• Member Since 17th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 13th, 2018




This account is just here to post clopfis I have in my head I don't feel comfortable to post on my main account.


Update on the Way · 7:28pm Aug 3rd, 2015

I want to let you know I’m not dead and still working on my story ‘Equestria Gets a Visit from Space’.

There was a lot of stuff happening in real-life and this chapter just so happens to be the longest so far (it will have around 4,4k words), so I didn’t manage to put it online last friday.

I also have to give you more bad news: The way things are turning out for me I’ll probably have to change my publishing schedule from one chapter every week to one chapter every two weeks.

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Comments ( 2 )
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2233930 It's not canceled :pinkiehappy: I just wanted to write a one shot to get back into it before I continue. I plan to write the next chapter in the next 1-3 month.

So is that alien fic canceled?

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