• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 13th, 2018

The F8ful 1

16, writer, homestuck, planeswalker, (zodiac) Cancer


NOBODY BUG ME · 8:36pm May 25th, 2012

I have a lot of homework, so NOBODY BUG ME XD. Talk to everybody in like an hour

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Remake · 12:23am May 24th, 2012

Given how much I have grown as a writer and as a person in the past 3 months (when I first wrote the story) I decided to re-write my previous story, Negative. I will only be writing the first chapter, but if anybody calls for more, I will make it.
A lot is changing, only the characters are staying the same pretty much.
Though at first, I weep for the story I put so much work into, but then I realize that the only way I can honor what I had done is to do it better.
So, I begin to remake.

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how the? · 5:16am May 9th, 2012

I want to make a group. it will be about being bored. It will also help for ideas for stories (nudge nudge KA). How do I make something of this level of awesomness

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4D rant (intended for ponysquare, but i cant get on at the moment) · 2:58am Feb 23rd, 2012

Why 4D movies are rip-offs
1. The 4th dimension
A creature can only interpret the dimension below them.
Humans can perceive the 3rd dimension, so they are 4th dimensional creatures.
The 4th dimension is just different versions of the same object, which our mind puts in a logical order.
If we were able to perceive the 4th dimension, we would be able to move freely throughout time.
Humans have a CONCEPT of time, not a true understanding of it.
2. Why they are rip-offs

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Mid-Winter Break · 11:26pm Feb 16th, 2012

yay, it is a 5 day weekend, so im gonna be writing a lot (im writing this like people will care). i sprained my arm (my left one) so it hurts a lot.
working on 3 stories
finishing striped affections
Enigma, a short story that will be gory and scary (oh yes, there will be blood)
and my new fanfic Negative which was the pitch i showed you earlier
thanks, have a good time

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what to do? · 12:59am Feb 16th, 2012

i was almost done writing my story on fanfiction, put it on my flashdrive, but then someone stole it!! sorry about that people. now i have to rewrite it. i figured rewriting it from the beginning will do me good, because i realized that my early chapters were confusing and had no emphasis. so expect to get a LOT more story added to it. if you would like to read it now, i dont have a link at the moment, but look it up (on fanfiction.net) its name is "Striped Affections". anywho, I'm working on a

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