• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2017

Comis Animus

A humble vampire bat that wishes to live out his days in peace within the dark and twisting woods of Everfree, away from those who may be hurt by his kind's thirst for fresh blood.


  • Registered: Feb 22nd, 2014

Stories ( 2 )

Top Stories

  • TAncient Light
    When ancient foes from the past reappear after being believed to be gone forever a darkness begins to shroud the land and so to combat this ancient darkness an ancient light is summoned forth to do battle once again.
    Comis Animus · 5.1k words  ·  12  1 · 420 views
  • TComis Animus
    Things dwell within Everfree Forest during the night. Most of the time you'll only find a cruel monster that craves blood as it seeks its next meal... But, sometimes you stumble upon a kind monster that might even protect you from the other mons
    Comis Animus · 3.7k words · 320 views