Scratched Out

by Sartarus

First published

Kiana's job is good and her lover is great! But what happens when she's not home with her?

Kiana is an alicorn working in the weather center, creating the weather for Ponyville and getting her orders directly from Cloudsdale. She is the happy mare friend of Vinyl Scratch. Things seem perfect between the two, almost too perfect. But who truly knows what Scratch does while Kiana's at work?

Work, work, work.

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Chapter 1
Work, work, work.

The alarm clock sitting on her bedside table only woke Kiana up enough for her to slam her hoof on the Snooze button.

"Just five more minutes....."


"FUCK!! I'M LATE!!!"

Kiana scrambled out of bed, not even bothering to turn her mane or tail into the organized chaos that she usually wears, as she pulled her work goggles around her neck and bolted out the door. She had ended up sleeping for an extra hour, her alarm clock screaming at her like some kind of angry bird. Her job at the weather center was very demanding: she had to create the weather for Ponyville and then send the clouds out for the other weather ponies to put into place. Demanding and sometimes tedious, but very necessary.

The winter air was especially cold this morning and knocked Kiana out of her semi-conscious stupor. If she remembered correctly, there was snow scheduled for the entire day. If she didn't hurry, the snow would be late and she'd end up without a job.

She quickly locked her door with her magic, her horn and lock glowing a bright red. Pulling her goggles over her equally bright red eyes, she took to the air, the crisp morning air numbing the grey alicorn's nose and ears as she made haste to the weather center.

Kiana landed on her hooves in mid-run, wishing she had gotten up when her alarm clock suggested.

Thank Celestia this was her first time being late, or else she would be in a world of trouble.


The morning passed quickly as Kiana pushed herself a bit while making clouds filled with snow. She was smiling wide, her goggles still over her eyes, a long white coat around her shoulders, and a bright yellow hardhat on her head. All she has to do is make two more clouds then she could go have fun in the snow with the rest of Ponyville! Kiana started bouncing in place a bit, ready to go play in the snow with her best friend, Derpy Hooves.

The two ponies had known each other since they were fillies, always helping each other when they needed it. One time, Derpy helped Kiana get over a break up when she was just starting to date. It didn't take long for Kiana to figure out she liked mares more than colts, because Derpy would always catch her staring at some cute filly's flank. She would always blush when she was caught but didn't care. Her philosophy was that everypony had their own opinions and shouldn't be judged because of them, so it didn't bother her what any other ponies thought when she was caught staring.

She kept going from one relationship to another, each one ending in a horrible fight and somepony getting thrown out, Derpy always there to help her back onto her hooves.

A sharp, loud knock on the door brought Kiana out of her reminiscing as a dark brown pegasus opened the door.

"Kiana! Hurry up and finish that order, the snow is supposed to start in 10 minutes!"

"I gotcha, I gotcha, just finishing up this one then one more, don't worry boss, I wont be late!"

Kiana smiled wide at her boss, who just snorted and turned out, closing the door behind him, as soon as he left, she stuck her tongue out in his general direction. She finished up this cloud then stepped on a red button on the floor, a pair of large doors in the wall opening up so she could push the cloud outside where a weather pegasus would take it away and put it where it needed to go. Just one more.

She looked back to the center of the room, stepping on the button again to close the doors. She adjusted her stance and began concentrating on the air in the center of the room, her horn glowing the same bright red as it has been for the past few hours. The air in the little grey room started to swirl around a bit as the moisture in the air was being gathered to a single spot. The moisture was all there in a couple of minutes, condensing into a little ball then slowly spreading out, getting fluffier and fluffier by the second. It didn't take long for a cloud the same size as the last to form. Kiana smiled again, bouncing as she pushed the cloud over to the wall, stepping on the button again to open the doors. Before pushing this cloud out, she grabbed a little silver whistle that was hanging from a nail on the wall, draping the cord around her neck and holding the little silver piece in her mouth.

Outside, all the weather pegasi of Ponyville were gathered on top of the now giant cloud filled to burst with snow. Kiana pushed the final cloud into place herself, smiling as the little fluffy cloud merged with the larger one. She flapped her wings a few times and blew the whistle, every pegasus coming to attention and spreading out along the giant cloud, not a single pony was on the ground; they were all inside, waiting for the snow to start.

Kiana took a deep breath then blew hard into the whistle.

Tweeeet, tweet!

Every pegasus that was on the cloud jumped and landed with a resounding thud as snow just plummeted from the clouds, covering the town with a layer of snow. After the initial jump, each pegasus started to stomp their hooves, making the snow start to fall slowly. Kiana blew her whistle one more time when she thought the speed the snow was leaving the clouds was enough, smiling brightly. Each pegasus stood at attention, waiting to be let go by their superior.


Every pony above the cloud line, Kiana excluded, flew down below the clouds and initiated the snowball war.

Author's note: So!~ This is my first MLP relating fanfic, hope it doesn't disappoint.... Please, only constructive criticism, and don't be afraid to send me a message suggesting ideas if you have any! Sorry this chapter was short, but I'm not all that great with first chapters, once I get into the swing of things, the chapters should get longer! Thanks for reading, hope you guys like it!

Snow Angel

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Author's note: Well, just letting you guys know, this is my first attempt at writing a romantic scene.... Tell me how I did! Again, I hope I don't disappoint!

Chapter 2
Snow Angel


Kiana laughed and smiled wide as her snowball nailed Derpy right on the end of the muzzle, causing her to tumble backwards into a snow covered bush. Derpy stood and shook the snow out of her mane, giggling along while rolling a snowball of her own. She threw the snowball at Kiana but missed by several yards, Kiana started laughing again as Derpy proceeded to pout.

Out of nowhere a snowball found its way to the side of Kiana's head. She looked around for the culprit and found him: a teal pegasus flying over a roof with another snowball in hoof. He was grinning madly, getting ready to throw his other projectile. Kiana looked over to Derpy and they nodded to each other, both of them getting another snowball ready. Derpy threw hers and missed, the teal pegasus started laughing at Derpy but got nailed in the head by a well aimed snowball from Kiana who began grinning from ear to ear.

As Kiana was doing her little victory dance, Derpy took careful aim and hurled her snowball, hitting Kiana in the muzzle just as she went to look at Derpy. The impact caused her to tumble backwards and land at the hooves of a certain white pony with electric blue mane and purple shades who looked down and smiled.

"Hiya Scratchy!" Kiana said and waved, even though she was right there.

Vinyl Scratch leaned her head down and pressed her lips to those of her lover, who quickly closed her eyes and lost herself in the kiss.

Scratch broke the kiss and looked down at Kiana, her mane sprawled out in the snow, lids half closed as her mind lingered on the kiss.

"Sorry to ruin your little play date Kiki, but I was kinda thinking we head back home.... I have to go to Manehattan tomorrow to record some stuff and I don't think I'll be back for like a week...."

"Awwww... Scratchyyyy.... do you really have to go?"

"Yeah, my manager is pushing me to go to the studio... I really don't wanna go..."

"Oh, oh! Idea! Can I come with you?"

Scratch looked down at Kiana and thought long and hard about it, staring into her lover's pleading eyes. A smile forced its way onto Scratch's lips at the sight of Kiana acting so adorable.

"Alright, alright. I'll talk to my manager this afternoon, just stop making those eyes! know what they do to me...."

Kiana smiled wide. "Of course!" She leaned in close to Scratch, "why do you think I use them?" She giggled as she trotted away, Scratch following her, smiling and blushing.

"I'll see ya tonight Derpy! Usual time at the spa, right??"

"You got it Kiana!" Derpy gave her best friend a big smile, waving as Kiana and Scratch left ponyville and began the long walk back home.

Kiana draped her wing over Scratch while they walked, pulling her closer. Scratch gently laid her head against Kiana, enjoying the fact that her lover almost always smelled like rain. They both smiled, enjoying the contact shared between the both of them. Scratch could hear Kiana's heart speed up a little at the contact and giggled softly. Kiana looked down at Scratch and gently licked the tip of her horn, blushing and giggling. Scratch shivered and her face flushed in response.

The two reached Kiana's home after about a half hour of walking. Kiana took her wing from around Scratch and walked up to the door, her horn and lock once again glowing a bright red. Kiana pushed the door open and let her lover go inside before following close behind and closing the door behind her.

Scratch quickly jumped onto the sofa, patting the spot right next to her. Kiana quickly jumped up beside her mare friend and was promptly pushed onto her back. Scratch crawled on top of her, looking into her lover's eyes. Kiana made a little face, scrunching up her nose a bit, making Scratch look confused.

"What's up, Kiki?"

"You know I don't like those shades, right? I don't like how they hide your eyes..."

"Well, you know you're the only pony who can ever convince me to take them off, right?"

"I know," She smiled, enjoying the fact that she could convince Scratch to do things no other pony could. "And I'm glad I'm the only pony who can."

"Forever and always!" Scratch pressed her nose to Kiana's, then turned her head to the side so that their lips connect naturally. Scratch pressed her tongue against Kiana's teeth, requesting an entrance. Kiana teased the other mare for a few seconds then opened her mouth and met her lover's tongue halfway. Kiana pulled her head away from Scratch just far enough for their lips to come apart, but not far enough for their tongues to leave each other. The mares could feel the other's breath on their lips, the feeling slowly arousing the both of them.

Scratch could feel her shades being levitated off her face but didn't bother to open her eyes until the passionate kiss had ended, but even then only opened them halfway. Kiana was smiling almost seductively at the now naked feeling Vinyl Scratch. Scratch could only find herself becoming more aroused as she took in every detail: her disheveled mane splayed out behind her grey head, the slight spiral of her horn, the small twinkle in her eyes as she was doing the same.

The feeling was quickly removed as Kiana let out a loud, very disruptive yawn. Scratch couldn't help but giggle at her lover. "Tired, Kiki?"

"Yeah... Guess I worked harder than I thought today... Sorry..."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. I don't mind if you go take a nap. Just make sure you wake up in time for your spa appointment with Derpy, kay?"

"Thanks, Scratchy. I don't know what I would do without you." Kiana then pressed her nose to Scratch's wiggling it a little, making the white mare giggle.

Kiana slowly sat up, Scratch sliding off of her, helping her get up at the same time. Kiana stretched a little bit before starting to walk up the stairs towards the bedroom.

"I'll see ya later, Scratchy. I love you."

"Love you too, Kiki, sleep well."

"Will do."

At that, Kiana walked up the stairs and to the bedroom, curling up in a bed fit for two.

A Little Turbulence

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Author's note: Well, thanks to everyone who decided to track my story and give me a nice rating and praise. You guys are the reason I enjoy writing.... This is my first ever time writing something intimate. If you don't want to read it, that's fine. This chapter made me cry when i wrote it. Twice. Anyways, I love you guys!

Chapter 3
A Little Turbulence

Scratch quietly opened the door and walked in on the sleeping figure of Kiana. She crawled into the bed with her mare friend, gently nuzzling her cheek, trying to wake her up as gently as possible.

"Kiki~ Wake up, dear. It's almost time time for your spa appointment."

Kiana mumbled into the sheets, "Just five more minutes...." And then the slight snoring began again.

Scratch just sighed and hopped out of bed, walking over to her turntables and speakers.

"Hate to do this to ya, Kiki, but you gotta get up sooner or later..... So why not sooner?!" Scratch nearly slammed a record onto the turntable, placing the needle on it, a soft hum coming from the speakers that was soon replaced by a heavy bass drop, making the windows flex from the vibrations in the air. Kiana sat bolt upright, nearly hurling herself out of the bed, her ears splayed back behind her head as she was assaulted by the epic bass. As she came to her senses her smile widened and her expression softened. Scratch smiled and turned the volume down but letting the music still play. Both mares were bobbing their heads to the beat, the electric sounds making both of them want to start dancing.

Kiana slid out of bed, yawning wide and walking over to her mare friend, nuzzling her neck and planting a soft, loving kiss on her lips. Scratch smiled but then pouted as the contact was cut short. Kiana giggled at her mare friend.

"Wow Scratch, you can be a bit silly at times, you know that?"

"Yup! Anyways, i was trying to wake you up to get you ready for your spa date with Derpy."

"Hmmm..... you seem a little eager for me to leave...."

"Yup!" Scratch smiled wide, oblivious that she had just walked into some kind of trap.

Kiana gasped, her eyes widening and starting to water.

"But only 'cause I get to mess up that spa treatment when you get home! What? You think I wanted you to leave? That hurts, Kiki...." Scratch's face gets sullen and her ears lay back as she pouts harder than ever before.

Kiana instantly regretted doubting her lover. She quickly closed the gap between them, nuzzling her mare friends neck, speaking softly and lovingly, "I'm sorry Scratchy.... It's just... you know what my dating history has been like.... I'm still pretty nervous about dating again...."

"Come on, Kiki... off you go..." Scratch turned her alicorn lover around and nudged her rump, pushing her out the door.

"I love you, Scratchy...."

"Mhm...." Scratch closed the door after pushing Kiana outside.

Kiana sat in front of the door for a good while. She moved her left wing closer to her face and slowly started to pull feathers out, one at a time. It was a nervous tick of hers. Usually when she wanted to calm down she would go up on the roof and do this until everything felt better. She had to go meet Derpy at the spa right now, so sitting on the roof wasn't an option.

She sighed and stood up. She turned away from her house, her wing still in front of her face, pulling feathers out with her teeth and began walking towards town.

"I need to stop doing that to Scratchy...." She thought out loud. This has happened only once before, even worse was that it was on Scratch's birthday. Kiana can't help but be a little paranoid with relationships, after all, all her other ones were ruined for one reason or another. The guys wanted sex too often, the girls had drama issues, more-so than what had just occurred. Kiana sighed again as she walked into the spa, only to be greeted by a smiling Derpy with a towel wrapped around her head.

"Hiya, Kiana! Hey, what's up? You only pull feathers out when something's wrong..."

"Me and Scratchy got in a fight..."

"Aw dang.... Hope everything works out alright."

"Yeah.... Me too...."

"Come on! Cheer up! It's time for us to relax, and what better way to do that than going to the spa?"

"Alright, alright, gimme a few minutes." Kiana folded her wing up, there was a patch where a bunch of feathers used to be that she hid when she folded it up.

It didn't take long for Kiana to start to cheer up. Derpy knew just how to cheer her up, always saying and doing things to make her laugh and smile. Every so often, Kiana would catch Derpy staring at her with what she thought was a look of longing. She dismissed it as Derpy being....well..... derpy.

The spa trip didn't last long but cheered Kiana up substantially. She trotted back home, not even remembering what her and Scratch had fought about. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Scratch waiting for her on the sofa.

"Kiki... we need to talk..."

Kiana's eyes opened wide and she started to tear up. "Oh Celestia... Scratchy, please don't do this to me...."

"Do what..?"

"Please don't break up with me, Scratchy... I love you! I'm sorry about earlier! Just... please don't leave me...."

"I'm not breaking up with you, Kiki." Scratch jumped off the sofa and wrapped her front legs around her mare friend, hugging her close. "I'm just asking that you not go to Manehattan with me. I mean, it's not like i don't want you to go, I really do! It's just that i don't need any distractions, and you're the biggest distraction to me! Don't worry, it's a good thing that you're a distraction."

Kiana sniffled a bit, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"So I'm a distraction, am I? Care to show me what I do that distracts you so much?"

"Not at all. You distract me when you do this," Scratch pressed her head under Kiana's gently nuzzling her neck. "You distract me when you do this..." Scratch then leaned up and licked her mare friends cheek, causing a slight blush to cross Kiana's face. "You distract me very much when you do this...." Scratch connected their lips and pulled away just before tying their tongues together. "And you make it so I can barely breathe when you do this..." Scratch forced Kiana to bend her head and began to lick the alicorn's horn. Kiana shivered hard as Scratch's tongue went from the base to the tip and back again. Scratch went back up to the tip, wrapping her lips around the point and slowly lowering her head on the horn. Kiana let out a soft, lustful moan, her hind legs trembling as the hornplay continued to arouse her. Kiana started to shiver even more as Scratch took in her entire horn, her marehood quickly becoming wet.

"S-scratchy.... let's... let's head to bed... I d-don't know how long I'll be able t-to stand with you doing that...."

Scratch giggled at that and took her mare friend's horn out of her mouth. She turned around to head up the stairs, her tail moving to the side to show her own slick marehood to her lover. Scratch looked over her shoulder at her still slightly trembling lover and giggled softly.

Kiana stumbled over to the stairs and followed her mare friend into their bedroom. She crawled into bed with the white mare and rolled her onto her back. Scratch spread her legs for her lover, her marehood standing out against her white coat. Kiana lowered her face and pressed her nose against the slick folds, warranting a soft moan from Scratch. The smell was almost intoxicating. Kiana found her body doing what it wanted to, she had no control anymore. She was pressing her nose against Scratch's love, rubbing it softly and spreading the lips. Scratch's breathing was getting heavier and her love was getting wetter. Kiana opened her mouth and pressed her tongue against Scratch's folds, gently pushing past them, savoring the flavor of her mare friends sex. Scratch gasped softly as she felt her lover's tongue inside her. Kiana found herself starting to drip onto the comforter at the sounds of her beloved enjoying the attention. Kiana pulled away from Scratch long enough to look up at her flushed companion. The two shared a smile before Kiana stepped over Scratch and positioned her own marehood in front of Scratch's face, moving her tail to the side. Scratch leaned forward to sniff at her lover before plunging her tongue into her depths. Kiana let out a surprised little squeak before going back down on her lover, finding herself licking her mare friend's sex with renewed vigor. Scratch shuddered violently as she reached her peak, her sex contracting around Kiana's tongue. During her release, Scratch had buried her muzzle deeper inside Kiana, the slight penetration sending Kiana over the edge as well.

The two mares finally finished quaking as their shared orgasm ended. Kiana lost the strength in her legs and fell on top of Scratch, warranting a soft "Oof."

Kiana smiled and rolled off her lover, turning around to face her. Both the mares were panting heavily, enjoying the presence of the other as they pressed their lips together, losing themselves in the fading passion of their love making. Kiana pulled the comforter over the both of them and snuggled against the white mare that lay beside her. Scratch smiled and drifted off into unconsciousness, Kiana following suit.

Author's note: NEVER! AGAIN! WILL I WRITE A DETAILED SEX SCENE!!! Sorry about that.... It was jsut extremely awkward for me.... There will be more sex and definitely more gore, the sex will not be as detailed, the gore will be. Anyways, I'm sorry for any disappointed bronies that there will not be any more clop material. Side note: I'm looking for prereaders/screeners to help me while writing. If you're interested, pm me and we'll arrange things then. Thank you once again for the fans I have acquired.

Chance of a Lifetime

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Chapter 4
Chance of a Lifetime

The morning sun drifted through the almost closed blinds and rested softly on Kiana's sleeping form. Her eyelids fluttered open then immediately closed as her eyes were assaulted by the sudden rush of light. She groaned and sat up, moved her eyes out of the sunlight and looked around. Her expression soured as she noticed Scratch was nowhere to be seen. Another groan escaped the alicorn as she slid out of bed and fell into a grey pile. Slowly picking herself up, she walked down the stairs and into the bathroom.

"Today..... Is not going to be a good day...."

Kiana quickly washed up and brushed her mane and tail. She walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her goggles from the coffee table.

"Celestia damn it... Why did Scratchy have to leave without even saying goodbye or leaving a note or something...?"

The grey alicorn walked out the door and started walking towards Ponyville. She let out a loud yawn and covered her mouth with her wing. With her eyes closed she didn't even notice the unicorn she ran into until after the fact.

"Ow! Hey, watch where you're going! Oh.. Sorry Thunder, what's up?"

She addressed the yellow unicorn with dark grey mane and a storm cloud for a cutie mark.

"Well.... uhhh... I got some bad news for ya, Kiana."

"Just tell me."

"Alright... Boss says you're fired."

"Wh-whaaat?! Why?!"

"He said he found an even stronger unicorn to replace you who can do twice your work in the same amount of time.... Sorry Kiana..."


"K-kiana!! Calm down!!"


"I'm just gonna.... leave you to your own devices on this one.... Catch ya around Kiana?"

She took a deep sigh, lowering her head, moving her left wing to her face to pull out some feathers but saw she had pulled out most of them already. She sighed again and proceeded to pull feathers out of her right wing instead.

"Yeah... Catch ya around, Thunder."

With that, the yellow unicorn sped off back to work and Kiana lazily walked along the road to Ponyville.

After about a half hour of walking, Kiana reaches her destination: The Silver Horseshoe. The Silver Horseshoe was the only bar in Ponyville and was Kiana's favorite hang out spot, and her second favorite place to go when she was upset; her roof took the number one spot on the list.

She walked through the door and plopped into a booth, ordering a glass of hard apple cider. She sat there and waited, watching the other ponies in the bar. Some of them she knew, some others she didn't. The ponies she didn't know looked like they had hit rock bottom. The only way she'd be like them would be if Scratchy broke up with her. Oh, she hoped that would never happen.

The hours slipped by as glass after glass of apple cider was gulped down by the angry alicorn. By this point, she was slammed and couldn't walk straight. She tried to get out of the booth, but ended up using the wall for support. She started walking towards the restrooms, the wall acting like a guide rail.

Before she could make it halfway to the door, a white unicorn with a wispy little moustache and graying mane stopped her. His cutie mark was what looked like a very violent storm.

"Excuse me, young miss, but have you any knowledge of a pony by the name of Kiana?"

"Yer talkin' ta 'er...." The drunken alicorn could barely slur her words in a manner that was somewhat understandable.

"Er..... Yes.... Well, I am professor Tempest. I am a teacher at Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns. I teach future weather unicorns and I have heard that a very powerful weather maker lived here in Ponyville by the name of Kiana."

"Why not tha othr uneecorn what stole mah jawb?" Her slurring was getting worse as she started to feel sick. She pushed past the older pony and continued her trek to the restrooms.

"Well.... I already asked him and he declined...."

Kiana stopped and glared at the old stallion. "So, wha? Ah'm a las' reesort...? Tat's bucked up ponee..." She continued forward and pushed open the door to the restrooms. The last thing Professor Tempest heard was what sounded like the poor alicorn throwing up her guts.


Kiana was woken up by a swift hoof to the ribs.


She opened her eyes and was immediately greeted by the sight of her own sick floating in the toilet bowl that her muzzle was currently buried in. The sight and smell called forth another wave of vomit.

She pulled her head out of the toilet and searched around for her assailant. The stallion hovering over her was obviously a bouncer, dark brown with a white mane and a pair of crossed hooves for a cutie mark. He wore a pair of shades and a black fedora.

"Cmon, get up. It's morning and we're about to close up."

"Ugh... Fine, fine, just don't kick me in the ribs again...."

"As long as you get out of here, I won't."

Kiana pulled herself upright and stumbled out of the restroom. She looked around, the custodial pony was mopping the floors. The bartender saw her and started coming closer.

"Hey, Kiana, have fun last night?"

"Yeah... I guess..."

"You remember that unicorn you were talking to?"


"He left you a message asking you to meet him at Sugarcube Corner today around noon. Said he wanted to talk more about his job offer."

"Alright, alright..."

He then walked back to the bar, allowing Kiana to finally leave.

The sun blinded the grey alicorn. She closed her eyes and shielded her eyes from the sun with her wing. The only thing she could think about right now is going home and sleeping.


"Scratchy, sweety? You home yet?"

Nothing but silence.

"Oh yeah.... She's in Manehattan..."

Kiana glanced over to the clock on the wall and saw that it was about half past 10.

"Ugh... I should probably stay awake... Damn... My head is killing me...."

She sat on the couch and pressed her hoof to her face, massaging her forehead.

The time passed slowly. It was helped a little as Kiana drifted in and out of consciousness for about an hour. At a little after 11, she grabbed her goggles and put them on and walked out the front door. She followed the path that she had walked many times before. Instead of going to the weather center, however, she took a slight detour, finding herself stepping inside Sugarcube Corner.

She spotted the old stallion sitting at a table, enjoying a slice of apple pie. Kiana walked up to his table and sat across from him and smiled, clearing her throat to get his attention.

"Ah, miss Kiana. It's good to see you sober."

"Bite me...."

"I'd rather not.... Anyhow, I'm going to offer you a position teaching my class while i take a little vacation.... The children can be a little unruly...."

Kiana sighed. "How unruly?"

"Not too bad, only a few are bad and I've talked to their parents. They haven't been acting up as much lately."

"I guess.... How bad can it be?"

"Oh, I should also mention, if you choose to accept, I'll be paying for your stay as well as accommodations for you and one other. You'll basically be moving to Canterlot for a week."

"Sounds wonderful!" She cringed as she spoke a little too loud, her head starting to throb even harder.

The grey stallion chuckled.

"I should tell you, the job starts the day after tomorrow. So pack your things and you should notify the person you want to bring with you."

"Thank you Professor-"

"Please, just Tempest."

"...Tempest.... Thank you for the job. This means so much to me, since my last boss gave my job away..."

"Yes, of course, anything i can do to help."

"Now... If you'll excuse me, I have to go nurse this hangover....."

Tempest chuckled again and waved her off as she stood and returned to her home. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she drifted into unconsciousness. Tomorrow she'll go to Manehattan and tell Scratchy, but for now, sleep is the more important issue.


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Author's Note: Sorry it took me so long to finally pump out another chapter. I've just been really busy with school lately.... This is where the dark tag is readying itself for its appearance. Next chapter will be where it rears its ugly head. I'm not proud of it, but it has to be done. I'm sorry, Kiana.

Chapter 5

The carriage ride to Manehattan was boring, to say the least. Kiana did nothing but sit in the cab, waiting for the ride to end. Somehow she ended up lying down on the seat with her head hanging off the edge. The carriage bounced after hitting a nice big rock in the road and Kiana fell onto the floor.

"I can't wait to tell Scratchy!" The news that everything would be paid for in their stay at Canterlot was AMAZING! Kiana started bouncing a little, the only other things that got her this happy were snow and Scratch loving on her. Surely Scratch would be just as excited to hear they wouldn't have to pay for a thing!

But it wasn't all about the money, it was about new experiences and hopefully making new friends.... Possibly even settling down in Canterlot with her beloved....

The carriage came to a halt and Kiana rolled into the seat across from her, she hadn't recovered from her head hitting the wooden seat before the door opened and there sat a light green earth pony holding the door open for her. He had a slicked back black mane and a carriage for a cutie mark.

"Thanks..." Kiana hoofed over the bits to pay for the ride then walked up the steps to the recording studio.

"Wow..." The room was small and dimly lit. Lining the walls were gold and platinum records in frames. Down the hall a ways was the receptionist, a pink unicorn who was filing her hooves.

"Excuse me?"

The pink pony looked up at Kiana. "Yes?"

"What room is Vinyl Scratch recording in?"

The pink pony pointed to a door on the other side of the hall.

"Thanks!" Kiana turned around and rushed through the door.

She stopped after closing the door behind her; she heard nothing from the outside but as soon as she stepped in, then sounds of epic bass and computer generated sounds filled her ears. She continued her walk into the studio, quickly finding her mare friend behind a set of turntables, a laptop on a table beside her and a lot of fairly large speakers behind her. She waved to her just as she looked up. Scratch hit a few buttons then hopped down, walking over to Kiana. They smiled and exchanged a quick kiss.

"So what brings you here, Kiki?"

"Well, I was offered a job in Canterlot. A professor from the School for Gifted Unicorns wants me to come and teach for him while he takes a break!"

"Oh, cool. That all you wanted to tell me?"

"No, of course not! I want you to come with me, Scratchy! Oh! More good news! We won't be paying for anything!"

Scratch's jaw dropped at that last statement. Her shades slipped down her face a little, just far enough for Kiana to see her eyes. Kiana smiled again and kissed her lover, this time with a little more passion.


They sat on the carriage bench together, snuggling each other. The two mares had gone back to Ponyville to retrieve their bare necessities before catching another carriage to Canterlot. The two hour ride went by quickly, Kiana and Scratch snuggled each other, Kiana rubbing her head underneath Scratch's chin. They landed on the cobblestone road and stopped with a small lurch. The two slid forward off the bench and landed on their rumps. They giggled a little at the expense of the other and stood up, to be greeted by a pony that looked almost exactly like the pony that had taken Kiana to Manehattan, only he was a pegasus. They had to have been brothers or something. The two mares stepped out, paid the pony, and decided to try and find their hotel. Professor Tempest said he had booked a room at The Moon and Sun Inn.

"So where is this hotel, Kiki?"

"Dunno... he said it's called The Moon and Sun Inn. Also said we'd know when we see it."

They both stopped dead in their tracks when they found a large building with a sign depicting Celestia's cutie mark of the sun on the left, and Luna's cutie mark of the moon on the right.

"Think this is it?"

"Yeah, pretty sure it is."

The two walked inside and Kiana put her hooves on the counter and rang the little bell.

A white stallion with a dark red mane hopped out from under the counter. His cutie mark was of a key with a tag hanging off of it.

"Velcome to ze Moon und Zun Inn. I am ze owner, Inn Keeper, how may I be of zervice to ze fine poniez I am zpeeking to?"

"Um... Kiana? Professor Tempest-"

"Ah, yez, mizz Kiana. Profezzor Tempezt rezerved a room juz for yoo. Yoo and yur companion.... vill be in ze Lunar zuite. I hope yoo enjoy yur ztay."

He ducked under the counter and pulled out a key. On the tag attached to it was a picture of Princess Luna's cutie mark. Kiana took the key and smiled at him. He smiled back as they walked into the elevator.

"Wow, a suite? Who was this guy again?"

"All he said was that he was a teacher.... Guess jobs here in Canterlot pay a lot more than they do in Ponyville. Sucks that we'll only be here for a week."

"Yeah. But hey, at least we'll be here together, right?"



The two enjoyed their stay in the Lunar suite. The room had a dark blue and purple color scheme. The ceiling was painted to look like the brilliant night sky, worthy only of Princess Luna, herself. The bedspread was dark blue with little white spots on it, the curtains hanging off the canopy of the bed sparkled, much like the Princess's mane did. The walls matched the ceiling, and the carpet was a lighter blue than the ceiling or walls. The rest of the furniture matched room, but didn't blend in so much that somepony would run into them if they weren't familiar with the room.

Kiana left her lover alone for her first day of work as a weather instructor.

Scratch walked out of the hotel and decided to walk around and find something to do until Kiana got home from work. She walked by this building that had a large dome on top and was supported by columns. The stone was an off white and looked like it had been there a long time. It matched the style of Canterlot almost perfectly. Past the front door, she heard some soft music coming forth. She stepped closer to see a lone earth pony with a grey coat and black mane. Her mane was styled off to the side a bit and her eyes were closed. She wore a pink bowtie and her cutie mark was a light purple Treble Clef.

Scratch walked inside, caught in a trance, not by the music, but by the mare creating the music.

She found herself sitting at the edge of the stage as the earth pony finished her piece. She held the cello and bow in her fetlocks. It looked.... awkward, to say the least.

The gray pony opened her eyes, they were a deep violet that Scratch lost herself in, only until the musician jumped at seeing a spectator.

"That... that was beautiful... I'm not much for classical, but just... wow..."

"Th-thank you... But, I must ask, who are you?" Her voice had a little 'high-society' accent to it. Had to be expected, considering she lived in Canterlot.

"Oh! I'm Vinyl Scratch! Best DJ in Ponyville!"

"A.... Disk Jockey...." She sighed and looked down. "It's a shame... The classical musics of olden days are slowly being replaced by.... vulgar... noise."

"Noise?! I happen to have hundreds of fans where I come from!"

"And that is why it is such a shame."

"And just who the hay are you to be saying that?!"

"I am Octavia, I would say it's nice to meet you, but this meeting has been rather...." She trailed off, searching for the best word to use.



The two mares just sat there and stared at each other for a few moments before they both let out a sigh.

"Sorry, I just get a bit.... defensive about my work."

"As do I... Will you allow me, Miss Scratch, to make it up to you?"

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

"Perhaps lunch?"

At this point, Scratch's stomach decided to butt in and voice its opinion on that subject. Scratch blushed and Octavia smiled.

"I suppose that is a yes?"

"Y-yeah..." Scratch gave her new friend a sheepish smile.


The two, Octavia and Scratch, became the best of friends that day. Every day when Kiana got home, Scratch greeted her with a kiss and they proceeded to tell each other about their day. Every one of Scratch's stories involved Octavia. This fact unnerved Kiana a little....

On the final day of their stay in Canterlot, Kiana left Scratch with a more passionate kiss than usual. Scratch sat there, dumbfounded. Kiana smiled and walked out, swishing her tail to the side, just for her lover.

"That's all for you when i get back, Scratchy~"

Scratch grinned wide at her promiscuous mare friend and watched her leave.

Scratch sat about the suite, exploring a little. This little venture rewarded Scratch by revealing the minibar. Shortly after her discovery, there was a knock on the door. Scratch went over and opened the door for her guest, who was none other than Octavia.

"Sup, 'Tavi!"

Octavia smiled and blushed a little at her nickname. "Good morning Vinyl. What did you have planned for today?"

"Oh, I just thought we could hang out here today. Don't wanna be too tired for the trip home tonight."

"That's right... you're leaving today..."

"Hey, don't be sad, 'Tavi, I'll come back to visit! Promise!"

Octavia smiled and walked around her friend's hotel room. "Wow... This is really nice..."

"Yup! Oh hey, I found the minibar, c'mon, let's have a drink!"

"But... It's awful early to start drinking, isn't it...?"

"Yeah, but you know what they say: It's five o'clock somewhere."


That night, Kiana walked up to her room and readied the key. Her day was horrible; the students were particularly inattentive and unruly. She pushed the door open to something she will never forget. She dropped her room key and her jaw hit the floor.

On their bed, lay Vinyl Scratch with a gray earth pony's head between her legs.

Scratch lifted her head, her shades were off. Only Kiana could make her take them off. The gears in Kiana's head started turning, then something clicked and she finally snapped.


"K-kiki... I..."


Kiana turned and slammed the door shut behind her. A painting that was hanging on the wall fell off its hook with a soft thud. Kiana galloped down the hall and down the stairs, calling a carriage. Tears were streaming down her face.

How could she...? I thought she loved me....

Rooftop Diaries

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Author's Note: This is the end. Once again, I'm sorry, Kiana.

Final Chapter

Chapter 6

Rooftop Diaries

Kiana sat on the roof of her house. She was at the bar for a few hours before heading home. When she got back, all of Vinyl's things were gone. She must have hired a mover or something. She took a nice, long swig of whiskey. This stuff was cheap, but it was pretty strong. She shuddered as it touched her tongue and stung.

Why would she do that..... *sigh* she was supposed to be my special somepony.... But, nooooo! She had to go fuck that other mare!

This night hadn't been going well for her. First she has a hard time at work, then she finds her mare friend cheating on her.

I wonder how long she's been hiding it from me.... That image of Scratch lying on her back, being pleased by another mare sickened Kiana. She went to take another swig of whiskey but found that the bottle was empty. She threw the empty bottle against the chimney, where it shattered upon impact.

She stood and wobbled a little bit. She caught her balance quickly, having only started drinking once she got up on the roof. She leaned her head back and looked into Luna's dark sky, dotted with millions of little white lights. She could have sworn she saw one disappear before her eyes and another pop up somewhere else.

"*sigh* Why can't today just go the way I want it...?" Her depression soon came back to her. Memories of when she was a filly flooded her mind.


Kiana lived in a little village way out in the mountains where none of the other ponies even knew what Celestia or Luna looked like. They thought the princesses deserted them and left their ancestors to die. They had learned to cultivate the rocky soil to survive. It was hard, but not impossible.

Kiana had always been kept indoors. Her parents, both pegasi, were shocked that their daughter was an alicorn. They were proud of their daughter, but rarely let her out of the house for fear of their daughter being ridiculed. She had learned to entertain herself while her parents were working. She was homeschooled by her father, the teacher at the local school. She had always been told not to leave the house.

Did she listen? Of course not.

One day, she got bored and decided to go explore the little village she called home. It was all strange, seeing buildings from the outside and seeing shops, other ponies, and even the landscape. The only view she had was from her bedroom window.

She walked down the street, gazing at everything that caught her attention. All of the shops, houses, street vendors, and even other ponies caught her gaze! Mothers backed their children away from her, many stared. Ponies kept moving out of her way. She stopped and looked around.

From behind her, she heard a colt ask his mother, “Mommy, what is that thing...?”

Kiana turned and heard several whispers and a few more children asking the same question. Her eyes started to water and she backed away. She started crying a bit at all the bad things being said about her. She heard mothers tell their children she was an abomination, a freak of nature. She spread her wings and took to the air.


Kiana was openly crying now. Memories of her first time in the open had scarred her, made her think all ponies were cruel. And now, that’s seeming to be true, again. She opened another bottle of whiskey and started chugging. This bottle was quickly drained and dropped onto the roof. The young alicorn started stumbling again and dropped to her haunches. Her tears started flowing more as she remembered something else.


She flew until she couldn’t fly anymore. She remembered her father telling her that pegasi could walk on clouds. She wondered if she could do the same. She descended and touched down on a cloud. It was soft, but firm.

“Yes! Oh my gosh, this is so cool!” She did a little dance before seeing a pegasus moving a darker cloud around the sky. She got low and hugged her body close to the cloud she was standing on. The pegasus saw her and flew over. Kiana started shaking uncontrollably and began to back away.

“Hey, you okay? What’s wrong?”

Kiana kept shaking and walking backwards. Her back hoof stepped off the edge of the cloud and she fell. She screamed as she forgot how to use her wings. The pegasus jumped after her and grabbed her, lowering her gently to the ground below.

“Hey! You gotta be careful! You must be new around here. Name’s Drift! Drift Whitemane!”

Kiana continued to shy away from him, slowly backing herself up against a tree.

“D-daddy told me.. n-not to.. t-talk to other p-ponies....”

Drift smiled and held out his hoof. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”

Kiana just stared at him.

“What? Do I have something on my face?”

Kiana continued to stare. “Y-you’re not... scared of me...?”

“No! Why would I be? You’re just like the princesses!”

“I’m... what?”

“Geez, where did you live before? Under a rock? Yes, you’re an alicorn, just like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“Wow... We... um... My village hasn’t seen the princesses in generations.... At least, that’s what daddy told me...”

“Huh... must have been hard.”

“It was...”

“Hey, c’mon, let’s get you someplace you can stay, kay?”

“Um... A-alright...”


Kiana smiled and wiped her eyes.

“I miss Drift...”

He had been so nice to her. He had helped her, he had protected her, he had loved her. They were together for almost two years. He left her shortly before their two-year anniversary because ‘he couldn’t handle the emotional rollercoaster.’

The tears came streaming back. The moment he dumped her was when she built that wall around her heart. This wall was broken several times as she let a few other guys into her heart in flight school. Then she met Derpy.


“LOOK OUT BELOW!” A light gray pegasus came crashing into the clouds at Kiana’s hooves. She stood up and shook the white puffyness out of her mane. She smiled brightly with crossed eyes at the pony she almost dive-bombed.

“Um.. Hi?”

“Hey there! Sorry about that, still learning!” She smiled again, this time her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth a little. It was kind of cute. Kiana couldn’t help but giggle.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” The gray pegasus started feeling her face for something that might be out of place.

Kiana burst out laughing and started rolling around on the clouds. Kiana stood after several minutes to face the mare again.

“Hahah! Oh Celestia, that was too funny!”

The gray mare pouted a little but then cheered up. “Well, name’s Ditzy Doo! Most ponies call me Derpy though. Nice to meet you!”

Kiana smiled back. “The pleasure’s all mine. My name is Kiana.”

“Ooo, that’s a pretty name!”




Kiana stood and looked around. She then looked over the edge of the roof.

“The ground looks really soft right now...”

She started walking closer, putting her front hooves on the edge of the roof.


That sounded like Derpy.... Kiana looked towards the voice and saw her best friend flying towards her.

“Kiana! Oh, thank Celestia I found you! Ponies have been worried sick about you!”

Kiana smiled at her friend. “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Derpy hovered there, just looking at Kiana. Those crossed eyes always made her smile. Eventually Derpy’s serious face turned into one of relief.

“Thanks, Kiana.” She turned to fly away but stopped. Derpy then landed on the roof in front of Kiana, a soft blush across her face.

“K-kiana... There’s something i wanna tell you...”

“What’s up?”

Derpy didn’t say anything. She walked closed to Kiana and got extremely close. Derpy then quickly kissed Kiana on the lips. When she pulled away the only thing she could see was a stunned alicorn.


“Kiana... I... I love you... I always have....”

“Ditzy... I.... I’m so sorry.... I... I need to be alone right now...”

“Alright... Kiana...?”


“Don’t do anything stupid....”

“..... Aright...”

Derpy then turned around and slowly flew back to Ponyville.

Kiana sat there for several more minutes, watching Derpy fly away. She stood up again and walked back to her perch on the edge of the roof. Tears were streaming down her face again.

“I’m.... I’m sorry... Ditzy...”

Then she stepped off the roof.

The last thing she felt was the wind blowing through her mane.



The large white alicorn let out a deep sigh that echoed into the almost empty room.

“Poor dear....”

Princess Luna walked up to her sister’s side. “Do not worry, dear sister. This had to happen, as we both know.”

“Yes, Luna, I’m well aware of that. I just wish the poor dear didn’t have to go through so much pain.”

“The laws of the universe state that there shall only be two alicorns in the world. One to control the sun, the other to control the moon. All others will be purged.”

“I know what the laws state, Luna!”

Luna jumped at her sister’s sudden outburst. Only once had she seen her sister angry, and that landed her a thousand year trip to the moon.

She let out another sigh. “I’m sorry Luna. I know what the laws say, I just wish the universe had chosen a different way to... do away with her....”

“As do I, dear sister. As do I.”

The two princesses stared at the broken form of their fellow alicorn as she lay on the ground, her life snuffed out in its prime, due to the cruel laws of nature.

They just wish she didn’t have to go through so much pain.

