• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?


For By Grace Ye Are Saved, Through Faith... · 7:01am Jan 5th, 2021

Forgive the emotional post but I'm up late crying so bear with me

The wonderous mercy of God to me, the worst of all sinners, sometimes falls upon me like some sort of glorious rock, and I can't shake it. And I even find reflections or shadows of his glorious Gospel even in this stupid little tv show about horses we all obsess over.

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Report CategoricalGrant · 521 views · #God #Christ #Grace

The Future of Cuddlefic Contests · 8:02am Dec 27th, 2020

Hello my bois.

I got to thinking- maybe 2021 is a year in which we bring the Cuddlefic Contest back. Here's the real input I want from you guys though- for those of you who participated in the contest or just watched it in years prior, what do you suggest for changes? What should I work on, change about the rules, etc., to make it more fun, more accessible, more cuddly?

Responses welcome in the comments!


Merry Christmas to All! · 5:46am Dec 25th, 2020

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! -Philippians 2:6-8

Christ is Born!


New Christmas Story (and Old Ones too!) · 8:26am Dec 22nd, 2020

Alright Ladies n Gents, it's that time of year again. I would be remiss if I didn't drop at least *one* Christmas-themed story this year- so I did! You can find it posted right here- in honor of all those who can't make it home for Christmas this year.

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Luna's Cuddle Dungeon: The Audio Drama (NOW WITH LINK) · 5:06am Dec 15th, 2020

Please forgive me for my stupidity, I failed to post the link on the last post :derpytongue2:. Reposting here:

A new AUDIO DRAMA OF LUNA'S CUDDLE DUNGEON (Chapter 1) IS AVAILABLE HERE. It was created by the amazing TheWingman from VAs he recruited online; and they all did a great job! I'm looking forward to the next chapters!

Everyone go, take a listen, and leave a nice little note!


Luna's Cuddle Dungeon: The Audio Drama · 4:24am Dec 12th, 2020

A new AUDIO DRAMA OF LUNA'S CUDDLE DUNGEON (Chapter 1) IS AVAILABLE HERE. It was created by the amazing TheWingman from VAs he recruited online; and they all did a great job! I'm looking forward to the next chapters!

Everyone go, take a listen, and leave a nice little note!


How I Write Ponies · 6:57am Nov 26th, 2020

So, I've noticed that my approach to writing the various main MLP characters is generally well-received, but it has not escaped my attention that some of my choices touch the occasional nerve. There are a million 'right' ways to write these characters of course...And the discerning pony of letters may even notice differences between how a character acts in one episode of the show to the next, depending on the episode's writer. All that being said, I want to lay out my general approach to the

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Did I tell u guys I got Coronavirus · 7:08pm Nov 21st, 2020

I got coronavirus while working at the hospital.

Anyway I’ve been recovered for a week plus at this point, hoping to get some pony out to everyone soon


I'm Sorry · 1:22am Nov 4th, 2020

I wanted to do a "Biden and Trump Debate in Equestria" fic but I didn't get around to it because I was too busy

Anyway as results roll in can we get an F in the chat for my broken fic dreams


Question · 7:49pm Oct 3rd, 2020

Would you guys rather snuggle up with Luna or Celestia?

You fimfiction denizens know I am exceptionally partial to Luna, but to be fair I feel like Celestia is fluffier and might be a softer cuddlebuddy.

I need your arguments down below to convince me one way or the other.