• Member Since 22nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 12th, 2023


I'm just a fan of MLP, Touhou, and much more and now for a personal quote. "Inspiration is a fickle thing it’s there when you don’t want it and gone when you need it."


Session 7 · 8:26pm Feb 9th, 2019

Sorry this is late. so anyways we got a new member who's playing a Half-Orc Barbarian and the group decided to head to Spiritmoor and ignore the swamp town, after the Wizard NPC helped our Fighter use the 'Find Familar' Spell so now Stella the Pseudodragon is a full time familiar and not a pet, while our Bard *who's a MLP styled Anthro Changeling in case anyone forgot* made a permanent Hive Mind connection with Spindle. Along the way they encountered all 4 of the encounters I planned. 10 Twig

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Session 6/ First Boss fight · 6:52am Jan 26th, 2019

Long story short I REALLY need to work on balancing fights. Don't really want to go into more detail but hey. the group lived, got some good stuff and a level up for surviving.

Report mattchilly · 122 views ·

Session 5 · 4:05am Jan 19th, 2019

I'll keep this one brief as I'm a bit tired from that session. Group decoded the note they found on the Cultists, know of a Archaeological Dig Sight where the four were heading to report and get new orders, fought some Mantistaurs, *giant prying mantis/giant spider*, got some silk, mantis blades and tamed one. Me a captain in the Xandora army at the ghost town where a large horde of undead appeared, the Fighter found a new weapon due to a nat 20 at the smithy, then when they went to the general

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Report mattchilly · 120 views ·

Session 4 · 4:21am Jan 12th, 2019

Well that was fun. I got to piss off the party in a good way! So first the the Wounded came back after being abducted from the party by a group of Succubi maids... now if you think he got lucky... nope. he was used as a dress up doll and his Hexblade weapon Ashlark was laughing at him the entire time. After that the bard NPC party member Lulu went off to see what kind of info on the cult she could find at the Bards college and she told them she'd meet them in Spiritmoor in at least 3 days.

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Session 3/ start of the main story · 7:02am Dec 31st, 2018

...Lucky players are lucky. So after the two characters Wounded Deer and Nova were arrested and the session ended I rolled a D100 and the higher it was the better it would be for them... I rolled a 100... *takes a deep breath* [Edit; thing is Wounded Deer wouldn't shut up so the Dwarven Guard had to gag him, though his Hexblade Patron/weapon Ashlark had to be kept within a specific range so it wouldn't just teleport to him so Ashlark saw the whole thing.] So when they were let out of jail due

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Session 2 of being a DM · 6:18am Dec 22nd, 2018

I both enjoy and am annoyed by this party. the only Non-Chaotic aligned people are the NPC allies.so in game it's been a few weeks since they saved a child from some bandits and now they're travailing in one of the other kingdoms. So they're travailing to a town located in the Underdark as part of a caravan when there's a cave in. The group along with 2 NPCs are separated from everyone else and the only way to go now is farther into the Underdark. First they fought some Ankheg which are giant

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My First Time Being A DM · 7:17am Dec 15th, 2018

So a the oneshot I ran ended a while ago and everyone had a lot of fun. heck they said it felt more like a prologue then a oneshot! I made a few different encounters for the group which was chosen by a roll of the dice and the group tore through everything, apart from the final boss which gave them a little trouble but hey. I've never done this before and learned a lot. I definitely want to do this again!

Report mattchilly · 118 views ·

More DND · 4:41am Dec 2nd, 2018

well still no real combat yet which is kinda annoying but we got some good character development for my Lizardfolk Barbarian and the Human Artificer of the group so that's good. Long story short we have one year to kill a CR 30 Demon or the Artificer and one of the last living friends of my Barbarian is gonna die.... yeah. Good news is the other part of the group made some head way in the murder mystery. still having a ton of fun though. :pinkiesmile:

Report mattchilly · 90 views ·

So my second week of DND · 8:29am Nov 25th, 2018

was just as fun as last week. SO last week I used up my gold to by a health potion *the only one the group has. and sis say's I'M reckless when playing games* and this week I made that back and then some by searching some rooms in a ruined temple. I went from just having silver and copper to 500 gold and a new pair of goggles! Don't know what they do yet but here's hoping it's good. Anyways the part had it's first death. a Earth Genasi Paladin named Bedrock got a Nat 1 and was petrified

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Report mattchilly · 145 views ·

My First Real DND experiance · 6:38am Nov 18th, 2018

So I just finished my first real session of DND and I've got to say while I'm a bit drained it was a lot of fun. I went with a Rhinoceros Iguana Lizardfolk Totem Warrior Barbarian named Rhishrashk but he goes by Rhishak because that's easier to say :rainbowlaugh: I guess you could say he's the 'strait man' of the group due to being the most 'normal' much to his unending annoyance because the Cleric isn't the brightest guy and the Tabaxi Fighter is the kind of man that Rhishak doesn't get a long

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Report mattchilly · 140 views ·