• Member Since 20th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


I have to admit. I was cautious when approaching this programme, but after the first episode. I fell completely in love with it. I'm a Sparity shipper, and a roleplayer!


So many choices! · 3:02pm Jul 27th, 2015

Yo!, what's up people on this awesome site. This is just going to be a quick update blog today, I haven't really got much to say so that's why. Anyway, I had a look at what films are out in the cinema for my day out on Wednesday and I realized something 'there is way too many films out that I want to see' I certainly can't go out and see them all (Although, I wish that I could.) So, at some point today or tomorrow, I'm going to have to make a choice!

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Of extremely good covers, cake and apple juice · 10:32am Jul 26th, 2015

Oh, hello again! I'm back to give you a new update. I believe this'll be my sixth blog post on this site? Yay me! anyway, back on track. It hasn't been long since I've woken up (about two hours to be exact) but I already know what I'll be doing next week, well on one of the days anyway. I'll probably be going to the cinema on Wednesday and having a wonder around town with some friends, if I can persuade them to come that is! *fingers crossed*.

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The Update of Updateness · 12:02pm Jul 25th, 2015

I apologize for the title to this blog post. I just thought that it might be funny in some way :D No? *Ahem* okay, moving on. Okay, I'm in the early stages of planning a MLP series tilted 'Sparity Chronicles' the series will be treated like an actual television series so for each story it'll have a different plot, a different episode name and various other characters popping in and out. However! the main focus will be on the characters Rarity and Spike.

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Of Ponies, Dr Pepper and Five Nights at Freddys · 2:42pm Jul 24th, 2015

Okay! here I am again. See, I'm getting good at this regular thing ain't I? Well, I don't really have much to report to you lovely lot today. I basically had a wander around town (Moneyless cause I'm broke as hell) eyeing up certain games that I want but can't have until I get my money in a couple of weeks time. However, to pass the time I've been playing FNAF 4 (Five Nights at Freddy's 4) and I have to say that it's an amazing leap up from the other three games! The tension is unbelievable and

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Hi, I'm a My Little Ponyaholic. · 11:32am Jul 23rd, 2015

The title is true. Now that season 5 has ended. I find myself trying to find any and all things related to this amazing show. However, I'm beginning to notice that I'm watching repeats of different things. So, instead to try and satisfy my growing hunger for the show. I'm reading tons of new fanfictions. I have to say, each one I've read on this site is amazing, some packed with feels others with awesome action. There is never a dull moment on here! It also helps that I've got Pinkie's 'Smile'

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Missed blog! · 12:41am Jul 23rd, 2015

Okay, so you know how I promised that I'd do a blog every day? Yeah, I kinda broke that promise because i didn't do one yesterday (It's almost 2 here in the UK) I'm sorry about that! So, to make it up too you all. I'll do this blog now and another blog later and I /may/ even release a new MLP story ;) We'll just have to see. Speaking of My Little Pony, has anypony on here watched/seen/heard Lullaby for a Princess? It's a truly stunning piece of brony awesomeness that I advise everybody to go

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You know your a brony when... · 3:08pm Jul 21st, 2015

Well, I feel very welcome and accepted on this wonderous site. I thank you ALL for your comments, they really warmed my heart. As for my first piece of writing, I have to say I wasn't expecting people to like it so much. That was also a pleasant surprise, so a thousand thank you's for that as well. Now, onto the subject as to why I feel like I'm not a brony. I was in my kitchen today, happily making myself a sandwich when my dog brushed up against me, now my mind was still fixed on the last

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Newbie · 11:48am Jul 20th, 2015

Well, well, well...looky what we have here. I newbie to the ranks? before anypony asks. No, I'm not the real Spike. However much I would like to be him, I'm tragically not. I believe it's physically impossible for me to become a baby dragon over night. Not unless I borrowed one of Twilight's books and read one of the spells. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. This first blog is basically me saying 'I'm here, notice me' and all that nonsense. I hope to have some MLP stories up soon, and for some I

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