• Member Since 20th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Aspiring writer, Steve Magnet disciple


March Updates and Plans · 6:54pm Mar 5th, 2022

Hey all! Time for another monthly update. Didn’t get a lot of the things I put in my last update done (big shock), but I at least have some excuses. I spent a large part of last month applying to numerous jobs and, of course, got no response back. On the upside, I’ll be taking a business trip next weekend for my pulp fan-group, so I’ll at least have a little fun traveling. My mother has also started her cancer treatment again after a two month resting period, though this was more due to her

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The BamHoofYah Recovery Project (HOME PAGE) · 7:18pm Mar 3rd, 2022

The year is 2013. Season Three of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has finished, the first Equestria Girls movie has released to a middling reception, and BronyCon has moved out of its New York City hometown to its new home, Baltimore. The overall sensation in the Brony fandom is that of change: a princess Twilight instead of a unicorn, a new group of human characters to parallel the Equestrian ones, and, though it is more a vague sensation than a firm recognizance on the

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Valentine's Day: The Good and the Bad · 10:47pm Feb 14th, 2022

The bad: Still don't have anybody in my life to share this holiday with. Gilbert O'Sullivan pretty much spells out my feelings for this kind of day.

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February Updates and Plans · 12:37am Feb 6th, 2022

Hey all! I was writing some work that was (supposedly) professional, but found myself getting too overtaken with outside thoughts. So I’ve decided to hang around here and type up my ideas for what I want to do this month. Unlike many of my past posts, I’m trying to adhere to a stricter schedule, as I’ve found just having a single date guideline tends to leave me procrastinating until the due date. Going forward, I’m going to widen the time limit for my goals to a single week so that I am

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Solomon Kane Story Rankings · 3:07am Dec 12th, 2021


December Update and Plans · 2:27am Nov 29th, 2021

The last time I did a monthly update/plan, things were not looking particularly rosy on my end. I won't bother you with the specifics, but there was a lot of drama going on at my end and life seemed particularly bleak. I'd posted that I would start doing writing work to stave off the feelings of despair that were going to overwhelm me, but as the general lack of content on this page should make clear, very little came

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Jinglemas is Coming! · 11:40pm Nov 21st, 2021

As most people who follow me know, I'm pretty schizophrenic when it comes to releasing stories. However, there is one event that I've remained punctual for ever since 2018: Jinglemas. Part of it is because, unlike contests that I can drop out of at any point, I actually have to finish a Jinglemas story since somebody is actively expecting one. That, and having a specific person to write for forces me to actually do research about what

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A Triumph and A Tragedy · 3:30pm Nov 15th, 2021

As of today, I have now spent officially ten years in the fandom. My admission into this little cultural movement started on November 15, 2011, and I've enjoyed myself for the most part ever since. Even when things didn't always go right (looking at you, BronyCon 2019), I more often than not found the fandom adding a degree of excitement and interest into my own life. So to all of you out there, thank you for making the world a little more interesting.

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October Pains, October Plans · 6:33pm Oct 11th, 2021

So, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? The last time I posted a blog here, things weren’t so hot in my life. And frankly, they’re not getting much better. My mother’s cancer has likely spread to other parts of her abdomen, my father got conned out of $5,000, I’m stuck at a fast food job I hate, the jobs I want that can actually pay a livable wage are not showing up, the one decent job I have a good chance at probably isn't going to tell me if I’m accepted until mid-November if I'm even accepted at

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Cancer Changes Everything · 2:33am Apr 25th, 2021

A few weeks back, I posted a blog about how a family member of mine (my mother, as I will now reveal) was suffering from a strange disorder the doctors couldn't figure out. Well, as the title should indicate, we've discovered what the problem was.

Uterine Cancer, Stage Three.

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Report libertydude · 207 views · #cancer #delays