• Member Since 13th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 1st, 2023

Belligerent Bindlestiff

Casually serious gamer and speculative writer. Breaking the boundaries through crossovers.


Setting Up a Triple Play · 3:32pm Apr 9th, 2016

Things can oddly snowball when I near the end of a project. Bringing myself to get over the hill and actually write was incredibly difficult, but now I've gone and gotten the ball rolling.

For the most part, I've written three chapters. The next series of updates, once transcribing and proofreading are done, will be out as such in three before there's another large gap between updates.

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End Game · 3:25am Mar 29th, 2016

So, the story is drawing to a close and honestly its been a great experience delivering it to you.

I can see myself finishing it before June if things stay normal on my end. To think it all started from at "what if" question that never dissapated.

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Chapters en route! · 2:41am Mar 4th, 2016

Tomorrow morning I'll post the long awaited chapter 18.

Chapter 19 will be in transition this month.


Momentum · 4:45am Jan 26th, 2016

Apologies for being absent on the updates. I've been attempting to sit down and write chapters as of late.

Right now, I'm focused on two things. Writing and backlogging chapters until the end of my story and making major revisions (grammar wise) to my existing chapters.

If you don't see an update by the end of this month, one should definitely make an appearance in February March.

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Audio Links and Chapter 17 on the Horizon! · 10:08pm Dec 22nd, 2015

So, I've decided to add links to the music of my chapters in the story where I believe they best represent the mood if they apply. Some pieces are only inspirations.

With the exception of one song, I was able to find youtube videos to link the music to the story.

Thanks to Orion Light for the recommendation.

Stay tuned. The next chapter will be posted tomorrow!


Two chapters in the works! · 4:27am Dec 15th, 2015

So the next installment of the story is nearly finished, and the following chapter is being written, literally. I don't think I've ever said this, but I do write the story out and then transcribe it onto my computer.

In terms of content, these two chapters will be tied together. Without giving too much away, there will be an allusion to another Final Fantasy in these chapters.

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Comic Coincidences · 4:30am Dec 3rd, 2015

So Friends Forever Issue #23....

So they do exist. Not how I imagined the pigasi, but I'll take it.


Edits beginning. · 12:24pm Nov 23rd, 2015

So I'm going through each chapter and attempting to clean things up.
I'll also be addressing that one discrepancy in chapter 10, so far I've edited until chapter 7.

Also I am working on Luna's speech pattern. Please help me out and let me know if I'm doing a good job, what I should change, or if I should go back to the way I had it.


Comments and Input · 6:06am Nov 1st, 2015

So I'm curious people. I want to know what parts in 'Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon' you've found to be the most interesting, riveting, and entertaining.

I want to improve my craft by honing in on my strengths. But that's not to say I don't want to get input on areas that I need improvement on. So, I suppose this blog will be the place to discuss the story's elements and events.

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14 In the Works · 11:51am Oct 23rd, 2015

Finally able to get another chapter done. So, yes chapter 14 is mostly written. I'm trying to stay ahead of chapter releases.

Also, many thanks to people's input. I'll be setting some time to do some clean-up, grammatical and cannonical. Please bear with me as I can only get a hold of my editor from time to time as he is a very busy person.