• Member Since 7th Oct, 2011
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Compendium of Steve

The One Who Writes. Intermittently, Without Fail.


We... · 7:04pm Mar 21st, 2020


I've Joined A Writing Contest · 4:34am Feb 2nd, 2020

Yes! Like the title says, I went and joined a writing contest. This one, specifically. The premise is that each contestant is given five prompt cards, and they are tasked with writing a story that incorporates at least two of them. This struck me as an interesting challenge and I have to say, I'm having me some fun! The contest started back in mid-December and I've only posted the first chapter of my

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Hello, 2020! · 6:27am Jan 1st, 2020

I feel completely refreshed. Like I just put on fresh underwear on New Year's Day (which I did).


Just a Thought · 6:56pm Nov 15th, 2019

So there's this documentary called "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" which is about Mr. Rogers, the mystique, philosophy, controversy and so on surrounding his life and work. I heard and read plenty enough about the man, but hearing these things retold alongside new factoids and anecdotes and instances never stops fascinating me and making me feel good about things, about the goodness that can exist in people.

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Meandering Thoughts · 5:50pm Sep 4th, 2019

Hey, how's it going? Sure has been a very long time since I blogged about anything, and a whole lot's happened for me in the intervening time. Wrote and published some stories, traveled to places like Denmark and Momocon, met and shook hands with Suda51 (also kinda alluded Death By Dragon to him, so great!), flipped out over the latest Godzilla movie, and really getting into tea drinking. This post is mainly to touch base and let you know I'm still alive so I won't get into all of that, though

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Sadness · 4:29am Jan 6th, 2019

Hey all. No Smash talk this time, as you can surmise. Instead, today I learned that the K-Mart in my area will be shutting down in March, and is undergoing a fire sale of sorts. A little silly you may think to be bummed out about a dying retail brand, and certainly the end appeared nigh for quite some time. But, this store at least, meant something to me.

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Man, what an ending... · 6:42pm Dec 13th, 2018

Hey all, long time no chat once again. Making this here post to reflect my feelings on a certain lovely little game you may have heard of called Super Mario Odyssey.

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A Certain Survey · 3:59am Nov 9th, 2018

As most of us have been well-versed in the ways of the Internet for at least the past three years, I feel like talking about the big Halloween surprise that's Deltarune: the continuation of the Undertale mythos by our main man Toby Fox himself. I gotta say I didn't know what to expect, but it was quite neato, with a different take on battles and a fresh set of characters to play around with. And while my roommate has a serious hate boner for the ending (specifically the character featured in

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Sleepy Times · 6:50am Nov 6th, 2018

Hey all. Good news, this isn't a post (completely) about voting. Just wanted to say I came home feeling immensely tired today. Like, sluggish to the extreme. You ever have those days of utter fatigue, even though you've done things at the same pace as normal? How do you perk up from such onsets?

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An Inconvenient Reminder · 3:22am Oct 24th, 2018

Hello everyone; I apologize in advance because I'm gonna go political again. But again I feel it important to point out exactly what sort of mindset is running our government. You may or may not have heard about how the current administration is considering excluding transgender persons from civil rights protections, expecting citizens to identify as either male or female and nothing in between. Now whether you believe transgenderism is a thing or not, this consideration of the Trump

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