a white willow tree with eyes of all different sizes look at her. This struck something in Apple Bloom, something fragile. It was her very self that she lost long ago, it was her ignorance, her filly self that returned. Apple Bloom approached the tree slowly, each step a memory came by. She remembered being bullied, then she remembered a filly being beat to death by her father, the filly in that memory seemed like the monster that attacked her hours before. When she was inches away from the trunk of the tree is when she remembered the fillies name.

" R-Rosebloom. your name is Rosebloom, isn't it. " spoke Apple Bloom as all the eyes of the willow tree closed and blood streamed down from where they were, a little distorted voice of the once shy and scared filly was heard behind Apple Bloom.

" You finally remembered, but it is too late. You let him kill me when you could have stopped him. When you could of just distracted him a little bit for me to escape. "

Apple Bloom turned around to see Rosebloom, the light blue filly with a black mane with a large blue stripe in the middle that covered the right side of her face. The filly wore a white mask with a broken smile across it's face, the left side of the mask had a chunk broken off. She also wore a black jacked that is covered in her blood, her flesh was bruised in most places and rotting in some, She approached Apple Bloom slowly, and each step she seemed to grow older. Until she seemed the same age as Apple Bloom and when she seemed this age. her horn broken at the tip glowed crimson and Apple Bloom grew tired. Before Apple Bloom closed her eyes she seen Rosebloom's hair float, revealing her right eye, it was covered in black goo but had a crimson red pupil looking at her.

" Remember this Apple Bloom, i am coming back and when i do, i will butcher you and every-pony you care about and i won't stop there. No, no, no, I will be the monster under every-ponies bed!" spoke Rosebloom before a mark of a rose with an ancient language around it burnt onto Apple Blooms chest.

Apple bloom passed out shortly after. Apple Bloom woke up in her room on her bed, She rubbed her head " What a nightmare. " she said.

But it wasn't long before she saw the burnt mark of a rose. Apple Bloom screamed causing her sister come running in.

" Apple Bloom, what happened? Who did this to you? " Said Applejack with anger and worry, Apple Bloom responded with one word.

" Rosebloom..."

here is the story i have been working on

is this the person from Ponytown?

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