• Member Since 31st Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2018

Space Wizard Novablast

A currently 15 year old Danish kid who writes fan fiction and plays video games


Coming out of the closet, is it really that difficult? · 1:18pm Jul 9th, 2014

Now, as you guys know i am a bisexual male. A lot of people respect me for daring to tell them, and i have received compliments on how amazing a person i am for not mistrusting them with that.

When honestly, i didn't think it was that big of a deal.

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Mister two million dollars. · 11:37pm Jul 3rd, 2014

ah yes...

So, for those of you who recognize that line, Id say you have a pretty good taste in interactive media.

recently, ive been playing the game Shadow Warrior, a remake of the original classic FPS game made by 3D realms, back then known as apogee. this new game is also an FPS title, go figure, and tells the tale of the legendary warrior Lo Wang's first adventure.

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Report Space Wizard Novablast · 151 views ·

So, I am back from camping · 9:34am Jul 1st, 2014

Or rather away from it, which means quite a few things.

The first being that i want to get you guys caught up on a few...... Things..... That's a good way to put it.

Firstly, I'm gonna be continuing the Overlord shortly, seeing as I now actually have some drive to write.

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Report Space Wizard Novablast · 114 views ·

Summer vacation · 9:41am Jun 27th, 2014

short and short, im going off camping with my family, so ill be offline for 14 days or so.

wish me the best of luck.......

Report Space Wizard Novablast · 108 views ·

I challenge thee · 9:06pm Jun 23rd, 2014

Aight, so maybe some of you have heard of a little game called hearthstone....

Wait, you've played it? Well that helps things along nicely, because I kinda want to sling some ideas back and forth, find some people to play with, and that kinda stuff.

So, if you play the game, give me a pm or a comment. Because I need to vent my ideas out and strategize with someone!

Report Space Wizard Novablast · 126 views ·

The Lack Of Chapters · 9:01pm Jun 22nd, 2014

So, guys, ill get real with you for a second.

This story hasn't had an update in ages, and i know that some of you are probably annoyed by my absense, or at the very least you're slightly perturbed. But ive gotta get through with this.

I hate this story.

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New story: the tale of my short as hell attention span · 7:49pm Jun 12th, 2014

So yeah, recently I've been playing the game awesomenauts, and I wanted to make a story about it, seeing as the characters are so damn colourful and cool (anyone who has seen it will know what I'm talking about)

So I've made that, which is kind of just a pet project so I have something to do in between writing a total of four chapters for the overlord, and doing shit all with Tales of the vampire hunter.

Also, I scored a B+ in my Danish finals, so that's something.

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I am Terribly sick! · 9:33pm Jun 9th, 2014

And just in time for my verbal Danish finals. God dammit timing is a bitch for me.

But 'enough of that. I'll actually tell you what's wrong with me (despite the usual things I mean)

So. What I've got is basically an inner ear infection. Which happens when puss from your nose enters the ear canal and presses against the ear drum. Slowly the eardrum will get infected, which will start straining the entire head.

Fortunately for me, it's only my left ear.

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Report Space Wizard Novablast · 149 views ·

I won't be writing for a while · 2:44pm May 16th, 2014

So, I'm linking this to The Overlord because I presume that it's gonna be people there who would want to know the most.

I've completely lost all creative drive, and I think I need to get it built up again. Whenever I sit down to write I end up writing a single word, if that, and then just close down my iPad.

I'm in....... An odd phase of my life, it seems like I have absolutely no motivation to so anything If I can't do it with friends.

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Report Space Wizard Novablast · 104 views ·

Pop music, and why its awful · 10:42pm May 15th, 2014

Well, I am cutting straight to the bone on this one aren't it, so before I declare that pop music is horrible and tasteless and horrible, let me back up.

I don't hate you for necessarily liking pop music.

Now that that's out of the way.

I find pop music to be absolutely awful in every single aspect. I find the "artists" to be awful people. I find the music itself to be awful. I find the subject matter of everyone of them to be awful.

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Report Space Wizard Novablast · 146 views ·