• Member Since 20th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen May 28th


I love the Wonderbolts epically Soarin he is just so cute. I kinda a mix of Rainbow Dash and Rarity yeah I know weird combo. Favorite pairing Rainbow Dash x Big Mac.


Poll · 5:29pm Dec 6th, 2017

Ok, my friend gave me an idea for chapter 3 and I don't know how I feel about it. So I wanted to let my readers thoughts on the idea. I have two polls. One is on my fanficion.net profile, but you can only vote if you have an account with them. The other one looks like a free poll for anyone to vote so please vote and let me know your thoughts.

FF.net Poll The poll will be at the very top of my profile.

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Almost there! · 2:29am Nov 29th, 2017

So today I have gotten so much done on the new chapter. It has over 1,000 words and 3 pages long. I will be writing more on Friday so I can't say how long it will be or I might just break it up into 2 chapters. Who knows with me, but I will keep you guys posted!


Finally Started writing and projects to start · 3:22pm Nov 27th, 2017

I started writing a couple of paragraphs on Thanksgiving, and I hope to finish chapter when I go on vacation the first week of December maybe I will have 2-3 chapters done by the time I go back to work...well I hope I will anyway. Also working on some projects, MLP related, and I hope I can show them soon as they are finished. For now, they are a secret only known to my friends who don't watch MLP so they don't get it, but they think my ideas are cute and look great so we will see.


New Chapter! · 9:05pm Nov 14th, 2017

Almost done with the new chapter and it's going to be a long one so just beware. I didn't go the direction I thought I would have with this chapter, but it didn't flow right, so I'm pushing that idea back a bit.

I do have tons of ideas for the story, but most of them are in the later years when Samantha is older, and the romantic plot comes into play.

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A little bit about me · 9:02pm Nov 14th, 2017

Ok since they don'Hobbiest give you a lot of space for a bio on your profile I think a blog post would be an excellent way to get to know me better.

Real Name: Tiffany
Sex: female (yes I was born a girl shouldn't have to say it, but with everything like it is nowadays I have to make it clear what kind of female I am)

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