All's Fair In Love and War 2: Changeling Tides

by CrimsonWolf360

First published

Being the prince of Equestria can be dull. Having everything hes ever wanted and then some sounded great, but Anon longs for more. Luckily for him, a certain changeling Queen has returned to spice things up a little.

Over a year has passed since that fateful day when Anon helped defeat Queen Chrysalis and her changelings. Since that time, he's achieved everything he's ever wanted and then some. Two beautiful alicorn wives, two foals on the way, friends all around him, and a long, prosperous life ahead of him as a bonified Prince. There's just one small issue.

Chrysalis has returned.

Could the return of the dreaded Changeling Queen spell disaster for Equestria and her ponies? Or is there more at play here than what any of them expected? There's only one way to find out for sure: Charge blindly ahead with no regard for personal safety. At least, that's Anon's approach.

Contains: Pregnant alicorn threesomes, baby bumps, lactation, sixty-nines, foursomes, shapeshifting, looooooong tongue stuff, magical bondage, slopping french kissing, and impregnation.

The first 20 chapters of this story have been pre-written so I will be uploading 2 times a week on Mondays and Fridays. For those of you who want to see chapters early, consider supporting me on ko-fi or Patreon. I haven't really had an editor for this one so if there are spelling mistakes or grammer, please kindly let me know in the comments and I will fix the mistakes asap. Thank you.

If you want early access to the chapters before I post them here, please consider supporting me on Patreon or Ko-fi.

Lastly, I want to thank Ec1ipsis for letting me use Javelin again in this story, and for his many fantastic ideas that helped shape this story. I ended up having to rewrite the first 8 chapters, and thanks to him, the rewrites are actually decent, so we all owe him a thank you for that. Regardless of all that, this has been a long time coming, I am super excited to share it with you all, and I hope you enjoy this ride :)

Chapter 1: Expect the Unexpected

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As the brilliant light of the morning sun reigned down on the landscape of Equestria below, the city of Canterlot bustled with ponies, all starting their days or ending their night shift. All around the town, the gentle springtime air quietly blew in soft zephyrs that carried fluffy clouds along in their wake, much to the annoyance of the unicorns below. Little fillies and colts made their ways to school, with parental guidance of course, while their teachers prepared the lesson plans for the day.

It was a beautiful scene flush with color and vibrancy that brought out the smiles in even the crankiest of ponies. However, while the outside world was bathed in light, warmth, and joy, the same could not be said for a certain purple alicorn sitting in her former mentor's throne, presiding over day court.

Twilight felt her eye twitch as the man sitting in the throne beside her, none other than Prince Anonymous himself, dressed in his usual button up and khakis, greeted the newest ponies to arrive for day court.

"Greetings, my little pony. Welcome to day court. How may TS and I help you?" Anon asked, his voice full of warmth and kindness.

Twilight grit her teeth.

"Why, thank you, Prince Anonymous and Princess Twilight. I've come from the lower district and I was wondering if there was any chance at all that I could request an expedience on my permit to expand my property into the neighboring lot. I've paid for the expansion already, but until I get that permit, I can't start work. I'd like to get the foundation laid out before the summer, when it gets a bit too hot to work comfortably." The earth pony stallion, explained.

Anon scratched his chin, "Well that certainly seems like a reasonable request," He replied, before turning to Raven, "Rave, do you think we can get mister..." He looked back to the pony.

"Oh, Morning Wood, your highness." Morning Wood bowed.

Anon tried, desperately, to hold back a snicker. He quickly turned back to Raven and covered his mouth with a fist as a flurry of laughter fought tooth and nail to come out. His cheeks ballooned outwards as he tried to keep his composure, but swiftly failed. A snicker escaped, followed by a chortle of choked laughter that quickly turned to fake coughing as Anon looked over to Javelin.

The guard tried his absolute hardest to maintain his composure, his stoic eyes staring straight ahead as he felt a snicker nearly escape his mouth as well, but after only a moment, he made a fatal flaw: he looked over to Anon. The look on the man's face quickly sent him over the edge and he snorted as a similar choked laugh forced its way out of him.

As the stallion and human fought to keep themselves in check, Twilight watched with an increasingly deep frown. She glanced over to Raven, finding the secretary rolling her eyes as she wrote down some notes on her notepad, before giving a polite nod to the purple princess.

"Morning Wood, we'd be happy to give you that expedience. Raven has made a note of it, and we'll send somepony down to the permit office to get that sent your way asap." Twilight calmly, if a bit frustratedly, explained.

"Oh, thank you so much, Princess, and you as well, Prince Anonymous. You both have no idea how much this means to me. I'll have my shop opened before the end of summer if I can get started fast enough. Thank you both so much." Morning Wood replied, bowing deeply and completely oblivious to Anon and Javelin both struggling to keep from laughing out loud.

"Of course, Morning. If there's nothing else, then please have a wonderful day." Twilight responded, giving a small nod.

"Y-yeah... *ahem* have a good rest of your morning, Wood." Anon announced, before covering his mouth once more to hide his snickers.

"I will! Thank you both so much." Morning Wood enthusiastically replied, before turning on his hooves and trotting out the door, a pep in his step.

The second the throne room doors closed, both Anon and Javelin burst out laughing. Anon nearly fell out of his throne while Javelin chuckled to himself, completely aware that Captain Valorant was still in the room, at the doorway. After a few seconds of Anon's boisterous laughter ringing out in the large hall, said Captain cleared her throat and looked over to the human in question.

"Sir, that was the only petitioner in line. As of this moment, we have no other ponies for Day Court." She announced, an annoyed frown on her face as Anon simply ignored her.

"Oh my god... oh my fucking God, his name is Morning Wood! He has to wake up every day with that name!" Anon doubled over in laughter, once more nearly falling out of his seat.

Twilight let out a flippant sigh and fixed Anon with an annoyed look, "Yes, yes, his name was part of some low brow humor. We get it, Anon. Can you please calm down. You almost laughed right in his face the second he told you his name." She explained, sounding like a disappointed parent.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Anon replied, wiping a tear from his eye, "This is just the funniest shit I've seen all week. Holy shit, TS. That killed me."

Raven noticed a vein bulge on Twilight's forehead.

"Anon, for the love of Faust, will you stop calling me that!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Aww, it's just a nickname." Anon reasoned.

"A vulgar one!"

Before Anon could respond, the sound of hooves on porcelain echoed out from behind him, prompting him, Raven, and Twilight to turn around to see both Celestia and Luna walking up behind them. Both princesses were heavily pregnant, and their absolutely gravid bellies hung noticeably low on their barrels. However, just the mere sight of them alone was enough to halt Anon's mirth and replace it with utter captivation. He found himself immediately wondering if they'd done something different or if they simply always looked so absolutely beautiful.

Anon hurriedly got out of his throne and rushed over to his wives, quickly reaching Celestia as she was just a few steps ahead of her sister. He gently embraced the solar diarch before planting a deep kiss on her muzzle, much to her joy. The lunar princess was not far behind, and Anon quickly leaned down to hug and kiss Luna as she wrapped a foreleg around his neck, deepening the kiss even further.

"It's good to see you too, Anon. We heard copious amounts of laughter and merriment coming from the throne room so we decided to investigate." Luna tiredly announced, before quickly kissing Anon's nose.

A sheepish smile formed on Anon's face as Celestia closed in on him from his right, "I know Day Court isn't quite that exciting, so I imagine that something entertaining must have happened. Please, do tell." She said, nuzzling Anon's cheek.

"Well, you see, me and TS over here were-" Anon began, only for a loud groan to give him pause.

Anon, Celestia, and Luna all looked over to Twilight as she fixed the man with a scowl.

"Will you stop calling me that!?" She exclaimed, her voice brimming with frustration.

Celestia and Luna shared a look of confusion, "TS?" They both asked in unison.

"YES!" Twilight nearly shouted.

"I... don't think I follow. Those are just your initials, are they not?" Luna questioned, looking back and forth between Anon and Twilight.

"They are, but he's not referring to my name! He's referring to something else!" Twilight explained.

"Twilight, dear, calm down," Celestia placatingly offered, before turning to Anon, "Honey, what are you teasing Twilight with now?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Anon pursed his lips and glanced away, trying to look as innocent as possible. After a few moments of silence, Twilight grit her teeth and spoke up.

"Titty sprinkles. He's calling me Titty sprinkles and he's been doing it all week!" Twilight exclaimed, her wings flaring out as she pointed an accusatory hoof at Anon.

A few moments passed in silence, followed by a snicker, then several snickers. Twilight's jaw dropped as both Celestia and Luna struggled to hold back their laughter. Eventually, they both devolved into a series of giggles and laughter at the poor lavender alicorn's expense, prompting her to frown deeply and pout on her throne.

Anon, having also picked up on his wives' laughter, allowed a shit eating grin to form on his face, and he quickly retook his place on his throne, fixing Twilight with a smug look that only made her scowl at him harder.

"Oh, that's a good one. I haven't heard something like that in a long time." Celestia chuckled.

"We're sorry, Twilight... we don't mean to laugh, but... that was quite humorous." Luna giggled.

Twilight turned away from the solar and lunar diarch's and let out a long winded sigh. It was only when she felt a gentle wingtip brush against her cheek that she looked over to find Celestia smiling down at her from beside the throne.

"Oh, come now, Twilight. It's just a little joke, nothing to take too seriously. If Anon makes fun of you, that just means that he likes you." Celestia offered, her wings furling back against her barrel.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "But how is anypony supposed to take me seriously when my current co-ruler is openly mocking me in front of Day Court!? I've been here for a month straight to learn how to rule and he's made a mockery of me every single day!" She exclaimed.

Anon leaned forward on his throne until he could look past Celestia to Twilight, "Twiggles, come on. You're gonna be a real princess with a castle and potentially enemies that want to kill you one of these days. I'm just giving you shit. Don't tell me you're that soft." He offered, raising an eyebrow.

Twilight growled, "I am not soft. My friends and I have beaten Nightmare Moon, King Sombra, and we were instrumental in defeating Chrysalis! I'm taking this position with the level of seriousness that it deserves. You're the one acting like being a ruler is just a joke!" She shot back, pointing a hoof at Anon again.

"Hey, I helped with Chrysalis too!" Anon retorted, before grabbing Javelin and literally dragging him out of his post and in front of his throne, "Me, my best friend, and Raven!" He responded.

Javelin owlishly blinked at the Princess of Friendship before shrinking back into his armor just a tad. Anon and Twilight swiftly entered a staredown, both glaring into each other's eyes with disdain. Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna shared a look of concern.

"Sister, I think this is getting out of hoof." Luna whispered, using her wing as a makeshift curtain to keep her voice hidden from Twilight and Anon.

"Agreed. I suppose we should intervene. The last thing we need is Twilight and Anon causing a scene in front of the nobles when they come in." Celestia agreed.

The staredown between man and alicorn only increased in intensity as the solar diarch stepped between the two thrones.

"You both helped," Celestia diplomatically cut in, her wings flaring out between Anon and Twilight, "It was a group effort, and it took all of us working together to defeat the changeling queen. Now please, both of you calm down. You're supposed to be working together as a team, much like back then. You can't be at each other's throats like this." She said, giving a look of disapproval to both man and alicorn, respectively.

"Anon, I think you owe Twilight an apology for making fun of her." Luna offered, nudging Anon's shoulder with her muzzle.

"And you need to control your anger, Twilight. Anon does have a point. There will be literally thousands of ponies that will test your patience to its limits over the coming years. You can't let them set you off with just some light teasing." Celestia admonished, giving Twilight a slightly disapproving look.

All of Twilight's ire deflated instantly at her former mentor's gaze, and she let out a quiet sigh of resignation.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Princess. I'm just not used to being goaded like this." She admitted.

"It's okay, Twilight. You're still learning. Just keep it in mind going forward." Celestia responded, giving the younger alicorn an affectionate nuzzle, before turning to her husband.

Anon glanced back and forth between the many eyes now glued on him, and after nearly ten seconds of more and more implicant looks, he let out a long, dramatic sigh, "Ugh, alright, fine. Twilight, I am sorry for calling you Twiggles, Titty Sprinkles, TS, or whatever else I may or may not have called you to cause such offense. My bad."

Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Raven, and even Javelin gave the man deadpan stares for several seconds before Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I guess that's the best I'm gonna get. Thank you, Anon." She said.

"Here all week." Anon replied, before slouching into his throne.

Celestia gave a small nod, "Alright, now that that's settled, how has Day Court been proceeding these past few days?" She asked, giving Anon a curious look.

Anon shrugged, "It's been going decently, I guess. It's just the same thing every day. Some pony wants to do something super tiny like get their permit expedited, and then we just say 'sure' and have Raven make a note of it." He explained, a slightly bored expression on his face.

"My, you make it sound so invigorating when you explain it like that." Luna chuckled.

"Well it's at least better than listening to nobles drone on and on about how they think they should be given more power in the government or that they should get massive tax cuts just because." Anon replied, flippantly.

Celestia nodded, "Oh, I know the ones. Jet Stream has been actively trying to kiss up to the crown ever since his release from the dungeon after that bar fight with you and Sergeant Javelin." She recalled.

"Still think it was a bit of a light sentence for what he did, Princess." Javelin chimed in, looking over his wither.

Celestia let out a small sigh, "Well considering that Comet Star was the mastermind and main conspirator of that attack, I felt that making an example of him specifically, would send the message clearly enough. The rest of the stallions involved have all made plea deals and have been serving community service ever since. I don't think we're likely to see something like that again." She reasoned.

"Plus, Comet Star's main reason for even attacking you in the first place is kind of a moot point by now. His reputation as well as the reputations of everypony involved are all tarnished, and as far as Canterlot Nobles go, reputation is everything." Raven added, with a small shrug.

Twilight shook her head before looking over to Celestia, "I'm still shocked that the nobles would do something like that... I mean, I know that most ponies look up to you, but to let greed and arrogance make them choose to violently attack your consort and his guard... that's just unacceptable."

Anon held his hand over his chest in mock surprise, "And here I thought you wanted to skin me alive just a few minutes ago. Glad to see you do care." He teased.

Twilight frowned, "Actually I was more concerned about how Celestia and Luna would take having to marry a greedy noble as well as Sergeant Javelin's safety." She shot back, giving Anon a challenging glare.

"Well that's just rude." Anon dramatically sighed, leaning back into his throne in mock despair.

Twilight rolled her eyes at his antics as Celestia and Luna chuckled.

"Anon, honey what's got you in such a mood today?" Luna teasingly questioned, nuzzling his cheek.

Anon returned the gesture by scratching Luna's ear, "I just want to deal with some actual issues. You guys have me and Twiggles over there holding day court all week for the last month, and while I definitely needed the practice at first, I just feel like now I'm wasting my time. You don't need both of us to hold Day Court and I want to learn more about the other parts of being a prince that I don't have any practice on." He explained, pointedly ignoring Twilight's glare at his nickname for her.

Celestia approached his other side and nuzzled his free cheek, earning a scritch to her ear as well, "Honey, we told you, after the foals are born, and we're recovered enough to resume our normal duties, then we'll show you the rest of your duties by your side. It's just a lot to take in if you aren't completely prepared and having either Luna or I by your side will ensure you don't have to worry about making mistakes that are more... well, more severe than a simple Day Court mishap." She offered.

Anon ran his hands down Celestia and Luna's necks, his fingers lightly scratching into their soft fur as he reached their collars.

"I get that, I do... but you guys are scheduled to go into labor in just another month. I want things to be as easy as I can make them for you both, especially since you won't be doing much in the way of ruling a kingdom for the first year after the kids are born." Anon replied, his brow furrowed in thought.

Celestia softly kissed Anon's cheek, "Sweetie, that's very thoughtful and kind of you, but you don't have to worry about us. We may have put on some weight, have strange cravings, and need to use the restroom five times as often right now, but we're more than capable of handling anything that comes our way in the coming months. As for the kingdom, our top advisors have already seen to it that most of the truly pertinent issues over the next year have already been dealt with."

Raven nodded, "Anon, we've got pretty much everything handled in advance specifically for the princesses' pregnancies. The only things you'll really have to concern yourself with are holding Day Court and the occasional public appearance over the next year." She explained.

Anon sighed, "I know, Rave, but that's just it! I want to actually make some decisions! A whole year of Day Court sounds so... tedious." He exasperatedly explained.

Celestia quietly chuckled to herself, "Now you know what I've been dealing with for the last eleven hundred years."

Anon rolled his eyes, "It's not so bad when they just want something simple like the last guy, but when they just come in here to bitch... holy shit." He shook his head.

Luna sagely nodded in agreement, "It is quite infuriating to listen to nobles whine about the most mundane of subjects."

Celestia snorted, "I recall. Having said that, Anon, honey, you have been making both of our lives much easier these past few weeks." She offered, gesturing to herself and Luna.

Anon looked up at the snow white princess, "I have?"

Celestia nuzzled his cheek once more, "You have. Honey, I know Day Court is dull, but please, be patient. You'll get your chance to shine, I promise. For now, this is a good place for you to learn and build a reputation with the citizens of Equestria." She said, gently.

"Besides, once upon a time I seem to recall you being extremely hesitant to doing anything with regards to the actual duties of being a prince. Now you seem eager to jump into the fray." Luna chuckled.

"I was nervous at first, and I still am, to an extent... but with all the stuff I've learned with Raven, and with you during those dream study sessions, I feel like I'm ready to make some actual choices now." Anon replied.

"Anon, if I may, I think what the princesses are saying is that while you've made great progress, there's still a lot you need to learn before you make critical, society-altering decisions. It's not to say you haven't come far in a short amount of time, but rather that they want to nurture what you've grown into, but you still have a lot more growing to do, in this regard." Raven suggested, earning a raised eyebrow from Anon.

Celestia gave a grateful smile to her secretary, "Thank you, Raven. That's a marvelous way of putting it. Spot on, if I'm being honest."

Raven beamed at the praise while Anon just let out another heavy sigh, "I guess. Just want to be at that point already." He relented.

Luna quickly darted in and kissed his cheek, "In due time, Nonny. In due time."

Anon gave the lunar princess a grateful smile before leaning back in his throne and crossing his leg over his knee.

"So, anything else on the agenda for the day or is it just... this, for the next six hours?" He questioned, gesturing to the empty throne room.

"Captain Valorant said that there weren't any more petitioners outside at the moment, although that was before the Princesses arrived, so there might be somepony out there now." Raven responded.

"Yo, Val! Anybody out there?!" Anon called out to the guard.

Valorant immediately opened the throne room door and glanced outside for a few moments, before closing the door and shaking her head.

"Nopony yet, sir." She answered, flatly.

Anon quickly clapped his hands together and pushed himself to his feet, "Alright then, how's about we close for lunch? Anybody else down with that?" He asked, stretching his back.

"L-lunch? Anon, it's only ten thirty! We have a duty to the ponies of Canterlot to be here and hear them if they arrive for Day Court." Twilight indignantly rebutted.

Anon shrugged, "I can't make decisions on an empty stomach. Need to fuel the tank up so I can make the best choices for these guys when they show up."

Twilight did a double take, "What do you mean you have an empty stomach? Why would you skip breakfast? It's the most important meal of the day! It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health." She hastily explained.

"I was too busy eating something else." Anon replied, with a smirk as his eyes darted back and forth between Celestia and Luna.

A hot blush instantly exploded across Celestia, Luna, and Twilight's faces as Anon's grin only grew in size.

"A-Anon!" Celestia bleated.

Anon quickly held his fist up for Javelin to bump. The stallion in question stared at the offered fist as if it were the most tempting thing he'd ever seen. However, just as he moved a muscle, Raven spoke up.

"Javelin, don't you dare hoof-bump that." She demanded, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Javelin hastily looked back and forth between Anon's fist and Raven, then up to Celestia, Luna, and Twilight, then back to Raven. He nervously gulped as he lifted his hoof off the ground.

"Javelin!" Raven snapped.

His hoof raised higher.

"Don't!" She ordered.

Javelin quickly bumped Anon's fist, causing the man to make a fake explosion sound with his mouth and waggle his fingers as if they were the explosion itself. He quickly pumped his fist in the air.

"Yes!" He beamed.

Javelin kept his gaze straight ahead, pointedly ignoring and avoiding the four mares now glaring at the back of his head as if they were trying to set it on fire.

"I can assign him to Blueblood. I'll do it, I swear." Raven offered, looking to Celestia and Luna.

"Bros stick together." Anon hastily interjected, protectively hugging Javelin.

"Was he always this foalish?" Twilight questioned, looking to Celestia for answers.

Celestia sighed, "No, no this is just because he's hungry. It'll pass after lunch."

Raven shook her head, "I suppose I should announce an early lunch, then?"

Before Celestia could respond, a harsh pounding on the throne room doors sounded through the air, drawing all eyes to the source of the noise. Valorant quickly opened the door and looked outside, only for the guard in front of her to teleport past her to the center of the court. Instantly, all guards drew their spears or conjured their spells while Celestia and Luna flared up defensive shields around the thrones.

"Princesses! I'm so sorry, but I have urgent news!" The pony shouted, her voice hoarse and rushed, as if she'd galloped miles to get to them.

While the rest of the ponies present kept their weapons drawn, Valorant quickly rushed up behind the guardsmare and grabbed her by the scruff of their neck. Before she could drag her off, however, Celestia spoke.

"Wait, Captain." She instructed, before looking at the pony, "What is it that's so urgent?"

"It's Queen Chrysalis!" She said, earning a room-full of gasps.

"She's returned!?" Luna questioned.

"Is it another invasion?" Twilight asked.

"How many changelings does she have?" Celestia demanded.

"Is she attacking here or the Crystal Empire?" Anon pressed.

"She's... surrendering."

Chapter 2: The Rock

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Anon owlishly blinked, "Wait, what?"

"She's surrendering! She's arrived waving a white flag and she's being transported to the dungeon right now." The guard explained.

"Where is the rest of your squad? Why did they send a private to inform us and not use the proper chain of command?" Luna questioned, raising an eyebrow in scrutiny.

"They were all afraid to take their eyes off of her. They just stuck a mana blocker ring on her and told me to inform you as quickly as possible." The guard hastily explained.

Celestia's eyes narrowed as she observed the pony. After a moment of silence, she looked over to Valorant, "Captain, have some guards cast the detection spell. I want to be certain." She ordered.

Without a word, Valorant nodded to a few of the unicorn guards in the throne room. They hastily marched forward, spears still at the ready, before their horns ignited and a wave of magical energy beamed out over the mare, scanning her completely. After a few seconds, they cut the spell off and nodded to Valorant.

"She's clean, Princess. Not a changeling." Valorant announced.

Celestia chewed her cheek while Luna pursed her lips.

"Then... Chrysalis really is surrendering and being taken to the dungeon?" Twilight questioned.

"It appears that she is indeed." Celestia replied, pensively.

"A-are we sure that a white flag means the same thing to a changeling as it does to us? I mean... it could mean something else... right?" Anon reasoned, a slightly nervous look on his face.

"As far as I'm aware... all nations understand that a white flag is a sign of surrender... even if Changelings don't exactly have a nation of their own, they're well versed in our laws and customs. She knows what she's doing." Raven replied, a calculating look on her muzzle.

"Precisely. There's something nefarious going on here..." Luna muttered, her brow heavily furrowed in concern, "Captain, send word to the rest of the guard. We need the entire city scanned from top to bottom. This could be another invasion." She ordered.

Valorant quickly saluted, before galloping out of the throne room, leaving a very pensive and concerned group of ponies and human behind.

"What... what should we do? This has to be a trap, right?" Twilight questioned, looking to her former mentor for guidance.

"For now... I think Luna and I should go and meet with her-" Celestia started, only for Anon to literally jump out of his throne.

"What!? Fuck no! Not just no, but FUCK NO!" He exclaimed.

"Anon-" Celestia tried, but Anon continued.

"There is no way in Hell I'm letting her anywhere near you two! Especially when you're eight months pregnant!" Anon nearly shouted.

"Nonny, please, relax." Luna cooed, wrapping Anon in a gentle hug.

"Honey, I know you're worried, but fear not. Luna and I are more than powerful enough to handle ourselves. Not to mention, we have the entire palace guard to back us up." Celestia offered, joining in the hug.

"Yeah, and last time she wiped the floor with the guard because she was juiced up on love magic shit! Who knows what she's doing this time!" Anon rebutted.

"Anon, we have to confront her. It's our duty to our ponies to protect them from creatures like Chrysalis. We have to go." Luna responded.

"No, I'm... I'm not risking something happening to you both." Anon responded, looking back and forth between his wives.

"Honey, you didn't let me finish earlier. We won't be alone. We have a third alicorn here that is more than capable, isn't that right, Twilight?" Celestia asked, looking over to the lavender alicorn watching with deep interest in her eyes.

"Wha-Oh! Yes! Of course," Twilight responded, her wings flaring out, "I won't let her hurt either of you, promise!" She proclaimed.

Celestia smiled the kind of smile only an expectant mother could, before looking back at Anon, "See, sweetie? We'll be fine. I promise."

Anon bit his lip as he looked into her warm, magenta eyes. He almost didn't notice the pair of soft blue lips on his cheek until Luna pulled away.

"We'll put a mana nullification ring on her horn as soon as we arrive... well, another, I suppose. She'll be neutralized before she has a chance to even try anything, honey." She comforted, hugging him tightly.

"Um... Your Highnesses?" The mare in the center of the room suddenly spoke up, redirecting all eyes to her, "I-I apologize for interrupting, but I don't think that will even be necessary..." She said, her voice trailing off.

"Why is that?" Celestia questioned.

"W-well, she looked... thin. Very thin, as if she were malnourished or... or something." The mare explained.

"She's a changeling. Changing her appearance to look frail and on the verge of starving wouldn't take much effort at all, I think." Luna rebutted.

Celestia scratched her chin in thought, "We will take this into consideration. As it stands, however, the three of us will still be going together."

Anon opened his mouth to protest, but quickly lost his steam and let out a sigh, "Well then let me at least come with too. I want to be there to beat her snout in if she tries anything."

"Honey-" Celestia started, only for Anon to cut her off once more.

"Don't even. You're both eight months pregnant and I'm just a nonmagical mortal. We're all making poor choices today or none of us are, so what's it gonna be?" He questioned, crossing his arms.

Luna and Celestia shared a look, before letting out a sigh that quickly turned to a pair of chuckles. Anon raised his eyebrow at the apparent humor of the situation, but before he could question it, Celestia spoke once more.

"That's what we love about you, honey. Never one to back down from us. Alright, fair enough, but let us stand between you and her. We may be pregnant, but we're still immortal." She announced, a fondness in her voice that made Anon blush ever so slightly.

"Fine... but I'm bringing my frying pan." Anon declared.

"She'll be quivering in fear at just the sight of you." Javelin teased.

"Shut up and let's go." Anon ordered, smirking at his guard.

The trip to the kitchen was quick, and within a few minutes, the group was walking down the hallway leading to the dungeon. Another dozen guards followed behind their prince and princesses as the group hastily made its way through the corridors of the castle to the lone staircase leading into the crystal cavern below. After a quick jaunt down the stairs, they arrived at a wooden lift, magically anchored to the side of a large cliff overlooking the vast cave system below.

Anon, Javelin, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight all stepped on the lift while Raven stayed behind on the cliffside with the rest of the guards.

"I'll see you all when you get back." Raven announced, walking over to Javelin.

"See you soon, hun." Javelin replied, planting a kiss on her muzzle.

Raven returned the kiss, before stepping away from the lift and casting a quick spell to lower it. After a moment for her magic to work, the torches on all four corners of the lift switched from a green light to a red hue, and the lift slowly descended.

As they were steadily lowered, Anon observed the massive cavern below, along with the dungeon structure built into the face of the wall. The walls looked like a normal prison, only the entire building was made of crystal, and reflected the many shades of green, blue, red, and purple all illuminating the cave system from various bioluminescent light sources, scattered along the walls.

"Maximum security, indeed." Anon whistled, looking out at the nearly two hundred guardsmares stationed all over the prison structure.

Unicorns, pegasai, and earth ponies all stoically stood guard at their posts. Some held crossbows in their hooves, some manned ballista's, and some simply roved around the prison walls, their keen eyes scanning for any signs of escape. At the sight of their quickly arriving guests, however, the guards quickly set about preparing for the princess. The gates were swiftly opened, and a trio of mares stepped out to greet the royals as their lift finally reached the ground.

The leader of the approaching trio, a black thestral mare with a scar running down her cheek and through her lip, to her chin, quickly saluted. Her blood red iris's focused on Luna first, before looking over to Celestia as the solar diarch approached. Her expression remained neutral, although Anon could clearly see that one of her fangs was broken, likely due to whatever created her scar. Her armor looked like the typical night guard armor, only her helm had a large black plumage on it that indicated her rank as a Major.

As the group approached, the other two pegasus mares beside her saluted as well, both of them looking like identical twins with green irises and snow white fur under their day guard armor.

"Princesses, Prince Anon. Welcome to Alcatrots." The Major announced, maintaining her salute.

"Swan, has the prisoner arrived?" Luna asked, returning the salute.

"Yes, your highness. She arrived just a few moments ago. We've moved her to the maximum security holding cell in section five, sub-block D. She's been quiet and cooperative so far, but we've taken every precaution to ensure she doesn't escape." Swan responded, almost automatically.

Luna nodded, "Very good. I trust that she's under watch?"

Swan nodded, "We have the new Day Guard detachment guarding her cell right now."

"How many of them?" Anon questioned.

"Aside from these two and a few on roving patrols? All of them." Swan answered, gesturing to the two guards behind her.

Celestia and Luna both gave a satisfactory nod, "Well then, best not delay any longer. Lead on, Major." Celestia replied, nodding toward the prison.

"Of course, your highness." Swan responded, before swiftly turning tail and heading toward the front gate.

The group followed suit, and despite the slower waddle-like walk Celestia and Luna were relegated to due to their pregnant bellies, within mere minutes, they were strolling through the prison halls. Guards snapped to attention and saluted the royals as they passed them, before quickly resuming their duties. The inside of the prison was designed in such a way that it almost appeared as an impossible maze. Walls curved around each other, and doors almost seemed to disappear without a trace as the group passed through.

"Jesus, this place is fucking with my brain right now." Anon muttered, looking at the walls as if they were moving.

"It's intentionally designed to be almost impossible to navigate, your highness," Swan explained, slowing down to get closer to Anon, "We house the most dangerous criminals in Equestria and beyond, here. If they somehow manage to escape their cells, they still won't be able to find their way out. The walls are designed to shift and change every time somepony walks through." She elaborated.

Anon let out an impressed whistle, "Damn... wait, what do you mean 'beyond'? We have prisoners from other countries here?"

Swan nodded, "Short of Tartarus, this is the most secure prison on the planet. Our neighboring nations have been requesting prisoner transfers constantly to ensure we house their worst."

Anon shook his head, "And you guys built this place just three months after the changeling invasion."

Swan nodded once more, "Three months, twelve days. It's amazing how fast you can build when you have a budget the size of the grand galloping gala, and a lot of earth ponies willing to lend a hoof." She smirked.

"I still don't know where you got them all from. I thought Canterlot was mostly thestrals, unicorns, and griffons." Anon raised an eyebrow.

"From Ponyville and Appleloosa. I called in a few favors." Twilight chimed in.

"Wait, Twilight got to help build this place? I wanted to help." Anon muttered, looking to Celestia and Luna.

"We needed this prison operational asap, Nonny. Learning how to be a prince took precedence. It wasn't something you needed to be concerned with at the time." Luna offered, giving him a hug with her wing.

Anon rolled his eyes, but dropped the subject as the group arrived at the end of the hallway. Swan quickly unlocked and opened the door, revealing a massive room filled with dozens of royal guards, all with their magic or weapons pointed at the smaller cell in the center of the room. Sitting in the cell, behind steel bars and with naught but a small mattress and sink, sat Chrysalis.

Anon peered over Celestia's wither to look at the changeling Queen. Much like the frantic guardsmare described, she was noticeably thinner and more frail looking than before. Even her legs appeared to have more holes in them than Anon remembered her having. Her mane looked thinner and somehow even more unkempt, and her eyes, frightening as they were, looked melancholy.

It was enough to put an air of sympathy around the man as he followed his wives into the cell. The group swiftly made their way toward the queen, finding that she didn't even seem to register their presence until they were just a few feet away from the bars of her cell.

"Chrysalis." Celestia announced, looking down at the queen.

Chrysalis slowly looked up and met Celestia's gaze. A look of defiance instantly flashed through her eyes, but just as soon as it appeared, it faded away, only to be replaced with the same look of melancholy as before. A sad smile formed on her muzzle as she looked back down to the floor.

"I was beginning to wonder if you were going to come see me, Princess. I see you brought the whole family, foals included. Hello there, Anon. Congratulations on the upcoming family." Chrysalis replied, giving a short wave to Anon.

Anon hesitantly returned the wave as Luna stepped toward the cell bars.

"We have no qualms with dealing with the likes of you, pregnant or not." Luna responded, a harsh glare in her eyes.

"We know you're just putting this on as an act, so why don't you just drop the 'woe is me' look and show us what you really look like." Celestia demanded.

Chrysalis chuckled, "Oh, fine."

A blaze of green light surrounded the changeling queen's horn, only to fizzle out almost immediately. Celestia and Luna gave the Queen unamused looks as she tried again, only for the same to happen once more. Both princesses leveled a harsh glare at the changeling as she shrugged and fixed them with a bored expression.

Chrysalis looked the exact same.

"Tadaa," She tutted, giving a fake smile, before slouching back down on her bed, "Not an act. This mana blocking ring keeps me from doing anything anyway, so I don't know why you think I'm even capable of changing right now."

"I don't believe for one second that one ring is enough to handle the likes of you." Celestia rebutted.

"I can try to change. It uses love mostly, but it does takes magic to actually complete the transformation, and I can't use that right now. I'm afraid I'm quite a bit weaker than during our last encounter, Princess. One ring is more than enough to keep me from using just about any spells at the moment." Chrysalis explained with a sad chuckle.

Celestia and Luna shared a look, while Anon pursed his lips and looked over to Javelin, "She's acting nothing like before..." Anon muttered, confusion in his voice.

"Yeah..." Javelin agreed, "Maybe it isn't really her? You know, a normal changeling just trying to pretend to be her."

"Why would a normal changeling do that?" Twilight quizzically questioned, looking back at Anon and Javelin.

"I don't know, Princess. Just throwing out ideas at the moment." Javelin replied.

"How do we know she's not just lying again?" Luna asked, glancing back over at the queen.

Celestia hummed, "The ring blocks magic, and I do recall that even changeling transformations require a bit of magic... if she truly is as weak as she looks... then I can see how it would be enough." She muttered.

Chrysalis raised her hoof, "If you're all done spit-balling over there, I can explain myself. No rush or anything. Not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon." She said, pointedly ignoring the furious looks she received from the guards surrounding her.

Celestia eyed the changeling queen with a raised eyebrow before huffing quietly to herself, "Very well, Chrysalis. Why, pray tell, have you come back and surrendered to us? Knowing how arrogant and self absorbed you are, I find it hard to believe you're willing to come to us and 'degrade' yourself in such a way as this. At least, I'm sure that's how you view it." She shot back, a trace of venom in her tone.

Chrysalis gave Celestia a small glare, "While I'm sure you remember, my invasion last year failed-" She started.

"Spectacularly." Luna cut in.

Chrysalis leveled her glare at the lunar alicorn for several seconds before continuing, "Yes, spectacularly failed... what you don't know is the why I did what I did." She explained.

"Are you talking about the invasion or the impersonating Cadence part? Cause' both were pretty fucked up." Anon spoke up.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "Oh don't get me started on impersonating that tramp. Pretending to be her was the most draining, annoying, and frustrating things I've ever had to do. If that were still an option, I'd still choose this over that again. All the lovey-dovey, kissflank nonsense, yuckghh. By the time princess purple arrived, I couldn't keep the act up anymore." She spat, a shiver running down her spine.

"Kinda rude, but okay." Anon muttered.

"The worst part is that little miss goody four-shoes over here ruined all that suffering and planning I put in." Chrysalis continued looking to Twilight now.

"What? For calling you out on being nothing like the real Cadence?" Twilight scoffed.

"Yes. The invasion was never supposed to happen. It was a last ditch effort because you blew my cover." Chrysalis responded, a frown on her face.

"Last ditch effort for what?" Celestia questioned.

"To save my species." Chrysalis answered, flatly.

The princesses of Equestria, Anon, and Javelin all adopted looks of shock or surprise on their faces. For a few moments, the changeling queen's words hung in the air like a smog, before Luna stepped forward.

"What are you talking about?" She demanded.

Chrysalis let out a long sigh, "You do know why I was impersonating Princess Lovey-dovey in the first place, correct?"

Celestia and Luna shared a look, "To infiltrate our country and abduct all of us so you could take over Equestria and feed off of ponies until our species was wiped out." Luna stated, flatly.

Chrysalis's eyes widened, before she almost violently shook her head, "What? Where in Tartarus did you get that idea from? I mean, the abducting all of you part is right, but I didn't want any ponies to die." She defended, a slightly concerned look on her face.

"You can't seriously expect us to believe you." Celestia shot back, raising an eyebrow.

"My kind live off of love. How in the buck are we supposed to survive if the greatest source of love on the planet is extinct?" Chrysalis deadpanned.

Anon scratched his head while Twilight, Celestia, and Luna dipped their heads in thought while Javelin simply shrugged.

Chrysalis huffed, "Since you're all especially slow today, I'll spell it out for you. When your little brown-muzzle over there blew my cover, we had no choice but to enact a full scale invasion, or lose everything. Even so, our objective was to capture every pony alive. A sentiment I wish you'd all shared." She bitterly trailed off.

"That... first off, you're lucky nopony actually did die that day, and secondly, even if you were trying to take anypony alive, that doesn't justify or excuse abducting our kind, sealing them in pods and draining them until they wither away and die of malnutrition!" Celestia exclaimed.

"They weren't going to die!" Chrysalis snarled, suddenly.

"Your actions said otherwise!" Celestia spat, barring her teeth as she glared at the changeling queen.

"The pods keep the ponies inside in a deep state of sleep. They're filled with all the nutrition a pony needs to live for decades. They keep the pony inside in a state of pure bliss and happiness. They'd never know what happened to them as they'd be too busy living in utter ecstasy." Chrysalis explained.

"Oh you can't seriously expect us to believe that drivel!" Luna scoffed.

Chrysalis growled, "What makes more sense for a race of emotivores that feed on love specifically? Keeping a population in constant and utter turmoil, ensuring that love is the last thing they feel, or keeping them in a constant state of happiness and bliss so that the love just pours off of them?" She challenged, her wings buzzing defiantly.

The argument gave all the gathered ponies and human pause. Celestia's fury dissipated quickly, and a look of pensiveness formed on her muzzle. Beside her, Luna chewed her tongue as her eyes fell to the floor below. Twilight even struggled to come up with a decent rebuttal, but found herself coming up empty. Both Anon and Javelin shared looks of deep thought, but much like the rest of the group, found themselves coming up short.

"You can't answer that, can you?" Chrysalis asked, rhetorically, "Because you know that I'm right."

After a few moments of painful silence, Celestia shook her head, a defiant look appearing on her muzzle once more, "Whether you're right or wrong is academic. Ponies deserve to live their lives freely without being a simple food source for your kind. Really, the fact that you're trying to paint us as the villains for defending ourselves and our homes when you were the ones who attacked in the first place, is pathetic."

Chrysalis sighed, her withers sagging heavily, "Well if it weren't for that little incident eight hundred years ago, we wouldn't have to resort to the means we do now."

Celestia's glare narrowed, "You know why that happened, and you know what part you played in it."

Anon looked back and forth between the two mares, "Wait, what happened?" He asked.

Either due to the anger barely being restrained by her millennia of rulership, or to the sheer tenseness of the air, Celestia and everypony else ignored Anon's question.

"Yes, well, young mares make mistakes, do they not?" Chrysalis replied, an uncharacteristically apologetic tone in her voice.

"Mistakes... you almost caused a war! This time you did cause a war!" Celestia exclaimed.

"I have to feed my children!" Chrysalis screamed, her voice reverberating in the massive room.

Silence reigned over the gathered ponies for several seconds as the group watched Chrysalis with mixed expressions on their faces.

"They're dying..." Chrysalis continued, holding back tears.

Celestia's lips parted ever so slightly, but before she could say anything, Chrysalis pressed on.

"They're dying, and I can't find anywhere else on the planet that can provide enough love to keep them alive... not from the minotaurs, not from the griffons, not from the buffalo, and especially not from the dragons..." Chrysalis sniffled, tears dripping down her cheeks and into the cot she sat on.

The previously painful silence of the room instantly became deafening as the Changeling Queen suddenly looked even smaller, and weaker.

"As of this moment, half my hive has starved to death... the rest, are worse off than me... we're doing everything we can to keep the grubs alive, but... just yesterday I lost an entire clutch... do you know what that's like?" She asked, looking up to Celestia through her tear-stained eyes, "Not just to lose a foal, but to be emotionally bonded to them like I am? To feel every emotion: all the fear, all the pain... and then the nothingness."

Celestia subconsciously glanced down to her sister's pregnant belly, finding that the lunar princess was already doing the same to her. They shared a look of deep concern before looking back to the changeling queen.

"I felt every single changeling your ponies killed on that day... every single one stung like a blade through my chest... that made me spiteful, and angry... and for that I'm sorry, but can you honestly look at me right now and say you wouldn't do whatever was necessary to protect your loved ones? Especially the foals still growing inside you right now?" Chrysalis questioned.

Celestia felt a lump in her throat, and found that she simply had no words to say.

Chapter 3: Sins of the Past

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Celestia paced back and forth in her throne room while Luna, Anon, Twilight, and Javelin all stood around the throne, each with similar thoughts weighing heavily on their minds. After making her thirtieth pass, Celestia finally came to a pause and turned to her sister. She opened her mouth to speak, but was quickly silenced by the younger alicorn.

"No." Luna stated, making Celestia frown.

"You haven't even heard what I was going to say." She replied.

"I don't need to hear anything you have to say. The fact that you're even considering helping her is ridiculous." Luna sat on her haunches and crossed her hooves, a move that was made much more difficult due to her baby bump all but blocking her hindlegs from extending.

"I'm not considering helping her, I'm considering helping her foals and ensuring they don't starve to death." Celestia corrected, giving her sister a huff.

"You realize that by extension, you're still helping her, right?" Luna deadpanned.

"Well what would you have me do? Let thousands of infants die?" Celestia exasperatedly questioned, rubbing the bridge of her muzzle.

"Chrysalis knew what she started when she invaded and impersonated Cadence. If her subjects are the ones that suffer for it, then that's her fault, not ours. You're asking me to support feeding our own ponies to the very group that invaded and almost enslaved us all just a year ago!" Luna snapped, a sudden fire in her eyes.

Celestia sighed, "It's not that simple and even if it was, those foals are innocent. They can't help what they are. We still know so little about changelings that for all we know, with some minor mentoring and care, they could be weaned off of their parasitic nature entirely. For all we know, changelings could learn to feed off of a shared love between friends and not steal it from unsuspecting ponies." She rebutted.

Luna scoffed, "Oh yes, make friends with the changelings. Let's all just forget that they invaded us last year. Why not offer them a hoof of friendship? Why not just offer up our entire populace on a silver platter because some parasites dying makes you feel sad." She fired back, a deep frown on her face.

Celestia grit her teeth, "Lulu, for the love of Faust. You know that I'm not even considering anything even remotely close to that! It is both of our duties to care for all the subjects under the Equestrian sun. If we accept Chrysalis's surrender, she and every one of her changelings will become our subjects. Either they will be prisoners of war or official Equestrian citizens, but regardless, they will be our responsibility. I will not watch as my subjects starve to death. I will not!" She exclaimed, her voice nearing a shout.

Seeing the growing tension between the siblings, Anon quickly rushed in between his wives and held out placating hands to both of them, "Celly, Lulu, calm down. Let's just take it down a notch, okay? You're both about to blow a gasket and I don't want to have to clean up the mess." He spoke up, drawing the gaze of both princesses.

Luna opened her mouth to retort, but Anon quickly cut her off, "Hun, you've made good points, but screaming at Tia isn't going to make them hit home any more than they already have," He said, before turning to Celestia, "And Celly, I know that you feel for the changeling kids, but we need to be a bit realistic here."

Once Anon finished, both celestial alicorns looked at him with mixed expressions of deep thought. Twilight was actually quite surprised by his ability to calm both sisters in just a matter of seconds, while Javelin simply chuckled once to himself.

"I love you both, so I don't want to see you fighting. Plus, think about the babies. Not the changeling ones, but ours. You're not supposed to get super stressed out this late into a pregnancy. I looked it up, so I know it's true. I need the both of you to chill." Anon continued, gesturing with his hands.

Luna rolled her eyes with a sigh, "I... suppose you're right, Nonny... but we can't just leave this matter unattended. We have to decide what to do with not just Chrysalis, but her entire hive."

Anon nodded, "I get that, I do. I just don't think that screaming at Tia is gonna help." He gently explained, cupping Luna's cheeks with his hands.

The lunar alicorn leaned into the gesture, her expression morphing into one of gentleness as her eyelids fluttered shut. As Anon rubbed soft circles in her fur with his thumbs, she let out a quiet sigh, before slowly reopening her eyes and pulling away with a nod of thanks.

"You're right, Anon," Luna said, before looking past him to Celestia, "I'm sorry, Tia. It's just frustrating to see you siding the way you are after what that mare did to us." She explained.

Celestia quickly made her way over to her sister and nuzzled her cheek, "Thank you, Lulu. I know, and I'm sorry... I just... for everything Chrysalis did to us, those changeling foals played no part in it. I don't think any creature should be forced to starve just because of what they're born as. I see this as a chance for us to not only save lives, but also to possibly start something new and beautiful. Of course there will be hardships and I'm sure Equestria won't like it at first, but... I truly do believe that the fire of friendship burns in all species. Perhaps we simply need to find it in the changelings."

Luna returned the nuzzle, but a look of apprehension remained on her muzzle, "I suppose you have a point... though, you do know that Chrysalis is trying to manipulate you by focusing on our foals, right? One of the first things she did when we walked in was point out that we're pregnant. She knows that a low blow like that would sting the most. We still can't trust her."

Celestia shook her head, "I trust Chrysalis about as much as I trust Discord to not make a mess every time we see him. I'm not saying we should just blindly trust her and give her full autonomy in Equestria. I'm simply saying that we should do something to help the changelings that are starving to death." She reasoned.

Luna tilted her head to the side, "And how exactly do you propose we do that? Ponies aren't eager to be feasted on by a race that invaded us a year ago, and there is no way in Tartarus that I'm allowing any changeling into Canterlot without a mana nullification ring. The last thing we need is changelings just running amuck, impersonating whomever they wish." She replied.

Celestia dipped her head in thought, giving Twilight all the room she needed to speak up, "Um, actually, Princess?" She said, gaining Luna's attention, "I have done some research into it after the invasion, and at least according to Gideon the Gray's book on changeling feeding behavior from two seventy three ANM, along with several other scholars from that time period, changelings can feed off of ambient love in the air. It's not as efficient as feeding directly from somepony, but assuming most of them aren't literally hours away from dying, it would allow us to bring in changelings and let them feed while also not literally feeding ponies to them. Speaking of which, I couldn't find any examples of what being fed off of even feels like in any of those books. Any castle staff and my brother were in a trance the entire time their love was harvested. I asked Shining if he could explain it, but he can't remember any of it." She offered.

"I saw them getting fed off of. Not gonna lie, that shit creeped me out." Anon admitted with a shiver.

"I'm sure it looked creepy, but how it looks and how it feels are two separate things entirely." Twilight replied.

Celestia pursed her lips, "Now that you mention it, I don't seem to recall anypony explaining the sensation to me. Chrysalis certainly never did and most ponies that fell victim back then didn't talk about it. At least, not that I'm aware of..."

"There is a possibility that it's painless. At least, if what Chrysalis said about the pods was any indication. Regardless, they would be feeding indirectly anyways, so if it is painless, then it'd be even less noticeable when they're only feeding off ambient love in the air." Twilight shrugged.

Luna raised an eyebrow while Celestia hummed in thought, "Well that... certainly does open up some possibilities." She muttered.

Anon rubbed the back of his neck, "Uh, are you sure the ponies in Canterlot will see it the way you're seeing it right now?" He asked.

Celestia winced at the mere implication, before turning to look at Twilight.

The aforementioned lavender alicorn stuck her tongue out in thought for a few moments before an idea popped into her head, "Well, it's a long shot, but I'm sure if you explain to them that nothing is actually being taken from them, then maybe they'll be able to wrap their heads around it?" Twilight offered.

Celestia rubbed her chin, "That... might just be digestible enough for Canterlot. Luna?" She asked, looking to her sister.

Luna bit her lip and frowned, "Well... I suppose that could work. Regardless, we still have to negotiate terms of her surrender before we commit to any of this." She replied, shaking her head.

Celestia nodded, "Very well then. The only problem I see is how we ensure she's telling the truth when we ask her questions to ascertain her intent. We can't tell if she's lying..." She thought aloud.

A few moments of silence reigned over the group, each member lowering their heads in thought or agreement. However, Twilight soon perked up and a look of excitement crossed her face.

"Wait a minute! We can tell if she's lying!" Twilight exclaimed, a wide smile on her face.

"What? How!?" Celestia, Luna, and Anon all questioned.

"The Seeds of Truth!" Twilight happily replied.

"The Seeds of Truth?" Anon raised an eyebrow.

Twilight vigorously nodded, "Zecora used them to help cure Applebloom of her cutie pox last year!" She bounced in place.

"How do these 'Seeds of Truth' work?" Luna asked, mimicking Anon's expression.

"You plant them into the ground, and speak words that are true and pure. If you do, the seeds will grow and sprout a flower that cures cutie pox. Obviously, we don't care about that last part right now, but if we bring the seeds into the room with Chrysalis..." She trailed off, motioning for Celestia to finish her sentence.

"Then we can have Chrysalis answer our questions and we'll know if she's lying or not." Celestia finished, a smile forming on her face as well, "Oh, Twilight! I knew you would come up with a solution." She happily added, leaning down to nuzzle her former student.

Twilight blushed from the praise and happily returned the nuzzle before pulling away and finding Anon playfully rolling his eyes at her. She stuck her tongue out at him but quickly withdrew the appendage as Luna spoke up.

"Alright then, how soon can you get these seeds and bring them here?" She asked.

"The fastest way would be to teleport, but I don't quite have enough magical strength to teleport there and back yet, so... an airship would be the fastest way." Twilight thoughtfully responded.

Luna and Celestia shared a nod, "Done. Go and bring those seeds back as quickly as you can, Twilight. The airship is already available for you, as a princess." The solar sister announced.

With an eager nod of excitement, Twilight turned tail and trotted off toward the barracks. Anon watched her go, shaking his head in amusement.

"Man, she gets so damn excited if you give her a 'good job'. Just like a puppy." He chuckled, looking over to Celestia.

Said white alicorn playfully rolled her eyes, "She has a bright future ahead of her and the perfect attitude when it comes to solving problems like this. You tease her too much." She replied, lightly batting at Anon with her wing.

"That's only because she kisses your ass too much. Last time I checked, that ass belongs to me. Also Luna, by extension." Anon crossed his arms and turned his nose up.

Javelin blanched at the crass nature of Anon's response, but Luna quickly chuckled and also swatted Anon with her wing, "Now, now. Let's try to keep our minds on track, here. Save that talk for... tonight, won't you?" She purred, wrapping her wing around Anon's waist and pulling him against her barrel.

Celestia shook her head, "Even after all this time, I still don't understand how your kind equated donkeys to a mare's flanks." She muttered.

Anon grinned as he scratched behind Luna's ears, "Right, right. So I guess we can ask some simple questions. What do we have to lose by accepting Chrysalis's surrender? Not much, right?" He reasoned, ignoring Celestia's remark while the lunar princess melted under his fingers.

Celestia enviously watched her sister before leaning closer and giving Anon puppy dog eyes. With a sarcastic sigh of acceptance, Anon reached over and scratched behind her ears too.

"The things I do for this family." He joked, a smile on his face.

Both Celestia and Luna snickered as they enjoyed the soft feeling of Anon's digits in their manes and behind their ears.

"For real though, I want an answer. I will stop if I'm ignored in favor of my fingers." Anon announced, making the princesses quickly shake their heads in protest.

"Fine, fine. I suppose... the worst case is that she betrays us when our guard is down." Luna offered.

"I know this is Chrysalis we're talking about here, but... are you so certain that she'd betray us if we saved her entire hive from death?" Anon questioned.

"She doesn't have a good track record." Celestia rebutted, tilting her head to the side to allow Anon to scratch the spot just behind her cheek that she loved so much.

"They... can't dream. I don't trust sapient creatures that... don't dream." Luna managed to say, as Anon found her favorite spot just behind her ear.

Anon paused his scritching for just a moment, "Wait, changelings don't dream?" He asked, quizzically.

Luna shook her head, "In my lifetime, I have never seen a changeling dream. I have searched, extensively after the wedding, but found nothing." She explained.

Anon halted his ministrations entirely, much to the dismay of both alicorns, and put his hands on his hips, "Huh... well that's certainly something else. Maybe it's cause they're part bug?" He offered.

Luna shrugged, "I haven't the faintest idea. Regardless, I don't trust them."

"Chrysalis will be kept under close watch and secured with a mana nullification ring. I think we could get by with just a small amount of changeling foals and drones coming in at a time, all under extremely close watch, mind you." Celestia responded, before sighing and massaging her temples with her hooves, "This all would have been so much easier if she just hadn't caused that conflict all those years ago." She muttered.

"Wait, what happened back then? I asked while we were down at her cell but nobody answered me." Anon spoke up, drawing Celestia and Luna's attention.

"I thought Raven told you about that?" Celestia tilted her head to the side.

Anon scratched the back of his head, "Well, I uh... may or may not have been asleep... for that specific part... just once." He sheepishly admitted.

Celestia chuckled, "Honey, I think I'm starting to see why Raven got so frustrated with you."

Anon sighed, "Well in my defense, she's boring as hell to listen to for eight hours straight," He replied, before turning to Javelin, "No offense."

Javelin rolled his eyes, "None taken. Even I get kinda sleepy during her lectures."

Anon laughed, "Don't let her hear you say that."

Javelin stifled a chuckle as Anon looked back over to Celestia.

"To summarize, Chrysalis used to be an ally of ours. Many, many centuries ago, changelings and ponykind were not enemies. We weren't friends, per say, but an alliance was formed out of necessity and things managed to stay peaceful between us for a very long time." The solar alicorn began.

"I'm sensing a 'but' here." Anon chimed in.

Celestia nodded, "Indeed. The changelings were our allies due to the war with the griffons and the minotaur invasion. We were losing ponies by the hundreds and our territory was being conquered year after year. The conflict lasted for centuries of on and off warfare; the griffons and minotaurs invading, us repelling them, and then they'd come back again in a decade or so."

Anon shook his head, "Sounds like the Hundred Years' War." He mentioned.

"It is known simply as the 'Long War'. It lasted from fifty seven pre Nightmare Moon, to two hundred and twenty five After Nightmare Moon." Celestia replied.

Anon slowly looked over to Luna, "So... that means..." He trailed off.

Celestia gave a sad nod while Luna looked to the floor, "The majority of the war was during Luna's banishment... With her gone, the minotaurs joined the griffons and invaded. We'd thought the fighting was over after killing the griffon king, but unfortunately, another young chick simply bided his time until he was prepared to strike."

"So, what happened with the changelings, then?" Anon questioned.

"Well, fighting a war on two fronts was a nigh impossible task, especially with everything else going on at that time... we were losing, year by year. At one point it got so bad that I was almost certain ponykind would be wiped from the face of Eques. Then, I met Chrysalis. Her strength surprised me, even then. We set about an alliance, albeit a... parasitic one." Celestia explained, a small frown on her muzzle.

Anon's eyes lit up in realization, "You offered her love in exchange for help fighting the war."

Celestia shook her head, "No. I offered her love in exchange for ending the war."

Anon tilted his head to the side, "Wait, isn't that the same thing?"

"Changelings aren't the best front line fighters, Anon. We've both seen that firsthoof." Javelin commented.

"They make much better infiltrators, as you've also seen firsthoof," Celestia continued, "So we arranged a deal. Chrysalis and her changelings abducted the entire military council and kings of both the griffons and the minotaurs. With the figureheads of both nations now under changeling control, they simply withdrew their troops and brokered peace deals with Equestria. Those deals have been the backbone of the peace that's lasted between Equestria and our neighbors ever since." Celestia elaborated.

Anon shook his head in disbelief, "Holy shit. That's like... the least and most diabolical thing I've ever heard. It's brilliant and also horrific and terrifying. What... what happened to the kings and council they abducted?" He asked, almost sure of the answer.

"They were fed off of until they died however many decades later. I was led to believe that it was painless... and if what Chrysalis said today is true, then it most certainly was." Celestia answered.

"Damn... so the changelings did all that for you just for a few meals to live off of?"

Celestia sadly shook her head, "Chrysalis was always a shrewd mare when it came to making deals. That's part of the reason I held a great deal of respect for her back then. She wanted much more than just the minotaur and griffon leadership. She wanted ponies to feed her hive."

Anon blanched, "W-wait a minute, you gave her ponies to feed on? Just like she's kinda sorta asking for now?"

Celestia bit her lip, "The deal wasn't quite so cut and dry. It was... more that changelings would be allowed to enter Equestria and camouflage themselves as needed to source enough love to survive. My intent was purely to allow them a very small portion of love from ponies- small enough that said ponies wouldn't even notice. It seemed a small price to pay for them literally saving our species from being conquered or worse... but then things became difficult."

"Difficult... how?" Anon asked.

"Chrysalis and her changelings started impersonating ponies to steal love from their spouses or families. At first it was small instances that could easily be repaired, but they quickly escalated into ponynapping and attempts at permanent replacement. It all came to a head when I found out that Chrysalis impersonated the duke of Trottingham and had him abducted. The political catastrophe that caused when it was revealed, almost sent all of Equestria into a massive civil war." Celestia answered.

"Jesus..." Anon muttered.

"I made the decree that she and her changelings were to be expelled from Equestria. Luckily, at the time... we were on good terms. She took her changelings and left, albeit with a small fight... she was a different mare back then. Cunning, but caring and... kind, even- if you can believe that. She cared far more for the safety of her hive than her own power and status, at least. She seemed so much more like she was eight hundred years ago, today." Celestia sighed, sinking to her haunches.

"Sister, she's trying to get you to agree to the same deal you had before, only this time she's tugging at your heartstrings to do it." Luna spoke up.

Celestia shook her head, "I'm sure she's trying... something. What that is, I'm not entirely sure yet. We'll have to see with regards to her foals and if they're actually starving or not."

"You make it sound as if we've already accepted her surrender and acquiesced to her requests." Luna replied.

"What choice do we have, Luna? If we don't, thousands starve to death. Thousands of infants." Celestia answered.

Luna frowned and looked down to the floor for several seconds. She eventually looked up to Anon, then to her sister and sighed as she realized she had no answer, "I suppose you have a point. I still don't trust them... but I admit... I don't wish for them all to starve to death. I've always had a weakness for the little ones, even non-ponies." She admitted.

Celestia gave a small smile, "Thank you, sister. We can at the very least, agree on that."

Anon crossed his arms, "So us helping all depends on whether or not she's even telling the truth about her hive starving in the first place... if she isn't, she's a damn good liar... which is kinda weird cause she was so bad at being Cadence." He pondered, aloud.

Luna giggled at Anon's antics, "Agreed. We'll decide what to do when Twilight returns with the seeds and we question Chrysalis. Until then, could we perhaps go and have that dinner now? Or, well, breakfast for you two, dinner for me... or was it lunch for you? As you can tell, I am quite famished and also quite tired. I would rather deal with Chrysalis when I have a full day's rest." She admitted, suppressing a yawn.

Celestia smiled, "Of course, sister. Come along, let's go get you your mid-day snack," She snickered, wrapping her wings around Luna and Anon to pull them to her sides as she made her way toward the kitchen, "Let's talk of more trivial manners for a moment, hmm? Has anypony seen Raven?" She murmured.

"I think she's dealing with the nobles. Or rather, she was. Maybe she decided to go home for lunch?" Anon suggested.

Celestia and Luna shook their heads, "She always eats lunch at the castle. I doubt she'd have left." Luna replied.

Javelin nodded as he trotted up beside the trio, "Well with all the wedding planning that's been going on, she probably doesn't want to be home anyways. All the paperwork and planning has been giving her an aneurism." He finished with a chuckle.

Celestia gave a small smile, "Then perhaps we'll have to grant her some time off for your upcoming wedding. Very excited about that, by the way, Sergeant."

Javelin smiled, "Thank you, princess. Raven and I are both excited as well... even if Raven is stressing harder about the wedding than anything I've ever seen her stress over before, hehe."

Anon raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were planning the wedding since... you know, stallions do all that stuff here."

Javelin shrugged, "I offered but Raven was dead set on making it perfect. She's basically kept me in the dark about it so I'll find out when the date is closer or something, I guess."

The group headed over to the kitchen, finding Raven already waiting for them while she nibbled at a salad. As the group entered and took their seats, she greeted them with a curious smile.

"So, how much did I miss?" She asked, looking to her fiancé as the stallion assumed his post by the door.

"Just the usual back and forth when a decision of extreme importance needs to be decided." Javelin replied.

Raven immediately frowned, before looking to Celestia, Luna, and Anon, "Oh, no. What's the plan with Chrysalis?" She inquired.

Celestia quickly finished giving her order to the butler, who immediately dashed off to prepare her food, "That's... what we agreed to decide on later. Deciding something this large on an empty stomach feels like a poor decision."

Raven gave a sage nod of agreement, "I see. Well, in the meantime then, you didn't miss much up here. The nobles arrived and threw their usual fit about being taxed too much and wanting more power. I gave them the usual response, so I think we'll be alright for another day."

Anon raised an eyebrow, "The... usual response? I haven't really dealt with the nobles much yet... aside from the bar fight way back. What is the usual response?"

Celestia chuckled, "No."

Anon laughed, "Hah! That's the way you deal with those pricks."

Luna giggled into her hoof, "I do so enjoy the looks on their muzzles when you tell them 'no'. It's as if they've never heard the word before."

The group shared a hearty chuckle at the thought of snooty nobles being denied just about anything. They soon found simple conversation flowing among the table, and within a few minutes, lunch arrived.

Chapter 4: Family Bonding*

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Later That Night

As the solar alicorn lowered the sun to the horizon from her balcony, Anon sat on their shared bed, an indecisive look on his face and his gaze aimed at the floor. He was only wearing his underwear, allowing his noticeably improved physique to be displayed for the two royal sisters as his brow knit in concentration. His rested his forearms on his knees and interlocked his fingers, finding it difficult to think about anything other than the events of earlier in the day. He eventually glanced up to the doorway as Luna entered, a small smile instantly forming on her face as she saw him.

"The moon is risen and Celestia is just getting the sun down its last dredges. Will you be accompanying me for a while tonight?" She asked, hopefully.

Anon nodded, "I'll stay up for a while with you, Lulu. A quiet night sounds nice right about now." He replied, a somewhat tired tone in his voice.

Luna quickly frowned at his tone, and stepped over to his side, "Nonny, what's the matter?" She questioned, a fair assumption already on her mind.

Anon sighed, "Just thinking about the Chrysalis situation. It's just a lot to take in and I'm not sure what we should do with her."

Luna nodded, "I know, honey. It's weighing on all of our minds at the moment. You should just relax for now though. We'll figure out how to deal with Chrysalis tomorrow." She softly offered, nuzzling his chin.

A smile soon found its way on Anon's face as he wrapped his arm around the lunar alicorn and held her close. She continued to nuzzle into his neck, the soft fur of her face gently brushing against his cheek and sending a wave of relaxation down his spine.

"You know, I think I'm supposed to be the one comforting you and Celestia, not the other way around... you're the ones about to give birth in a month." Anon murmured.

Luna chuckled, "Taking care of her stallion is a mare's job, pregnant or not. Besides, you've done more than your fair share when it comes to taking care of us. Don't think we don't see how hard you're trying to be a good prince, Nonny. You're doing an excellent job." She replied, planting a kiss on his cheek.

Anon smiled from the gesture, before turning his head and catching Luna's retreating lips with his own. The dark alicorn smiled into the kiss, before eagerly pressing forward, her tongue darting out and playfully flicking his. Before the delicate dance of their tongues could begin in earnest, however, Celestia entered from her balcony. She wore a tired look in her eyes, but that quickly changed as she witnessed the loving exchange between her herdmates.

"You know, after the day today's been, I think I could very much go for some of that right now." Celestia announced, sluggishly making her way toward the bed.

Anon and Luna broke the kiss, both looking to the solar princess as she reached the side of the bed.

"Need help?" Anon asked, as he watched Celestia attempt to crawl onto the mattress.

Celestia shook her head, "Oh, I think I should be fine." She replied, although as the seconds ticked by, it was increasingly obvious that she was struggling to climb onto the bed.

Anon moved to get up and help, but just as he stood, Celestia managed to roll onto her side, her belly heaving for a second before coming to a rest in a comfortable position.

"Ahhh, there we go... much better." Celestia groaned, the weight now finally off of her back and hooves.

Anon smirked, "You look ready to take a nap, right there."

Celestia snorted, "I am feeling particularly exhausted after the day's events... although, I would very much like to cuddle with my husband for a bit before I go to sleep." She responded, an impish tone in her voice.

Anon swiftly complied and laid down beside his wife. He gently hugged her closer, a gesture that she greedily accepted, and he quickly found her baby bump pressed firmly against his stomach. He kissed her deeply, finding that the light alicorn hungrily returned the kiss as her wings slowly extended. He rubbed her neck, just below her jaw. Almost immediately, the solar princess broke the kiss and let out a long sigh of relief as he dug into one of her sorest spots.

"You know all the right places to rub, sweetie." Celestia groaned, her eyes fluttering shut.

Anon smirked, "Well, I've had a lot of practice."

Celestia quickly returned the favor by rubbing soft circles into Anon's back with her hooves and letting out small coos of satisfaction. She almost forgot that her sister was standing just at the base of the bed until she heard hoofsteps leading toward the door.

"Lulu? Where are you going?" She questioned.

Luna turned and raised an eyebrow, "I'm heading out to perform my duties for the night. Why?"

Without a word, Celestia ignited her horn and picked up her younger sibling. The golden aura of magic swiftly, lifted and dragged the lunar princess back over to the bed, much to her chagrin.

"T-Tia, what are you doing?" Luna questioned, looking back and forth between the bed and the door.

"Your duties can wait for half an hour longer, sister. For now, I would like to have both my lovers here for some much needed... relaxation." Celestia sensually replied, placing her sister just behind Anon.

Luna reluctantly laid down on the bed behind her husband, before she felt Anon place his hand on her belly and rub soft circles in her fur. The contact felt warm, and comforting, and before she knew it, she returned the gesture by kissing the back of Anon's neck while she rubbed his chest with her hooves. As their hands and hooves explored all over each other, eventually, Anon's fingers found their way to Celestia's teats.

The solar princess gasped as Anon's fingers traced the sensitive, prickly flesh of her areola, before biting her lip to suppress a soft moan.

"You have such a fondness for my teats... I imagine you'll be competing with the foal when they're born." She chuckled, a heaviness in her voice.

Anon smirked, "Well I have always been a boob man... which is nice since you girls have the biggest tits in Equestria." He replied, reaching back and gently pinching Luna's teat with his other hand.

Luna quietly moaned as Anon rubbed the nipple between his fingers, sending electric waves of pleasure up her spine.

"You... do have a way with those fingers..." Luna huskily murmured, leaning in and planting longer, more deliberate kisses along the back of Anon's neck and down his shoulder.

Anon massaged both sisters' teats in his hands for a few minutes as they returned the favor by kissing him all over his face, neck, chest, arms, and abs. The extra attention all over his torso, quickly filled his manhood with blood and pitched a tent in his underwear that Celestia felt all too well pressing against her belly. With a smirk, she pulled away from kissing Anon's collar and fixed him with a hungry look.

"I can feel somepony getting excited. How's about we handle that?" Celestia cooed, leaning in and licking Anon's lips.

"Can I go first this time? I do have to leave soon..." Luna spoke up, resting her head on Anon's oblique.

Celestia nodded, "Of course, Lulu. I wanted you to go first anyway. I feel as if I've been hogging nonny this whole time and I do oh so love watching your face when you climax." She replied, her voice low, and dripping with lust.

Without a word, Anon nodded and rolled over, allowing Luna to lift her head from his torso and position herself comfortably on the bed. Wasting no time, Anon leaned in and kissed the lunar princess, his tongue diving into her mouth as she happily welcomed him back with her own. They wrestled back and forth for a few moments while Anon pinched and rubbed her teats, each little tweak sending a jolt of pleasure up her spine and making her squeak into the kiss.

Soon enough, Anon broke the kiss, allowing a moment to look into Luna's teal eyes with the kind of love that only a star-crossed lover could muster, before planting one more kiss on her muzzle. She giggled from the affection before letting out a soft sigh of euphoria as Anon trailed a line of kisses down her neck, to her barrel, and then to her belly. He paused as he reached her bloated belly. He slowly, almost reverently planted a line of kisses down to her belly button, each kiss filled with love and devotion. His hands softly roamed her back and withers, before making their way back down to her flanks to gently ease himself down to her teats.

Now with unrestricted access to the similarly swollen flesh, Anon leaned in and licked her nipple while pinching and gently twisting the other. He took the prickly flesh into his mouth and suckled on it while his tongue flicked the tip, making Luna's breath hitch and a long moan to escape her maw. After a few minutes of playing with one nipple, he switched to the other, his tongue swirling circles around the areola between gentle kisses. Only when he reached down to her sex and felt and absurd heat and moisture between her legs, did he finally relent and push himself further down to her folds.

Anon leaned in to taste Luna's vulva, but paused as he heard the sound of magic. He looked over to Celestia to find her horn glowing in its brilliant golden hue while a shaft, roughly the size of his own manhood, slowly slid in and out of her sex. A smirk found its way on his face as he saw a fiery blush on the white alicorn's face, and beads of her wetness already dripping down her thighs.

"Getting excited already?" He asked, a teasing grin on his face.

"Once... you're done with- oh, Faust... once you make Luna cum... then I want you to buck me. Hard and fast." Celestia breathlessly replied, her breath heaving with each thrust of her magic dildo.

Giving a nod of agreement, Anon turned back to look at Luna, finding that a dark blush found its way all over her face, and she was noticeably panting as well.

"N-no more teasing... honey, please... I need you now." She pleaded, her clit winking out with vigor.

Without a word of protest, Anon pushed himself up to his knees and pulled his boxers off. Before he could shuffle back over to Luna's rear end, however, she ignited her own horn and yanked both him and Celestia over to her. The golden aura pistoning in and out of the solar sister was instantly shattered by a wave of azure energy, only for Luna to dive into her sister's folds with reckless abandon.

Celestia cried out in ecstasy as her sisters skilled tongue thrusted into her folds and rubbed against her g-spot. She nearly came on the spot, her hindlegs clamping down on Luna's head to hold her in place while she heaved for breath from the sudden assault. Meanwhile, Anon found himself pressed firmly against Luna's hips, his cock squished between her labia and his abdomen. With skill honed from months of pleasing to alicorn goddesses, Anon worked his shaft into Luna's dark folds, the feeling of warmth and velveteen texture immediately registering in his brain as Luna's natural lubrication soaked his crotch.

Anon thrust away like a man possessed, while Luna suckled on Celestia's clit as if her life depended on it. Faster and faster he pummeled her pussy, his efforts quickly driving her from one high to the next. As she laid on her side, one wing strained against her weight while the other openly flapped in the air, her muscles tensing with each thrust of Anon's length into her depths. After less than a minute, the pleasure overwhelmed her, and Luna could only press her cheek against her sisters teats as Anon's shaft battered her folds into submission.

With a breathless cry of ecstasy, Luna came, her entire body going rigid while the tingling sensation of pleasure fired away at her brain over and over. Her hindlegs trembled and her labia quivered as her clit frantically winked against the bottom of Anon's cock. Marecum gushed out of her slit and soaked Anon's thighs as her climax reached its peak, and the lunar princess quickly found herself out of air.

She desperately gasped oxygen back into her lungs, only for her chest to heave and another wave of tremors to shoot up her spine from her sex, nearly forcing the air right back out of her. She moaned and whimpered as Anon finally came. White hot fire spread through her loins as the feeling of his seed flooding her depths registered on her mind, and with a cataclysmic cry, she came once more. She lost the ability to breathe as she screamed a breathless scream into the heavens, her entire body trembling as wave after wave of pure bliss ricocheted up and down her spine like a pinball machine.

For a few seconds, she was simply unable to comprehend that reality was still real, and the stars blinking in and out of her vision made it hard to tell which way was up. She was vaguely aware that she was still alive and gasping heavy breaths of air into her lungs, but aside from that, all she could feel was perpetual bliss. Eventually, however, the feeling subsided and she managed to come down from her high to focus on Anon as he rubbed her neck with his hand.

"Heh, you alright, Lulu?" He asked, a loving smile on his face.

Luna shakily shook her head, "I... swear... pregnancy makes the experience so much more... intense." She mumbled, her brain still struggling to reboot.

Anon leaned down and kissed her lips, an act that she was gratefully able to return, before slowly pulling out.

"Well you did say you needed me 'now'. You seemed like you just wanted it harder and faster than usual." Anon chuckled.

"Indeed," Celestia added, "You almost made me orgasm until Anon drove you over the edge." She teased.

Luna gave a jerky nod, "Well... you try eating somepony else out while feeling like you're exploding with pleasure." She giggled.

"Oh I intend to." Celestia gave a predatory grin.

Luna shook her head, "Regrettably, I'll have to experience that next time. I do have to go resume my duties, as much as I'd love to stay." She replied, a sad undertone in her voice, before she looked over to Anon, "I do expect you to be busy for the foreseeable future, Nonny. Perhaps tomorrow you can keep me company." She offered.

Anon gave a nod, "Absolutely, Lulu."

Celestia clicked her tongue, "Damned royal duties... always getting in the way." She muttered.

With some help from Anon, Luna got to her hooves on the bed. She leaned down and deeply kissed Celestia, ensuring to wrestle her tongue much like she'd done with Anon. After a few moments, and more than enough time for the solar princess to taste herself on her sister's tongue, Luna pulled away and licked her muzzle.

"Next time I plan to help Anon buck you until you can't walk." She whispered with a wink.

Celestia purred, "I'll be looking forward to it."

With one last parting kiss, the royals sisters broke apart and Luna turned back to Anon. She kissed him once more as well, before spreading her wings and gently hopping off the bed to begin her duties. As Anon and Celestia watched her walk away, they both saw how positively drenched her vulva, tail, and thighs still were. Driblets of cum clung to her inner thighs and labia, but she hardly seemed to mind.

"Hey, uh, Luna? You gonna clean up a bit first?" Anon called out to her.

Luna smugly looked over her shoulder, "And wash away your hard work? Perish the thought, Anon."

Without another word, Luna exited the bedroom, leaving Anon and Celestia alone. Anon chuckled as he shook his head and turned back to the sun princess.

"She's getting kinkier and kinkier every week, I swear." He said, looking to Celestia.

Celestia laughed, "What can I say? You've rubbed off a bit on both of us." She said, her voice coming out like a throaty moan.

Anon raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah?"

Celestia nodded, "I... may or may not be lactating now..." She trailed off, passing a not-so-inconspicuous look down to her teats and the drops of white liquid dripping from them.

Anon's jaw dropped and his cock sprang back up to attention in record time.

"Oh fuck yeah." He whispered, before leaning down to Celestia's undoubtedly massive teats.

With all the gentleness of a quiet, midsummer breeze, Anon cupped one of Celestia's teats and latched onto the nipple with his lips. Even without applying any kind of suction, he instantly felt the warm sensation of fresh milk flowing into his mouth. Creamy, sweet, and almost sour flavor exploded onto his taste buds, and without hesitation, he greedily drank the sustenance down. Above him, Celestia bit her lip to suppress a moan as she watch him suckle on her teat, the sight alone making her clit wink out repeatedly.

Anon gulped down mouthful after mouthful of the unbelievably savory milk, before the teat finally ran dry, and he pulled away without spilling a drop. He planted a parting kiss on the empty teat before leaning down to the next one and repeating the process. This time, Celestia couldn't keep her composure, and she let out a long, throaty moan as the feeling of Anon draining her second teat sent tingling waves of pleasure straight to her loins.

Soon enough Celestia's teats were both empty, prompting Anon to pull away with one past parting kiss to each of the sensitive nubs of flesh. Upon looking back at Celestia's face, however, he saw just how excited the treatment made her. Her entire face was flushed deeply and her breaths came out in ragged rasps, while her wings pressed painfully either against the mattress, or at their full extension. Her legs twitched sporadically, and her chest heaved with each passing second as sweat dripped down her brow. Most notably were her eyes, and the downright predatory look she gave him as she licked her lips.

"Nonny... that was so hot... I need you to fuck me. Now." She commanded, her voice filled with lust.

Anon's brow arched in surprise at her word choice, but he quickly felt the overwhelming need to satisfy his wife taking precedence over her vocabulary choices.

"God I love it when you swear with human words." Anon purred, kissing her teat once more.

Celestia let out a moan, "I need you inside me, now." She desperately huffed.

"Did I ever tell you how sexy you look like this?" Anon asked, positioning himself behind her rump.

Celestia groaned as she felt his tip rub against her vulva, "Mpfff... only every day, sweetie." She replied.

Anon grinned, "It's like you were made to be pregnant. I think I should knock you up again as soon as the kid is born, just to keep you looking like this. You always had the appeal of a mother but now... whew, you're fucking stunning. I wanna keep you like this forever." He purred, slowly pressing his length into her dripping wet folds.

Celestia cried out in ecstasy as Anon's manhood speared its way into her sex. Her clit winked over and over, kissing the bottom of his shaft as he spread her walls and penetrated all the way to her deepest parts. She almost saw white as Anon's hips pressed against hers, and for a pregnant moment of time, he simply held still.

Panting heavily, Celestia looked down to her husband to find him giving her the same predatory grin she'd given him just a few moments prior.

"A-non..." She groaned, thrusting her hips against him in an effort to get him moving.

Anon simply refused to budge, his hands holding her bloated belly in place to keep her from getting any real movement, "You're looking really desperate, Celly. You need it bad, don't you... beg for it then." He whispered, the words making Celestia's pupils shrink to pinpricks.

With no way to maneuver due to her gavid belly and position, she could only wiggle side to side in an effort to get some stimulation, but quickly found that such motions only left her wanting even more. After less than ten seconds, and with a pitiful whimper, she finally broke.

"P-please, Anon. Breed me. Keep me knocked up for the rest of my life! I beg you!" She cried, all sense of pride and regal standing evacuating her body in an instant.

Anon immediately complied with her request, and pulled his hips back until just his tip remained inside. With a mighty thrust, he slammed his hips against hers, the force of the motion jolting her entire body forward, and sending a kaleidoscope of pleasure coursing through her nerves. Celestia threw her head back and brayed to the heavens as Anon fucked her like a machine. Each time his tip kissed her cervix, the sensation almost as painful as it was euphoric, but the waves of pure, unrefined elation radiating through her womb made her entire world spin.

Sweat dripped down Anon's chiseled frame as he pounded away at Celestia like a man possessed. His hips moved like a blur, each impact sending a wave of rippling flesh down Celestia's flanks and into her belly. He reached down and tweaked one of her teats, the added extra stimulation making her howl in bliss yet again, but he did not stop. Harder and faster he thrust, his actions filling the air with wet and meaty slaps as he drove his wife ever closer to rapture.

Celestia could feel the sensation creeping up on her faster than she could handle, and after only a few short minutes of Anon's thunderous performance, she felt herself tip over the edge. Her walls seized down on his shaft like a vice, and with a quick flare of her horn, she pulled Anon down until she could ferociously shove her tongue down his throat. Instantly, stars filled her vision and she moaned into Anon's mouth as her body tingled with a tsunami of pleasure. Not more than a second later, she felt the fiery sensation of Anon's cock shooting load after load into her depths, each pulse of his shaft sending another explosion of ecstasy through her straining body.

Finally, after quite some time, she pulled away from the kiss, a strand of saliva connecting their lips for just a few moments before breaking away. Both man and pony panted heavily as they stared into each others eyes, each radiating enough love to power a city.

"That... was awesome." Anon managed to say through several breaths.

Celestia chuckled, "Indeed. You were amazing, sweetie. I loved the dirty talk, by the way." She replied, kissing Anon's nose.

Anon sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "Eh, it wasn't my best but I'm glad you liked it. Dirty talk was never really my thing before so I'm not the best at it." He admitted.

Celestia simply kissed him once more, "You were perfect. I don't think I've ever orgasmed that hard before... I almost passed out." She laughed.

Anon nodded, a smile on his face, "Well with how much you were screaming there, I'm surprised you didn't."

Celestia hugged him close, "I have strong lungs. Centuries of the Royal Canterlot Voice will do that to you."

Anon gladly returned the hug, one hand resting on Celestia's belly while the other hooked around her neck to hold her close.

"You'll have to teach it to me one of these days." Anon replied with a sleepy yawn.

Celestia nodded, before planting a kiss on his forehead, "Indeed. For now... I just wish to enjoy this."

With that, she wrapped her free wing over him like a blanket and squeezed his head into the crook of her neck. She soon heard his soft breathing to be a fair indication that he was asleep, and closed her eyes to drift off as well.

Unfortunately, rest did not linger for the human, and he soon found himself wide awake, his mind drifting to the Changeling Queen and her hive as his wife softly snoozed in his embrace. He struggled to find sleep the whole night.

Chapter 5: Interrogation

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The Next Morning

Anon walked toward the dining room of the castle with a lethargic yawn. His bare feet pitter-pattered on the marble floor as he sluggishly made his way to breakfast, the only other sound to accompany him being the gentle chirping of the birds in the early morning sun. His stomach growled as he reached the doorway, almost as if signaling to him that he was taking too long to get some food into his belly. He barely managed to stifle another yawn as he approached the night guards still holding their posts until the changing of the guard.

Almost silently, two pairs of leathery wings flapped into close proximity, before the sound of hoofsteps on marble echoed out from either side of Anon, both quickly matching his stride.

"Morning, guys." Anon mumbled.

"Good morning." Dusk replied, giving the slightest of nods.

"Morning... you, uh... you look like you didn't sleep too well." Echo commented, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly.

Anon shook his head, "I fell asleep in fantastic fashion... just couldn't stay asleep, is all." He replied, pausing at the door to sleepily observe his guards.

Dusk gave a sage nod, "Thinking about yesterday?" He questioned.

Anon nodded, "Kinda hard not to. I don't know how Tia managed to stay asleep the whole night." He commented, letting out a sigh.

"Well, when you've been around as long as she has, you've probably had many a sleepless night. I recall Princess Luna and her discussing lucid dreaming, so she might have just been thinking on it while in a dream." Dusk replied.

Anon furrowed his brow, "Really? Huh... I wonder if Luna can teach me how to do that? I mean, when she pops into my dreams, she makes me realize that I'm in a dream, but to be able to just know on my own and control my dream by myself would be awesome." He thought aloud, waking up slightly.

Dusk shrugged, "If I had to hazard a guess, I'd assume she'd be more than thrilled to help you learn to lucid dream. It's kinda her thing, after all."

Anon put his hands on his hips, "I guess you've got a point there. I wonder if she got much work done with all this Chrysalis shit on her mind too, then."

"Princess Luna spent most of the night in the dream realm. I'd assume that she was working as normal all night, unless she was just sitting in there and thinking about Chrysalis instead of going into ponies' dreams. To be honest, you're only going to know if you ask her. Once she's in the dream realm, we have no idea what she's up to." Echo answered.

Anon shook his head and shrugged, "Well I couldn't really get up to go check. A certain alicorn had me completely trapped with her legs and wings." He chuckled.

"They're both getting more clingy as their pregnancies come to a head, aren't they?" Dusk chuckled.

Anon nodded, "At this point, I'm just hoping that there's enough of me to go around once the foals are born. I'm gonna have to be the best dad I can be. They're gonna be giants and take over the world, I just know it."

The group shared a chuckle, "With your freakishly tall genetics, I don't doubt it." Echo snickered.

"I'm not freakishly tall, I just eat well and workout a lot." Anon turned his nose up.

"Well good thing you're about to see her at breakfast then, isn't it?" Dusk smirked.

Anon nodded, "Right you are. Going back to the Chrysalis thing for a second though, since I did spend all night up thinking about it, I think I might have an idea on what to do with our little bug horse downstairs." He announced, making his way toward the door once more.

"I don't imagine your plan will call for two night guards taking out some very dangerous trash, now would it?" Echo intoned with a grin, as the other night guards opened the dining room for them.

As the trio stepped into the room, Anon shook his head, "No, nothing like that. In fact, quite the opposite." He replied, eyeing his wives as they sat at the table, both awaiting their breakfast and dinner, respectively.

Both Luna and Celestia's eye's lit up as Anon entered the room, and before Dusk or Echo could question what he meant, they called him over.

"Honey! There you are. I was beginning to wonder how late you were going to sleep in." Celestia called, a warm smile on her face.

"Ah, come join us for breakfast, honey." Luna added, her tired demeanor perking up noticeably as the human closed in on them.

Once Anon reached the table, he quickly leaned in and gave Celestia a quick kiss, before moving over to Luna. As he sat down, both mares scooted their chairs closer to his, each leaning into either side of him to either nuzzle or just hold him close with a wing. Anon let out a pleasant sigh at the warmth radiating off of Celestia and the soft touch of Luna's fur. It was almost enough to lull him back to sleep right then and there, but unfortunately, the butler pony entering the room accidentally slammed the door a bit too harshly, and the moment was ruined.

Anon closed his eyes and rested his elbows on the table as the butler uttered half a dozen apologies while delivering their meals. With a quick word of forgiveness from Celestia, the pony trotted off and headed out, ensuring to close the door much more quietly this time around. Once he was gone, a perfect silence descended over the room, leaving both royal sisters to worriedly look over their human as he rubbed his temples.

"Honey? What's the matter?" Luna asked, concern bleeding into her voice.

"You seem... stressed. Did you not sleep well? I didn't wake you when I woke up to raise the sun, did I?" Celestia added, a worried frown on her face.

Anon shook his head and sat back upright in his chair.

"I could not stay asleep last night for the life of me. In fact, I'm amazed that you managed to sleep at all." He replied, after a moment.

Celestia tilted her head to the side, "Nonny, whatever do you mean?"

"What do you mean 'what do I mean'?" Anon raised an eyebrow, "Were you not thinking about Chrysalis at all?"

Celestia pursed her lips while Luna rolled her tongue in her mouth.

"Of course we're thinking about Chrysalis, sweetie. I was brainstorming over what to do with her all night." Luna answered, a placating tone in her voice.

"I was as well. Trust me, honey, we never stopped thinking about her." Celestia concurred.

"I don't know how you managed to fall asleep and stay asleep then, cause you're gonna need to teach me how to do that. Every time I felt sleepy, I just thought about what could go wrong if we don't do this perfectly. " Anon responded, leaning back in his chair and looking up at the ceiling.

Celestia slowly leaned in and nuzzled Anon before placing a kiss on his neck, just above his collar, "Honey, I understand. Trust me, it wasn't something I was able to do right at the beginning of becoming a leader. I spent many a sleepless night when I first became a princess. It'll come in time."

Anon gratefully scratched at Celestia's chin while Luna nuzzled his cheek from his other side.

"If you'd like, I can teach you how to lucid dream, Anon. That way you won't have to rely on me pulling you into the dream realm like we did for your extra classes the last few months." She offered, receiving a loving kiss on her muzzle in response.

"Dusk said you'd probably be happy to teach me." Anon chuckled.

Luna slyly smiled, "Well he's one of the more intelligent guards I've met. Hence why he and Echo are your protection at night."

Anon smiled gratefully, before both sisters pulled away from him and sat back upright in their chairs, "Alright, so then what's the plan for today?" He asked.

"First thing's first, we need Twilight here with the seeds of truth so we can go interrogate Chrysalis and ensure she's even telling the truth. Once that's finished, then... depending on her answers, we either leave her in the dungeon or go bring her to the city hall to officiate her surrender." Celestia answered, tapping her chin in thought.

"How soon can we expect Twilight to be back?" Luna asked.

"Within the hour. She took the first airship leaving Ponyville this morning." Celestia replied.

"Alright, I can work with that. One step at a time," Anon nodded.

"I'm afraid you'll both have to do the interrogation without me then. It was a rather long night and I could use some rest, if I'm being honest." Luna replied, stifling a yawn with her hoof.

"Alright. I'll fill you in when you wake up tonight," Anon responded, receiving a nod of thanks from the lunar princess.

As the trio settled back into their seats, Anon looked down at his bacon, cheese, and diced herb omelet and feeling his stomach growl, "First, breakfast. Then, interrogation. Thanks for ordering for me, by the way." He smiled to both his wives.

Celestia giggled, "We figured you'd like that. Bacon has become something of a staple of your breakfasts." She acknowledged.

"Also either omelets or pancakes. Although you're quick to take up cinnamon rolls if the kitchen has them." Luna added.

"Well who turns down a cinnamon roll for breakfast?" Anon scoffed, "Besides, I know you both love them too."

"That we do, Nonny. That we do." Luna laughed.

With that, they fell into a comfortable quiet as they dug into their meals, a gentle warmth all around them as they basked in each other's presence.

One Hour Later

As Anon, Celestia, and Javelin walked back to the throne room, they were quickly greeted by Raven, as she trotted up to their side. She fixed them all with a curious look as she quickly cast her clipboard to the side.

"There you all are. Princess, Twilight just arrived with the seeds a few minutes ago. I told her that you'd be down momentarily. She's waiting in the throne room." Raven announced, falling in step with the rest of the group.

Very good, Raven. Thank you." Celestia kindly replied.

Raven happily nodded her thanks before turning to Javelin, finding him stoically looking ahead as usual when he was on duty. She nonchalantly bumped her flank against his, making the stallion glance over at her. She gave him a quick wink, to which he reciprocated, before she darted over and kissed his cheek, making him blush.

"Ew, cooties." Anon teased, gaining immense satisfaction at the sudden glare Raven leveled his way.

"I'm in charge of your public appearances, you know? I can absolutely have you sent to all those noble parties in Princess Celestia's stead. I'll make sure it's one organized by BlueBlood. I swear to Faust." Raven fired back, her threat making Anon nervously glance to his wife.

Celestia simply continued on toward the throne room as if she couldn't hear what was happening beside her, a small smirk on her muzzle.

"Y-you wouldn't dare. There are only two nobles that I like in this entire city and neither of them are BlueBlood. I would rather go watch wrestling in Las Pegasus than go to one of BlueBlood's parties." Anon replied, as if the name tasted sour in his mouth.

Raven smirked, "Then don't accuse me of giving my fiancé cooties, Anon."

Anon glared at the little secretary pony as they arrived at the throne room doors. With a single nod from their solar princess, the guards standing beside the doors magic'd them open, revealing Twilight near the thrones at the end of the room, sitting on one of the steps, a bored look in her eyes. There was a burlap sack laying on the floor at the base of the steps leading up to Celestia's throne, but aside from that, the room was empty.

"You win this round, Rayray. But only because BlueBlood has tried to hit on me like, thirty times and I can't seem to get him to understand that I'm straight. For real, he's like, concerningly persistent... also completely fine with being in a herd with his aunts, I guess... there's a lot to unpack there, if I'm being honest..." Anon trailed off, a more and more fearful look appearing in his eyes.

Raven giggled, "Good, now focus up, Prince Anon. It's time to actually work instead of sitting on a day court throne all day." She teased.

Anon rolled his eyes but followed behind as Celestia led the group inside and toward Twilight.

Once the doors opened and she saw who was entering, Twilight glanced over to see the approaching group, and quickly turned all of her attention to the white alicorn as she closed the distance between them.

"Oh, princess! There you are! I brought the seeds back as fast as I could." Twilight breathed a sigh of relief.

"You've done well, Twilight. No need to worry." Celestia replied with a smile.

"You're only as late as usual. Are those the seeds?" Anon teased, pointing to the burlap sack.

Twilight frowned and rolled her eyes, "Yes, Anon, those are the seeds," She replied, before turning to Celestia, "I spoke with Zecora about them while I was picking them up. Depending on the level of honesty and purity of her words, we'll only get as few as three or four questions before the seeds have fully sprouted and will no longer indicate whether she's lying or not."

Celestia pursed her lips, "That... isn't good news. That gives us perilously little room to ascertain her true motives." She thought aloud, tapping her hoof against her chin.

"Why can't you just use one seed at a time? You know, that way we could have like, a bunch of questions." Anon offered, eyeing the bag of seeds curiously.

Twilight shook her head, "They don't work that way. The seeds all come from a single flower, and grow back into a single flower. That connection is what makes them work. If you separate any of them, they won't grow." She explained.

Anon put his hands on his hips and rolled his tongue in his mouth while Celestia chewed her lip, "Well, why didn't you bring more then?" He questioned.

"These were all Zecora had, and the plant she gets them from doesn't bloom around here. It would take months to get more from Zebrica." Twilight indignantly replied.

"I suppose that I should do all the questioning then. We'll have to keep it to the most important questions. As much as I would like to know more, there doesn't seem to be any other options at the moment." Celestia admitted.

"Alright then, I guess it's interrogation time?" Anon asked, looking back and forth across the group.

Celestia nodded, "Indeed it is, honey. Let's go speak with Chrysalis."

Raven sighed, "I guess I'll go deal with the nobles again while you deal with her. Faust knows they'll be asking a million questions about Chrysalis. Good luck down there." She announced, before Javelin quickly leaned in and kissed her.

"See you in a bit, hun." He said, receiving a kiss and nuzzle from the secretary.

Anon gagged before Raven fired a blast of magic, smacking the back of his head.

"Ow! Fuck!" Anon exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head, "Assault! Attempted regicide! Guards!? Your prince has been attacked!" He dramatically exclaimed.

The few guards lining the walls nearly broke from their positions and rushed over to assist him, until they saw who it was that hit Anon. They all quickly rolled their eyes and abandoned any notion of their prince being in any real danger.

"Ya'll suck." Anon crossed his arms and pouted at the guards standing at their posts.

"I think you kind of deserved that." Twilight shrugged.

"Agreed." Raven nodded.

"Oh, so that's how it is? I am so dumping a whole gallon of ink on you for that." Anon muttered.

"What was that?" Raven raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing! Nothing. Come on, gang. Let's go interrogate a bug!" Anon quickly answered, ushering the rest of the group away from the secretary.

"That's what I thought." Raven chuckled, turning around and heading out to deal with Day Court.

Meanwhile, Anon, Celestia, Twilight, and Javelin walked through the corridors of the castle toward the dungeon.






Chrysalis awoke to the sound of banging on her door. She blearily opened her eyes and looked up to the guard watching her. The guardsmare quickly got to her hooves and trotted over to the door just as it was unlocked and opened. Celestia, Anon, Javelin, and Twilight all entered the dimly lit room with a burlap sack held in Celestia's golden aura. Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at the sight of the sack while the group quickly greeted her guard, dismissing the mare to go wait outside and placed said burlap sack down in front of her cell.

"I don't suppose... there's love in that bag of yours?" Chrysalis weakly asked, struggling to sit upright.

Anon looked back and forth between the bag and Chrysalis, "C-can you put love into a bag?" He asked.

"No, Anon. You can't. She was being rhetorical." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"If there are oats in there... I can assure you that they provide no nutritional value to a changeling." Chrysalis announced, giving Celestia a puzzled look.

Rather than reply to her, the solar princess looked over to Twilight, "Would you care to explain, Twilight?"

Twilight nodded, "These are the Seeds of Truth. A little gift from my friend, Zecora. What's going to happen is that we're going to ask you questions, and if these seeds grow when you respond, then we know you're telling the truth. If not... well then we know you're lying or omitting the truth." She explained

Chrysalis's eyes widened ever so slightly at the impending lie-detector test, but a pang of hunger quickly squashed any concern she had over the seeds before her, "I don't suppose... I could... get some love first?" She asked.

"Once you answer our questions, we'll see." Celestia replied, opening the door and revealing several more guards carrying a pot filled with soil, into the room.

Chrysalis let out a resigned sigh, "Very well then, I suppose it's to be expected," she replied, pushing herself out of her bed and slowly getting to her hooves, "I'm surprised your sister isn't here... she seems to trust me the least." She sluggishly shrugged, looking to Celestia.

"Luna is resting after her night shift. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be seeing her soon." Celestia replied, curtly.

Chrysalis pursed her lips as the guards set down the pot just outside her cell. Twilight quickly dumped some seeds out from the burlap sack and buried them in the soil, ensuring to cover them completely. Once she was satisfied, she turned back to Chrysalis, along with all other eyes in the room.

"Alright... ask away," Chrysalis shrugged.

"What are your intentions?" Celestia questioned.

"To save my hive... they're starving... and it's my duty as their queen to save them." Chrysalis replied, her eyelids drooping every few seconds.

Twilight eyed the pot, finding that a definitive glow radiated from the seeds underneath the soil, and tiny sprouts or green poked the soil. She gave a nod to Celestia, prompting her to continue.

"How do you intend to save your hive? Is this all just an elaborate ruse to abduct, enslave, or replace anypony in Equestria for your kind to feed off of?" Celestia asked.

Chrysalis sluggishly shook her head, "I'm not planning on abducting anypony... I don't want to replace anypony, and I am not aware of any schemes to enslave ponies for changelings to feed off of," She sighed, "As much as it irks me, cooperating with you... is the best chance my kind have at this point."

Once again, the seeds glowed and the sprouts of green grew larger in the pot. However, as the rest of the ponies in the room refocused on Celestia as she prepared her next question, Anon's gaze lingered on the changeling Queen, and how she swayed back and forth ever so slightly. She almost appeared to be nodding off just standing, and her breaths came slowly, in short ragged breaths.

"If you were given the opportunity, would you change your ways? Try to find a way to live peacefully among ponies and keep changelings from hurting Equestrians ever again?" Celestia pressed.

"I'm willing to do... whatever it takes... to save my species. If we have to find a way to coexist, then so be it." Chrysalis replied.

Again, much to everypony's shock, the seeds radiated a golden light, and the sprouts shot up several inches. Celestia was taken aback at the fact that the changeling queen was telling the truth, so much so that she struggled to find her next question. Meanwhile, Anon felt growing concern at the changeling Queen's inability to stand upright any longer, and she quickly slumped down to her haunches, her head lolling slightly, as if simply keeping her eyes up was too much of a strain.

"What kind of terms are you hoping to achieve with your surrender?" She asked.

"Wha?" Chrysalis muttered, her eyes unfocused.

"Chrysalis? Look at me." Celestia ordered, receiving a blank stare in response.

Anon quickly leaned over to Celestia's side, "Hun, I think she's about to pass out. She needs some food or water, or something." He whispered, his concern easily bleeding over into his voice.

Celestia pursed her lips before looking back to the sprouts jutting out of the soil. She glanced back to Chrysalis once more, finding that the changeling appeared to be nodding off once more.

"We need to get our answers while we can be sure she isn't lying." She replied, shaking her head to Anon. She quickly cleared her throat, "Chrysalis, answer the question, please."

Chrysalis gave a lazy nod, "A... reliable and consistent... food source for my species," she answered, just barely noting the aghast looks in the ponies' faces, "What? My changelings need... to eat... to survive. Kind of... like me... right now. P-plus, I can offer information... and infiltrator changelings... in exchange for that constant source of food."

Celestia's eyes narrowed, "Is that all you see ponies as? A food source? Something just for you to feed off of?"

Chrysalis slowly shook her head, "I think we both know that I... I most certainly view ponies as much, much more than that." She quietly, almost mournfully, answered.

All eyes quickly darted to the pot, only to find that the seeds glowed yet again, and flowers bloomed at the ends of the stems. Everyone in the room shared looks of surprise at the honesty of the changeling queen, while said queen struggled to hide the discomfort she was experiencing as another wave of hunger pangs shot through her gut.

"What? Did you... expect me to be lying about everything?" Chrysalis asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Javelin immediately replied.

"I mean... kinda." Anon shrugged.

"You don't have the best track record." Twilight chimed in.

Chrysalis frowned at the guard, human, and alicorn while Celestia eyed the changeling queen suspiciously, "What... what exactly are you offering in exchange for food for your hive?"

"I-I'm offer-ing..." Chrysalis trailed off as she suddenly passed out, her body limply falling to the floor beside her bed.

"Oh shit." Anon muttered, closing the distance to the cell in a second.

"Chrysalis!?" Celestia exclaimed, rushing to the cell bars.

"She's unconscious!" Twilight added.

"Sergeant! Get Swan and a medic!" Celestia ordered, turning to Javelin.

Without a word, the stallion galloped to the door, his hoof pounding against its metal frame for several seconds until it was quickly opened.

"What's going on!?" Swan demanded.

"Swan, the keys! Now!" Anon shouted, startling everyone in the room.

Without thinking to question her prince, Swan instantly grabbed the keys from her armor and tossed them to the human. He wasted no time in unlocking and opening the cell, much to everyone else's dismay.

"Anon!?" Celestia cried.

"What the buck are you doing!?" Twilight shrieked.

Chapter 6: A Risky Decision

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"Anon, shut that door this instant!" Celestia exclaimed, her voice nearing royal Canterlot levels.

"You're being a reckless idiot!" Twilight shouted.

"Anon, she's still dangerous!" Javelin added, rushing toward the cell door.

"She's starving to death. We don't have time to argue this." Anon replied, stepping into the cell.

With now unimpeded access to the changeling queen, Anon suddenly felt the weight of his decision catching up with him. He froze for a moment, his eyes glued to the unconscious Chrysalis, with nothing between them but open air. He took a deep breath and swallowed back his nerves, before stepping into the cell, much to Celestia, Twilight, and Javelin's dismay. He cautiously made his way over to the equine creature, each step echoing in the deathly silent room.

Finally, he reached her side just as Javelin arrived at the cell door, his horn already glowing white hot. Anon carefully crouched down beside her, his hands hovering awkwardly above her chitinous form. After a moment to ponder his next move, he lightly pushed her wither, rolling her over slightly, only for her body to roll back over to its resting place. He pursed his lips as he brought one hand over to her head and snapped his fingers next to her ear. The appendage did not respond to the audio stimuli.

"Uh... Chrysalis?" Anon asked, his voice coming out small, yet deafening in that silent hall.

Again, no response. Anon slowly placed his hand on her barrel, and immediately did a double take at the softness of her chitin there, compared to her wither. It didn't feel like a a hard exoskeleton at all, in fact, it felt much more akin to pony skin, only without the fur. Anon suppressed his surprise as he searched for her heartbeat, and find it he did. Twice.

Anon did yet another double take at the presence of two beating hearts inside the changeling Queen's chest. He reached further forward, his hand coming under her foreleg and brushing up against yet another startling trait of the changeling queen. Her chest was covered in a thin layer of soft, black fur. The feeling caught him so off guard, that he jumped as he felt her elytra involuntarily opening. Anon nearly fell to his back, but Chrysalis kept him from falling with her foreleg hooked over his hand.

Javelin instantly aimed and prepared to unload a barrage of magical energy bolts at the sight of potential foul play from the changeling queen, but Anon quickly held up a hand to stay his attacks. As he looked down at her slightly open elytra, he saw her surprisingly beautiful wings, neatly folded inside and semitransparent. However, what truly held his attention, was the look of relief on the changeling's face as she came to and looked up to him, her intimidating green eyes conveying nothing but gratitude.

"Uh... a-alright, Chrysalis... you get one meal... and that's it." Anon announced, trying his hardest not to stutter.

"That's all... I need." Chrysalis responded, quietly.

Anon silently nodded and observed as the changeling queen slowly opened her mouth. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on edge as he saw row after row of fangs in the changeling queen's maw, and the long, forked, green tongue between them. He gulped in anticipation of her next move, but nothing could quite prepare him for the sensation of love being siphoned from his body, nor the sight of the pink mist suddenly being pulled from his chest.

On instinct, Anon clasped a hand over his chest in an attempt to halt the flow of pink escaping him, but the mist simply phased right through his hand and funneled straight into Chrysalis's jaws. Once he knew he could not stop the flow of love, he simply observed as the queen fed from him. Strangely enough, he felt almost nothing aside from a slight tickling sensation on his chest.

The seconds ticked by while the queen fed, and all eyes focused on her and the volume of love she was ingesting. With perilously little information to go off of with regards to changeling eating habits or portion sizes, the two alicorns found themselves increasingly concerned as the feeding continued well past ten seconds, then twenty, and finally thirty.

"Alright, I think she's had enough!" Celestia shouted.

Albeit after a moment of hesitation, Chrysalis closed her jaw and licked her lips as the last of the love mist returned to Anon's chest. Only a second later, he fell down to a sitting position and rubbed the spot where the love was drained from.

"Huh... well that was certainly somethin'." Anon muttered, pressing against one of his pectorals in an experimental fashion.

"It's not meant to be painful, if that's what you were worried about." Chrysalis replied, sounding much more alive already.

"Anon, get out of there." Celestia ordered.

Casting a glance up to his wife and the rest of the ponies in the room, he gave a hesitant nod and pushed himself to his feet. He staggered slightly as he made his way to the door, but quickly regained his balance and headed out, allowing Javelin to slam the door shut behind him. Almost the second he was clear, he was pulled into an embrace by Celestia.

"Are you okay?" She questioned, they worry in her eyes just barely overshadowing her anger.

"She didn't take too much from you, did she?" Javelin pressed.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just a little dazed, but I already feel better." Anon replied, happily returning the embrace.

"That makes two of us." Chrysalis spoke up, suddenly sounding much more calm and like herself.

All eyes darted back to the changeling queen as she sat upright on her haunches. She gave Anon a grateful smile, before looking back to Celestia and Twilight.

"I only took what I needed to stave off starvation for a few days. I have no intention of hurting the prince." She announced, bowing her head ever so slightly.

Celestia pursed her lips before looking back to Anon and unfurling a wing to give them some privacy from the changeling queen, "I have half a mind to smack you. What the hay were you thinking!?" She whisper-shouted

"Tia, she was passed out! Clearly she's not getting any food in here and she was already starving when we got her yesterday. I just... it just felt like the right thing to do. I didn't have time to think about it." Anon defensively replied.

"She could have been faking! She could have taken you hostage!" Celestia shot back.

"Well that's what you, Twilight, and Javelin are for, isn't it?" Anon rebutted, "You know, I can also take care of myself too. I can do shit like this. I'm not helpless." He continued, a smidge of resentment boiling over in his voice.

Celestia pinched her brow and let out a sigh, "Honey, I know you're capable... but that was reckless. You can't just throw yourself into situations like that, you just can't." She explained.

Anon let out a huff as Celestia furled her wing and turned to Chrysalis, "Why didn't you feed on the ambient love of Canterlot? Why let yourself get to this point?" She demanded, narrowing her eyes at the changeling queen.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "You locked me in a cage, who knows how many hundreds of hooves underground, and completely surrounded me with ponies that hate me. What ambient love are you even talking about down here?"

Celestia opened her mouth to reply, but quickly found that she had no answers. Her ears splayed back against her skull as her gaze fell to the floor.

"For what it's worth, we don't know what kind of distance you can feed from. Changeling biology is still very foreign to us." Twilight offered.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "Regardless, we were discussing something before my little... episode, were we not?" she asked, in a bid to change the conversation.

Celestia sighed, "Y-yes... you were just telling us what exactly you're offering us in exchange for providing... food for your kind." She replied.

Chrysalis nodded, "Right. As a ruler of a prosperous nation, I'm sure you're well inclined to know about the threats present to your nation within a certain perimeter, correct?"

Celestia subtly chewed her tongue for just a moment, "We are well aware of threats to our borders, if that's what your implying."

Chrysalis grinned, "But just how far out does your intelligence reach? I know there aren't more than a hoofful of ponies outside Equestria's borders, and your allies aren't exactly in any place to lend a helping hoof, should something happen..." She trailed off.

Celestia's brow furrowed, "Just what the hay are you getting at? Our allies might not be quite as strong as us in the region, but they have strengths elsewhere. As for scope, we have allies all the way to Hippogriffia." She rebutted, an indignant undertone in her voice.

Chrysalis's grin widened, "Oh, you haven't heard?" She asked, with faux surprise.

Celestia grit her teeth, "Heard what?" She demanded.

"That Queen Novo has been defeated and disappeared, along with the entirety of the hippogriff race." Chrysalis replied.

Celestia stepped back as she'd been physically struck. Her jaw opened ever so slightly, words desperately trying to form but finding no purchase, "I-I... w-what are you talking about!?"

Chrysalis shrugged, "I suppose long distance relationships aren't exactly your strong suite, Princess. Half the world knows by now." She answered, matter-of-factly.

Celestia leveled a glare at the changeling queen, "You're lying."

Chrysalis scoffed, "And why would I lie about that? What do I get from it? After I just answered all your questions and you know I have no ill intent against you. You only don't know because you keep ninety nine percent of your ponies sheltered behind Equestria's borders. As for the rest of us, skulking out in the badlands and such, we've known since the day it happened. Which does bring me to what I'm offering, by the way. You know, if you're still curious and all." She responded.

Celestia let out a quiet huff, "How?"

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "How? How, what?"

"How was Queen Novo defeated?" Celestia asked.

"Ah, ah, ah," Chrysalis tutted, "You see, that is exactly the information I'm offering. I've had changelings down at Mount Aris for years and I could tell you exactly who, what, and why he attacked the Hippogriffs, but only if we have a deal." She explained.

Celestia scoffed, "It would go a long way, in helping convince not just me, but my sister, husband, and Twilight, if you told us everything we need to know about this threat immediately."

"I could tell you his name. I could tell you his species, his weaknesses, and I could even tell you whether or not Equestria is next on his chopping block... but how do I know you'll ensure my subjects are fed and not treated as prisoners after the fact?" Chrysalis responded.

"You are our prisoner, Chrysalis, and your surrendering only makes the rest of your hive prisoners of war, for the moment." Celestia replied.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "Yes, but I am offering you information that would be vital to the protection and longevity of your kingdom, as well as changeling infiltrators that can gather more intelligence on threats to Equestria before they happen. You have a nasty problem with threats just appearing on your doorstep well before you know they're coming, you know that, right?"

Celestia pursed her lips and stared at the small grin on the changeling Queen's face. After a few moments, she felt Anon's hand on her wither, and she turned to look at him.

"We don't need to decide right this second. We should talk with Luna first, and decide from there." Anon offered, quietly.

Celestia let out a sigh, "You're right," She said with a grateful nod, before turning back to Chrysalis, "I will inform my sister of what you've told us and we will all discuss this matter tonight. We'll come to a decision by tomorrow."

Chrysalis gave a thankful nod before laying back down on her mattress as Anon, Celestia, Javelin, and Twilight exited the cell. Swan ushered them all outside, ensuring to close the door behind her, before letting out a low whistle.

"Well that was certainly something." Swan announced, slowly shaking her head.

"Aside from that little misunderstanding of when it's appropriate to take a risk, I think it went rather well." Celestia replied, giving a subtle glare to her husband.

Swan chuckled, "As long as nopony got hurt, I suppose everything went okay." She offered.

Celestia sighed, "Indeed. We have much to discuss with Luna, so I imagine we will be either waking her up early, or coming to a decision late into the night."

"Well, good luck with that, Princess. We'll keep Chrysalis locked up until you say otherwise." Swan replied, giving a quick salute.

"Thank you, Swan. hopefully we'll have the situation sorted rather quickly." Celestia returned the salute, giving a tired smile.

With that, the group made their way out of the prison and back to the lift leading out of the crystal caverns. They swiftly found themselves walking through the halls of the castle and toward the throne room once again. As they proceeded, Javelin found his way over to Anon's side, and gave him a curious look.

"So... what did getting fed off of feel like?" He asked, quietly.

Anon shook his head, "Sooooooooo fucking weird, bro. Like... it didn't hurt or anything, but I could feel that something was being drained out of me. In a weird way, it almost felt kind of... good? I guess? It's hard to explain." He admitted.

Javelin smirked, "So what you're saying is, you like being drained dry?"

Anon rolled his eyes and playfully smacked the back of Javelin's head, "You know, I think we worked that stick too far out of your ass. Now you're all jokes on duty and I barely see you outside of work. Your switch got flipped."

Javelin gave an apologetic shrug, "I know, and I'm sorry about that. Trying to move in with Raven has been a hassle and there's been a lot going on since we got engaged. Good news, is that she's going to see her parents this weekend, so I have all that time to hang out if you can sneak away for a bit." He offered, noting the rising excitement in Anon's eyes.

Twilight gawked at the guard and human beside her, "Anon, Sergeant... you do realize we have Chrysalis to deal with, right? Don't you think she takes priority over a weekend of drinking, or whatever it is you two get up to in your free time?"

Anon practically scowled at the little purple alicorn ,"Twiggles, I haven't been able to drink with my best friend in over a month. A month! We'll get the love-bug situation sorted by tomorrow. Last I checked, this weekend is not tomorrow, so pump the breaks there, kiddo. Let uncle Anon and his buddy have a few cold ones to celebrate this huge ass victory we've basically already won."

"We haven't won quite yet, honey," Celestia said, over her wither, "You might want to put a hold on the celebratory drinking until we've actually agreed on terms. We have a call to make tonight that I'm not sure how it will go." She sighed.

"What call?" Anon asked, giving Celestia a curious look.

"Cadence." Celestia replied, before nodding to the two guards standing beside the throne room doors.

The massive wooden doors were swiftly opened for the group as they arrived and found Raven sitting beside the throne, her magic holding a quill and parchment. She furiously scribbled away on the paper, her eyes never leaving its edges, even to acknowledge the arrival of the princess of the sun.

"There you all are. Princess, I've got over three hundred requests to know what the situation is with Chrysalis. The nobles are demanding to know why she's imprisoned here and not Tartarus." Raven announced, her quill never ceasing in its scribbles.

Celestia's brow furrowed ever so slightly, "Because we're still interrogating her. At least, we were. I believe we've gleaned enough information to make an informed decision with regards to her future. I'll tell the nobles that we'll have a decision by tomorrow." She replied.

Raven nodded, "Very good, Prin-wait... by tomorrow? Isn't that a little soon?" She asked, finally looking up from her parchment and adjusting her glasses with her hoof.

Celestia nodded, "Indeed, but we don't have much time to delay. However, before I come to a decision, I need to send a letter. I don't suppose you've heard anything about the hippogriffs, have you?"







Later That Night

The moon sat high in the night sky, sending streaks of white light into the small conference room Celestia, Anon, Twilight, and Luna inhabited. The open windows allowed a cool breeze to gently flow into the room, though the soft breeze did little to calm the frantic look in Celestia's eyes.

"I can't believe it... They're gone. Completely wiped off the face of Eques... How-who could even do that?" Celestia questioned, pacing back and forth.

The crystal hologram projection sitting on the table between them all, showed Cadence and Shining Armor in their own castle in the Crystal Empire, both of their brows furrowed in thought as they pondered over the news they'd just been informed of.

"At least this means Chrysalis was telling the truth... again. At this rate, she's going to have a better track record than we do." Luna huffed, blowing a strand of her ethereal mane from her face.

Celestia frowned at the remark but kept her pacing.

"Hun, you need to stop doing that. It's not good for you, or the baby." Anon placated, having had enough of watching his wife pace a trench into the floor.

Celestia snorted, "Oh, don't you start with me, Anon. After what you put me through today, you don't get to tell me not to stress about something." She barked.

Anon quickly took the point and let out a sigh, "I already said I was sorry. There was no time to think of a better plan!" He exclaimed.

Luna shook her head, "I must admit, I'm not happy with you either, Nonny. That said, we have more important things to focus on." She admonished.

Anon sunk further into his plush chair as Cadence cleared her throat and addressed the group.

"While what Anon did is a bit reckless, Auntie Luna's right. We have to focus. Auntie Celestia, that means you need to sit down and discuss with us." She offered, shooting an expectant look toward her aunt.

"This is part of my process!" Celestia exclaimed, an indignant look on her face.

Anon sighed, "Hun, you're pulling a Twilight right now." He said, pointedly ignoring the offended look Twilight sent his way.

Celestia huffed, "Fine." She admitted defeat, making her way over to her chair and sitting down. Her sore legs gratefully accepted the relief as the weight was taken off and her belly rested between her haunches. The ever-present soreness in her back lessened just a tad at the sudden relief, and she let out a small sigh as she sat down properly.

"There we go. Now, as for the Chrysalis situation... we know that she doesn't want to hurt anypony. That's... honestly a fantastic start. Did she say anything about the intelligence she's offering, other than it's what wiped out the hippogriffs?" Cadence questioned, looking to everyone in the group, one by one.

"She said she would tell us if we agreed to her terms." Celestia replied.

Cadence blew a strand of her mane out of her face, "Well she's not really in a proper position to negotiate, is she?"

Luna sighed, "Unfortunately, she somewhat is. Chrysalis knows Equestria's defenses well. She has to, for having remained undetected for centuries while still feeding off of ponies every so often. She knows that we don't have great ties with most of our neighbors at the moment, and therefore, little intelligence from outside our borders. Some of our neighbors could be plotting to attack and we wouldn't know until they were already at our borders. With our own countermeasures for detecting changelings, we can find them, given enough time. Our nonmagical or magically limited neighbors on the other hoof? Zero chance unless the changeling in disguise is an awful infiltrator and is summarily caught. That level of intelligence gathering would be extraordinarily valuable." She admitted.

"Are you suggesting we spy on our neighbors? That's a massive breach of trust with governments that would result in potential war if the changelings were caught." Twilight balked.

"Decisions like this have to be made, Twilight Sparkle. You're naïve if you think our enemies haven't tried to spy on us every chance they've had. Besides, do you think I'm even suggesting we just randomly throw spies at our neighbors?" Luna glared at the purple alicorn.

"Well which ones would you even have these changeling spies go to then? If it's literally any of our allies, then you'd be breaking their trust in us forever." Twilight reasoned, shrinking into her seat slightly at the lunar princess's glare.

"I'm not suggesting we use them to spy on any of our allies. I said 'neighbors'. We do share a border with several nations that would consider us enemies. Spying on them, I am more than comfortable with." Luna replied.

"All this talk about spying depends entirely on if we accept Chrysalis's offer in the first place," Celestia interrupted, "Which, mind you, is the more pertinent issue at the moment. We can decide whether or not to use spies at all after the fact, what's more useful now is the intelligence she actually already has. If we decide to accept her terms, that information will be vital with regards to deciding what to do about the threat that attacked the hippogriffs. However, none of that matters if the ponies of Equestria completely reject this news and try to burn her at the stake the moment we release her from that cage." She explained, a tired look in her eyes.

Cadence shared a look with her husband while the ponies in the room dipped their heads in thought. A few moments passed by in silence as the group thought over what to do, before Cadence looked back into the room, her gaze flicking over to Anon for a moment. She noticed that unlike everyone else in the room, he was staring out the window, his finger idly tracing a small circle on his chest.

"Anon?" She asked, gaining his attention.

"Hmm?" Anon responded, snapping out of his stupor and looking up to her.

"Are you alright? You've been uncharacteristically quiet so far." She replied, tilting her head to the side.

Anon shrugged, "I mean... I dunno. I don't really have anything to say at the moment." He admitted.

"No insights that we don't have at the moment? Didn't you gain any new perspective from when Chrysalis fed off of you today?" Cadence pressed.

"I mean, it was a rushed decision, but I don't think I got any special insight out of it other than it feels really weird. Not painful or anything, but just really strange. Kinda hard to describe, if I'm being honest." Anon replied, shrugging again.

"Well, that is actually useful to an extent. It would help convince our ponies not to fear the changelings too much if they knew that their feeding was a harmless affair." Luna reasoned.

"Combine that with the fact that feeding off of ambient love is even less intrusive than what Chrysalis did to Anon, and I think you might be able to convince them to at the very least, not completely panic." Twilight offered.

Cadence tapped her chin in thought while Shining leaned in toward the crystal, "Just be careful around her. Don't forget that she can cast a spell on you to alter your mind." He cautioned.

The gathered group shared a nod, "We can do daily check-ups to ensure no mind control whatsoever is being attempted." Twilight acknowledged.

"I suppose that does make that point decided then. We'll accept her surrender, explain to our ponies that they won't be fed off of directly, and that their lives shouldn't change at all, and then we'll decide what to do with the intelligence Chrysalis has given after the fact." Luna stated, looking to the rest of the group for approval.

Another round of nods rang through the group before Celestia spoke up, "That leaves just one final issue. Who will be watching Chrysalis and ensuring she doesn't do anything she shouldn't?"

"Couldn't we just... take turns?" Anon offered.

"There's going to be a political nightmare from this announcement, the fallout of which, we'll be dealing with for weeks at best. Luna and I have our own royal duties to attend to, as well as the upcoming births of our foals. As much as I hate to admit it... we aren't the best choices for this." Celestia admitted, a small frown on her muzzle.

"What about Twilight?" Luna asked.

"Twilight is returning to Ponyville next week, sister. Not to mention, Chrysalis is particularly disgruntled with her since Twilight was the one who saw through her disguise at the wedding. Pairing them up would create a very hostile environment." Celestia shook her head, not noticing the pensive look in Twilight's eyes.

Once again, Cadence found her eyes drawn to Anon as he quietly sat in his chair, rolling his tongue in his mouth.

"Anon? What about you?" Cadence asked, drawing all eyes to the human in question.

"Huh? Me?" Anon asked, surprised.

"Yes, you. Think about it, you came to this world an outsider and managed to fit in and become a loved member of our family. Chrysalis isn't quite so different. She's an outsider who wronged us, but now, at least as far as we can tell, she's trying to make it right." Cadence reasoned.

Celestia and Luna both opened their mouths to protest, but were cut off as Cadence continued, "Remember, at the moment, she looks as ponies as 'others', instead of a part of her tribe. This deal might ensure peace for now, sure, but there's always that possibility that down the line, she decides to change back to her old ways. This deal is how we can make her good, but true integration is the only way that she stays good, going forward. Honestly, I think Anon is the prefect fit for this. He's a literal alien to us and Chrysalis is quite the same in many ways. There's already a shared experience there that almost no other pony in the world can comprehend." She elaborated, giving a subtle glance to Luna.

A few moments passed as the group digested the love princesses words. It took less than a minute for Twilight to decide and nod in affirmation, quickly followed by a hesitant nod from Luna, and lastly by a resigned nod from Celestia. All that left, was the lone human sitting among them, all eyes suddenly on him as he contemplated what exactly he would be undertaking.

"You did say that you wanted more responsibilities, honey, but just know that the choice is very much yours." Celestia kindly offered.

After carefully considering his options, and letting out a sigh of acceptance, Anon nodded, "Alright, fuck it. When do we tell press?"

Chapter 7: Public Appearances

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The Following Day

"-and so, it is with great pleasure that I announce that Equestria has come to terms and accepted the surrender of the Changeling Hive. Here today to officiate the surrender, is none other than the Queen of the Changelings herself, Queen Chrysalis." Celestia announced before the city hall, to nearly a thousand ponies all crammed within its walls.

Photographers flashed their cameras wildly and reporters stood on their hind legs, all holding out microphones in an effort to hear or question the Changeling Queen as she approached the table with Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Anon. A guard detachment followed her closely, and several ponies in the large crowd pointed out the mana nullification ring on her jagged horn. Though she was unchained and able to walk freely, it was clear to everypony in the room that she was not allowed to leave. If she was uncomfortable with the situation, she gave no indication as she strode over toward the Equestrian rulers.

Chrysalis sat on her seat just beside Anon, and quickly signed the document laying before her. Once she was finished, she passed the parchment over to Anon with her hoof, and he quickly signed as well. He passed it over to Twilight, only to pull it back as she reached out to grab it. The purple alicorn glared daggers at him as he snickered to himself before relinquishing the paper to her. With a huff, Twilight quickly signed and passed it along. Celestia and Luna followed suite, and after just a few moments, the solar princess held up the document for the whole room to see.

"I thought you were terrified of public appearances and yet here you are, making a foal out of yourself in front of a thousand ponies." Twilight muttered, just loud enough for Anon to hear.

"Oh, well I've had time to get over my fears of public speaking, TS. Maybe when you grow up, you'll learn to take a joke." Anon teased, just before Celestia addressed the city hall.

"These articles of surrender, dictate that the changeling hive is to never again threaten, attack, abduct, or impersonate anypony in Equestria from here onward. As per the terms of her surrender, Queen Chrysalis will not only ensure her hive follows these directives, but has also provided information that will prove vital to the protection and security of Equestria, going forward. She has also submitted to conditions of her release, among them being the mana nullification ring atop her horn, as well as personal supervision by none other than Prince Anonymous, himself. This marks a new day in Equestria, and the joining of two species that will bring forth a new era of prosperity and security for the both of us." Celestia announced, before a wave of reporters, nobles, and common ponies all expressed their joy at the news.

A chorus of cheers and excitement rushed through the city hall, and ponies from all social standings stamped their hooves or hollered in approval at the signing of the document and what it meant going forward. Cameras flashed wildly as photographers fought over each other to get pictures of the changeling queen and the Equestrian royalty all together. The many guards in the room struggled to maintain a sense of order as the ponies around them cheered and whooped for the end of one of the greatest threats they'd ever seen.

At the head of the room, Celestia smiled and waved to the photographers while Luna simply nodded approvingly. Anon held a beaming smile on his face and happily waved to the ponies cheering for him and his wives. However, to his left, Chrysalis struggled not to grimace. She held a small frown on her face, her eyes sweeping across the room as flash after flash of cameras threatened to give her a migraine.

Finally, after nearly five minutes of uproarious cheering and merriment, Celestia held her hoof up for silence. The crowd slowly heeded her message and quieted down over the course of a few minutes. Now able to speak and be heard easily, Celestia cleared her throat.

"We have time to answer a few questions, but then we must return to the castle to begin preparations with Queen Chrysalis." She announced.

Again, a cacophony of voices exploded from the crowd as the reporters shouted over one another in a bid to question their rulers. Mares pushed past each other and struggled to crawl over each other in a desperate bid to be one of the lucky few to question the actions they'd only just witnessed.

As the ponies before her fought to ask their questions, Celestia hummed and pointed to a pegasus mare with a red mane.

"You, go ahead." She politely instructed.

The mare quickly thrust her microphone forward as the rest of the crowd begrudgingly quieted down, "Thank you. Princess, what led to this sudden surrender!?" She asked.

Celestia sighed, "The changelings are in dire need of love. They're starving to death and Queen Chrysalis came to us to surrender in a bid to save her hive. It was quite noble of her." She explained, noting how quickly reporters jotted down every word she said.

"Princess, Princess!" Another reporter exclaimed.

Celestia nodded toward the reporter.

"So does that mean that ponies will have to provide love for the changeling hive now as a condition of surrender?" She hastily questioned.

The room went deathly silent as all ponies awaited an answer with bated breath.

Celestia glanced over to Chrysalis, noting the almost imperceptible way she sat up straighter at the question. She felt a small pang of sympathy reach out to her, but the solar princess quickly shook her head and looked at the pony questioning her.

"At the moment, we're considering allowing small amounts of changelings into the city to consume ambient love surrounding ponies. Let me make one thing clear, the changelings will not be allowed to feed off of anypony directly, unless explicitly allowed to do so by a consenting adult pony. Prince Anon can attest to the safety and painlessness of such a transaction, should you be concerned." Celestia replied, before a cacophony of voices shouted forth from the crowd.

"You're feeding us to them!?" A stallion shrieked.

"Wait, wait, they're coming here!? To Canterlot!?" A noblemare exclaimed, before promptly passing out.

"Princess, how could you do this to us!?" Another frantic voice chimed in.

Celestia sighed while Luna glared at the crowd. The solar princess subtly glanced over to the changeling queen, finding that to her surprise, she seemed slightly downtrodden at the reception.

"Prince Anon! Prince Anon! Why did you let Queen Chrysalis feed off of you!?" A stallion quickly shouted, jumping forward from the crowd and barely being held back by the royal guard presence.

The room instantly silenced itself once more as ponies leaned on the edges of their seats, all desperately listening for Anon's answer.

The prince merely shrugged, "Well... it wasn't really a big deal. Queen Chrysalis came to us on the verge of starving to death. Helping her was the right thing to do and I felt fine immediately afterwards." Anon replied.

"Did it hurt?" The stallion asked, nervously glancing over to Chrysalis.

Anon shook his head, "I really don't know what to tell you. It felt strange, sure, but not painful or anything. I've explained this a bunch since yesterday. Either way, it's not like that matters. The changelings we're bringing in are the baby changelings. You know, the foals? They're going to feed off of the ambient love in the air, not from any of you directly. You'll never even notice they're there."

A wave of hushed whispers ran through the crowd, some of them bearing a more open-minded take on the situation, while some doubled down on their fear or aversion. Seizing the lull in conversation, Celestia spoke up.

"That is all we can say on that at the moment. We are still working out all of the finer details, but do expect to see changelings start to appear in the city. I promise you that your safety is still our number one concern, so we will ensure that there is no way for any changeling to hurt anypony in the city." She replied, only for another chorus of voices to call for her attention.

Celestia pointed to another pony in the group of reporters.

"Will Queen Chrysalis be reformed like Princess Twilight did to Discord?" She asked.

Celestia hesitantly shook her head, much to everypony's disbelief, "Discord's reformation is... unique. Comparing what's happening now to that is an apples to oranges comparison. Queen Chrysalis has agreed to peace terms and surrendered to us. As far as I'm concerned, that's a reformation in of itself." She announced, leaving the room silent for a moment.

Nearly all eyes in the city hall darted toward the Changeling Queen. She quickly took the brief silence to take a deep breath. She only had time for half a breath before all of the reporters shouted for answers from her.

"Queen Chrysalis! Queen Chrysalis!" One reporter jumped up and down repeatedly.

"Is this part of a scheme to abduct and feed off of the royal family?!" Another took to the air, only to be swiftly taken back down by the royal guards present.

"Does your kind have any other means of feeding aside from stealing love from unsuspecting ponies?" A mare questioned.

Celestia held up her hoof for silence, but the ponies wouldn't be quieted so quickly. After a few moments of her failed attempt, she glanced over to Captain Valorant and nodded toward the crowd.

Valorant returned the nod before igniting her horn and casting several spells to enhance her voice. All parties at the table including Chrysalis covered their ears just as the Captain spoke.

"ENOUGH! YOUR PRINCESS HAS REQUESTED SILENCE AND YOU WILL COMPLY OR BE REMOVED!!" She shouted, her volume putting even Luna's royal Canterlot voice to shame.

The ponies closest to the Captain were nearly deafened and rubbed their ears to quell the ringing sensation they now felt.

"Go ahead, Princess." Valorant nodded toward the alicorn with a smirk.

"Thank you, Captain." Celestia gratefully nodded, before leveling a glare to the crowd, "I would remind you all that Queen Chrysalis has come to us after losing over half of her hive. She has lost much in the last year, and her decision to come back to us took courage. She has conducted herself with dignity and grace since she arrived, and the goal of these terms is to further both species', not step on one while they're already down." She explained, no small amount of disappointment in her tone.

The reporters quickly quieted down and looked away, shameful expressions riddling all of their muzzles. All except for a small few, who bore looks of revulsion toward the changeling Queen and utter contempt for their princess.

"My husband was abducted by them!" One mare shouted, turning all eyes back to her.

"They attacked our city, destroyed our homes, and nearly made out with hundreds of ponies to feed off of while they rotted away in those pod things!" Another mare exclaimed.

"Why should we help them!? They tried to enslave us!" A stallion jeered.

A group of guardsmares quickly descended on the rambunctious group, hastily escorting them toward the exit while they kicked and screamed the whole way. Unfortunately, the damage was already done, and several more voices of agreement filled the air. Ponies muttered back and forth among themselves, before speaking clearly, only to escalate into yelling and shouting within a matter of seconds. Celestia tried to maintain order again, but the ponies completely ignored her and continued to shout and scream in anger at the situation.

"Well this isn't going well." Luna muttered, blowing a strand of her ethereal mane from her eyes.

"What should we do?" Anon asked, looking back and forth between the angry ponies and Chrysalis.

"We need to calm them down." Twilight asserted, her wings flaring defiantly.

With a single flap, the little purple alicorn jumped up atop the table, waving a hoof for quiet.

"Everypony! Everypony, please! Listen!" Twilight shouted to the crowd.

A few ponies quieted down, but the level of noise stayed much too loud for the rest of them to hear her. Twilight quickly cast a spell to amplify her voice and shouted once more.

"Everypony, please! Quiet down!" She called, this time earning the attention of most of the room.

With almost all eyes finally on her, Twilight cleared her throat, "Now listen, I know that you're all still upset over the changeling invasion last year. You have every right to be, but the circumstances that led to that go much deeper than any of us realized. Chrysalis has come back to us, offering information that will be vital to the security of Equestria, in a desperate bid to save her kind from extinction. Don't forget the tenants of harmony that Equestria was founded on! Friendship, love, acceptance, and yes, even forgiveness! We know it will be hard, but it's what we stand for-" She began, only for a bystander to cut her off.

"Buck that!" The mare exclaimed, hurling a half eaten apple at the changeling Queen.

The apple harmlessly bounced off of the shield surrounding the table, but the effect was instant nonetheless. The gathered ponies broke into full blown anarchy. Mares and stallions shouted over each other, chairs went flying, and the ponies caught in the crossfire, desperately tried to escape out the few doorways leading outside.

Celestia held her head in her hooves while Twilight deflated and sank to her haunches, an aghast look on her muzzle.

"Well... I suppose this was to be expected." Luna rolled her eyes, before turning to Captain Valorant as the guard struggled to contain the angry mob before her.

"Captain, I believe this meeting is finished. We'll be leaving now." Luna announced, getting to her hooves.

"Yes, Princess!" Valorant replied, stepping away from the line of guards she was previously commanding.

"Wait, we're just gonna leave?" Anon asked, getting to his feet.

"There's nothing more we can do aside from making dozens of arrests, honey. It's best to let the guard and ponice handle this while we return to the castle." Celestia responded, walking up to his side.

Anon hesitantly followed his wife, but paused upon seeing the changeling Queen still sitting on her chair. Her head was lowered somewhat, and her mane partially obscured her face from his view. Even so, he could tell that she had a small frown on her muzzle. Glancing back to the crowd for just a moment, he reached over and gently tapped her wither.

The touch instantly startled Chrysalis out of whatever stupor she was stuck in and she whirled around on him so fast that he flinched.

"Uh, let's get out of here, Chrysalis." Anon offered, nodding toward the exit behind them.

With a slow nod, Chrysalis got out of her chair and followed the royal sisters out of the room, Twilight quickly coming up the rear while Anon lagged behind. His gaze lingered on Chrysalis and the sad look he saw in her eyes. For a creature with such intimidating irises, he found himself utterly fascinated by how vulnerable they looked as the memory seared itself into his mind.

They swiftly found themselves out in the large, mostly empty staging room of the city hall, each struggling to hear their thoughts over the painfully loud shouting just a room over. As Anon closed the door behind him, shutting out some of the noise, Celestia cast a quick spell, and a flash of light traced the contours of the room, before descending it into silence.

"Thank you, sister." Luna gratefully nodded.

"Of course, sister." Celestia returned the nod.

"Well... that could have gone better." Anon admitted, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"I don't... they just... Princess, I don't understand. Usually ponies listen when I remind them of the Tenets of Harmony. They've never just... exploded like that!" Twilight muttered, frantically pacing back and forth by the window.

"It's alright, Twilight. This was your first real trial as a princess in the public eye. You did well, it's just... well the ponies of Canterlot have always been slow to forgive. Most of the ponies present being upper-class nobles probably did not help matters at all." Celestia admitted, stopping her former student with a gentle nuzzle against her cheek.

"Thank you, Princess. I just... I'm still surprised that they wouldn't even hear me out." Twilight mumbled.

"I'm not. Frankly, it's going to be quite some time before we can expect Canterlot to be welcoming and accommodating to changelings, regardless of whether or not that goes against Harmony." Luna sighed.

Anon rolled his tongue in his mouth as he observed the conversation before him. He slowly tore his gaze away from the ponies in the room and over to the lone Changeling Queen, standing a few feet away and looking out the window at the city outside. He hesitantly made his way over to the mare, a pensive look on his face as he stepped over to her side. He couldn't quite see her face as her mane obscured most of her features from him, but he could see her mouth, and the barest hint of a frown tugging at her lips.

"Hey, uh... Chrysalis? You okay?" Anon asked, unsure of himself.

Chrysalis gave a start at the sudden attempt at conversation. She glanced over to Anon before quickly nodding.

"It's as I expected." She replied, flatly.

Anon frowned slightly, "Well... I know this might come as a shock, but ponies weren't exactly too keen on me when I first showed up here either... granted I didn't start an invasion, but that's besides the point. Uh, what I'm getting at here is, just give it some time. I'm sure that once you show the ponies in town that you genuinely want to change, then they'll start to warm up to you." He offered.

Chrysalis scoffed, "Easier said than done. Time is the one thing I don't have at the moment. My changelings need love, and the ponies of Canterlot will only show them hatred and spite. I can't blame them... I can only blame myself." She bitterly responded, her eyes falling to the floor.

Anon bit his lip. For a few moments, he let the silence linger between them, but soon enough, he reached over and gently placed his hand on Chrysalis's wither. The contact did not visually startle her, however, Anon felt her tense under his touch.

"We'll work it all out. I, uh... I promise we'll get this whole thing sorted." He said, giving a small half-smile.

Chrysalis looked down to the point of contact between them, before looking back up to Anon, her brow furrowed in confusion, "Why, out of every creature in Equestria, are you so kind to me?" She asked, genuinely.

Anon hesitantly retracted his hand from her wither and shrugged, "I guess... I get your situation. I have to eat meat to be healthy, and while I would never eat a sapient creature, I have to eat some creatures to survive. After letting you feed off of me... I dunno. It seems like it's not as bad as everyone was making it out to be. I mean, the kidnapping shit has to stop forever, but if you just eat a bit of love from some ponies and they don't even notice it's gone..." He shrugged, "I just don't think you should all starve to death for something you can't help that doesn't really hurt anyone else in the first place."

Chrysalis's jaw hung slightly open as she stared back at Anon. After nearly ten seconds without a response, Anon started to worry he'd said something ridiculous, but the sight of a small, yet grateful smile forming on her muzzle wiped away the fear from his mind.

"Thank you. As an emotivore, I can sense emotions from creatures around me. All I've tasted since coming her was distrust, hate, and revulsion. You're the only creature to exude compassion or concern. Even more so than Princess Celestia or Twilight Sparkle." Chrysalis replied.

"What about Luna?" Anon asked, tilting his head to the side.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "It doesn't take an emotivore to tell she distrusts me. As does all of Canterlot, I suppose... and rightfully so." She sighed.

Anon scratched the back of his head, "Well... I've been meaning to ask you about that," He started, getting an inquisitive look from the Changeling Queen, "I mean... why did you come to Canterlot, out of all of Equestria? You could've surrendered at any town or city or even just at the border and you probably would've received a much better reception than here. Why come back to the place that hates you most?" He asked, curiously.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "Isn't it obvious?" She asked.

Anon simply shook his head, prompting Chrysalis to roll her eyes and point at Celestia and Luna with her hoof.

"Celestia and Luna?" Anon questioned.

"Do you not see your handiwork on their bellies?" Chrysalis deadpanned.

Anon pursed his lips, "You mean 'cause they're pregnant?"

"Yes, because they're pregnant," Chrysalis replied, resisting the urge to facehoof, "Do you have any idea when the last alicorn pregnancy was, Prince Anon?"

Anon shook his head again.

"Never. It has never happened. You've somehow managed to impregnate not one, but two alicorns, resulting in the most aggressive spike in love in Equestrian history. Possibly in the history of the entire world. This city- Hay- this whole region is being bathed in more love than the entire Crystal Empire during the last Crystalling, right now. Even as a non-changeling, surely you feel the love in the air? Haven't you seen more ponies cheerily galivanting around, singing and dancing, and throwing parties just for the heck of it?" Chrysalis asserted.

"Oh my God, you've seen it too! I asked Javelin about the ponies just randomly breaking into song before and he said it doesn't happen. Now I know for sure he was just gaslighting me! That shit has happened like, eight times now and I keep getting caught in the crossfire! Two times! Two times now, they've all looked at me like I'm supposed to finish the verse or something and I have no idea what the lyrics even are!" Anon exclaimed, earing the attention of everyone else in the room.

"I've never seen that before. I just mean general merriment." Chrysalis clarified, immediately taking the wind out of Anon's sails.

"What are you talking about, Nonny?" Celestia asked, cutely tilting her head to the side.

"The random singing that happens all the time around here!" Anon exasperatedly shouted.

"What random singing? We haven't seen any random ponies singing around Canterlot." Celestia responded, making Anon facepalm.

"Alright, anyways, since apparently I'm the only one that can see it, we'll just move on. What's the plan going forward?" Anon pressed, much to the Changeling Queen's amusement.

"Well, for starters, we'll have to work on Chrysalis's public image. That's going to be a massive roadblock unless we can manage to win over the ponies in the city. Secondly, we'll have to address this 'Storm King' and his actions in the badlands. His commander being a pony is quite alarming, to say the least..." Celestia mused.

"What about... my hive? You saw how they reacted to me. The larvae won't receive any love if you bring them out to your ponies as they are, and we don't have much time." Chrysalis asserted, a pleading tone in her voice as she stepped toward Celestia and Luna.

"Well... I suppose if we keep them out of sight and out of mind, that might suffice for now. The mana nullification rings and guard escorts are non-negotiable." Luna replied, sternly.

Chrysalis's gaze fell to the floor as a frown appeared on her muzzle and her ears splayed back.

"If we can get ponies to look at Chrysalis and her hive as something more than an invading force, then we can surely win some hearts and minds. Then, the ponies of Canterlot won't be quite so opposed to seeing changeling larvae in the streets, soaking up ambient love." Twilight reasoned.

Chrysalis glanced over to Twilight for a few moments, before standing tall once more. She gave a resolute nod, "Very well then. If winning over the ponies of Canterlot is what I must do, then how do I do it?"

Chapter 8: A Gift From a Bygone Era

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Several Hours Later

Chrysalis sat on her chair at the end of the table while all three alicorns and Anon ate their lunch across from her. She idly considered asking the butler if they had any love to spare for a quick snack, but decided not to and instead sat in silence as the ponies and human around her finished their meals.

Luna gave a tired yawn and looked over to the clock, finding that it was nearing one in the afternoon.

"I suppose I should go get some rest in a moment. The moon will need to be raised in just about five hours and I'd prefer to get some sleep, tonight." She announced, struggling to get out of her chair with her baby bump getting in the way.

"Want me to walk you to the bedroom?" Anon asked, already getting out of his seat.

"Actually, I was hoping you'd come with me for a moment. I have something I must show you before I retire for the afternoon. It should only take a few minutes." She replied, glancing over to her sister.

Celestia, taking the hint, rose from her chair as well, albeit with much more difficulty than her smaller sister, "I will accompany you. I believe I know what Luna wishes to show you." She announced, earning a puzzled look from Twilight and Chrysalis.

"Um, should we wait here?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, please. Anon and I will be back in just a short while. Then we'll discuss more about this Storm King and the threat he poses to Equestria," Celestia replied, before looking to Chrysalis, "We'll also discuss the introduction of your foals to Canterlot. They'll need to be securely transported via royal guard across the border. If luck is on our side, their arrival won't start a panic and fear of another invasion." She offered.

Chrysalis nodded her head, "Thank you. I would offer to send a letter, but..." She trailed off, looking up to the mana ring on her horn.

"Once you earn our trust, we'll take that off. Until then, it stays." Luna responded, firmly.

Chrysalis sighed and turned away from the lunar princess. Luna maintained a glare with the back of her head for a few moments before nodding in satisfaction and turning away.

As he watched the exchange, Anon leaned down to his wife, "Hey, Lulu, ease up just a bit on her. I know she's done bad things, but you don't have to put her down every chance you get." He placatingly suggested.

Luna rolled her eyes, "I am only ensuring the safety of my family, Nonny. Now come, speaking of safety, I have something to give you." She acknowledged, before heading out the throne room doors, Anon and Celestia in tow.

As they progressed through the hallway toward the barracks, Anon made his way up to Luna's side, "So, uh... what's this thing you want to give me?" He asked, curiously.

"It is an item that was made over a thousand years ago. It will ensure your safety while you watch over Chrysalis these coming weeks." Luna replied, glancing back at him.

Celestia strode up to her sister's side as best as she could with her baby bump, "Sister, is this the one we discussed?"

Luna nodded but said nothing. After waiting a moment for an explanation, Anon looked over to the lunar princess expectantly.

"Come with me. We need to go to the armory." Luna announced, before leading the way toward the staircase descending to the barracks.

"Armory?" Anon asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It isn't a weapon, if that's what you're thinking, honey." Celestia responded as she followed after her sister.

Anon hurried to catch up and quickly enough the group found themselves walking down the spiral staircase leading down to the armory. Once they reached the bottom of the staircase, they were immediately greeted by the dozens of royal guards all inspecting their weapons or practicing drills on the cobblestone floor. Luna made her way over to the head armorer as she sharpened a sword near the blacksmith forge.

"Sergeant." Luna greeted, walking up to the guardsmare.

The guard instantly set the blade down and jumped to the position of attention. She gave a crisp salute as Anon and Celestia caught up.

"Princesses! Prince Anon! Good afternoon!" The mare returned the greeting, her eyes staring stoically ahead.

"Could you unlock the enchanted weapons room, Sergeant?" Luna asked, returning the salute.

"Of course, Princess!" The mare hastily responded, before turning tail and galloping toward the wall. Anon raised an eyebrow as she placed her hoof on one particular piece of cobblestone, only for both eyebrows to shoot up as the cobblestone slid further into the wall, and the entire section split open. The guard's horn lit up in an amber hue as she pulled the two hidden doors apart, allowing access for the group to enter.

"Many thanks, Sergeant." Luna said, giving a nod to the mare.

"You're very welcome, Princess!" The guard replied, snapping back to the position of attention.

"You may return to your duties, Sergeant. I think we can handle things from here." Luna announced, before leading the way into the room.

"Thank you, princess!" She replied, before trotting back over to her sword.

Anon and Celestia followed Luna into the room, finding that the construction was the polar opposite of the rest of the armory. The floor was hardwood instead of cobblestone, and the walls were constructed of an ebony wood that was sculpted with intricate runes and leylines of purple, blue, orange, yellow, and red magic that spanned the entirety of the room.

There were several tables lining the floor, each with a single weapon suspended in the air and encased in a golden or blue light. Anon's eyes lit up in fascination as he saw several different designs of swords, spears, crossbows, halberds, and even a few axes. Each weapon bore similar leylines to the ones inscribed on the walls, albeit with some slight variation. Anon found himself drawn to the nearest sword, and the Damascus-patterned blue leylines glowing all along its length.

"That was my sword when we fought the griffons." Luna announced, noting where Anon's eyes were focused.

"Holy shit.. that's badass as hell," Anon shook his head, before looking to a spear that glowed with golden light, "Tia, is that one yours?" He asked.

Celestia nodded, "I used that spear for two hundred years. I... must admit, I am still quite fond of it even to this day, even if I strongly oppose violence unless absolutely necessary. Are you sure he'll be able to use it?" She asked, turning to her sister.

"What do you mean? Seems pretty obvious to me." Anon replied, reaching for the spear, only for Luna's magic to halt his hand.

"These weapons are enchanted to our specific magical signatures, Anon. They were enchanted specifically to impair or even kill anything that isn't us. That includes an action as simple as picking them up. It's part of the reason they've been locked away for so long." Luna explained.

Anon slowly stepped back from the spear, "Ah... I see. So... why are we here if I can't even touch any of this then?" He asked, giving her a curious look.

"We're here for this." Luna announced, pointing to a ring that levitated just above a black stand at the end of the room.

The ring was golden in color, but there were leylines of green magical energy seared all along its side in an intricate pattern that swirled and spiraled before coming to an end at the small emerald embedded on the top of the ring. Anon slowly stepped toward the ring while Luna walked beside him. Once they reached the stand it hovered above, she reached out with her hoof and delicately plucked the ring from the invisible force holding it in the air.

Luna turned to Anon, the ring sitting comfortably in the frog of her hoof, "This ring was enchanted by Starswirl the Bearded over a thousand years ago. It absorbs magic and allows the user to harness a large amount of that same magic to use for themselves." She explained.

Celestia quickly made her way over to Anon's side, "Sister, I'm still not sure if this ring is the best option." She asked, a worried frown on her features.

"Yeah, I mean... didn't you just say anything in this room would kill me if I touched it?" Anon asked, holding his hands to his chest and backing away from the ring ever so slowly.

Luna rolled her eyes, "Anon, this ring is the exception to that rule," She replied, before turning to Celestia, "As for your reservations, sister, it's the only artifact we can give him for protection that won't kill him."

Anon visibly relaxed at that while Celestia shook her head, "Even though it won't work properly with Anon's lack of a mana pool and even if it did, he doesn't have any training or knowledge on how to use that magic?"

"His lack of a mana pool is exactly why I'm giving it to him. This way it will work purely as a defensive tool, limiting the potential for him to harm himself or somepony else." Luna rebutted.

Celestia facehoofed, "Sister, you know that Starswirl designed this ring to fight creatures with much less power than Chrysalis. It's a training tool for Faust's sake." She facehoofed.

"A fully powered Chrysalis, maybe," Luna shot back, "But look at her now. She's on the verge of starvation and weaker than a moth. Besides, Anon cannot use any weapon in this room to its full potential either way. The only purpose it will serve is to prevent Chrysalis from casting a spell on him that would ordinarily kill him. It's a defensive tool. It's original purpose may have been for training, but tell me you see a better way to protect Anon anywhere else." She elaborated, fixing her sister with a frown.

Celestia pursed her lips as she looked over the ring still held in Luna's frog. After a few moments to look around the rest of the room and coming up empty, she let out a quiet sigh.

"I... suppose you are correct. I just want to make sure that we leave no room for what we give him to accidentally hurt him." Celestia admitted.

Luna nodded, "As do I. The easiest way to solve this would be to keep Anon in a magical bubble to protect him from anything that would ever threaten him. However, our husband is a strong and independent human. The only thing we can do is ensure he'll be as safe as possible while he's watching over Chrysalis." She replied, looking back to Anon.

"Uh... I am right here, girls." Anon quietly spoke up.

"Indeed you are." Luna replied, levitating the ring over to him with her magic.

Anon looked back and forth between his wives and the ring for a moment. He hesitantly reached out and grabbed it, the feeling of cold gold registering on his fingers as he held the ring up to inspect. Its diameter was just large enough to fit over a small unicorn filly's horn. Coincidentally, that just so happened to be the perfect size for his middle finger. Anon gently slipped the ring onto his finger and balled his hand into a fist as the sensation of the magic's in the ring settled into his skin.

Leylines of green arced from the ring and surged through his arm, mimicking the veins atop his hand as they reached up to his shoulder.

"Oh what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck." Anon muttered, eyeing the glowing green lines trailing up his arm.

"Relax, honey. It's searching for your mana pool. Once it sees that you don't have one, it will simply return to the ring." Luna asserted, holding a placating hoof against Anon's chest.

Anon gave a hesitant nod to his wife before looking back to his arm. Just as she said, the lines of green energy soon faded and returned to the ring, leaving a slight tingling feeling in his flesh as the ring returned to its resting state. Anon once again flexed his fingers and balled his hand into a first, this time with no reaction.

"So, uh... how do we know it'll protect me from magic, then?" Anon asked, giving a confused look to his wives.

Rather than verbally reply, Luna ignited her horn and fired a small blast of ice-blue energy straight at Anon's chest. Out of instinct, Anon held his hands up to block the attack and shut his eyes. However, rather than any kind of impact, he simply felt the ring on his finger tingle slightly. He opened his eyes to find that a green shield enveloped his entire body, stopping the beam of magic in its tracks. The emerald in the center of the ring glowed a bright green light as it absorbed the magic pouring into the shield.

After a few more seconds, Luna cut out the spell, allowing the ring to return to its normal state and the shield to dissipate.

"See? Purely a safeguard against low level attacks." Luna smiled.

Anon shook his hand almost as if to confirm his fingers still worked, before fixing Luna with a wide smile, "Alright, not gonna lie, that's cool as fuck." He said.

Luna smirked, "I'm glad you like it. The green suits you," She replied, before looking over to Celestia, "I do believe that we've done all we can to prepare him. Frightening as it is for us, we cannot halt Anon's progress as a prince." She announced, a tired look in her eyes.

Celestia slowly nodded, "I... you're right, Lulu," She said, before turning to Anon, "We'll always be near, if you need us to help with Chrysalis." She said, a small smile forming on her muzzle.

Anon beamed, "Thanks, girls. I love you." He said, pulling them both into a hug.

After happily returning the hug for a few moments, Luna pulled away and let out a tired yawn.

"I do believe that I should go to sleep. I have to conduct night court tonight and I'd rather not fall asleep during any pony's plea." She announced.

"Alright, hun. You get some sleep. I'll join you for a bit tonight." Anon replied, leaning in and kissing Luna.

Luna gladly returned the kiss, but quickly gasped and pulled away, a shocked expression on her face.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, looking down to her barrel.

"What? What is it?" Anon quickly questioned as he and Celestia both leaned in to see where the lunar princess was looking.

"I felt a kick just then!" Luna answered, a beaming smile on her face.

"Really!? Anon and Celestia both exclaimed.

Anon instantly placed both hands on different parts of Luna's belly while Celestia nuzzled her sister. Anon fervently searched for any kind of movement for almost a minute. Then, he felt it. A distinct kick that almost pressed perfectly against his hand and made Luna gasp again.

"Oh my God! I felt it!" Anon beamed, his eyes lighting up in excitement.

"As did I." Luna chuckled, kissing Anon's cheek before sharing a kiss with her sister.

"It seems the little one is getting restless." Celestia teased, as she pulled away from Luna.

"Either that, or demanding I get off my hooves and let them rest." Luna giggled.

Anon quickly got back up to his full height and scratched behind Luna's ear, "Well then, you'd better get to bed, hun. I'll see you tonight." He offered a warm smile.

Luna nodded, "Agreed. I wish you both a pleasant evening. I will see you tonight." She replied, giving her sister and Anon one more nuzzle before pulling away and teleporting out of the room.

Anon shook his head and tapped his fingers against his thigh as he stared at the spot Luna vanished from, "I really wish she wouldn't teleport when pregnant. What if something goes wrong?" He worried.

Celestia laughed, "Oh, Nonny. Luna and I have been teleporting for centuries. It's like second nature to us. Besides, teleportation spells of today are filled with so many safety matrixes and protection wards that hurting oneself or even one's foal is impossible." She explained, turning for the exit.

"I know, I know. It's still just crazy to me that you guys do it so... frivolously, when you're this late into a pregnancy. I'm sure Luna will be fine, but I'm not so sure about the foal..." He trailed off, turning to follow her.

Celestia unfurled a wing and pulled him into a hug, "Honey, the foals will be fine. Mares have been teleporting while pregnant for the last thousand years at least. You worry too much." She said in a soothing voice.

Anon huffed, "Yeah, but were any of them pregnant with a nonmagical creature's baby?" He asked, a hint of worry working its way into his voice as they made their way out of the room.

The large stone doors closed behind them, sealing the room off and removing any trace of the room having been there at all. As they walked out of the armory, Celestia rolled her tongue in her mouth, her wing still squeezing Anon tightly against her barrel, and by extension, her baby bump. The contact brought a soothing sensation to Anon's heart as he felt the contact and the life growing inside on of the mares he loved.

"While it hasn't happened before, I'm sure that everything will be fine. Our doctors have said that the foals are healthy at every check-up we've gone through. If anything, they're growing slightly faster than normal. I'm sure that they'll be perfectly healthy when they're born." Celestia offered, giving Anon a disarming smile.

As they made their way to the staircase, Anon stared into his wife's eyes, finding only honestly in her beautiful magenta irises. He soon found himself smiling softly at just the sight of her and the way her eyes managed to convey such calm and optimism. It made his heart flutter in his chest and he soon found himself sighing in contentment.

"Alright, alright. I'll try to not worry so much about it. I just want to be sure you, Luna, and the foals are gonna be safe, is all." He responded as they reached the stairs.

Celestia nuzzled his chest, "And I love you so much for that. Here I was, starting to think you just liked us being burdened with all the foal-weight." She teased, playfully sticking her tongue out at him.

Anon scoffed in amusement, "Now, while that would be hot as hell, I imagine it's playing hell with your back and shoulders."

Celestia instantly threw her head back, "Oh, you have no bucking idea, honey. Faust's sake, my hooves are killing me and my back feels like it's broken." She whined, leaning more of her weight against him.

Anon chuckled as he wrapped his arm around the solar princess and helped her ascend the stairs, "Well don't worry, hun. Even though it might have given my dirty talk a boost, you won't be pregnant forever. Just another month and you can pop the little munchkin out."

Celestia nuzzled her cheek against his chest and let out a sigh of contentment as they made their way up the stairs. Within a few minutes, they were walking back through the hallway leading back to the throne room, still practically attached to each other.

"Just promise me one thing, honey." Celestia said, drawing Anon's eyes down to her as they approached the throne room doors.

"Anything." He replied.

"Just promise me that you'll be careful around Chrysalis. I want to give her a chance, I really do... but I still worry." Celestia sighed, finally breaking the contact between them.

Anon nodded, "Don't worry. I will. I get why you don't trust her, and to be honest, neither do I... but I also feel like she's done a lot to show that she's serious."

"I agree. Like I said, she deserves a second chance, but I still don't trust her." Celestia replied, nodding toward the guards to open the doors.







Later That Night

Anon watched as Celestia lowered the sun below the horizon, the blood red waves of light mixing with the orange hues of the setting sun and the deep violet of the skyline. The mirage of color was only eclipsed in beauty by the creature bending nature to her will, just before him, and he couldn't help the soft smile that crossed his features as he quietly observed the bright golden light fade from her horn, and a soft sigh escape her lips.

"There we go. The rest is up to Luna when she wakes up." Celestia smiled, turning to Anon.

"That never gets old." Anon stated, his his shaking in amazement.

Celestia dismissively waved a hoof at him, "Oh, you've been saying that for months." She blushed.

"Cause it's been true for months." Anon replied, factually.

Celestia playfully rolled her eyes as she bumped her flanks against his hips, urging him to follow her. He quickly followed back inside and they immediately found themselves in the the war room once more.

"-so as far as we can tell, the Storm King isn't making any moves to attack Equestria just yet, but he is searching for powerful magical artifacts for his eventual attack on the capital. From what we've gathered on him, his goal is complete world domination. It stands to reason that Equestria is merely a stepping stone in his conquest, but make no mistake, he has made quite public plans to attack and enslave Equestria just like he did with Abyssinia." Chrysalis finished explaining, pointing to a few miniature battlements on the table, meant to represent the Storm King's forces.

Twilight and Captain Valorant both observed and scrutinized the war table before them. Angular, black pieces, meant to represent the Storm King's forces littered the lower half of the board, while more colorful pieces, meant to represent Equestria and her allies, covered the Northern and Eastern section.

"If these are his current troop positions, then it's unlikely he'll even try anything for at least a year or so. Abyssinia has no magical artifacts to speak of, and Kludgetown is just some backwater dump. Assuming this intel is good, we really don't have to worry about him for quite a while. His fleet is only a few dozen vessels strong and with no real way to defend them from magic yet... we have four alicorns that could vaporize it if they needed to." Valorant explained, shaking her head.

"I'll have to agree with the Captain. The Storm King doesn't have the fleet strength to even attack our Southern border with any measure of success at the moment. In the meantime, we can bolster our defenses and prepare accordingly for when he is in a position to attack." Twilight added, nodding to Valorant.

"Don't underestimate his commander. She's ruthless." Chrysalis cautioned.

"The unicorn with a broken horn?" Valorant scoffed, "I'd take her down in thirty seconds, max. Hit her with telekinesis and then two mana bolts and she'd be out of the fight for good."

Chrysalis shook her head, "She's taken down creatures stronger than you, Captain."

Valorant rolled her eyes while Twilight eyed the table, "Well, we'll just have to plan accordingly then. We've got a massive early warning thanks to you, Chrysalis, so we have time to bolster our defenses to the south and prepare for this Commander Tempest Shadow." She announced, giving a nod to the changeling queen.

"Sounds like we have a plan then," Celestia chimed in, making her way toward the doorway, "I'll head to bed for the night. Luna should be here to look these over in an hour or so."

"Sounds good, Princess." Valorant replied, readorning her helmet with her magic.

"Have a good night, Princess. I'll see you tomorrow." Twilight called as Celestia made for the exit, receiving a smile and nod in return.

Anon followed after his wife, but paused upon noticing Chrysalis as she stared out the window, her expression as unreadable as it could be in the fading light.

"Chrysalis? You wanna head to bed?" Anon asked, curiously.

"I'll escort her to her room." Valorant announced, turning to the changeling queen.

However, Chrysalis shook her head and appeared to struggle to find her words. Even Celestia froze mid-step, a worried look appearing on her muzzle at the sudden change in the Changeling Queen's demeanor.

"Chrysalis?" Anon asked, genuine concern filling his voice as he stepped toward her.

For a moment, she simply didn't respond. Her brow furrowed as she finally found her words.

"I've given you the information I promised... Now I need you to uphold your end of the bargain... please." She mumbled, her voice filled with uncharacteristic hesitation.

"Chrysalis... Canterlot isn't ready yet..." Celestia tried, in vain, to say anything else.

Anon quickly looked back and forth between his wife and the Changeling Queen, "Is... is there anything we can do now?" He hesitantly asked.

Celestia dipped her head in thought while Chrysalis fell to her haunches, "They... they need love. Desperately. This can't wait any longer." She muttered, a pleading look crossing her muzzle.

After several seconds of painful silence, Celestia turned to Valorant, "Captain, send word to Colonel LionHeart. Tell her to prep the First Expeditionary Force for immediate departure to the Badlands." She ordered, receiving a hasty salute before Valorant galloped out of the room.

"The First Expeditionary Force?" Twilight questioned as Chrysalis turned to look to Celestia.

"We'll need the airships," Celestia responded, before looking down to Chrysalis, "If you tell me where to send it, I can send a letter to your hive. Write to them and tell them that we will meet them at the border of the Badlands and Equestria." She instructed, levitating a parchment and quill over to Chrysalis.

Hesitantly taking the offered paper and quill, Chrysalis gave Celestia an unsure look, "Thank you, but... what of the ponies?" She asked.

"We'll win them over later. For right now, I wish to see your hive for myself. You've been truthful with us so far, but I need to see for myself. We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning." Celestia replied, firmly.

Chapter 9: Immigration

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The Next Day

Chrysalis wearily looked back and forth between the Badlands and the Macintosh Hills. The battalion of royal guards surrounding her did little to ease the concern and worry she felt as she was approached by Anon, Celestia, and Javelin. She barely spared them a glance before gazing back over the badlands for any sign of her hive.

"I get the 'why' we can't, but I still think it might have been a better idea to do this under cover of night... or, you know, at least put them in a bunch of different towns closer to the border instead of transporting them all the way over to Canterlot." Javelin said, looking up to Anon.

Anon nodded, "I get you, bro, but if this is gonna take anywhere near as long as Tia thinks it will, we won't get back to Canterlot until nightfall anyway. Plus, Chrysalis said Canterlot is what drew her back to Equestria in the first place. The amount of love there is stronger than anywhere else right now, so they'll get fed the fastest there." He shrugged.

"I guess that's true. I just feel like doing... this in broad daylight is going to bring the same result anyway, or at least a similar one. Equestria is gonna hate this." He replied.

Celestia glanced back over her wither as she approached Chrysalis, "While it would be easier to just distribute the hive among all of the various settlements and cities in Equestria, that would potentially lead to utter chaos on a grand scale. As much as it might upset the city, Canterlot is the best place to take them. If nothing else, they'll be under closer supervision from multiple alicorns, should anything go wrong." She explained, before turning to Chrysalis.

The Changeling Queen paid the solar princess no mind as she gazed out at the emptiness of the badlands before her, a small frown on her face and her ears laying flat against her head.

"Do you think your hive received your letter?" Celestia asked, noting the worried look in the changeling's eyes.

Chrysalis gave an almost imperceptible nod, "I received a response from my top general. My concern is how weak the hive is and the nature of the badlands. The territory is hostile and my changelings are weak. Half of them can barely stand, and the rest are essentially on death's door." She responded.

Celestia felt a frown form on her muzzle as her ears flattened too. She followed Chrysalis's eyes to the badlands, finding nothing but dry, cracked ground and sand as far as they eye could see. Even as the embodiment of light, she felt the sweltering heat on her coat and felt a pang of sympathy. Just as she opened her mouth to say something, however, Twilight teleported in beside her, the bright flash of light and *crack* of sound making her jump, slightly.

"Princess! The scouts have spotted the changeling hive!" Twilight announced, proudly.

"Where!?" Chrysalis immediately exclaimed, completely bypassing Celestia and rushing to Twilight.

"Straight ahead, about 4 thousand hooves. The mirage is obscuring them but they should come into view any second now." Twilight responded, backing up slightly at the changeling Queen's newfound proximity.

"Oh thank Faust." Chrysalis breathed a sigh of relief.

With a supportive smile, Anon placed his hand on her wither and gave a small squeeze, "See? Nothing to worry about. We'll get your 'lings here in one piece." He offered.

Chrysalis gave a grateful smile before looking back to the badlands. Surely enough, after only a few more minutes, an amorphous blob of black slowly came into view in the distance. Chrysalis squinted her eyes as the black blob grew closer and closer, the mirage dissipating from view with each passing second. She felt hope rise in her hearts as the hive approached, and when they were finally close enough for her to see properly, she broke from her position on the hill and trotted toward them.

"Chrysalis!" Twilight exclaimed, only for a large white wing to gently drape itself over her withers. She looked up to Celestia, confusion written on her face.

"She's just going to ensure her foals are alright, Twilight. It's what any mother would do." Celestia explained, watching the changeling rush to her hive.

Chrysalis quickly reached the changelings in front, and received many bows or other gestures of respect. Without hesitation, she pulled the closest changeling into a hug, then the next, and the next. The changelings, if they were surprised by this, did not show it and simply returned the gestures as best they could with excited chirping and dual-tone voices of relief. In their weakened state, they all looked to be at the brink of starving to death. The holes in all of their legs made them look as porous as a sponge, and their bellies were so small that Chrysalis was afraid she might snap them in two, should she hug too tightly.

It only took a few minutes for the gathering of over a hundred royal guards, along with Celestia, Twilight, Anon, and Javelin to walk over to the changeling hive and their queen. Were it not for how concerned she was over her changelings, Chrysalis would have noticed how the tension in the air reached its fever pitch as the Equestrians stopped just a stone's throw away. The drones not being busied by their Queen, felt their attention pulled to the royal guards forming a half circle around them.

Finally, after several more minutes of doting and fretting over her drones, Chrysalis realized that the air was silent, and she was the only source of sound at all in the noiseless valley. She released her hold on the grub held gently against her chest and turned around to see the ponies standing behind her, an unmistakable level of tenseness in their eyes as they surveyed her hive.

With the situation now apparent to her, Chrysalis gently placed the grub back on the back of the nursery drone looking after them and turned back to Celestia.

"As you can see, my hive intends no harm. They're on the verge of starvation." Chrysalis announced, loud enough for dozens of ponies to hear her.

Celestia took a step forward, flanked by both Anon and Twilight, "I see that. You really weren't kidding about the state of your hive." She admitted, a look of compassion and sorrow on her muzzle.

Chrysalis's gaze fell to the dirt before her, "Unfortunately, yes. Please... some of them are injured and in need of medical attention."

Celestia nodded toward Anon, "Right... So, uh," He started, quickly pulling out a crumpled up paper from his pocket and skimming through it, "Okay, so we'll do this as organized as we can. Chrysalis, send all of your injured to Lieutenant Plasma all the way to my left." He said, pointing to the Lieutenant with a red cross on her white armor.

Chrysalis turned to her changelings and urged them to follow Anon's instructions. At first, they were very hesitant to step away from their queen, but after several hushed words of comfort and encouragement, a portion of the hive broke off and limped their way over toward the Lieutenant and her platoon. As they arrived, they were swiftly levitated or gently hoof-lifted onto stretchers and carried toward a medical tent just past the hill.

"Any changelings that are too weak to move well on their own, or are too young to do much of anything on their own, along with their caretakers are to go to First Sergeant KnightHawk, all the way to my right." Anon instructed, reading from his paper once more.

Chrysalis again ushered her drones to follow Anon's instructions, finding that the drones responded easier this time. The nursery drones carried the grubs on their backs without complaint, quickly finding themselves surrounded by ponies that quickly escorted them to another processing tent beside a decaying tree just behind the pony lines.

"The rest of the changelings are to come with us to the processing tent directly to my rear, and we'll set about getting every changeling here registered. Twilight will be overseeing that." Anon finished, looking quite pleased with himself.

Chrysalis nodded and led the way for her changelings toward the Sun Princess and her Prince. The ranks behind them parted enough for the drones to walk up to five through at a time, and albeit with a word of assurance from their queen, the strongest of the drones found themselves at the last tent, directly behind the pony lines.

Once inside, the drones walked through a standard processing procedure for all new Equestrian citizens. They passed through a photography stand, stamped their hoof-prints, gave their names and potential skills, as well as their age, or rather, they started to, before they ran into a small hiccup.

"Princess!" A guardsmare called, gaining Twilight's attention as she observed the processing.

"Yes? She asked, making her way over to the mare and the first changeling to enter the tent. She couldn't help but notice that they were only at the first step of the process as she approached.

"Um... I'm not sure what to put on their identification cards for their sex, princess." The guardsmare replied, pursing her lips as she looked at the changeling in front of her.

"What do you mean? Just ask them." Twilight replied, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"I did, your highness. They aren't giving me a straight answer." The guard replied.

Twilight turned to the changeling in question; a moderately sized drone with red frills on their head and making up their tail, along with purple eyes and a violet elytra. Said changeling gave her a lopsided look of confusion as she stepped over to the booth.

"Are you a mare, or a stallion?" Twilight asked.

"Either or, depending on the circumstances." The changeling replied, in a discernably masculine voice.

Twilight tilted her head to the side, "W-we're not asking about if you change your sex when you've pretended to be different ponies, we're asking what you currently are right now." She replied.

"I don't change my sex when I impersonate ponies." The changeling gruffly replied.

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but found that she was coming up blank. Her jaw opened and closed several more times as she tried to process the information she was receiving, but just as she thought she found a reasonable response, Chrysalis and Anon stepped over to her side.

"Pharynx, what is the meaning of this holdup?" Chrysalis questioned, firmly but with an underlining level of concern.

"We got a lot of 'lings to get through, TS." Anon added, tapping his wristwatch in an expectant fashion.

Twilight grit her teeth but said nothing.

"I was informing these ponies of my sex." Pharynx replied, simply.

"More like avoiding informing." The guard rolled her eyes.

Chrysalis frowned, "What did you tell them?"

"That it depends on the circumstances." Pharynx shrugged.

Chrysalis sighed before looking over to Twilight, "I thought you knew this but I suppose I was wrong to assume. Changelings can change their biological sex on a whim. However, every changeling settles into a sex, whether male or female, that they prefer. What Pharynx is trying to say, is that he has changed to female when needed, to lay eggs for the hive, but he spends the rest of his time as male." She explained.

Twilight and Anon looked at her as if she'd spoken another language.

"R-really?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"D-did he say no homo first?" Anon quietly asked.

"Did I what?" Pharynx asked, looking up to Anon.

"Nothing, nothing! Anyway, just put his sex down as male and move on. We've got a lot of changelings to get through, guys." Anon announced, clapping his hands together, before leaning over to Chrysalis, "I thought you laid all the eggs?" He questioned.

Chrysalis shook her head, "I'll explain that later. It's not fairly complicated, but as you said, we have a lot of my hive to process." She acknowledged, receiving a nod of affirmation in response.

The guardsmare nodded and scribbled down her notes before ushering Pharynx along and out of the tent toward further processing. With the new understanding of changeling biology cemented, the line quickly moved along at a nominal pace. Changelings passed through one by one and soon enough, the tension in the air slowly faded, and a more comfortable hustle and bustle filled the air as the line chugged along. Changelings that were previously scared silent, opened up slightly and chittered back and forth in hushed whispers as the ponies around them watched over them, silently observing.

Anon stood beside Chrysalis and Twilight, his hands resting on his hips as he nodded to himself in satisfaction at the progress they were making, until a voice startled him out of his thoughts.

"U-um, excuse me?" A timid sounding, female changeling asked.

Anon looked down at the drone, who barely appeared to be older than a nymph as she looked up to him with large cerulean eyes. Her elytra was almost as lightly colored as her eyes, only a shade darker, and she had soft pink frills running up her head and making up her tail.

"Y-yes?" Anon asked, looking back and forth to see that both Chrysalis and Twilight were preoccupied and didn't hear her.

"I-I was wondering if we would be able to eat soon... it's been three days since I last had any love." She timidly trailed off, shyly rubbing her foreleg as she struggled to meet Anon's gaze.

The difference in height between them became immediately apparent as Anon realized that he absolutely towered over the scrawny drone. With a subtle glance back and forth to Chrysalis and Twilight, he kneeled down to just above eye level with the little drone, a disarming smile finding its way onto his face.

"We'll get you guys sorted, don't worry. Just gotta get through the processing first. It should only take a few hours. " He offered, gently.

The little drone gave a thankful smile, her fangs adorably poking out as she gratefully nodded to the tall man.

"Ocellus! Get back here!" A voice cried out in both alarm and concern.

Anon and the drone he now knew to be named Ocellus turned around to see another, more mature looking, male drone rushing over and grabbing her.

"I-I'm so sorry about her, Prince Anon. She's just barely a drone and gets away to where she shouldn't go sometimes." The new changeling explained, casting a disapproving glance back to Ocellus. She sunk into herself at the gaze while Anon looked the new changeling over.

The changeling's eyes were a turquoise color, and his elytra held a darker, almost prussian blue color. While his tone sounded like that of a concerned parent, his stance and posture made it obvious that he was absolutely terrified as he trembled in place before the human.

Anon gave what he hoped was a disarming grin before holding a hand up, "Hey, it's alright. Is she your... uh... daughter? Hatchling? Broodmate? What's the right term here?" Anon trailed off, rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger and gazing to the floor.

Before the changeling could answer, Chrysalis noticed the two drones standing before Anon and cut in.

"Thorax, take Ocellus and get back in line." Chrysalis ordered, her tone once again stern but filled with concern.

"Y-yes, my queen." Thorax hastily bowed and scooped Ocellus up in his forelegs before unfurling his wings and buzzing his way back over to his place in line.

Chrysalis sighed as Anon stood back up to his full height, "You know, I used to think changelings were just overgrown mosquitos." He said, crossing his arms.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at his playful tone, "Oh? And what do you see us as now?" She asked, allowing a thin smile to grace her face.

"Adorable giant mosquitoes." Anon replied, sounding quite pleased with himself.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "Very funny, Prince Anon. Very funny." She deadpanned, although the tiniest trace of a smile formed at the corner of her mouth.

The day continued on, and with it, relatively little issues arose. There was the occasional bout of confusion at the changeling's unique biology, but the majority of the hive was processed fairly easily. In less than three hours, over two thousand of the hive was already processed and boarded on airships heading to Canterlot.

As she watched the tenth ship take off, Celestia's ear flicked back to the sound of hoofsteps approaching behind her. She glanced back to find Chrysalis walking over to her, Javelin and Anon right behind her.

"Well, I must admit, for being so last minute, things are going quite swimmingly. Wouldn't you agree, Chrysalis?" Celestia asked.

Chrysalis bowed her head briefly, "Indeed. Thank you, for this. I... I can't tell you how much I appreciate it." She managed to say.

Celestia smiled, "While it may be the start of quite a bit of chaos and concern for the foreseeable future, I think this is also the start of a good future for both our species."

Chrysalis nodded, but slowly cast a glance back at her hive as they were led to their respective airships in several long lines. A frown of concern formed on her muzzle as she looked back to Celestia.

"A-are you sure the mana blocker rings are absolutely necessary? I understand for me, but for the rest of the hive... most of the nymphs and grubs are barely able to transform at all as it is. This will only hinder their development and stunt their growth." She reasoned.

Celestia let out a long, sad sigh, "I am sorry, Chrysalis. Truly, I am, but this is the best I can do. Canterlot may be overflowing with love due to my and Luna's pregnancies, but if the ponies see unchained, uninhibited changelings freely roaming around the city, there's a good chance that all that love could turn to hate and fear. Then it won't matter whether your changelings are wearing rings or not, ponies won't be willing to share love, and I can't condone allowing Changelings to steal it by force either." She explained.

Chrysalis's gaze fell to the floor, but she gave a nod of acknowledgement, "I... suppose that's to be expected. I'll just have to earn more goodwill with the ponies in Canterlot then."

Anon patted her back, making her jump, slightly, "That's the spirit! I've already got a few ideas brewing in my head that could get you into a positive light with the ponies in town." He announced, a prideful smile on his face.

Celestia cocked an eyebrow back while Chrysalis tilted her head to the side, "Oh? And just what ideas might those be?" The solar princess questioned.

Anon grinned, "Check it, we've got a Wonderbolts derby coming up in a few days that'll have literally thousands of ponies present, all of them eager to watch something exciting, right? Well... what if we show up to said show with our little bug queen here beside us? Think about it, there'll be tens of thousands of eyes on you, honey, cause you're gorgeous-" He said, matter-of-factly, "-and then there'll be hundreds of thousands of eyes on Chryssi over here cause everyone's gonna be thinking 'woah, is that the changeling queen? I thought she was so evil but here she is, just enjoying a Wonderbolts show. Then, we have her holding and playing with a puppy. Boom, nobody evil could ever like a puppy. Ponies will start to think, 'Maybe she's not so evil after all?'." He finished, in a strange mix of an Italian and French accent.

"Chryssi?" Chrysalis raised her eyebrows and gave Anon a look of bafflement.

"Hun," Celestia barely managed to suppress a chuckle, "While that's not a bad idea, I can also see how that would attract a hostile reaction. Not to mention, I can't make the Wonderbolts derby. I have a meeting with the merchant's guild that afternoon." She replied.

Anon's excitement faltered, "Oh shit, yeah I forgot about that." He admitted, rubbing his chin in thought.

"So am I not going to get an answer for that pet name, or?" Chrysalis trailed off, looking back and forth to Anon and Celestia.

"What about Luna?" Anon asked.

"You know that she doesn't like Wonderbolt's shows. She's a ShadowBolts fan." Celestia scoffed.

"I guess not." Chrysalis sighed.

"Damn Shadowbolts. What do they have that the Wonderbolts don't?" Anon muttered.

"Didn't you say you wanted to spend this weekend with Sergeant Javelin for some much needed 'best-bro bonding time', as you put it, the other night?" Celestia questioned, playfully raising an eyebrow.

"I'm pretty sure that's a euphemism for sex." Chrysalis muttered.

Anon dramatically gasped, "Oh my GOD, you're right! I almost forgot! Jav!" He exclaimed, turning to his guard, "I drink this weekend!"

Javelin smirked, "I drink this weekend."

"You drink with me?" Anon replied gesturing between himself and his guard.

"I drink with you." Javelin nodded.

"We drink this weekend." Anon returned the nod, before holding his fist out for Javelin to bump.

Chrysalis watched the exchange with her head tilting further and further to the side until it was almost completely sideways, "I... w-wha?" She managed, before Celestia patted her wither.

"Anon gets like this with Sergeant Javelin. They haven't been able to spend much time together in quite a while due to their duties and schedules clashing." Celestia explained.

Chrysalis nodded, her head still sideways, "I... can certainly sense quite a bit of love between the two of them. They must be very good friends."

Celestia chuckled, "Quite. Sergeant Javelin was Anon's first friend in Equestria. They're both very close."

Chrysalis finally untilted her head just as Anon turned back toward her and Celestia.

"Javelin, Chrysalis, and I drink this weekend." Anon announced, stoically.

Celestia chuckled as she nodded, "Yes, honey, you and Javelin can drink this week- wait, did you say Chrysalis?" She asked, doing a double take.

"I'm sorry, what?" Chrysalis asked.

"I, uh... are you sure?" Javelin asked, looking up to Anon with a puzzled expression.

"I just... you want Chrysalis to go drinking with you?" Celestia questioned, her expression mirroring Javelin's.

"I do. I seem to recall accepting responsibility for Chrysalis until we determine that she can have her mana ring removed." Anon smirked.

Celestia made her way to Anon, unfurling her wing to give them a moment of privacy, "Honey, are you sure about this? There's still much to do with regards to her hive and I don't think Canterlot is ready to see Chrysalis bar hopping with you and Javelin." She quietly said.

"I get that, I do. Here me out though. She's been starving, dealing with her hive starving, and dealing with everything else that comes with just trying to stay alive. This would be a good chance to get her mind off of it, and you heard Cadence. Getting her to integrate is the way we make sure she stays good forever. Hanging out with the boys, showing Canterlot that she's just as normal to be around as anypony else would really help with that, don't you think?" Anon replied, equally quietly.

Celestia pondered Anon's response for several seconds, her tongue rolling in her mouth as Anon fixed her with an expectant look.

"If this is about my safety, you and Luna just gave me that badass ring, Dusk doesn't really drink, and we're gonna have two more night guards for protection. It'll be fine, honey. I promise." Anon offered, gently cupping his wife's cheek.

Celestia met Anon's gaze for several seconds as he rubbed her cheek. Eventually, she quietly sighed and nodded, her wing returning to its place at her barrel as she turned to Chrysalis and Javelin.

"I think that it would be a wonderful idea for Chrysalis to go with you two for your weekend." She announced.

"Princess, I-I can't leave my hive when they're just getting introduced to Canterlot. There are hundreds of potential risks I have to assess and I need to ensure no changeling or pony gets into a fight or misunderstanding." Chrysalis protested.

"Your hive is going to be housed in underground housing for the foreseeable future, Chrysalis. They'll be allowed to feed from the ambient love in Canterlot, but at least until we can smooth this over with the city, they won't be allowed to run around town or get into trouble. They'll be safe and secure. Trust me at least as much as I've trusted you by even allowing this in the first place?" She offered, receiving a very hesitant nod from the Changeling Queen, "Thank you. Now, you are Anon's responsibility, so he must take you with him wherever he goes. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll all have a fun time." Celestia smiled.

Anon beamed while Javelin gave the sun princess a resigned stare. Chrysalis glanced back and forth between the three of them, a hesitant look of acceptance forming on her muzzle as well.

"I... suppose I don't have much of a choice then. I'll try to be as discreet as possible, Prince Anon." Chrysalis reluctantly responded, turning to Anon.

Anon instantly shook his head, "No, no, it's gonna be great. You'll see. You're gonna have a great time. We'll all have a great time... even if the weekend was supposed to be for the boys." He chuckled.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "Well... if you'll permit me to take this ring off for a moment, I can change into a male form. That way, it is still technically 'the boys'." She offered.

Anon pursed his lips in thought before pulling Javelin into a huddle. They whispered to each other for a few moments while quickly casting glances back at the Changeling Queen. After nearly a minute, they both shared a nod and turned around to face her and Celestia.

"We will need to discuss this matter with the rest of the boys. If they agree, then I will allow it." Anon announced.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow again, "The... rest of the boys?" She questioned.

Celestia sighed, "Honey, are you even sure Dusk and Echo want to drink with you? Did you even ask them?" She asked, in a last ditch effort to halt the weekend plans.

"Of course I have... thought of it, that is. I'm gonna ask them when we get back." Anon admitted.

Celestia facehoofed, "With your charm, I'm sure they'll say yes in a heartbeat." She playfully rolled her eyes.

Anon placed his hands on his hips and nodded, pointedly ignoring his wife's sass, "It's gonna be all the boys and possibly Chrysalis as a boy. God, I can't wait." He smiled.

Chrysalis simply looked as if every word she'd heard was spoken in several different languages.

"I, um... o-okay?"

Chapter 10: Processing

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As Luna raised her head, her glowing horn carried the moon up into the twilight skyline. Speckles of light scattered in the distance, soon came into focus as her arcane might lifted the moon high over the horizon, the fading sunlight just barely illuminating the approaching airships coming from the south. With a nod of satisfaction at her job being complete for the moment, Luna turned and headed back into the throne room of the castle, finding both Dusk and Echo waiting for her.

"Princess." Dusk greeted, with a salute.

Luna sighed, "Dusk, I'm starting to wonder if you keep saluting me just to annoy me at this point." She replied with a thin grin.

"Just checking to make sure you aren't a changeling, your highness." Dusk smirked.

Luna rolled her eyes and gave the guard a playful shove, "Let me know when a changeling can raise the moon. I'll be impressed to see that." She chuckled as she stepped past them.

Like clockwork, Dusk and Echo fell into step behind their princess and the trio made their way out of the throne room. They passed several Day Guards all preparing for the daily shift change as they walked through the corridors lining the castle wall. All the guards they passed, snapped to the position of attention and saluted, receiving a nod from the lunar princess as she walked.

However, as they continued down the long hall, Luna found herself out of breath remarkably quicker than usual. The weight of her foal certainly made something as trivial as walking a much more difficult prospect, and before she even reached her destination, she found herself quietly huffing and puffing.

Echo and Dusk, both acutely aware of their princesses increased and labored breathing, protectively stepped closer to her.

"Um, your highness? Do you need to stop and rest for a moment?" Echo asked, no small amount of concern in his voice.

"I'm quite alright, Echo... the foal is simply nearly here. Only a little over three weeks left so it's to be expected that my lungs aren't quite happy with their reduced space but this foal is going to be a large one, I'm sure. I have their father to thank for that, I suppose." Luna explained, fondly shaking her head.

Dusk snorted, "Well I'm sure he'll be proud of that."

Echo nodded, "What was it he said? That they'd both be giants and would take over the whole world?" He chuckled.

Luna snickered as they rounded the corner and found themselves walking down the stairs to the armory, "That sounds like him."

The group shared a collective chuckle as they made their way down the stairs. Albeit after a few minutes, due to Luna's decreased mobility with her baby bump, the trio made it to the entrance of the armory. Once there, Dusk quickly flagged down Swan as she stood in line to receive her hoof blades from the armorer, getting her to trot over to the group.

"Princess." Swan greeted with a salute.

"Swan," Luna nodded, "Two things. Firstly, I wanted to inquire as to what guards you'd be replacing Dusk and Echo with for this weekend. Secondly, I wanted to inform you of what the plan is with regards to the changelings we expect to arrive shortly."

Swan nodded, "Dusk and Echo are being replaced with Top Heavy and Kiowa. I'm all ears for the housing plan for all these unexpected guests we'll be receiving." She replied, professionally.

"Top and Kiowa?" Dusk tilted his head to the side.

"I thought they were stationed all the way in Las Pegasus." Echo added.

Swan nodded, "They were, but the only two guards entrusted to protect our prince are taking this weekend off, so they needed to be brought in to fill the gaps."

Echo shook his head, "Anon's not gonna like them."

"Top just does what his lead does and Kiowa never speaks to VIP's. If Anon thought he barely saw us, he won't even know those two are there." Dusk chuckled.

"All the more reason for you two to enjoy your time off." Luna offered, with a smile.

"Thank you, Princess." Dusk and Echo both nodded.

"You're quite welcome," Luna replied, before turning to Swan, "Now, as for the changeling situation, we've decided on the caves under the city. I'm aware that the prison is in those caves, so we'll be redirecting unicorn guards to provide shields specifically designed to discourage changelings, around the prison structure. We plan on at least two dozen day guards being added to your roster by night's end. I'm sure you've heard of the construction teams sent in there last night as well. We hope to have enough structures ready for changelings to inhabit by the time they arrive here." She explained.

Swan hastily pulled a notepad out of her armor and scribbled down the notes as Luna gave them to her. Once she had everything written down, she put the notepad away and nodded, "Alright, Princess. We'll get the prison secured. I hope that giving them access to the caves isn't a mistake, though. Who knows where they could get off to."

"I understand your concerns. I share them. Celestia has ensured me via a letter that the changelings have fully cooperated thus far, even including the wearing of mana rings. They shouldn't be a problem while they're in the caves aside from maybe getting lost or stumbling out somewhere they shouldn't. Tia is already allocating an entire Day Guard battalion for just such occasions." Luna replied.

Swan gave a nod, "Very good, Princess. Did she say where they'd be dropping them off?"

Luna simply pointed toward the window behind Swan, to the open parade field behind the castle. Over a dozen airships were within a mile and closing, while several dozen more were flying in from off in the distance. Each one appeared to be practically overflowing with black forms that could only be changelings.

Swan let out a low whistle as she watched the closest airship approach and gently come in for a landing on the parade field.

"Welp, that's one way to start a shift." She muttered.







Several Hours Later

Anon stepped off of the last airship while stretching his arms over his head. He let out a long, loud sigh before swinging his arms down and stepping onto grass once more. Javelin was only a few steps behind him, followed immediately by Chrysalis, Twilight, and then albeit much more slowly, Celestia.

Anon offered his hand to help steady the heavily pregnant alicorn as she descended the steps, and she gratefully accepted the gesture with her wing. Once she was on the grass as well, the group surveyed the literally thousands of changelings being funneled into the castle. However, notably, were the changelings, themselves.

The little bug horses hastily looked around the castle and the city, their eyes wide with amazement and drool practically dripping from their agape mouths. It took mere moments for them to start absorbing the love in the air. Several changelings opened their maws wide and tilted their heads skyward, a semi-transparent pink mist suddenly forming and funneling its way into their gullets. Due to the sheer volume of changelings present, the air quickly filled with pink mist, making it much more difficult to see.

"Uh... are we sure all of Canterlot isn't going to see this and freak out?" Anon hesitantly asked, turning to Celestia.

A worried frown plastered itself on Celestia's face as the air grew thick with pink love mist. She turned to Chrysalis, finding an equally worried look on the Changeling Queen's face as she saw just how much love her subjects were taking in all at once. She hurriedly galloped ahead toward her hive, prompting Anon, Twilight, and Javelin to run after her.

"Chrysalis!?" Twilight called.

"Stop! You all need to stop!" Chrysalis frantically cried out.

The drones and nymphs closest to their queen quickly heeded her warning, and a hurried order to stop washed through the hive. Much to both Anon and Celestia's surprise, the entire hive complied with their Queen's orders within a minute, and the air stilled once more. Chrysalis let out a breathless sigh of relief as she fell to her haunches, dozens of her drones quickly rushing to her side to ensure she was still alright.

The tide of drones instantly parted to allow Anon, Twilight and Javelin room to reach their queen as they rushed over to her. Once they were by her side, Anon placed a hand on her wither.

"Alright, let's not do that again before we break news to the city that they're all here, yeah?" He announced, offering a small smile of support.

Chrysalis nodded, "Yes, thank you, Prince Anon," She replied, before turning to the drones beside her, "Tell the entire hive that we are to receive a feeding schedule. The hive cannot feed all at once, lest we draw a panic. The ponies of Canterlot have been informed that we're coming, but not that we're here yet. I expect the ambient love levels to drop dramatically once they find out. Princess Celestia has agreed to allow us all to feed enough to stave of starvation over the next few days, but then she will have to break news of our arrival." She explained.

The drones, much like trained soldiers, nodded and quickly disseminated the information throughout the rest of the hive. Within just a few minutes, the entire hive was informed. Just as Celestia reached the Changeling Queen and her husband, the last of the drones received the information and gave nods of acceptance or begrudging words of hunger.

"Well, that certainly wasn't how I planned to start their introduction to Canterlot." Celestia sighed.

"We got it sorted. I don't think most of Canterlot would have noticed, do you?" Anon asked, turning to his wife.

"I certainly felt the shift in the air. If any ponies are awake - unicorns, especially - they probably felt it too." Twilight offered.

"It is nearly one in the morning. While much of Canterlot is asleep at the moment, the thestral population surely would have noticed something. Let's not forget the Canterlot night life as well. There are dozens of bars and clubs still open and most likely crowded with ponies at the moment. Hopefully we can explain it away or ask them to remain calm." Celestia replied, thoughtfully.

"Most thestrals are on duty or inside, at the moment, sister." Luna suddenly announced, teleporting beside her.

"GAHWHATTHEFUCK?!?" Anon shrieked as he was startled into tripping over Javelin and falling onto his back. Twilight snickered.

"Oh, sorry about that, honey," Luna sheepishly replied, using her magic to help get Anon back to his feet, "I forgot that teleportations scare you."

Anon shook his head as he dusted himself off, "When you're popping away I'm fine. I can see the horn charging up and everything so I know it's coming, but when you just appear next to me? You're gonna give me a heart attack one of these days, woman." He replied, petulantly crossing his arms.

"I'm fine, by the way." Javelin muttered, getting to his hooves after having Anon's weight fall over his back.

"Heh, sorry about that, bud." Anon sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he looked back at his guard.

The sound of two leathery wings quickly reached the group's ears as Dusk and Echo reached Luna's side and quietly landed.

"We didn't see where you teleported to, princess." Dusk curtly acknowledged.

"My apologies, Dusk. I simply saw my husband and sister and decided to make sure everything was alright." Luna acknowledged.

Echo quickly glanced back at the changelings gathered around them, finding that several of them were pointing at him and Dusk and backing away. Fearful looks covered most of their faces as they observed the pair of thestrals, almost as if they recognized them. Cocking an eyebrow back, but deciding to ignore it for now, Echo returned his attention to the situation in front of him.

"Is there... any damage done?" Chrysalis hesitantly asked.

"None so far that can't be easily rectified. I'd advise you to ensure your hive doesn't do that again. If it were daytime and all of Canterlot was out and about, they'd surely think they were under attack. You'd scare all the love out of the air within minutes and drive half of the city to take up arms or evacuate." Luna replied, simply.

"Good, that's good. I'll ensure this doesn't happen again." Chrysalis gratefully replied, bowing her head ever so slightly.

"Well aside from that little hiccup, I think this whole thing went really smoothly." Anon proudly announced, placing his hands on his hips.

"Oh, why would you say that out loud?" Twilight sighed.

"What?" Anon asked, only for the sound of shouting in the distance to reach his ears.

"Oh my Faust! They're everywhere!" A masculine, but still somewhat feminine voice shrieked from the castle door.

The group turned and squinted at the pony causing the sudden ruckus in the otherwise quiet and cooperative changeling gathering, finding a snow white stallion with a blond mane and tail standing on his balcony.

"BlueBlood..." Celestia facehoofed.

"Guards! Guards! We're under attack!" BlueBlood cried, ignorant of the literal hundreds of guards outside among the changelings.

Luna sighed, "I suppose I should go deal with him. Perhaps keeping him out of the loop was a mistake this once." She admitted.

"Well in my defense, I thought he was going to be out partying with the nobles as usual. It's rare for BlueBlood to stay in the castle this late into the evening." Celestia half shrugged.

"Guards! Guards! Why are you not doing something!?" BlueBlood shrieked.

Luna rolled her eyes, "I will handle him. I've already informed Swan of where to put our guests until we can warm the city up to them."

Celestia gave a grateful nod, "Thank you, sister." She replied, before leaning in and quickly nuzzling the smaller alicorn.

Luna happily returned the nuzzle before pulling away and lighting up her horn. She disappeared with a flash, and quickly reappeared on BlueBlood's balcony. The stallion jumped several feet into the air from the startling arrival of his aunt, before she quickly pulled him inside and closed the door behind them.

With BlueBlood dealt with, Celestia turned back to Anon, "And that is why we don't say things like that out loud, honey."

Anon rolled his eyes, "I mean, that wasn't that ba-" He started, only for Celestia's magic to close his mouth before he could finish.

Celestia gave Anon a deadpan look while he indignantly looked back at her. After a few moments, she released her magical hold on his lips, allowing Anon to work his jaw once more.

"That was just rude." He muttered.

Celestia chuckled before leaning in and planting a kiss on Anon's unsuspecting lips. He gladly returned the gesture and held her head with his hands, his fingers playing through her ethereal mane. Once they'd made everyone around them sufficiently uncomfortable, they pulled away from each other.

"There, did I make up for it?" She playfully questioned.

Anon nodded, "Yeah, I suppose you did," He replied, before turning back to the rest of the group, "Oh shit! Dusk, Echo! You guys are still here!" He exclaimed, upon seeing his night guards.

Dusk nodded, "Yes sir. Been here the whole time."

"It is night time, and we are your protection detail after dark." Echo added, teasingly.

Anon rolled his eyes, "Smartass. Anyways, you guys have this weekend off." He stated.

Dusk and Echo shared a look, "Um, yes. We do." Dusk hesitantly replied.

Anon pointed at them, "You drink with us." He declared, while pulling Javelin into a one-armed hug.

Dusk and Echo shared yet another look before looking back to Anon and nodding, "We drink with you."

Anon beamed, "We all drink, this weekend." He proudly announced.

Chrysalis simply stared at the group with a dumbfounded expression as Celestia and Twilight walked up beside her, "I... even my drones don't communicate with so little..." She muttered.

"I've... been struggling to understand Anon the entire time I've known him." Twilight responded, shaking her head in confusion.

"He has said that he wants to 'crack open some cold ones with the boys' for quite some time now. I suppose this is just their way of showing their excitement. Just a group of janefillies, I suppose." Celestia chuckled.

With his weekend plans cemented, Anon turned to his wife, Twilight, and Chrysalis, "I can't wait for this weekend. This is gonna be great." He smiled.

Celestia nodded, "I'm sure it will be immensely fun for you, dear. However, we do have nearly five thousand changelings just sitting around out here on castle grounds, waiting to be escorted to their new home. Don't you think we should get back to that?" She said.

Anon nodded, "Ah, yes. Of course. Royal business and all that. Let's get to it." He replied, clasping his hands together.

The group turned and made its way to the castle entrance, where they quickly found Swan and Luna once more. The excitement of the day quickly dwindled as the changelings were processed into the castle one by one. Each changeling was escorted by a royal guard all the way to the crystal caverns below, making the process slow and tedious. The night dragged on, and as Anon assisted as much as he could, he could feel the strain of the days events quickly wearing on him. Sleepiness clouded his mind and fuzzed the edges of his vision while he looked over one of literally thousands of identification papers for the changeling before him.

"T-Thorax? Hey, I remember you. You were that other little changeling's dad or something, right? What was her name? Ocella? Ocelot? Revolver Ocelot? Snaaaaaaaake..." Anon chuckled to himself.

"Um, you mean Ocellus, Prince Anon?" Thorax sheepishly asked.

"Yeah! That's the one." Anon nodded.

"Oh, well she's not my daughter. She's actually my little sister. Well, broodmate, but we've always been really close." Thorax explained, a smile on his face.

"Ah, that explains that. Where's she now? You guys didn't get separated, did you? We tried to keep that from happening." Anon replied, looking back and forth across the sea of black forms before him.

Thorax hastily shook his head, "Oh, she's was just processed before me. I believe Princess Twilight took care of her."

Anon nodded, "Ah, good. Purple smart is good at all this paperwork crap." He muttered.

"Uh... Purple... smart?" Thorax parroted, confusion clear on his muzzle.

"Nevermind that." Anon shook his head before stamping Thorax's papers, "There you go, bud. Just show this paperwork to one of the guards when they come over here and they'll escort you to the caves down below." He said, handing the papers over to the changeling.

"Oh, thank you so much, Prince Anon!" Thorax happily chirped.

"Don't mention it, bud." Anon smiled.

Anon reclined back into his seat and stretched his arms over his head while a long yawn forced its way out of his mouth. After smacking his lips for a moment, he heard the sound of yawning to his right, and turned to see Javelin mid-yawn. He gave the guard a raised eyebrow until he finished.

"What? Yawning is contagious." Javelin said, matter-of-factly.

Anon chuckled, "I remember a time just a year or so ago where you wouldn't have budged an inch if I yawned next to you."

Javelin rolled his eyes, "And I seem to recall that you hated how I acted while I was guarding you. As you're now my prince, I've changed my behavior accordingly." He replied, a small amount of sass in his voice.

Anon laughed, "Then I should get you a medal for going the extra mile to pull that stick out of your ass, shouldn't I?"

Javelin chuckled, "I could always go for another medal on my record. I plan to have a wall of medals and awards when I retire."

Anon smirked as he surveyed the changelings still crowded in the castle before him. Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Swan, and a plethora of guards were tending to the lines, all of them slowly whittling away at the thousands of guests as quickly as possible. Another wave of the little bugs was swiftly directed to Anon's desk, signaling the end of the brief lull in Anon's work.

With a sigh, he sat back upright in his chair, just in time to notice Dusk and Echo stepping over to his side from the corner of his eye. Anon turned to acknowledge his night guards, but also noticed Thorax and the new line instantly shying away from them as they approached him. Puzzled by this new development, Anon turned in his seat and fixed the thestrals with a raised eyebrow.

"What'd you guys do to them? They all seem scared of you all of a sudden." Anon asked, good-naturedly.

Dusk and Echo shared a look before shrugging, "Honestly, no clue. They've been really afraid of us since they got here, but not any other thestrals. They don't seem to be afraid of Swan or any other night guards roaming around." Dusk replied.

"I think they recognize us." Echo offered, glancing around at the fearful changelings.

Anon pursed his lips and slowly turned to Thorax, "Hey, uh... Thorax? You alright?"

Anon received no response as the changeling simply stood stock still, his eyes locked on the two thestrals standing just a few feet away from him.

Anon waved his hand in front of Thorax's face for a few moments, and albeit with massive hesitation, the drone turned his head until he was looking at Anon. With his shock now broken, the drone quickly started trembling at just the sight of the two night guards, making Anon glance back to the pair of thestrals with a frown. After receiving a simple shrug in response from his guards, Anon turned back to the trembling changeling before him.

"Uh... are you okay?" Anon asked, gently.

"Y-yes, Prince A-Anon..." Thorax stammered.

"Thorax? That wasn't very convincing. Why are you so scared of Dusk and Echo?" Anon questioned, his voice taking the tone of a concerned parent.

"The... the twin thestrals..." Thorax mumbled, clearly shrinking away from Anon's line of questioning.

Anon raised an eyebrow as he looked at Dusk and Echo once more, "I'm... pretty sure they aren't twins... Dusk, aren't you like, eight years older than Echo or something?"

"Six." Echo corrected.

Anon nodded before turning to Thorax, "I mean, the night guard armor enchantments make them look similar, sure, but they aren't twins. Wait, where did this 'twin thestrals' name even come from?" He questioned.

"They... they-" Thorax began, only for Chrysalis to step in behind Anon.

"They killed fifty seven changelings during the invasion." She announced, redirecting Anon's attention to her.

"Oh... well... shit." Anon muttered, a grimace forming on his face.

Dusk and Echo shared an uncomfortable glance as their past deeds were brought up in such a negative manner. A blanket of awkward tension enveloped the group for a few moments before Javelin suddenly spoke up.

"What's done is done. It's in the past now. Dusk and Echo aren't going to hurt any changelings unless they're attacked first." He stated.

Anon quickly nodded, "Yeah, what's done is done. We were at war but now we're not. They aren't gonna hurt you." He offered, looking to Thorax.

The trembling changeling looked up to his queen for assurance, and albeit with a moment of hesitation, she nodded, prompting him to slowly make his way over to the pair of thestrals. Without a word, Dusk and Echo turned and escorted the clearly terrified changeling down the hall and out of sight.

With the air now somewhat clear of tension, Anon let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding, and turned to Chrysalis. She wore a look of deep thought on her face, but it was clear through her clenched jaw that she was upset.

"Hey, uh... I know you probably hate Dusk and Echo... but they're good ponies. We were all just on different sides back then." Anon offered.

Chrysalis sighed, "You're right, Prince Anon... It's just going to take some time to get used to seeing them without..." She grit her teeth.

Anon placed his hand on her wither, "I know it'll take time... but this whole thing has been about forgiveness, hasn't it?"

Chrysalis looked down to the point of contact between them for several seconds, "I suppose you're right... Prince Anon."

Chapter 11: Canterlot Nobility

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The Next Day

Anon groaned as he sat in his day court throne, the sun shining brightly in through the open windows. Beside him, Twilight observed the gathering of ponies with much the same look of unease that Anon wore. They briefly shared a look before looking down at the literal hundreds of ponies in court.

There were a few faces Anon could recognize, namely a few of the nobles he disliked, but also some of the more common class of pony, leading a deep frown to adorn his brow. He idly considered if they were all here for the same reason until Raven stepped up to his side, her magic holding her clipboard and quill as usual as she wore a professional look on her face. She glanced down to her papers, before looking up to Anon and nodding.

"They're all here for the same reason." She announced, seemingly reading Anon's mind.

Anon rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes and let out a short sigh of resignation, "Let me guess. Changlings?"

Raven nodded once more, "That does seem to be the only reason listed." She acknowledged.

"Well... maybe there's a chance that they're not all upset about it?" Twilight offered.

"TS, get real. They're pissed. They're pissed and we're about to be their punching bags." Anon rolled his eyes.

Twilight growled, "Will you stop calling me that?"

"Only when you grow up." Anon shot back.

Twilight fixed him with a scowl, "What is your problem today? Even for you, this attitude is a bit much."

Anon sagged in his seat, "I'm just tired... only got like, two hours of sleep." He admitted.

Twilight's scowl only deepened, "So did I! You think you're the only one that didn't get much sleep last night? If you're this grumpy, then why didn't you just sit this court session out? Princess Celestia even offered to handle day court today." She rebutted.

Anon slowly turned to the small purple alicorn, a deadpan look in hi eyes the entire time, "Because she's my wife. My very pregnant, and very overworked wife, you socially inept purple dork. Besides, I could ask you the same question."

"Hey, I'm not socially inept!" Twilight bristled.

"Well you sure as hell coulda fooled me." Anon scoffed.

Twilight's wings flared out ever so slightly, "You're not the brightest ray of sunshine, yourself." She rebutted.

"Remind me, when do you go back to Ponyville again?" Anon asked.

"Monday next week. Wh-" Twilight began.

"Not soon enough." Anon cut her off.

Twilight scrunched up her muzzle, her ears splaying back against her head as she glared at Anon. After several tense seconds, she huffed and turned away from him, her mane obscuring her face from his view. For a few moments, silence reigned over them, giving Anon time to relax back into his throne, only for Raven to come into his peripheral vision. The disappointed frown on her face and shake of her head conveyed her disapproval clearly, making Anon roll his eyes.

Anon glanced back over to Twilight, finding that while she was now looking straight ahead at the crowd, there was a sullen look in her eyes, and a noticeable sag in her withers. Her ears were still pinned back against her skull, making Anon frown. He gazed at the clearly upset alicorn for almost a minute before letting out a long groan that turned into an explosive sigh.

"Look, Twilight... I'm sorry. That was mean of me. I've just got a lot on my mind right now and after last night... dealing with a bunch of ponies screaming at us about stuff they don't understand just doesn't seem very fun to me right now... Still, I shouldn't have taken that out on you. Again, I'm sorry." Anon admitted, a defeated tone in his voice.

Twilight's ear perked up at his voice, and she slowly looked over to him, finding that for once, he wasn't being sarcastic or joking with her. A grateful look quickly appeared on her face, and she seemed to visibly perk up at the apology.

"I... thank you, Anon." She gave a small smile.

Anon returned the gesture with a half-smile of his own, "Don't mention it."

Twilight nodded, "If you don't mind my asking... what has got you so worked up? We accounted for every single changeling last night and there were no real hiccups aside from a few misunderstandings that we quickly rectified." She questioned.

Anon reclined in his throne until he was looking straight up at the ceiling, "Like I said, two hours of sleep is honestly worse than no sleep at all... mostly because I only actually slept for about thirty minutes of it. Chrysalis kinda dropped a bombshell on me and I've been mulling it over ever since." He explained.

"What kind of bombshell?" Twilight asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Well, apparently Dusk and Echo killed almost sixty changelings during the invasion and they're all terrified of those two now... and Chrysalis probably hates them with a burning passion. So, that makes the fact that I've asked them all out to go drinking with me this weekend kinda... awkward." Anon elaborated.

Twilight frowned, "Seriously? You're worried about how it might affect your drinking?"

Anon rolled his eyes, "Not the drinking, you dork. The vibe is gonna be tense as hell if Chrysalis wants to murder Dusk and Echo the whole time. I don't think she'd actually try anything, but I don't want it to be tense and awkward the whole time. It's supposed to be fun." He replied.

"Why don't you just uninvite Chrysalis then? It doesn't really even make sense for her to go with you in the first place. She's just going to draw a lot of negative attention anywhere she goes." Twilight suggested.

Anon quickly shook his head, "No. Chrysalis needs to come. Getting her out on the town and exposing her to ponies is basically half the reason I'm doing this. I want her to actually integrate, not just be an other, you know? Make sure she's actually becoming a part of Equestria instead of just a changeling in Equestria." He rebutted.

Twilight slowly nodded her head, "I... see. I'll be honest, I didn't really expect something that well thought out from you, Anon."

Anon flipped her off, a gesture that went right over the little alicorn's head.

"Regardless, day court is about to start," Anon stated, before turning to Raven, "Alright, I'm mentally prepared. Let's get this shitshow on the road."

Raven nodded and looked over to Captain Valorant, "Captain? We're ready to start." She announced.

Valorant gave a curt nod before turning to address the crowd, "Day court is now in session. The first petitioner may step forward," She announced, before looking to the list in her magical aura, "Lyrica Lilac, please step to the podium."

A light purple coated mare with a lemon-yellow mane and tail stepped forward. She wore a cream colored sash across her chest with a red rose embedded into the fabric, just below a pearl necklace around her neck. Three phoenix feathers jutted out from a ribbon tied to her mane and bounced with each step as she approached the podium. The closer she got, the more and more obvious it became to Anon that her mane was a wig, and he barely stifled a groan as she reached her destination.

Summoning every ounce of his admittedly light training, Anon put on a neutral face and looked down at the obvious noble, "Good morning, Lyrica. What seems to be the problem?" He greeted, his tone just managing to stay mild.

"The problem, your highness, is the changeling invasion you all brought straight to our doorstep!" Lyrica declared, thrusting an accusatory hoof at Anon.

Anon rolled his eyes while the crowd of nobles erupted into a cacophony of shouting.

"We want them gone!" A stallion snarled.

"You said you were only bringing small groups at a time! Not the entire hive!" A particularly fat stallion exclaimed.

"Canterlot is for ponies! Not bugs!" A mare added.

"How can you just feed us to them like this!? I saw that pink mist last night! I know what that means!" Another stallion demanded.

On and on the crowd went, demanding answers or action. Their voices echoed off the walls, making Anon's already bad mood deteriorate even further. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes as he waited for the crowd to quiet down. It quickly became apparent, however, that they had no intention of doing so, and with a resigned sigh, he looked over to Valorant, finding her already giving him an expectant look.

"Go ahead, do your thing." He acknowledged, his voice drowned out by the shouting.

Valorant easily read his lips, and didn't need to be told twice. She quickly cast several spells to enhance her voice and looked to the crowd, "NOW HEAR THIS! WE WILL NOT TOLERATE ANYMORE SHOUTING OR ROWDY BEHAVIOR IN THIS COURT!! YOU WILL ALL BE SILENT UNTIL IT IS YOUR TURN TO SPEAK, OR YOU WILL ALL BE REMOVED!!!" She shouted.

The dozens of ponies before the Captain all clasped their hooves over their ears and squeezed their eyes shut as her powerful voice deafened them. When her verbal onslaught finished, the hall was filled with deathly silence. Not even the rowdiest of the ponies present dared to utter a syllable of protest, lest the face the wrath of the unicorn guard once more.

"Thanks, Val." Anon gratefully announced, unplugging his ears.

"Happy to do it, sir." Valorant replied with a wink.

Twilight plucked her feathers from her ears and shook her head to clear the ringing sensation still present, "Um, next time could you warn me before you cast like... thirty voicebox spells? I would prefer to keep my hearing in the long term." She politely requested.

"Of course, Princess. My apologies." Valorant humbly bowed.

Twilight gave a grateful nod before turning to the pony that started the near riot, "Lyrica Lilac, while we both certainly understand your, and the rest of Canterlot's fears, we both believe them to be unfounded. We've gone to great lengths to ensure the motivations of the changelings and their queen were genuine and innocent. We've strived to do everything in our power to ensure that they cannot hurt anypony in any way, and as Princess Celestia already explained, they aren't feeding off of you. They're feeding off of the ambient love in the air in Canterlot. Absolutely nothing is being taken from you, I promise you that." She explained, noting the pensive look in Lyrica's violet eyes.

"But... surely you can't trust what they say! They're changelings, for Faust's sake! All they do is lie and steal! How can we possibly trust them not to abduct and replace ponies at will!?" Lyrica shot back, finding her strength and ire returning with each passing second.

Twilight opened her mouth to respond, but Anon beat her to the punch, "Firstly, every single changeling has a mana ring in place. Literally none of them can change or use magic. Secondly, if you'd seen how close they all are to starving to death, you wouldn't be so worried about them trying anything. And thirdly, we've used magic to force Chrysalis to tell us the truth about what she was planning to do here. She genuinely only wants to save her hive, and the best way to do that is to work with Equestria, not against it." He answered, firmly.

Lyrica pursed her lips and dipped her head in thought for a moment, apparently taking in Anon's rebuttal with serious consideration. She quickly shook her head and looked up to the man and alicorn, a frown on her muzzle.

"But what of the rest of her hive? Just because she was telling the truth, doesn't mean that her entire hive will share in that sentiment. For all you know, Chrysalis could have had her hive scheme and keep her in the dark just in case you did interrogate her. Did you interrogate every single one of them? We can't trust them! They have to go!" She bitterly asserted, turning her muzzle up.

Several murmurs of agreement swept through the crowd, making Anon groan, "Do you really think Chrysalis would surrender to us, not knowing what her hive's plan was just in case we somehow managed to know if she was lying?" He deadpanned.

That response took the wind out of Lyrica's sails quite quickly, and she once again dipped her head in thought. The rest of the ponies in the crowd shared similar reactions, their heads all indiscreetly dipping as they failed to think of an adequate response to Anon's counter.

"I know you all have reservations about the changelings. Hell, I still do too... but don't you think that everyone deserves a second chance? Have any of you even seen any of them up close before? Or were you too busy hiding in your private mansions?" Anon questioned, earning several indignant stares and aghast expressions.

"I-I... that's is not true! I've been out and about in Canterlot!" Lyrica defensively responded.

Anon facepalmed, "I didn't mean literally... Jesus. Look, all we're all asking for is that you give them a chance. So far, they've given us no reason not to trust them since Chrysalis surrendered. For all you know, you might actually grow to like them. Their foals are kinda adorable." He offered.

Lyrica made no effort to hide her disgust at the mere mention of the changeling grubs, which only made Anon frown harder at the noble, "Prince Anon... surely you can't honestly want us to mingle with the changelings? They'd abduct and replace us in a heartbeat!" She protested.

"It'd honestly be an improvement if they did." Anon muttered under his breath.

Twilight worriedly glanced over to Anon, then back to Lyrica, "Miss Lyrica, surely you don't mean to insinuate that mingling with other creatures is beneath you, do you?"

Lyrica turned her muzzle up once more, "Of course not, Princess... but I'm surprised by your position on this considering the fact that you were one of the ponies that had to save us all from the very creatures we're discussing right now." She replied.

Twilight scrunched her muzzle, "As we've already said, while the changelings were our enemies in the past, they've surrendered. They're no longer our enemies, and we've already ensured their motives are genuine and benevolent. Beyond that, we've gone out of our way to ensure the safety of Canterlot and its citizens just in case the changelings do try something. Having said that, what you're displaying to the court here today, is pure prejudice. It's understandable - natural, even... but we cannot condemn an entire race to death because of fear. We have to be better than our worst instincts." She responded.

Twilight's speech put an end to anything else Lyrica had to say. Her muzzle opened and closed a few times as she desperately tried to find a response, but alas, she came up empty, and with a resigned sigh, she turned and left the podium. Most of the Canterlot elite followed suite with similar reactions, leaving the room nearly completely empty within a matter of minutes.

As the ponies exited the doorway, Anon turned to Twilight with a look of surprise on his face, "Well shit, that was a pretty good speech." He complimented.

Twilight blushed, "Thanks, Anon. I'm glad it actually worked that time, hehe." She sheepishly chuckled.

"You know that didn't actually change any of their minds though, right?" Anon asked, raising an eyebrow.

Twilight shrugged, "Well, I'd like to hope that it did. You can't force ponies to get over their fears, but you can point them in the right direction and hope they make the right choice." She offered.

"Personally, I think at least some of them are considering their feelings on changelings at the moment. They might not change their minds overnight, but they might be headed in the right direction, thanks to you." Raven chimed in, nodding toward Twilight.

"Thank you, Raven. Here's hoping." Twilight smiled, before turning back to the court.

Unsurprisingly, nearly every pony was gone, save for exactly two. Both ponies were snow white unicorns, one mare and one stallion. The stallion wore a monocle on his left eye, just below his well combed cobalt mane and just above his well trimmed mustache. He wore a perfectly tailored suit that complimented his muscular physique and posture. Beside him, stood a surprisingly lithe and tall mare with a deep pink mane that bore two curly white streaks. Her deep purple eyes looked up to the throne with a clear look of trepidation. Twilight and Anon both squinted at the pair of unicorns standing before them for a moment, before recognition lit up in Anon's eyes.

"Fancy Pants! Yo! What up dude!?" Anon exclaimed, hopping out of his throne and quickly jogging over toward the stallion, much to everyone, especially Twilight's confusion.

"Ah, Anon, old chap. How are you this fine morning?" Fancy asked, happily trotting over to Anon to meet him half way.

"Living the dream, can't you tell?" Anon chuckled.

Anon and Fancy quickly met and exchanged a hoof bump before Anon looked past the stallion to the mare now closing in on him.

"Fleur de Lis, looking gorgeous as ever. How's business?" Anon smiled, giving a small nod.

"Why thank yew, Prince Anon. Business is, how do you say, 'booming'." Fleur replied, her Prench accent reverberating through the air like a birdsong on a gentle spring morning.

"That's good. Glad to hear it. What brings you two up here? Well, I mean it's like a thirty second walk for you, but you know what I mean." Anon asked.

Fancy sucked air in between his teeth, "I suppose you didn't read our names on the list then, did you, old chap?" He replied.

Anon shook his head before turning around and looking up to Raven, finding her scanning through her list.

"They're with everypony else, Anon." Raven announced, after a moment.

Anon frowned before looking back down to the two unicorns before him, "You guys aren't seriously with the rest of the nobles on this, are you?" He questioned, a sad undertone in his voice.

Fancy and Fleur shared a look before looking back to Anon, "Well, as much as I can't stand 'er, Lyrica makes a good point, mon ami. At least, that's 'ow we saw it until 'earing your logic this morning." Fleur responded, with a gentle nod.

Anon's eyes widened slightly before Fancy spoke up, "Indeed. We, unfortunately share in much the same concerns that Lyrica brought up. Having said that, the speech Princess Twilight gave has certainly given us some things to think about on the matter." He explained.

Twilight smiled as she walked down the throne steps to the group in front of her, "I'm so relieved to hear that, Fancy Pants. Does that mean you'll be willing to give the changelings a chance?" She optimistically asked.

Fancy pursed his lips, giving Fleur all the time she needed to speak up, "While, we 'av reason to trust yew and Prince Anon... we can't say the same for the changelings, Princess." She replied, with a slight bow of her head.

Anon and Twilight both sighed, "I figured you were gonna say something like that." Anon muttered.

"Well, that's also partly why we're still here." Fancy offered, making Anon raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, after hearing everything you and Princess Twilight have had to say on the matter, I do think that it's worth giving the changelings a chance. We still don't trust them, not by a long shot... but I also don't think you would save us from the changelings barely a year ago, just to serve us all up on a silver platter." Fancy replied with a smirk.

Anon instantly grinned, "Attaboy, Fancy!" He happily exclaimed, wrapping and arm around the stallion and pulling him into a one-armed hug.

Fleur giggled at the pair of males while Twilight fixed Anon and Fancy with a lopsided look of confusion, "Anon, since when did you get so chummy with Fancy Pants?" She questioned.

Anon glanced back to the small purple alicorn, "Well ever since Jav introduced me to him a couple months ago. Fancy was one of the only noble stallions that didn't try to jump us at the bar way back." He explained.

Twilight's look of confusion only increased, "Wait, how does Sergeant Javelin know Fancy Pants?" She asked.

"He's my cousin," Fancy answered, "Certainly not one to take up the family business, but the resemblance is still there." He chuckled.

Twilight's face morphed into one of recognition, "Ah, you know what, I do see the resemblance." She nodded.

"Yeah, Jav dragged me along to one of Fancy's parties before you showed up in Canterlot as a princess and we hit it off. Who'd of thought that this dude is into lifting and skydiving." Anon grinned.

"Don't forget buckball. I'm very proud of my college days. I could've gone pro." Fancy chuckled.

"Wow. Why didn't you?" Twilight replied.

"Family business, Princess. Stallions are expected to play their part, and I was no exception." Fancy answered.

Anon shook his head, "Not Jav though."

Fancy smirked, "That stallion always was a janefilly. His parents tried to get me to convince him to abandon his aspirations in the royal guard and trade stocks... of course, you can imagine how that conversation would have gone. Speaking of, where is he? I was sure he was on shift today..." He trailed off, looking back and forth at the many guards still standing at their posts in the throne room.

"Javelin has today off, Fancy. Anon gave him the day off since they were all up until six in the morning." Raven replied, scribbling some more notes down with her quill.

"Ah, Raven! That's completely understandable... I'm terribly sorry, I'd almost forgotten you were there. I've been meaning to congratulate you on the upcoming wedding. I understand you've been planning it all yourself?" Fancy responded, an excited look forming on his face once more.

Raven set down her quill and notepad, "Thank you, Fancy. It's been quite a hassle, but I have been putting it together myself. Javelin keeps offering to help but you know him. He's not really the type when it comes to planning parties. He honestly wanted gardenia's over sunflowers for the spread. Gardenia's! For a summer wedding!" She exclaimed, facehoofing.

Fancy laughed, "Ah, that's Javelin for you. Ask him to put a spear through a wreath at a hundred hooves and he can do it twice, but ask him what colors go with which and he's lost. I'm glad he has you to handle things then. I'm very excited for the big day."

Raven gratefully nodded, "Thank you, Fancy. As difficult as planning has been, I'd be lying if I said I won't be squealing like a schoolfilly on the day." She beamed.

Anon quickly leaned down to Fancy and whispered into his ear, "That's not the only reason she'll be squealing that day."

Fancy and Anon both snickered before bursting out into a chorus of laughter. All three mares around them immediately frowned at Anon's obviously crass joke before Raven rolled her eyes.

"One day... Just one day without his toilet humor. That's all I ask." She muttered.

As Anon and Fancy slowly calmed down, Fleur looked over to Raven, "Raven, I do recall you saying that you all 'ad been up all night 'an only went to bed at six... Might I ask why that is?" She questioned, just loud enough to be heard over Anon and Fancy.

Raven tilted her head to the side, "You mean you don't know? I thought everypony in Canterlot saw or heard by now."

Fleur shook her head, "We only 'eard that the changelings were coming and everypony at day court wanted to give their opinion. We only arrived just before Lyrica left." She replied.

Raven bit her lip as Twilight stepped over toward the supermodel, "The changelings were moved into Canterlot last night. They're already here." She explained.

Fleur's mouth formed a small "o" shape as she blinked the surprise out of her eyes. Even Fancy calmed down enough from his laughter to hear Twilight's response and fixed her with a shocked expression.

"They're... already here?" He asked.

Anon nodded, "They are. They've been really well behaved, all things considered." He acknowledged.

"Well I suppose that does explain the pink mist that stallion mentioned earlier." Fancy tsked.

"Listen, you trust us, right?" Anon asked, looking to both unicorn nobles.

Both Fancy and Fleur nodded, prompting a relieved smile to form on Anon's face, "Then trust us enough to not screw this up. I promise, we won't let the changelings do anything to hurt you guys."

Fancy and Fleur gave hesitant, almost unsure nods, "I... suppose you're right, old chap. We'll trust you on this."

"Thank you. You won't regret it." Twilight added, a relieved smile on her face as well.

Fancy nodded before turning to leave, "Right, well I suppose our fears were unfounded. I think we've taken quite enough of the fair prince and princess's time, don't you dear?" He asked, looking to Fleur.

"Oui, mon amour." She nodded, turning to leave as well.

Before the couple could take more than a step toward the exit, Anon gasped, "Wait! Fancy!" He exclaimed, startling everypony around him.

"Hmm?" Fancy questioned, turning around to the tall man.

"You doing anything this weekend?"

Chapter 12: Friday Night With The Bois

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Friday Evening

Anon happily adorned his shirt as Celestia lowered the sun to the edge of the horizon. He idly glanced over to see the moon rising in tune with the sun's descent, a testament to the magical prowess both of his wives still held, even this late into their pregnancies. He fiddled with the tie around his collar for a few moments as both alicorns walked in from the balcony, one noticeably more sleepy than the other.

"Well, I do believe we can call that a week." Celestia announced, her voice filled with exhaustion.

"Indeed, and what an eventful week it was." Luna added, much more pep in her step.

"Hey, at least it's Friday, right?" Anon chimed in, looking over his shoulder as he buttoned up his shirt.

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Honey, we have to work every day of the week, regardless. Weekends don't mean much to us aside from the lack of any courts for two days." She chuckled.

As the lunar alicorn walked up to Anon's side, she nuzzled his forearm, prompting him to provide the ear scritches she wanted. A dreamy sigh escaped her lips as she tilted her head to the side to give Anon's fingers more access.

"You know, you guys should just pawn your duties off to Cadence for the weekend... or maybe Twilight. You deserve some time off." Anon replied, now completely dressed. He turned and brought his free hand over to the other side of Luna's face, cupping both her cheeks as his thumbs rubbed just inside of her fuzzy ears.

Luna closed her eyes and melted into the treatment, a soft nicker leaving her mouth as Anon turned her into putty in his hands. Meanwhile, Celestia sluggishly made her way over to the bed, the bags under her eyes conveying just how exhausted she really was.

"Well, we are both taking some time off once the foals are born. Cadence has graciously stepped up for that time, but I won't thrust all of our work onto Twilight just because she would accept it. She needs time to grow into her alicorn powers." Celestia yawned.

"But that's kinda my point. You girls shouldn't have to be literally giving birth to take some time off. You deserve a bit of time to just relax." Anon countered.

"Methinks our husband wants us to join him for his weekend of 'guy time'." Luna chuckled.

Anon paused his scritching, an action that made Luna pout, "I mean... dope as that would be, I don't want you guys to get hounded by paparazzi and the like." He replied.

"And the paparazzi won't be following you?" Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow.

Anon shook his head, "Nah, they've already tried to smear my name a hundred times and at this point, I just don't give a shit anymore." He chuckled.

Luna and Celestia snorted, "Certainly not the sentiment you had when you first became out prince." Luna teased.

Anon rolled his eyes and playfully smooshed Luna's cheeks together, "That's because I was new to this, and you two. Now, after a year of getting to do things like this, I've gotten used to it." He quickly leaned in and smooched Luna's involuntarily puckered lips.

Upon pulling away, Anon found Luna's pouting face looking back at him, "You know I don't like you smooshing my face like that!" She indignantly exclaimed.

Anon snickered, "But you're just so cute!" He teased, making Luna blush.

Before Luna could respond, they both heard the sound of Celestia attempting to get onto the bed. However, she clearly struggled with her massive baby bump and already exhausted body. Anon hastily rushed over to her side and helped her roll over onto the mattress. With a grunt, Celestia found a comfortable position on her side, and let out a sigh of contentment at getting off of her hooves.

"You okay, hun?" Anon asked, gently cupping Celestia's cheek.

"I'm fine... just a long day, is all." Celestia replied, her voice already coming out a fraction of its usual strength.

Luna made her way over to her sister's side and gingerly laid her head down on Celestia's bump, "I imagine carrying the not-so-little one only made it that much more taxing on you." She offered.

Celestia chuckled, "It certainly didn't make it any easier, that's for certain."

Luna felt the vibrations of her sister's laughter reverberate through her belly and into her cheek, the feeling making her smile, only for a sudden kick to startle her and make her gasp in sync with her sister.

"Tia!" Luna cried.

"You felt it too!?" Celestia mirthfully exclaimed.

"I did! I felt the kick!" Luna grinned.

"You felt a kick!?" Anon excitedly chimed in, placing his hand on his wife's belly.

"I did. I think the foal kicked Luna right in the muzzle." Celestia giggled.

"Indeed. You have a warrior inside you, sister. The next Flash Magnus, for certain." Luna replied, giggling to herself.

Anon placed his other hand on his wife's belly and searched for a moment, finding no sign of warrior-like kicking from the foal for several seconds, making him frown.

"Oh, I see how it is. You're scared of dad, aren'tcha? Come on, gimme a good kick." Anon teased, gingerly poking Celestia's belly several times.

"Pffft, Nonny, stop! That tickles!" Celestia laughed, playfully swatting Anon's hands away with her wing.

"Alright, alright, fine," Anon held his hands up in mock-surrender, "Guess I'll just have to wait until next time..." He trailed off, "Unless I can tickle that kick outta you!" He suddenly exclaimed, lunging forward and tickling Celestia's belly and chest.

"Ahaha-An-on! Staahhhp! I-I'm gonna pee!" Celestia giggled as she desperately rolled side to side to avoid Anon's dexterous fingers.

"Nonny, you... you fiend!" Luna exclaimed, barely suppressing her own mirth behind her hoof.

"L-l-Lulu! SAAaaaavVE meeeeeEEEE!!!" Celestia cried, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she giggled and swatted Anon's hands away.

After a few more moments, Anon ceased his tickle attack and took to just rubbing his hand up and down Celestia's belly, much to her relief, "Alright, alright. I think you've had enough." He chuckled.

Celestia wiped the tear from her eye as she fixed Anon with a grateful smile, "Thank you, honey. Any more and I would have probably wet the bed." She chuckled.

Anon leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, a gesture that made her melt into the mattress. There was a rushed softness about the kiss, like a cool zephyr on a summer morning. The contact made them both release a pleased sigh through their nostrils as their lips reconnected again and again. She lazily hooked a foreleg around his neck and pulled him in just a smidge closer, the velveteen feeling of his lips against hers making the last of the stress vanish from her mind. Upon pulling away, Anon lightly pressed his forehead against hers, just under her horn.

"And that would have been the funniest shit ever." He smirked, prompting a snort of amusement from Celestia.

"Not if you're the one that has to clean it up, dear." She teased, sticking her tongue out.

"Hey, it's not like I haven't gotten your other fluids on me before." Anon shrugged.

Celestia rolled her eyes as she suppressed a snicker. Luna failed to hide her amusement and let out a loud snort.

"Very tactful, dear." Celestia shook her head in amusement.

Anon laughed as he pulled away fully, "And vice versa." He shrugged once more.

Luna and Celestia both rolled their eyes at Anon before a knock at the door caught all of their attention.

"Ah, I'll bet that's your date for tonight, sweetheart. Do be good, won't you?" Celestia teased, shooing Anon away with her hoof.

Anon chuckled, "Oh boy! I hope he brought flowers!" He announced in a high pitched voice.

"You two are too much." Luna giggled.

Anon quickly leaned down and kissed Celestia once more before darting over to Luna and pulling her into another brief kiss. Upon pulling away, he gave both his wives a parting wave and headed for the door. Upon opening said door, he looked down to find not one, not two, but three pony stallion standing before him.

"Jav, Echo, Dusk. Ya'll ready to go get white girl wasted?" Anon grinned.

Dusk and Echo shared a look, "I don't see how we could change coat colors or into girls just with a few drinks... but we are ready for a good time." Dusk chuckled.

Anon frowned, "It's a human saying. It just means 'are you guys ready to party'?" He deadpanned.

"Ready as Tartarus. I've been needing this for a while now." Javelin spoke up, nodding toward the hallway exit, "Let's get going before the bars fill up."

Anon nodded, "Just a couple quick pitstops and then we can go meet Fancy down at the 'Pillars'." He replied.

Javelin did a double take, "Wait, what? Fancy's coming?" He asked, astonished.

"Yeah, he came by Day Court the other day and I asked if he was free. He also wanted to get to know our extra guest firsthand-er.. hoof, I guess. Still getting used to saying that around you guys." Anon replied, placing his hands on his hips.

"Our extra guest, being..." Echo trailed off, motioning for Anon to finish his sentence.

"Chrysalis." Anon announced, making Dusk and Echo frown.

"Uh, you do know she hates us, right?" Dusk questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we killed a lot of her changelings. I'm not trying to get murdered while I'm drunk." Echo added.

"Guys, guys, calm down. Relax," Anon ordered, placatingly holding his hands out, "I've thought this through and I've even talked with her. It's gonna be fine. I'm not even getting that drunk specifically so I can keep an eye out on her."

"I didn't really plan to drink that much in the first place but now I definitely don't." Dusk muttered.

"Just bear with me here, guys. I promise that she won't ruin the night or whatever. We're trying to get her integrated into Equestria, and this was a perfect opportunity for her to work on her people skills... er, pony skills. Damn, I need to work on that." Anon shook his head.

Javelin let out a long sigh, "Welp, might as well get it over with then. Let's go get the bug queen." He said, turning tail and heading off down the hall.

The rest of the group quickly followed behind, and after just a few minutes, they found themselves standing outside a guest suite with nearly a dozen royal guards standing guard outside the door. Javelin, Echo, and Dusk parted to allow Anon through, and he was quickly intercepted by the apparent Sergeant in charge.

"Prince Anon!" The mare announced, giving a crisp salute.

The rest of the guards followed suite, prompting Anon to return the gesture, "Evening, Sergeant. I'm gonna be taking Chrysalis out on the town tonight." Anon replied.

"Of course, sir." The sergeant replied, turning around and knocking on Chrysalis's door.

A moment passed in silence, making Anon's nerves stand on edge, only for the sound of hoofsteps to register in his ears and the door to unlock. Chrysalis opened her door fully, her head held high to look straight at Anon. She didn't even acknowledge the shorter ponies around the tall man.

"Prince Anon." She greeted with a nod.

"Chrysalis," Anon returned the nod, "You ready to head out?" He asked.

Chrysalis let out a resigned sigh, "As much as I'll ever be. Let's just get this over with." She replied, stepping into the hall.

Anon smiled, "Oh, come on now! It ain't gonna be that bad. Who knows, you might have a lot of fun." He offered, encouragingly.

Chrysalis gave him a deadpan stare, as did all of the stallions and guards on duty, prompting him to flip everyone off.

"Alright ya'll can take your judgement and just fuck off with all that. We're all gonna get drunk as fuck, and we're all gonna have fun, dammit." He declared.

"That's the spirit." Javelin smirked, patting Anon's thigh.

"Changelings can't get drunk off of alcohol. Love, yes, alcohol, no." Chrysalis flatly replied.

Anon turned for the stairway, "We'll sort that out once we get there. For now, let's go! Ya'll are making me actually need a drink and we haven't even reached the bar yet."

With that, Anon strode forward, prompting everypony to follow behind, including Chrysalis. Although they didn't plan on it at all, the three stallions quickly found themselves surrounding Chrysalis on all sides. While Anon led from the front, Dusk and Echo found their places at the changeling Queen's side, allowing Javelin to follow behind her.

An undeniable air of tension blanketed the group as they made their way down the stairs and out of the castle. Echo, Dusk, and Javelin gave each other subtle glances every few seconds in silent communication while Chrysalis simply kept her eyes locked to Anon's back. However, it was clear to all of the guards that she was tense, and her wings irritably flicked under her elytra.

"Oh booze gods of the universe, please help me unfuck this situation, I beg of you." Anon muttered to himself, just quiet enough for nopony to hear him.







As Anon approached the front door of their first destination for the night: The Silo. The exterior of the bar maintained an aesthetic that could only be compared to a grain silo. It stood at nearly six stories tall, and took the entire street block. Its silvery-metallic structure reflected the neon lights of the district. Greens, blues, pinks, and every color in-between reflected and refracted off of the building, making it appear almost sci-fi in appearance.

Due to the early hour of their arrival, there were no ponies standing in line outside, something Anon was immensely grateful for. They'd managed to avoid the majority of Canterlot rush hour traffic by leaving early, but the closer they got to the first bar of the night, the more ponies started to notice the group, or rather, the lone changeling in the group.

The bouncer mare standing out front instantly recognized Anon and his entourage and hastily stepped aside, holding the door open for them.

"Go right in, Prince Anon." The mare gratefully announced with a slight bow of her head.

Anon gratefully nodded before stepping in, Dusk and Echo quickly following in behind him. However, with the batponies no longer obstructing her view, the bouncer quickly noticed the tall, unmistakable form of queen Chrysalis, walking up to her. She froze, her jaw agape and a fearful expression on her muzzle as she stared at the queen.

The instant recognition, along with the sudden spike in fear drew Chrysalis's gaze down to the mare in front of her. They locked in a silent staredown, one filled with utter terror at the sight she was seeing, and one with minor annoyance at the look she was receiving. The staredown lasted long enough for Javelin to look past Chrysalis at the bouncer and frown.

"Uh, is there a problem?" Javelin asked, loud enough for Anon to hear.

"Uh, n-no, no problem. J-just... go right ahead." The bouncer replied, ushering Chrysalis inside.

"Thank you." Chrysalis muttered, her voice devoid of any genuine gratitude.

Javelin quickly followed the her inside and into the foyer of the bar where Anon, Dusk, and Echo were waiting.

"Everything alright?" Anon asked, looking at Chrysalis with a slight crease in his brow.

"No." Chrysalis replied, simply.

"Alright then, let's get this show on the road." Anon clapped his hands together and smiled.

With that, he turned around and headed into the bar proper. The layout of the structure was clearly suited to pegasi and thestrals specifically, as the entire building was hollow, aside for a singular spiral staircase leading all the way up to the ceiling with walkways extending out to every floor. The railings were sparse, and there were nets just a dozen feet above the bottom floor in case anypony fell, as each floor had no railings to speak of.

Warm orange lights bathed the bottom floor in light while the second floor was filled with a neon cyan light. Each progressive floor had a different theme and color. At the base of the staircase, a circular bar sat, surrounding on all sides by dancing ponies and other creatures. A few minotaurs, griffons, and zebras were sprinkled in among the four pony tribes filling the building, most of them dancing on the polished hardwood floors at the bottom.

Synth pop music played from the booming speakers beside the DJ's booth. Said DJ wore a black dress shirt with a white tie over his aquamarine coat, and a pair of dark shades over his eyes. His horn lit up in a green haze under his spiky black mane, and the track changed to a more progressive house beat, prompting stomps and cheers of approval from the crowd.

"Oh shit, Neon Lights is here!? Awesome!" Javelin excitedly exclaimed.

Anon nodded and crossed his arms, "I told you this weekend was gonna be awesome. Let's go hit up the bar!"

Dusk, Echo, and Javelin gave their affirmations and trotted over to the bar. Only Chrysalis stayed put, forcing Anon to turn on his heels and make his way over to her.

"Chrysalis, everything okay?" He asked.

"I told you, drinking alcohol does nothing for me. Why would I go and drink it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Anon shrugged, "Be-cause it's what the rest of us are doing and it'll be fun if you join in?" He offered.

"I've never understood other species' inclination to drink the stuff. It's literally poison. You're literally poisoning yourselves." She deadpanned.

"Hey, if rubbing alcohol is for outside boo boo, then drinking alcohol is for inside boo boo." Anon huffed.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "That's not a healthy coping mechanism." She rebutted.

Anon rolled his eyes, "Oh, who are you? The coping mechanism police? Just come on!" He ordered, although his tone was anything but serious.

Chrysalis gave a resigned sigh and followed behind as Anon turned and made his way over to the bar. Whether it was luck or all the alcohol already flowing through everyone else's veins, nopony seemed to even notice the changeling queen as she arrived at the bar, finding Echo, Dusk, and Javelin already sitting on the stools.

"Alright, so that's one strawberry daquiri, one watermelon vodka, and one red sangria. Anything else for you colts?" The bartender asked, batting her eyelashes at the trio as Anon and Chrysalis approached.

"I'd like a martini, shaken, not stirred," Anon announced, deepening his voice significantly, "Also I want to open up a tab for all of us."

The mare nodded, scribbling down his order, "Happy to have you, Prince Anon... now, for you-" She began, glancing up at Chrysalis and freezing.

Chrysalis met the mare in a staredown much the same as the bouncer outside and frowned, "Just give me sugar-water." She muttered.

"Uh, e-um... s-sure. C-coming right up." The mare stammered, very conspicuously backing away from Chrysalis.

"Don't forget the little umbrella on mine!" Echo called as the mare turned tail and hastily made her way to the complete other side of the bar.

Chrysalis observed her go, a noticeable crease on her brow as she sat on one of the barstools. For a moment, only the sound of the music and the dancing filled the air, and the group shared awkward glances as they struggled to find a way to break the tension that blanketed them all. Eventually, Anon coughed into his fist and cleared his throat.

"Alright, so you guys here about Sapphire Shoals new tour? Apparently she's gonna be doing a show here in Canterlot with Songbird Serenade." Anon offered, in his desperate bid to get conversation flowing.

Javelin nodded, "I heard that. Not really my type of music though. If she was doing some kind of collab with Fallout Colt, then you'd have my attention." He replied.

"Fallout Colt is for edgy fillies and mares that never got past their glory days of high school." Dusk snickered.

Javelin raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? And just what do you listen to, tough guy?" He smirked.

"Every stallion with a set on him listens to Corn." Dusk replied, confidently.

Javelin laughed out loud, "Corn!? You can't even understand what they're singing half the time. It's just gibberish."

"Maybe to an untrained ear, but to thestral ears? We can understand it perfectly." Echo chimed in, a smug aura of superiority in his voice.

"Oh, of course, of course. How could I forget. You thestrals are better than the rest of us at everything, huh?" Javelin deadpanned.

"Only the important things." Dusk and Echo hoofbumped.

"Like seeing during the day?" Javelin raised an eyebrow.

Anon laughed, "He's got you both, there. Ya'll are blind as shit during daytime."

Echo and Dusk immediately deflated, "It's not our fault that Celestia makes that ball of light so damn blinding. Besides, most life on the planet is nocturnal anyway. You're the one's that go against the natural order." Dusk huffed.

"And yet, we're the ones that rule the world." Anon grinned, holding his fist out for Javelin to bump.

"Imagine not being able to see during the day." Javelin snickered, bumping Anon's fist.

"It's not like you guys can see at night." Echo defensively replied.

"Well, we've got spells for that. Plus torches and such. Hay, Anon didn't you have technology that could help you see at night?" Javelin asked.

"Yeah, flashlights. Also night vision, but that shit's expensive as hell and you can really only see in shades of green or white." Anon replied.

Javelin nodded, satisfied with Anon's answer, "There you go. You can illuminate a dark space, but you can't darken somewhere under the sun." He grinned, triumphantly.

"You can if you put a cloud over it." Dusk suggested.

"How're you gonna get the cloud?" Anon questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Just close my eyes and fly up there. Gonna hit something fluffy eventually." Dusk replied.

"You're gonna fly up there blind? What if a pegasus just moves the cloud. Then you just end up flying all the way up into the stratosphere." Anon shook his head.

"Troposphere," Echo corrected, holding a hoof up in protest, "Only pegasi and alicorns can breach the stratosphere and even then, pegasi can only just barely do it."

"Aside from Rainbow Dash and a few members of the wonderbolts, yeah." Javelin nodded.

"Well they can go about half way into the stratosphere, but ninety nine percent of pegasi can maybe just barely touch the bottom of it. Also you gotta figure how much training they need to do to manage that. All your life spent just to fly really high for about five minutes before you pass out? Lame." Echo shrugged.

"Methinks somepony is jealous he can't fly that high." Javelin smugly grinned.

"At least we can fly." Dusk returned the smug grin.

"Eh, flying is overrated anyway. I'd rather keep my hooves on something solid. Less chance of falling to my death, that way." Javelin replied.

"Don't knock flying until you've tried it, bud," Anon spoke up, "Shit's awesome."

"Well not all of us have wives that can literally let us ride them into the sunset." Javelin playfully grinned.

Anon coughed, "I-I have no idea what you're talking about!" He replied, his cheeks heating up.

Dusk and Echo shared a look, "Wait... one of the princesses let you ride them?" Dusk questioned.

"No! Javelin is just being a shit, as usual. Where are those drinks?" Anon hastily replied, looking over his shoulder to find the bartender. However where he couldn't find hide nor tail of the bartender, he did see Chrysalis, her lips pursed as she stared at the bar in front of her, a bored look in her eyes.

Quickly picking up on her obvious lack of enjoyment, Anon loudly cleared his throat.

"Hey, Chryssi!" He called, giving Chrysalis a start, and redirecting the group's attention over to her.

She quickly looked over to him, giving view to the most peculiar sight Anon could ever recall seeing. The tiniest trace of a greenish blush covered her muzzle as she fixed him with a questioning look.

"What?" She asked, almost nervously.

"Come on! Join in the banter. Surely you've got shit to talk to these assholes." He teased, wrapping his arms around all three stallions in a wide hug, "Please for the love of God don't say anything about killing changelings, guys." He whispered, just loud enough for Dusk and Echo to hear him.

Chrysalis blinked owlishly at the group for a few moments, before dipping her head ever so slightly. She bit her lip and seemed to reconsider before quietly sighing to herself and looking up to the group once more, "Well... none of you can transform, for starters..."

Chapter 13: Out on the Town

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The bartender hesitantly returned to the group, the tray of drink shaking ever so slightly in her telekinetic grasp. Without a word, she deposited the drinks in front of each stallion, Anon, and Chrysalis, before booking it back over to the other side of the bar.

"Well maybe we can't change, but does changing give you any special skills or abilities other than just infiltration?" Javelin replied, the first to respond to the changeling Queen.

"How do you mean?" Chrysalis asked, looking down at the bar and picking up her sugar-water in her hooves.

"Oh sweet, martini time." Anon happily muttered to himself as he grabbed his glass.

"I mean, say you changed into me. Would you have my special talent? Like, could you shoot mana bolts as accurately as I can? Or would you just look like me and nothing else?" Javelin replied, picking up his drink as well.

"Aww, she forgot my little umbrella." Echo whimpered as he looked at his drink.

Chrysalis shook her head, "We can't copy special talents. I wouldn't be able to mimic your mana bolts exactly, although considering that I am a changeling Queen with significantly more power than you when I'm not bordering on starving... I could probably outshoot you either way." She replied, taking a sip of her water, "Hmm... I wonder if she spit in this?" She muttered.

"I think you'd be able to tell if she hocked a loogie in there." Anon replied, leaning over to look into Chrysalis's drink.

"Well you did kinda just prove my point though. Maybe not you, but any normal changeling would struggle to mimic anypony's special talent, so while you can transform into us, you won't have the skills or talents we have. I think this is still a win for ponykind." Javelin triumphantly smirked, holding his hoof up for Echo to bump.

Echo happily bumped Javelin's hoof, a gesture that made Chrysalis grit her teeth ever so subtlety. The briefest flash of anger appeared on her face, only to disappear and be replaced with a look of indifference within a matter of milliseconds. While the rest of the stallions of the group sipped their drinks, or were too busy hoofbumping to notice, Anon clearly saw the anger bubbling up in the changeling queen.

Oh shit, oh shit. What was I thinking? This is a terrible idea! This is just gonna piss her off! Anon mentally screamed.

"I suppose you bring up a fair point, Sergeant. That said, my kind have still infiltrated Equestria for generations." Chrysalis rebutted.

Echo and Dusk opened their mouths to reply, only for Anon to hastily, and almost frantically, speak up, "You bring up a great point, Chryssi! Changelings are great at infiltration for a reason. Very impressive stuff. I saw one of them turn into me way back and it was identical!" He asserted, an almost manic grin on his face.

"Cornicle. I recall him telling me about that encounter." Chrysalis nodded.

Anon did a double take, "Wait, you actually know the drone that did that?" He asked.

"I know all of my drones, Prince Anon. Cornicle also told me you knocked him unconscious with a frying pan." Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.

"Uh... well..." Anon awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, was that the same frying pan you threw at Chrysalis?" Javelin asked.

"Uh, hehe... y-yeah. Yeah it was." Anon sheepishly chuckled.

"It felt like getting hit by a cottonball, by the way." Chrysalis tittered, once more sipping at her drink.

Javelin, Dusk, and Echo snickered while Anon gave the changeling a deadpan look, "Well excuuuuuuse me. If I'd have known I'd be fighting a juiced up super changeling, I would have practiced my throw more." He smirked.

"At the end of the day, it still distracted you long enough, didn't it?" Javelin asked with a half-shrug.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "Yes, I suppose the goal was accomplished. I was distracted and Princess Lovey-Dovey was able to cast her spell with Captain Simping Armor." She tutted.

Anon snickered, before a giggle escaped his lips. He struggled, in vain, to control his laughter, until it eventually broke free and he was forced to support himself on the bar as he was wracked with laughter.

"Cap... Captain Simp... Simping Armor!!!" Anon wheezed, his stomach already beginning to hurt from his laughter.

Even Javelin, Echo, and Dusk were not immune to Anon's infectious laughter, and quickly found themselves laughing along with the man, much to Chrysalis's pleasant surprise.

"I'll be honest, I didn't think you would find that funny." Chrysalis stated, shaking her head in amusement.

"I think you- haha - I think you broke Anon." Javelin acknowledged through his laughter.

"He kinda is a simp for Princess Cadence, isn't he?" Dusk thought aloud, a grin on his face as Echo snickered next to him.

"To be fair, who wouldn't simp for Cadence?" Echo laughed.

"Me." Chrysalis answered, flatly.

Anon's laughter quickly turned to coughing, and he struggled to catch his breath as a coughing fit overtook him. Chrysalis patted him on the back a few times, helping him to recover. He gave a grateful thumbs up, to which Chrysalis only tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"What?" Anon replied.

"That thing you're doing with your thumb?" She clarified.

Anon looked down to his still extended thumb and pursed his lips, "Uh, well... it just means, 'I'm good', or something along those lines."

Chrysalis nodded, "Ah, I see. Minotaur's have similar hands to yours and in their culture, that's a gesture meant to offend." She replied, taking another sip from her drink.

Anon blinked in surprise, "Wait, really? I haven't heard anything like that... that explains the look that one gave me when I gave him a thumbs up for not running me over when I was crossing the street..." He muttered.

"I thought the thumb had to be pointing down?" Dusk questioned.

"No, it's pointed up. I spent the last three months in the minotaur kingdom. I know." Chrysalis replied, sharply.

Dusk backed away ever so slightly while Echo did the same. Noting the returning tension in the atmosphere, Anon looked down into his drink, "Alright, how's about we start getting properly drunk? Jav, Echo, you down?" He asked.

Javelin quickly leaned over to Anon, "I thought you weren't gonna get drunk tonight?" He whispered just loud enough for Anon to hear him.

"Oh, I know I did, but with how this is going so far, I think I might need to have a buzz to deal with the rest of this night." Anon replied, taking a swig of his drink.

Javelin shrugged, "Alright, well Dusk and those other night guards are gonna be sober, so it should be fine. Just try not to get too drunk. Chrysalis kinda needs you to be her handler, if you know what I mean." He offered, patting Anon's shoulder.

"I gotcha bud. No worries." Anon smiled, turning to Chrysalis, "So, Chryssi, out of curiosity, what was the weirdest thing you've ever transformed into?"

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "The weirdest thing?"

"Yeah. The weirdest thing. Like, most detached from what you are normally, or... just most different to a changeling, I guess." Anon shrugged.

Chrysalis rolled her tongue in her mouth as she thought over the question, "I suppose the strangest thing was a minotaur. Walking on only two legs and being so top heavy took some getting used to." She replied.

Anon immediately eyed her with interest, "Y-you were still female when you were a minotaur, right?" At Chrysalis's nod, he held his hands up in front of his chest, almost cupping his pecs, "So... you were so top heavy because you had huge bozongas, right?"

Javelin snickered while Dusk and Echo looked at him as if he'd grown a second head. Chrysalis simply raised an eyebrow in modest amusement, "I did have fairly large breasts as a minotaur, if that's what you're referring to, yes."

Anon slowly moved his hands a bit lower, "About how big? Just tell me when." He asked.

Chrysalis watched with growing amusement as Anon's hands drifted lower and lower, until they were just above his belly button, "Right about there." She casually replied.

Anon eyed where his hands were with wide eyed astonishment, "Holy fucking shit... You had like... K cup tits! Mother of God!" He exclaimed, prompting a snicker from the Changeling Queen while Dusk and Echo shared a look of confusion.

"He's got this weird thing with teats, I swear." Echo said.

"That big? How could you even walk around like that?" Dusk questioned, turning to Chrysalis.

"Like I said, it took some getting used to." Chrysalis replied, flatly, "Besides, minotaurs are much like Prince Anon here. The bigger the teats, the better."

Dusk and Echo shook their heads in confusion as they took swigs of their own drinks. Meanwhile, Javelin scooched his stool over to Anon, "So Celestia and Luna still don't have big enough teats for you, huh?" He teased, playfully elbowing Anon in the ribs.

Anon simply tussled Javelin's mane, "They're both perfect, thank you very much. Still, I can have fantasies. You don't live through the invention of the internet and porn for your entire adult life and then not fantasize about some of those honkin mommy milkers." He laughed.




Anon looked up to see Chrysalis, Dusk, and Echo all looking at him with mixed looks of confusion and concern.

"What?" Anon indignantly questioned, "Is a guy not allowed to like the things he suckled on as a baby!?" He demanded in mock outrage.

Echo and Dusk snickered and shook their heads before taking another swig of their drinks. Chrysalis, meanwhile, only furrowed her brow in confusion at Anon's outburst. Before she could say anything, however, a saffron red pegasus mare with long, braided blond hair walked up to Echo and tapped him on the shoulder. The stallion quickly turned to the new mare and gave her a disarming smile.

"Evening." He greeted.

"Evening. I saw you over here with your friends and was wondering if you'd like to dance? Maybe I could get you a drink or something?" She politely offered, a warm smile on her lips as well, although it was clear that the smile was forced.

Every second or so, the mare glanced over at Chrysalis and a brief flash of fear spread across her face, before she refocused on Echo and the pleasant smile returned. Sensing the obvious fears of the mare, Echo nodded, grabbed his drink with his leathery wing and downed the rest of it in a single gulp.

"I'd love to dance with a pretty mare like you." Echo suavely replied, giving her a playful grin and hopping off his stool.

"Just don't add to the population while you're gone." Dusk called after him, making Echo roll his eyes and wave a wing at the older stallion.

Dusk chuckled at the response before turning back to the group, "I swear, that stallion pulls mares easier than anypony I've ever seen. It's like I'm invisible." He laughed.

"Well you guys definitely have it easier here than I did back on my world. Us guys had to go over to the girls and ask them out." Anon replied.

Dusk and Chrysalis both raised their eyebrows at that, "Seriously?" Dusk questioned.

"I'm starting to think your world is just a backwards clone of Equestria at this rate." Chrysalis snorted.

"Weird, isn't it? Ponies are ass-backwards to me when it comes to dating. I've literally never been approached or pursued in my life until I popped up here, and even then, that was a... bit of a rollercoaster." Anon shrugged.

"Ass? What do donkeys have to do with it?" Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.

Anon and Javelin both snickered while Dusk rolled his eyes. Chrysalis looked back and forth between the group of males with a puzzled look on her face.

"That's for me to know, and you to only want to know until I eventually cave and tell you." Anon beamed.

Chrysalis gave him a deadpan look for a moment while Dusk leaned to the side and squinted slightly. After a few moments, he threw the rest of his drink back and slammed the glass on the bar, starling everyone around him.

"Welp, I've eyes on a cute mare on the third floor. If you stallions need me, that's where I'll be." Dusk announced, unfurling his wings and taking to the air.

"Have fun! Don't add to the population!" Javelin called after him, prompting Dusk to snort in amusement as he fluttered away.

"And then there were three." Anon cryptically announced, taking another swig of his drink.

Almost as if on cue, the DJ changed the song to a much more upbeat EDM tune, making Javelin's eyes widen.

"Make that two, Anon. This shit is my jam." He replied, drinking down his drink and slamming the glass on the bar, much like Dusk and Echo.

With that, Javelin hopped off his barstool and trotted over to the dance floor, where there was already a growing gathering of mares and stallions dancing to the booming beats of the speakers.

"Oh, alright! Have fun! Don't break a leg!" Anon called after the stallion.

With Javelin gone, and nobody else left to distract him or talk to, Anon quickly chugged down the rest of his drink and fixed Chrysalis with an overly friendly smile.

"So, are you having a good time?" Anon asked.

"Depends on your definition of a good time, I suppose." Chrysalis replied.

Anon pursed his lips, "Right... um, do you at least not hate it?" He offered.

Chrysalis sighed, "Well, the other three ponies here left at the first chance they had, eveypony else has been avoiding me like the plague, and you've been downing your drink as fast as possible in what I can only assume is a form of nervous breakdown because you're afraid you made a huge mistake by bringing me out here." She asserted, a hint of resignation in her tone.

Anon forced a laugh, "Damn! You're good!," He replied, before turning back to the bar, "Can I please get several more of these!? Also some Old Fashioned's." He called, pointing to his drink.

"Right away, your highness!" The bartender replied, hiding most of her body from Chrysalis's view.

"Thank you!" Anon turned back to Chrysalis, "Now, while that's a scarily accurate assessment, I do still think things are going relatively well, all things considered." He replied.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "And how exactly is that? Ponies are still terrified of me, your friends abandoned you with me, and you want to get intoxicated so you won't really have to deal with the situation." She muttered.

The bartender slid several martinis and a few smaller glasses of whiskey over to Anon, who gratefully accepted them in both hands, "That, is where you're finally wrong, Chryssi." Anon declared, sipping one of the drinks.

Chrysalis tilted her head to the side, "And how do you figure that?"

"Because, while I'm sure you can sense my emotions and the nerves just spiraling out of control on me-"

"I can, and they're extremely obvious." Chrysalis interjected.

"As I was saying," Anon continued, "I am not drinking to get drunk. I am drinking to get a buzz. Helps make those pesky nerves go away for a little bit." He explained.

Chrysalis's eyebrow raised even higher, "Really, now?"

Anon nodded, "Really, really. Now c'mon, stop being such a stick in the mud. Live a little!" He encouraged, holding out the extra glass of whiskey for her.

Chrysalis eyed the glass with a frown, "I already told you-" She began.

"Just try it! Come on, you might even like it." Anon offered, shaking the glass encouragingly.

"I've consumed alcohol many times before, Prince Anon. I know that you don't drink it for the taste, you drink it for the intoxication." She deadpanned.

"Aw, come on. What did you actually drink?" He questioned.

"Beer-" Chrysalis began.

"Well there's your problem! Beer tastes like piss! It's no wonder you've been thinking of booze that way for so long. Come on, try this stuff." Anon asserted.

"Beer was enough for me to know I don't like the taste of alcohol." Chrysalis replied, a bit more firmly.

"Yeah, but you haven't tried this stuff. This whiskey is really smooth. Come on, please?" He offered once more, giving his best attempt at puppy dog eyes.

"What... what are you doing right now?" Chrysalis asked, leaning away slightly.

Anon continued his attack, gently shaking the drink in an inviting manner and even going so far as to give her a pouty lip. Chrysalis stared him down for almost a full minute before finally sighing in defeat and taking the glass from Anon.

"Faust's sake." She muttered, before sipping at the drink.

"Yes!" Anon happily cheered as the bug horse tried her drink.

A smokey taste with a hint of hickory filled Chrysalis's palette, making her eyes briefly widen in surprise. The whiskey was smooth, as Anon explained, and the warm tingling sensation she felt as she swallowed the drink only made her want more. She took another sip, and then another, each drink making Anon smile wider and wider, until she put the glass down. Half the whiskey was gone.

"See? What did I tell ya!" Anon happily exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Chrysalis.

Chrysalis went rigid in Anon's arm, her cheeks instantly turning the faintest shade of green against her black coat, and she couldn't help but notice just how soft his skin felt against her wither. She felt a very un-queenlike bout of nervousness creep up her spine at Anon's sudden proximity, but centuries of practiced leadership allowed her to quickly stamp the feeling down and replace it with the cool confidence she was accustomed to.

"It was acceptable, I'll admit." She replied, daintily looking at her hoof as if it were infinitely more interesting than Anon.

"So... you want more?" Anon asked, taking another sip of his drink.

"Yes." Chrysalis replied, taking her glass in her hooves and sipping down more of the dark amber liquid.

A sort of silent drinking competition began between the duo, with Anon taking a sip from his martini, only for Chrysalis to mirror his actions just a few moments later. As the beats dropped and changed, and the ponies around them slowly warmed up to the sight of the changeling Queen drinking beside their prince, a welcome change in the air came to pass. The tension that surrounded Anon dissipated with each drink while Chrysalis found herself more and more amused at the way Anon slightly swayed back and forth.

"So, Chryssi... this stuff doesn't get you drunk-drunk, but does it do... anything for you?" Anon asked, after finishing his third glass.

"It does help fill my stomach, which helps me not feel so hungry... but aside from tasting good and maybe giving me a slight tingling sensation under my wings, alcohol doesn't do much." Chrysalis shrugged.

Anon nodded, "I get that. Didn't you say that you can get drunk on love though?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I'd have to consume quite a bit of love to become intoxicated, given that I am a changeling queen, but yes. That is possible." Chrysalis replied, downing the rest of her drink.

Taking that as a challenge, Anon quickly threw back the rest of his drink and knocked on the bar, "Another round, bartender pony!" He demanded, before an afterthought hit him, "Please."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow in concern as the bartender quickly brought over another couple of glasses and made the drinks right before them. She glanced over to Anon, finding him smiling happily to himself as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Um... far be it from me to question your alcohol tolerances, Prince Anon... but don't you think going drink for drink with a creature that literally cannot get drunk might just be a silly idea?" Chrysalis hesitantly questioned, looking down to the amber liquid quickly filling the glass in front of Anon.

What could only be described as a bellowing laugh emanated from Anon as he grabbed the glass closest to him and drank the entire glass down in a matter of seconds, "Oh, Chryssi. You make me laugh. Pony alcohol takes like, four times as long to get me drunk as the stuff back home. Hell, even this whiskey is only the equivalent of like, a stout beer back home. Plus, I've been drinking for a long time, I've got a pretty good tolerance to this stuff." He chuckled, motioning for the bartender to make him another drink.

Chrysalis raised both eyebrows, "Really now? Even with how you're swaying around like a drunk colt on prom night?"

Anon chuckled, "I always get a bit more loosey-goosey when I drink. I don't even have a buzz yet. If you wanted to see me drunk, then you should have seen me when Jav and I first started hanging out. I was a light-weight back then." He cheerily replied.

Chrysalis pursed her lips in thought for a few moments. Before she could think of a response, however, her stomach growled in a most un-queenlike fashion, making her eyes go wide and a very noticeable blush to cover her features.

Anon, having not heard the grumbling of her stomach over the music, clearly saw her blushing and tilted his head to the side, "Uh, you alright? You're kinda sorta... literally turning green right now. That's not because of the alcohol, is it?" He asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

Chrysalis fiercely shook her head and hid behind her mane, although since it was mostly transparent, Anon could still clearly see her blushing face, "Uh, it-it's nothing. It's just been a few days since I had any love and... well..." She trailed off, cursing her stomach as it growled again.

Now paying his full attention to Chrysalis, Anon clearly heard her stomach and pieced the pieces together, "Oh! Oh shit! It's been like, three days since I last fed you, hasn't it?" He exclaimed, a sense of concern washing over him.

"It's fine. I-I'm fine," Chrysalis replied, although her blush only intensified under Anon's concern for her well-being, "I'm not going to pass out yet if that's what you're worried about."

Anon shook his head, "I figured, but you shouldn't be starving anymore. Come on, let's get you fed." He offered, spreading his arms wide and motioning her closer with his hands.

Chrysalis hastily looked back and forth at the crowds of ponies dancing around and partying, no longer focused on her or Anon. She felt a strange sense of comfort in that fact, but she quickly shook her head as reason clawed its way to the forefront of her mind once more.

"Even if you're completely fine with me feeding off of you, the ponies around won't be. We'd have to go somewhere private." She replied.

Anon shook his head, "Sorry, Chryssi. No can do. My drinks are here and I don't intend to leave them until I get a good buzz going." He shrugged, taking another sip of his martini.

Chrysalis blinked owlishly at him, "I-you... but... you can't be serious? Ponies are terrified of me. I could smell it the second any of them looked at me. How would they react if they saw me feeding off of your love? They'd think I was trying to murder you." She rebutted.

"I can make an announcement to let them all know that you aren't trying to hurt me?" Anon offered.

"That... that wouldn't help and you know it." Chrysalis rolled her eyes.

"Okay then, I'll tell 'ya what. I was planning on switching to whiskey anyway. For each shot I drink of this, you drink a little love. That way, it isn't so noticeable. Also, this way you can kinda sorta get buzzed while I get buzzed. Also this way, I don't have to feel like I'm the only one drinking." Anon suggested.

Chrysalis opened her mouth to protest, but the growling of her stomach sharply cut her off, followed by an immensely strong hunger pang that almost made her keel over.

"You... you do know that a changeling being drunk off of love is a lot different than anycreature else being drunk on alcohol, right?" She managed to say as Anon helped her sit back upright.

"I'm sure we'll manage it," Anon replied, before holding out his fist, "So, whatda'ya say?"

Chrysalis stared at his fist for a long while, her lips pursed in consideration, only for yet another grumble in her stomach to force her hoof. She daintily bumped Anon's fist with the frog of her hoof and offered a weak smile.

"Just tell me if you start to get woozy, alright?"

Chapter 14: 20 Questions

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As Luna extinguished her magical hold of the moon, setting it in motion to reach its apex in just a few hours, the wisps of her azure magic faded away into the gentle night time breeze. She softly sighed to herself as she observed the beauty of the stars appearing before her, each one an old friend. Her wings ruffled slightly from the cool breeze, and without a word, she turned on her hooves and made her way back inside.

She walked into the throne room, finding several night guards standing at attention, awaiting her instructions. She walked up to her seat on her own throne, finding that each step up to the glorified chair was harder than the last. With a small huff, she took her seat, relieved to be off of her hooves even after just a few hours awake.

"I will be tending to the dream realm tonight, so there will be no night court, thankfully." Luna announced, receiving a chorus of relieved sighs from the guards before her.

Luna chuckled at the response, "Oh, it isn't that awful. Ponies need to know that they can air their grievances to the crown all hours of the day. Besides, my sister has to deal with the truly troublesome cases." She offered, receiving several chuckles and nods of agreement.

"Shall we patrol the streets then, your highness?" An especially dark furred mare inquired.

Luna nodded, "Yes. I will have no need of protection tonight. See to it that some of you make your way over to the middle district and supervise my husband for a while, will you? I'm sure everything is going alright but... Chrysalis being out in the city still concerns me a bit, even if Anon is sure that she won't cause a ruckus." She instructed.

Nearly a dozen guards saluted, "Yes, Ma'am!" They replied, in unison.

"Thank you. Now, the rest of you have your assignments, so see to them, please. I will be in the dream realm for the rest of the night, but you know how to contact me if something happens." Luna responded, her horn already igniting in a pale white light.

Another series of salutes and other affirmations rang through the gathered thestrals before they all went about their tasks, leaving Luna alone in the throne room as the intensity of her magic strengthened. The white light at the tip of her horn grew brighter and brighter until it completely enveloped her form. Her entire body shown in a white light, before disappearing with a *pop*, leaving nothing but an empty throne.

Now in the dreamscape, Luna blinked the stars from her eyes and shook her head to clear any dizziness that lingered after the spell.

"Note to self... entering the dream realm is growing increasingly taxing through this pregnancy... I might have to restrict my access to dire circumstances until the foal is born going forward... I suppose it's a good thing that nothing I fight in here actually affects my body in the waking world. Wouldn't be able to fight nightmares if it put you in danger little one." Luna muttered aloud, rubbing her still gravid barrel.

With a quick shake of her head, she turned on her hooves and made her way toward the spiraling ball of dreams on the platform before her. She calmly observed the swirling dreams with a raised eyebrow, finding no real nightmares just yet, but with each passing second, more and more dreams appeared before her. It didn't take long for the first nightmare of the night to appear before her, the red tint of the floating amorphous orb cluing her in instantly. With a flippant sigh, she ignited her horn yet again.

"And here I was, thinking it was going to be a slow night." She muttered, before her entire body dissolved into a brilliant white light that darted into the nightmare.

As Luna rematerialized on the other side, she blinked several times to clear her vision, finding that she was standing amidst rubble in what appeared to be a dimly lit locker room. She squinted her eyes to see better, her ears flicking back as the sounds of intense violence outside reached them.

"I wonder what this could be about..." She quietly mumbled to herself, walking toward the staircase at the far end of the room.

Just as she took her first step, however, the sound of buzzing wings reached her ears, and she quickly cast an illusion spell to make herself intangible to the dream, allowing the situation to play out before her before intervening. Just as she completed the spell, no less than thirty changelings buzzed into the room, all of them scurrying past her to chase what she could scarcely identify. Two dark blotches of fur darted through the room, clearly being chased by the swarm.

The changeling invasion? I thought I dealt with all these dreams... although I suppose with them living in Canterlot now, it is reasonable to assume that some ponies might be having nightmares about them once more... I suppose I should intervene. She thought to herself.

Dropping the illusion spell, Luna stepped forward into the middle of the room, her horn flashing a deep azure and sending out a pulse of energy that disrupted all of the changelings in the room. The dark figures that could only have been ponies continued on, unaffected by the blast of magical energy while all of the rest of the creatures in the room fell to the ground, most of them completely paralyzed.

"There we go. No need to fear, my little pony. The changelings won't hurt you, I promise." Luna announced, looking for at least one of the ponies in the room, although she couldn't seem to find them.

As she turned around and searched, she heard distinctive hoofsteps, making her ears flick back toward the pile of frozen changelings. She turned around to see what could only be described as a nightmarish aberration of a pony. Glowing red irises accompanied a sickly black coat and long, fearsome fangs that would put even Chrysalis to shame. Dark purple leathery wings accompanies the monstrosity, along with a pair of blood-soaked blades affixed to their hooves. However, what stood out to her more than anything else, was that the blood was green.

"P-Princess... Luna... Oh Faust, no... Please don't..." The timid, downright terrified voice of Thorax pleaded, from his supine position on the floor, just in front of the demon pony.

"Wait... what?" Luna did a double take, her mind struggling to process just what she was seeing.

"Please... no!" Thorax cried, as the nightmarish aberration thrust his hoof blade straight into his chest.

Luna was too stunned to react, and instantly, the dream collapsed into a swirling vortex of black. She unfurled her wings to try to gain some distance but it was futile, and the last thing she saw before being sucked into the vortex was a pair of glowing red eyes.

Luna was quickly spat back out into the dream realm and landed with a *thud*. She grunted as she landed on her back, her body skidding to a stop over a dozen feet from the spiraling ball of dreams. She quickly pushed herself to her hooves and glanced back at where the dream was just a moment ago, finding the shattered remnants of a destroyed dream before her.

"Dreams only shatter like that when the dreamer dies in the dream... so that means... that changeling... oh no..." Luna's eyes widened in horror.

Anon threw back his fifth whiskey of the night and puffed his chest out, allowing Chrysalis to mimic the action with her own glass, but instead syphon a small amount of love from him. From the way she instantly perked up, Anon could only assume she was feeling much better already.

"Alright, so let's go shot for shot, shoot the shit." Anon declared, resting his elbow on the table.

Chrysalis tilted her head to the side in confusion, "What the hay does that even mean?" She intoned, just the barest hint of mirth in her voice.

"It means, for every drink I drink, you have to answer a question of mine, and vice versa." Anon replied with a smile.

Chrysalis pursed her lips for a moment, before giving a firm nod, "Sounds entertaining. Let's do it."

With that, Anon grabbed another glass of whiskey, "Alright, so since we both just finished one, let's both ask a question. I'll go first. How old are you?"

Chrysalis dismissively waved her hoof and gave a faux posh accent, "Oh, Prince Anon! Don't you know it's in poor taste to ask a mare her age?" She replied, teasingly.

Anon snickered, "I only want to know because you still look so young! Honest!" He playfully replied.

"Oh fine, but only because you've been so accommodating thus far. I'm nine hundred and twenty nine years old." She answered.

Anon let out a low whistle, "Damn. Nine hundred and twenty nine? As far as immortal pony-shaped beings go, you're on the young side. I'd have thought you were at least as old as Luna."

Chrysalis chuckled, "Why thank you, Prince Anon. You're too kind. Now, for my question, I was wondering the same thing. How old are you?" She questioned, looking to him expectantly.

Anon nodded, "Aye, fair enough. I am at the ripe old age of twenty six." He proudly declared.

Chrysalis slowly nodded, "I... see. Is that... is that particularly old for a human?" She pressed.

"Oh extremely. It's a miracle I'm not dead yet. Most humans barely make it to twenty five." Anon dismissively replied.

A look of abject shock plastered itself on Chrysalis's face as her jaw dropped. She nearly dropped her glass as well. She held Anon's gaze for almost ten seconds before she realized that he was barely holding back his laughter, and the mirth radiating off of him clued her in. Her look of shock and concern instantly morphed into a deadpan scowl as Anon howled in laughter.

"Very funny... very funny." She muttered, her eyes avoiding the man at all costs.

"Ahaha! You do care about me! I knew it!" Anon boisterously exclaimed, wrapping an arm around her once more. As his fingers came to a rest on the smooth chitin of her wither, he could help but notice how warm and soft the typically cold and hard material felt to his touch.

The contact, strange as it felt when he first did it, was starting to feel welcome to the changeling Queen. As much as she hated to admit it, the feeling of Anon pressed against her, holding her close as the joy and mirth positively radiated off of him, made both of her hearts beat faster, and a small green blush adorn her muzzle. She quickly dipper her head to hide the blush, mentally cursing herself for letting such a simple gesture elicit such a reaction from her.

"Well excuse me for wanting the one creature that doesn't seem to loathe my species to stick around for a while." She indignantly huffed.

"What about Celestia? She cares about you guys. Hell, she's been at the head of getting you guys all immigrated over here." Anon replied.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "She's only doing it because she has a bleeding heart. She would do the same for any species. My actions made her distaste me... do you think I can't feel her emotions when she sees me? She wears her heart on her wither almost as much as you do." She explained.

Anon pursed her lips, "Well... you did attack Equestria... and plus there was all that stuff you said to her about feeding on my love for her and all that when you two fought..." He trailed off.

Chrysalis facehoofed, "Ugh... don't remind me... I am sorry for that, by the way. It is... as I explained before."

"I get it. Knowing and feeling your people dying just outside would piss me off too. Just know that Tia doesn't hate you guys... it's just a kinda-sorta fresh-ish wound. A-anyways, I think we got a bit off topic here. Let's keep going with this game. I need another drink." Anon announced, releasing his hold on the changeling Queen and grabbing his glass.

Anon once again downed his drink, giving Chrysalis all the time she needed to sneak another bit of love from him as she pretended to drink as well. The beat of the music dropped in tempo as the song came to a close, and with it, Anon slammed his glass on the table and let out a sigh. Content with her meal as well, Chrysalis halted her actions and simply sat in her chair, a look of satisfaction forming on her muzzle.

"It has been six months since I've had so much love. I can't begin to describe to you what it feels like to have that kind of hunger sated. Thank you." She gratefully acknowledged, dipping her head in thanks.

Anon shrugged, "Hey, no worries. Just let me know when you start to get a buzz. I think that'll be fun to see." He chuckled.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes before fixing him with a daring look, "Alright, so what's your next question?"

Anon rolled his tongue in his mouth, "If this is a bit too far or serious, then just let me know and I'll ask another one, but did you really abduct the kings of the Minotaur kingdom and Griffonia and feed off of them until they died way back?" He asked, as politely as he could.

Chrysalis hummed, "Well, while that's technically two questions, it's not a problem. Yes to both, but it is as I explained before. They lived the rest of their lives in utter bliss and ecstasy. Quite an improvement if I do say so, myself." She replied.

Anon tilted his head to the side, "What do you mean?"

"That's three questions, Prince Anon." Chrysalis tittered.

Anon rolled his eyes, "Oh come on! You can't just say something like that and not elaborate! I wanna know now!" He exclaimed.

Chrysalis chuckled, "Alright, alright. The griffon and minotaur kings led nations of squalor, at the time. King Greedo and King Bartholomew only attained their vices through conquest and slaughter. Truly a pity too. They wanted happiness but they couldn't find it in all of life's pleasures. It was as if death was the only thing they enjoyed. Death and conquest." She elaborated.

Aon slowly nodded his head, "I... see. Well knowing that, I'm kinda glad you did what you did then. Saved a lot of lives and stopped a couple of psycho's from killing all of Equestria." He replied.

Chrysalis snickered, "Oh, don't think they were the only ones. Celestia has quite a history of violence and bloodshed behind her. Granted, it's been centuries since she's fought anycreature, but back when I first met her? She had a body count in the thousands."

Anon held up his finger, "There's a sex joke I can make out of that but I am honestly terrified by that information. I mean... I kinda knew that, but to hear it from someone who was actually there, back in the day? That's wild. Celly does not like to talk about those days."

Chrysalis shrugged, "It's understandable. She's never had the stomach for war, much like yours truly. She lost her sister just a couple centuries prior, and the entire country depended on her to protect them." She replied, prompting a look of confusion from Anon.

"Uh... not to be rude, but you... don't have a stomach for war?" At Chrysalis's raised eyebrow, he pressed on, "I mean I just thought with the whole invasion thing... you know..." He timidly trailed off.

Chrysalis huffed, "I've told you many times, Prince Anon... it was a desperate attempt when my plans went haywire. My kind live off of love. War is the last place love is plentiful. We've lived for generations in the shadows, out of sight and out of mind. My mistake was bringing us into the light and not expecting the world to reject us at a glance." She dejectedly admitted, looking down into her drink.

The liquor looked as unappetizing to her as her own reflection, and she shook her head in disgust. It only took a moment for her to feel Anon's arm around her wither once more, holding her close.

"You're uh... you're not talking about the invasion, are you?" He asked, a sympathetic look on his face.

Chrysalis shook her head, "No, no I suppose I'm not. When I first made a deal with Celestia, all those centuries ago... her ponies were horrified. Much the same as they are now, I suppose." She sighed.

"Hey, I know things started poorly but... well things are gonna be better now. Your kind are gonna have a food source as long as they don't abuse it, and we'll slowly get ponies warmed up to all of you. Before you know it, changelings and ponies will be best buds. Promise." Anon encouragingly offered, a small smile on his face.

Chrysalis looked up to the tall man for a few moments, a fantastic poker face on her muzzle before she allowed a small smile of her own to form.

"Thank you. By the way, I think you asked about... five or six questions there. My turn." She grinned.

Anon chuckled as he released his hold on the mare, "Alright, that's fair. Shoot."

"Can you tell me about your homeworld? I've always been curious since I first learned of where you come from but until now, I've never had a chance to ask." Chrysalis questioned, the barest hint of a blush on her cheeks as she tapped her hooves together.

Anon smirked, "Oh, so you want to know all that. Well, we gotta head out to meet Fancy in about half an hour, but I can give you the cliff-notes version until then." He offered.

"Cliff... notes?" Chrysalis tilted her head to the side.

Anon chuckled, "All part of the story. So, where to begin..."






About Thirty Minutes Later

Anon and Chrysalis shared a laugh as they both swayed side to side just a bit more noticeably than before. Both wore small blushes on their face as the effects of the alcohol and love influenced them.

"So the first thing you did when you saw a pony was offer them a carrot?" Chrysalis chuckled.

Anon sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "Uh, yeah... after getting warped over here by Nightmare Moon and being completely trashed in the first place, I just thought she was a normal horse from back home. To say she was upset at me going "Come here little horsey and let me ride you"... well that'd be an understatement." He replied.

Chrysalis laughed out loud, "Oh that's just too rich. You're just too rich."

Anon shrugged, "Well pregaming before a costume party was probably not the best idea but I didn't exactly expect to find myself in pony land that night." He chuckled.

The two shared another laugh just as Echo, Dusk, and Javelin walked up to them. The two thestrals raised an eyebrow at how chummy the human and changeling were getting so quickly, but opted to say nothing. Javelin, however, had no such reservations.

"Well shit, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were looking to add to your herd, Anon." He smirked.

All the mirth instantly vanished from both Anon and Chrysalis's faces and their blushes only increases in intensity.

"What? Can't a guy just have a few drinks with someone without everyone thinking he want something more?" Anon rebutted, crossing his arms across his chest with a huff.

Javelin snickered, "With how much you've had to drink already, I'm surprised you can even hold a conversation anymore."

Anon looked over to the dozen empty glasses beside him and pursed his lips, "There... were a lot less glasses there a minute ago..." He trailed off.

"This place is starting to get boring. Let's head to the Pillars." Dusk suggested, nodding toward the exit.

Anon nodded and looked down to his wristwatch, "Oh yeah, we need to get over there now anyway. Fancy should be there any minute." He acknowledged, before turning to the bartender, "Can I close out my tab!?" He called.

"Sure thing, your highness!" The bartender replied from across the bar.

While she still approached with a measure of caution, she appeared infinitely less afraid of Chrysalis as the mare walked up to Anon. She rang his tab up and fixed him with a smile.

"Okay, that comes up to one hundred and twenty seven bits." She announced.

Anon nodded and fished his bit pouch out of his pocket. He quickly counted up his bits and deposited them on the bar-top, ensuring to leave a healthy tip. After giving the mare a moment to collect the bits and give the affirmative that they were all good to go, Anon turned back to his group.

"Alright gang, one bar down, several to go... unless we get too drunk before we get to the next one... Let's hit up the Pillars!" He cheered, sticking both arms up into the air.

"Hay yeah!" Javelin added, turning tail to lead the way.

"Let's get over there already. I need a real drink after dealing with that mare." Echo whined, shaking his head in disappointment.

Dusk chuckled, "So you managed to get a mare interested, but you couldn't secure the deal?"

Echo shook his head in disappointment, "Not this time. She was more interested in my fangs and wanted me to suck her blood. Said I left her 'blue-beaned for not having a little sip'." He sighed.

Dusk shook his head in sympathy, "Ah, another vicious stereotype to ruin the mood."

As the two trotted off after Javelin, Chrysalis hopped out of her stool and to her hooves. She only made it about two steps before almost losing her balance and falling over. She managed to fall against Anon's hip just as he started walking, making him look down to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh... you good?" He questioned.

Chrysalis quickly pushed herself upright and almost vigorously nodded, "I, um... yes. I am fine! Fine, I swear." She hastily replied, her blush exploding into a mirage of green all over her face as he ears pinned themselves against her scalp.

"I... am fine. Just... like I said, it's been months since I've had this much love." She bashfully admitted, shyly rubbing her foreleg with her hoof.

"Ah, so you're saying you're a bit of a lightweight, yourself then?" He smirked.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and lightly punched Anon's thigh with her hoof, "Very funny... I suppose I am a bit of a lightweight at the moment." She admitted.

Anon smiled and patted her back, which happened to be her elytra. The chitinous material reflexively flexed slightly and opened just a tad, revealing her transparent wings for just a moment. Chrysalis's eyes widened immensely, and the already fierce blush on her face intensified dramatically as she nearly jumped into the air from the touch.

Upon seeing her reaction, Anon immediately pulled his hand away, "Woah, you okay?" He asked, concern weeding its way into his voice.

Chrysalis hastily shook the blush away, her wings buzzing excitedly under her chitin, "My my, so forward... if you want to get under my elytra so bad, you can at least buy me dinner first." She quietly muttered, before walking away toward the exit.

Anon stood there, a dumbfounded look on his face as he watched her walk away, a distinctive sway in her hips and her tail swishing from side to side ever so slightly. It took him a moment to put the pieces together, but when he did, a fiery blush formed on his face as well.

"Wait, that wasn't a sexual kind of thing, was it? Chrysalis? Hey, wait up!" Anon called after her, before booking it after the mare and out into the street.

Chapter 15: The Pillars

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The group made their way through the night life of Canterlot's middle district, finding bright neon lights all around them, and ponies nearly crowding the streets as they all made their way in or out of all the various establishments blasting music loud enough to deafen half the patrons. Dusk and Echo in particular, found their ears pressing against their skulls, even from their position on the sidewalk.

A few of the ponies they passed recognized Chrysalis in a heartbeat, and while some galloped away, screaming in fear, others simply stared with slack jawed expressions of disbelief. If their looks or fearful retreating affected the queen in any way, she did not show it, as she was far too busy trying to keep one hoof in front of the other.

Come on, Chrysalis... you're not a grub on your first meal of love... get it together, you look like a drunken foal right now. She practically screamed in her head.

Anon noticed how she swayed slightly from side to side, and tilted his head slightly in concern, "Hey, uh... you alright? Not too drunk or anything, are you?" He asked, just quietly enough for only her to hear him.

Chrysalis instantly stiffened, but continued to walk beside him, "I... am fine. It's just starting to hit me, is all." She mumbled.

Anon nodded in sympathy, "Well, when we get to the Pillars, we'll get you a spot to just sit down and calm down a bit, sound good?" He offered.

Chrysalis absentmindedly nodded, her focus returning to the simple task of walking in a straight line. Anon gave a small snort of amusement before looking back ahead, but finding that Javelin was glancing back at him, a raised eyebrow on his face.

"What?" Anon mouthed.

"She good?" Javelin mouthed back.

Anon glanced back to Chrysalis, finding her staring at the pavement as she took each measured step, then looked back up to Javelin once more, "Meh. She just needs to sit down when we get there." He mouthed.

Dusk and Echo both perked up their ears at the nearly completely silent conversation happening behind them, even through the loud music and chit chat happening all around them. They said nothing, but a single glance and nod from Dusk confirmed to Anon that they heard the entire conversation.

After just a few more minutes of traversing their way through the crowds of drunken ponies, they found themselves standing at the end of the road before a structure that could only be described as eccentric. Marble floors covered the castle-like entrance leading up to the stone walls that stood at nearly fifty feet tall. On all four corners, stood massive pillars jutting up into the sky, almost doubling the building's height. On each pillar, stood one of the hero's of Equestria.

Marble statues of Mage Meadowbrook, Somnambula, Flash Magnus, Mistmane, and Rockhoof stood proudly atop the four corners of the building, with a larger, more detailed marble statue of Starswirl the Bearded standing at the apex of the largest, thickest pillar jutting out from the center of the building. Lines of arcane energy connected all four smaller pillars to the tip of the staff held on Starswirl's hoof, each one colored to match their respective Pillar. A fountain of magical energy pulsed from the tip of the staff, where all the lines connected, sending out wave after wave of rainbow magical energy that cascaded down and around the building.

All members of the party stopped in their tracks and let out low whistles, save for Chrysalis who simply swayed back and forth ever so slightly. After a moment of maintaining her balance, she looked up to the building and rolled her eyes on the spot.

"Even still, ponies idolize that prick." Chrysalis rolled her eyes.

"What do you have against Starswirl?" Javelin queried, noting where Chrysalis was looking.

"All he ever did was unload Equestria's problems on other nations or dimensions. He never solved anything and all of his magical accomplishments were due to the work of thousands of unicorns before him and yet he gets all the credit. Just look at his statue. A monument to his ego is what that is." Chrysalis replied, sounding just a bit more lively.

Javelin pursed his lips, "Well, I'm not a big history major, but how do you know all that? Even you weren't around before the pillars all disappeared." He reasoned.

"I know this might be hard to believe, but I did have a mother once upon a time. She told me all about him." Chrysalis replied, sarcastically.

"You know, I never actually considered the fact that you had a mom way back," Anon spoke up, "What was she like?"

Before Chrysalis could open her mouth to respond, a familiar voice called out to the group from just across the street, "Javelin! Anon! There you are, good chaps!" Fancy called.

All eyes darted across the street to find the bulky stallion trotting over to meet them. Contrary to his usual attire, he wasn't wearing a suit or his typical monocle. As he approached, it became immediately apparent that there were more muscles on him than anyone else in the group, even Anon. From his barrel chest to his lumbering back, and his bulging withers, the stallion was the very definition of shredded.

Javelin quickly turned back to Anon, "I'm gonna start hitting the gym with you again."

Anon sagely nodded, "We must not let this injustice stand. How dare he be bigger than us."

As Fancy trotted over toward the group, the briefest flash of hesitation flashed through his eyes as he looked at Chrysalis. As quick as it appeared, however, it was gone and Fancy made his way onto their side of the sidewalk.

"Ah, Queen Chrysalis. I was told you would be joining us. Good evening to you. I'm not sure if you've heard of me but I'm Fancy Pants." Fancy politely greeted, giving the smallest of bows to the changeling queen.

Chrysalis subtly glanced back to Anon, finding him giving her an encouraging smile. With a brief moment of hesitation, she returned the gesture with a small nod of her head, "Thank you, Fancy Pants. Good evening to you as well."

Fancy smiled, looking up to Anon, "Well now that introductions are out of the way, what say we go get shitfaced?" He suggested.

Anon pumped his fist in the air, "That is why I fucking love you, Fancy! Let's get fucked up boys!" He proudly exclaimed, before looking down to Chrysalis, "...and girl, I suppose."

While Chrysalis rolled her eyes, the rest of the group quickly turned and made way for the front door of the establishment.

Javelin suppressed a playful groan, "Ugh, he's got you saying human words now too?" He teased.

Fancy chuckled, "Actually, the first time I heard it was from you, Javy." He replied, booping his cousin on the snout.

Javelin playfully batted Fancy's hoof away," Yeah, well I got it from him and now it's stuck in my vocabulary. It'll happen to you too if you stick around him too long." He laughed.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Anon held a hand to his chest in mock offense.

"It's only bad if you expect anypony to know what you're actually trying to say." Echo offered.

"You guys know what I'm trying to say, don't you?" Anon replied, looking back and forth among the group as they reached the entrace.

"Honestly, I've been lost quite a few times already." Chrysalis answered.

Anon let out a huff as they reached the multiple bouncers standing guard at the entrance. A line of nearly two hundred ponies stretched down the opposite street, all the way to the nearest intersection and beyond. While the ponies in line most certainly noticed the apparent cutting-in-line that the group was doing, none of them dared utter a word as their eyes fell on the changeling queen and their human prince.

"We have a reservation." Fancy announced to the bouncers, nodding back toward Anon, as if daring them to challenge him.

"You stallions and... uh, Queen... go right ahead." The bouncer awkwardly replied, struggling not to abandon her post at the sight of Chrsyalis.

"Hay yeah! I've been waiting for this for months." Javelin enthusiastically announced.

Fancy, Dusk, Echo, Anon, and Chrysalis followed behind the stallion as he trotted his way past security and into the massive foyer of the establishment. Upon entering the building proper, the group was met with an open-grounds design that mimicked the castle courtyard. However, unlike the courtyard of the Canterlot castle, this courtyard was absolutely filled the brim with ponies dancing, partying, drinking, and other, lewder acts.

Anon let out a whistle as he surveyed the open top design of the courtyard, allowing batponies, pegasai, griffons, and any other winged creatures to fly in and out as they pleased. The walls were open, and filled with different levels that were packed with ponies sitting at the various bars and seating areas, giving the entire establishment a coliseum feeing. The center pillar in the middle of the yard was hollowed out and filled with a DJ booth that allowed a three hundred and sixty degree view of the ponies surrounding it. Every inch of that circumference was filled with different instruments and electronic music equipment.

Speakers lined the other four corners of walls, blasting music and filling the air with the beats and bass from the song the DJ was currently playing. However, in the foyer, Anon could just barely see a transparent wall of magical energy cascading down from the ceiling, making the entrance relatively quiet and tranquil in comparison.

"Well then, what are you all feeling tonight? Personally, I'd recommend the Flash Magnus section for the whole lot of you. The drinks are more fiery and enchanted to give you energy. It's where almost all of the off duty guards go when I come here." Fancy addressed the group, nodding toward said corner of the building.

"I think we'll take you up on that offer. I need to drink something that will give me enough courage to get out on the dancefloor and make a damn fool out of myself again." Anon replied, turning and walking toward the aforementioned section.

"Again?" Chrysalis questioned.

"Oh, don't be so harsh on yourself, old chap. From what Javy tells me, you were positively on fire that night." Fancy chuckled, trotting along Anon's side.

"For real, dude! You've got the moves, we just need to get you the motivation to get out there."

"I do recall watching that and it wasn't half bad." Dusk agreed.

"Not half bad? Dusk, that was the best dancing I've ever seen! I've been waiting ages to see him go at it again! Anon, let's get you bucked up!" Echo cheered, full of excitement.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at the exchange, but opted to simply follow the group as they made their way toward the bar of choice. They followed the staircase leading to the second floor and hooked a right turn, leading them straight to the designated corner of the building. The entire walk, ponies openly scowled or scattered at just the sight of her, making the changeling queen huff in annoyance.

Fortunately, the walk was quick, and soon enough, the group found themselves sitting at a booth overlooking the courtyard below, and the thousand or so ponies dancing and partying in it. The waiter quickly approached their table, holding a notepad in his magical grasp.

"What can I get all of y-you..." He trailed off, upon looking up to see Chrysalis.

Faust's sake, another one? Usually I can wrap these stallions around my hoof... not being able to change sucks... Chrysalis thought to herself.

"Oh lose the look of shock, will you. Just bring me a sugar-water." Chrysalis rolled her eyes with a flippant huff.

"R-right, of course... and for the rest of you? Prince Anon?" The waiter hastily jotted down her order and looked over to the rest of the group with a noticeable look of relief.

"Bring us all lava flows," Fancy interjected, before turning to Anon, "I've been meaning to get you to try this. Trust me, you'll all love these." He assured the group.

Anon nodded with a shrug, "Well, lava flows it is for us, I guess."

The waiter bowed his head, "Of course, thank you."

With that, he scurried off to the bar, no small sense of urgency in his hooves as he put as much distance between himself and Chrysalis as possible. Anon curiously raised an eyebrow at the waiter, before glancing back down to Chrysalis as she sat beside him, her forelegs crossed in the most adorable pout he could ever recall seeing a changeling doing.

"Uh, you good, Chryssi?" Anon asked, quietly.

Buck, why is that nickname starting to turn me on... Chrysalis thought to herself

"I am fine. I see I just have a long way to go before ponies aren't terrified of me." She sighed.

A wave of sympathy washed over the group, surprising the changeling quite considerably. Most surprising of all was the sympathy she could feel emanating from the pair of thestrals sat opposite from her. Before she could read too much into it, Fancy spoke up.

"It will take some time, but Canterlot will warm up to you eventually. I was... hesitant about meeting you face to face, but you've been remarkably pleasant so far." He offered.

Chrysalis gave a grateful nod, "I'm not quite so terrible once you get to know me." She tutted.

"Well, in the meantime, is it possible for you to transform into a normal pony?" Javelin suggested.

"That would require the removal of this," Chrysalis pointed up to the mana nullification ring on her horn, "And that isn't going to happen unless Prince Anon allows it." She explained.

Before Anon could respond, the waiter returned with their drinks. He sat them down before each of them, although his magic was shaky and nervous as he sat down Chrysalis's drink. Without a word he gave quick bow and darted away from the table, quickly taking refuge over by the bar.

As they all took their drinks and took swigs or large gulps of the volcanic orange drink, Anon stared at his for a few moments, his brow creased in deep thought. He watched the white gelatinous material inside the glass as it slowly undulated up and down in the liquid, almost like a lava lamp. Beside him, Javelin happily sipped down half his drink, letting out a long sigh of satisfaction as he set the glass back down on the table.

"Shit, Fancy, you were right. This stuff is amazing!" Javelin exclaimed.

"I could go for a few more of these." Dusk added.

"I wouldn't drink too many, everypony. The alcohol content is rather high and these drinks sneak up on you after just two or three." Fancy warned.

As the group raved over the exotic drink, Anon found his gaze pulled to the changeling to his other side, and how she idly sipped her sugar-water with a slightly bored look on her face. He rolled his tongue in his mouth for a few moments before leaning over to Chrysalis.

"Honest question, do you want to change into a unicorn for a bit so that ponies won't be super scared of you?" He asked, just loud enough for her to hear him.

Chrysalis looked at him as if he was speaking another language, "What? Are... are you serious?" She asked.

Anon nodded, "I wanted to get you kinda introduced to Canterlot, and we've done that. I don't want you to have to spend the rest of the night being gawked at and having ponies run away from you at first glance. So... if I trust you, and take off that ring for a second, will you promise me that you'll only transform into a unicorn, let me put it right back on, and then enjoy the rest of the night with us?" He offered, fixing her with a surprisingly serious look.

Chrysalis's jaw flapped uselessly for a few moments, before she finally found words, "I... I swear that I will only change into a pony and then you can put the ring right back." She replied.

Anon nodded, turning to Javelin, "Jav, with me. We gotta go take care of something," He said, before turning to the rest of the group, "We'll be right back guys. Gotta go handle something real quick."

Anon knew from just a glance that both Echo and Dusk heard his conversation with Chrysalis, but both opted to trust his judgement as the man, changeling, and unicorn squeezed out from the booth.

"Don't take too long now, old chap! I've been dying to see your moves out there." Fancy called after Anon.

"Don't worry, Fancy. This'll just take a sec!" Anon called back.

The group quickly made their way to the male restroom, Anon hurriedly ushering Chrysalis inside when he thought the least amount of ponies were looking.

"Anon, buddy, what're we doing in here?" Javelin asked, a worried frown forming on his muzzle as he followed behind.

"Just a sec..." Anon replied, glancing through all the stalls and ensuring no stallions were present, "Alright, it's clear for now. That gives us like, ten seconds."

"Ten seconds for what?" Javelin asked.

"Gonna let Chryssi transform into a pony for the rest of the night." Anon replied, reaching up to Chrysalis's horn.

Javelin facehoofed, "Buck's sake... you know I wasn't actually suggesting that for tonight, right? I was being rhetorical... ugh, fine. I'll go watch if anypony's coming." He replied, a resigned tone in his voice.

As Javelin strolled over to the door, opening it just a crack to watch for any ponies that might walk in, Anon grabbed the ring. After a few seconds of holding it, the ring clicked, and Anon pried it open before removing it from Chrysalis's crooked horn. A few arcs of arcane energy surged up to the horn in question, creating small flashes of green light and making Anon nervously gulp.

Hope this wasn't a stupid mistake... He thought to himself.

Chrysalis's yes fluttered shut as she felt her magic once more. A relieved sigh escaped her before she opened her eyes and fixed Anon with a predatory smile.

"Why so nervous all of a sudden, Prince Anon? Don't you trust me?" She teased.

Anon bit his lip, "I'm taking an enormous leap of faith right now." He answered.

Chrysalis chuckled, before green fire engulfed her entire body making Anon jump. When the fire disappeared, Chrysalis was no longer a changeling, but instead a much shorter snow white unicorn, with a flowing turquoise mane and bright eyes. Her cutie mark was a pink heart, wrapped in green thorns. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement.

"Wow. Forgot how dramatic that was" Anon said, blinking owlishly at the transformed mare.

Chrysalis smiled, "Oh, it's not that dramatic, is it?" She asked, playfully.

Anon shook his head as he approached with the ring once more, "Hell, Chryssi, the first time I saw that, I thought the changeling doing it was exploding. Either way, I just like the fact that now you can cut loose with us a bit." He said, gently clasping the ring back over her horn.

Chrysalis allowed the action without resistance, even going as far as to stand up straighter to help him set the ring in place. Once it clicked back into position, she felt access to her magic cut out nearly completely, and she let out a sigh of dejection at the loss of her power. Just as quickly, however, she felt Anon pat her wither.

"Now, how's about we continue that game of shot for shot? Last I checked, you still need to tell me about your mother a bit." Anon smiled.

Chrysalis couldn't help the blush that formed on her cheeks even if she tried, "Very well then, Prince-" She began.

"Anon. Please, just call me Anon. You've earned at least that much from me." Anon smiled.

Chrysalis felt herself reflexively returning the smile with one of her own, "Alright, Anon. Thank you."

They walked over to the exit where Javelin was waiting. Anon lightly tapped the stallion on the wither to get his attention, before nodding toward the door.

"All good?" Javelin asked, looking over at Chrysalis's new form.

"All good." Anon replied.

"Alright, Dusk and Echo for sure heard but Fancy is probably gonna be a little shocked." Javelin chuckled as he opened the door fully and led the way outside.

"I'm sure he'll be fine with it." Anon replied, following behind.

Unfortunately, the trio walked out just as a group of stallions were approaching, nearly all of them staring, aghast at the sight of Anon and Javelin leaving the stallion's restroom with a mare in tow. Nearly all of them gasped and covered their mouths with their hooves.

Anon held up a hand, "Now, listen, I know what this looks like-" He started, before the entire group bolted away.

"Oh my Faust! That mare just seduced Prince Anon and his guard!" One stallion exclaimed.

"They were totally bucking in the bathroom!" Another cried out.

"This is the juiciest gossip I've seen all year!" The last one happily cheered.

Anon let out a sigh as the stallions galloped off to gossip about what they'd seen.

"Well, it's not the worst rumor that's been spread about you." Javelin offered with a shrug.

Anon sighed, "No, not the worst. That one still goes to the mares that thought I had three penises." He replied with a chuckle.

"Imagine..." Javelin trailed off.

With that, the group made their way back to their table without incident. Javelin hopped into the booth first, followed by Anon, and finally Chrysalis. While Dusk and Echo simply regarded her with a nod of acknowledgement, Fancy stared at her with wide eyes until he spotted the inhibiter ring on her horn.

"Q-Queen Chrysalis?" Fancy questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm glad you recognized me, Fancy," Chrysalis nodded, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I-I'm just surprised... I didn't think you were going to be transforming while we were out tonight." Fancy replied.

"Well the goal of having her come out with us was to just get Canterlot used to seeing her out and about. We kinda already did that at the Silo, and there are a lot more ponies here than there were there. Baby steps, right? Besides, this way we all get to see Chrysalis's dance moves too." Anon smirked.

Chrysalis immediately turned on him, "Are you asking me to dance, Anon?" She asked, curiously.

"It's the rules, Chryssi. If you drink with us, you dance with us. Now come on, let's have some of those drinks to celebrate the fact that we all managed to actually get this weekend off to party." Anon announced, not seeing the excited look in Chrysalis's eyes.

Hnnnng... buck me, daddy...

"Here here." Dusk and Echo replied, raising their glasses.

"I'll drink to that." Javelin added, raising his glass as well.

"It's been ages since I've had a few drinks 'with the boys', as you would put it, Anon old chap." Fancy smiled, holding his glass up.

Anon looked down to Chrysalis, a supremely smug look on his face as he also held his glass up, "Well? What say you, my little changeling Queen?" He teased.

Despite herself, Chrysalis could not stop the instant blush that positively engulfed her entire face, ears, and chest. A deep, primal feeling welled in her hearts, shooting endorphins flooding through her brain and making her knees weak. She dryly swallowed and nervously grabbed her glass of sugar water as well, before holding it up alongside Anon's.

Buck's sake... when did I get this easily turned on? I want him inside me so bucking bad right now... She thought to herself, her pride only just barely overriding her shame.

With a determined look quickly forming on her muzzle, Chrysalis clinked her glass against Anon's, "I'll warn you, I'm a very good dancer... but you're still gonna need to get me really, truly love drunk to get me out on the dance floor with you." She announced.

Anon's grin only turned even more predatory, "Well lucky for you, I've got love to spare. Let's get this party really started."

With that, the group clinked their glasses together, a resounding cheer echoing from them before they downed their drinks, and flagged down the bartender for more.

Chapter 16: Dance Off

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Several Hours Later

Anon, Javelin, Fancy, and Echo all swayed back and forth, the taste of alcohol on their tongues and the feeling of drunkenness clouding their minds. Alongside them, Chrysalis swayed similarly, a noticeable blush on her face as she repeatedly leaned on Anon for support. Just as Anon finished another story from his home world, the group broke into boisterous laughter.

The ponies seated around them spared the group a glance, curious as to what was quite so funny, but they all disregarded them with a shrug, for nothing looked out of the ordinary. The only creature that seemed to even be alert to the presence of a changeling queen anymore was Dusk, as he sipped only his third lava flow.

"You know, I'm honestly surprised. I'd have expected you to take a lot longer to get this drunk off of his love." Dusk acknowledged, nodding to Anon as he addressed Chrysalis.

"Mmhh? Oh, well... as I said, it's been... been a long time since I've had this much love... in one night." Chrysalis replied, slurring her words quite noticeably.

"Chryssi's drunk on my... on my love, hehe." Anon giggled, playfully elbowing Javelin in the ribs.

"C-careful Anon... you've already got two wives... do you really think you can handle a third?" Javelin snickered while Chrysalis only nuzzled her cheek against Anon's chest.

"Three's not... that bad, though... is it?" Echo chimed in, tilting his head so far to the side that he nearly fell over.

Fancy shook his head, an effort that made his entire body sway further side to side than it already was, "The last herd I was in had four... no wait... give me a moment, I know this... six! Six mares... so yes, three isn't too bad." He declared with finality, obvious pride in his voice at his ability to finish his sentence.

Javelin chuckled, "Weren't you only in that herd... for the money?" He asked, a lopsided grin on his face.

Fancy shook his head, "No, they were." He replied, before bursting out into laughter once more.

The group quickly joined in his mirth, gleeful laughter bellowing from their booth as they all doubled over. Chrysalis simply leaned her entire weight against Anon, while the arm he'd had around her wither for nearly half an hour only held her tighter.

The waiter returned with yet another round of lava flows for the entire group, all his fear and hesitancy long gone as by his reckoning, the changeling queen was simply gone. While the arrival of the snow white unicorn with a ring on her horn was certainly shocking, there were a number of explanations for how she could have gotten there. All he knew was, he was well on his way to the best tip of his life, if the merriment of the group was any indication, and he wasn't about to ruin that by interrogating the possibly-changeling.

With another rounds of drinks to fill their bellies, and a haze of intoxication already consuming them all, Javelin looked over Anon's chest to see Chrysalis, "Hey, Chrysalis, I got a question for you, since you two have been goin' shot for shit... er... shot... yeah, that."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "If you want... if you want to ask a question, then you know the rules." She replied, a predatory smile forming on her muzzle.

Javelin nodded, "I do." He answered, before slamming back his drink in just three seconds flat.

Anon's eyes widened, "Damn bro... you didn't need to chug all of it." He laughed.

"Come on! I wanna see what it feels like!" Javelin exclaimed, gesturing for Chrysalis to come closer.

Chrysalis glanced up to Anon quickly, finding him simply shrugging in response. He leaned back against the booth, allowing her to partially climb over his lap and get close enough to Javelin. Once she was within a foot, she leaned her muzzle down to his chest and syphoned his love for just a few seconds. Once she was satisfied, she leaned back and laid against Anon once more, her blush intensifying slightly.

"Woah... dude, you're right, that feels so buckin' weird." Javelin announced, looking to Anon as he rubbed his chest.

"Right?" Anon replied, a half smirk on his face.

"What does it feel like?" Fancy questioned, a look of both horror and intrigue on his face.

"It doesn't hurt at all, but... but you definitely feel like something is getting sucked out of you-" Javelin began to explain.

"Mmmhhh I'll suck something out of you, alright..." Chrysalis purred, nuzzling her cheek against Anon's chest and squeezing him tighter with her foreleg.

While Anon found a hot blush instantly exploding all over his face from the raunchy comment, the rest of the group simply laughed.

"Buck, so that's what she meant when she said getting love-drunk is... is different than... than drunk drunk... what was I saying again?" Javelin questioned, pursing his lips as he leaned on Anon's other shoulder for support.

"You were explaining what it felt like for her to suck your love out." Dusk explained.

Javelin nodded, "Oh! Yeah... yeah... well, It's hard to explain... especially after nine of these." Javelin replied, squinting as he looked at his empty glasses.

"Mmmhhmmm... so, what is your question? Mind you, I have... I have one of my own." Chrysalis announced, rubbing her cheek against Anon's chest as she looked at Javelin.

Dusk raised an eyebrow at just how close the changeling queen was getting to his prince, but opted to say nothing as Javelin asked his question.

"What's the... kinkiest thing you've done? For any reason... and as any species." Javelin asked, a smug look on his face as Chryalis's blush somehow turned even more red. The snow white fur on her cheeks simply could not conceal the tomato red color adorning her features, even despite her best efforts to hide it.

"Aren't we just asking all the right questions tonight... W-well... if I had to pick the kinkiest... I'd say that was when I impersonated a stallion in the royal guard... he had a gig on the side that involved... ropes. Lots of ropes." Chrysalis began, her tone dropping to an almost sensual purr.

All the stallions of the group subconsciously leaned forward, their ears perked forward in intense interest.

"More than a few mares came through but one... one particularly special mare came in... or should I say two special mares came in... twins... they wanted to be bound together, gagged, and bucked until they both passed out... well, as the strapping young stallion I was pretending to be, I bucked them both for half an hour until they did just that." Chrysalis replied a proud smile on her face.

"A whole half hour!?" Echo exclaimed.

"My word!" Fancy gasped.

"That's pretty kinky, not gonna lie." Javelin chuckled.

"Only half an hour?" Anon tilted his head to the side, prompting all eyes to dart up to him in disbelief.

"What do you mean only?" Chrysalis indignantly replied, looking up to him from her position against his chest.

"I concur." Fancy pressed.

"Half an hour is an eternity!" Echo added.

As Anon held his hands up in the most placating manner he could, Javelin simply chuckled at his misfortune.

"W-well, I dunno... uh, I mean, sure it's a long time but I figured you would've gone longer." Anon apologetically shrugged.

"Wha? How long do you buck for?" Chrysalis questioned, curiously.

Anon rubbed the back of his neck as he felt all eyes baring into him, "Uh, I think I shouldn't answer that."

"I'll give the question I owe Chrysalis to Anon." Javelin offered.

Anon instantly turned on the stallion, glaring at him with a look that could melt steel. However, before he could utter a single word of protest, the entire booth erupted in a chorus of agreement.

"Yeah! I wanna know now!" Echo demanded.

"You can't say something like that and then not extrapolate on it, old chap!" Fancy cried.

"You can't say half an hour isn't long and then not say what is. Tell us." Dusk added, crossing his hooves.

Feeling trapped by his own mouth, Anon let out a resigned sigh as Chrysalis prodded him in the chest.

"Alright then, there you go. How long do you usually buck for?" Chrysalis demanded.

Anon was silent for a few moments, before speaking up, "Alright, alright. I'm not gonna say anything about Celly and Lulu since they're my wives, but I will tell you this... I've gone for two hours once." He explained, sending a ripple of gasps and shock through the booth.

"TWO HOURS STRAIGHT!?" The entire table exclaimed, making Anon wince.

"No! Not two hours straight. It lasted two hours but there were about seven or eight rounds in th-" Anon began to explain.

"SEVEN OR EIGHT ROUNDS!?!?!" The entire table, as well as several other patrons who'd overheard the conversation, shouted in disbelief.

"No bucking way!" Dusk's jaw dropped.

"You're lying! You have to be!" Echo added.

"Even I didn't expect that. What... the buck? You're a monster." Javelin shook his head in disbelief.

"Our... poor, poor princesses..." Fancy stared at the table, his eyes wide in shock.

Chrysalis subtly licked her lips, "I knew you were something else but wow... that's... even to me, that's astounding." She said, rubbing her hoof up and down Anon's chest, "I'd like to experience that sometime..." She whispered, her voice just barely above a lusty moan.

"Sorry, what was that last part?" Anon asked, looking down at the disguised changeling.

"On, nothing, nothing..." Chrysalis cooed, squeezing Anon once more.

Anon felt a blush creeping up his face once more as Chrysalis nuzzled and squeezed him close. He looked up to the rest of the group, finding that almost all of them were too far gone into their drinks to even realize or appreciate what was happening right in front of them. All of them, except Dusk.

"Um, do you want me to peel her off of you?" Dusk asked, noticing Anon's expression.

"Noooooooooooooo," Chrysalis whined, "He smells so good."

Anon hesitantly shook his head, "N-no, it's alright. We were gonna head out in a second anyway, right guys?" He asked.

"Hay yeah!" Echo cheered, barely managing to keep from falling over in the booth.

"Time to show us those moves, old chap." Fancy grinned.

"Less go!" Javelin whooped.

"Alright, come on, Chryssi. Time to show off my dance moves." Anon said, gently prying Chrysalis's forelegs from his chest and back.

Chrysalis let out a very un-queenlike whine at being denied her proximity to Anon, but complied after a moment. With that obstacle hurdled, Anon, Javelin, Dusk, Echo, and Fancy all stepped out of the booth and made their way over to the stairs leading down to the open field just outside. The journey was long and arduous, as the entire group struggled to maintain their balance, save for Dusk. However, soon enough, they pressed through the intangible wall of magic and into the coliseum, and their ears were instantly assaulted by blaring trance music and cheers of excitement from the partying ponies around them.

"Now it's a party!" Echo grinned, unfurling his wings and taking off into the already congested sky.

"Don't fly drunk! You're gonna kill yourself!" Dusk called, before letting out a sigh and flying after the younger thestral.

"Should we go after them?" Fancy inquired, looking back to Anon, Javelin, and Chrysalis.

"Nah, they should be fine... Less buckin' dance!" Javelin drunkenly exclaimed, thrusting a hoof into the air.

Anon let out a chuckle as he followed the stallion into the crowds of ponies, Fancy and Chrysalis coming up right behind them. The booming rhythms blared through the air, sending powerful shockwaves of sound through the coliseum while the ponies around them danced their hearts out. The increasing cadence of the current song made all of their hearts beat faster, and each of them felt their blood pumping in different ways.

Javelin wasted no time getting into his own rhythm, his head bopping and weaving to the beat while he moved his hooves forward, back, and side to side. His eyes closed and a pleasant smile wormed its way onto his face as he cut loose and danced to the music.

Beside him, Fancy quickly followed suite, nodding his head with the beat and swaying his hips side to side. Dozens of mares flocked around him, all well aware of who the stallion was and just how much he was worth. Anon quickly lost sight of him amidst the crowd of ponies.

With Javelin in his own little world, and Fancy all but buried in mares and even a few stallions, Anon found himself alone with Chrysalis again, even if they were technically surrounded by ponies. Anon opened his mouth to shout to the disguised changeling, but as soon as he looked down to see her, he found that she was already dancing, her hips swaying, her head bopping with the beat, and a brilliant beaming smile on her face as she danced.

"You dance pretty well!" He called, shaking his head in amusement.

"You'll find... that I'm full or surprises, stud." Chrysalis tittered, bobbing her head to the beat.

Anon couldn't help the warm smile that adorned his features even if he tried, and without a word, he joined in with the dancing. He swung his arms, nodded his head, and even threw in a moonwalk for good measure. Several ponies noticed him and gasped at his moves, pointing and calling to their friends as they witnessed their prince dancing among them, without a care in the world.

Soon there was a noticeable crowd surrounding the human prince and the disguised changeling queen. Ponies from all walks of life cheered and chanted for the human prince, along with the snow-white mare that danced alongside him. Both were blissfully ignorant of the growing attention focused on them, and simply lost themselves in the music. Sweeping melodies and rich harmonics filled the air, and in their deeply inebriated state, it was all they could focus on.

Eventually, as the time passed and the crowd grew and grew, Javelin managed to dance his way through the ponies and get close enough to Anon once more, "Hey dude! Looks like you're drawing a crowd again!" He shouted, breaking Anon from his stupor.

Anon quickly glanced around, finding that there were over a hundred ponies now surrounding him, cheering for him and almost drowning out the music. He paused in his dancing, only taking a moment to survey the crowd before Chrysalis bumped into his thigh.

"Mhmm, oh hello, handsome... wanna dance?" Chrysalis drunkenly questioned, blinking up at Anon with the most seductive look she could.

Anon leaned down, "What!?" He called.

Before Chrysalis could answer, the music changed once more, this time to a more techo-folk beat. Anon instantly recognized the song and immediately stood up to his full height, his gaze snapping to Javelin.

"Jav!" He cried.

"It's Rasponeton!" Javelin exclaimed,

As the music picked up in pitch, Anon joined into the harmony, clapping his hands with the beat and bending his knees. He waved his arms back and forth, dipping and raising them before kicking his legs out, dropping down and popping back up just as the beat picked up. He shimmied side to side and flayed his arms with the music.

As the song reached it's chorus, he jumped and dipped and moved his arms, making the ponies around him cheer and sing along with the chorus. Hooves clapped and stomped around him while he did the wave across his arms, spun on his feet, and dropped into a crouched position before popping out into a starburst.

As the song progressed to the next verse, Anon was nearly stunned still, as he watched Chrysalis rear back on her hind legs and mimic his dance moves. She swayed her hips, threw up her forelegs, and even went as far as moonwalking. The movements, previously seemingly impossible for an equine body, were nearly effortless, as she crossed her hooves over her chest and fixed Anon with a admittedly drunken grin.

Javelin's jaw dropped, "Holy buck."

Anon was so shocked, that it took the next chorus for him to snap out of his stupor, and resounded by dropping into gandam style, before quickly transitioning to another moonwalk. He jumped and spun, landing on his feet facing the disguised changeling and dipping each shoulder, one at a time as he lowered himself down and down to a crouching position, before exploding into a backflip. The ponies around him immediately exploded into chaos, shouts and exclamations of disbelief filled the air, forcing the DJ to simply turn the music up.

"HOLY BUUUUUCK!" Javelin exclaimed, clasping his hooves to his cheeks in shock.

Chrysalis wasted no time and followed Anon's lead into the next verse, whipping her head side to side before thrusting herself to the side, spinning and landing on all four of her hooves. She took a step back with both left hooves, and then a step back while swaying side to side. She flicked her mane back and forth, before jumping forward while maintaining one foreleg contact with the floor. She spun on her hoof a full three hundred and sixty degrees before landing with her head pointed at Anon. She bolted forward, using his planted thigh as a springboard into a backflip of her own. However, she landed doing the splits, once more whipping her mane from her face and shooting Anon a wink.

The crowd went absolutely wild and Javelin simply stared, agape at the display. Anon took a moment to process why his thigh was suddenly sore, but the next verse quickly approached, forcing him to dig deep, lest he lose the impromptu dance off. As before, Anon clapped his hands with the rhythm, stomping one foot on the floor over and over before the chorus hit and he quickly dropped to the ground and breakdanced. His legs swung in a circle as he planted his hands over and over, spinning in place. He quickly switched to a handstand, before thrusting himself into the air and into a roll that ended with him doing yet another handstand. With his forward momentum carrying him, he swiftly planted his hands on either side of his head and twisted, spinning like a top while the music blared.

The ponies around him simply erupted into a cacophony of cheers and screams. The sheer volume made the walls shake as Anon continued to spin until the song finally reached its conclusion. He paused his spinning, rolled forward until he got to his feet, and thrust his arms into the sky, receiving an entire coliseum's worth of praise. At some point during the dance, Fancy managed to find his way over to Javelin, and both stallions were both completely agape and at a loss for words. All they could do was stomp their hooves in approval and disbelief at the display they'd just witnessed.

Chrysalis, to her credit, was still standing, and even joined in the applause. Anon dizzily made his way over to her pulling her into a hug as the crowd cheered for them.

"Well that was certainly a sight!" The DJ blared from their booth, receiving thunderous applause and agreement.

Ponies flooded the area they'd previously cleared for the human and disguised changeling, all singing their praises and thrusting drinks to the duo.

"That was amazing!"

"Holy buck, we've got the most talented prince in Equestria!!!"

"How do you even manage to contort your body like that!?"

The questioned flowed in as quickly as the alcohol, and with some minor fenagling, Anon barely managed to get both himself and Chrysalis away from the metaphorical center stage they'd managed to take, without drawing too many stragglers after them. They managed to make it inside just in time for Anon to rush to a trash can and throw up. Chrysalis cringed as the human heaved over and over, and supportively patted his back.

"Ugh... so dizzy..." Anon groaned before hurling again.

As Chrysalis gave him a sympathetic smile, Javelin and Fancy quickly rushed to his side.

"Dude! That was bucking amazing! Where the buck did you learn to do all that!?" Javelin cried, a giant grin on his muzzle.

"I concur! Anon, old chap, that was so far above marvelous that I don't think I can properly describe it. Chrysalis too! Where did you learn to dance like that!?" Fancy added, looking at the pair as Anon threw up yet again.

"I learned that dance in Stalliongrad. I've always loved to dance. Rasponeton happens to be one of my favorite songs." Chrysalis proudly explained, holding a hoof over her chest.

"I... ugh... have been practicing... for just this night!" Anon groaned from the trash bin.

"You learned all that just for tonight?" Javelin questioned, a look of disbelief and amusement on his face.

"You bet your... fuzzy little ass... I did... oh fuck... not again." Anon muttered before dry heaving once more.

"When did you even find time for that?" Javelin asked.

"Luna likes to dance... in my dreams... once we got the prince stuff figured out... we spend a lot of time dancing together." Anon explained, finally managing to regain control of his stomach.

Dusk and Echo fluttered over to the group, the latter noticeably struggling to keep from nose-diving into the floor.

"Anon! Dude! That was bucking awesome!" Echo exclaimed, before losing his balance and falling over onto his side.

"You were both amazing. I think Canterlot will remember this for a long time." Dusk smirked.

Anon chuckled, "Well, now that I've got the worse of the spins out of my system, I think I'm ready for a nice, calm, relaxing-" He started, before the DJ put on another track that made both him and Javelin pause. An electric guitar riff played, followed by drums and a stereophonic-sounding voice that was unmistakable.

"Is... is that..." Anon started.

"Mrs. Brightside!" Javelin nearly shouted.






The Wee Hours of the Morning

The group trudged their way through the front gate of Canterlot Castle, having dropped Fancy off at his mansion on the way back. Javelin also parted with the group to go to Raven's house just a few minutes prior to their arrival at the castle gate. Dusk carried a snoozing Echo who was simply dead to the world. Beside him, Anon and Chrysalis - still disguised as a snow white unicorn - laughed, the last dredges of merriment clinging to their systems as they stumbled their way home.

The front guards let them in easily enough, and after exchanging a few goodbyes, Dusk carried Echo off to their barracks rooms while Anon led Chrysalis over to her room.

"Mhh, that was the most fun I think I've ever had." Chrysalis declared, nuzzling Anon's thigh.

"I'm glad you had fun... it was a great time." Anon smiled the fatigue from the long night making him sleepy. He tried to suppress a yawn, but failed, prompting a retaliatory yawn from the changeling.

"I guess that's a sign that we'd better get to bed." Anon announced, leading the way to the changeling Queen's bedroom.

"Lead the way, stud." Chrysalis sensually nickered.

Before Anon could respond, the duo nearly walked straight into Luna as she frantically rounded a corner.

"Gah!" Anon jumped back, nearly falling over Chrysalis in the process.

"Nonny! There you are! I-I need to speak with Chrysalis. Immediately." Luna hurriedly replied.

"Hun, calm down! What's wrong? You shouldn't be running around like this with the baby." Anon placatingly responded, trying to sooth his frantic wife.

Seeing the downright horrified look in her eyes, Anon quickly leaned in and pulled her into a hug, which she gratefully accepted. After taking a moment to calm her breathing, Luna looked up to Anon with a much more serious look on her face.

"I... thank you, honey." Luna gratefully replied.

"Don't mention it. Now, what's got you scrambling around like this?" Anon asked.

"I... I fear I've done something terrible and I need Chrysalis to help me fix it." Luna answered.

It was at that moment, that Luna noticed the snow white unicorn still nuzzling Anon's thigh as if she hadn't heard or seen the night princess at all.

"Um... who..." Luna trailed off as she saw the mana ring, "Chrysalis?"

"In the flesh." Chrysalis practically moaned as her muzzle neared Anon's groin and she very conspicuously sniffed, "Oh, so musky."

Luna's jaw dropped and she tilted her head to the side in profound disbelief.

Anon blanched, "Uh... I can explain."

Chapter 17: Aftermath

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The Following Morning

Chrysalis blearily opened her crusty eyes to the first rays of morning sunshine as they beamed in through her window and directly onto her face. She let out a long, drawn out groan as she rolled over to try to halt the process of actually waking up just a few more minutes. Her head throbbed, and although she didn't feel hungry for the first time in months, she was sore all over. Her wither, her forelegs, her hooves, and even her neck felt as if they'd carried her a hundred miles the previous night.

"I... am going to get Anon back for this..." Chrysalis muttered, massaging her temples in an attempt to help deal with her pounding headache.

Sluggishly rolling over to her side and off of the bed, her hooves met the floor with a *clop* and she made her way over to the bathroom to rinse off any grime from the night prior. Upon stepping into the bathroom and glancing over at the vanity mirror, she nearly gave a start at the sight of herself in the mirror. She was still a white unicorn mare, standing at what would normally be wither-height for her.

"No wonder I feel so gross and groggy..." Chrysalis shook her head, an act which made her headache instantly worse.

She walked over to the shower and washed herself, before stepping out and drying off. Despite her hangover and little sleep, she completed the task of cleaning up with militaristic efficiency, and walked over to the door of her bedroom in just five minutes' time. Upon opening the door leading outside, she was met with the two guards standing on either side.

"Good morning, your Highness." One of the guards greeted.

"Princess Luna and Prince Anon asked to speak with you in the throne room as soon as you were awake and ready." The second added.

Chrysalis nodded, "Thank you." She replied, before leaving the bedroom and making her way over to the throne room.

She passed several guards along the way, almost all of them giving a nod of acknowledgement or a curt greeting, to which she curtly replied. She passed through several hallways, the morning light spilling in through glass-paned windows that illuminated every square inch of the path before her. With a quick glance outside, she confirmed that the sun was just over the horizon.

"Can't be later than eight or nine in the morning..." Chrysalis thought aloud.

Soon enough, she reached the throne room doors and was swiftly granted entry. Upon stepping into the throne room, however, she found that both Luna and Anon were asleep, on a velvet couch that she vividly remembered seeing in a guest room when she was impersonating Cadence. Anon was spooning his pregnant wife, his hand resting comfortably on her baby bump while her tail was wrapped around his leg. Before she could even ask, Celestia addressed her from her throne.

"Chrysalis, is that you?" Celestia asked, sounding a bit unsure.

Beside her, Twilight quickly got to her hooves and walked over to the human and lunar alicorn to wake them.

"She fits the description Luna gave before going to sleep with Anon." Twilight offered over her wither as she reached Anon and Luna.

Chrysalis slowly nodded, "It's me... a-apologies for not informing you about changing but-" Chrysalis began, only for Celestia to hold up a hoof to silence her.

"It's quite alright, Chrysalis. Anon already told us about what happened last night. You both made the front page of the paper, by the way." Celestia explained, levitating a newspaper over to Chrysalis with her magic.

Chrysalis accepted the paper in her hooves and looked down at the front page, finding that there was a picture of both her and Anon mid-dance and surrounded by hundreds of other ponies cheering them on.

~Prince Anon dazzled the Pillars last night with an impromptu dance routine that was simply indescribable. The funky prince was not alone, however, and as a snow white mare with a turquoise mane challenged him with impressive dance moves of her own, it's the humble opinion of this reporter that our human prince claimed the prize of 'best dancer in the club'.

But the story doesn't end their folks! After completing their dancing for the night, and several hugs and nuzzles along the way, the prince and his entourage of guards escorted the lucky mare up to Canterlot CASTLE. That's right, everypony, THE Canterlot Castle. Apparently all you need to do to earn a shot into the most sought-after herd in the country is to challenge or impress the Prince in a dance off. You don't even need to win!~

Chrysalis's brow creased as she read the first paragraph. She looked up to Celestia just in time to watch the solar alicorn ignite her horn and wrap her magic around the ring attached to her own horn. A few moments passed before the ring clicked and detached from her, allowing the changeling queen to feel her magic once more.

"You can change back now, if you'd like. I assume it must be costing you some amount of love or magic to maintain that form." Celestia nodded.

Chrysalis transformed back into her normal form with a flash of green flames, before the ring was securely attached to her horn once more. She frowned ever so slightly at the sudden return and subsequent removal of her magical ability, but said nothing as Celestia smiled at her again.

"Even if it was a bit sooner than anticipated, I thank you for not betraying Anon's trust last night, or mine right now." Celestia gratefully acknowledged.

Chrysalis half smiled, "Maybe I'm not so bad once you get to know me?" She shrugged.

Celestia chuckled as Chrysalis set the paper down. Simultaneously, Twilight roused Luna and Anon from their sleep. While Luna quickly shot up, alertness and concern instantly bleeding into her features as she hopped off of the couch, Anon struggled to even open his eyes. He clung to Luna's mane and tried to cover his eyes with it as the mare attempted to step away from the couch.

"Come on, Anon. Get up." Twilight ordered, using her magic to usher him into a sitting position.

"Ughghgg." Anon whined, fighting to stay down on the couch, but failing with each attempt.

"Nonny, honey you need to get up now." Luna comforted, leaning over to nuzzle her husband.

While the gesture was comforting and clearly appreciated, Anon simply held his head in his hands and leaned against Luna's wither for support.

"My brain... is being squeezed... by a vice..." Anon mumbled, his eyes tightly shut the entire time.

Anon struggled to sit up, let along stand and even with Luna's help, he found his legs simply giving out from under him. A worried frown forced its way to Chrysalis's face as she observed, prompting her to speak up after nearly thirty seconds of watching him struggle.

"Um, I believe this might be my fault. You should let Prince Anon rest. I... may have syphoned too much love from him last night." Chrysalis admitted, casting a worried glance over to the sun princess.

"How much love did you drink?" Luna questioned, looking to Anon as he laid back down and covered his head with his hands.

Chrysalis looked down in shame, "More... more than I should have. If there was a way to return it, I would immediately."

"Is he going to be okay?" Celestia demanded, pushing herself out of her throne.

"He'll be fine. It's just a combination of all the alcohol as well as the exhaustion from how much love he gave me. He just needs lots of liquids and rest." Chrysalis hastily explained.

Both royal alicorns gave her what she could only assume was a skeptical glare, before Anon spoke up.

"She's... right... my fault... didn't stop her until like... two in the morning... ugh." Anon muttered, curling into the fetal position.

"He's worse now then when you two returned." Luna frowned, gently laying her wing over Anon's frame. The comfort and warmth of the soft appendage instantly registered against his skin, and Anon let out a pleasant sigh as he snuggled under it.

"It's... usually the worst after waking up the next day. Unless you drain a creature completely, then it hits all at once. I made sure to only take little bites of love throughout the night... but I suppose they added up." Chrysalis explained.

Celestia's frown softened slightly, "So it's essentially a hangover? A hangover combined with the hangover he already has from the alcohol?"

Chrysalis nodded.

Celestia sighed, "I see. We'll make this quick and then Luna can take him to bed. Sister?" She announced, turning to the smaller alicorn.

"Right, so firstly, Anon explained it a little to me last night, but both of you were largely incoherent. What happened last night? Why did Anon take your ring off and let you transform?" Luna questioned.

"The night started a little rough... ponies were terrified of me and didn't want to be anywhere near me. It slowly got better, but they still didn't want anything to do with me. After we went to the Pillars, Prince Anon offered to let me change into a pony so that the night would go on without so many ponies being afraid of me." Chrysalis responded.

Celestia gave an almost imperceptible nod, "I see. I can assume how you two ended up on the front page of the newspaper, but what I still fail to understand is your demeanor when you returned." She replied.

"My... demeanor? I'm sorry, but you're going to have to be more specific." Chrysalis tilted her head to the side.

"You were wantonly sniffing Anon's groin like a harlot, Chrysalis." Luna deadpanned.

Chrysalis blanched, "Oh..."

"You said a few choice words about his 'musk' and getting into bed with him. Ring any bells?" Luna raised an eyebrow.

Chrysalis sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck, "I... see. I can explain that."

"Do tell." Celestia spoke up.

Chrysalis wasn't quite sure, but she could scarcely detect the faintest hint of amusement from the solar alicorn.

"Well... I was intoxicated... with love." Chrysalis answered.

"Intoxicated?" Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. When changelings drink too much love, especially after being on the verge of starvation as I was, it can cause a changeling to become... well, a bit flirtatious." Chrysalis elaborated.

"That was a bit beyond flirtatious." Luna shook her head.

Chrysalis cringed, "As I said... I drank a lot of Prince Anon's love. The more of one creatures love I consume... the more attracted to that one creature I can become. Combine that with the fact that last night was more love than I've consumed in over a year and well... I wasn't in control of myself when I returned last night. I apologize for that." She finished, bowing her head slightly.

Celestia and Luna considered her answer for a few moments before sharing a nod. Twilight wore a calculating look on her face as she scribbled notes into a parchment.

"I see... interesting. Too much love and Changelings can get drunk like ponies can on alcohol. Very interesting." Twilight muttered to herself as she scribbled.

"I... suppose that's an acceptable answer." Celestia nodded.

"I didn't do anything with your husband, if that's what you're concerned about, Princess. I may have been out of my mind a bit, but I wasn't so far gone as to do anything sexual." Chrysalis hastily added.

Both Celestia and Luna chuckled, prompting Chrysalis to tilt her head to the side in confusion, "Oh, we know nothing like that happened. Anon can handle his liquor surprisingly well and both Kiowa and Top Heavy already confirmed that for me. We just wanted to know if that was some kind of 'spur of the moment' endeavor or if you were actually developing feelings for Anon." Celestia dismissively waved her hoof.

"Ah, I... see." Chrysalis replied.

That makes sense. It's not like I actually like him or anything like that... right? Chrysalis thought to herself, her cheeks heating up slightly as she looked over to Anon.

"Now, onto the second reason I brought you here," Luna announced, before bowing her head in shame, "I made a grave error last night and I seek your help to rectify it. I tried to bring it up to you last night but you were so incoherent that we decided to let you sleep it off before I brought it up to you."

Chrysalis gave her a blank look, "Um, w-what kind of grave error?" She hesitantly asked.

"Last night, I entered the dream realm. I was... unaware that changelings could dream and when I entered one, I assumed it was a pony's dream. I... I helped that changeling's nightmare kill them in the dream. I wish to atone for that mistake and help this changeling however I can." Luna admitted, a pained look of regret on her features.

Chrysalis took a step back, an unsure look on her face, "I... don't understand. You didn't know changelings could dream?" She replied.

Luna looked to the floor as she shook her head, "I just... assumed your kind couldn't. I've never seen a changeling's dream in my entire life until last night."

Chrysalis pursed her lips as her head dipped in thought, "No... I suppose you wouldn't have." She muttered.

Luna tilted her head to the side, "What do you mean?"

"My throne. Back in my hive. It negates all magic except for changeling transformation magic. That would include your dream magic as well." Chrysalis answered.

Luna's eyes widened in shock, "You mean... this whole time your hive has been able to dream? I just couldn't see it?" She asked in disbelief.

Chrysalis nodded, "Yes. And now that they're here in Canterlot, you're going to be able to see all of their dreams."

"I, b-but... what about all of the changelings you've sent to infiltrate Equestria in the past? Why haven't I seen any of their dreams?" Luna questioned.

Chrysalis apologetically shrugged, "If I had to guess, I'd assume that you just missed them. There were only ever a few changelings in Equestria at any point in time in the last several centuries. You have millions of ponies to look after every night. It's reasonable to assume that you just simply didn't notice them."

Luna sat on her haunches, her muzzle scrunched up as she deeply pondered the implications of what Chrysalis was saying. She shook her head in disbelief before glancing over to her sister, finding the solar alicorn looking down to her with a look of concern.

"Luna-" Celestia began.

"All this time... I thought that they couldn't dream and yet... they were right under my muzzle." Luna muttered, cutting her sister off.

"T-there was no way you could have known, Luna. Like Chrysalis said, there were only a few changelings in Equestria at a time. Even you can't search every single dream every night." Twilight offered, a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Where is he now?" Luna asked, suddenly.

"Who?" Chrysalis, Twilight, and Celestia asked in unison.

"The changeling who's nightmare I entered." Luna answered.

"I don't suppose you caught their name?" Chrysalis responded.

Luna shook her head, "I didn't, but I know what they look like. I need to see them. I need to fix this." She declared.

Chrysalis curiously raised an eyebrow, "Why? It's just a dream? Changelings have been having bad dreams for millennia. It's not like you actually killed them."

Luna let out a sigh, "I take dreams very seriously, Chrysalis. They're my domain and the negative effects they can have on the dreamers psyche are not to be underestimated."

Chrysalis pursed her lips, "I don't think you're giving my changelings enough credit. If you don't even know what their name is then it's going to be hard to narrow it down either way. Changelings aren't just going to leap forward if I go around asking if any have had a particularly bad nightmare recently." She rebutted.

"Chrysalis, when you surrendered to us, you and all of your subjects became Equestrian subjects. Ponies are protected in the waking moments of the day as well as the quiet moments of their slumber. Please... let me extend this curtesy to your changelings as well. I only wish to atone for my mistake." Luna declared, stepping toward the changeling queen with authority.

Chrysalis held her gaze for a moment before letting out a huff, "Alright. If you're so set on this, then can you at least give me a description of what the changeling looked like? I sensed a few negative emotions throughout my hive last night but it's impossible to pinpoint this specific changeling without a description or name."

Luna almost vigorously nodded, "They had chitin almost as black as yours, and cerulean blue eyes. They had a dark turquoise elytra and were male. I... didn't see any other identifying features, but their voice was soft and meek. Nothing quite as aggressive as your general, Pharynx."

Chrysalis nodded, the description painting a picture in her mind, "One more question, what exactly was he dreaming about?"

"It was the invasion last year. They were in the guards' locker room downstairs. I... am unsure of who exactly they were but there were two dark creatures chasing him." Luna explained.

"Thestrals?" Chrysalis questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Luna nodded, "I assume so, although I am not one hundred percent certain."

Chrysalis returned the nod, "I think I know who your dreamer is, Princess."

"Who!?" Luna questioned.

"Thorax. I can take you to him now, if you want." Chrysalis answered.

"Thorax... I see," Luna muttered to herself, almost as if testing the name out to see if it sounded right on her tongue, "I will fix my mistake, Thorax. I swear it," She quietly declared to herself, before looking back up to Chrysalis, "Yes, please take me to him now."

"Are you sure don't want to handle this after you rest, sister? I know Anon keeps saying it but he is right... you can't push yourself too hard these next couple of weeks." Celestia spoke up, concern emanating from her voice.

Luna snorted, "Rest? Sister, I couldn't possibly rest right now. All I would be thinking about as I laid awake for the next six hours would be fixing my mistake. I'm doing this now so I can rest." She declared.

Celestia quietly sighed and shook her head in amusement, "I see. Well do try to take it easy. I will let Anon rest beside me until he is ready to wake up." She replied, igniting her horn and levitating Anon's sleeping form over to her throne.

Luna gave a grateful nod before turning to Chrysalis, "Lead the way, Chrysalis."

Chrysalis gave a single nod, "Follow me."







Luna followed Chrysalis down the staircase leading to the cave entrance at the base of Canterlot Castle. Top and Kiowa followed closely behind the lunar alicorn, their steely gaze locked on the back of Chrysalis's head as if she would turn and lash out at their princess at a moments notice. The group's arrival took longer than expected, due largely in part to Luna's bloated belly slowing her down most of the way. Even despite her stubbornness, she found herself struggling to keep pace with Chrysalis and needing to stop to rest at the entrance to the caves.

"Are you alright?" Chrysalis asked, looking over her wither to the huffing princess behind her.

"I'm... perfectly... fine..." Luna managed through her heavy breathing.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow but said nothing, instead opting to turn and nod toward the encampments below, "My changelings are down there. Would you rather fly down there or teleport? Teleporting is faster." She offered.

"I know which is faster, thank you very much." Luna deadpanned, before igniting her horn and teleporting the entire group down to the encampment below.

The group appeared with a resounding *pop*, startling the present changelings and making several of them jump. Chrysalis eyed Luna curiously as the pregnant alicorn huffed and panted from the spell, even her guards leaning in to make sure she was okay.

"Perhaps you should lay off the spells until your foal is born. You're a bit too weak to be throwing out teleportation spells left and right." Chrysalis cautioned, looking to Luna with a level of concern.

"I... am fine. It was nothing I am not... used to," Luna replied, before looking up at the group of changelings before her, "Where is Thorax?" She asked, looking to Chrysalis.

Chrysalis hesitantly nodded, "He's this way. Follow me." She instructed, before turning and leading the way through her changelings.

While the changeling living quarters were hastily constructed, they were still somewhat expertly made and cozy. The accommodations included dozens of makeshift houses with all necessary facilities like bathrooms or kitchens and even living rooms in some of them. The buildings were melded into the crystal walls, almost appearing to be made of crystal themselves.

Luna eyed the royal construction team's work with approval. Each structure bore many resemblances to an apartment complex, allowing up to seven floors of rooms for changelings to live in. The rooms were fairly spartan, having only the basic accommodates, but changelings were already making the rooms their own with various trinkets or pieces of artwork that they'd collected over their lifetimes.

Even though they were hastily constructed, the were still more than enough to house the literal thousands of changelings standing around, wondering just what the lunar princess of Equestria was doing before them. Some of the gathered changelings chittered amongst themselves, worried frowns on their faces as they observed the panting pregnant alicorn.

Regardless of their feelings toward the alicorn before them, all of the changelings present bowed before their queen and one of the rulers of Equestria, receiving a nod of acknowledgment in return for their efforts. Chrysalis fixed them with a confident look, honed from centuries of rulership.

"I need Thorax to report here immediately." Chrysalis announced, looking to the crowd before her.

The many changelings instantly bowed and chittered amongst themselves, a few of them rushing off to retrieve the aforementioned changeling. Luna eyed them curiously for a few moments before looking over to Chrysalis.

"This should only take a minute. Thorax is one of the more meek and quiet types." Chrysalis replied to Luna's unspoken question.

They each have their own personalities... I really have been completely wrong about changelings this entire time, haven't I? Luna questioned to herself.

After a few minutes of waiting, the group of changelings before them parted enough to allow a single changeling to walk through, a worried frown on his features as he arrived before the princess of the night.

"Is this Thorax?" Luna questioned, looking back and forth between Chrysalis and the changeling.

Chrysalis nodded, "It is," She replied, before turning to Thorax, "Present yourself before the Princess of Equestria." She ordered,

Thorax immediately complied, rushing forward and bowing before both Chrysalis and Luna.

"Yes, my Queen!" He replied, his face just barely an inch above the ground.

"You may rise. Princess Luna wishes to speak with you." Chrysalis replied, casually ushering the drone to stand up.

Thorax quickly willed himself to stand tall before the lunar alicorn, even though his appearance and the fact that he was shaking clearly indicated that he was absolutely terrified.

"Thorax, I wish to speak with you about your nightmare last night." Luna explained, offering the most sympathetic look she could.

While she couldn't be one hundred percent sure, the changeling standing before her certainly did look like the changeling from the dream realm just the night prior. Still, she felt a worried feeling in her gut as she looked into the compound eyes of the changeling before her.

"The... nightmare?" Thorax tilted his head to the side, before a worried look immediately plastered itself on his face, "Oh, um... you saw that..." He mumbled.

Luna nodded, "Indeed. I wish to atone for my mistakes in your dream last night. Will you hear an old mare out?" She asked.

Chapter 18: Meeting the 'new' Locals

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Thorax owlishly blinked at Luna as the night princess stood before him, her head dipped respectfully. He glanced over to Chrysalis, finding that his queen was just as lost as he was, if her expression was anything to go off of. After a few moments of unbearable silence reigning over them, and the eyes of over a thousand changelings staring down at them in a mixture of curiosity and fear, he responded.

"Um... could we perhaps... go somewhere a bit more private?" Thorax asked, his voice coming out as no more than a squeak in the massive cavern.

Luna nodded, "Of course. Would you like to come with us?" She offered, unfurling a wing and pointing to the staircase exit behind her.

Thorax nervously gulped before glancing back at the house directly behind him, "Um... would... would you like to come into my room? It's not much... certainly not fit for royalty, but..." He trailed off, his nerves getting the best of him.

Luna smiled a soft, soothing smile, "I would be happy to, Thorax. You needn't worry about accommodations." She replied.

Thorax nodded and turned around, leading the small group to structure nearest to him. He opened the door and ushered the night princess in, along with his queen, but he noticeably froze as the two thestral guards walked in. Luna noticed the sudden fear flash through the changeling's eyes, but just as soon as it was there, it was gone, almost as if he realized that the guards weren't who he thought they were. Once they were all inside, Thorax led them to the large living space he called his room.

Luna eyed the house with interest, finding that Thorax had several pictures and paintings stuck to the wall with some kind of green paste. The paintings, while all similar in coloration, looked remarkably masterful, given the changeling's lack of resources or proper education. Several of them were painted with linework techniques that she recognized instantly, making a fond smile form on her muzzle as she observed.

"Are these your pieces?" Luna inquired, observing one closely while Thorax bowed to his queen.

"Oh! Um, yes! I asked some of the guards if they could bring me some parchment and paint and they actually did! I was so surprised that I had to start painting right away. I... know they're not very good, but-" He explained, before Luna cut him off.

"Not at all. These are marvelous paintings, Thorax. I must admit, I'm partial to this one." Luna smiled, pointing to a depiction of what she assumed was Thorax standing along two royal guards, smiles on all of their faces.

Thorax blushed, his features turning green, "Oh, w-well... thank you. I had to do them by hoof so the strokes were a bit jerky, but I'm managing. Those were the two day guards that were nice to me." He replied, smiling, despite himself.

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm something of a painter, myself. Perhaps once we get those mana rings off of you all, then you can show me what you can really do?" Luna offered, a sincere smile on her face.

"Oh, I would love to! Thank you, Princess!" Thorax beamed.

Luna smiled and nodded, "Of course. Now, as for the reason I came down here in the first place..."

"Um, i-it's nothing you need to trouble yourself with, Princess. It was j-just a nightmare. I get them all the time. No worries." He replied, before remembering himself and quickly dropping into a bow before her.

Luna fiercely shook her head as she stood tall once more, "Thorax, I cannot in good conscience, accept that as an answer. Your nightmare last night, it was of the invasion, was it not?" She pressed, taking a step toward the changeling.

Thorax hesitantly nodded, "It... it was... h-how did you..." He responded, before his eyes lit up in realization, "Y-you were there. T-that was actually you!" He exclaimed, a look of shock plastering itself on his features.

Luna solemnly nodded, "It was. I did not realize that the dream was your dream. A changeling dream... up until just a few hours ago, I was under the impression that your kind could not dream at all. I was careless and didn't assess the situation before acting as I would for any pony... and you suffered because of that... because of me." She sadly recounted.

Thorax worked his jaw several times in an attempt to speak, but found that no words came out. As Luna fixed him with a pleading gaze, the remorse and guilt positively flowing from her, he was overcome with a sudden sense of relief. The small changeling let out a slightly relieved sigh as he met the lunar alicorn's gaze, a new look of gratefulness on his face.

"I understand... and I can't tell you how much it means to me that you would come down here just to see me for something like that. I... honestly didn't think you cared about us that much." Thorax replied, his response making Luna wince.

"I... haven't been the most gracious of hosts, as I'm sure you can sense. I distrusted your kind ever since the wedding. Ponies' dreams were plagued with memories of the invasion. As the princess of dreams, it struck me especially hard, knowing that my ponies couldn't find rest even in their slumber... I worked diligently to rectify that, but now I see that the effect went both ways. I wanted to atone for my mistake... to find some way to right the wrong that I've done to not just you personally, but your whole kind since you've arrived. I didn't even think to ask if you could dream..." Luna trailed off.

Thorax was stunned by the honesty and sadness behind Luna's words. For the third time in just as many minutes, Thorax found himself at a loss for words. The only thing he could manage was a small smile, and a hoof over his chest to convey his gratefulness to the princess of the night.

The silence also gave Chrysalis all the time she needed to walk up to Luna's side, "Are you planning on visiting all of my changelings' dreams going forward?" She asked, genuinely curious as she eyed the alicorn.

Luna nodded, "I am. I can't attend to everypony in one night, but I can make a dent. As Equestrian citizens, your changelings shouldn't have to suffer in their dreams."

Chrysalis gave a satisfactory nod, "I appreciate that. Thank you. That's very kind of you to do." She offered, genuinely.

Luna dismissively waved a hoof, "Think nothing of it. I'm only sorry that I didn't do it sooner." She smiled.

"Um, Princess?" Kiowa spoke up, leaning in from her opposite side.

"Yes?" Luna asked, turning to face the thestral.

"It's nearly eleven in the morning." He stated, professionally.

Luna nodded, "Ah, thank you, Kiowa. We should be-" She began, before another, higher pitched voice called out from the doorway.

"Thorax! I'm back!" Ocellus called, stepping into the room before nearly bumping into Top.

The tiny changeling froze in place, her eyes wide as saucers as she stared up at the black-furred thestral. A look of utter and complete fear consumed her features, and she took a step back, her wings buzzing as she prepared to run.

"Ocellus, please, calm yourself." Chrysalis spoke up, and just like that, Ocellus's wings froze. She slowly looked over to her queen, a puzzled look in her eyes as she tilted her head to the side.

"They aren't the twin thestrals, Ocellus. It's fine. Princess Luna is here." Thorax announced, making both batponies and Luna raise an eyebrow.

An audible sigh of relief left the little changeling's mouth as she visibly relaxed, "Oh, okay. Whew, I was really scared there for a second." She replied.

"Twin thestrals?" Luna questioned, looking back and forth between Thorax and Ocellus.

"The two thestrals you assigned to Prince Anon. Dusk and Echo." Chrysalis explained.

Luna nodded, her eyes wide in realization, "Ah, I see," She replied, before another realization hit her and she turned to Thorax, "The two dark figures in your dream. Those were Dusk and Echo, weren't they?" She questioned.

"Dream?" Ocellus tilted her head to the side yet again.

"I-uh... y-yes, Princess." Thorax admitted, sheepishly rubbing his foreleg.

Luna let out a quiet sigh, "I see... I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not sure if there's any way that I can change your mind about them, but both Dusk and Echo mean you all no harm, going forward. There is no need to fear them." She offered.

"They were... surprisingly pleasant to be around. Distrustful as Tartarus, and noticeably on edge most of the night, but they aren't the monsters you've thought of them as, Thorax." Chrysalis spoke up, directing all eyes to her.

Luna found herself utterly speechless at Chrysalis's kind words. Both Top and Kiowa shared a look or surprise as well, but none of the equines in the room looked quite so stunned as Thorax.

"I, but... my Queen, you... spent last night with them?" He asked, almost terrified of the answer.

Chrysalis nodded, "I did. At the end of the day, Thorax, they're just ponies. They did what they did because of my decisions. If you want to blame anypony for the deaths you witnessed that day, blame me. Those two were merely the tip of the blade I foalishly cut our hive with." She replied, her head bowed slightly.

Thorax vigorously shook his head, "Oh, no, no, no! My Queen, it wasn't your fault!" He protested, only for Chrysalis to hold up a hoof to stop him.

"I'm not telling you this for sympathy, Thorax. I'm telling you this so you can move on. If you spend the rest of your life terrified of our neighbors, it will make integrating into their society even harder than it already has been. Princess Luna will help you with your dreams, and while I still cannot forgive them for the lives they took... I do not think we should fear or hate the twin thestrals. It will only make the process of moving forward that much harder." Chrysalis explained, leaving the entire room speechless.

Luna owlishly blinked at the changeling Queen as she let out a quiet huff, her eyes drooping to the floor.

"Now, I believe I've done my part here. I have to go ensure Prince Anon is alright and attend to whatever Princess Celestia requires of me today. I trust you can handle things from here?" Chrysalis announced, looking up to Luna.

The night princess nodded, "I believe so. Thank you, Chrysalis. I... I didn't expect that from you, to be honest." She admitted.

Chrysalis smiled, "Your husband is rubbing off on me, I suppose." She replied, before turning on her hooves and exiting the room, leaving just Thorax and Ocellus with Luna and the two batponies.

"Thorax? What's going on?" Ocellus questioned, watching their queen leave.

Thorax hastily shook his head, before ushering her over to him, "Oh, it's nothing. Princess Luna just came down here to help with my nightmares." He responded.

Ocellus walked into the room and sat on her haunches beside her broodmate, her eyes locking onto Luna as she stared up at the imposing alicorn.

"Wow... Princess Luna. I saw you when we were being processed here but I've never had a chance to actually meet you." Ocellus excitedly chittered, an adorable smile forming on her face.

Luna couldn't help the infectious smile that formed on her muzzle just a second later, and she sat down on her haunches as well, just across from the two changelings, "Well, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance then. I'm sorry we couldn't properly meet sooner. Are you two..." She trailed off, motioning for them to fill in the blanks.

"Oh, we're broodmates." Thorax replied.

"Siblings. That's the pony word." Ocellus clarified, playfully elbowing Thorax in the wither.

Luna smiled, "I see. Well it's a pleasure to meet you both properly, then. Tell me, what do you think of Equestria so far, Ocellus?" She asked, genuinely curious.

As Ocellus excitedly answered the night princess's questions, and even asked several of her own, Top and Kiowa stood near the doorway, the ladder looking to the watch under his hoofblades.

"Welp... This is gonna be another long shift." He silently chirped to his comrade.

"Yep. You know when Luna gets started with a foal, she won't stop for hours." Top replied in an equally silent chirp.

"Gotta admit though, for a bug, she's pretty adorable." Kiowa smirked.







Celestia idley flipped through the many letters and legal documents held in her magical grasp as Anon slept against her barrel, his head resting cozily against her chest fluff. Gone was her regalia, save for her tiara, as she found that the most comfortable position for the both of them involved her laying on her side and Anon spooning her belly as he snoozed the day away, one arm wrapped lovingly around her barrel. Sitting beside her, barely concealing her look of envy, sat Twilight, several legal documents held in her magenta aura as well.

"So do you think ponies will start to warm up to changelings any time soon?" Twilight inquired, her quiet voice sounding at least three times its volume in the silent throne room.

Celestia shook her head, "It's all a process, Twilight. I am uncertain if ponykind will ever truly accept changelings into our society, but all we can do is lead by example and hope that they come around." She replied, thoughtfully.

Twilight let out a quiet sigh, "Like what Anon did last night?" She responded.

Celestia nodded, ever so slightly, so as to not wake Anon, "You read the second page of the paper, I take it?" She cast a sidelong glance to her former pupil.

"I did. Honestly I'm only surprised it didn't make the front page. That many ponies reporting that Chrysalis escaped and was terrorizing bars in the middle district isn't a good look." Twilight replied, shaking her head in disappointment.

Celestia smiled, "So you didn't read the second page, then?" She asked.

Twilight did a double take, "I-wha? I just told you I did?"

Celestia barely suppressed a chuckle, "I recall you reading me the headline of the article, but I think you should read the entire thing. That's how those articles get you, you know? They hope that you only read the headline. Journalists these days are always trying to push something of an agenda, and an anti-changeling agenda is no surprise at all." She responded, prompting Twilight to immediately levitate the paper over.

Twilight's brow furrowed as she flipped the page and scanned the article.

Horror in the middle district as the changeling Queen Chrysalis appeared in public, unannounced. Dozens of ponies reported her escape and rampage in fine establishments such as 'The Silo'. However, upon further investigation, almost all of these claims turned out to be false. The Queen was being escorted by Prince Anonymous and his entourage of guards, all of whom seemed to be taking Chrysalis out for drinks. Some patrons even reported that she was polite and courteous! It's unclear at this time if the royal sisters were aware of the night of shenanigans, but reports stopping coming in around midnight, leading this reporter to assume that the Queen was promptly returned to the castle after a less than stellar reception at 'the Pillars'.

Twilight looked up to Celestia, a look of confusion on her face, "I don't understand. It essentially says the same thing the headline said."

"There's clarification in there. The author admits that the claims were false in the third sentence. In the fifth sentence, ponies reported her being polite and courteous." Celestia responded, a small smile on her face.

Twilight looked down to the paper, then back up to Celestia, "So? What does that mean in the grand scheme of things? Ponies usually only read the headlines of these things." She tilted her head to the side.

"It means that she's making progress, Twilight. Progress that ponies were able to actually see and report. Not only that, but by seeing Anon spending time with her, not afraid or having his guards keep her on a tight leash, it shows the ponies of Canterlot that maybe she isn't quite so bad as they thought. It will take time, and for all we know, it might take centuries, but the progress is still there, however small." Celestia elaborated.

Twilight slowly nodded, "Oh... I see. I suppose that is a good point. I should probably start reading the news more often, huh?" She asked, sheepishly rubbing her foreleg.

Celestia chuckled, "Oh, Twilight I wouldn't stake all my bits on the 'Canterlot Times'. Half this drivel is opinionated garbage and the other half is... well just normal garbage. Still, gems do shine through once in a while. At the very least, look at several sources. 'Nightingale Inquire' is a bit more accurate with their reporting but they always drag politics into everything. If you're going to be a leader, you need to be informed from multiple sources, not just one." She explained.

"I see. Do you have the Nightingale Inquire still?" Twilight replied.

Celestia levitated over blacked out newspaper with white lettering, which Twilight happily took and set about reading. Just a few moments later, Chrysalis reentered the throne room, gaining Celestia's attention almost instantly.

"Ah, Chrysalis. How did it go with Luna?" Celestia asked, curiously.

Chrysalis shrugged, "Apparently she worsened Thorax's nightmare last night and just wanted to apologize. The way she spoke of it, I'd assumed she seriously hurt him last night. I don't really see the purpose of making such a fuss over a bad dream, if I'm being honest." She explained, walking toward the throne.

Celestia gave a sympathetic smile, "Luna takes the dream realm very seriously, and from what I can tell, it has marvelous effects on ponies. Once she returned from her banishment and resumed her duties, ponies started shining brighter every morning. It really showed me how much good a pleasant sleep can do for ponies. It's... something I've never been able to provide for them. Luna does very important and good work for all of Equestria." She responded.

Chrysalis gave a slight nod, "Hmm... I suppose that is good then. She's offered to police my changelings' dreams and help them with their nightmares going forward, just as she would with anypony else. I'm... grateful... for that." She replied, the thinnest of smiles forming on her face.

"I'm sure you as well as your hive will notice an improvement," Celestia offered, before looking down to Anon, still snuggled up against her belly and chest, "Luna can also pull other ponies into another pony's dream, which is a marvelous way of having more than one set of hooves to help deal with a particularly irksome nightmare, or... other reasons." She trailed off with the faintest hint of a blush.

Chrysalis nodded, an amused smirk on her muzzle, "I'm sure you both utilized that to its fullest potential on your honeymoon."

"What do you mean? I doubt Anon was having nightmares on his honeymoon." Twilight spoke up, looking back and forth in confusion.

Chrysalis and Celestia both struggled to maintain a straight face as they looked at the painfully innocent lavender alicorn. Just before both of their masks cracked however, a pounding on the throne room doors echoed throughout the halls, directing everypony's attention to the source.

The guards standing by the doors opened them to reveal a courier pony with a green silk suit and brown saddlebags.

"State your business." The first guard ordered.

Before the pony could respond, Celestia called out to the guards, "It's alright, I recognize him. You may let him in." She instructed.

Without a word, both guards saluted and returned to their posts, allowing the new pony to enter the throne room. He pranced over toward the throne with a flamboyant flair, before coming to a stop just a few feet away from Chrysalis and dropping into a deep bow before Celestia.

"Your Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, I have brought forth a letter for you, your consort, and Queen Chrysalis." The pony announced.

Celestia raised an eyebrow, "And just whom is this letter from, Green Tea?" She asked, curiously.

"It is from Lady Fleur De Lis and Sir Fancy Pants, your highness." Green Tea replied, dutifully.

Celestia tilted her head to the side, "I thought you were in the service of Lady Serenity?"

"I am, your highness. I am merely doing this as a favor for Sir Fancy Pants." He answered, professionally.

Celestia nodded, "I see. Well then, let's see this letter, shall we?" She announced.

Green Tea levitated the letter out of his saddlebags and over to Celestia. She gladly took it in her own magical grasp, before opening the envelop the letter was sealed in and unfolding the paper. She squinted her eyes ever so slightly as she read through the letter, both Twilight and Chrysalis trying, in their own subtle ways, to read it as well.

Dearest Princess Celestia,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. My wife and I(and the rest of Equestria, I'm sure) simply cannot wait to see the little ones when you and Princess Luna finally come to term. Having said that, I must admit that the purpose of this letter is not simple pleasantries, in fact, I have two things I wish to get off my chest, so to speak.

Firstly, I wanted to convey my genuine surprise, and what pleasant surprise it was, that Queen Chrysalis was able to join us last night. I'm still recovering from the hangover while poor Fleur prepares to go to her photoshoot tomorrow. I fear that I may drag her down today, but I must also confess that my joy far supersedes my guilt for the moment. Last night was simply more fun than I've had in ages, and I really must thank not just Anon for that, but also the Queen, herself. I don't know what exactly I was expecting when I was informed that she would be joining us for the evening, but she ended up being marvelous company and surprisingly entertaining.

I'm sure Princess Twilight and Anon have already conveyed to you my and my wife's hesitation to accept the changelings into our society, and we've already told them that we were going to give them a chance as we trust you all implicitly, however after last night I feel that I'd be remiss to not offer my full, unflinching support going forward.

Which brings me to the second point I wanted to cover. I understand that Queen Chrysalis is struggling with her image, at least, if last night was anything to go off of, then I imagine many ponies still aren't welcoming to her. I'm sure you've read the paper this morning. She is making progress in the hearts and minds of Canterlot ponies, but she needs a push. That is precisely what I'm offering. If you will, please extend this offer to the Queen: Tomorrow, first thing in the morning Fleur and I will be leaving for a photoshoot via airship. We would love to add Queen Chrysalis to the J'adore catalog that we'll be sending to print this week. It will only take the day, so no need to pack for a long stay away.

If there's one thing my Fleur can do, it's reshape the way pony's think, and being who she is, she could change the minds of the majority of Equestria overnight if Queen Chrysalis is willing to come. I apologize for the short notice, but I simply had to send this letter as soon as I could sit up without an ice pack on my forehead, and that took quite a bit longer than I had hoped.

Please, if this letter finds you well, let me know posthaste. I would love the opportunity to help the situation if I am able.

"Thank you for delivering this letter, Green Tea," Celestia replied, magicking out a piece of paper and an ink quill, "If you'll give me a few moments, I'll give you my response to Fancy."

"Of course, your highness. I'll be happy to inform him." Green Tea nodded as he bowed even lower.

"What's the letter about?" Chrysalis asked, eyeing the parchment curiously.

"Oh nothing. Just one quick question before I pen this out. Have you ever modeled before?" Celestia asked, an innocent look in her eyes.

Chapter 19: Modest Modeling

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The Following Morning

Chrysalis stepped out to the landing pad with a still noticeably groggy Anon and Javelin. Both man and stallion leaned against the wall of the castle for support as they struggled to stand up in the early morning sunlight.

"My ears burn." Javelin muttered as he fought to stay awake.

"It's too bright out here... someone tell Celly to make the day start at noon. Anything earlier is just ridiculous." Anon added, wearing sunglasses as he surveyed the landing pad before them.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes at the complaints from behind her, "You know, you didn't have to come along if you still aren't feeling well. Princess Celestia made it clear that she could come instead." She responded over her wither.

"And ignore the one serious task I've had since becoming a prince? Never!" Anon declared, before rubbing his temples.

"Too... loud..." Javelin muttered.

"Why are you still so hungover? I can understand Anon but I barely took any of your love at the bar. You should be fine now." Chrysalis questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Javelin shrugged as an almost imperceptible blush formed on his face, "Well, I kinda sorta went out and partied with Dusk and Echo last night... again."

Anon whipped his head around so fast that his sunglasses flew off his face, "What!? You went partying without me!?" He demanded.

Javelin shrunk in on himself, "It was a last minute thing! Besides, you were feeling like crap anyways. I didn't want to encourage you to go out drinking again when you already felt like shit from the previous night."

"I coulda still gone just for they conversation!" Anon rebutted.

"We didn't have much conversation! Dusk and Echo went off doing their own thing and I just kinda drank by myself." Javelin defended.

"Which is exactly why you should've told me!" Anon fired back.

Back and forth the conversation went, for several minutes as Chrysalis watched with ever growing amusement. Eventually, the airship came into view and docked at the landing pad, forcing whatever grievance Anon still had to die on his tongue as the ramp lowered to the pad and Fleur De Lis pranced down to greet them.

"Bonjour, mes amis. How are you all this fine morning?" Fleur asked, chipper as can be.

Chrysalis glanced behind her to find that both stallion and man were putting on a face for the supermodel, but the feelings radiating off of both of them carried mild resentment and annoyance. With a small shrug, assuming that it was nothing out of the ordinary for the pair, she turned back to Fleur and nodded.

"We're all fine, thank you. Anon and his guard are still recovering from a few nights ago so they aren't feeling the best, but they're both more than up for this." She replied, confidently.

Fleur smiled, "Ah, I can see 'zat. What do you say we all get out of 'ere and get some altitude, non? I think you will all love ze view my producer 'as picked for ze backdrop." She replied, nodding toward the ramp.

"Well it beats sitting out here all day." Anon acknowledged, pushing forward and toward Fleur.

Just as Anon reached the ramp, Fancy appeared on the deck of the ship, wearing a jacket tied around his neck, and happily waving to the group below, "Ah, Anon old chap! Javelin and Chrysalis! Welcome aboard! I'm glad you all got my letter and Princess Celestia was able to respond on such short notice." He cheerfully called.

"If this will make my reputation better in Canterlot, and ease the transition of my changelings into Equestrian society, then I suppose it will be time well spent." Chrysalis acknowledged, following Anon's lead.

"Just make sure we don't go too high up or get too bouncy... pegasai might like that high altitude crap, but I don't have wings." Javelin added, following behind Chrysalis.

"Oh, not to worry mes amis. We will only be at a few 'ousand hooves altitude. Nozzing too crazy, I assure you." Fleur replied, following at the end of the group as they all boarded the ship.

They all boarded one by one, finding that the ship resembled an eighteenth century vessel, aside from the giant air balloon in place of the sails. Over a dozen ponies that were obviously employees of Fleur scrambled about, some of them carrying makeup, lighting equipment, or mattresses for making the hard wooden deck more comfortable for whatever shot was needed. While there was certainly chaos aboard the deck, there was a certain organization to the chaos, almost as if it was supposed to work in the disorganized fashion it appeared as.

A few of the ponies gave a greeting to the prince and their boss, but most of them appeared to involved in their tasks and simply paid the human no mind as he stepped to the center of the deck.

Anon glanced back and forth as he stepped toward the mast, his grogginess leaving him by the second as he took in the ship around him. Just as he was about to turn around and compliment Fancy and Fleur for their ship, however, a cyan blue mare with a short cut white mane and a stylish black dress with white and pink accents, leapt off of the rigging above them and landed beside him with a definitive *clop*.

"GAHFUCKWHY!??!" Anon shrieked as he jumped into the air, nearly falling over the railing.

"Meine Freunde, ve must be off! Ve are burning ze daylights and I need ze perfect lighting for ze magics!" The mare dramatically announced in a thick germane accent, directing all eyes that weren't already looking at her to follow suite.

"Photo Finish, we've still the entire morning. It's not even seven yet. Relax, my dear. It's only a short jaunt away." Fancy calmly replied, offering a placating smile to the mare.

"Oui mon ami. We're just showing ze ship to ze good prince and Queen." Fleur added, placing a gentle hoof on Anon's thigh to help him calm down.

Photo feistily shook her head, the magenta lenses of her glasses hiding her eyes from view, "Nein! Zer is no time for such trivial zings! Ve must be off! Ze prince and ze Qveen have a thousand airships zey can gawk at later. Ve go now!" She declared, authoritatively pointing at the helmspony.

With a quick salute, the pony steered the airship and punched the throttle, making the large ship jolt as it headed skyward and away from the castle. Javelin quickly held onto the railing beside him while Anon, Fleur, Fancy, and Chrysalis held onto the rigging all around them. The ponies attempting to set up the sets, however, were not prepared for such an abrupt jolt and climb, leading to many of them falling over or dropping what they were carrying.

"Photo, mon cher... don't you think you are being a bit rude? You 'aven't even introduced yourself to ze prince or ze Queen. Not to mention warning ze ponies working on ze set..." Fleur spoke up as the ship steadied out into a calm ascent.

Photo harrumphed, "Very well," She replied, turning to Anon and Chrysalis, "Guten morgen Prince Anon and Qveen Chrysalis. I am ze Photo Finish, and for today, I vill be managing zis shoot and ensuring ze Queen's image is improved for all of Equestria with ze magics!" She dramatically exclaimed, thrusting a hoof toward the sky.

Anon and Chrysalis both owlishly blinked at the eccentric earth pony mare for several seconds.

"Um, t-thank you. It's very much appreciated." Chrysalis managed, after some time.

While Photo gave a bow of thanks to the changeling Queen, Anon leaned over to Fleur and whispered into her ear, "Uh... is she always this... excited? Also what is this 'magics' she keeps talking about?"

Fleur gave the smallest of shrugs, "She 'as always been quite energetic before a shoot, mon ami. It is just 'er process, I think. Don't worry, she will grow on you quite quickly. As for 'ze magics', you will see in post." She whispered back, with a wink.

Anon pursed his lips as he stood back up to his full height, "What, like photoshop or something?" He questioned, at normal volume.

"PHOTO SHOP!? Nein! Zose whorses vill not touch any of mein work! I forbid it. Ich würde lieber von diesem luftschiff springen!" Photo asserted, turning her muzzle up.

Once again, Anon just owlishly blinked at the cyan blue mare, a thousand questions filling his brain all at once.

"Um, Photo Shop is one of our biggest competitors, Anon, old chap. Photo Finish is particularly protective of our work and ensuring that they don't steal our ideas or talent." Fancy offered.

Anon slowly nodded, "I... see. Well the fashion world is all alien to me, so I'll just do my best impression of a rock and go sit in the corner I guess." He acknowledged, turning for the hatch leading to the lower deck of the airship.

"Wait for me! It's too loud and bright up here." Javelin called, trotting after the man.

Chrysalis stifled a chuckle at the pair before looking over to Fancy and Fleur, "Alright, so what exactly will I be doing for this? A few poses? Some dresses? Maybe throw in a puppy so it looks extra cute and appeals to all the little foals?" She asked, a tiny bit of sarcasm in her voice.

Fleur smiled, "Mon ami, do you know what kind of modeling we specialize in?"

Chrysalis blankly shook her head.

Fleur giggled into her hoof, "We specialize in ze more... erotic modeling. Nozzing too lewd, but just enough to get ze stallions blood pumping, oui?"

Chrysalis gave a slow, steady nod, "I see... so how much - or little, rather - am I going to be putting on for this little shoot? I can do sexy, but I'm still not quite sure ponies will be lining up to buy magazines with pictures of a changeling on them." She shrugged.

"Zat is where you are wrong, mein frau. You have a physique zat only one ozza pony in Equestria can manage!" Photo jumped in, thrusting her hoof all the way forward until it gently booped Chrysalis's muzzle.

Lightly batting the hoof way and fixing the manager with a raised eyebrow, Chrysalis opened her mouth to speak, but was swiftly cut off by the Germane mare.

"Zat is right! Princess Celestia herself! Now, vile you might have ze wrong colors and ze wrong eyes and even ze wrong belly," She leaned over to Chrysalis and whispered, "Between you and me, I do not understand ze fetish with ze pregnant mares. Mein Faust zere is a foal in zere! Zere is no room for ze foal if you shove a schwanz all ze way in," She leaned back away from the changeling Queen, "But ve can vork vith zis!" She decreed.

Chrysalis, left utterly baffled by the pony's attitude and lack of personal boundaries, simply shook her head as she struggled to process everything that was being said to her. Both Fancy and Fleur gave her looks of sympathy, the latter even offering a gentle hoof on her wither as a gesture of support.

"What my manager is trying to say, is that we think you 'ave the perfect body to attract many stallions and mares, especially since your proportions are close enough to Princess Celestia's before 'er pregnancy. Most ponies only know you as a villain, but if we show zem the more... playful side of you, zat will 'elp with your reputation." Fleur explained.

Chyrsalis gave a nod of understanding, "I see... well then that brings me back to my original question. What am I going to be wearing for this?" She asked.

Fleur smiled as she turned away. She looked over her wither and gave Chrysalis a teasing look, "You will find out in just a minute, mon ami. Let us get to our spot first, oui?"

Fancy and Photo followed the supermodel's lead, leaving the confused changeling Queen even more confused as they walked over to the rest of the crew of the ship. Chrysalis continued to eye them for a few more minutes before walking over to the hatch Anon and Javelin entered a few minutes prior. Upon looking down at the pair of males, she found them both to be softly snoozing while resting on what could only be described as one of the comfiest looking couches she'd ever seen.

Her curiosity getting the better of her, Chrysalis made her way down the steps to the lower deck and appraised the interior. The first thing to catch her eye, was the eggshell white coloring of the floor and walls. Dozens of makeup booths lined the walls, with mirrors and chairs set up for each individual model Fleur employed. In the center of the deck, sat several similar couches to the one Anon and Javelin were sleeping on, as well as very comfy looking faux leather chairs.

"How are you both asleep already? You just came down here less than five minutes ago?" Chrysalis questioned, tilting her head to the side.

After receiving a snore as a response, she shook her head and took her seat on the chair just beside Anon and Javelin's couch. With nothing else to do, and no conversation to make, she took to idly twiddling her hooves as the airship reached its cruising altitude. Letting out a huff of boredom, Chrysalis pushed herself back to her hooves and walked over to one of the windows between the mirrors on the wall, finding the Macintosh Mountains standing proudly off in the distance.

"I suppose that's the backdrop Fleur was talking about." Chrysalis muttered, before looking at Anon with scrutiny, "I can sense your feelings you know. I know you aren't asleep anymore."

"Wha now?" Anon mumbled, groggily opening his eyes and sitting up.

"Ah, so you are awake." Chrysalis deadpanned, looking at the human with a raised eyebrow.

Anon rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes, "I only took like... a five minute nap." He replied.

Chrysalis nodded, "Indeed you did, but we're at our cruising altitude so I imagine I'll be called up to do this shoot in just a few more minutes. It would ease everypony's woes if you were up there with me." She explained, keeping her tone perfectly neutral.

Plus it'll be fun to see your reaction. She thought to herself.

Anon's brow furrowed, before a grin found its way onto his face, "It sounds to me like you just want me up there for moral support." He teased.

Despite herself, Chrysalis couldn't help the faint green blush that quickly formed on her muzzle, "I need nothing of the sort. If anything, the rest of the ponies up there are the ones that need moral support." She defended.

"Chryssi, it's okay to be nervous. Hell, I've never done a photoshoot until the one they made Tia, Lulu and I do for our wedding. Now that, was stressful." Anon chuckled.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "I am perfectly fine and in no way in need of moral support... that said, didn't you say earlier that you didn't want to ignore the 'one serious task' you've had as a prince so far?" She rebutted, a smug look forming on her muzzle.

Anon held up a finger to protest, but quickly put it back down and sighed, "Fine, fine! You've twisted my arm. I will go cheer you on and be the best moral support you've ever had." He proclaimed, pushing himself to his feet.

Chrysalis snickered, "While the gesture is ever so appreciated, all I need is for you to make sure the ponies around me don't jump off the airship in fear when they see just how sexy I can be." She confidently asserted.

Anon shook his head in amusement, "That's a hell of a reaction to expect. You're gonna be so sexy the only choice will be falling to their deaths?" He chuckled.

Chrysalis shrugged, "Ponies do strange things when confronted with the pinnacle of sexuality, Anon."

"This sure seems like a one-eighty from the more meek and subdued Chrysalis I've been seeing the past week." Anon replied with a raised eyebrow.

Chrysalis laughed, "I've had to suffer many humiliations recently, Anon. I'm respectful and 'subdued' around your wives because I can't risk offending them and losing my kind's only chance at life. Being sexy, however, is my bread and butter, so to speak. I've literally lived hundreds of years by stroking the fires of passion in mares and stallions alike. I know exactly what they want to see, even if they don't," She responded, an aura of utter confidence and assuredness in her voice, "Even if I've never really done it in my normal form like this before..." She quietly muttered to herself.

Anon gave a small shrug, "Those are fair points... I guess you'll just have to show me then." He replied, not hearing the last of her words.

As if right on cue, Fancy leaned down from the hatch, "Chrysalis? Ah, there you are! We're all ready for you up here." He called, waving to the changeling Queen.

Chrysalis nodded and confidently strode forward, past Anon while fixing him with a confident smirk that could drive any male wild, "I suppose I just might." She said, flicking her tail at Anon's nose.

The gesture, while slightly expected, still took Anon by surprise, and he nearly fell over as he back into the couch. Chrysalis suppressed a snicker at his reaction while trotting up the stairs to the top deck.

"Damn... She smells nice." Anon mumbled to himself, before quickly chasing after her up to the deck.

Once they were both on deck, Fleur approached Chrysalis with a briefcase held in her magical grasp.

"Alright, mes amis. Zis is what you will be wearing for ze shoot." She said, placing the briefcase down atop a table before them and opening it.

Both Anon and Chrysalis leaned forward as the contents of the case were exposed, leading to mixed reactions of surprise. Chrysalis's eyes widened considerably and both her hearts beat faster in her chest, while Anon simply tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Socks?" He asked, looking up to Fleur and Fancy.

"Oui." Fleur nodded, confidently.

Anon scratched the back of his head, "Are these... sexy socks?" He asked,

Fleur nodded again, "Oui. Very sexy, and sexy panties to go vith zem." She replied, magicking one of the lacy, dark green panties up in front of Anon and Chrysalis.

"I dare say that this is some of the most exotic material we've ever worked with, old chap. Just feel the texture." Fancy chimed in, holding the socks out for both Anon and Chrysalis to feel.

Both man and changeling felt the fabric with their hooves and hands, and while the material was stunningly soft and velveteen to the touch, Anon could only shrug.

"I mean... the panties I get, but I don't know about the socks. I guess I'll just see when you wear them Chrysa-lis..." Anon trailed off, looking over to the changeling Queen as she practically salivated over the socks in her hooves.

"I... will go put these on." Chrysalis stated, taking all of the garments on her foreleg.

"Perfect! Right this way my dear, we have a small privacy curtain set up for you to change in." Fancy smiled and ushered Chrysalis toward the front of the ship.

Anon crossed his arms and watched in mild interest as the changeling Queen followed behind and promptly disappeared behind the privacy curtain. He could vaguely see her outline and shadow as she dressed herself in the garments, but no actual detail. After just a couple of minutes for her to get dressed, she stepped out into the light.

The socks, bearing a striped pattern of forest green and turquoise to match her mane and elytra, hid all of the holes still present in her legs. They also absolutely highlighted her body and curves, as well as adding a flair that simply seemed right on her. The socks on her hind legs rode all the way up to her flanks, further highlighting that she actually had quite and impressive figure.

However, the cherry on top was the pair of panties just barely hiding what she had between her legs. The thin strings wrapped round her flanks made Anon's blood pump faster, and he found that he simply couldn't look away from the sight of her shapely, tight flanks. It took him only a few seconds to notice the tent slowly pitching in his pants, and he quickly adjusted himself to hide the offending protrusion.

"Well, what do you think?" Chrysalis asked, batting her eyelashes at him.

Anon shrugged as he nervously adjusted his collar, "Eh, they're alright I guess." He replied, noncommittedly.

Chrysalis held his gaze for a few moments, a skeptical look of confusion worming its way onto her features. A momentary flash of realization appeared in her eyes, before she looked down ever so slightly. Within the span of a second, she looked back up and fixed Anon with a predatory grin as well as a small green blush of her own. The entirety of the actions happened so fast that Anon didn't even notice.

"If you say so." She tittered, turning on her hooves and flicking her tail at Anon.

Whether it was intentional or non, Anon couldn't tell, but the way her tail lifted to flick at him gave him the utmost perfect view of her nethers, and the tight panties that hugged her groin as if they weren't even there. Anon nervously gulped to himself as he was treated to a downright sinful view of her puffy lips, barely concealed by the thin fabric of her panties. He adjusted his collar and let out a low, slow breath as he tried to calm himself.

"Calm down, Anon, calm down... You're a married man, dammit." He quietly muttered to himself.

As Anon struggled to regain control of himself, Chrysalis strode over to the mattress set up against the wooden railing of the ship. Fancy and Fleur looked at her with excited smiles, while Photo Finish gave a beaming grin to the changeling Queen.

"Ja ja! You look like ze pinnacle of sexuality, mine schatz!" Photo cheered, grabbing her camera in her hooves.

"Oui. Those colors look phenomenal on you, mon ami." Fleur nodded.

"Are you ready to begin?" Fancy added, gesturing to the mattress.

Chrysalis grinned, "I'm ready to show Equestria just how sexy a changeling can be."

With that, they parted ways and allowed for Chrysalis to take her place on the mattress. The ponies surrounding her set the lighting rigs and reflectors in place for the perfect shot, while Photo took her place in front. She held her camera in her hooves and grinned.

"Alright, mien schatz, give me a pose. Throw your mane back and let ze whole world see just how sexy you are in zose socks!" Photo cried, enthusiastically snapping pictures as Chrysalis followed her instructions.

"Oh! Try one on your back!" Fancy suggested.

"Ja! Ja! Roll over and hold your hooves up to your chest like a puppy!" Photo ordered, to which Chrysalis complied, "Now give me a pouty lip! Zere! Perfekt! Now spread your hind legs!"

Chrysalis again complied without objection, even throwing a smoldering gaze at the camera as Photo came in for a close up.

"Zis is wunderbar! More! More! Give me more of ze magics!" Photo practically shouted, snapping picture after picture.

Chrysalis gladly complied with Photo's orders, finding that the more the ponies around her cheered her on and supported her, the more love she could feel emanating from them. These weren't fake cheers or a plot to undermine her dignity, no. These were genuine cheers of excitement, support, and even lust.

"Oh! do one on your belly with your forelegs crossed!" Fancy suggested.

"Fancy, zis is why I bring you to zese zings! On your belly, mein schatz! Hide your muzzle behind your mane!" Photo replied.

"You bring me because I'm your boss, Photo..." Fancy rolled his eyes.

Photo, unhearing or simply uncaring as to Fancy's response, simply continued to usher Chrysalis to follow her instructions.

"No! Not zat much! Less is more! Not zat little! Zere! Perfekt!" Photo cried, taking another dozen pictures.

On and on the photos went. Some were serious and sexy, while others were silly and playful. Throughout the shoot, several of the other models joined in on the mattress with the changeling Queen, allowing for her to play off of the other mares and stallions in any number of ways. She pinned some down under her and showed her dominance, along with allowing others to lay atop her belly, as if proclaiming victory while they sensually looked into each other's eyes.

The final pony to share the mattress with her, was none other than Fleur herself. The supermodel slipped into her own pair of stripped pink and white socks and sauntered over to the changeling Queen as if she owned her. With Photo snapping pictures every second, the two exchanged glances, touches, caresses, and more.

"Give her a kiss!" Photo shouted, drops of sweat dripping from her forehead.

Fleur looked up to Chrysalis and playfully pecked her cheek while Photo enthusiastically snapped picture after picture.

"Oh, that was nothing. You want this to be sexy? I can give you something sexy." Chrysalis spoke up, before pulling Fleur close.

Without warning Chrysalis opened her maw and allowed her long, forked tongue to wrap entirely around Fleurs neck, before coming to a rest just under her jaw. Fleur let out a gasp of shock as she felt the warm, moist appendage ever so gently constrict around her airway, but just as quickly, the changeling Queen released any tension on her and slowly drew her tongue back, licking along Fleur's neck the entire way. The only sound that could be heard on the deck of the ship was the whistling breeze as the ship hovered in the air, and *click* *click* of Photo frantically snapping pictures as fast as she possibly could.

When Chrysalis finally returned her tongue to her own mouth completely, Fleur stared up at her, a burning blush on her face and her breath heaving in a slow, steady rhythm. Chrysalis grinned at the snow white supermodel, before looking up to Anon with a smug smile.

The tent in his pants was so painfully obvious, she could see it from across the deck.

Chapter 20: Just a bit Closer

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Canterlot Castle

Twilight paced back and forth as Celestia sat at her throne, idly sipping on her tea. The alabaster white alicorn looked down at her young lavender counterpart with amusement as the mare passed her for the twentieth time. Multiple times, Twilight paused and looked up to her former mentor, going as far as to raise her hoof almost in protest, but quickly shook her head of the thought that plagued her and resumed her pacing. After quickly glancing at the clock, Celestia decided that enough was enough and politely cleared her throat.

"Something on your mind, Twilight?" She asked, kindly.

Twilight froze mid step, her eyes darting back to Celestia in shock, "Oh, um... n-not really." She lied.

Celestia simply raised an eyebrow and sipped her tea. After a few seconds of the silent staredown, Twilight sighed heavily.

"Fine, fine. I just... I was wondering if there was anything else we had to do while I was up here in Canterlot?" She admitted.

Celestia tilted her head to the side, "Whatever do you mean, Twilight? Has there not been enough to do?" She teased.

Twilight shook her head, "I mean, at first sure. There was a lot of legalese and etiquette that I had to learn, not to mention how to run day court... but once I got the hang of all those, then it felt like there wasn't much. Then the whole Chrysalis and changeling situation popped up and while that was a lot of work... I still feel like I didn't play that much of a role in it." She explained, her eyes downcast.

A look of concern quickly formed on Celestia's face, "Twilight, what do you mean? You were extremely important in this entire situation with the changelings."

Twilight quietly nodded, "I guess so... but Anon has done so much more than me. Chrysalis has been his responsibility this whole time and he's been at the head of a lot of the legalities while all I really did was try to get ponies to calm down at the announcement and help organize the immigration of all those changelings. Even then, you and Luna handled almost all of that."

Celestia pursed her lips, "Twilight, I'm not sure what to say. You were instrumental in integrating the changelings into Equestria. There's still much work to be done with them, but without you, we wouldn't have been able to even begin." She offered, comfortingly.

Twilight sighed and sank to her haunches, "Thank you... I guess it just doesn't really feel like I did all that much. I just want something to do that feels... deserving of a princesses attention, you know? Everything I did so far could've been done by Raven or any other secretary." She replied.

Celestia thought over Twilight's response for a few moments. Eventually, she set her tea down on the table and pushed herself to her hooves. Twilight glanced up at her as she walked down the steps of her throne and over to her. With a smile, Celestia unfurled her wing and draped it over the lavender mare while nuzzling her cheek. Albeit with a moment of hesitation, Twilight gratefully returned the gesture.

Once she was satisfied that Twilight was feeling slightly better, Celestia pulled away but kept her wing on her former student, "Twilight, you needn't be so concerned. I promise you that your time will come. In fact, I've actually just remembered that we are due to be in the Crystal Empire next week to meet with the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia. All four royal alicorns will need to be present." She offered.

Twilight slowly felt a small smile forming on her face, "Really? B-but, are you sure you and Luna should be going to that? You're both due in just a couple more weeks." She replied, looking down to Celestia's belly.

The solar alicorn chuckled, "I appreciate the concern, Twilight, but it won't be a very physical affair. It will take most of the day, but it shouldn't be anything that Luna and I can't handle. Either way, we need you there. In fact, should Luna or I suddenly go into labor while this meeting is taking place, you'll have to fill in for us."

Twilight nodded, enthusiasm forcing its way onto her face, "You mean... I'd have to take over as either of your replacements? A-are you sure I'm ready for that?" She asked.

Celestia laughed, "Twilight, were you not just asking me for more to do?" She teased.

Twilight blushed, "I-I mean, I'm happy to do it, but I don't want to sound like I'm hoping you go into labor during the meeting or anything. That would be a massive inconvenience and probably quite embarrassing for your water to break in front of the duke and duchess..." She trailed off.

Celestia only laughed harder, "Oh, Twilight... you really are a treat, you know that? You can always make me laugh," She smiled, her radiance and mirth making Twilight smile as well, "I know you don't want Luna or I to be indisposed, but you do want to have more responsibilities. So for now, we'll start with this, alright?"

Twilight beamed, "Oh, thank you, Princess!" She lunged forward, wrapping her forelegs around Celestia in the gentlest yet firmest hug she could muster.

Celestia pulled her closer with her foreleg, "Twilight, dear, how many times must I tell you? You can call me Celestia now. You are a princess."

Twilight sheepishly giggled into her fellow princess's wither, "Hehe, my bad."

They pulled away from each other with a mutual laugh.

"Well then, you've got a lot of work ahead of you, Twilight. This meeting will be very important for our relationship with Maretonia. I can have all of the relevant talking points brought to the library in Ponyville since its your last night here." Celestia offered, warmly.

"Thank you, but I'd rather get started on them asap. Could you have them brought to my room tonight?" Twilight replied.

Celestia nodded, "i'll have them brought up to you immediately. If its too much hassle to bring them back with you to Ponyville tomorrow, I'll send the points via dragonfire. Oh, speaking of which, feel free to bring Spike and the rest of your friends along if you'd like. Those six always tend to make things more entertaining when they're around for dull events like this." She suggested.

"I'll let them know. Thank you, Celestia." Twilight warmly replied, before leaning in for another quick hug.






Later That Evening

Anon, Javelin, and Chrysalis sat at the dining room table of the airship along with Fancy, Fleur, Photo, and several other models. A few butlers brought out the dishes and placed them before each of the guests present. The silver trays were absolutely loaded with fresh salads, various soups, pasta, and breads. Each tray contained a full three course meal, and spanned almost two feet across.

Anon stared down at the spread before him as he sat in the extravagant dining room. The table was a long, mahogany wooden fine dining table that stretched over forty feet long. It needed the room to fit the almost two dozen creatures present as well as all of their dining utensils and platters. The walls were made of the same hardwood that the deck of the ship was constructed of, giving the entire room a rustic, warm feeling.

As the group dug into their meals, Chrysalis simply sat next to Anon, her chair noticeably closer to him than anyone else around her, and no food before her. She didn't touch the prince, but it was clear that he held her attention, if the slightly smug look on her face and the thin smile on her lips was anything to go off of.

While Fleur, Fancy, Javelin, and even Photo took notice of this apparent change in dynamic, Anon was far too busy stuffing his face with the food before him.

"Oh god... I've been starving all day... didn't eat breakfast today and that was a fucking mistake." Anon muttered, before taking another bite of the Caesar salad before him.

Fancy and Fleur shared a look, before chuckling to themselves.

"Anon, old chap. Is the food up to your standards?" Fancy asked, a smile on his face.

Anon quickly nodded, "This shit is better than what they have at the castle. You guys have the best chefs in the country here."

"We do hire 'em from Canterlot Castle every now and again." Fleur chuckled.

"Remind me to go on your airship more often, Fancy." Javelin added, before digging back into his own salad.

"I'd be delighted to loan you and Raven the airship for your honeymoon, Javy. I think the two of you could make some good use out of it for a week or so." Fancy replied, happily.

Javelin froze mid bite, "Wait, seriously? You'd actually do that for us?" He asked, sitting more upright.

Fancy looked to Fleur, before she happily nodded, "We'd be glad to. We only get to use this airship once or twice a year for shoots or transport to shoots. If anything, it needs to get a bit more use." He kindly offered.

Javelin gratefully smiled at his cousin, "Thanks, Fancy. Fleur... I don't even know what to say. I know Raven will be ecstatic when she hears about this."

"Think nothing of it, Javy. Consider it your wedding gift." Fancy chuckled, prompting a chorus of chuckles to spread through the group.

"So, Chrysalis, mien schatz," Photo suddenly spoke up, leaning forward onto her forelegs and fixing the changeling with a smug look, "Are you sure you aren't hungry?" She asked.

Chrysalis, her gaze still fixed on Anon, snapped out of her stupor by the question and quickly turned to Photo, "I'm sorry what?" She asked, looking back and forth between Photo, Fleur, and Fancy.

Photo laughed into her hoof, "You haven't had anyzing to eat, mein schatz. Or are you perhaps... already fed?" She asked, grinning widely.

Chrysalis felt the blood rush to her cheeks and as inconspicuously as she could, glanced over to Anon for just a moment. Said motion was still easily noticed by the skillful eyes of the photographer pony, and she simply reclined in her seat, her hooves crossed as the smuggest of smiles forced its way onto her muzzle.

"Oh, I haven't been hungry for the past couple of days. We feed on love and I have received enough to stave off hunger for quite some time." Chrysalis replied, putting on a small smile.

"Ah, so you two have been intim werden, zen?" Photo replied.

Fleur immediately spit out her drink and delved into a coughing fit, prompting Fancy to gently pat her back and all ponies to look over to her in concern. Even Anon looked up from his food and gave her a worried glance.

"You, uh... you okay, Fleur?" Anon questioned.

"I am *cough* *cough* alright. *cough *cough* Zank you." Fleur replied, getting control of herself and dismissively waving to the rest of the ponies at the table, "I am alright." She announced.

The rest of the ponies went back to eating their food, including Anon, Javelin, and Fancy. However Photo simply stared at the changeling queen with a smug grin on her face while Fleur leaned over to her.

"What in ze Tartarus? You cannot ask zings like zat!?" Fleur whisper shouted into Photo's ear.

Photo simply shrugged as she looked over to Fleur, "Vat? Ve all assumed it. Besides, it is natural for ze prince to hump ze Qveen. Er ist ein kräftiger hengst und muss viele stuten mit seinem samen füllen, damit er viele fohlen bekommen kann." She replied, just as quietly as Fleur.

Fleur could not stop the blush that formed on her face, "Non! You harlot! How do you even know zat she in interested in 'im? I was ze one with 'er tongue wrapped around my throat like a scarf!"

Photo simply grinned, "And do you know vhere her eyes vere almost ze entire time, mein freund? Zey were locked onto ze prince like a hawk watches ze mouse. I followed her eyes and do you know vat I saw?"

Fleur hesitantly shook her head.

"Ze bulge. Ze bulge in his pants was zo big, and thick. Zat bulge was for her, mein schatz. A bit for you too, but mostly for her. He vants her. She vants him. Look at zem." Photo whispered, pointing to the duo as discretely as she could.

Fleur followed Photo's hoof to the prince and Queen, finding that Chrysalis did indeed appear fixated on Anon. She almost dreamingly looked at him , her elbow resting on the table as her foreleg propped her head up. Anon, while he was still somewhat engrossed in his meal, subconsciously leaned closer to the changeling Queen while he ate.

Fleur raised an eyebrow at the scene before her before looking back to Photo, "Zey don't look like anyzing more zen particularly good friends. Zey are just leaning a bit close to each 'ozzer."

Photo laughed a single time, "Ha! Mine schatz, you and I both know zat she is giving him much more zan a friendly gaze. She is longing for him. Look at how he leans toward her. Zere is something there, I am certain of it."

Fleur pursed her lips and dipped her head in thought. After taking a few moments to ponder Photo's point, she turned to her husband and gently elbowed him in the ribs.

"Hmm?" Fancy inquired, turning his head to his wife.

"Mon ami, I need your input. Do you think Chrysalis and Anon may 'ave somezing going on between zem? Per'aps zey are becoming more zen just friends?" Fleur quietly questioned, inconspicuously nodding toward the subjects of discussion.

Fancy followed Fleur's gaze to the prince and Queen and observed the quietly for a few minutes. As the dinner progressed, Chrysalis scooted ever so closer to Anon, who seemed to lean even closer to her in response. The distance between them shrunk inch by inch until they were almost touching. On top of that the faint hint of a blush on Chrysalis's face only grew more and more visible until it was quite noticeable. On the other side of the coin, Anon's blush was starting to form as well, giving even more credence to Photo's claims.

Eventually, Fancy turned back to Fleur, a somewhat shocked look on his muzzle, "You know what? I think you might be onto something, my dear."

Fleur slowly nodded, "I see." She turned back to Photo, "Okay, so you might have a point."

Photo triumphantly grinned, "Of course I do, mein schatz. Zose two look like a couple of school fillies with zere first crush. Both too afraid to show it but getting just close enough to showing it for ze rest of us. It's so obvious I'm surprised you didn't see it sooner." She teased.

Fleur rolled her eyes, "Well it's not exactly a common sight to see Chrysalis fawning over any creature, you know?"

Photo snickered, "Zat is why ve must help zis along, mein schatz."

Fleur did a double take, "What!? Are you crazy? Zat is none of our business!" She whisper-shouted.

"Zen ve make it our business." Photo grinned.

"Why do you 'ave a sudden affixation with ze prince and Queen's relationship?" Fleur quietly demanded.

Just as Photo opened her mouth to respond, Chrysalis suddenly spoke up from across the table, "What are you two talking about?" She asked.

Both Photo and Fleur froze, and although Chrysalis's words were spoken with a calm, curious tone, the look on her face said that she was well aware of the nature of their conversation.

"Uh, it was nozzing-" Fleur started, only for Photo to cut her off.

"Ve vere just admiring how you and ze prince look togezzer." Photo casually replied, making Anon nearly choke on his food.

"Why, whatever do you mean?" Chrysalis replied, with a smug look on her face.

Photo leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table and her head on her hooves as the rest of the ponies on their side of the table also focused on the conversation. As Anon managed to recover from nearly choking on his salad, thanks in no small part to Javelin patting him on the back to help clear the obstruction, Photo smiled back at the changeling Queen with a similar level of smugness in her eyes.

"Vy, ve just noticed how sexy you two look together. Maybe ve could do anozzer shoot vith ze two of you. I'm sure ze ponies in Canterlot vill take kindly to ze sight of zere Prince vith a little less clothing on." Photo suggested, making everyone around her except Chrysalis do a double take.

Fleur simply buried her head in her hooves while Anon owlishly blinked at Photo. Javelin and Fancy shared a remarkably similar look of shock while Chrysalis merely tapped her chin in thought.

"You know, today was quite a bit of fun. I'm sure that would... bolster my image to the public some more. What do you think, Anon?" Chrysalis asked, practically purring Anon's name.

Anon managed his best impression of a tomato as he glanced back and forth between Chrysalis and Photo. Fleur attempted to help him out of the awkward situation her manager thrust the poor prince into, but before she could say anything at all, Photo beat her to the punch.

"Oh, I have just ze perfect shoot for you two! Sunset at ze Canterlot Castle vith ze two of you togezzer! I can see it now. Ze power. Ze pose. Ze atmosphere. Ze magics!" She excitedly prattled off.

With Photo practically planning out the shoot before his very eyes, and Chrysalis excitedly nodding along with each new word to leave the eccentric pony's mouth, Anon quickly found himself between a rock and hard place. He looked down to Javelin to find the stallion giving him the smallest of shrugs.

"Uh, it's up to you, bro." He unhelpfully offered.

Anon looked back over to Chrysalis, finding her batting her eyelashes at him while she playfully pawed at his chest. He nervously swallowed the bite of food still in his mouth and awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Uh, hehe... maybe we should talk that one over with Luna and Celly first, don'tcha think?" He asked.

"Nein. Zey vill love ze idea. Zere is no need to ask permission. Are you not a strong, independent stallion?" Photo pressed, giving Anon a predatory grin.

"Photo, zat's quite enough. Do not pressure ze prince. For the love of Faust, don't make zis worse zen it is already." Fleur spoke up, with a sigh.

Photo let out an overly dramatic sigh, "Fine, fine! Ze offer still stands, but I vill be silent... for now." She muttered, going back to her food.

With the potential crisis averted, Anon let out a breath of relief and gave a grateful nod to Fleur, who happily smiled and winked at him in return. The rest of the dinner progressed in pleasant fashion, and within half an hour, the butlers and maids were carrying trays of food away from the table as the models and royals moved to the entertainment rooms down the hall. However instead of following the large group, Anon stopped at the stairs leading up to the deck.

"You guys go ahead, I'm gonna get some fresh air for a bit." Anon announced, taking flight up the stairs without another word.

Fleur watched him leave, before turning to Photo and quickly pulling her by the ear with her magic, over to one of the modeling booths and away from the rest of the group.

"Ow! Vat ze buck, stute!?" Photo indignantly griped.

"Look at what you did to ze Prince! You made him extremely uncomfortable! Ven are you going to learn zat some stallions 'ave bound'ries!?" Fleur rebutted.

"Oh, boundaries, smoundaries. Stallions always say zat scheisse. Besides, ve both know he vants her. Maybe he just doesn't know zat, himself yet?" Photo suggested.

Before the two could bicker anymore, Chrysalis caught up to them. Her ears were pointed straight at them, indicating that she'd heard most of, if not the entirety of, their conversation.

"I'll go make sure the Prince is alright." She announced, leaving no room for debate.

As the changeling Queen ascended the stairs, Javelin let out a quiet sigh and followed after her, ensuring to keep a moderate distance between them.

As Chrysalis arrived on the deck, she found Anon pacing back and forth near the bow of the ship, his hands on his hips and a deep crease in his brow. She trotted over to him while Javelin came up to the hatch entrance and stopped, keeping a watchful eye over the pair as Chrysalis reached Anon's side.

"You alright?" She asked, tilting her head to the side in moderate concern.

"Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine. Just needed to get some fresh air is all. It was getting kinda stuffy down there, you know?" Anon replied, turning to acknowledge his changeling guest.

"You know, I was only teasing you down there, right?" Chrysalis offered, "I know I might not be your type and all, but-" She started.

"No, no! You're fine, you're fine! You're actually... really pretty. Especially with the socks and stuff." Anon cut her off, shaking his head almost frantically.

Chrysalis blushed not just from his response, but from the honesty with which he spoke. She felt no deception from him, nor any negative feelings directed towards her. She felt a soft smile forming on her face as she looked back at the human before her.

"Well... thank you. It's not every day a creature compliments what I actually look like." Chrysalis replied, a strange feeling of elation in her chest.

"I can't see how. You scared the shit out of me when we first met, but now that I've been able to actually look at you for an extended period of time without fearing for my life... you're really pretty." Anon offered, not so subtly glancing away.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at the compliment, "Okay, now I know something's going on. Why're you buttering me up so much all of a sudden?" She playfully questioned.

Anon chuckled as he walked over to the side of the airship and glanced over the landscape below, "No reason. Just... felt like saying something nice, I guess." He offered.

For a few seconds, Chrysalis simply observed the man standing before her, his hands in his pockets as he tried his best to hide his nerves from her. Unfortunately for him, she was a changeling.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "Okay, do you want me to go into how I can read your emotions like a book, or are you going to tell me the truth, here?" She pressed.

The response was enough of a shock to make Anon pause in his pacing and turn around to look at the changeling Queen.

"I... fuck... I kinda forgot you could do that." He sheepishly admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

Chrysalis chuckled, "Yes, yes, I know I'm drop dead sexy and I can tell that I turned you on earlier. No need to get all disheveled over it." She teased.

Anon felt the blood freeze in his veins and his stomach flip, "Uh... y-yeah... I guess that's one way of putting it." He admitted.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "So what's the problem? Don't tell me Celestia and Luna are the only mares to ever make you look twice."

Anon shook his head, "No, no... it's nothing like that, it's just... uh..." He trailed off, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

Keeping her eyebrow raised at the man's antics, Chrysalis pursed her lips as she read his emotions. After a few moments, she suddenly turned from him and gestured toward a bench mounted against the side railing of the airship, "Sit with me. Let's talk."

Chapter 21: The Bonds We Make

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Her voice was nothing more than a simple instruction, but the immediate sense of order and demand Anon felt from her made him follow her command without a word of protest or a moment of hesitation. He quickly sat down beside her on the bench, and stared straight ahead at the setting sun on the horizon. The Macintosh mountains to the SouthEast just barely held the flaming ball of light in their westmost cradle, funneling the light over the fields of greenery and trees below.

"Are you aware that you can be turned on by other mares without being unfaithful to your wives?" Chrysalis inquired.

Anon nodded, "Y-yes, I'm well aware of that." He replied.

"Then talk to me, Anon. What's the problem?" She asked, a level of genuine concern seeping into her voice.

Anon nervously twiddled his thumbs, "It's not something you need be concerned over." He quietly answered.

"Considering that it does involve me and your feelings for me, I think it is." Chrysalis rebutted.

Anon failed to respond for some time. He pursed his lips in thought as he stared down at the deck before him. After nearly a minute of silence, Chrysalis let out a quiet sigh.

"I understand that you feel something for me right now. Lust is a powerful emotion. What I don't understand is why I can sense so much anxiety and fear from you as well." Chrysalis announced, continuing to stare straight ahead.

Anon rolled his tongue in his mouth before slowly turning and looking at the changeling Queen beside him, "Isn't it obvious?"

Chrysalis shook her head.

"I'm not... supposed to like you... Hell, after the wedding, I should hate you... but this whole time I really haven't felt that for you at all, hell I actually kinda like having you around and now... now I see you in a pair of socks and suddenly I'm a horny teenager again," Anon sighed, shaking his head, "I'm married. With two kids on the way... I just..." He trailed off again.

Chrysalis slowly nodded, the faintest hint of a blush forming on her cheeks.

Buck me... he's really into me... and I'm really into him... buck... how did this suddenly get so complicated? What is this feeling in my chest? I haven't felt this feeling since...

After taking a few moments to consider her options, Chrysalis let out a quiet, almost sad sigh, "Anon, we've only known each other for a very short time. It's understandable that you might feel some strong emotions, but they're just that: Emotions. You don't have to act on them if you don't want to." She explained.

Anon slowly looked up to Chrysalis, "I... guess you raise a good point. It's just... I dunno, it just kinda hit me all at once." He sighed.

"Trust me. Lust is a powerful emotion that can cloud your mind. As a changeling, I used to prey on that." Chrysalis replied.

"I see." Anon bit his lip and looked down at the deck.

Chrysalis chuckled, "Why do you sound disappointed?"

Anon frowned, "Because I... I don't know. Emotions are confusing, I guess." He admitted.

Chrysalis shook her head in mild amusement, "Indeed they are. I think I have a good sense of yours now, though."

Anon snorted, "Well it's at least nice to know that you can tell how I feel even before I can."

"Perhaps it's due to the fact that you haven't seen a mare my size that hasn't been swollen with your foals in months." Chrysalis elaborated, tapping her chin in thought as her own cheeks turned a faint shade of green.

What would that be like? To carry a clutch of eggs fertilized by him? Buck, I drank too much of his love... it just tasted... so bucking good...

Anon chuckled, "I guess that might be a fair point. I absolutely love them both, pregnant or not. Still though, cuddling was easier before the baby bumps started getting in the way... although I can't complain about that since it feels like I'm holding my kids and my wives at the same time." He shrugged.

Chrysalis smiled and bumped him with her wither, "Or maybe I'm wrong and you really do just love a pregnant mare's body." She teased.

"Damn, was I that obvious?" Anon laughed.

"Like I said earlier in the week, you wear your heart on your sleeve. That isn't a bad thing, it just makes you honest." She gave him a playful wink as she got to her hooves and headed back toward the hatch.

Anon took a few moments to ponder her words, but just before she could reach the hatch, he spoke up, "Can you hang on a second?" He asked, curiously.

Chrysalis paused mid-step and looked over her wither, "Yes?"

"I... you're actually really nice to talk to and I don't really wanna go back and deal with Photo right now... wanna stay up here and chat for a while longer?" Anon sheepishly offered, with a half smile.

Chrysalis returned the smile, "I'd love to. What would you like to talk about?" She asked, hopping back onto the bench with Anon.







Anon and Chrysalis shared a hearty laugh as the sun reached the bottom of its arc on the western horizon. Blood red rays of light bathed them in warm hues of color while the gentle breeze at their altitude, along with the chilly air, forced them to sit side by side, their thighs touching. Any discomfort either of them felt at this arrangement was swiftly silenced by another gust of cold wind, making them scooch even closer in an attempt to keep warm.

"So your mom was over four thousand when you were born and she still didn't know why the sun and moon do weird things from time to time?" Anon chuckled.

Chrysalis nodded, a fond smile on her face as she reminisced, "Yes, she had never met either Celestia or Luna. As far as she was concerned, the sun and moon just moved on their own. Of course, we learned better after I was born, but it is humorous to think about from time to time."

Anon nodded as he worked his hands into his pockets in an attempt to keep them warm, "I guess that's fair. It took me a solid six months to believe that they control the sun and moon, or that pegasai control the weather... or that any of this was real, to be honest." He admitted.

Chrysalis chuckled, "Yes, I recall you saying that your homeworld is much more similar to the Everfree forest than any civilized part of Equestria. Rest assured that nowhere else has ponies controlling weather and whatnot. I still can't believe your sun and moon move on their own though. That just seems impossible after having Celestia and Luna doing it for so long."

Anon shrugged, "It's gravity. I'm way too dumb to go into it and give you an accurate assessment of how it all works, but it is consistent, at least. I've noticed Celly sometimes takes her time when she's really tired or sometimes just yanks the damn thing up to get it over with," He laughed, "Never got why she tries to just get it over with sometimes. It's always so amazing to watch."

"I imagine doing the same routine every day for a thousand years would grow tiring, even if it's beautiful and exciting at first." Chrysalis shrugged.

"Eh, I guess. Can't really see it growing old, myself though... actually, you know what, all this talk about her reminded me. I have a question for you." Anon acknowledged.

"What's that?" Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.

"When you attacked Canterlot, what exactly was your plan if you were successful? Like, if you had captured Celly, Luna, Cadence, and won, what was your plan for raising and lowering the sun and moon?" Anon asked, curiously.

Chrysalis pursed her lips as she held Anon's gaze. After nearly thirty seconds, Anon noticed the faintest blush forming on her cheeks.

"You didn't have a plan for that, did you?" He deadpanned.

"I thought I could do it!" Chrysalis exclaimed, "With how much love I had from Shining Armor, I was stronger than Celestia... I figured... you know..." She trailed off.

"You know that there's a specific spell that Tia uses, right?" Anon raised an eyebrow in amusement.

Chrysalis flippantly huffed as she turned her head away and looked out over the horizon, "Well I know that now." She rolled her eyes.

Anon laughed as he wrapped his arm around Chrysalis's wither and hugged her, "Eh, don't beat yourself up over it. If it makes you feel better, Luna didn't have a plan for that either when she was Nightmare Moon." He offered.

Chrysalis turned on him, "Wait, what?! She was going to plunge the entire world into eternal darkness and have no way to raise the sun if she ever needed to? Even if this entire half of the world froze to death?" She balked.

Anon nodded, "Yep. So you see? You're not the only one to have a poorly thought out plan to take Celly down and take over."

Chrysalis playfully slugged Anon in the shoulder before leaning back. Just as her back came to a rest against the frame of the bench, she realized something: Anon's arm was still wrapped around her wither. The contact, gentle and comforting as it was, felt strangely as if it managed to sneak up on her out of the blue. She owlishly blinked at the point of contact between them for a moment before glancing up to Anon.

"What?" Anon asked, blissfully unaware of his actions.

Chrysalis simply chuckled and shook her head, "Nothing, nothing. Just noticed the chill, is all."

Before Anon could respond, she leaned all of her weight against him, completely annihilating any and all space that was still between them. Anon jumped slightly from the sudden change of pace, his face suddenly turning red as he realized just what he was already doing.

"I, uh... thought you were done teasing me." He half-joked.

"Now when did I say that?" Chrysalis tittered, innocently smiling up at him.

"You know, this isn't a fair dynamic for our relationship. You can tell how I feel at all times and I can't tell with you." Anon muttered lightheartedly poking Chrysalis's chin with his free hand.

"Well I'm not exactly good at letting other creatures have the upper hoof." Chrysalis shrugged.

Anon scoffed, "Well you could've fooled me this whole last week."

"All out of necessity. Surrendering was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Not just because of my pride, but because I put my entire hive on the line. Now that we're allies and not enemies, it's in my best interests to acquiesce to what you all want. I hope that my good faith will earn your trust sooner rather than later." Chrysalis responded, not so subtly glancing up at her horn.

Anon followed her eyes up to the aforementioned appendage and let out an almost imperceptible sigh, "Magic is really important for you guys, huh?" He asked.

"It's probably the most important thing for changelings besides love. It is how we go about acquiring it, after all." Chrysalis replied.

"I get that. Don't worry. I'm sure we'll have that ring off of you soon. How have things been going with your changelings integrating?" Anon queried.

Chrysalis shrugged, "What do you mean 'integrating'? They've been hidden in the mountainside ever since arriving here, unable to mingle or associate with ponies in any meaningful way. They aren't all starving to death anymore- that much I can gratefully say- but they certainly aren't getting a chance to go out on the town and become a part of Equestria."

Anon rolled his tongue on his mouth for a moment, "I see... well, like I said back at the bar, baby steps. Once Fleur and Fancy publish that magazine with you modeling, that should give us the boost we need to start letting changelings out on the town without causing a panic." He offered.

"I hope so." Chrysalis mumbled, looking away.

Anon frowned, gently squeezing Chrysalis closer, "Hey, I promise we'll get them all taken care of. We didn't come this far just to keep them locked underground forever." He offered.

"There was a time, maybe just as recently as a year ago, that I would have almost preferred they stay underground. Out of sight, out of mind is life for a changeling. Now though... after getting to spend some actual time out and about with ponies, not worrying about being caught or finding a target to syphon love from... I want that for my hive. I haven't felt that alive since... well..." Chrysalis trailed off.

"Since... when?" Anon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sure you've heard of my past misdeeds, Anon. It almost caused a war." She replied.

Anon slowly nodded, realization quickly hitting him, "Oh, the Duke of Trottingham, right?" He asked.

Chrysalis nodded.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask about that. What exactly happened? Celly gave me the shorthand version but... well... you were the one actually doing it." Anon asked.

Chrysalis let out a sigh, "Would you believe me if I told you that it was all caused by my- at the time- poor infiltration skills?"

"You? Nooooooo." Anon teased.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes as she lightheartedly shoved his thigh with her foreleg, "Yes, really. I'm sure you know the broad details so I'll just skip to the important, finer details. The Duke of Trottingham was a stallion that I had my eyes on for quite a while. Gail Glint was his name. He had over a dozen mares in his herd. Plenty of love for a new queen to feed off of for decades, if I pulled it off." She began.

Anon nodded his head along to her story, clearly invested in the tale being told.

"Well, the plan was simple. Just sneak it under cover of night, cast a spell on him when he was alone to knock him unconscious or keep him unconscious if he was already asleep, then replace him while my drones took him back to the hive to feed off of... the only problem was that he caught me in the act." Chrysalis explained.

"How'd he do that?" Anon asked.

"Well... I got stuck... in the window." Chrysalis sheepishly answered as a green blush exploded over her face.

Anon snickered, but managed to keep his composure, "I... I see... continue." He said, struggling to hold in his laughter.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "Very well. He caught me in the window, immobilized me with his magic, and subdued me. I was quite a bit smaller and weaker than I am now. He had me at his mercy. He could have called the guard, killed me himself, or just thrown me out... but he didn't. He took me in. Offered me comfort, companionship, even a spot in his herd after a while." She explained, a forlorn look forming in her eyes.

"So... what did you do?" Anon asked, vaguely aware of the answer already.

"I accepted his offer. I was well fed, well housed, and without a care in the world... the problem was that I was still foalish... greedy... immature. I wanted more, and I knew that he was one of the most lusted after stallions in Equestria. His position, his power, his appearance... they drove mares to flock to him in droves. I wanted that... I wanted his power and the love he so easily bathed in. So one night I... I paralyzed him with my magic and abducted him. I took his place and pretended to be him for almost a full year." Chrysalis sighed.

"Damn..." Anon mumbled.

"My downfall came when I was called to Canterlot to negotiate with Celestia for Trottingham's tax codes," Chrysalis began, looking up to Anon with a the most serious look she could muster, "Anon, I didn't know a bucking thing about tax codes."

Anon stared back at Chrysalis for a few moments, but this time was unable to hide the snicker that forced its way out of his mouth. He quickly held a fist up over his mouth to hide his barely contained laughter at the changeling Queen's expense.

"S-so... you botched the meeting with Tia?" Anon giggled.

Chrysalis nodded, "Yep. Absolutely butchered the meeting and exposed myself as a fraud since I also couldn't answer questions about private meetings they'd had before I even met him. Since she knew me well enough at the time, it only took Celestia a few minutes to figure out that it was me. It would have been fine if it was just Celestia and I, but her secretary just happened to walk in and well... that stallion was quite the gossiper. Still not sure why she kept him around for as long as she did." She continued.

"So after that, things fell apart?" Anon asked.

"Quickly. Once word broke that I was impersonating the Duke, all of the other cities, countries, territories, hay, even the uncontacted tribes in the badlands, were outraged. Deals that brought prosperity and wealth to Trottingham fell apart, ponies rioted in the streets, and war was threatened. To put it bluntly... I bucked up." Chrysalis admitted, with a sigh.

Anon hissed through his teeth, "Yeah... that's a bit of a rough situation." He agreed.

Chrysalis huffed, "The rest, as they say, is history. Celestia banished changelings from Equestria altogether. We could've come back... hay, we could've infiltrated and taken over the entire government. There were no spells to detect a changeling's magical signature at the time."

Anon slowly raised an eyebrow, "So... why didn't you?" He hesitantly asked.

"I respected her." Chrysalis replied, simply.

"You... respected her?" Anon repeated.

"How could I not? I held great admiration for Celestia at the time... I felt as if I'd surpassed my own mother's legacy when I secured that deal with her. She didn't want to banish us from Equestria, but she had no choice. I had only myself to blame for the situation..." Chrysalis admitted, a sad frown on her muzzle.

Anon gave her a small squeeze of encouragement to continue.

"I tried to stay away for as long as possible but... well, we found ourselves in the same situation we were in when I surrendered last week. I ordered my drones to start infiltrating Equestria two hundred years ago. Word spread fairly quickly and before Luna even returned form the moon, we were a race of deceitful, evil thieves... It's not how I ever wanted to return to Equestria but I suppose hundreds of years of starvation can change a mare." Chrysalis softly scoffed.

Anon looked down at her for a long time, his brow furrowed in thought as the changeling Queen in his arm sadly looked down at the deck before her. All the joy and mirth of the atmosphere felt drained, as if the past twenty minutes of conversation were simply undone, only to be replaced with melancholy and regret.

"You wish you could go back and fix things, huh?" Anon asked, finally.

Chrysalis mutely nodded.

"I can't even begin to pretend to understand what centuries of starvation must have felt like... but I am sorry that you and your changelings had to endure that. I wish... I wish that you guys and ponies could've been friends from the start." Anon offered.

"It's difficult for ponies to want to be friends with a species that feeds off of them," Chrysalis shrugged, "Makes me wonder if this entire endeavor has been an exercise in futility."

"I mean... is there a way, any way at all, that you guys could find a way to not feed off of ponies love?" Anon offered.

Chrysalis looked at him as if he'd grown a second head, "That's like asking you to stop eating normal food and start subsisting off of emotions." She replied.

Anon quickly shook his head, "I'm not saying just stop feeding on love, I just mean that if you guys were able to ask ponies and get their consent before feeding on their love, then isn't there a chance that some would come around? I mean, hell, look at me. I've been letting you eat my love and I think we're actually pretty decent friends."

Chrysalis's eyebrows both raised, before deeply furrowing in thought, "Friends? I don't think I... I've ever called anypony my friend before. I've had many lovers... but never a friend... huh? That's sad, isn't it?"

Anon pursed his lips, "Really? Not even one other creature? What about Celestia way back?"

"I said I respected her, not that I considered her a friend." Chrysalis rolled her eyes.

After taking a few moments to ponder his response, Anon looked down at Chrysalis with a small smile, "Well then, I'm happy to be your first."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at Anon before a small smile found its way onto her face as well, "I... suppose I'm happy you're my first friend too. Thank you, Anon." She replied, before hugging him a bit tighter.

The gentle contact between them ignited a feeling in both of their chests. What the feeling was, exactly, neither could say, but as another particularly chilly gust of wind blew over them, they both felt grateful that they had each other to stave off the cold.

A few moments passed in pleasant silence, before Javelin popped up from the hatch and glanced over to the pair.

"Hey Anon! Chrysalis!" Javelin called from the hatch.

"What's up, dude?" Anon called back, looking over to the stallion.

"Fancy said we're heading back to the castle. Should be there in about twenty minutes. You guys good?" Javelin questioned.

"Yeah, we're good. Just talking about some stuff." Anon replied, with a nod.

"Alright, well I'll just leave you both to it," Javelin replied, before climbing back down the ladder, "No, they aren't kissing. No, Photo, you can't take pictures. No, they are not going to buck, can you cool your jets you thirsty, Germane, psycho."

Anon and Chrysalis both snickered at the conversation happening below them, "Photo really wants to see us together, huh?" Anon snickered.

"She was discussing it with Fleur a bit at dinner. That mare is nowhere near as quiet as she thinks she is." Chrysalis chuckled.

"Which one?"


Anon and Chrysalis shared a laugh as the conversation below them became more and more muffled.

"Vy not!? Wenn du der magie im weg stehst, schneide ich dir den schwanz ab und verfüttere ihn an deinen verlobten!"

"Photo! Put ze scissors down! Arrêtez de faire l'entremetteuse avec vos clients!"!"

"Nein! Diese ungerechtigkeit wird nicht dulden! Mir wird ze magics nicht vorenthalten! Nimm deine ruckelnden Hufe von mir! Ich muss fotos machen!"

"You are not going to be a voyer up there, Photo! You already have the shots, so please calm down! Javelin, help me restrain her!"

"She's... so... strong! What the buck!?"

"All Germane mares are freakishly strong!"


Anon let out a soft sigh as he watched Canterlot Castle slowly approaching on the horizon.

"You know, it's really peaceful up here." Anon mentioned.

Chrysalis nodded, "It is. This has been a really nice evening, Anon."

"Well... once we get everything all situated with your hive and Equestria, maybe we can do this more often. Maybe get Tia and Lulu involved with the foals. That'd be nice, wouldn't it? Basically one big, happy family watching the stars." Anon replied, his eyes gazing up at the millions of twinkling lights in the skyline.

Chrysalis followed his gaze, finding that the man's chin partially obstructed her view of the sky, but that hardly bothered her. For the first time in centuries, she felt oddly comforted by the sight of someone bigger than her, holding her gently against them. Her lips parted to speak for just a moment, but she quickly thought better of it and simply enjoyed the view. They only had a few minutes before arriving at the castle, after all.

Chapter 22: Negotiations

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Several Days Later

Raven sipped her morning coffee as she read through the morning paper. She idly flipped through the pages as she magically did her mane up in a bun. Across from her, Javelin worked the stove, the sound of sizzling hay bacon and eggs making Raven's stomach growl in desire. She instantly blushed as Javelin turned slightly, giving her a side-eyed glance.

"It'll be done in a minute, hang on now. No need to start barking orders." He teased, a playful grin on his face.

Raven rolled her eyes, "My stomach does not have a voice, thank you very much. It just likes to growl like a feral timberwolf from time to time." She replied, shaking her head in amusement.

Javelin checked the eggs and bacon, finding that both were satisfactorily cooked and turned the stove off. He levitated both pans off of the stove and over to the breakfast table where Raven's mouth quickly began to water. He expertly poured out about half of the eggs and a few pieces of hay bacon just as the toaster popped out two crispy pieces of bread. With practiced ease, he levitated the pans back to the stove to cool and plucked the pieces of toast out and over to both of their plates.

Before sitting down, Javelin quickly leaned in and planted a loving kiss on Raven's lips, a gesture to which she gladly reciprocated, even going so far as to grab him by the neck with her hoof and pull him closer to deepen the kiss. Once she was satisfied, she allowed the stallion to sit at his own seat while she dug into her breakfast.

"You must've really missed me over the weekend. You've been all over me ever since you got back." Javelin chuckled, spreading some jam over his toast.

Raven nodded as she ate, "I remembered after about five minutes the reason why I moved out." She explained between bites.

"Aww, it couldn't have been that bad, could it?" Javelin asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Yes. Yes it was. You want to know what my dad did within five minutes?" Raven rebutted.

"He asked when you were going to give him grandfoals?" Javelin guessed.

"He asked me when I'm going to give him grandfoals." Raven confirmed with a nod.

"Oh, that's not so bad." Javelin dismissed, taking a bite of his haybacon.

"Jav. Honey. Love of my life. What have we discussed over a dozen times now?" Raven deadpanned.

"That you don't want foals until you're finished working for Celestia, I know, I know." Javelin replied, nodding along as if he'd said the words a hundred times.

"Exactly. I've explained this to him at least a hundred and sixty seven times, but he kept on it the entire weekend. 'Oh, you just have to have a foal!' 'Look at Princess Celestia! She's so gorgeous and she'll even be a mother soon. How can you work next to her all day and not want to have a foal just like her?'." Raven parroted in a mocking voice.

Javelin shrugged ever so slightly, "Well, I mean... you gotta admit, pregnancy looks good on her. On both of them." He offered.

Raven facehoofed and groaned, "Ugh, not you too... Hun, please don't tell me you're getting foal fever now too... first my parents... then my siblings... now my fiancé."

Javelin chuckled as he finished his breakfast and hopped out of his seat. He quickly trotted over to Raven's side and kissed her cheek, "You know that I'm in no rush. I'll admit, being around the princess all day does make me wish we had that just a bit... but I love you and I want you to be happy. There's no rush to start a family and have little ones running around... even if they'd be cute as Tartarus." He supportively offered.

Raven gave him a sidelong glance, the small trace off a smile forming on her lips, "What'd I do to get a stallion like you?" She asked, lovingly.

Javelin smirked as he took her empty plate in his magic, "You stole my heart. Been trying to get it back for months now, but you've got it locked up tight. At this point I'm starting to think it'll be yours forever." He playfully winked as he took the dishes over to the sink.

Raven smiled after her fiancé. It was a loving, doting smile that she found herself wearing more and more often in the recent months, even despite the stresses of her life. With a soft, grateful sigh for the stallion that won her heart, she levitated her coffee back to her lips and took a sip while she levitated the newspaper up once more.

Raven immediately spit out all of her coffee upon reading the headline of the paper the brownish liquid quickly covering nearly the entirety of the page. Javelin glanced back over his wither, an eyebrow raised at Raven's sudden spit-take.

"Javelin." Raven said, her tone making the stallion's brow furrow in concern.

"Y-yeah?" He asked, turning from the sink and walking over to her.

Raven slowly turned the paper in her magic so that he could see the picture, along with the headline.

Queen Chrysalis issue of J'aDore sells record profits as stallions and mares alike all over Canterlot see a new, sexy side of the former villain.

Below the headline, sat a picture of Queen Chrysalis with her forelegs curled up over her chest, her sock-covered hind legs spread wide and only the thin fabric of her panties covering her nethers from view. She wore a pouty look on her face that only served to highlight just how downright sexy she looked.

Javelin nodded his head in an approving manner, "You know... she really can model."






"Pharynx, what do you mean you're not getting enough love? The feeding schedule is in place to ensure everyling gets enough love until we can warm the ponies up to us." Chrysalis replied, looking down to her general with concern.

"That's just it, my Queen... maybe it's enough love to survive, but it certainly isn't enough to restore our strength." Pharynx countered.

"I'm aware that we're short on love, but if this arrangement is to work, we have to live off of what we can take from the air without directly stealing it from the ponies. It's only for a short time until they trust us enough to let the hive out into the city. I'm doing everything I can to convince Celestia, Luna, and Anon that the hive is ready but the issue is the ponies in Canterlot." Chrysalis explained, letting out a tired sigh.

"My Queen, surely you know that they'll never let us out into Canterlot after the invasion... hasn't it occurred to you that them keeping us down here, barely surviving on the meager scraps of love we can feed from the air, is in their best interest? Surely they're just going to keep us weak and easy to control for who knows how long." Pharynx asserted, a pleading tone in his voice.

"What of Luna? Your brother has told me that his nightmares are all but eradicated since she started seeing him. Dozens of changelings have spoken of more restful sleep the past few days. Why would she go to that effort if the goal was just to keep us locked down here forever?" Chrysalis rebutted.

Pharynx frowned, "My Queen, surely you don't think a few nightmares abated means that we're growing stronger. It's a nice gesture, but if anything, it only serves to make us more comfortable living under them, as nothing more than slaves, barely getting enough love to survive." He asserted.

Chrysalis pursed her lips as she thought over her highest general's point. She idly considered the events of the past weekend, along with the week leading up to it and the most recent few days. Despite herself, she felt the faintest pang of concern bleed into her mind like a festering wound, poisoning her thoughts with fear and worst-case scenarios.

However, just as she began to wonder just how legitimate Celestia and Luna's word was, another memory filled her head. Anon. She recalled his emotions and how honest he was with her. She quickly reasoned that the human stallion would know exactly what his wives were planning with her and her hive. The past week with him, reading his emotions and learning about him, only served to solidify her belief that both princesses were genuine in their expressed desire to help.

With a resolute nod, Chrysalis spoke again, "I understand your concerns, Pharynx, but I know that this is the right call. Give my word to any changelings that hold doubts or fears like yours. The ponies are our allies now. We need to earn their trust but once we have it, they will give us the love we need to be strong again. It's difficult- downright embarrassing if you'd have asked me a year ago- but necessary. Even if I wanted to betray them and leave, we have nowhere else to go that can feed us. Equestria's detection measures are growing too advanced and within a generation, we'd all starve to death."

Pharynx opened his mouth to protest, but after a stern look from his queen, slowly closed it with a huff, "I... understand. I shall... relay your message to the rest of the hive... but, my Queen... please, is there any way you could get them to give us more love? Grubs are barely growing and at this rate, we'll never be strong again." He pleaded.

Chrysalis slowly nodded, "I... very well. I will go and speak with Celestia, Luna, and Anon. I'll see what we can do." She acquiesced.

"Thank you, my Queen." Pharynx replied with a bow.

Without another word, Chrysalis turned on her hooves and made way for the exit. She quickly found her way out of Pharynx's abode and into the massive crystal cavern. The many crystals illuminating the walls shown a variety of colors, but most present was a soft orange color, indicating that the sun was rising and morning was upon them.

Chrysalis made her way over to the lift and after a quick words to the guards, found herself quickly reaching the bottom entrance of the castle. With a single word of thanks, she continued on up the spiral staircase and into the structure.

Chrysalis strolled through the castle with a small frown on her face as she approached what was quickly becoming her routine destination every day: the throne room. The guards standing beside the doors quickly opened them after a quick nod from the changeling Queen, giving her a view of Celestia and Anon as the couple sat on their respective thrones.

Just as Chrysalis moved to enter the throne room, she saw Luna enter from the balcony, a tired look on her face as she sluggishly made her way over to her husband and sister. Both Anon and Celestia perked up from whatever conversation they were having to greet the changeling Queen as Luna let out a yawn.

"What's up, Chryssi?" Anon asked, smiling at her arrival.

Chrysalis pursed her lips as she approached the throne, "I have received some... less than stellar news." She explained, receiving three looks of concern in response.

"I don't like the sound of that. What happened?" Celestia questioned.

"My changelings aren't getting enough love." Chrysalis responded.

All three parties before her tilted their heads to the side in confusion, "I... don't understand. None of them are starving anymore, are they?" Luna asked.

"No, no changelings are starving to death anymore, but they aren't getting stronger either." Chrysalis replied.

"What do you mean?" Celestia pressed.

Chrysalis sighed, "It's... as if they were on death's door, but then were given a morsel of food. Enough to stave off death for a while, but not enough to recover their strength and energy. They aren't dying anymore, but they need more love." She explained.

Celestia took in the news with a concerned sigh while both Anon and Luna shared looks of confusion.

"How is that possible? That photo shoot was exactly what we needed to boost your popularity. Ponies all over Canterlot are thirsting for you now, Chryssi. Have you seen the paper today?" Anon asked, grabbing said morning paper and rushing down the steps of his throne to show her.

Anon held out the paper for Chrysalis to read, and after a few moments of skimming through the page, her eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"I... I see. Still, it will take weeks for this to show any real positive effects for my changelings." She rebutted.

Anon folded up the paper, a worried frown on his face as Celestia and Luna shared looks of deep thought.

"What would you have us do? We can only do so much when it comes to how ponies view changelings. This was always going to be a process that would take time. Rushing things like this is exactly what will send ponies into a panic and set back all the progress we've already made." Luna reasoned.

"I have to concur with my sister, Chrysalis. At the moment, your changelings aren't starving. Just based off of this newspaper alone, we were going to start the process of introducing individual changelings into Canterlot to get the populace used to seeing them. It's... regrettably, not a very swift process." Celestia offered.

Chrysalis dipped her head in thought once more, her brow deeply furrowed in concentrated thought, until an idea popped into her head.

"What about a brothel?" Chrysalis suggested.

Celestia, Luna, and Anon all did a double take at the changeling Queen's suggestion, and the chamber fell completely silent for nearly a whole minute. Chrysalis held their gaze the entire time, a nervous blush forming on her face as she dared not look to their emotions. Their faces said it all clearly enough.

Celestia wore a look of abject shock and disgust, while Luna looked horrified. Anon simply stared at her as if she'd just turned into a lizard. The combined and judgmental stares of the royals were enough to make Chrysalis wish she hadn't even made a suggestion. However, it was too late, and while the long silence quickly became a comfort, it unfortunately came to an untimely end.

"Excuse me?" Celestia replied.

"I beg your pardon?" Luna added.

"A what, now?" Anon finished.

Chrysalis held their gaze for a few more moments of painful silence before clearing her throat and proceeding.

"I said, a brothel." She repeated, the conviction in her words sounding aloud in stark contrast to the burning embarrassment she felt in her chest.

"Chrysalis... we are not opening a changeling brothel." Celestia deadpanned, while facehoofing.

"But just think about it! It would serve all parties. Ponies get to have fun with whomever they wish, even celebrities and whatnot, and changelings are well fed as payment. Ponies don't have to pay and it keeps changelings fed. It's a complete win-win." Chrysalis defended, quickly finding steam as she listed off her reasons.

"Chrysalis, there are several reasons that we won't allow a changeling brothel in Canterlot, first and foremost being that brothels were banned hundreds of years ago." Luna replied.

"Well can't you make an exception? It's not like money is changing hooves." Chrysalis argued.

"As Luna said, there are several issues with that idea, Chrysalis. The least of which being how taxable it is... for Faust's sake, ponies could just request famous ponies to rut without that pony's consent. Maybe you don't see an issue there, but I know hundreds of mares and stallions that would be absolutely horrified if they found out a changeling was impersonating them to sate some random pony's fetishes that involve them." Celestia shot back.

"Not to mention the hundreds or thousands of ponies that would want to buck us at that brothel." Luna added, a shiver of disgust worming its way down her spine.

Chrysalis pursed her lips for a moment, "Well... we could get consent from certain ponies. Maybe offer them some form of compensation for their likeness being used. Besides, that would be the whole appeal. Ponies could go and buck whomever they wish and not have to worry about the fact that the pony they want is leagues above their own. Common ponies that never had a chance with a supermodel could finally have that, if just for a few minutes." She reasoned.

Celestia and Luna both shook their heads, "Chrysalis, I am sorry. We cannot condone or allow a brothel in Canterlot, especially one who's entire appeal is ponies having sex with changelings disguised as other famous or lusted after ponies. There has to be another way." Celestia declared, the finality of her tone indicating that there was no further room for debate.

Chrysalis bit her lip in frustration at the denial of her suggestion. Brief visages of rage and betrayal flashed through her mind, but before she could let her anger take control of her, Anon spoke up.

"I have an idea." He stated, turning all heads to face him.

"You do?" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, uh... don't... don't laugh, but what about changelings as therapists?" Anon offered, bracing himself for the inevitable questions he was about to receive.

"Therapists? But none of them are licensed." Celestia tilted her head to the side.

"Well, maybe not like a normal therapist. I mean, changelings can change into something super cute and fluffy, right? So you could have ponies-mainly foals and the like- go and spend some time with them and the drones could eat up some of the love just pouring off of the little guys." Anon explained.

"You want to have my changelings essentially become the animals in a glorified petting zoo?" Chrysalis questioned.

Anon held a flat look on his face for several moments, "N-no..." He lamely replied.

"You want ponies to trust their foals with changelings when they don't even trust themselves with them yet?" Luna raised an eyebrow.

Anon shrugged, "It's just a thought. I'm not sure what the best call here is, but this way at least it's not a brothel."

After a few moments of silence between them, Chrysalis suddenly spoke up once more, "You know... now that I think on it... that might actually not be a terrible idea after all." She acknowledged.

Anon immediately perked up, "It isn't?"

"I would prefer my changelings be allowed to present themselves as ponies or something sapient, but being allowed to offer affection and comfort in exchange for love would be extraordinarily beneficial for my hive." Chrysalis nodded.

Celestia tapped her chin in thought, "And you're certain that changelings will be well behaved if they are allowed to turn into ponies just for these little 'therapy sessions'?" She asked, curiously.

"I can personally promise you that they will cause absolutely no trouble. Hay, you might even see the benefit in your own ponies sooner than we will." Chrysalis replied.

While Celestia seemed somewhat convinced, Luna still wore a look of concern on her muzzle, "I... suppose it would be a good way to help introduce ponies and changelings in a way that is mutually beneficial... but I think we would still need to have at least some guards present at all times to ensure the safety of both the ponies and changelings involved." Luna stated, after some time.

Chrysalis nodded, "That's perfectly acceptable. Although I imagine it would make it awkward for both of them if the guards are just sitting in the same room while they work."

"We can work with that. Perhaps have the guard in the next room over," Celestia offered, "This could actually be a very good way to introduce changelings into society in a calm, relaxed setting that will benefit all parties." She acknowledged, excitement finding its way into her voice.

Celestia's energy was infectious, and Chrysalis quickly felt a wave of excitement rush through her at the prospect of the royals sisters listening to her.

"Thank you. I shall go inform my hive of the good news." Chrysalis said with a nod, before turning to head back down to her hive.

"Wait, Chryssi!" Anon called out, stopping her in her tracks.

Chrysalis quickly turned around and gave Anon a curious look, "Yes?"

"Before you go, we wanted to talk to you about this weekend. We needed to tell you about this trip to the Crystal Empire-" Anon began, only for Chrysalis to do a double take and cut him off.

"Crystal Empire?" She questioned.

"Yes. We have to hold a meeting with the Duke an Duchess of Maretonia." Celestia answered.

"It's gonna involve all of us and Cadence." Anon added.

Mentally gagging at the mere mention of the frilly pink alicorn, Chrysalis found a new question forming in her mind, "When you say 'all of us'..." She trailed off.

"We need you to come along as well." Luna finished.

Before Chrysalis could begin to open her mouth, Anon jumped in front of her, "Hey! Listen, I know that's probably gonna piss you off, but listen to me. Okay, listen. We've been talking all week and we've kinda sorta come to a decision that you will definitely want to stay calm for, alright?" Anon hastily explained.

Biting her tongue to stay all the horrible things she wanted to say, Chrysalis nodded for Anon to proceed. He quickly looked back to his wives for approval, finding them both nodding for him to continue.

"Alright, so we decided that if you can go with us to the Crystal Empire, maybe help the negotiations a bit, and most importantly, not piss off Cadence or say anything to Shining Armor, then we will take that mana ring off of your horn." Anon finished, an expectant smile on his face.

Chrysalis's eyes went wide at the notion of having her magical abilities returned to her. She quickly glanced up to the ring in question, before looking at Anon with renewed purpose, "And the rest of my subjects?" She asked.

"That depends on how well behaved they are while we're gone. We've just started receiving intelligence from those few drones you have outside of Equestria and if their intelligence is good as well, then we would consider removing the rings from the grubs and such. Our plan was to start having supervised changelings getting ponies used to seeing them while we were away in the Empire, and then grubs once we return. We hoped to have the entire hive assimilated in Canterlot before the end of the year." Luna explained.

Chrysalis slowly nodded, "I... see. That's... not quite as bad as I was expecting." She acknowledged.

"Chrysalis, we don't want your hive to stay underground forever. We just need to ensure we introduce them into Equestria properly. You've been remarkably cooperative with us so far, and I'd like to think that that's gone both ways. Just two weeks ago ponies would have been rioting and panicking in the streets if there was an entire changeling hive under the castle." Celestia replied.

Chrysalis weighed her options for a few moments. It quickly became apparent that she really had no choice, "Very well. I will go to the Crystal Empire with you."

Celestia smiled, "Thank you. I know you don't want to, but your willingness to listen speaks volumes. You really have changed, haven't you?" She asked, softly.

Chrysalis felt her cheeks heating up as she stared back at the heavily pregnant solar alicorn, "I... suppose so. For better or for worse. The things I do for my hive..." She muttered.

Celestia chuckled, "Well I look forward to the trip. We should be heading out on Friday. Twilight will meet us on Saturday with her friends, so you can say hello to all of them if you wish." She offered.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes while Celestia giggled behind her hoof, "Har har." She deadpanned.

Celestia took a moment to control her amusement while Chrysalis shook her head.

"Well, regardless of the Crystal Empire trip," Luna spoke up, "If we've satisfied this conversation for now, I do need to retire to my chambers. It's been a rather long night."

As the lunar alicorn made way for the exit, Chrysalis suddenly held up a hoof, "Wait!" She called after her.

Luna froze mid-step, turning her head and giving the changeling Queen a quizzical look, "Yes?"

"Um... I just..." Chrysalis began, yet another blush forming on her cheeks, "Thorax and several other changelings have come to me, speaking of much more restful sleep and a lack of nightmares... I wanted to thank you for that."

Luna smiled, "I'm happy to do it. Have a good rest of your morning, Chrysalis."

With that, the lunar alicorn walked off, leaving only Anon, Celestia, and Chrysalis in the throne room. After watching the lunar sister go, Chrysalis's ears flicked back to the sound of magic from her right, and she glanced over to see Celestia holding the newest J'adore magazine in her magic. The sight of herself on the front cover, seductively posing with socks and panties on, made her pause.

"You know, I have to give it to you. I didn't think a changeling could be this sexy and yet... here you are." Celestia acknowledged, staring at the picture of her.

Chrysalis suddenly felt a spike of lust that she was completely unprepared for.

Chapter 23: Do Changelings Dream of Magically Changing Sheep

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Later that Evening

Chrysalis sluggishly made her way down the stairs to her hive. The spiral staircase felt mind-numbingly repetitive to her as she rounded spiral after spiral. She was grateful for the reprieve from actual thought, however, and let out a tired sigh as she arrived at the base of the staircase to look out over the crystal caverns below.

The prison was undergoing a changing of the guard, if the hundreds of golden armored mares funneling out of the structure, and hundreds of midnight purple mares and stallions funneling in, were any indication. Glancing over at the housing structures built for her hive, she unfurled her wings and buzzed down to her subjects. She felt a slight tingling in her wings, but simply chalked it up to her exhausted brain after such a long day.

She landed with grace, just in time for dozens of her drones to flock over to her, all chittering in excitement.

"My Queen, you've returned!" One drone exclaimed.

"Are we going to receive more love?" Another questioned, excitedly.

Chrysalis let out a tired but happy sigh, "While I'm afraid that I cannot promise more love just yet, my loves, I have tried to reason with Celestia, Luna, and Anon, and we've come to something of an agreement." She explained.

"What agreement, my Queen?" Pharynx asked, suddenly popping up beside her.

"I am to leave Canterlot for the Crystal Empire on Friday. I will be gone for a couple of days, and when I return they will remove the mana ring from my horn, as well as allowing changelings out into Canterlot under supervision from the royal guard. There will be something of an exchange of affection being done. I'll go into all the details tomorrow, but for now just know that there will be more love in our imminent future." Chrysalis explained.

A few worried glances passed between the drones before her, along wish hushed whispers and nervous chitters, despite the good news. Knowing full well what they were all thinking, Chrysalis softly smiled, "I promise that you will all be alright. Celestia has given me her word that things will progress as they have been while I am gone. Have faith in your Queen. I would never trust you all to somecreature that would hurt you." She explained.

Her words appeared to soothe the majority of the changelings before her, and several audible sighs of relief sounded out from the crowd before her. She felt some relief at the sight, yet she could still feel lingering doubts and fear from her drones. It pained her to know she couldn't offer more to quell their fears and reservations, but she couldn't think of anything else to say.

"What do they want of you in the Crystal Empire, my Queen?" Pharynx asked, tilting his head to the side in concern.

Chrysalis felt a great deal of relief wash over her at the prospect of a question that she could properly answer.

"I am to accompany the royal sisters and prince to help negotiate with the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia. They want me there to show that the changelings are indeed now allied with the ponies of Equestria." Chrysalis explained.

Several nods ran through the gathered changelings and even a few mutters of approval and support. Chrysalis smiled at the response, her tired eyes glancing over to Pharynx once more, almost as if to silently ask him if there was anything else. After a moment of silence eye contact, Pharynx nodded.

"You look quite tired, my Queen. You should go rest. Thank you for informing us of your imminent departure." Pharynx offered, respectfully.

Barely managing to suppress a yawn, Chrysalis turned back to the entrance, "Right you are, Pharynx. I must return to my chambers upstairs. I just felt the need to inform you all before someling else did."

Pharynx pursed his lips, "My Queen, are you sure you cannot stay down here with us for the night?" He asked, cautiously.

Chrysalis shook her head, "As much as I would prefer to, the housing situation is cramped enough for you all as is. Not to mention, Celestia, Luna, and Anon want me close by in case they need me... or if something goes wrong, so they can know it wasn't me." She replied, opening her elytra.

Pharynx opened his mouth to respond, but before he could utter a word, Chrysalis took flight.

"I will see you all tomorrow. Sleep well. I believe Luna will be visiting some of you tonight." Chrysalis called as she buzzed back up to the entrance.

For a few moments, Pharynx simply stared after her. The rest of the gathered changelings quickly dispersed and returned to their activities, albeit with some dejection at the absence of their queen. However, unlike them, Pharynx continued to stare, his eyes fixed on his queen as she slowly disappeared from sight. Only one thought bounced around in his mind, making him squint in disbelief.

Were her wings... sparkling?

Chrysalis trudged into her bedroom, her forelegs moving with all the speed and gusto of a glacier. Her head felt heavy, her legs felt sore, and even her back felt as if she'd landed on it after falling off of a boulder. Gentle glowing candlelight illuminated the hall behind her for a few moments, until the guards politely closed the door behind her, plunging her room into darkness. Her eyes quickly adjusted, and after a moment of searching, they found their target.

"Who knew paperwork could be so draining?" She quietly muttered to herself, her tired eyes barely managing to stay open.

Tugging her bedsheets open with her teeth, Chrysalis crawled into bed and let out a very un-Queenlike sigh.

"How do Tia and Luna do this every day?" She asked, throwing her head back into her pillow and closing her eyes.

A few seconds passes in silence as she stared up at the ceiling. Only the soft breeze blowing past the window, or the faint sound of marching soldiers reached her as she laid there.

Suddenly, she sat completely upright, "Wait a minute, what did I just call her?" She asked herself.

Slapping both hooves to her temples and letting out a long groan, Chrysalis slowly fell back into her mattress.

"Ugh... now I'm starting to use pet names for them..." She grumbled, rolling her eyes as she massaged her temples.

Is that so wrong though? I felt the spike of lust from Celestia this morning when she saw my modeling pictures... could she really be attracted to me? As I am now? She thought to herself.

"No, no... what're you thinking? Celestia has never felt anything of the sort for you... why would she like you now?" Chrysalis questioned to herself.

Anon does. Admit it, you want him, he wants you. Celestia wants you and Luna probably does too.

"Will you shut up and let me sleep!?" Chrysalis whisper-shouted to herself, grabbing the covers and whipping them up and over her head as she tried to burrow further into her pillow. She tightly squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to force herself to sleep, but quickly found that tactic to be subpar at best. With a huff, she rolled over and poked her head out of the sheets and let out a sigh.

What if it's just a ruse?

Chrysalis's eyes snapped back open, "A ruse?"

What if Pharynx is right? What if you were meant to see that little spike of lust?

Chrysalis rolled over in bed once more, "No, no... they wouldn't do that... they wouldn't betray me..." She whispered.

Are you so sure?

Chrysalis started up at the ceiling for some time, her thoughts caught in a raging spiral. Sleep did not come quickly for the changeling Queen, but it did come eventually. Some time after midnight, she finally drifted off to sleep, although her dreams were anything but peaceful.

"My... Queen..." Pharynx groaned, his emaciated form struggling to reach out to her as she stood amongst her decimated hive.

Chrysalis galloped over to her top general and scooped him up in her hooves, "Pharynx!" She exclaimed, "What happened to you? What happened to everyling?" She questioned.

Pharynx weakly groaned as he looked up to his queen, "They... betrayed us... while you were... were gone..." He trailed off, coughing out blood.

Chrysalis cringed and tried to heal him with every restorative spell she knew, but her horn simply fizzled out and and sparked. She looked up in horror to find that she was still wearing a mana nullification ring. She quickly looked down at her general as his ragged breathing slowed.

"Avenge us... my... Queen..." Pharynx pleaded, his voice barely a whisper.

The changeling in her forelegs fell still, and the horror of feeling his feelings and emotions fading into nothing burned like a knife in her hearts. Chrysalis hugged her fallen child to her chest as closely as she could, tears streaming from her tightly closed eyes. She struggled not to wail in despair. She could not feel a single changeling's presence around her.

"I see that we missed one." A voice spoke out from behind.

Chrysalis's eyes snapped open and her ears flicked back toward the source of the voice. She instantly recognized it and turned on her hooves, finding Dusk standing beside Echo and an entire division of royal guards. Night guards hovered a few dozen feet above their comrades, hoof blades dripping in green blood that could only have come from her children.

Chrysalis simply stared, wide-eyed in shock at the sight, a maelstrom of emotions raging through her hearts. After a few moments, she felt, rather than saw, hoofsteps behind the soldiers. Each step sent a wave of fear through her, making her wince. It took only a few seconds for the source of the terrible thudding, stomping sound to appear before her, flames billowing from her mane and tail.

"Well, well, well... look who decided to show." Celestia asked her voice devoid of its characteristic warmth and gentleness. Instead it sounded as nothing more than a sinister, taunting, sneer.

"I... y-you-" Chrysalis began, her voice trembling.

"Killed them all?" Celestia cut her off, taking great satisfaction in the aghast look on the changeling Queen's face, "But of course! Although, I can't take all the credit! Luna did quite a number on your drones before I did. I don't think any of them slept for months!" She laughed a vile, cackling laugh.

"W-what?! B-but, I've only been here for-" Chrysalis tried to speak, only for a beam of icy blue magic to blast just past her face.

"Silence, welp!" Luna barked, her massive black wings flapping just once as she landed beside her sister.

Chrysalis squinted in disbelief, "N-Nightmare Moon?" She whispered.

"Surprised? That's to be expected from a dumb bug." Luna cackled, much like her sister.

"I-I don't understand! Why would you do this!? What about Anon-" Chrysalis cried out, only for her muzzle to be forced shut buy the blood red magic of Celestia.

"Don't speak my husband's name out of your filthy mouth. Besides, did you really think he ever liked a disgusting bug like you? An actual monster? Delusional." Celestia spat, shaking her head in disgust.

"Besides, who's idea do you think it was to wipe out your hive while they were trapped under Canterlot?" Luna questioned, a wicked grin on her face.

Chrysalis's eyes widened in horror. She tried to speak but her jaw simply could not move against the overwhelming force that was Celestia's magic. She struggled to turn and gallop away, but she felt the icy cold grasp of Luna's magic wrap around her barrel, keeping her elytra from opening and holding her in place. Tears streaked from her eyes as she watched the royal sisters approached her, a sword and spear held in their magical grasp.

"Honestly, it's a bit of a shame. The things we could do with her tongue..." Celestia trailed off, licking her fangs.

"Well I'm sure we could cut it off and make some use of it with a reanimation spell." Luna chuckled.

The sharpened and enchanted steel blades approached as Chrysalis fought with all her might, but it was all for naught. She felt the cold steel press against her throat as both alicorns laughed and laughed. However, just before they could thrust their blades forward and deliver the killing blow, a familiar voice cried out from the heavens.

"Enough!" Luna cried out, blasting Nightmare Moon and Celestia away with her magic.

Chrysalis fell to her haunches as the lunar alicorn landed just in front of her, her wings flared out in a defensive posture. Without giving either the dream version of herself, or her sister time to react, Luna's horn flashed a brilliant white light, before a wave of energy blasted forward. The entire wave of soldiers, including Nightmare Moon and Celestia, subsequently disintegrated into a flurry of white sparkles that slowly faded and fell to the ground.

Huffing quietly to herself, Luna turned around to find Chrysalis curled up in a ball, her breathing coming in shallow, quick, rasps. The lunar alicorn quickly rushed to her side and pulled her into a hug. Chrysalis froze in Luna's embrace, her eyes opening wide as she saw the landscape ahead of her slowly morphing into a gentle white nothingness. Several sniffles filled the air as Luna gently held her and stroked her hoof down the changeling Queen's back.

"It's alright. It was just a nightmare. Are you alright, Chrysalis?" Luna asked, pulling away enough to look at her.

Chrysalis hid her face behind her mane as she struggled to compose herself. Even after centuries of life, loss, and hardship, she still found the images playing back in her head over and over. She grit her teeth in frustration, both in how weak she felt at that moment, and at how the actual lunar princess could see her weakness.

"I... am fine." Chrysalis managed, after some time.

Luna frowned, "No, you're not. The waking realm might allow you to read emotions and have the upper hoof on unsuspecting ponies, but the dream realm is my domain. I can sense how you feel in here, Chrysalis. You are in despair. You need not hide that from me. I'm here to help you." She offered, encouragingly.

Chrysalis rubbed the last of the tears from her eyes and took a sobering breath. Once she was able to speak clearly, she pushed herself up to her hooves, allowing Luna to do the same.

"I imagine that you don't have nightmares very often." Luna said, noting Chrysalis's bloodshot eyes.

"When... when did you get here?" Chrysalis asked, looking over to Luna.

"I've been here ever since you found your general... I cannot tell whose dream I've entered until I see them and well... I didn't believe my eyes for a few minutes." Luna admitted, an underlying tone of shame in her voice.

"Why are you here?" Chrysalis quietly demanded.

Luna frowned, "It is my duty to ensure all dreaming creatures have a restful sleep under my moon. I know you want to keep your private thoughts just that: private... but rest assured I have done no snooping. That was quite a nightmare though... it's been a while since I've seen myself as Nightmare Moon." She acknowledged.

"I-I'm sorry-" Chrysalis began,

"Chrysalis," Luna cut her off, "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. Nightmares take many forms and can mean many things... I suppose this nightmare is your worst fears come to pass?" She inquired.

Chrysalis sighed, "Yes."

"Have we not made it clear enough that we're committed to helping your kind?" Luna asked, curiously.

"I-no! It's... it's nothing like that." Chrysalis replied, hastily.

Luna tilted her head to the side, "Then what fears do you still hold? Anon cares deeply for you and your hive, as does Celestia and even me. We knew so little about your kind when you returned and now we understand so much more. Why, just before I entered the dream realm, I spoke with Thorax again and he told me all about how changelings built your hive structure in the badlands. Very impressive, if I do say so, myself." She offered.

Chrysalis allowed a sad smile to form on her muzzle, "That Thorax... he has been doing much better thanks to you." She replied.

To her surprise, a warm smile found its way onto Luna's face, "Even after that nightmare, your number one concern is still your hive. I admire that greatly, Chrysalis."

Chrysalis found that while she still felt embarrassed, nervous, and holding lingering feelings of despair, a new emotion quickly rose in her chest: gratefulness. It was an uncommon emotion for her to feel, which only made it hit even harder as she looked upon her figurative savior. It was in that serene white light that she was struck with just how beautiful the lunar alicorn was.

"Thank you..." Chrysalis replied, shyly looking down, "I... just wish that it was easier for me to trust but... I can't help the lingering fears and doubts that I hold in my head." She admitted, sitting on her haunches.

Much to her surprise, the changeling Queen felt, rather than heard, Luna's horseshoes as she walked over to her and sat down by her side. Chrysalis looked up in mild shock as Luna wrapped her wing around her, bringing a sensation of gentle and warm contact.

"I understand... trust me, I do. I suppose you're something of a kindred spirit, Chrysalis... much like how my Anon is to me." Luna chuckled.

"Kindred spirit? Oh... I see." Chrysalis nodded in understanding.

"Nightmare Moon was the greatest error of my entire life. One that I will never forget, nor will I ever forgive myself for. The invasion of Canterlot was your greatest error. Both for your changelings, and for your relationship with Equestria... having said that, you've shown us all that you do wish to reconcile and atone. I respect that immensely." Luna responded.

Chrysalis felt the beginnings of a blush creeping up on her chest and cheeks, "Thank you... I want a better future for my kind... we've lived in the shadows, stealing and lying just to survive for far too long." She admitted.

"Well you don't have to anymore. I know trust is a hard thing to come by when you're in a situation like yours... but I do hope that eventually you'll trust us enough to not fear us. I can safely say that neither my sister, myself, and especially Anon would ever do something to your changelings like your nightmare." Luna offered.

Chrysalis snorted, "I suppose not. I... haven't felt the emotions I've been feeling in so long that I forgot how powerful they can be. My entire mind has been awash with conflicting thoughts and desires. It's never been quite so difficult to sort out as it is now." She explained.

"What sorts of emotions? I'm no expert, but I can offer my input, if you'll hear it." Luna replied.

Chrysalis shook her head, "It's nothing you need concern yourself with. Just... adapting to a new way of life, I suppose." She replied.

Luna gave a sage nod of agreement, allowing a peaceful silence to fall over them. It was in that peaceful silence that Chrysalis finally looked down to see Luna's gravid belly.

"Aren't you... endangering the little one? Fighting nightmares and such while pregnant sounds like a recipe for disaster." Chrysalis noted, looking up to Luna with a look of concern.

Luna merely chuckled into her hoof, "Oh, the foal is in no danger, Chrysalis. My appearance in the dream realm is accurate to how I am, but this is simply a projection of me. My foal is safe and sound, rest assured... even despite Anon's fears and protests." She rolled her eyes.

Chrysalis tilted her head to the side, "What fears and protests?"

Luna sighed, "My husband is concerned, to say the least, with the development of our foals. My sister and I keep telling him everything is fine, but he still worries since he is a nonmagical creature. I've told him it's not as if it's never happened before... just not to alicorns." She shrugged.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, "You suddenly don't sound so sure, yourself." She intoned, turning slightly to face the lunar alicorn.

Luna shook her head, "Don't misunderstand me, I do harbor some feelings of concern for the foals. We are in uncharted territory, after all. Having said that, I know my limits well enough and I also know that both our foals will be healthy and happy once they're born. I can't wait to see the look on Nonny's face when he gets to hold little Artemis for the first time." She explained.

"Artemis? So it's a colt then?" Chrysalis asked, subconsciously looking down to Luna's belly.

Luna snickered, "Well... we don't know for sure yet, but I have a very strong feeling that it's a colt. I think Celestia has a filly, but I could be wrong."

"I figured you both would have wanted to know as soon as possible."

Luna shrugged, "We did, for a time. The nobility as well, along with just about all of Equestria... still, as the mothers of these foals, it's our choice and we decided to let it be a surprise."

Chrysalis chuckled, "Doesn't keep you from guessing though, does it?"

Luna giggled into her hoof, "Not at all. I think I went back and forth between a filly and a colt six times before making up my mind."

"Well hopefully you'll be proven right when the little one pops out." Chrysalis smiled.

Luna beamed, "I'll keep my feathers crossed."

"So why Artemis? What drew you to that name?" Chrysalis asked, leaning forward in interest.

Luna simply shrugged, "It's one of my favorite constellations. It was the first one I ever designed to capture a strong, capable, and loving stallion in the night sky. Many astronomers liken it to superstitions of old. 'Porion', is the name they came up with for it, I think. 'Porion', the protector, but it's always been Artemis to me."

Luna looked up and with a simply wave of her hoof, the snow white world around them quickly morphed into a beautiful nighttime sky, littered with stars. Chrysalis stared in fascination at the dazzling display of lights and space before her, until three distinct stars lit up brighter than all the rest.

"That's Porion's belt. The mythology goes that he once strapped the entire world of Eques to his back and carried our world across space and time until he found a star that was fit for our planet," Luna explained, before another group of stars illuminated brighter than the rest, "That's his shield, or 'Pellatrix'. He used it to shield our world from the many dangers of the cosmos and to capture the water that fills our oceans and rivers-" She continued, before a final constellation illuminated, "-and lastly, 'Petelgeuse'. A simple club that he used to fend off cosmic horrors and wayward asteroids. Like a blacksmith to a piece of steel, 'Porion' swung his mighty club against the planet, splitting rocks, forming mountains, and lastly, forming Equestria itself."

Chrysalis took in the information like a fish to water. She was completely invested in Luna's retelling of the stories of old, so much so that it took her a moment to realize that the lunar alicorn was finished.

"Wow... that's... an incredible tale, and you tell it so well... I can't believe I never heard that story before." Chrysalis admitted, shaking her head in amazement.

Luna blushed ever so slightly, "Thank you. It's... a rather old tale. I recall hearing it several times after I took on my role as the princess of the night. It's stuck with me ever since." She replied.

Chrysalis nodded, "Well I can see that you've definitely put some serious thought into this name."

Luna beamed, "Indeed. What about you?" She asked, curiously.

"Me? What about me?" Chrysalis questioned, a puzzled look on her face.

"What about your foals? Er... grubs, I suppose would be the correct term. Surely you put some thought into how you name them?" Luna pressed, giving Chrysalis her full attention.

Chrysalis blushed and looked down, "Well... not really... I love every one of my changelings but... when you lay a clutch of a dozen eggs at a time, naming becomes rather tedious. I simply name them whatever comes to mind."

Luna tapped her chin in thought, "Hmm... well, are there any you do recall naming for a specific reason?"

Chrysalis bit her lip in thought, "Maybe... a few hundred years ago there were a few I can recall." She offered.

Luna smiled, "I'd love to hear about them, if you'd indulge me."

Returning the smile, Chrysalis delved into the changelings of old, and her many past clutches. Luna happily listened and offered her thoughts along the way, and soon enough, the night passed by them as if it were just a dream.

Chapter 24: The Crystal Conundrum

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Crystal Empire

Chrysalis gazed out at the passing mountains and greenery with a bored look on her face. She idly tapped her hoof against her thigh as the train chugged along through the Crystal Empire, the effects of the Crystal heart ensuring the snow was long behind them.

While the royal train cart was anything but small, the amount of occupants inside made it feel slightly more cramped than it usually felt. Across from the changeling Queen, sat Anon, Celestia, and Raven. To her immediate right, sat Luna and Javelin. There was plenty of space between the seats and more than enough room between the rows for them to stand up and stretch, but Chrysalis simply kept her gaze locked on the ever approaching crystal spire ahead.

Taking note of her apparent apathy toward the trip, Anon leaned forward slightly, "You alright, Chryssi?" He inquired.

Chrysalis nodded, "Just... thinking, I suppose."

Luna tilted her head to the side, "About anything in particular?" She asked, curiously.

Chrysalis shook her head, "Just... not looking forward to this meeting, is all." She admitted.

Celestia gave her a look of sympathy, "If you're worried about Cadence, I assure you, she isn't the type to hold a grudge. Shining Armor... well he may be a bit harder to win over, but then again, he was the one most directly affected by what happened." She delicately replied.

"I'm sure he'll hate me for the rest of his life for what I did to him. It wasn't right... I see that now, but I do hope he'll understand that I was doing what I believed I had to do." Chrysalis responded.

"Shining Armor is a smart colt. He'll understand." Raven offered.

"I didn't deal with him much but I remember him being tough, but fair when it came to discipline. I imagine he'll be the same when it comes to forgiveness." Javelin added.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Chrysalis acknowledged.

The group lapsed into a slightly uncomfortable silence for the rest of the duration of the journey. Within twenty minutes, they arrived at the crystal train station and the conductor's voice came in over the loudspeaker.

"Princesses, Prince Anon, we have arrived at our destination. It's been an honor and a privilege to bring you to the empire. Please enjoy your stay." Her static voice said, before cutting out.

The train came to a stop with a slight jolt, and Chrysalis let out a small sigh of resignation at the sight of hundreds of crystal ponies outside, already cheering for the Equestrian royalty. While everypony around her got to their hooves and made their way to the exit, she stayed in her seat for a few extra moments, debating whether or not to actually get up and see the love princess.

Eventually, it wasn't a thought or decision that brought her out of her stupor, it was a light tap on her wither, and a friendly smile from the human she'd spent so much time with lately.

"Hey, it'll be alright. No worries. You got this." Anon encouragingly offered.

Chrysalis held his gaze for a few moments, her lips pursed as she stared at the point of contact between them. With a reluctant nod and breath, she pushed herself to her hooves and followed Anon to the door. She found Celestia and Luna patiently waiting there for her while Raven went over her notes for the day and Javelin stepped out to clear the entrance for them. After a quick nod from the stallion, Celestia made her way down the two steps of the train cart and onto the pavement of the train station.

The second that Celestia stepped hoof out of the train, an eruption of cheers and confetti rained down upon her from the hundreds of crystal ponies present. She was momentarily taken aback by the sudden explosion of confetti, but quickly laughed it off and used some magic to brush it out of her mane and coat. Luna quickly stepped down behind her, receiving another equally loud cheer of support.

While there were crystal guards present on the dock, they only numbered at just over a dozen, and they struggled to hold back the mob of excited, boisterous ponies behind them. As the guards struggled to maintain some semblance of order, Cadence and Shining Armor both strode forward, wide smiles on their faces as they greeted the solar and lunar princesses.

"Auntie Celestia! Auntie Luna!" Cadence cheered, rushing forward and nuzzling both princesses respectively.

"It's good to see you both again. How are you?" Shining asked, giving both princesses a nuzzle as well.

Happily returning the nuzzles, Celestia and Luna both smiled back at the couple before them, "We're doing wonderfully, Shining." Celestia gratefully replied.

Before either party could utter another word, another wave of cheers and applause erupted from the gathered ponies as Anon stepped out of the train cart and onto the dock. He happily waved at all the crystal ponies for a moment before walking over to his wives.

"Uncle Anon!" Cadence smiled, before rushing forward and pulling him into a hug.

Anon held up a finger in protest as he returned the hug with his other hand, "That... feels weird, but I'll allow it." He acknowledged.

Shining Armor was only a few steps behind his wife as she released her hug and offered Anon a hoof, to which he quickly bumped, "Anon, it's good to see you again. How's Valorant been treating the guard since she took over?" He asked, kindly.

"Good to see you too, bud. Val's doing great. Can't stand all the paperwork though." Anon replied.

Shining chuckled, "I don't blame her. Tell her it never gets easier." He joked.

Anon snorted in amusement, "I'll be sure to pass the message along." He replied, playfully tussling Shining's mane.

Shining snickered and batted Anon's hand away with his hoof before another set of hooves stepped onto the train station dock. He glanced up at Chrysalis, all the mirth and excitement instantly vanishing from his face and leaving a cold scowl in their place. The gathered ponies fell silent as well, all of their eyes focusing on the changeling Queen as if she would attack them all at any moment.

Chrsyalis surveyed the ponies before her with a level of mild hesitation. While she certainly didn't show it on her face, she could feel the sudden wave of unease, fear, and most potent directly in front of her, anger. She slowly gazed down at Shining Armor, almost as if hoping to delay the inevitable meeting between them for as long as possible.

Unfortunately, she could only delay for mere microseconds, and once her eyes locked with his, she knew she had to speak.

"Prince Shining Armor. It... has been a while, hasn't it?" She announced, bowing her head ever so slightly.

Shining's scowl increased in both intensity and coldness toward her, but before he could lash out verbally or physically, Cadence stepped up behind him.

"Chrysalis. There you are. We've been expecting you." Cadence offered.

While her voice came out as softly and filled with kindness, Chrysalis could easily detect the underlying hostility still emanating from her with every word. Her posture screamed 'grace' and 'pleasant', but her emotions raged like a vortex of anger, resentment, and strangely enough, hope.

Feeling something of a chance being extended to her, Chrysalis cleared her throat and fixed Cadence with the confident regal grace that she was known for.

"Princess Cadence. I'm glad to see you're in good health." Chrysalis offered.

Cadence tilted her head back ever so slightly, "Thank you. I've heard that your hive is doing much better now. You even look much more well fed than what I was told you looked like when you arrived in Canterlot." She replied, taking note of the curves and distinctly fewer leg holes on the changeling Queen before her.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow before glancing down at her body for a few seconds, "Are you calling me fat, princess?" She asked, curiously.

Cadence immediately blanched, "W-what?! No!" She hastily asserted, "I was just saying you don't look like you're starving anymore."

"You know, she does have a point. You really filled back in quick, Chryssi." Anon acknowledged, looking down at Chrysalis's legs and barrel.

Normally, the feeling of dozens of eyes staring at her, focusing on her curves and legs, would excite the changeling Queen. Ordinarily, the thought of ponies looking at her, their thoughts running wild with fantasies about taking her back to their homes, rutting her brains out, and then giving her an easy meal of love was as appetizing for her as it was arousing. However, these were anything but ordinary times.

With knowledge of her past deeds well known in the empire, mostly due to its rulers being the ponies most directly affected, she didn't feel the spike of lust and longing that she normally did when she felt several sets of eyes on her. Instead, she felt a wave of scrutiny and distrust.

"I've... been eating well... lately." Chrysalis admitted, desperately trying to hide the dark green blush on her cheeks.

Cadence eyed her critically for a few seconds, before her gaze slowly shifted over to Anon. Upon noticing her gaze, Anon felt a blush of his own forming.

"What?" He asked, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

Cadence raised an eyebrow before playfully rolling her eyes and nodding toward the castle, "Oh nothing, Anon. Nothing. Now, where are my manners. Come along, let's get my aunties to the castle. I imagine just standing is growing tiring for you two this late into your pregnancies." She smiled, trotting over to Celestia and Luna.

"Thank you, Cadence, but we're not as fragile as everypony seems to think we are." Luna chuckled.

"That said, standing has been growing increasingly difficult these last few weeks." Celestia added with a sheepish chuckle.

Anon and Chrysalis hastily made their way over to the royal sisters, the ladder taking extra care to put space between her and Shining Armor as she passed him. Shining followed behind, his gaze locked on Chrysalis as if he expected her to try something under his watch.

With the group all gathered, Cadence led them over to the chariot already awaiting them just beside the train station. With some extra help from Anon, Celestia and Luna were able to climb inside, followed by Cadence, Raven, and Shining Armor. Once Anon stepped in, he offered his hand to Chrysalis who, while carefully glancing at Shining Armor the entire time, accepted the offer with her hoof and climbed into the chariot.

Javelin quickly hopped atop the seat at the front, just beside the driver, giving the mare the go-ahead to take them into the city. With one order, the half-dozen crystal guards hitched to the chariot broke into a trot and steered them toward the spire in the center of town.

Meanwhile, inside the chariot, Chrysalis found herself sitting in the most awkward position possible. With Anon all but squished between Celestia and Luna, and Raven taking up the only spot on the opposite side of Cadence there were no available seats anywhere other than right in-between the love princess and Shining Armor. Not a word was spoken the entire ride, which only made the tension in the air that much thicker.

As their ride barreled down the road, Chrysalis felt a bead of sweat forming on her brow as she sat, bathed in anger and hatred emanating from the stallion beside her. She felt much less hostility from the love princess, but there was still an undeniable level of distrust there, leading quite literally the longest fifteen minute chariot ride of her entire life.

Thankfully, they did eventually arrive at the crystal spire in the center of the city, and with an order to halt, the chariot gracefully came to a stop underneath the structure. Javelin hopped out and opened the door for all of them, mercifully putting an end to the stifling and uncomfortable silence that plagued them the entire ride over.

"Oh thank Faust." Chrysalis muttered as Shining Armor departed first, followed quickly by Raven and Cadence.

Anon hurried out and ushered her out after him before helping both Celestia and Luna out of the chariot. Once they were all standing underneath the spire, taking in the architecture and such, a squad of crystal guards marched over to them, all coming to a stop just a stone's throw from Shining Armor. They all snapped to the position of attention and saluted. Shining crisply returned the salute, before returning his attention to the royals behind him.

"I have to attend to the military detail for this meeting. It's been a pleasure to see you all again, but I'm afraid I won't be around much today. Cadence can show you to where you'll be staying." Shining announced, his words all but vacant as he glanced over to the changeling Queen.

"Thank you, Shining. It's been good to see you once more as well. I hope we'll see you at dinner?" Celestia offered, a pleasant smile on her face.

Shining tensed somewhat, his jaw noticeably clenching, "I... wouldn't get my hopes up, Princess. I have a lot of work to do today and I'm not sure if I'll be able to dine with you. Maybe next time?" He offered, not so subtly glancing to Chrysalis once more.

Celestia nodded, "I see. Well, it's understandable. Thank you, Shining."

With that, Shining turned tail and trotted off to the squad of guards, leaving Cadence alone with the rest of the group. Quickly taking note of the slightly ashamed look in Chrysalis's eyes, Cadence took a step forward.

"I know you can probably sense that Shining isn't happy to see you... Hay, I can't lie and say I'm thrilled to see you either... but we do acknowledge that you're trying to be better. We do both respect that." She offered, looking at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis nodded, "It's to be expected... but thank you."

Cadence gave a small nod before turning to the rest of the group, "Alright, well now that that's over, how's about we get you all to your rooms? Maybe even a tour of the spire since you didn't get to see that much of it last time you were here." She smiled.

"That would be lovely." Luna replied.

"Right this way." Cadence beamed, trotting over to the nearest base of the spire.

As she approached, the wall in front of her opened, slowly revealing a spiral staircase leading upwards into the tower. Anon found himself nearly frozen in shock at the sight of the crystal wall slowly parting without any mechanical assistance.

"Oh come now, honey. It's just a door." Celestia teased, playfully flicking him with her tail.

"Yeah but like... how is it doing that!?" Anon exclaimed, breaking from his shock and rushing after his wife.

"Do we have to say it?" Luna grinned over her wither.

"Magic?" Anon questioned.

"Magic." Luna and Celestia both giggled.

Anon rolled his eyes, "Yeah, figured."

With that, the group made their way up the stairs as quickly as possible, which, given Celestia and Luna's pregnancies, wasn't very quick at all. Almost five minutes passed before the alicorn sisters managed to make it to the top of the staircase, both panting for breath and noticeably sweating from their brows. Anon helped Celestia up the last few steps while Cadence assisted Luna. Both Javelin and Raven awkwardly hovered nearby, unsure of how or when to help while Chrysalis looked around the large room before her in scrutiny.

While the royal sisters struggled to catch their breath, the group found themselves in a foyer of sorts. The walls were transparent crystal, allowing a marvelous view of the city outside at their elevated altitude.

"I... don't like... stairs..." Celestia muttered, catching her breath.

"I'm... teleporting next... time..." Luna huffed.

Anon bit his tongue as he pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed the sweat from Celestia's brow.

"Thank you, sweetie." Celestia smiled.

Anon returned the smile before moving over to Luna and doing the same.

"Thank you." Luna responded.

"Okay, well since it seems like a tour is out of the question, how's about I just show you all to your rooms and we can let you rest for a bit." Cadence chuckled, patting Luna's back with her wing.

"Agreed." Luna giggled.

Cadence swiftly led them out of the foyer and down the hallway leading to yet another spiral staircase. While Luna and Celestia grumbled at first, the second flight of stairs was much shorter than the first, and within a few seconds they found themselves in a large living area. Several rooms lined the hall to their right, while the transparent view of the empire from the left filled the room with gentle, warm light.

Cadence led them to the end of the hall, where a pair of large double doors resided. She effortlessly opened them with her magic, allowing the group to look inside to find a massive bedroom with all the accommodations royalty could ask for. A gigantic crystal chandelier took up the entire ceiling, while huge transparent crystal windows lined three sides of the room, giving an excellent view of the central street.

Lavish living arrangements and a king sized bed filled the room, making it fit for the royal family standing in the doorway.

"Okay... this is pretty neat." Anon nodded, stepping into the room.

"Indeed. Thank you, Cadence. I think I need to get off my hooves for a moment." Celestia added, stepping into the room and sitting in one of the plush chairs by the window.

"Are all the rooms this extravagant?" Raven questioned, staring at the décor of the room.

"Well, not quite to this extent, but this is the royal suite after all." Cadence replied.

Taking note of the lack of multiple beds in the room, Chrysalis turned to Cadence with a raised eyebrow, "I take it I'm to stay in the next room over?" She inquired.

Cadence nodded, "Yep. You're right next door. There will be guards posted outside both of your rooms for protection or should you need anything, all you have to do is ask them." She explained.

Protection for me or protection from me? Chrysalis idly thought to herself with a snort.

"Thank you." Chrysalis replied, before walking off to the next room over.

"Oh, Chrysalis." Celestia called.

Chrysalis turned and gave the solar princess a curious look.

"If you could, I would like to speak with you when I lower the sun tonight. Do you think you could spare a few minutes to chat?" Celestia asked, innocently.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow in heavy scrutiny, but decided to play along for the moment, "Um... sure. I can do that." She replied.

"Wonderful." Celestia smiled.

With that, the changeling Queen walked off for her room and disappeared from sight.






Later That Night

Chrysalis stepped outside to the balcony of the crystal spire just as the sun reached its lowest point on the horizon. Twinkling stars appeared in the cosmos overhead, and the nighttime aurora of the North quickly filled the sky with wavy displays of green color that contrasted beautifully against the dark purples and blood-red oranges of the fading sunlight. At the end of the balcony, stood the mare responsible for the majestic sight before her, a welcoming smile on her face as she patted the chair beside her.

"Sit with me for a few minutes, won't you?" Celestia offered.

Albeit with a moment of hesitation, Chrysalis strode over to the chair in question and took her seat. Celestia sat down on the chair across from her just a moment later, and then there was silence.

Chrysalis held Celestia's calm gaze for almost thirty seconds before sighing, "So... was there something you wanted to talk to me about up here?" She asked.

Celestia chuckled, "Oh, can't we just converse like friends? Do I need to have a subject to discuss with you already prepared?" She rebutted.

Chrysalis felt slightly taken aback at the response, and struggled to formulate one of her own, "I... um... I suppose not. I wasn't aware that you considered me a friend, yet."

Celestia closed her eyes and slowly nodded, her mane billowing peacefully as a small breeze carried it toward the drooping sun, "I've been doing some thinking, and while I can't say that we've ever been close enough to be considered 'friends', you've shown that you genuinely do want to change. Coming here to the crystal empire was a very brave thing for you to do, and I want you to know that I appreciate it. I certainly know it wasn't easy." She offered.

Chrysalis slowly nodded, the beginnings of a blush starting to form on her chest and cheeks as she felt the raw truth behind Celestia's words. There was no deceitful nature in her emotions, nor any kind of malice at all. Everything the solar matriarch said to her was as kind and gentle as could be.

"T-thank you. I'm just trying to right a wrong... no need to butter me up so much." She replied, with a smirk.

Celestia chuckled, "Oh, I'm not 'buttering you up', Chryssi. I'm being serious." She dismissively waved her hoof.

Chrysalis's eyes went wide.

Oh buck, now she's calling me 'Chryssi' too?

"Uh, hehe. Well... thank you." Chrysalis stuttered, her blush growing ever more noticeable.

Celestia squinted ever so slightly, before leaned forward with interest, "Is that a blush I see?" She asked in a teasing voice.

Chrysalis instantly felt the blood rushing to her cheeks and chest, and she quickly shook her head, "W-what?! No! Of course not! I don't blush!" She defensively explained.

Smelling blood in the water, Celestia leaned ever further forward, a smug grin on her face, "You know, you do look absolutely adorable, blushing like a school-colt right now." She teased.

"I...uh..." Chrysalis struggled to find any response, especially with the sudden spike of lust she felt emanating from the solar alicorn as well.

However, just as soon as it was there, it was suddenly gone, and Celestia leaned back in her chair, giggling to herself, "Oh, you are just too much fun, Chryssi."

Chrysalis tilted her head to the side, a dumbfounded expression on her muzzle, "What... are you doing right now?" She demanded.

Celestia sighed a wistful sigh, "Always right to the point, aren't you?" At Chrysalis's hesitant nod, she continued, "Luna told me that you had a nightmare that involved the two of us the other night. She didn't go into the details, as those are private and only yours to know, however she did tell me about some of your feelings and fears. I just wanted to get to the bottom of that while we had time tonight." She explained.

Feeling blindsided for the third time in just as many minutes, Chrysalis stared owlishly at the sun princess, her mind reeling from the revelation that her dreams were not quite as private as she would have liked.

"I... I see." Chrysalis nodded.

"Please understand that Luna is not going to go snooping into your dreams regularly and I certainly don't need to know what you dream of. Luna only informed me of the nightmare itself, and a bit of what you talked of after the fact." Celestia explained.

Chrysalis nodded, a fond recollection of the previous night's conversation replaying in her mind, "I see. I don't really understand what you intend to 'get to the bottom of', though. I already spoke with your sister at length about this in the dream."

"That may be true, but having a second set of ears can always help. Besides, you might think of something now that you didn't while you were talking with Luna." Celestia offered.

Chrysalis rolled her long tongue in her mouth for a few moments before deciding to indulge the solar princess, "Alright, I suppose we can start from the beginning."

Chapter 25: Royal Delegations

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The Next Day

Trumpets triumphantly blared as the early morning sun shown down on the crystal empire below. Ponies gathered in the streets cheered as streamers and confetti rained down from above.

"The Duke and Duchess of Maretonia." A royal guard announced, bowing reverently as the crystal ponies cheered louder.

The Duke and Duchess approached the crystal spire, looks of satisfaction on their faces as they walked in their regal garb. While the Duke wore long, colorful robes that completely covered his entire body, save for his face, the Duchess wore a much more form-fitting garb and tunic. As they confidently strode toward the alicorns, changeling Queen, and human standing just a few dozen paces away from them, Anon couldn't help but lean over to his wife.

"What is the almighty fuck is that thing on her head?" Anon whispered, just barely being heard over the cheers and music.

"A traditional head garb. Please, honey... don't stare. They don't like it if you stare." Celestia whispered back as she glanced at her husband.

She took a moment to eye him over, before her horn discreetly lit up and she adjusted his tie. Once she was satisfied with it, she gave a small nod and turned to look at the Duke and Duchess once more. She noticed the elders of the Duke and Duchess trailing just behind them, and a quick memory of them flashed through her mind, making her smile.

Once the approaching party reached a respectable distance from the group of alicorns, the massive banner overhead unfurled and fell down to its full length. Twilight could be seen atop the balcony, smiling and waving to the crowd below just as the Duke and Duchess reached their princesses. They both bowed deeply to the solar, lunar, and love princesses. Said princesses and Anon gave a nod in return.

"It has been many moons since I last saw you both. It's wonderful to see you as adults." Celestia greeted, a warm smile on her face.

"Indeed, Princess. My mother has told me many tales of your beauty, but they pale in comparison to the real thing." The Duke replied, smiling up to the taller alicorn.

Celestia gave him a thankful look before looking past him to his elders, "Aaryines. You've raised a wonderful and charming stallion."

"You're too kind, princess," The elder mare replied, nodding with a gentle smile on her features.

"And it looks like you'll be raising your own foals soon enough." The other, slightly older stallion grinned.

Celestia chuckled, "Oh, I imagine we'll be having quite a hoofful soon enough." She glanced down at her gravid belly.

"So this is the Prince we've heard so much about." The Duchess chimed in, looking over to Anon.

"The one and only." Anon beamed.

The Duchess chuckled at Anon as he placed his hands on his hips and puffed his chest out, prompting Luna to roll her eyes and bat him with her wing.

It was at that moment that the Duke noticed Chrysalis, despite her best attempts to stay silent and avoid drawing too much attention to herself.

"So it is true... the Queen of the Changelings." He stated, shaking his head in disbelief.

All eyes quickly darted to Chrysalis, much to her displeasure. She found herself suddenly being appraised as if she were for sale, and immediately fixed the Duke with the most confident smile she could.

"Well I couldn't let you ponies do all the negotiating without me, now could I?" She intoned, taking note of his surprised expression upon hearing her voice.

"Indeed. And here I thought that changelings were our enemies. I'm glad to see that things have changed for the better." The Duke smiled.

Chrysalis was prepared for many reactions from the Duke. This, was not one of them. Disgust, revulsion, anger, concern, and even confusion, she could handle. Genuine happiness and acceptance was not something she expected to feel quite so readily and suddenly, yet it was thrust upon her all the same. So lost for words was she, that she simply stared owlishly at him for a few seconds until Luna intervened.

"Why don't we all head inside? We have much to discuss." Luna suggested.

"Agreed, " Celestia nodded, "Won't you all please kindly follow us?"

With that, the gathered royals turned around and led the way for the Duke and Duchess into the crystal castle. They ascended the stairs once more, however this time Celestia and Luna teleported to the top instead of walking. Much to Anon's amusement, the sisters were waiting patiently for the rest of the group as they walked up the rest of the stairs. The group was quickly intercepted by Raven, who happily led them down the halls to their designated meeting room at the other side of the spire.

Upon entering the room, the group found Shining Armor waiting for them. He gave a small nod of greeting to the Duke and Duchess as they took in the room. It was a lavish, oval-shaped room with an opulent crystal table seated in the center. Massive stained glass windows brightly illuminated the space, filling it with a mix of colors that ranged all over the cooler side of the spectrum. Once they were all inside and seated, Raven nodded to Javelin, who stoically closed the door behind them, blocking the room from any other creatures that might listen in.

"Alright, now that we're getting down to business, let's begin with trade, shall we?" The Duchess offered.

"A splendid idea. Let's begin." Celestia smiled.

Chrysalis tried, in vain, to hide the grimace that found its way onto her face as the meeting quickly fell into one of the most boring snooze-fests she'd ever experienced.






Chrysalis, Anon, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence stepped out of the room as the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia followed behind them. Raven quickly finished picking up some paperwork before Shining Armor led her out the door, quickly followed by Javelin. Although not a word was spoken between the large group as they all made their way down the hall and out of the negotiations room, there was a sense of relief and happiness filling the air.

Chrysalis could feel the warm emotions positively radiating off of everypony around her, and despite how dreadfully boring the whole affair was, she took some semblance of pride in her minor, yet still very important, contributions to the negotiations. She cast a look over her wither to see Anon, who happily smiled down at her and patted her wither. Giving a genuine smile of thanks in return, she playfully bumped Anon's thigh with her flank, making him snort in amusement.

Soon enough the group reached the end of the hall and separated. With warm words of thanks and goodbyes, the Duke, Duchess, and their entourage split off and headed to their own rooms for the evening. While Chrysalis could detect much less open hostility emanating from him, Shining Armor also quickly took his leave and left for his room, leaving just Cadence with them.

"Well, that was certainly a good meeting." Cadence smiled, looking back at her aunts.

"Indeed. I was worried that the tax code adjustments would be too aggressive for them, but they were more than willing to accept the small hike in exchange for better trade tariffs." Celestia nodded.

"That and being able to hold the Equestrian Olympics in three years." Anon added.

"That's admittedly going to be a massive capital gain for them, especially in the tourism department." Luna acknowledged.

"I'm just relieved nothing bad happened." Chrysalis chuckled, prompting Anon to chuckle along with her.

"Ah, you worry too much. Those guys are super chill." Anon dismissed, wrapping his arm around Chrysalis in a quick hug.

"They've been good friends of the crown for centuries. Their family lineage dates back to the five hundreds ANM. Honestly, it'd be more surprising if they weren't cooperative. Still, tax codes are always a bit iffy." Raven added.

Celestia nodded, "Indeed. It never hurts to be prepared, just in case," She replied, before turning to the rest of the group, "You were all instrumental in making this a success. Thank you for being so helpful. Especially you, Chrysalis." She nodded, making the Changeling Queen blush.

"Oh, I hardly did anything in there. Just threw out a few suggestions here and there." Chrysalis replied.

"On the contrary, you being here to show that you really have allied yourself with us, showed them that Equestria is stronger now than ever before. It drastically changed the dynamic of our negotiation ability, and gave us the leverage we needed to make a deal that will benefit all of us. Not only that, but you've been phenomenally behaved ever since you came back to us." Luna asserted, each compliment filled with genuine care and compassion.

Sensing her blush returning in full force, Chrysalis hastily shook her head, "T-thank you, but as Celestia said, this was a team effort. Hopefully a display of what we can achieve in the future, together?" She offered, in a bid to take the focus off of her, specifically.

Taking note of the blushing changeling Queen's nervousness at being praised, Celestia opted to simply nod and smile, "Indeed. I think there is much to look forward to in the near future between us, Chrysalis. Now, these negotiations have been tiring, what do you say we go meet with Twilight and call it a day from there, hmm?" She offered.

A chorus of agreement swept through the group, and with that, they made their way down the hall after the dignitaries. Soon enough, they all arrived at a massive double door just in time to see Twilight speaking with the Duke and Duchess. After a few words and a deep bow from the princess of friendship, the dignitaries left, leaving just the purple alicorn to smile and wave after them as the group of royals quickly caught up to her.

Taking note of her approaching fellow princesses, Twilight stepped toward them, a slightly concerned look on her muzzle, "Is there anything else I can do to assist with their visit?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, Twilight, but their visit is already over." Cadence replied, taking note of the downtrodden look that instantly formed on Twilight's face.

"Oh." Twilight muttered.

"Something wrong?" Luna asked, a worried look on her face as well.

"I guess I just don't really understand why I'm here. Couldn't one of the royal guard have unfurled the banner?" Twilight replied.

"Having all four of us in the empire to greet them, lets the dignitaries know that their visit is considered an important one." Celestia explained.

Cadence stepped over to Twilight and wrapped a foreleg around her wither, "Plus, it gives me an opportunity to see my favorite sister-in-law." She added.

"And I'm happy to see you," Twilight responded, "All of you..."

Sensing that there was more she wanted to say, the group shared a look with each other, prompting Cadence to gently lift Twilight's chin with her hoof, "But..." She trailed off.

"But I..." Twilight began, before letting out a quick sigh, "Well it's just that Princess Luna raises the moon. Princess Celestia raises the sun. You protect the crystal empire, and all I seem to do is... smile and wave." She explained, looking down in disappointment.

With that, Twilight turned around and made way for the balcony at the end of the hall. Soft, melodic notes of acoustic guitar suddenly filled the air, and as the rest of the ponies present simply followed after Twilight as if they heard nothing, Anon groaned and looked back and forth at everyone around him.

"Oh come on! Another one of these musical things!? Am I the only one hearing this?" He questioned, before noticing that Chrysalis was still standing beside him, "Chryssi, are you hearing this?"

Chrysalis curiously raised an eyebrow at him, "Hearing what?" She asked, before following after the royal sisters.

Anon groaned as he followed his wives and Chrysalis out to the balcony, where Twilight finally started singing.

It isn't that I'm ungrateful

for all the things, that I've earned.

For all the journeys I have taken.

All the lessons I have learned.

But I wonder where I'm going now

What my role is meant to be.

I don't know how to travel.

To a future that I can't see.

"What are you talking about?" Anon asked, crossing his arms as Twilight approached Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.

I have these wings, I wear this crown.

I'm a princess, this is true.

But it's still unclear to me

Just what I am meant to do...

I want to have a purpose.

Want to do all that I can.

I want to make a contribution

I want to be a part of the plan.

"Again, what are you on about? You helped a shitload with the whole Changeling thing." Anon indignantly asserted.

As Celestia approached Twilight, Anon groaned and facepalmed, "Oh great. Now she's gonna sing too."

Your destiny's uncertain

And that's sometimes hard to take.

But it will become much clearer

With every new choice you make.

"She does have a great singing voice though... oh no, not you too, Luna." Anon sighed.

Patience is never easy.

I understand wanting more.

I know how hard it is to wait

To spread your wings and soar.

"Luna, how is flying like that not hurting your back with the foal?" Anon questioned, dumbly as Cadence stepped in.

But you stand here for a reason.

You're gifted and you are strong.

That crown is upon your head because you belong!

Seeing the inevitable chorus, Anon heavily sighed as all three alicorns surrounded Twilight.

"Here we go again... at least they all have good singing voices." Anon muttered.

Know that your time is coming soon

As the sun rises, so does the moon

As love finds a place in every heart

You are a princess, you'll play your part.

We understand you wanting more.

A chance to shine, a chance to soar.

"How are you guys flying basically upside-down like that? How is that not painful this late into a pregnancy?" Anon questioned.

Soon will come the day it turns around.

Know that your time is coming soon

As the sun rises, so does the moon

As love finds a place in every heart

You are a princess, you'll play your part.

You are a princess, you'll play your part...

As Celestia gently hugged Twilight closer to her, Anon slowly clapped from his side of the balcony.

"Your time will come." Celestia offered, smiling down at the younger alicorn.

"Encore, encore!" Anon sarcastically cheered, making everypony eye him curiously.

"Encore? For what, Nonny?" Luna questioned, tilting her head to the side.

Anon sighed, "Ah, nevermind. As long as Twilight's cheered up, we're good," He dismissively waved, turning to Javelin, "Let me guess, you didn't see anything weird just now, did you?"

Javelin's face quickly adopted a look of confusion, "Um, no. Why?" He questioned.

Anon sighed and muttered, "Nevermind. Nevermind. This world's shenanigans vex me," as he walked past the confused guard and leaned against the balcony doorway, his arms crossed.

"Uh, what was that about?" Javelin inquired, looking after the human and over to Raven.

Raven shrugged.

As the other three alicorns stepped away from Twilight, giving her space to reflect and think on her place as a princess, Chrysalis walked over to her. With her wings fidgeting under her elytra, the changeling Queen took her spot resting her forelegs on the balcony railing, while the retreating alicorns watched from beside Anon in the doorway in interest.

Twilight looked up to Chrysalis with a confused expression on her face, but that quickly changed as the changeling cleared her throat and fixed her with a serious look.

"I'm not sure if I'm in any position to offer advice, especially given our history... but for what it's worth, I do think that you've already made a difference. Were it not for you, my hive would most likely still be starving or the process to get them immigrated into Equestria would have been so bogged down in red tape, that they'd still be in processing for another several months at best." Chrysalis offered, her voice full of sincerity.

Taken aback by the sudden kindness from the former villain, Twilight found herself at a loss for words. She struggled for a few seconds, but eventually managed to find a response.

"T-thank you, Chrysalis. That... that really means a lot to hear from you. I... you've really come a long way in a short time." Twilight said, giving a grateful smile.

Chrysalis nodded, "My goal was originally just to save my hive... but now I see that there isn't any harm in making some friends along the way. Maybe we aren't so different after all." She chuckled.

Twilight beamed, and quickly wrapped her hooves around Chrysalis, pulling her into a hug. Despite her instincts, Chrysalis found that she couldn't bring herself to push the little alicorn away, and slowly returned the hug. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence all positively squealed in happiness at the new development, but managed to keep their excitement from getting loud enough to draw either Twilight or Chrysalis's attention.

Pulling away and wiping the beginnings of a tear from her eye, Twilight looked back up to Chrysalis, "Thank you, Chrysalis. I'm really glad that you came back to us." She said.

Before Chrysalis could respond, she felt a familiar magical aura around her horn, and after a second, the mana nullification ring unlocked and fell from her head. She felt a surprisingly large surge of magical power, and curiously glanced back to Celestia, the question plain to see in her eyes.

"I think you've more than shown us that we can trust you, Chrysalis." Celestia gently smiled.

Chrysalis couldn't stop the beaming smile that found its way onto her muzzle even if she tried.






Hundreds of miles away

In the dark night sky of Manehattan, a lone mocha colored pony walked through the empty streets, a barrel of oranges held in his magical grasp. The sound of a tin can clattering against the ground echoed through the nearby alleyway, startling him considerably. However, with a sigh of relief at the lack of a malicious presence behind him, he continued forward, only to nearly walk face first into a cloaked figure. The sound of heavy breathing filled the air as the figure stood before him, unflinching.

"Very sorry," The pony said with a nervous chuckle, "You came out of nowhere."

After a moment of tense silence, the figure spoke, "Is he friend, or is he foe, the pony wonders... I can assure you, I am no 'friend'. I am Lord Tirek." He said, clenching his emaciated fist tightly.

Giving the pony no time to react, Tirek opened his mouth, syphoning the blue magical energy straight from the stallion's horn, the color fading from his eyes as he quickly lost all the magic in his body. Even his cutie mark simply faded from his coat as he fell to the ground, his barrel of oranges falling to the ground beside him.

"And I will take what should have been mine, long ago." Tirek muttered, his form growing and muscle mass forming where is wasn't before.

The pony stared in terror as the form of Tirek grew to nearly double his height, and a sinister laugh filled the air as the centaur's eyes glowed yellow in the dark.

Celestia awoke with a start and a gasp, her breath heaving as she tried to calm herself down. Laying beside her, his arm still draped over her barrel, Anon also awoke and quickly sat up, a wave of concern quickly washing away any sleepiness he felt at being awoken at such a late hour.

"Celly? What's wrong?" Anon asked, cautiously rubbing her wither with his free hand.

Before Celestia could answer his question, Luna barged in, throwing the doors open and fixing her sister with a worried look.

"Sister! Are you alright?" Luna asked, quickly stepping into the bedroom.

Celestia rubbed her forehead with her hoof as she stared, wide-eyed back at her younger sister, "I've just had the most terrible dream."

"Why do you think I'm here? You know as well as I do that this was not a dream, but a vision." Luna asserted, quickly reaching the side of the bed.

"Then we haven't much time. The stronger he becomes, the more we are all in danger." Celestia responded, rolling out of bed and walking over to the nearby window.

"What? Who? What are you two talking about? What vision?" Anon questioned, following his wife out of the bed.

Luna and Celestia shared a look, before the ladder turned back to her husband and pulled him into a gentle hug, "It's a lot to explain, Nonny. We'll have to inform Twilight, Cadence, and Chrysalis as well. Would you mind waiting until then?" She asked, gently.

Anon looked into Celestia's eyes for a few moments, the deep concern radiating from her did little to assure him, but he elected to trust his wife and gave a nod.

"Thank you. We must get the three of them at once." Celestia announced, turning to Luna.

"On it." Luna replied, before turning to the doorway, "Dusk, Echo! Get Cadence, Chrysalis, and Twilight to the briefing room, now!" She ordered.

The only response she received was the sound of two sets of leathery wings flapping in the night.

Within twenty minutes, all parties were assembled at the briefing room, and although Cadence and Twilight were visibly sleepy, Celestia commanded their full attention as she walked into the room, Luna and Anon in tow.

"Celestia, Luna, Anon. What's going on?" Twilight asked, worriedly.

"It's best you all sit down. This is very dire news, indeed." Celestia explained, taking note of the increasingly concerned looks she received.

"I don't think I like the sound of that." Chrysalis muttered, her brow furrowed.

"It has nothing to do with you or your hive, if that's your concern, Chrysalis. This is a threat to all of us, and we need to take it with the level of seriousness that it deserves." Luna replied.

Now commanding the full attention of all parties before her, Celestia's horn lit up in a bright white light, before a brown book with a golden unicorn manifested before her. She placed the book down on the table and flipped through the pages until she arrived where she wanted to be and looked back up to the group.

"The immortal being known as Tirek has escaped from Tartarus. Luna and I have both seen a vision, given to us by an ancient spell that would alert us on just such an occasion." Celestia began.

"Tirek?" Twilight asked, tilting her head to the side.

"He is free..." Chrysalis muttered, looking down in thought.

Celestia nodded, "Yes. To explain for you, Twilight, Tirek and his brother Scorpan came here from a distant land, intent on stealing Equestrian magic. But Scorpan soon came to appreciate the ways of Equestria, even befriending a young unicorn wizard." She began.

"Scorpan urged his brother to abandon their plans. When Tirek refused, Scorpan alerted us to Tireks intentions." Luna added.

"Scorpan returned to his own land, and Tirek was sent to Tartarus for his crimes. But it appears he has found a way to escape." Celestia finished.

"We believe it happened when Cerberus left his post at the gates." Luna stated, looking at the book.

"But that was a long time ago. Why is he just now starting to steal magic?" Twilight questioned.

"His time in Tartarus left him very weak. He has just now gained enough strength to use his dark powers." Celestia explained, walking past Twilight.

"But with each passing moment, he grows stronger still." Luna added.

"And I know just the princess who could stop him." Cadence offered, smiling to her sister-in-law.

Twilight's wings immediately unfurled as excitement filled her voice, "Yes. I'll find him and-"

"No, Twilight." Celestia cut her off, "I'm afraid I must call on another to stop Tirek."

"Who?" Anon questioned, tilting his head to the side.


Chapter 26: Preparations

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The Next Day In Canterlot

"You two can't be serious, right?" Anon asked, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorway of his shared bedroom.

"We are, Nonny." Discord is probably the best one to handle this." Luna replied, looking over her wither.

"But like... why though?" Anon pressed, pushing himself off the door frame and walking toward his wives.

"Because he unfortunately possesses a great deal of magical power that would make it impossible for Tirek to overpower him. Also Discord being in danger is better than anypony else being in danger, if we're being honest here." Celestia explained, just as she finished writing a letter and sending it off with a spell.

"I mean, I get that. I do. It's just that... I mean, can you trust him? Like, at all?" Anon questioned.

"I'll admit, for once I am inclined to agree with Anon's judgement here. Discord is still not somepony we can trust with something this serious." Raven interjected, walking up beside Anon.

"A little backhanded but I'll take it," Anon nodded, "Do you even know where he is right now? The last time you guys saw him was right after Twilight 'reformed' him." He questioned, with air quotes.

"That's precisely why I've just sent him a letter," Celestia replied, "He should be here soon."

"Oh great. Everyone get ready for raining chocolate milk and a bunch of other bullshit that nobody wants to deal with." Anon rolled his eyes.

Celestia sighed, "While I admit that he is most definitely not a creature I particularly enjoy dealing with, he is the only one that can fight Tirek without any risk of injury. I don't want to put Twilight or anypony else in unnecessary danger when we don't have to." She offered.

Before Anon could make a rebuttal, there was a knock at the door. He turned around and eyed it with suspicion, as if he expected something chaotic to burst forth from it at any moment.

"Think that's him?" Anon asked, cautiously.

"Doubtful. Discord has no use for ordinary doors, and he never bothers knocking before showing up somewhere." Luna answered.

"Come in!" Celestia called.

With that, the door opened, revealing Cadence, Shining Armor, Javelin, and Chrysalis. They all funneled into the large bedchambers of the alicorns and their husband, before spreading out. There was a noticeable distance between Shining Armor and Chrysalis, but neither said anything about it, even though it was painfully obvious that the stallion didn't want to be anywhere near her.

"The crystal guard is securing the borders of the Empire, and if there's any sight of Tirek up north, we'll know. We have the four hundred and thirty second Calvary division en route now. They should be arriving some time tomorrow." Cadence briefed, professionally.

"I'll be meeting with Valorant after this to go over a strategy of defense for Canterlot, should things go south with Discord." Shining added.

Celestia gave a grateful nod, "Thank you, both of you. Although I feel as though you should give Discord some credit. He may make a mess here and there when he does show up, but he's been remarkably well behaved since Twilight and her friends reformed him."

"I would just feel better if we had some way to make sure he actually, you know, does the thing we want him to go do." Anon shrugged.

"Unless you happen to know any spells powerful enough to control a god of chaos, then I doubt that's going to happen." Raven sighed, in acceptance.

"We could send someone with him?" Anon offered.

"Now just who would you send to babysit moi?" A new voice spoke out, seemingly from all corners of the room at once.

"And there he is." Luna sighed.

A swirling vortex of smoke descended from the ceiling obscuring the form of the chaotic being for a few seconds, sending all loose papers and other light objects flying in the room, before in a flash of light, Discord appeared. The draconequus that stood before them, looked like a clumsy amalgamation of different animals, all sewn together onto a long, snake-like body covered in different types of fur and scales. Large yellow eyes with blood-red irises glanced about the room for several seconds, before settling on Anon.

"Oh, there there, Anon my boy! No need to fret! I've been given an important mission, and I intend to do my absolute best, lest I loose the good graces of my new friends." Discord intoned, his body quickly darting forward and wrapping around Anon like an anaconda.

"Oh God... please don't tell me that's what I think it is, rubbing against my lower back..." Anon squeamishly muttered, trying to break free from the confines of Discord's form.

"Discord, release my husband. Now." Celestia ordered, her tone leaving little room for argument.

With a flippant sigh, Discord snapped his fingers, and disappeared with a flash. He almost instantly reappeared with a similar pop and flash, hanging upside-down from the chandelier while holding a cup of tea in his claws. Said cup was also upside-down, but nothing spilled from it, even though there was clearly steaming liquid inside. He idly sipped from his tea, draining not the liquid itself, but rather the cup it sat in, until there was only cup-shaped brown liquid being held in his claw. Smacking his lips in satisfaction, he tossed the liquid out the open window to the ground below, where it promptly exploded.

Anon simply stared in slack-jawed bewilderment at the draconequus's actions, but he was soon snapped from his confusion as Celestia spoke again.

"Are you done?" She asked, clearly getting irritated.

"Oh, fine, fine. I was just trying to lighten the mood a little. You're all acting as if Tirek will be the end of the world." Discord huffed, snapping his fingers and turning into a liquid version of himself.

He quickly formed a puddle on the floor before reforming and resolidifying into his normal shape, much to Anon's continued confusion.

"Tirek will be the end of the world as we know it if he isn't stopped. He almost destroyed Eques once before and that was before the elements of Harmony were sealed away into that tree." Chrysalis spoke up, prompting a confused look from Discord.

Said draconequus quickly leaned over to Celestia, "How does she know about Tirek? Or the elements?" He asked, not quietly at all.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "Why are you surprised? It's not like I'm unaware of literally everything that happened before I was hatched. Also, did you forget that I have been living here for the past couple weeks, sharing information?" She indignantly replied.

Discord shrugged, "Eh, I just figured he was a bit before your time. Also I'm surprised they trusted you that much."

Chrysalis maintained a deadpan scowl aimed at the draconequus while he simply maintained his shrugging posture.

"Let's get back on track, Discord." Celestia announced.

"Oh, right. Yes, yes. You need me to go stop Tirek. I will do this, of course, as any good friend would." Discord enthusiastically replied, as he deeply bowed to the solar alicorn.

Everyone in the room raised an eyebrow at Discord, making him huff in annoyance.

"What? Why does that get that look from all of you?" He questioned.

"Oh... no reason." Anon lied.

Flippantly sighing to himself, Discord rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers. A doorknob appeared beside him, and after he quickly grabbed and twisted it, a door materialized that lead into a bright white light that nobody could see into.

"Very well then. I have some things to attend to, but as soon as they're done, I will go and deal with this Tirek situation. I should be back within a couple days." Discord announced.

"Do be careful, Discord. We would all prefer it if you were able to handle things with Tirek as peacefully as possible." Celestia instructed.

"Yes, yes. I'll try not to make a mess of things. Cheerio!" Discord called as he stepped through the door, slamming it shut behind him.

With the God of Chaos now gone, the atmosphere of the room relaxed considerably.

"I guess... I'll go meet up with Valorant now, then." Shining spoke up, turning to leave.

"Alright, we'll see you later then, honey." Cadence said, giving him a quick kiss before he left.

"Well, that went better than I expected it to, at least." Celestia acknowledged.

"Still feel like we're putting too much trust in that guy. Causing mayhem and chaos is literally his thing. Probably the most chaotic thing he could do would be to stab us in the back." Anon noted, shaking his head.

"After that little chat, I am somewhat inclined to agree with Anon." Luna replied.

"You think somepony should go with him to make sure he doesn't do anything we wouldn't want him to?" Celestia asked.

Luna and Anon both nodded, "Or at the very least, let us know before it's too late if he does stab us in the back." Anon shrugged.

Celestia sighed, "I think it speaks volumes about us as a whole, if we show we are willing to forgive and trust those that have wronged us in the past, don't you?" She asked, subtly glancing over to Chrysalis.

Feeling as though the response was directed entirely at her, Chrysalis frowned slightly. Before she could say anything in response, however, Anon shook his head.

"I mean, it's one thing to give someone another chance when they did something wrong, but it's another thing entirely when it's the God of Chaos. Like, fucking up everyone's day is what he lives for. I just want to have at least someone else there to make sure he doesn't fuck us all over." Anon rebutted.

"Who would you want to send to watch him?" Cadence asked, curiously.

"Someone who blends in. Someone that he might not notice at all. Someone who's really, really good at staying out of sight and out of mind." Anon listed, scratching his chin in thought.

All eyes in the room slowly migrated over to Chrysalis, and the increase in attention made her nervously glance over to Anon as he continued to deliberate.

"Hmm... what else, what else? I guess it'd be nice if they could teleport or maybe fly, just so they could get back here sooner," Anon finished, a triumphant look on his face as he glanced over to Cadence, "So, know anyone that fits that bill?"

Cadence's response was simply to look over to Chrysalis. Following her eyes, Anon found the changeling Queen staring at him with a pensive look on her face. All at once, he was hit with the most obvious realization that everypony else in the room figured out as soon as he started talking.

"Wait a minute, Chryssi! You can do all of those things!" Anon exclaimed, enthusiastically grabbing her withers.

"Anon, I don't think Chrysalis wants to be going off on a dangerous mission to ensure Discord doesn't somehow lose or turn to Tirek's side. She wanted to be with her hive." Celestia offered.

Anon pursed his lips in thought while Chrysalis sighed and looked down to the floor, "While that is true, and I do wish to spend more time with my hive now that I have my magic back, Anon is right. Tirek is a threat that even Discord shouldn't take lightly, and my hive won't have much of a home to live in if that monster is able to come back here. It's probably for the best if I go along." She admitted.

"Chrysalis, a-are you sure? You don't have to go if you don't wish to." Celestia responded.

Chrysalis nodded, "I am sure. I'm not thinking of this as me going to ensure Discord doesn't betray us. I'm going in case he needs any help with Tirek. You know, as any good friend would." She smirked.

Anon happily wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug, "Atta girl, Chryssi!" He smiled.

"Thank you, Chrysalis. I can't overstate how much we all appreciate this." Luna added, stepping over to the changeling Queen and wrapping a wing around her wither.

Chrysalis smiled at the affection she was bathed in by the human and alicorn. She glanced over to Celestia just in time for the solar alicorn to join the group hug and nuzzle her cheek against her own chitinous neck. The sudden explosion in affection and love made her blush, and her cheeks turned a shade greener as her wings excitedly buzzed under her elytra.

Standing a bit behind the group, Cadence found a fond smile adorning her face as she watched. Despite her reservations about the changeling Queen, she couldn't help the feeling of warmth and happiness that welled in her heart upon seeing her with her aunts and Anon.

"So, when and where am I going?" Chrysalis asked, breaking the hug, although her blush remained.

"As far as we can tell, Manehatten is where Tirek currently is. We can teleport you there whenever you'd like, but I can't say for sure when Discord will be arriving. He has his own way of doing things but I don't expect him to take more than a few hours to pop over there to find Tirek." Celestia answered.

Chrysalis nodded, "Very well then. Let me speak with my hive for a moment and then I will take you up on that teleportation offer. I may have my magic again, but I'd rather have all of my strength available just in case. Long range teleportation has never been my strong suite." She replied.

"Understandable. Take whatever time you need." Luna smiled.

"You really do look a lot stronger now, since you mentioned it." Anon pointed out.

Chrysalis looked down at her form to find that, much to her own surprise, she did look much stronger than she remembered. The holes were nearly gone in her legs altogether, and there was a healthy layer of meat under her chitin all around her thighs, flanks, barrel, and withers. In fact, she suddenly realized that she couldn't remember feeling hunger at all for days. The praise, combined with her own revelation at her strength returning, made her smile at the human.

"I think I have you to thank for that, for the most part. If it weren't for you, I'd still be on the cusp of starvation." She replied, genuinely.

Anon blushed ever so slightly, "Ah, don't mention it. It's... good to have you on our side. For real."

The two shared a tender look for just a moment, prompting Cadence to squint in confusion at the sight before her. Much as she was surprised by what she was seeing, she was even more surprised by her aunts' reactions to it. Rather than jealousy or anger at their husband for so obviously sharing an intimate moment with somepony outside their marriage, they seemed to be wholly invested in it, and even carried a sense of longing in their eyes that said they only wanted to join in. Why they restrained themselves, she could only guess, but as Chrysalis and Anon finally looked away from each other, Cadence quickly decided she needed to interrogate the human as politely as possible.

"Alright, I should go address my hive. I'll see you all when I'm done and you can teleport me to Manehattan." Chrysalis announced.

"Thank you, Chrysalis. We can't express to you how much we appreciate it." Celestia smiled.

With a grateful nod, Chrysalis took her leave, giving Cadence all the opportunity she needed to walk over to Anon as Celestia and Luna started talking with Raven.

"Excuse me, Anon?" Cadence asked.

"Hmm? What's up, Cadence?" Anon happily replied.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Cadence asked, "-In private." She hastily clarified.

Anon fixed her with a quizzical look, but simply shrugged, "Alright. Now?"

Cadence nodded, before turning to her aunts, "I'm going to borrow Anon for a second, if that's alright." She announced.

Celestia and Luna nodded, "We have nothing major to discuss at the moment, so feel free." Luna responded.

With a smile of thanks, Cadence swiftly led Anon out of the bedroom and down the hallway. He followed after the cotton-candy colored alicorn for the better part of ten minutes before they arrived at a small balcony overlooking the gardens below. Once they were out and alone, Cadence turned to face him while Anon sat on the railing, his expression as curious as it could be.

"So... what's up? You've never stolen me away for a private talk before." Anon chuckled, good-naturedly.

"I've also never seen you look at Chrysalis like that before, either." Cadence replied, as gently as she could.

Anon's smile quickly fell from his face and he found himself looking anywhere that wasn't the alicorn standing in front of him.

"Before you make assumptions, I'm not trying to police your love life or berate you for your feelings. I just couldn't help but notice up there and I wanted to see if I was just seeing things, or if you actually have developed feelings for her." Cadence asserted.

Anon was quiet for some time. He rolled his tongue in his mouth as he tried to come up with a response, but he swiftly realized that he could not argue Cadence's assessment. Try as he might, he simply found himself unable to refute her claims without blatantly lying to her, a fact which even surprised him.

"I take it from your silence, that I'm right." Cadence pressed.

With a heavy sigh, Anon looked over to Cadence with a sad smile, "I guess I'm just too easy to read. What can I say? She's really not a bad person at all after you get to know her. She did some bad things in the past, but I can't help but feel drawn to her. It's just... I don't know. Feelings are complicated." He snorted in mild amusement.

Contrary to what Anon expected, Cadence's face lit up in excitement, "I'm so relieved to hear that! Anon, this is wonderful news!" She cheered.

Taken aback by her sudden volume, Anon nearly jumped, "Uh, you're taking this way better than I expected you to." He said.

"How could I not be happy about this? I'm the princess of Love! Hearing that Chrysalis of all creatures, has legitimately earned your affections is wonderful news!" Cadence beamed.

Anon let out a small sigh of relief, "Well, I guess that makes sense... still though, it's not like I can do anything about it." He admitted, turning and resting his elbows on the railing as his tone turned to one of melancholy.

Cadence's happy expression immediately vanished, "What? What do you mean?"

Anon sighed, "Well, I've kinda already had a chat with her about my feelings," At Cadence's shocked look, Anon snorted, "She's a changeling, remember? She could read my emotions before I even knew what they meant."

Nodding in realization and agreement, Cadence stepped over to Anon's side, "I see... so you've already talked to her about them... but I'm not sensing a 'she didn't feel the same' from you. Hay, from what I saw, she seemed just as interested in you as you were in her. So... what did you two end up deciding?" She asked.

Anon took a moment to observe the view of the Equestrian landscape below before answering. He watched as the sun shone brightly on the beautiful greenery before him, and even a few pegasai as they fluttered by and rested on nearby clouds. Even with all the beauty before him, his brow remained furrowed in deep thought, his mind reminiscing on the past couple of weeks.

"Well, we both know that it would cause a mountain of issues with all of Canterlot if it got out that I was married to Celestia and Luna, only to turn around and start dating Chrysalis within a month of her showing back up after what happened last year. So... we kinda just agreed to put a pin in it. At least... that's how I understood the conversation." Anon explained.

Cadence slowly nodded, "You agreed to... put a pin in it? Did either of you specify how long you wanted to wait? Or was this more of a... 'maybe one day' kind of thing?" She asked, gently.

Anon dipped his head low enough to rub his temples while he rested his elbows on the railing, "I mean... It was a weird conversation. It's really hard to converse about your feelings when someone can read them all so clearly... it's like..." He trailed off, struggling to find the words.

"You can't lie to her about your feelings." Cadence offered.

Anon frowned, "Well, when you say it like that..."

Cadence chuckled, "I know, I know. As much as ponies don't want to admit it, sometimes, lying about your feelings is part of relationships just as much as telling the truth is. Mind you, I'm only referring to little white lies. Still, you can't hide anything from her. It's more than just not being able to lie, it's that you can't even omit the truth if you don't want to say it. While these are technically good things, I can definitely see why it would be a bit daunting." She explained.

Anon nodded, "I guess so. Still, I don't like phrasing it like that. I try to always be honest with Celly and Lulu, just like they've been ever since..." He trailed off again.

Cadence sympathetically nodded, "I know. That's all in the past though, and you trust them now. I have a pretty good sense of how you function when it comes to your feelings and you aren't the type to keep them bottled up forever. Still though, there are times when they probably drive you up a wall, as with any relationship. That's what I'm kind of getting at."

Anon lifted his head enough to look over to the pink alicorn and raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Cadence tapped her chin in thought, "Hmm... okay, let me explain it like this. Being able to keep your emotions to yourself is like playing a game of poker and keeping your cards hidden so only you can see them. Are you following me so far?" She asked, receiving a nod in response, "With my aunts, you can keep those cards hidden all you like. There's nothing inherently bad or wrong about that, since like I said earlier, sometimes sharing your emotions and frustrations just leads to more problems than it solves. Chrysalis, on the other hoof, can see right through your cards and knows exactly what you have. So you can try all you like to hide any issues you might have with her or dissatisfactions, but she can immediately see them not just for herself, but also for Celestia or Luna." She explained.

Anon pursed his lips as he took in the love princesses words. He slowly nodded as he digested the information, his face turning pensive as he looked back down to his hands.

"So what should I do then? I mean... even after everything, I've really enjoyed being around her. She's actually pretty damn funny, charming, and even... sexy," Anon sheepishly admitted, "But you're right. If I tried to pursue anything with her... well we'd not only have to deal with the fallout from Canterlot, but how do I even approach Celly and Lulu with that? We're expecting in just over a week. Now isn't the time for this and yet... it's been one of the only things I can think about for the last few days."

After a few seconds of silence, Anon scoffed in mild amusement, "A year ago I was terrified at the concept of even dating two mares at the same time... humans are usually monogamous... now look at me. All strung up on the thought of adding a third mare to my family. Celly and Lulu would probably freak out if I told them how I feel about Chryssi now."

Cadence smiled as she encouragingly put her hoof on Anon's arm, gently squeezing him with the invisible force all ponies seemed to be able to generate with the frogs of their hooves, "Well... I can't say for certain, but I think that my aunts might not be as opposed to the idea as you think they are." She impishly replied.

Anon slowly turned to Cadence, "...Go on..."

Chapter 27: We Need To Talk

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As Chrysalis descended the staircase leading to her hive for what felt like the hundredth time in just a couple short weeks, she found a noticeable bump in her step. Invigorated by the trust and love she felt from the ponies and human around her nearly constantly, combined with now unimpeded access to her profound arcane might, she almost appeared giddy.

She easily made her way down the stairs and into the massive atrium that provided housing for her hive. The thousands of bug-like forms skittering about below her seemed to be busying themselves quite nicely, to her eyes. So with a smile and an even greater sense of excitement, she opened her elytra and buzzed down to the changelings below.

Her arrival instantly drew the attention of all of her changelings, and just like the last time, they flocked over to her, showering her with affection and attention.

"My Queen! You're back!" One drone cheered.

"You look so beautiful!" Another cried out.

"Your horn is free!" A third, final voice declared.

If the crowd of her children weren't practically buzzing with excitement before, they certainly were now. Jubilant chitters and mirthful exclamations were made as the crowd grew and grew until there was a veritable sea of black forms and compound eyes surrounding their queen. Barely able to contain her joy, herself, Chrysalis ushered her drones to calm themselves and allow her to speak, an act that they quickly followed and complied with.

The few Canterlot guards still watching over the hive found themselves repeatedly impressed with how quickly the entire hive could follow orders, even if they came directly from their queen.

"Thank you, thank you all. It's fantastic to see you again too. I missed you." Chrysalis announced, receiving a chorus of receptive greetings in return.

"As I'm sure you've all noticed, my horn is no longer inhibited by that ring." Chrysalis continued, pausing for the monumentous cries of excitement and joy from her hive.

"Does this mean that we can all take these off?" A grub innocently questioned, looking up to the ring affixed to her horn.

Chrysalis's smile faltered ever so slightly, but the change in atmosphere, however slight it was, instantly registered with the hive. The roar of excitement and merriment quickly dwindled, much to Chrysalis's despair.

"I know you all want them off. Trust me, I'm doing everything I can to get the ponies to trust us enough to remove them all as quickly as possible. I've made good progress, but we aren't there quite yet. Please be patient, my loves. I promise you, I will ensure you are all free of those rings soon." Chrysalis announced, receiving many mute nods of acceptance in return.

Sensing the despair and disappointment in her children, Chrysalis quickly focused on her top general, who as always, was only a few hooves away.

"Pharynx, have any of the hive been able to start those therapy lessons we discussed before I left for the Empire?" She asked.

Pharynx shook his head, "The ponies have come down to discuss which changelings would be interested, and have made plans with them to begin the practice, but nothing else has happened yet." He replied.

Chrysalis nodded, "I see. Well that's still a step in the right direction. I do know that there are plans to start integrating the nymphs and grubs into pony society as well. They'll be the first to be free of those rings." She offered.

A few hushed whispers of excitement spread through the crowd, bringing a small smile to Chrysalis's face, only for Pharynx to step over to her side and ask her a question that forced the smile right off her muzzle.

"So, does this mean that you will be staying with us from now on, my Queen? Now that you are unshackled and able to roam freely?" Pharynx cautiously questioned.

Chrysalis frowned ever so slightly, but that was all the observant general needed, "I take it that's a no." He sadly muttered.

Before discontent could spread through her hive, Chrysalis quickly shook her head and looked over to the soldier, "I have made a commitment to Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Prince Anon. I intend to uphold my commitment until it's finished. Once that's done, however, I fully intend to return and personally oversee all of your integrations into Equestria." She explained.

"What commitment, my Queen?" Pharynx asked, tilting his head to the side.

Chrysalis pursed her lips in thought for a moment, her gaze sweeping over her hive as if to guage what their reactions might be. Knowing full well what they were all feeling, namely: apprehension, fear, concern, and even a smidge of resentment, she deigned it necessary to inform them rather quickly.

"There is a threat coming to Equestria. His name is Tirek. None of you have heard of or seen him as he's been imprisoned in Tartarus for the last thousand years. Unfortunately, he has escaped and is already in Manehattan." She explained, noting the surprised looks in her drones' faces.

"And you're going to stop him, my Queen?" Pharynx asked, worriedly.

Chrysalis shook her head, "Discord is. I am merely tagging along to ensure that nothing goes wrong while he handles Tirek." She clarified.

Heavy sighs of relief filled the air from hundreds of changelings, making Chrysalis chuckle ever so quietly to herself.

"Discord? The god of Chaos?" Pharynx questioned, sounding quite skeptical.

Chrysalis nodded, "The one and only. Anon is very concerned about his loyalty, so I've offered to go to ensure that he does what he's agreed to and takes Tirek back to Tartarus. I'll be out of sight and out of mind the entire time."

"My Queen... forgive me for asking this but... are you certain Discord won't be able to tell that you're there? I-I mean, surely you are the best of us when it comes to infiltration but... he is a God." Pharynx offered, as politely as he could.

Chrysalis chuckled, "Don't you know who you're talking to, Pharynx? I'm the goddess of disguises."






Anon walked with Cadence at his side, a deep frown on his face as he thought over the conversation he'd only just finished with the pink alicorn. He found his eyes drawn over to her as she hummed a merry tune to herself, her hooves happily clopping on the marble floor beside him. They found themselves rather quickly ascending the staircase leading back up to his bedroom in a shorter time than he'd have liked, but as with all things, he knew that is refuge from reality had to come to an end.

"You're nervous." Cadence noted, her eyes still facing straight ahead.

Anon sighed, "How can I not be? I don't know how you even managed to talk me into this." He grumbled.

Cadence playfully bumped her flank against Anon's hip, "Because I'm right and you trust me?" She offered.

Rolling his eyes in amusement, Anon returned the gesture by tussling her mane, much to her mild annoyance.

"Ah! Anon, staahp! It took me forever to brush my mane this morning!" Cadence giggled, batting Anon's hand away with her hoof.

Anon chuckled as he pulled his hand away, taking no small amount of pride in just how easily he'd messed up the cotton-candy colored alicorn's mane. Several loose ends stuck out at odd angles, much to her chagrin. With a pout, she ignited her horn and smoothed out her hair, her eyes narrowed as she gave Anon her best attempt at a scowl.

"How would you like it if I messed up your mane?" Cadence rhetorically asked.

Anon shrugged, "Eh, as long as you don't shave it off, I don't think I'd mind too much." He nonchalantly replied, placing his hands in his pockets.

"So if I dyed it rainbow-colored... you'd have no objections?" Cadence asked, a sinister smile forming on her muzzle.

Anon, having immediately realized his mistake, held up a finger in protest, "Wait a second. Hold on now-" He started.

"Anon!" Raven called, directing both Anon and Cadence's attention over to her.

The secretary mare was standing at the top of the stairwell, her face conveying a slight sense of urgency. Standing beside her, Javelin also observed with a slightly worried look on his face.

"What's up, guys?" Anon inquired.

"Celestia and Luna were wondering when you were coming back to the bedroom. There's been a lot more movement with the foals the past few minutes." Raven hastily explained.

Anon's heartrate quickly hastened in his chest, "Are they alright? You don't think..." He trailed off.

Javelin shook his head, "Nothing like that. Even if that were happening, we've got the best doctors in Canterlot standing by. You should probably go up there anyways though." He explained.

Anon let out a small sigh of relief, "Alright, whew... okay. Yeah, I'll go see them." He replied, stepping past the secretary and guard.

"Anon!" Cadence called, making him pause, "Don't forget to tell them." She ordered.

Anon held his breath for a moment before letting out a long, slow sigh and a nod, "Alright. Alright, you're right. Thanks, Cady." He offered.

Smiling at the nickname, Cadence waved after him, "Now go be a good stallion and check on your mares. I'll go meet with Shining."

With that, Anon waved goodbye to the love alicorn and headed toward his room, both Raven and Javelin falling in line on either side of him. As they quickly made their way to their collective destination, Javelin walked just a bit faster so he could speak to Anon easier.

"So... what was Cadence talking about? Tell them what?" He inquired, curiously.

Anon shook his head, "Ah, it's just a personal thing. Nothing to worry about but I do need to have something of a conversation with them."

Now it was Raven's turn to question the human, "Is it... a relationship thing?" She asked.

Anon shook his head, "Not with them, if that's what you're asking."

"Chrysalis, then?" Javelin guessed.

Anon groaned, "Why are you both suddenly so curious?"

Raven and Javelin both shrugged, "Well I just want to make sure you're alright and nothing major is happening." Raven answered.

Anon quickly looked down to the secretary mare, "Aww, so you do care about me!" He cheerily exclaimed, lunging down and scooping her up into a hug.

"Gah! A-Anon! Put me down!" Raven cried, her limbs frantically flailing as Anon held her in a hug.

"Love you too, Rayray. Even if you can be a stick in the mud sometimes." Anon snickered, gently swinging the mare side to side as her hind legs dangled.

"J-Javelin! Help me!" Raven exclaimed, reaching out to her fiancé with her hoof.

Javelin, too amused by the situation happening before him, failed to react right away. It took a few seconds of Anon swinging the poor unicorn back and forth and squeezing her tightly, for him to step forward.

"Alright, come on, Anon. That's my fiancé you're squeezing there." Javelin diplomatically asserted.

With a chuckle, Anon acquiesced and gently put Raven back down on the floor. She immediately jumped away from him, putting several feet of space between them as she fixed her mane, tie, and collar. Her snow white fur was noticeably tinged with red all along her face, and she struggled to find any words.

"Welp, this is my stop." Anon announced.

It was at that moment that both Raven and Javelin noticed that they were standing just across from Anon's bedroom, and the two day guards standing before them were clearly struggling to not laugh at the situation they'd just witnessed. Utterly mortified, Raven quickly hid behind her mane and turned for the exit.

"Yes, well... *ahem* go talk to your wives, Anon. You have a party with Blueblood to attend next week now." Raven announced, turning her muzzle up and trotting off toward the throne room.

Anon smirked, "Ah, she's just kidding... right? You're just kidding, right, Raven? You wouldn't actually do that to little old me, would you!?" He called after her, his tone becoming increasingly concerned.

Anon watched the mare trot away, pointedly ignoring him and increasing the feeling of fear amplifying in his chest with each passing second as she disappeared around a corner. Anon felt a gentle pat on his thigh, and looked down to see Javelin giving him a half smile of support.

"Eh, she's probably only half serious... I think." He offered.

Throwing his head back and letting out an explosive sigh, Anon turned toward the door, "Oh well. Who knows. Maybe a BlueBlood party won't be so bad." He shrugged, making his way to the door.

The two guards swiftly opened the door for both Anon and Javelin, allowing them both to enter the room and find Celestia and Luna laying on the bed, a pair of nurses present in the room beside them. Anon hurriedly made his way over to their side, a sense of unease instantly washing over him as he observed the situation in the room.

"Are you guys okay?" Anon asked, reaching the side of the bed.

"Oh, we're quite alright, Nonny." Luna smiled, as the nurses quietly stepped out of the room.

"What happened?" Anon pressed, looking back and forth between them.

Celestia placed a placating hoof on Anon's hand, "Luna and I just had some cramps and a few kicks from the foals. Nothing more. Don't worry, honey. We're both fine." She offered.

Anon let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, alright. Whew... you guys had me a little worried for a second there, with the nurses and everything." He admitted.

"We just wanted to make sure we weren't going into labor early or anything like that. There's only a little over a week left before the date is supposed to be here, and we got a little excited." Luna sheepishly explained.

Anon chuckled, "Ah, fair enough."

"Indeed. So what did Cadence want to speak with you about?" Celestia asked, curiously.

Anon quietly hissed through his teeth as his eyes fell down to the bedsheets. He failed to meet the gaze of either of his wives, a fact that made both of them share a look of concern.

"Nonny?" Luna questioned.

"Uh... do you mind if we have this conversation in private? It's uh... kinda important... I guess." Anon replied, a bit hesitantly.

Sensing Anon's obvious change of mood, Celestia nodded toward Javelin. The guardstallion instantly took the hint and exited the room, closing the doors behind him without a word.

Now left alone with their husband, Celestia and Luna put on their best disarming smiles while Anon sat down between them on the mattress.

"Alright, Honey. What's going on?" Celestia gently pressed.

Anon chewed on his cheek for a moment as he twiddled his thumbs and looked down to his hands.

"Well... it has to do with Chrysalis." Anon started.

"What about her?" Luna asked.

"Well... you know... she's been really good since she got here and... I mean..." Anon trailed off, struggling to find the words.

Celestia gently placed her hoof on Anon's back, "Honey, what are you trying to say?" She softly inquired.

Anon took a deep breath before slowly letting it out, "I think that... I kinda... like her." Anon admitted, his voice becoming smaller and smaller with every word.

Luna recoiled back ever so slightly, "You like her? As in..." She trailed off, motioning for Anon to continue.

"I talked with Cadence about this and... well I was wondering if you two would be interested in... I dunno... maybe asking her to join our... herd?" Anon asked, cringing at himself the whole while.

For a few pregnant moments of silence, he felt the stares of his wives boring into him but dared not meet their gaze. He kept his eyes glued on the spot of marble floor in front of the bed as if it were his only tether to life itself, but all his efforts were for naught as he was ripped back to the present by the sound of both his wives chuckling beside him. Turning halfway around to look at both mares, Anon found himself completely puzzled at their reactions.

"Is that all?" Luna asked, smiling at Anon as if he were the goofiest stallion she'd ever met.

"W-wha?" Anon dumbly responded.

"Honey, you were all worked up over that? It's not as if we haven't entertained the idea before." Celestia laughed.

Anon quickly spun around on the bed so that he was sitting cross-legged and facing his wives, "Wait, what!? You have!?" He exclaimed.

"Why do you seem so surprised by that? Honey, I'd have thought that by now you'd be more used to Equestrian culture. You don't have to be scared of asking us to add another mare to our herd." Celestia replied.

"Indeed. While I admit, if you'd have asked this a few weeks ago, I'd be against the idea of Chrysalis herself being the fourth addition to our herd, but now... I can honestly say I'm not opposed to it." Luna added, smiling at her husband.

"Y-you aren't?" Anon asked in disbelief.

Luna nodded, "I've spent some time with her. She's quite a charming and empathic changeling when she wants to be. Not to mention... she is also quite attractive... that bit doesn't hurt." She sheepishly added.

Anon snickered slightly at Luna's reasoning but quickly found his attention pulled to Celestia, "Honey, what about you?" He asked, cautiously.

Celestia tapped her chin in thought for a moment, apparently in deep thought, "Oh, I suppose she's done enough to earn a chance. Besides, she's already won the affections of both my sister and husband. Any mare capable of doing that is worth at least giving a chance to."

Anon couldn't stop the smile that formed on his face even if he tired, "Really? S-so you're both into the idea? For real? You're not just fucking with me right? 'Cause that would be really fucked up." He asserted.

Luna and Celestia laughed at Anon's concern, "Nonny, we promised to always be honest with you. We would never toy with you like that." Celestia replied.

Anon let out a breathless sigh of relief, "That's... thanks. I just... the thought of asking someone else to join in what we have just feels so... strange to me. I mean, granted, being with more than one person at a time was alien to me but I think we've managed to get over that pretty quickly all things considered. Why should one more be any different?" He wondered aloud.

Luna gingerly wrapped her wing around Anon's shoulder, "Exactly. There's no need to be worried about this. It's... something that we all want, I think." She admitted.

Celestia nodded, "It will certainly be a change of pace, that much is for certain. Of course, all this depends on whether or not Chrysalis is even interested in the idea of being with all of us to begin with." She pointed out.

Anon nodded, "Well, I have talked to her a little bit about my feelings-only because she's a changeling and can like, totally tell, you know." He hastily clarified.

"You did?" Luna asked, curiously.

Anon tepidly rubbed the back of his neck, "Eh, yeah... It was more or less just her telling me that she could tell how I felt about her. I'm not a hundred percent sure but I think she feels the same way, and I can't see any reason why she wouldn't want to be with you two as well. I mean, she thought you guys hated her at first but things have really changed for the better since and I'm sure she can tell that you guys like her too." He explained.

Celestia chuckled, "Oh, I'm sure she's been reading all of our emotions whenever possible. I believe we should have a serious discussion with her when she returns from her trip to Manehattan. I think this is a conversation we should be having with her present, don't you?" She inquired.

"Well, I mean... I was just trying to make sure you guys were okay with the idea." Anon offered.

"I know that, sweetie. Luna and I are both interested in Chrysalis as well, so that leaves just the changeling Queen herself to ask. We can't exactly ask her if she's not here, now can we?" Celestia playfully teased.

Anon rolled his eyes, "Smart-ass. I see where Twilight gets it from."

Celestia giggled into her hoof while Luna snickered, "I concur, sister. We should ask Chrysalis when she gets back."

"Why don't we just ask her before? I mean... she is right downstairs... technically." Anon offered.

Both Luna and Celestia shook their heads, "Best not to ask her something like that right before a potentially dangerous mission, honey. If she says yes, she might be focusing too much on how excited she'll be to return that she won't be focusing on looking after Discord." Celestia offered.

"And if she says no... well, then she'll spend the whole mission worrying about how she may have offended us and come up with any number of scenarios in her head that would involve us mistreating her hive as punishment or something. Either way, she wouldn't be able to focus on her mission." Luna added.

Anon nodded, "Ah, that makes sense. Alright, well, I guess we'll tell her when she gets back." He smiled.

Before either Celestia or Luna could respond, a resounding knock sounded at the door, turning all of their attention toward it.

"Apologies for the interruption, but Chrysalis is here." Javelin's voice came through the door.

"Speaking of..." Luna started, getting to her hooves.

Anon quickly hopped off of the bed and made his way over to the door. After opening it, he was met by Javelin and Chrysalis.

"I believe I am ready to go, Anon." Chrysalis announced.

Anon nodded, "Alright then. Just give Tia and Luna a second and we'll get you teleported over there." He replied, smiling at the changeling Queen.

Chrysalis gave a grateful nod as Celestia sluggishly rolled off of the bed. It took her and Luna a few moments to get to the door, but soon enough they were there.

"Let us do this in the throne room. Long distance teleportation tends to make a mess of the surrounding area and we need somewhere with more open space." Celestia suggested.

"That works." Chrysalis replied.

With that, the five of them made their way to the throne room in relative silence. However, throughout the trip, Chrysalis found her attention repeatedly pulled to Luna, Celestia, and Anon as she sensed the emotions radiating off of them. She couldn't quite place why she felt so much excitement and joy from them, but she found that being around them only served to make her own excitement increase. What she was getting excited about, she couldn't say just yet, but she knew that whatever it was, it was bound to be something good.

They soon arrived at the throne room, where Celestia and Luna politely ushered Chrysalis to the center of the room. Sitting beside the throne with her muzzle buried in a piece of parchment, Raven glanced up at the group's arrival. She placed her paper down on the throne and trotted down the steps toward Celestia.

"Alright, is there anything else you'll need, Chrysalis?" Celestia asked, looking to the changeling Queen.

Chrysalis shook her head, "No. I think I have everything that I need. With some luck, this whole situation will be over and dealt with by tomorrow morning," She replied, before a smug look formed on her muzzle, "Then you can tell me what has you three so excited."

Celestia blushed and shook her head, "Oh, you'll find out as soon as you return, I'm sure."

Chrysalis nodded, "Very well then. I'll have something to look forward to when I get back."

With that, both Celestia and Luna ignited their horns, a bright white light shining from both of them as two beams of energy shot straight out at Chrysalis. The magical energy quickly enveloped her, forming a ball of light that swirled in place, making the air around it circulate as well. The parchment Raven was reading was quickly swept away as the winds quickly accelerated, sending any other loose papers or whatnot flying as well.

Then, just as quickly as it begun, the spell finished, and Chrysalis disappeared with a flash of light.

Chapter 28: Betrayal

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Chrysalis reappeared with a pop and bright flash of light, blinking the stars out of her eyes as she shook her head clear. Once she was able to see properly again, she noticed that she was standing atop one of the largest buildings in Manehattan. The view she was afforded, gave her a perfect sight of the massive sprawling city below, along with the Equestrian landscapes far off in the distance. She glanced up to see the sun as it neared it's peak in the sky, her brow furrowing ever so slightly as she thought aloud.

"Now, if I were a weak, recently freed villain, preparing to enact my revenge on Equestria and steal all of its magic, what would I be doing right now..." She wondered, tapping in chin in thought, before a flat look crossed her muzzle, "Okay, maybe a little close to home but still... where, oh where..."

She gazed down at the city below, finding hundreds and thousands of ponies going about their day, completely ignorant of the grave threat that loomed just over their heads. Fortunately for them, they also remained ignorant of the changeling looking out for them, her elytra twitching as she surveyed the scene before her.

"Probably best to wait until nightfall. With how many ponies are out and about now, he'd most likely want to avoid confrontation. One on one, he could easily overpower any normal pony, but if he just attacked an entire city like this, he'd end up back in Tartarus before noon." Chrysalis acknowledged, nodding her head slightly.

With a flash of green flames, she quickly transformed into a smaller forest green pegasus mare with piercing blue eyes and a jet black mane. Her cutiemark consisted of a black heart with another, smaller green heart inside. She flapped her wings, as if testing the appendages to see if they felt right, before hopping off the roof and gently gliding down to the city below. She quickly landed on the sidewalk below and blended into the crowd of thousands of ponies trotting to and fro.

The hours passed rather slowly as the disguised changeling busied herself in her surroundings. She stepped into a few stores, as if perusing their wares and product, before inevitably leaving without purchasing anything as she didn't have any bits on her. She even attempted to make idle conversation with a few of the more friendly ponies that passed her by on the street. To her surprise, she even found herself turning down a few kind stallions and mares that asked her out for coffee or other small dates. Not because she was approached, as that was fairly normal for her whenever she disguised herself, no. Her surprise came from just how easily she rejected their advances.

She found herself pondering over just why such rejection was so easy for her. It wasn't because of her mission as the dates wouldn't be for at least a few days, but rather she felt as if she simply didn't want to. A feeling that was completely alien for the changeling Queen. She pushed the strange feeling aside for the time being and decided to focus on simply blending in until the sun inevitably set on the horizon.

Finding that the amount of ponies outside drastically reduced to nearly a hundredth of what was out during the day, she prayed that her assumption was correct. As Chrysalis stepped out of one of the last stores closing for the night in the district she'd found herself, she unfurled her wings and took to the sky.

As she landed atop the same roof she'd teleported to earlier, she shook off some of the condensation clinging to her wings from the humidity in the air and looked down on the city from her vantage point.

"Alright... now where would you attack somepony if you wanted to steal their magic..." Chrysalis thought aloud, before noticing several dark alleys all over the city, "Well, I suppose there would be a good start."

Her plan set, Chrysalis leapt from the building and glided down to the nearest alleyway. With her nightvision being on part with that of thestrals, she was able to easily see the few ponies walking about in the dead of the night. She stayed in the shadows, ensuring that nopony saw her or heard her as she skulked from alley to alley. Her search lasted for another few hours, until almost all the ponies still awake were either gathered in one of the nightclubs still open, or were already returning to their homes.

"Ponynapping some mare or stallion while they're drunk and stumbling home, then syphoning their magic while they're already too far gone to fight back sounds like something I'd do... so he'd probably do it too." Chrysalis quietly reasoned.

Chrysalis found her own reasoning to be quite sound, and quickly changed tactics to quietly following ponies home as they returned from the bars or nightclubs in the city. She flew back and forth across entire swathes of the city over and over, the night dragging on as she watched over dozens of ponies going home.

Finally, just when she started wondering if she was just wasting her time, Chrysalis picked up on a voice down below in the city.

"Thanks for the show tonight, Neon! That was a great performance. You really killed the crowd!" A pony happily exclaimed.

"Thanks, but it was nothing out of the ordinary." The pony named Neon replied.

"Maybe for you, haha. Well, I'd better head home. You need any help carrying this stuff?"

"Nah, I've got it. My hotel is just down the road. Maybe twenty minutes." Neon replied.

"Oh, the Marionette?"


"Well, if you cut through the alley, you can save yourself about ten minutes of walking."

"Oh, sweet. Thanks."

Chrysalis silently landed on a roof overlooking the backlot of one of the nightclubs that was finally closing for the night. Down below, she swiftly spotted the owners of the voices, one orange earth pony and one light blue unicorn with a black, spikey mane. He held an amalgamation of musical instruments and equipment in his magical grasp as he bumped hooves with the other stallion and trotted off through the open gate at end of the lot.

Her curiosity somewhat piqued, Chrysalis quietly followed after the stallion as he quickly trotted into the alleyway beneath her. For a few minutes, everything seemed to be going just as boring and painfully normal as any other pony she'd watched going home. However, that quickly changed when a hooded figure stepped out of the shadows below and cut the stallion off.

"Oh, um... excuse me, I'm just trying to get back to my hotel." Neon politely explained as he tried to step past the figure.

Even from where she was on the rooftop, Chrysalis could easily sense the massive spike in anxiety and fear in the pony, as the cloaked figure simply stared, unmoving and unflinching, back at him. The only sound to fill the air was the somewhat raspy breathing of the creature as it stared the stallion down.

Then, without warning, the figure reached out with its hand, stepping toward the unicorn as he stepped back in fear. Chrysalis watched on, part in horror and part in morbid fascination, as a beam of arcane energy was syphoned straight from the stallion's horn. His magic quickly faded, and he dropped his musical instruments before collapsing to the ground, his cutiemark gone and his eyes quickly fading from their normal color.

The figure, who was obviously Tirek, quickly grew slightly in size, his fists clenching as he gained a few inches of height, and significant muscle mass. He quickly turned his head, as if sensing another source of magical nourishment just down the alley, and was swiftly rewarded with a view of a completely oblivious tan coated stallion standing a few dozen hooves away. His eyes were closed as he levitated a box in his magic and hummed some tune to himself.

With his new target in mind, Tirek skulked down the rest of the alleyway, his eyes fixed on his prey as Chrysalis watched on from above.

Where the hay is Discord?! He should be here right now. Tirek is going to steal that pony's magic too! Chrysalis thought to herself, her wings unfurling as she quietly followed on the rooftops.

His hands reaching out, almost as if to grab and restrain the stallion, Tirek closed in, his hooves never making a sound as he approached. Twenty hooves. Fifteen hooves. Ten hooves. Five hooves. Finally, just as Tirek reached the stallion and prepared to grab him, the pony quickly turned on him, only in place of a normal pony's head, was Discord's.

"Tirek, I presume." Discord greeted, a knowing smile on his face.

Momentarily stunned by the sudden appearance of the God of Chaos, Tirek stepped back, his eyes squinting in disbelief. After a few moments, he was able to recover from his shock and addressed the draconequues.

"Discord. You're free?" Tirek questioned, still clearly struggling to process just what was happening.

In typical Discord fashion, the chaotic being immediately transformed with a flash and pop, reappearing as a crude attempt at a bird, what with his limbs and extremities still remaining somewhat the same.

"As a bird." He replied, smugly.

"I commend you on your escape." Tirek responded, bowing to the Chaos God.

Discord quickly transformed back into his normal form and fixed Tirek with a suddenly serious look, "I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual." He said, snapping his fingers.

Another flash of magic momentarily stunned the centaur, before he looked down to see that his hands were chained together. He instantly tried to break the chains with his brute strength, his teeth grit in anger. Once it became apparent he couldn't break the chains, he fired a beam of blackish-red magic straight at Discord.

Discord merely split his head in two down the middle, allowing the blast of magic to harmlessly pass, before both sides snapped back together and he looked down on Tirek with a glare.

"I should have known you would want to have Equestria all to yourself." Tirek growled, while Discord suddenly wore a police uniform and spun a baton in his claw.

"Oh, I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing it for my friends," Discord happily replied, before quickly leaning over to Tirek, "Just between the two of us, it's mostly for Fluttershy." He whispered.

"Fluttershy?" Tirek questioned, "You're not saying you're friends with ponies!?" He questioned, sounding disgusted.

Suddenly there was a cake in front of Tirek. A cake which Discord quickly burst out of, along with confetti and streamers,

"Surprise!" Discord exclaimed.

Tirek fixed Discord with a curious look, "I am surprised that someone with your intellect does not see this 'friendship' is but a new form of imprisonment. Clearly you've had to abandon your true nature to stay in their good graces."

Discord, now playing a harp while a halo sat over his head, quickly froze and tossed the harp to the side, "I have done nothing of the sort!" He insisted, before sheepishly waving the halo away.

Tirek held up his hands, "Oh, please. I've seen this before, but he was always weak-minded," He replied, before thrusting an accusing finger at the draconequues, "You are Discord. You are Legend. You cannot fall into the same trap that claimed my brother. Help me to grow strong and be rewarded with something far greater than friendship... freedom."

Whether he wanted to or not, Discord's eyebrows suddenly rose in interest.

"Once I have stripped these ponies of their magic, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see their world turned upside-down. Who better to do so than the master of chaos, himself?" Tirek pressed.

Discord, brought his claw to his chin in thought, clearly struggling to decide what he should do.

"Join me, Discord, and reclaim your greatness. Unless of course, 'pony errand boy' is the role you've always wanted to play in this world." Tirek continued, his tone conveying his clear disgust for the title.

Discord scratched his chin as he pondered Tirek's offer. He was very clearly considering the proposition, a fact that made Chrysalis's brow furrow in concern.

"He's not really going to take that deal, is he? Tirek is the last creature on Eques that you can trust, Discord!" Chrysalis whisper-shouted, before quickly covering her mouth with her hoof.

Luckily for her, it appeared as if neither the chaos God nor Tirek heard her, but from the look on his face, Discord was quickly beginning to side with the centaur. Chrysalis felt despair well up in her heart as she watched the draconequues slowly nod.

"Well... when you put it that way..." He started, before holding his paw up for Tirek to grab, "You do make quite a tempting offer. I'd be a fool not to accept." He announced.

A sinister grin on his face, Tirek gladly grabbed and shook Discord's paw, "Excellent choice, Discord."

As she watched the deal being made from above, Chrysalis couldn't help the sick feeling in her stomach, and she quickly backed away from the ledge. Using only a tiny bit of her magic to allow her horn to form on her head with a small burst of green flames, she quickly set about writing a message in fiery green lettering in the air.

Discord has betrayed us. He's teaming up with Tirek and planning to help him steal all the magic in Equestria. You must prepare immediately.

With her hasty note scribbled in the air before her, due in no small part to her lack of any actual paper to write on, she ignited her horn in a powerful whitish-green light, sending the message away in another burst of green flame. As the last wisps of fire blew away, quickly heading toward Canterlot, Chrysalis let out a small sigh of relief. Her moment of peace was extremely short lived, however, as she almost immediately heard a voice speak out from behind her.

"Well, well, well. Now this isn't who I expected to see over here. Good evening, Chrysalis, my dear." Discord's sickly chummy voice spoke up, making the blood freeze in Chrysalis's veins.

Hesitantly turning around to see the draconequues, Chrysalis put on her best attempt at a fake smile, "O-oh, Discord. There you are."

Discord raised an eyebrow as she faced him, her changeling horn starkly contrasting her pony disguise, "Last I saw you, you were in Canterlot. What changed?" He asked, curiously.

"Oh, Anon and the Princesses thought that you might like a little help dealing with Tirek, so they asked me to come along just to be sure. Speaking of, have you seen him? I only just arrived." Chrysalis lied, subtly glancing around for choice places to teleport to before Discord could question her too much.

"You've only just arrived?" Discord asked, sounding skeptical, "Then what was that little spell you just cast?" He asked, innocently.

Feeling a pit forming in her stomach by the second, Chrysalis nervously gulped, "That? That was just me informing them that I've arrived. You know how they are, always wanting to know where former villains are and whatnot." She offered, putting on a fake smile.

Discord's scrutinous gaze made her anxiety climb with each passing second as he appeared to think over her story. Eventually, he gave her a sweet smile. This only made her anxiety and fear grow to exponential levels.

"Well then, you're just in time. I happen to have the centaur himself right here." Discord grinned, snapping his fingers.

With a flash and a pop, Tirek suddenly stood beside the draconequues, a mild look of confusion on his face, until he spotted Chryaslis.

"A pegasus?" He asked, sounding irritated.

Discord chuckled, "No, not a pony. The Queen of the Changelings. Come now, Chrysalis, there's no need for disguises anymore."

Carefully weighing her options as she observed the two creatures before her, Chrysalis reluctantly dropped her disguise. With a flash of green flames, she transformed back into her normal form, making Tirek's eyes widen slightly.

"The Queen of the Changelings? I hope you aren't siding with the ponies as well." Tirek spat, crossing his arms.

Chrysalis hesitantly opened her mouth to respond, but Discord quickly spoke over her, "Oh, Queen Chrysalis here has been getting on the ponies' good side, same as me. That said, I think it would only be fair to offer her the same deal you offered me." He explained.

Tirek raised an eyebrow but slowly nodded, "Ah, yes. Well, what say you, Chrysalis? Join me, help me take all of Equestria's magic, and be rewarded for your efforts by having as many ponies to feed off of as you wish." He offered.

Chrysalis looked back and forth between the two villains, her hearts hammering in her chest. Only through decades of infiltration and training, did she manage to keep from showing just how terrified the potential threats in front of her, actually made her. Even at her strongest, she would never dare to challenge Discord in a fight, which left her perilously little in the way of options.

Once more, discreetly scanning for places to teleport to for a quick escape, she slowly replied, "That's... quite a tempting offer. What exactly would be required of me?" She asked, biding for more time as all the places she found were still all too easy for the draconequues to reach.

Tirek darkly chuckled, "You're a changeling. I'm sure you can figure out a few ways to sow some disruption and disharmony among these ponies, can you not? Perhaps seeing their beloved princesses getting up to all kinds of nefarious misdeeds in the public eye? Or perhaps... luring ponies in for me to syphon their magic." He offered, his smile growing darker and darker.

Chrysalis slowly nodded, her mind racing as she not only thought of ways of escape, but also thought of whether or not to actually consider the offer.

How much of a chance does Equestria truly stand against Discord and Tirek?

Just as quickly as the question entered her mind, she was suddenly assaulted with memories of the past two weeks. Every memory came flooding to the surface, washing away any sense of consideration she may have given the offer, and replaced it with utter disgust at herself for even beginning to think about it. The dancing, the drinks, the conversations, and the time spent with both Anon and the sister alicorns filled her mind, and all she could think of was how much she enjoyed every moment of it.

Luna's helpful voyages into the dreamscape and the work she did for her changelings to help them not suffer their nightmares anymore, Celestia moving metaphorical mountains to allow them to integrate, and Anon spending every waking our of his free time with her, just making sure she was okay; memories of each crossed her mind in a flash, and with a resolute nod, Chrysalis made her choice.

"Think about it. All of Equestria, split between the three of us. It would be Tartarus for them, and paradise for us." Tirek pressed, stepping toward her.

As discreetly as she could, Chrysalis reached out to sense both Tirek and Discord's emotions. While Tirek was easy to read and projected nothing but gleeful excitement only sprinkled with a hint of distrust, Discord was another animal entirely. She sensed absolutely nothing but distrust from the draconequues, and her nerves began to fray as she locked eyes with him.

He... he knew I was here the whole time...

Almost as if sensing her unspoken thought, Discord allowed a think smirk to form on his face, his arms crossed as he looked back at the changeling Queen. A whole new series of questions filled Chrysalis's mind as she held his gaze.

Why isn't he telling Tirek? What is he waiting for?

As the seconds ticked by in complete silence, Tirek grew impatient, waiting for a response, "Well?"

Startled out of her stupor by the sudden question, Chrysalis's gaze narrowed.

"Discord... why are you siding with Tirek?" Chrysalis asked, bluntly.

Discord merely shrugged, while Tirek raised an eyebrow, "Isn't it obvious? Being the errand boy for a bunch of ponies isn't quite the lot in life I wanted for myself. I can do better, and so can you." Discord replied, predatorily.

Chrysalis gulped, "So the reason you haven't attacked me yet?"

"Didn't I already say that it was only fair to offer you the same deal that I was offered?" Discord replied, simply.

Tirek's eyes flicked back and forth between Discord and Tirek, until a look of realization hit him, "You are siding with the ponies, then." He stated, looking at Chrysalis.

"Let's let her decide that for herself?" Discord offered, holding out his paw in a placating manner.

With no other options in sight, and both centaur and draconequues looking at her expectantly, Chrysalis sighed.

"This is wrong." She stated, quietly.

"Come again?" Tirek inquired, leaning forward ever so slightly.

Chrysalis looked him dead in his eyes, "This is wrong. The ponies and my hive have a new understanding, and I won't betray that trust." She stated, firmly.

Tirek held her gaze for a few moments, his eyes holding a distinct level of contemplation that felt in complete opposition to the anger flaring up inside of him. Chrysalis knew she had little time to act before either the centaur or Discord would strike her down, and with each passing second only serving to heighten the tenseness in the air, she moved first.

Her horn quickly flaring in green magic, Chrysalis teleported away to the building standing tall behind Tirek and Discord. While Tirek was slightly stunned by the sudden teleportation, Discord merely yawned and snapped his fingers, appearing beside the changeling Queen instantly. Much to his surprise, however, she was already turning on him and spitting out green slime that rooted him in place.

"Ewww..." Discord groaned.

Without a word, Chrysalis teleported away again, appearing in one of the alleyways a few block away from the building and opened her elytra. She quickly buzzed through the alley toward the street and toward the center of town. Whether she was being followed or not, she couldn't tell, but she knew that she had to get back to Canterlot as fast as possible, no matter what.

Her wings buzzing in an extreme effort they hadn't endured in years, Chrysalis flew through the center of town and straight toward the outskirts of Manehattan. She kept her altitude low, buzzing between buildings and under rooftops to make it as hard for Discord to pinpoint her as possible. She quickly reached the edge of the city in just a few minutes, her hearts beating in both relief and from exertion.

However, just as she reached the open plains next to Manehattan, a spiderweb popped into existence before her, and even though changelings were extremely agile in the air, she simply had no time to react as she flew right into the trap. Slamming into the sticky substance, Chrysalis gasped in surprise and struggled to free herself. However, to her horror, she quickly felt movement on the strings, and glanced up to see Discord shaped like a spider, crawling down to her.

"Now, I don't think that was the best of ideas, do you?" He asked, snarkily.

Chrysalis growled at the spider-like draconequues, but before she could cast a spell or try to escape in any other fashion, she heard a pop from behind. She quickly glanced back to find Tirek standing behind her, a sadistic smile on his face as he quickly approached the helpless changeling Queen.

Chrysalis tried to teleport, but as soon as she reappeared elsewhere, she immediately teleported back to the spiderweb. Her brow furrowed in both confusion and horror, Chrysalis glanced back up to Discord to see him shrug.

"I'm afraid I can't have you go and help the princesses, my dear little changeling friend." He stated, sweetly.

Swallowing back the vile and angry response she wanted to say, Chrysalis simply closed her eyes as Tirek steadily approached, his mouth already open and syphoning her magic.

Chapter 29: The Price to be Paid

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One Week Later

Anon frantically paced back and forth in the throne room while Raven, Javelin, Valorant, and several other guards did their best to hold back the hundreds of changelings outside the doors, their angry shouts easily reaching his ears. He nervously glanced up at said secretary and guard detail just as they managed to close the door, several of them falling to the ground as they let out sighs of defeat.

"Anon, Pharynx is about ready for blood out there." Raven announced, picking herself up from the floor and making her way over to the human.

Anon paused in his pacing and let out a long groan, "I know, I know. I just... I just don't know what to tell them. 'Sorry Chrysalis isn't back yet, there's a good chance she's either dead or being held prisoner by the crazy centaur and literal God of Chaos?'"

"Personally, I would word it a little better, but I mean..." Javelin shrugged.

Anon sat down on the steps leading up to his throne and held his head in his hands. He let out a long sigh as his shoulders slumped.

"Tia and Lulu are so much better at this shit than I am." Anon mumbled, shaking his head.

Raven gently placed her hoof on his thigh, "Well you're a prince now. Celestia and Luna are due to go into labor at literally any time now. Cadence isn't the ranking royal in charge here, even if she has seniority. She's empress of the Crystal Empire and her authority, even if she was born an Equestrian subject, isn't recognized as higher than yours. As it stands right now, you have to make the choices for us... I will say this though, keeping the changelings in the dark is not going to help us in the long run."

Anon looked up to Raven, a worried furrow in his brow. Much to his comfort, the secretary offered a small smile of encouragement as she gently patted his thigh.

"How do I word this? I-I mean... for all we know, telling them that Chryssi might be dead will only make things a hundred times worse." Anon questioned.

"The changelings have remained peaceful so far, and it's in their best interest to stay that way. That said, we can't keep them in the dark anymore. They're going to lose all the trust we've been building up this whole time and if the worst comes to pass and she really is dead... they'll likely never forgive that. They'd most likely just bide their time and betray us as soon as we took their mana rings off." Raven replied, just as Javelin walked up beside her.

"I know you're worried about her, dude... and I know you're holding out for hope that she's going to just come back or send another message, but we have to face facts here. If she hasn't sent another message yet, she probably isn't going to be sending one at all. We've got enough to worry about with Discord and Tirek tearing up entire cities. We don't need the changelings rioting too." Javelin added, a sympathetic look on his muzzle as well.

Anon took a sobering breath as he rubbed his forehead with his fingers, "Dammit... alright, let them in."

With his orders now vocalized, Javelin swiftly turned on his hooves and trotted over to the door. He nodded toward Valorant, who quickly ordered her guards to form up in the usual day court formation. Albeit with some obvious unease, the ponies moved into formation just as Javelin reached the door. He swiftly pulled it open, giving a view of the dozens of changelings present before the throne room doors.

"Hear this! If you can all manage to step up to the podium in a controlled and calm manner, and direct your grievances to the crown in an orderly and respectful fashion, day court can now begin." Javelin announced.

With some minor grumbling on their part, the changelings obeyed and made their way into the throne room in relative peace. They arrived at the podium and immediately parted to allow Pharynx to step up to the front, as if representing the rest of them.

Feeling the tension in the air rising by the second, Anon slowly and hesitantly nodded to Valorant. Taking the command as business as usual, Valorant stepped forward.

"The first case of the day will be the changelings. Speaking as the representative of the group, will be High General Pharynx." Valorant announced, before nodding back to Anon.

With a nervous gulp, Anon spoke up, "Good morning, Pharynx, and the rest of you as well. I understand you wanted to speak with me."

Pharynx nodded, "Where is our Queen? She was supposed to be back days ago and we've not heard anything. She's never been gone this long before, and you've all been stonewalling us any time we try to find out any information about her. She's our Queen. Our Mother! We have a right to know just where you sent her and what has happened to her!" He barked, his voice filling with more and more anger as he spoke.

Nearly all of the other changelings chittered in agreement, their wings buzzing in anger, almost giving them the sound of a swarm of angry hornets. While most of the guards in the room noticeably tensed at the obvious agitation of the crowd, Anon held out his hands in as placating a manner as he could manage.

"I know, I know. Trust me, I get that you guys are upset... I know we've been keeping you in the dark, but we didn't want to tell you something that might not be true." Anon explained.

Pharynx tilted his head to the side, "What do you mean?" He demanded.

Anon sighed, "Well... we received a message from her that same night she went to go watch after Discord-" He began, but was swiftly cut off.

"You mean you did talk to her and you didn't tell us!" A changeling shouted.

Before Anon could calm the changelings down, a chorus of angry shouts and curses were thrown his way, and several of the guards did in fact step forward, their postures noticeably tensing as if they expected a fight. Before they could shoulder their spears or unsheathe their blades, however, Anon stood up from his throne.

"Wait!" He shouted, so loudly that even the rowdy changelings silenced themselves.

Valorant, along with Pharynx, gave him a questioning glance, while the rest of the changelings quickly realized how tense the guards were around them.

"Listen to me!" Anon continued, gladly taking all of the attention in the room lest their be any bloodshed, "Listen, please. Chrysalis did send us a message the day she left to watch over Discord. That's the last we've heard from her and... her message wasn't good. We didn't want to tell you all because we've been hoping to hear from her again. We didn't want to cause unnecessary concern if she was alright and just couldn't send a follow up letter yet." He explained.

While his explanation seemed to quell the most rambunctious of the changelings present for a moment, Pharynx looked at him with a measure of scrutiny that he could only assume meant he was being analyzed.

"What do you mean 'the message wasn't good'? And why would she be unable to send another letter? Is she hurt?" Pharynx questioned, his brow furrowing as if he was already adamant he wouldn't like Anon's answers.

Anon bit his tongue. He quickly looked over to Raven to find her giving him the smallest of shrugs. She walked up to his side, motioning for him to lean down so she could whisper into his ear.

"It's your call... I don't think it'll cause a panic but you never know... there's only so much we can delay... we've already lost the Wonderbolts, Appleoosa, and all of Manehattan." Raven whispered.

Anon gave a slow nod as he rose back up to his full height. With a look of resignation on his face, he turned to Pharynx once more, "Discord betrayed us," He started, earning a series of gasps throughout the room, "He's teamed up with Tirek and they're attacking Equestria city by city. Chrysalis sent us a letter, telling us about his betrayal but... well since we haven't heard from her since, we don't know what's happened to her." He admitted, a sad look in his eyes.

A stunned silence permeated through the air, and the dozens of changelings all stared up at Anon with fearful looks on their faces as they contemplated the prospect that their Queen and mother may very well be gone for good. Some fainted from the thought, while others fell to their haunches and struggled to keep from hyperventilating. At the front of the group, however, Pharynx stood with an unreadable expression on his muzzle. Eventually, he spoke, his tone as plain and emotionless as his gaze.

"Where are Tirek and Discord now?" He asked, calmly.

Anon sighed, "We aren't sure. With Discord at his side, Tirek can disappear and reappear wherever he wants. The last we heard, they were in Appleoosa and... well the entire town's magic was stolen."

Pharynx's gaze fell slightly, until he was looking just to the steps below Anon, "I see." He stated, quietly.

Anon bit his lip as he watched over the reactions from the changelings before him. While he still felt his nerves and guilt from the entire situation in his chest, he couldn't help but feel for the little bug horses as they went through what was likely some of the worst news they'd ever heard.

"Listen... I know you guys are scared. I know you're upset... I can't pretend that Chrysalis was as important to me as she was to all of you, but I care about her a lot... I never would have let her go if I thought she could get hurt... but I promise you all, we will fix this. If she's still out there, we will find her, and if not... then you can be damn sure we'll make the bastards who hurt her, pay." Anon addressed the crowd, no small amount of seething anger filling his voice as he thought of Discord and Tirek.

Pharynx looked up to Anon with a scoff, his mouth open to retort in what was mostly likely a condescending sneer, but before he said anything, he suddenly tilted his head to the side. The look on his face quickly morphed into one of scrutiny, but as he observed Anon for several seconds, he slowly closed his mouth and nodded.

"Very well, Prince Anon. I believe you. We... will be in the caves below. Please let us know if you learn anything about our Queen." Pharynx stated, surprising even the changelings behind him with his sudden change of heart.

Feeling equally surprised, Anon dumbly stared after the changeling for a few moments as he turned around and led the rest of his kin out of the throne room and back down to the caves below the castle. He watched them walk all the way down the hallway until they rounded a corner and disappeared down the stairs.

Feeling utterly drained by the whole affair, Anon sat on the stairs, his elbows resting on his knees as Raven, Javelin, and Valorant walked up beside him.

"All things considered, I think you handled that pretty well." Valorant complimented.

"Am I the only pony that noticed Pharynx just kinda... changing his mind really quick? Like, don't get me wrong, bro. That was a great speech and it got me motivated a bit but... Pharynx isn't the type to be moved by a simple speech. At least, as far as I can tell." Javelin stated, still staring after the changelings.

"He's also a very reasonable changeling. I think he was reading Anon's emotions and realized that he was being genuine with him." Raven offered.

Anon slowly shook his head, "Regardless... at least they aren't starting a riot anymore."

"Let's just hope that nothing changes with them before Tirek and Discord show up... last thing we need is to be quelling a riot when those two attack." Javelin shook his head.

"Don't remind me," Anon groaned, "Isn't Cadence supposed to be here any minute now?" He asked.

"Indeed I am." Cadence announced, stepping through the throne room doors and redirecting everypony's attention.

"Cadence, there you are. Tell me some good news, please." Anon replied, standing up to his feet.

Cadence smiled, "We've managed to evacuate all the major cities between here and Appleoosa, and the smaller towns and settlements have all managed to start evacuation too. While Tirek is powerful enough to steal flight and strength from pegasai and earth ponies now, it looks like he's just heading straight for Canterlot. All of the other cities have so far been untouched." She explained.

Anon let out a sigh of relief, "That's good at least. One less thing to worry about."

Cadence gave a sympathetic nod, "I take it that group of changelings I passed in the hallway had something to do with how you're feeling?" She questioned.

Anon pinched the bridge of his nose, "Something like that." He shook his head.

Cadence frowned ever so slightly, "I'm sure she's okay. Tirek may be a monster, but his goal is power, not death. I don't see Discord as the type to kill either." She offered.

Anon was silent for a few moments, "I hope you're right." He muttered.

Cadence only gave a mute nod in response as Shining Armor walked in through the doorway behind her, "Honey, Princess Celestia and Luna are ready to speak with you." He called.

Cadence nodded, "That means you too, Nonny." She said, giving a half smile.

Anon allowed the nickname to put a bit of a smile on his face as he followed the candy colored alicorn out of the throne room. As he stepped out, Raven, Javelin, and Valorant quickly fell in step behind him. Valorant quickly made her way up to Shining's side, giving him a curious look as she reached him.

"So, any news about the fourth and fifth divisions?" She asked.

Shining shook his head, "I'm sorry, Val. I can't send two divisions already tasked with border patrol and security in the Empire. We'll stop Discord and Tirek... I just can't leave the empire undefended to do it." He replied, apologetically.

Valorant sighed, "Welp, looks like it'll be all hooves on deck then. I've already recalled the two-twenty fifth artillery, four O' ninth infantry, and tenth air scouts. Equestria's borders are gonna be open for a time, but if we don't stop Tirek here, we won't have a country to protect at all." She explained.

"I get it, I do. My sister will think of something. She always does." Shining offered as they reached Celestia and Luna's bedchambers.

After a polite knock from Anon, a quiet 'come in' reached all of their ears, and they promptly opened the doors. Laying on the large bed before them, were Celestia and Luna, the ladder sleeping soundly as her sister gave a weak smile to the arrival of her husband. An entourage of nurses and doctors quickly funneled out of the room, whispering quiet apologies for getting in the way before clearing out of the bedroom completely.

With now unimpeded access to his wives, Anon quickly made his way over to the bed and gently held Celestia's hoof with his hand.

"You two alright?" He asked, softly.

Celestia smiled, "Oh, we're both fine, Honey. Just a little tired. The doctors say everything looks good so we've only a day or so at most before the foals are due." She replied.

Anon smiled, "Good. That's good. I can't wait." He offered.

"So how was day court today? Anything notable?" Celestia questioned.

"There-" Raven began, but was swiftly cut off by Anon.

"Was nothing new, really. A few changelings were wondering where Chrysalis was but it was no big deal. They were really understanding and patient." Anon asserted.

Celestia nodded, "Oh, that's good. Better than a riot, right?" She chuckled.

Anon blanched but quickly shook his head and forced a chuckle along with his wife, "Y-yeah... that wouldn't be good."

While Raven eyed Anon with a skeptical look on her muzzle, she quickly turned back to Celestia, "Everything is going well, Princess. Cadence is here too." She offered.

Hearing her name, Cadence stepped over to her aunt and gave her a warm smile, "You wanted to see me?" She asked.

Celestia nodded, "I did. Twilight too. I just sent her a letter before my exam so I believe she'll be arriving in an hour or so." She replied.

"Twilight? What do you need her for?" Anon asked, curiously.

Celestia sighed, "Tirek and Discord teaming up is the worst thing that could have possibly happened... as such, we need to take measures that I... I wish we didn't have to." She admitted.

"What do you mean? What kind of measures?" Anon asked, tilting his head to the side in concern.

Celestia struggled to meet his gaze, which only served to fuel the fears and concerns welling up in Anon's chest.

"Honey, what do you mean? What measures?" Anon pressed, sounding much more concerned already.

"Tirek knows of Luna and my ascension... he also knows of Cadence... but he doesn't yet know of Twilight's." Celestia started, taking note of the look on Anon's face.

"O-kaaaaaaay... so what?" Anon replied.

"So, Tirek is coming after Luna, me, and Cadence. Not Twilight." Celestia replied.

Anon slowly nodded his head, "So... what you're saying is... we can use that to our advantage?" He questioned.

Celestia nodded.

"To do... what exactly?" Anon hesitantly questioned.

Celestia bit her lip and averted her eyes once more, only furthering Anon's feelings of concern once more.

"He's after our magic... so if we transfer our magical powers to Twilight, we can at least buy more time-" Celestia began, before Anon quickly did a double take and cut her off.

"I'm sorry, what? No, not just what, but what the fuck? Actually no, not just what the fuck, what the actual fuck? You can't give up your magic now!" Anon exclaimed, frantically.

"Honey-" Celestia tried to speak, but Anon was having none of it.

"No, don't you 'honey' me! You and Lulu are going into labor at any point in the next day. You know it's already been a huge concern for me with how the kids have been developing since I'm not a magical creature. You can't give up your magic right when they're about to be born. Something could go horribly wrong!" Anon continued, raising his voice so much so that it stirred Luna.

"Mmmphhh... why're you yelling so much..." Luna mumbled, blearily opening her eyes.

"Because this is quite literally the worst plan I've ever heard!" Anon replied, at the same volume.

"Honey, please. We're running out of options here, and-" Celestia tried once more, but Anon simply cut her off again.

"And this is somehow a better option!? No! Even if I was okay with this -which I am most certainly not- then the whole plan hinges entirely on Discord not telling Tirek about Twilight's existence. What makes you think he hasn't already done that!?" Anon argued, crossing his arms.

Valorant quickly cut in before Celestia could respond, however much to her despair, it was not to side with her, "I have to agree with Prince Anon here, Princess. Even if this doesn't hurt or kill your foals, it'll only slow Tirek down at best. Discord might have not told him about Twilight yet, but it's only a matter of time until he finds out. Hay, he may have already found out from any magazine or newspaper that mentions her by now." She reasoned.

Celestia bit her lip as she looked over to her sister. With a pensive frown on her muzzle, Luna spoke for her, "While you're both bringing up valid points... we're not sure what else to do. Celestia and I cannot wield the elements of harmony, and at the moment, neither can Twilight and her friends. Tirek is powerful enough already... if he were to take even one alicorn's magic..." She trailed off, as if she didn't even want to say what could happen.

Anon shook his head, "And how exactly does you three giving up your magic make things any better? If he catches Twilight, then he gets all of your magic anyway. Not only that, but if you all give up your magic, what do you even intend on Twilight doing with it? Fighting him? She's only been an alicorn for a few months. You've been alicorns for a collective two thousand plus years!" He rebutted.

"Anon, we are in no condition to fight Tirek-" Luna tried to speak, but much like her sister, Anon was having none of it.

"That we agree on. You know what would make it infinitely worse? If you have no magic to protect yourselves if he does try to hurt you. I mean, what? Do you think he's gonna see that you two are about to deliver and decide to be polite all of a sudden? If the plan is to hide, then we can hide you two at least until you give birth and recover. Then you can all fight him together." Anon suggested, punching the palm of his hand with his clenched fist.

"Anon, honey... Tirek would reap havoc on Equestria while we were in hiding. He'd destroy everything in his path searching for us... and with Discord at his side, it would only be a matter of days before he found us. This plan allows Twilight a chance to prepare and besides... she's the best hope we have. The elements of harmony chose her as the element of magic. If anypony can find a way to defeat Tirek, it's her." Celestia replied, softly.

Anon shook his head, "No. No, I don't believe that. There... there has to be some other way we can do this. I know there is... there just has to be." He responded, his head dipped in thought.

"Anon... I'm not sure what will happen, but we have to think about the whole of Equestria right now... not just ourselves. That is the price we must pay to be leaders." Luna offered, a sympathetic look on her face.

Anon glared at the lunar alicorn, "As far as I can tell, Tirek isn't out for blood from any ponies just yet... the two alicorns that banished him to Tartarus for a thousand years? I think he'd be more than happy to kill you both. I'm not going to let that happen." He declared, before turning on his heels and storming toward the door.

"Wait, Anon!" Celestia cried reaching out for him.

"Where are you going?" Cadence called.

"Nonny!" Luna added.

Pausing at the doorway, Anon looked over his shoulder, "Jav, with me. Val, you and Shining set up defense here. Under no circumstances are Tia and Luna to transfer their magic to Twilight. Not until those foals are born, or I say otherwise. I'll go stop Tirek myself if I have to."

Raven quickly galloped over to Anon as Javelin hesitantly trotted up to his side, "Anon, those aren't your calls to make!" She exclaimed.

"Raven, right now, I'm not your friend. I'm your prince. My wives are in danger and I'm not going to let anyone stand in my way." Anon growled.

Stepping back in surprise at the sudden hostility from the human, Raven owlishly blinked at him as he started down the hall. Javelin gave his fiancé a loving nuzzle before trotting after the human, an unsure look on his muzzle as he caught up to him.

"You mind telling me what you're doing?" Javelin asked, looking up to Anon with concern written all over his face.

Anon looked down to the stallion for a moment, "Don't worry. I have a plan."

Chapter 30: A Storm is Coming

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As Anon made his way back down to the throne room, Javelin right by his side, the duo stormed past the staff of the castle as they busied themselves in their daily tasks. Several maids and guards quickly jumped out of the way as Anon uncharacteristically forced his way past them, not even sparing a glance back in their direction. While the human was normally extremely polite and curious to the staff of the castle, it was immediately clear to all of them that he was in a very, very bad mood.

Javelin fixed the human with a wary look as they reached the throne room doors, and rather than let the guards open them for him, Anon aggressively thrust his hands against the large mahogany doors and forced them open himself. The guards stationed outside gave him a wide birth as he strode past them, his mind on a mission. As they reached the throne room and continued on down the hall toward the crystal caverns below.

Realizing where they were heading, Javelin looked up to Anon with a raised eyebrow, "We're going to see the changelings?" He asked, curiously.

Anon didn't so much as slow down, "Yeah." He responded, curtly.

"You, uh... going to tell me what this plan of yours is, then?" Javelin questioned.

Once again, Anon did not slow in his step, but he did look over to Javelin finally, "I have an idea... it might be crazy... stupid even, but I think it will work."

"What's the idea?" Javelin pressed.

Anon continued down the staircase until arriving at the entrance to the crystal caverns below, "Tia and Luna can't fight Tirek right now. So we need to replace them until they can." He explained.

Quickly putting the pieces together, Javelin nearly did a double take, "Wait, you mean having changelings replace them? Anon, even if Tirek does buy it and think it's them, he'll just find out as soon as he drains their magic. He'll probably be so mad he'll just kill them on the spot. How are you going to ask a changeling to do that?" He questioned.

Anon rolled his tongue in his mouth as he stepped onto the lift, "My plan isn't just to hang them out to dry. I'm planning on using them as bait."

Javelin frowned as he stepped onto the lift as well, "Bait? Bait for what exactly? And how is that better?" He pressed.

As the lift slowly descended, Anon stared out over the changeling hive once more, "Bait for a counterattack. I only need three changelings. In the meantime, Celestia and Luna can have our foals, then transfer their magic to Twilight, and we'll hit Tirek with everything we've got." He explained.

Javelin's skeptical look only grew more skeptical, "And what about Discord? He's kinda half the reason we're bucked in the first place." He asked as the lift reached the bottom of the cavern.

"I remember overhearing Chrysalis explaining that her hive was basically made of some kind of anti-magic material when I was hungover and trying to sleep. If we can lure him there, we can take him out of the picture entirely." Anon replied.

As Anon stepped off of the lift, and Javelin followed right after him, the stallion couldn't help the furrow that formed in his brow, "And just how exactly are you planning on getting Discord away from Tirek? And all the way to the badlands of all places?"

"Why do you think we're down here?" Anon asked, knowingly.

Javelin slowly nodded, "So... you want the changelings to pretend to be the princesses... and lure Tirek and Discord to the badlands so that their magic won't work because of the hive?" He pieced together.

Anon nodded, "We hide Celestia and Luna, lure Discord and Tirek into the hive, and proceed to beat the fucking shit out of them with whatever weapons we have. Pony magic won't work in there, but changeling magic sure will." He replied.

"Yeah but... Anon. They're not exactly the best fighters." Javelin reasoned.

Anon paused mid-step, his gaze swiftly flicking over to the prison on the opposite side of the cavern, "I don't expect them to fight. I just need them to help some extra muscle get into position in their hive."

Javelin followed Anon's gaze for a moment, before sighing heavily, "Are you really sure this is a better plan than what the princesses were thinking already? I mean... yeah Discord probably already told Tirek about Twilight, but there's a chance he didn't too. Discord might not be what you'd call 'sane' but he isn't stupid. He probably thinks Tirek will betray him unless he proves otherwise, and keeping Twilight a secret from him makes a lot of sense to me." He offered.

Anon shook his head, "That's risking everything on an assumption. An assumption about a guy who literally thrives off of doing the most chaotic things possible. To him, turning Equestria upside-down is probably heaven, and I doubt he cares if it's him or Tirek that's pulling the strings at that point."

Seeing that there was no convincing him, Javelin simply fell back in line at Anon's side, "Alright. Well let's try to coordinate this with Valorant and Shining Armor. The last thing we need is to leave Canterlot defenseless."

Anon nodded, "Agreed. First though, we gotta convince the changelings to even go along with this plan in the first place."

Javelin nodded in agreement as the pair quickly arrived at the entrance to the changeling camp. Hundreds of the little bug horses were out and about, going through their normal daily tasks, but paused and stared at the human and his guard in astonishment as he arrived. Several hasty bows were thrown Anon's way, but he quickly waved them off, a placating look on his face.

"Hey guys. I know we talked just a little while ago, but I've learned some things and I need to talk with you. Could some of you spread word to the rest of your hive and get every changeling over here?" Anon politely asked, loud enough to be heard by the dozens of changelings before him.

Surprisingly, the changelings complied without protest, and the soft sound of idle chittering amongst the changelings as they informed each other filled the air. Within a few minutes, the entire hive was standing around or buzzing in the air nearby, their ears perked forward in interest as they observed the human prince. A hushed silence descended over the gathered changelings as their general eventually made his way through the ranks and to the front.

"Prince Anon." Pharynx greeted, professionally.

"General Pharynx, thank you for coming out to see me. I know we just spoke, but there is some news I've received and I... well, I need your help." Anon explained.

Pharynx tilted his head to the side ever so slightly, "Our help? What news did you receive." He asked, curiously.

Anon let out a heavy sigh. He spared a small glance to Javelin, almost as if to ask the stallion what he should say, but a small nod of support from the unicorn in question quickly helped him make up his mind.

"Tirek and Discord are on their way here, and my wives plan to stop him would mean them giving up their magic... I don't know much about how magic works, to tell you the truth... but I do know that both Celly and Lulu are due to give birth at any time now. I don't know what them giving their magic up could do to both them and our foals. Hell, for all I know, nothing will happen... I just can't take that chance though." He admitted, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly.

Pharynx continued to hold his gaze on Anon, his expression as unreadable as ever. Seeing that he wasn't receiving a response yet, Anon took the hint and continued.

"My plan requires three changelings to help me. Now... I know I have no right to ask anything of you all. I've kept you in the dark about your Queen and mother and... I'm sorry for that. I just didn't know how to tell you and... I want so badly to believe that she's still alright. I don't want to put any of you in danger too, but if we don't stop Tirek, it won't matter if you guys go into hiding. The entire world will lose its magic and we'll all be his slaves. I think we can stop that with your help." Anon finished, patiently waiting for a response.

For several seconds, the changelings before him were silent, their wide compound eyes scanning him as if they were trying to decipher if he was lying or not. Some of the smaller drones and nymphs shared concerned glances, but they all turned to their general as Pharynx spoke up.

"So what's your plan?" He asked, calmly.

Taken slightly aback at just how direct the general was, Anon fumbled with his words for a moment before collecting himself, "W-well, I need three changelings to impersonate Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. Possibly a fourth for Twilight, but we're not sure about that yet. I know your hive back in the badlands is made from anti-magic material. I'm sure you can gather where I'm going with this." Anon replied.

Pharynx slowly nodded, "You want us to lure Tirek and Discord to our old hive where they won't be able to use their magic to fight against you." He surmised.

Anon nodded, "Bingo. I'm not sure how many others I can get to fight with us, but at this point, the more creatures we have fighting alongside us, the better." He offered.

Pharynx scratched his chin, "So you want to use us as bait and also canon fodder?" He asked.

Anon immediately blanched, "What? N-no! I don't want anyone to get hurt fighting these guys. I just don't see any other way we can fight them. I mean, how do you beat the God of Chaos and a magic absorbing centaur unless you take away their ability to use magic?"

Pharynx calmly held his gaze, "Do you intend to fight them hoof to hoof? Even with our throne negating Tirek's magic, he's potentially strong enough now that conventional weapons won't work on him. He might only get angry if we all throw ourselves at him."

Anon chewed on his cheek, "I know I'm asking a lot here... but even if we can't kill him or imprison him or whatever, I just need to buy some time... time for my wives to give birth and I can at least know that the foal's will be safe before they give their magic up. Like I said, I'm not asking you to fight. I just need your help to lure them away from here." He asked.

Pharynx's brow furrowed slightly as he considered Anon's offer. The rest of the hive behind him all shared a similar level of deep thought as they all considered the offer, but before the general could speak, a voice spoke out that startled everyone.

"Prince Anon!" Thorax called out, stepping forward.

Anon instantly looked to the more meek and quiet changeling, finding that to his surprise, Thorax was standing tall.

"Thorax?" Anon found himself questioning.

"I'd like to help you." Thorax declared, startling the entire hive.

"Thorax!" Pharynx hissed, scowling at the smaller changeling.

Ignoring his fellow changeling's protests, Thorax stepped forward, "Princess Luna has been visiting my dreams the past week. I thought I'd never be able to forget what happened that night but... she's really helped me. She's done so much for me, and asked for nothing in return. The ponies have given us food, shelter, and a possibility of a future. If this is what you need me to do to repay that, then I'll do it." Thorax offered, smiling up to Anon.

Anon, utterly touched by the admission, found himself speechless for a moment. He simply stared back at the brave little changeling, his expression a mix of surprise and gratefulness, but yet another voice quickly spoke out as well.

"I'm going too!" Ocellus cried out, galloping over to Thorax's side.

"Ocellus! No!" Pharynx barked, but the little drone simply ignored him as well.

"Ocellus, you're too young!" Thorax added, looking down to his broodmate with concern written all over his face.

"I'm grown enough! I'm not a nymph anymore and I wanna help! Princess Luna didn't just stave off your nightmares, you know." Ocellus rebutted, glaring at Thorax.

Thorax quickly took the hint and backed down, but Pharynx was simply having none of it, "Ocellus, you're barely a drone. You're not going on a dangerous mission like this. That's final." He ordered, his tone leaving little room for debate.

Her cheeks puffing up in frustration, Ocellus turned to the general, "I don't care what you say, Pharynx. The ponies have sacrificed so much for us. They took a leap of faith on us when all we've ever been to them was an enemy. We owe them at least this much. Maybe you're not willing to do it, but I am." She declared, stomping her hoof into the ground.

Silence reigned over the area for almost a full minute as every changeling stared at the little drone in shock. Such declarations were rarely, if ever made against the high general of the hive, but for the first time ever, Pharynx found himself stunned.

"A-are you sure about this? I don't want to ask too much of any of you." Anon weakly offered, noting the tension in the air around Ocellus and Pharynx.

"My brother is just being over-protective. They both are." Ocellus replied, sparing a glare to both Thorax and Pharynx.

Anon did a double take, "Wait, what? They're both your brothers?" He asked, looking back and forth between Thorax and Pharynx.

Pharynx let out a heavy sigh, "Yes, we're related. Thorax and Ocellus are my younger siblings." He explained.

Anon rolled his tongue in his mouth, "You know, I gotta say, I don't really see the resemblance." He quietly muttered.

"Neither do I," Pharynx replied, before turning to Thorax, "So what, you want to grow an exoskeleton all of a sudden? When our Queen is missing and we have no idea just how powerful Tirek is, that's when you want to go and make rash decisions like this?" He questioned, stepping toward his brother.

Thorax owlishly blinked at his brother before leveling a glare at him, "We owe the ponies for giving us a second chance. I want her back just as badly as you do, but if you think that the way to do that is to hide out here, then you're gonna get us all killed." He defensively replied.

"We have a chance to help. To really make a difference here. Not just to the ponies, but for all of us too. You remember what mom said before she left. If we don't stop Tirek, he'll destroy everything. Prince Anon is right. We need to help with this." Ocellus added.

Pharynx grit his teeth, "Everything I do, every decision, every call, I make for the hive; to protect the hive. It's too much of a risk." He asserted.

"Mom put her life on the line to help the ponies." Thorax rebutted, making Pharynx pause, "She's out there, potentially dying and alone, and we have the culprit coming right to our doorstep. Are you seriously telling me that you of all changelings, don't want a chance at some payback?"

Pharynx stumbled on his words for a moment, clearly struggling to find a suitable rebuttal, but found himself coming up empty. Still, he looked to Anon with hesitation.

Seeing this as his opportunity to act, Anon stepped forward, "I know it isn't much, but I can offer this as a sign of goodwill." He announced, stepping over to Ocellus.

As she curiously looked up to him, Anon reached down and grabbed the mana blocking ring atop her horn. After a few seconds, it flashed green and unlocked, allowing him to unclip it from her horn. Ocellus gasped as she felt her magic flowing once more, and with a squee of excitement, she burst into green flames, appearing a second later as a small blue pegasus. She smiled broadly up at Anon as she transformed back into her normal form again.

Anon smiled down at the little changeling for a moment before looking up at the clearly shocked crowd of changelings, "I'm asking for your help, but I want you all to know that I'll have all of your rings removed immediately. I'm not trying to guilt trip you, but please do consider it an act of good faith. You've all be extremely well behaved this whole time and at this point... I don't think it matters whether or not Canterlot is ready for you all to be here. We've got bigger problems right now." He explained.

Excited chitters ran through the gathered changelings at lighting speed, and within seconds, cheers and exclamations of happiness rang out throughout the caverns. Albeit with a resigned sigh, Pharynx turned and fixed Thorax with a serious look.

"Alright, fine. You two want to do this so bad, I'm coming with you." Pharynx announced.

"Bout time." Ocellus playfully snickered.

"What was that!?" Pharynx barked.

"Oh nothing, nothing. Just glad you came around, is all." Ocellus sweetly replied, a wide smile on her face.

Somehow rolling his compound eyes, Pharynx shook his head and walked up to Anon, "Alright, Prince Anon. You get three changelings. Possibly a fourth if needed, but no more. I can't put the rest of the hive at risk. I'll have the rest of the drones start evacuating the nymphs and grubs while we handle Tirek and Discord. Please tell you you have a plan to deal with them once your wives transfer their magic to... whoever it is they're transferring it to."

Anon nodded, "As far as I'm aware, we just need to buy Twilight time to figure out how to get the elements of harmony working again... or something. Point is, we just need to buy some time. Maybe a day or two at most."

Pharynx raised an eyebrow, "A day or two? You want us to keep Tirek and Discord occupied for a day or two?" He asked, incredulously.

Anon frowned, "Look, I wish I could tell you when exactly my wives were gonna go into labor but I just don't know. They're due at any time so it should only be a day or two at most. I don't know when Tirek and Discord will show up either. You want me to be honest, that's the situation. So are you in or out?" He replied, indignantly.

Thorax and Ocellus shared a look while Pharynx frowned back at Anon.

"Well, if we lure them to the hive..." Thorax trailed off, scratching his chin in thought.

"And if we only have to impersonate the princesses while Tirek and Discord are nearby..." Ocellus added.

"Without their magic, it may be possible to win." Pharynx finished, sighing.

Anon nodded, "Exactly."

"Alright. It's not a great plan, but I suppose it is a plan. Let's go get this over with." Pharynx commented, trotting over to Anon, "Which would be a lot easier with this ring removed." He intoned.

Anon rolled his eyes and removed Pharynx's mana nullification ring, before doing the same for Thorax. An entire sea of black forms quickly swarmed him, all excitedly chittering and cheering for the removal of their rings.

"Woah, woah. Hold on, guys! I can't remove them all by myself. I'll be down here all day and we don't have the time. I'm gonna be stopping by the prison before we go and I'll have Swan order her guards to remove them all for you guys, alright?" Anon offered, holding his hands up to halt the thousands of excited bug horses.

Dejected 'awws' sounded through the changelings but they did back off enough to allow Anon to lead his group out of the center of the changeling town and start heading toward the prison. As he walked, Ocellus and Thorax bounced in excitement at the ability to change once more. Ocellus transformed into several different iterations of the pony tribes before Pharynx turned to her.

"Hey, cut it out! If we're going to have to be holding a transformation for days, you're gonna need every last ounce of love in your body." He barked, making Ocellus change back to her normal form.

"Fine, mister grouchy pants." Ocellus muttered, pouting adorably.

As Pharynx's attention returned to Anon, Thorax leaned in toward his little sister, "I'm glad to be able to transform again too, but Pharynx does have a point. This is going to be a real challenge. Are you sure you're up for maintaining your form for days?" He asked, cautiously.

Ocellus nodded, "I am. I can do this." She proudly declared, smiling up at her older sibling.

Returning the smile, Thorax nuzzled his sister before looking up to the sight of the prison as the group quickly approached the front gate. The dozens of guards making their patrols and manning their posts watched the group approach with apprehension, but they all made way for their leader as Swan swiftly exited the front door.

Easily spotting Anon, Javelin, and the three changelings in the open area just in front of the prison, Swan unfurled her wings and took flight. Her two guards followed suit, and within a matter of seconds, they all landed in front of Anon. Swan eyed the changelings with scrutiny, a fact that made Pharynx frown back at the midnight black thestral.

"You took their rings off?" Swan asked, curiously.

Anon nodded, "The way things are going, we're gonna need all the help we can get. These three have offered to help me with a plan to stall Tirek and Discord." He explained.

Swan slowly nodded, "A plan... what plan? This is the first I'm hearing of this."

Anon sighed, "Look, I've just had to explain it like, three times. We're gonna have these three pretend to be Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, and lure Tirek and Discord to the changeling's old hive in the badlands where they won't be able to use their magic. The goal is gonna be to beat them there while they can't fight at their full strength and buy Tia and Luna enough time to give birth before they give their magic to Twilight." He quickly explained.

Swan slowly nodded once more, "Alright. So what do you need from me, then?" She asked, with a small nod.

Anon tilted his head to the side, "Wait... you're not gonna try to stop me?" He asked.

Swan raised an eyebrow, "You're my prince. That plan sounds risky, but it makes sense to me. At the end of the day, your orders supersede what anypony aside from your wives say, so unless they object to this plan, I'm all for it." She replied, simply.

Anon rolled his tongue in his mouth, "Huh... well, I haven't really... talked it out with them yet." He admitted.

Swan nodded, "Alright. Just tell me what you need, then go talk it over with them. If anypony can convince them to go along with a crazy plan, it's you. You are their husband, after all." She smirked.

Anon chuckled, "Thanks, Swan. Remind me to give you a promotion if this all works out."

Swan smiled, "I'll hold you to that, sir."

"Right," Anon clasped his hands together, "Now, just one question. How dangerous are the criminals we're housing in there?" He asked nodding toward the prison.

Swan bit her lip as she looked back over her wither to the prison, "Uh... I'm starting to have second thoughts already..." She muttered.

Anon shook his head, "Desperate times, desperate measure, Swan."

Swan sighed, "What are you going to offer them in exchange? It's not like they're gonna do it just for the hay of it."

Anon rolled his tongue in his mouth, "Well... what do you think we should offer them? I was going to say 'freedom', but maybe that's a bit too generous."

Swan bit her lip once more. Her eyes squinted slightly as she looked over the prison, then down to the ground in thought.

"Hay, sir. With what you're asking for, nothing short of freedom will do."

Chapter 31: All Warfare...

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Swan lead the way for Anon through the confusing halls of the prison. His entourage of changelings and Javelin followed suite, their eyes roaming over the structure in mild interest or confusion.

"You know, this place is just as weird the second time as it was the first time." Javelin muttered, watching as the walls moved around him.

Pharynx raised an eyebrow at the unicorn, "What do you mean?" He asked, inquisitively.

Javelin gestured to the walls around them, "I mean... is it not obvious?" He asked in response.

"The walls? So? They just change a few times. Not that hard to figure out." Pharynx replied, simply.

Javelin frowned, "Okay, maybe for a changeling it'd be easy to figure out but for the rest of us, it's kinda confusing."

"It actually kind of reminds me of the hive back in the badlands." Thorax chimed in.

"Yeah! I was just thinking that!" Ocellus excitedly exclaimed.

Swan looked back over her wither, "Wait, you mean your hive moves and shifts like this prison?" She asked, incredulously.

Pharynx shrugged, "Yeah. It's what helps keep any intruders from being able to find their way around the hive. It's much more complex that what you've got here in this prison, though." He explained.

Anon looked over his shoulder as well, raising an eyebrow at the changeling's reply, "How much more complicated?" He asked, a slightly worried tone in his voice.

"Complex enough that you'll need a changeling to show you the way or you'll get lost in a matter of seconds." Pharynx replied.

Anon paused, "That's... gonna be a problem." He admitted, biting his lip.

The rest of the group paused with him, the ponies all dipping their heads in thought while the changelings shared curious glances.

"I suppose one of us could show you all around-" Thorax began to offer, but Anon shook his head.

"That's no good. For this plan to work, we need you three here at least until Tirek and Discord show up. We can't have the guys at the hive getting lost right away." Anon explained.

Pharynx tapped his chin in thought for a moment, "I suppose I could have Cornical show them around. He's in better shape than most at the moment. Plus it won't put him in so much danger to just show the way and leave once Tirek shows up." He suggested.

The group shared a look for a moment before a collective consensus was reached and they all shared a nod.

"That works. Bring him with us when we head back upstairs." Anon stated.

"Alright. Well with that settled, we're just about there." Swan announced, turning and pointing toward the door that only just appeared before them at the end of the hall.

The group swiftly made their way over to the door, but Javelin grabbed Anon by his pant leg, halting the human for a moment and earning a curious look.

"Anon... are you sure that we need these guys? I mean... can't the guard handle Tirek and Discord when we get them into the hive?"

Anon shook his head, "We need it to be convincing. If half the guard is missing when Tirek shows up to Canterlot, he's gonna know something's up." He replied.

Javelin bit his lip, "What if you just took a platoon or something? We can't trust these guys, Anon. They're in here for a reason."

Anon sighed, "I know. That said, we looked at Chrysalis the same way just a few weeks ago and now look at us. We're asking her hive to let us use their old home as a battleground and their general as bait... Besides, Swan's only showing us the ones who aren't in here for murder and other fucked up shit... I just think it's worth a shot. It's still a better risk than giving up all alicorn magic and hoping Tirek just doesn't do anything to my wives." He admitted.

Javelin let out a heavy sigh, "Alright. Just know that I don't like it, but I'm with you. Let's go meet these convicts."

Anon smiled, "Attaboy, Jav."

With that, the pair quickly trotted after the group and entered the holding block. They were immediately graced by a view of no less than a dozen cells on either wall of the hall. Steel bars held prisoners of various races and species, but the entrance of their prison warden quickly directed all of the prisoners' eyes over to the entrance.

"Major!" A guard snapped to attention, saluting Swan as she trotted over to her.

"Line 'em up, Lieutenant." Swan ordered, calmly.

"Yes ma'am!" The lieutenant replied, galloping off to the door controls.

A blaring alarm filled the air as dozens of guards rushed out from their positions and stood by each cell. Metal grating against metal raked at the ears of all inhabitants and guests of the prison as the doors opened, allowing the chained prisoners to step out into the hall in their bright orange jumpsuits.

Anon counted one pegasus, two thestrals, two earth ponies, three minotaurs, two unicorns, and two griffons. All of them eyed him and his group warily, except for one. The lone pegasus of the group stared at the floor, his expression unreadable. His coat was snow white, and his mane held three distinct streaks of brown, red, and purple. Anon pursed his lips as he stared the stallion down, before finally looking over to the rest of the group.

"Alright. We don't have a lot of time to discuss this and I'm not trying to beat around the bush. We need your help." Anon announced, surveying the group and their reactions.

While some of the convicts shared looks of disbelief and even excitement, the same pegasus simply stared blankly at the floor, as if not hearing anything Anon had said. Sensing that there was still some hesitation to overcome, Anon pointed at one of the minotaurs.

"You, what are you in here for?" He asked.

"Robbery. Twenty seven counts." The burly voice of the minotaur replied.

Anon nodded, although he wore a slightly surprised expression on his face. He quickly pointed to one of the unicorns, "You?"

"Armed burglary. Never hurt anypony or anything. Just... yeah." The unicorn somewhat shamefully replied.

Anon nodded, then pointed to the lone pegasus "And you?"

The pegasus finally looked up to Anon, a blank look in his eyes, "Disobeyed orders. Ponies died." He said, simply.

Anon owlishly blinked at the stallion for a moment, before leaning over to Swan, "I thought you said none of these guys were killers." He whispered.

Swan nodded, "They aren't. His name is Phoenix. Sergeant First Class Phoenix from the aerial combat brigade of the day guard. He was court marshalled and charged with the deaths of three ponies under his command when his company was ambushed by bandits on the border of Griffonia." She explained.

Anon tilted his head to the side, "Why was he court marshalled?" He questioned.

"I disobeyed orders to save civilian lives." Phoenix replied, returning Anon's attention to him.

Anon raised a skeptical eyebrow, "You disobeyed orders... to save lives... but your own guys died to do it?" He slowly asked.

Phoenix nodded, "As guards, it's our duty to sacrifice ourselves to protect the ponies we're charged with protecting. My CO didn't seem to see it the same way I did, and I was sentenced for disobeying orders and the deaths of my ponies." He explained, eyes flicking down to the floor for just a moment.

Anon slowly nodded, turning to Swan for confirmation, "That's what his file says."

Anon turned back to Phoenix, "Then what the hell are you doing in here? How did you even get convicted for this?" He questioned.

"My CO didn't like me. Said I was a loose cannon and my actions that day proved it. She was able to quietly push my court marshal through while everypony was dealing with the changeling invasion aftermath." Phoenix replied, simply.

Anon quickly leaned over to Swan again, "Did you know about this?" He quietly asked.

Swan shook her head, "I only know what's in his file. It sure seemed off to me, but I figured the ponies making those calls knew more than I did about it, besides, he's never appealed his sentence." She shrugged.

Anon pursed his lips for a moment, before turning to the whole group of convicts, "Alright, so now that I have an idea of what I'm dealing with, I'll make you guys an offer. You help us against Tirek and Discord, and in exchange, you'll receive your freedom. I'll issue all of you an official royal pardon. Sound like a fair deal?" He announced, surveying the group.

Looks of shock and excitement ran through the group, making Anon breath a small sigh of relief at the prospect of them all taking his offer. It only took a few seconds for Phoenix to step forward, seemingly speaking for the entire group.

"If you need our help to protect ponies, then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Phoenix replied.

Anon smirked, "Good. Let's get them out of these jumpsuits, then. Pharynx, go get Cornical and meet us at the lift. Now all we gotta do is convince Tia and Luna that this isn't a horrible idea."






Captain Valorant rubbed the bridge of her muzzle as she sat beside Shining Armor. The two of them were looking over a map showing Canterlot and its strategic defenses, along with the crystal guard reinforcements the prince brought. For nearly an hour, the pair were debating the best course of action to defend the city, but they repeatedly came to an impasse.

"I'm telling you, Shining, the guard can't reinforce the entire western front without your crystal guard unit there to fill in the ranks. It makes more sense if we evacuate the city, and focus on defending just the castle." Valorant stated, gesturing to the map in front of them.

Shining shook his head, "And I've told you a dozen times, Val. If we even let them into the city, the amount of damage they'll do will be astronomical. We'll send orders to evacuate the city, but if we can keep collateral damage to a minimum, then we should." He rebutted.

Valorant sighed, "Just what makes you think any guards are going to be able to stop Tirek and Discord when we're spread so thin? If anything, this will just lead to more collateral damage if they have to fight us to get into the city in the first place. At least with my plan, we can keep the damage focused to the castle and not the entire city." She replied.

Shining's brow furrowed as he looked down at the board in front of him. He chewed on his tongue for a moment before letting out a sigh of acceptance, "Alright, alright... you're right as always." He said, shaking his head.

Valorant smirked, "Of course I'm right. You wouldn't have picked me to take your place if I wasn't always right, now would you?" She playfully added.

Shining rolled his eyes and lightly slugged Valorant's wither with his hoof, "Yeah, yeah. Alright. I'll send out orders to evacuate the city and have the crystal guard reinforce the Canterlot guard here in the castle. Twily should be here any minute so Celestia, Luna, and Cady can talk to her about the plan-" He began, only for Valorant to speak up.

"About that plan... I think we should at least wait until Anon gets back. He's a prince and has a say in what happens." She said, a small frown forming on her brow.

Shining sighed, "I know... but what are we supposed to do? He stormed off and nopony has seen him in hours. I hate to say it but at the end of the day, the decision falls on the princesses. It's their magic Tirek's after, not his."

"Well I can send Dusk and Echo to go find him. Last I heard, some of the lower enlisted saw him heading down to the caves below the castle, so maybe he has a plan figured out. I just... he gave me an order and I'm not sure I can refuse to follow it in these circumstances." Valorant explained, looking down to the floor.

"What do you mean?" Shining asked, tilting his head to the side.

Valorant bit her lip, "I mean... what if the princesses are wrong? This whole plan of theirs hinges on Princess Twilight being able to figure out a way to defeat Tirek. What if she can't? What if Anon's right and he kills the princesses the second he sees them because they can't fight back now? He's a heartless monster and he couldn't care less if they're pregnant."

Shining dipped his head in thought. For a few moments, silence reigned in the room, but that silence was shattered as Cadence walked in behind her husband. One look at the candy colored mare told both captain and prince that she'd heard much of their conversation.

"With regards to Anon's, I think he's worried sick about his wives... and I can't say I blame him. This plan is dangerous and risky, but I'm not certain what would be a better plan at this point. I trust Twilight implicitly, and I know that if there's any mare that can stop Tirek, it's her. Speaking of, she's just arrived, honey. I need to go to the throne room. Would you mind walking with me?" Cadence explained, looking to her husband.

Shining nodded, "Alright. Thanks, Cady," He replied, before turning to Valorant, "We'll figure something out. Tirek and Discord haven't been sighted near Canterlot yet, so we still have some time to decide for certain. Would you mind sending word of the new orders to the guards?" He asked.

Valorant nodded, "Alright. I'll let them know. Just... let's try to figure this out sooner rather than later."

Shining returned a nod before turning tail and leaving the room with his wife. The two trotted through the castle halls for a few minutes, passing dozens of guards frantically rushing to and fro, preparing for the worst, but said nothing. As they walked, Cadence couldn't help but glance at her husband, a concerned look in her eyes.

"Are you alright, Shiny?" She asked, softly.

Shining sighed as they passed several maids, "Val has a point. This whole plan could just be us giving up our best defense and hoping that it doesn't come back to bite us in the flank. I love my sister, and I know she's one of the most capable mares in Equestria... but I am worried that we're putting too many eggs in one basket here." He admitted.

Cadence lovingly nuzzled her husband, a gesture that he gratefully reciprocated, "I know, honey. It's weighing on all of our minds... but never lose faith, right?" She offered.

Shining smiled up at his wife, before quickly planting a loving peck on her lips, "Yeah. Never lose faith." He smiled.

Soon enough, the couple arrived at the throne room, finding both Celestia and Luna waiting on their thrones. Both were particularly distressed after the meeting with Anon, but tried their best to hide it. Unfortunately, they weren't doing a good job of it. Celestia was nervously fidgeting on her seat and glancing over to the doorway every few seconds, as if hoping that Anon would rush through at any moment, while Luna's wings ruffled over and over as she bit her lip and looked down at the floor.

The two royal alicorns were completely oblivious to the approaching love princess and prince, but after a polite cough from Cadence, they finally looked down to see them.

"Oh, Cadence. There you are. Thank you for being so quick to return." Celestia gratefully announced.

Cadence smiled, "It's no trouble. Are you two alright?" She asked.

Luna sighed, "What do you think, dear niece?" She asked, although there was no bite to her reply.

Cadence pursed her lips, "I'm sure Anon will come around soon. He just doesn't want anything to happen to either of you. You can't fault him for caring." She offered.

Celestia sighed and rubbed her temples, "We know... we're not mad at him... we just don't want him to do anything rash or dangerous. We love him but I don't understand why he doesn't trust us on this." She admitted.

Cadence failed to answer, prompting Celestia to sigh and rub the bridge of her muzzle, "Forgive me, you needn't concern yourself with our relationship drama. Let's just focus on what we're here to do. Twilight just arrived at the castle and she should be here any second." Celestia announced.

Cadence nodded before turning to her husband and giving him a loving nuzzle, "Looks like this is it for me as an alicorn, love." She smirked, sadly.

Shining planted a loving kiss on his wife's lips, "You were always beautiful to me, alicorn or no. Remember, it's only temporary." He offered.

Cadence nodded, before trotting over to the royal sisters and finding her spot on the steps leading up to their thrones. Meanwhile, Shining made his way over to the exit.

"As much as I'd love to stay, I need to help Valorant with the preparations. Good luck, all of you." Shining called as he made his exit.

"Thank you, Shining Armor. Good luck to you as well." Luna replied.

Shining exited the throne room and trotted off down the hall. For a few moments, silence filled the air of the throne room, but that silence was quickly broken as Twilight galloped in, barging through the throne room doors and all the way over to the throne.

"I came as quickly as I could. Is something wrong? Is it Tirek." Twilight hurriedly asked, a worried look on her face.

Celestia stepped forward, her eyes closed in disappointment, "I'm afraid I've put too much trust in Discord, and the effect that friendship would have upon him." She began.

"Discord has betrayed the ponies of Equestria and joined forces with Tirek." Luna finished.

"How could he do this? I thought our friendship meant something to him! I thought he had changed." Twilight replied, the hurt clear in her voice.

"Tirek has stolen enough magic that he now has the strength to steal flight as well. Without pegasai to control the weather, there will be no rain in Equestria. There is word that he has gone after Earth ponies as well. Without their strength, they will not be able to tend the land." Celestia explained.

"Ponies will no longer be in control of their world. That power will belong solely to Tirek." Luna added.

"There is no doubt that Tirek is after Alicorn magic. With Discord by his side, we will not be able to stop him from taking it." Celestia explained, a worried frown on her muzzle.

"Once it is in his possession, his power will know no bounds, and all hope will be lost." Luna said, almost hesitantly.

"But there is one solution," Celestia began, before all three alicorns stepped down from their thrones and just in front of Twilight, "It is only by making this sacrifice, that Equestria and the lands beyond it might be saved... we must rid ourselves of our magic, before Tirek has the chance to steal it from us." She explained, a defiant look crossing her face.

Twilight gasped at the mere thought of the plan.

"Tirek is set on possessing alicorn magic. When he comes for us, we cannot have what he is looking for." Luna elaborated, taking another step toward the lavender alicorn.

Twilight took a moment to contemplate the plan, before a resolute look appeared on her features and she stood just a bit taller, "I'm more than willing to do my part and give up my magic." She announced.

"You misunderstand," Luna shook her head, "Our magic cannot just disappear into thin air. Somepony must keep it safe." She explained.

"That somepony is you, Twilight." Cadence spoke up, walking over to her sister-in-law.

"Why me?" Twilight questioned.

"We do not believe-" Celestia started, before a voice cut her off from across the throne room.

"Why you indeed, Titty Sprinkles. That's a great question." Anon called out from the entrance, his hands on his hips and a small frown on his face, "And while we're on the subject of great questions, I've got one for the lot of you. Just what the hell are you doing?" He demanded, stepping forward.

Behind the tall man, Javelin, Swan, Pharynx, Thorax, Ocellus, another unassuming changeling, and a number of ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and thestrals followed in, all walking forward as Anon strode into the throne room. The aghast look on his wives' faces was made all the more surprised as they watched the entire group enter.

"A-Anon!" Celestia cried, both in surprise and relief.

"Honey, what are you doing? Who are those creatures?" Luna questioned, looking at the gathered group with hesitation.

"These guys are my plan. The plan that we're going to go with. I know you guys think that Twilight is gonna be the big hero to save everyone, and that's fine, but I'm not about to stand by and let you leave yourselves defenseless to do it. I have a plan, and I want you all to hear me out before you go ahead and do quite literally the stupidest thing you could possibly do, and give your magic up when you need it most." Anon announced, halting just a few paces behind Twilight.

Their minds both struggling to comprehend what Anon said, Celestia and Luna worked their jaws for a few moments. Eventually, Luna was the first to manage to close her mouth and find her words.

"U-um... alright, honey. We'll hear you out." She hesitantly replied.

"Luna?" Celestia questioned, quickly turning to her younger sister.

"Let's just hear him, Tia. Anon... well, he was right about Discord. I don't want to imagine what would happen if he's right about our plan too." Luna sadly admitted.

Celestia's response died in her throat, and she quietly sighed as she looked over to her husband, "Alright. What's your plan, honey?" She asked.

"As the great Sun Tzu once said, 'All warfare is based on deception'. While we don't know what they've done with Chryssi, we do have three changelings here that can impersonate the three of you." Anon replied, pointing to Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.

"You want the changelings to pretend to be us?" Cadence parroted.

"Honey, we aren't going to let changelings take the fall for us." Celestia asserted.

"I'm not saying that. You remember how the hive in the Badlands is anti-magic, right? Well the plan is for these three to impersonate you all, then we lead Tirek and Discord to the Badlands where they don't have their magic. From there, it's just an ambush from the rest of these guys here and we can take them out." Anon explained, smacking his palm with his fist.

Celestia, Luna, and Cadence all stared at Anon in different levels of shock. Cadence appeared to be completely surprised at Anon's ability to come up with a plan like the one he was proposing, while Luna looked very impressed at his ideas. Celestia wore a pensive look on her face as she contemplated the risks and possible collateral damage.

"What of the rest of the changelings down in the caverns?" She asked.

"They're evacuating. I've already ordered their mana rings to be removed." Anon replied, firmly.

Celestia nodded, "I see. That was a good call." She acknowledged.

Anon raised an eyebrow, "I didn't expect you to approve." He admitted.

Celestia shook her head, "I was planning on issuing that order after this meeting anyway. As for your plan, what would the three of us be doing while everypony else is fighting Tirek and Discord?"

Anon raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, "That's easy. You two would be giving birth to our kids while Cadence looks after you. Then if you're still dead set on giving Twilight your magic, you can do so. After our kids are born." He replied, commandingly.

Celestia and Luna shared a look of deep thought, before glancing back up to Anon, "Well... with his stolen magic unusable it might be possible." Luna suggested.

"How would you even ensure Tirek followed them to the Badlands?" Celestia questioned, looking to Anon.

"Leave it to me." Anon replied.

Chapter 32: No Plan Survives First Contact

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The Following Day

Shining Armor paced back and forth as he walked along the castle wall looking over Canterlot, two personal guards at his back. He wore a slight frown on his face, but otherwise kept his expression neutral. Dozens of crystal ponies and Canterlot guards rushed past him to their posts, but said nothing. There was a tenseness in the air that they could all feel, as if they all knew that they had precious little time before the coming storm would hit them.

On his rounds on the wall, Shining eventually came across Captain Valorant once more as she surveyed her troops.

"Val." Shining gave a nod.

"Shiny." Valorant returned the nod.

They didn't say anything more, but no further words needed to be said. They could both read each other's moods and guess what the other was thinking. They bore many of the same concerns of the guards as yet another squad trotted past, looks of concern and fear on their otherwise disciplined faces.

The morning passed relatively swiftly, and soon enough the sun was high in the sky. Shining glanced up at the ball of light just for a moment, but a moment was all it took. The two guards trotting along behind him were levitated into the air, their hooves flailing in panic as they floated away. Before Shining could notice, however, his helmet disappeared with a *pop*, and Discord suddenly appeared beside him, wearing his helmet.

"Shining Armor. Why, whatever are you doing here?" Discord asked, even going so far as to wrap and arm around the stallion as if he were addressing an old friend.

Shining instantly knocked the draconequues away and took up a defensive posture, "Back off, traitor." He snarled.

"The only one Discord betrayed was himself," Tirek spoke out, directing Shining and Discord's eyes to him as he finished syphoning the magic from the last of Shining's guards, "Abandoning his true nature to make 'friends' with weak-minded equines who offer him nothing."

Shining grit his teeth and fired a beam of purple magic at the centaur, who merely caught it in his giant hand. The colossal centaur stood over three times a pony's height, dwarfing even Celestia with his massive stature. The comparatively puny beam of magic was nothing more than a mild inconvenience to the titan, and he only confirmed that by literally throwing the magic into his mouth and eating it.

Tirek leaned down and grabbed a hold of Shining's muzzle, effectively immobilizing him as he syphoned the stallion's magic. Shining's legs trembled as he felt his strength leaving him, and after losing all of his magic, he collapsed to the ground. Discord winced ever so slightly as Shining fell to the floor, but after a moment, he slowly sat up and looked over to him.

"How... could you... do this?" Shining managed, before collapsing once more, his strength leaving him entirely.

Discord looked at Shining Armor in concern for just a moment, but Tirek quickly swooped in and wrapped an arm around him, "Why don't you go and have a little fun? I won't stand in your way." Tirek announced, turning and heading toward the throne room.

Discord giggled to himself as he rubbed his claws together, the thought of all the chaos he could reap, filling his mind.

"He's coming." Luna announced, turning from the window to Anon.

"Alright. This is our one chance, everyone. Let's do this right, yeah?" Anon replied, turning to the rest of the ponies in the room.

"A-alright... let's do this." Cadence stuttered, shaking slightly in place.

Celestia gently put her hoof on Cadence's wither, calming her down slightly, "Just remember what I taught you. Deep breaths. We've got this." She offered, encouragingly.

Cadence gratefully smiled at the solar alicorn, giving a nod of affirmation before following her advice and taking several deep breaths, "O-okay. I'm good. Thank you."

Celestia nodded, before turning to Anon as Luna retook her spot on the throne, "Alright. Let's do this." She stated, fixing Anon with a serious look.

The sounds of destruction and shouting reached their ears through the massive throne room doors. Ponies scrambling about in a desperate attempt to flee or fight, was drowned out only by the vibration that reverberated through the entire building with each colossal step the titanic centaur took. They grew closer and close, until they were just outside the door, rattling each of the alicorns and Anon as they approached. Then, the door exploded into a shower of splinters that rained down over half the room.

The massive form of Tirek quickly entered the room, his gaze already locked onto the three alicorns sitting on their thrones before him. He didn't even pay the human any mind as he approached.

"Jav, now!" Anon cried out, the guardstallion quickly darting out from his hiding spot behind them and igniting his horn. A portal appeared behind them, clearly showing the badlands and the changeling hive just a few hundred feet away. All three alicorns swiftly jumped through the portal, along with Anon, much to Tirek's anger.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" He shouted, galloping toward them.

Before Tirek could reach the portal, it fizzled out and dissipated, leaving nothing for the titan to grab. Fury barely began to describe the expression on his face, and without skipping a beat, Tirek grabbed Javelin with his magic and levitated him over to his hand. He angrily grabbed him by the neck, a ferocious glare on his face.

"Where have they gone. Where have you sent them!?" He demanded, thrashing the poor guard around like a ragdoll.

"Gack... go... to... Tar-tarus..." Javelin croaked, his voice barely audible as his windpipe was squeezed.

Tirek continued to grit his teeth and squeeze even tighter, until Javelin's white face turned blue from a lack of oxygen.

"There's no need for that. I saw exactly where they went." Discord spoke up, prompting Tirek to loosen his grip and turn to the draconequus.

"Where!?" He demanded.

"The Badlands." Discord replied, slightly fazed by the anger in Tirek's voice.

"The Badlands?" Tirek questioned, tossing Javelin to the side as if he were simply not worth his time anymore.

Discord nodded, "The Changeling hive is out there. I'm sure what with Chrysalis siding with the ponies, they've got the bright idea to hide there. Oh, by the way, there are a bunch of changelings under Canterlot mountain, just so you know." He offered, returning to his self-appointed task of rearranging the murals on the window.

Tirek took in the news for a few moments, his tongue rolling in his mouth. After taking enough time to digest the information, he let out a chuckle, "Oh, that's too rich. Running and hiding won't save them. Soon, every earth pony, pegasus and unicorn will bow to my will." He declared, grinning evilly.

"You meant our will, didn't you?" Discord asked, worriedly glancing over as he manipulated the stained glass before him.

"Of course," Tirek replied with a slight bow, "Here, I want you to have something. This was given to me by someone very close to me. I give it to you as a sign of my gratitude and loyalty." He announced, taking the golden necklace from his neck and putting it on Discord.

"Oh my! I do love a good accessory," Discord happily responded, looking down to his new trinket, "I suppose that's Rarity's influence."

Tirek glanced up at the stained glass window now depicting him and Discord, one holding a sword and the other holding a long sub sandwich with the tip having been cut off by the blade. Their arms were wrapped around each other in a clear display of comradery.

"Amusing, but we have no time for such things. We need to go find those three" Tirek trailed off as he walked past the mural depicting Twilight's ascension, "Is this meant to be humorous!?" He thundered, turning to Discord.

"Oh, no! I haven't touched that one yet." Discord dismissively replied.

"There is a fourth? And you did not tell me this!?" Tirek demanded, pointing a finger at Discord.

"I just needed some assurance that you truly considered this a team effort. And now I have it." Discord answered.

"Then where can we find this fourth princess? Where is her castle?" Tirek demanded, grabbing Discord by the throat.

"Castle? Oh, no," Discord laughed, "Princess Twilight lives above a library in Ponyville. Castle? Ohhahahah." He giggled.

Tirek dropped Discord and rubbed his hands together, "Not for much longer... First, the other three in the badlands. Then, I will take what is mine." He growled, so low and quiet that Discord didn't hear him.

Tirek stomped away from the windows, his magical aura melting the glass depicting Twilight's ascension as the ground trembled under him.

"So, would we be going to the Badlands now, then?" Discord questioned, curiously.

Tirek nodded, "Take us there. I will make this quick."

Discord smiled as he snapped his fingers, both him and Tirek disappearing with a *pop*.

The air fell silent as the two titans disappeared, leaving only a thoroughly disheveled Javelin gasping for air near the throne. He coughed air back into his lungs a few times, his bloodshot eyes glancing up to confirm that they were both truly gone. When he saw no sign of them, he gave a shaky nod and got back up to his hooves. Not a moment later, Raven came bursting through the doorway behind the throne.

"Javelin! Honey, are you alright!?" The mare shouted, galloping over to her fiancé and checking him for injuries.

Javelin nodded, "I'm alright. I'm okay. Just a little winded is all. Let's get back there before they pop back here. Faust knows how long Anon's going to last against the two of them." He shuddered, as if fearing the worst.

Raven nodded and escorted him to the door she'd only just emerged from, to a lone staircase. She supported him by pressing her wither against his, ensuring that he had to use less energy to stay upright. The gesture, small as it may have been, was immensely appreciated, and guardstallion leaned over to nuzzle his cheek against her neck.

"Thanks, Raven." Javelin cooed.

Raven gingerly kissed his muzzle, "No more putting you in the line of fire. I still can't believe you talked me into letting you do that." She admonished.

Javelin chuckled, an effort that quickly turned into a hacking cough, "Okay, fair enough." He croaked.

Together, they swiftly reached the bottom of the staircase and approached one of seven doors. It looked just like all the others, but as they approached, a thin slat opened, revealing a set of slitted amber eyes.

"Password?" Dusk questioned, professionally.

"Bravo Alpha Lima Lima Sierra." Javelin replied, slightly hoarse.

The slat quickly closed and the door unlocked, before Dusk pulled it open, allowing Javelin and Raven to enter.

"I swear to Faust. We are never letting Anon create the passwords again." Raven muttered under her breath.

"I mean... to be fair, I doubt even Discord would think of something so crass." Javelin offered with a shrug as Dusk closed the door behind him.

The duo quickly reached another door, and found Twilight standing beside Echo in front of it.

"How'd it go? Did the portal work right?" She asked, worriedly, "I couldn't see if I cast it in the right place from down here."

"I think it went about perfectly. Discord and Tirek know about you, though." Raven reported.

Twilight frowned, "Well, hopefully Anon's plan works and we can be rid of Tirek before he can do any more damage." She replied.

Raven nodded and walked over to the door. Echo promptly opened it for her, as she walked through, followed immediately by Javelin and Twilight. Upon entering the small room, they were met by Cadence while Celestia and Luna sat on beds on opposite sides of the room.

"Everything alright?" Cadence asked.

Twilight nodded as Javelin leaned on his fiancé, "Aside from a sore throat for the foreseeable future, I think everything is fine." He replied.

"What do you mean? Are you hurt?" Cadence asked, concerned.

At the mention of somepony being hurt, Celestia slowly got out of her bed, a look of great concern on her features as Javelin turned slightly to show the deep bruises on his neck.

"Oh my goodness. Sergenat, I-" Celestia began, letting out a groan.

Javelin, Raven, Twilight, and Cadence glanced over to Celestia just as the sound splashing water emanated from beside the bed.

"What was that?" Javelin asked.

The group glanced over to the bed, revealing a horrified looking Celestia, and what appeared to be a puddle directly under her hind legs. Barely a moment later, Luna fearfully glanced down at her bed, finding that she was soaking the sheets as well.

"My water just broke." Celestia stated, clearly in shock, herself.

"Mine too..." Luna whispered.

Anon rushed over to the entrance of the hive alongside Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. The four of them quickly made their way across the empty, desolate fields surrounding the hive and rushed to the entrance. They made it inside just a few moments before Tirek and Discord appeared back where they were previously. As they made it inside, they were swiftly greeted by one of the unicorns and Cornicle.

"Everypony is in place. Did they follow you?" He asked asked, curtly.

Anon looked over his shoulder to see the two titans standing back at the edge of the small crater the hive resided in, "Yeah. They followed us alright. You guys ready?"

The unicorn nodded, "Ready when you are."

Anon returned the nod, "Alright, you three can drop those disguises until they reach the door. We'll need to bait them as far into the hive as possible."

Celestia, Luna, and Cadence dropped their disguises, revealing Pharynx, Thorax, and Ocellus. The three changelings quickly galloped ahead, followed by the unicorn as Anon held his position at the door. Cornicle stood by his side, the small drone nervously looking back and forth between the entrance and the interior of the hive.

"They look confused. I think their magic isn't working from there." Anon muttered.

The draconequues and centaur appeared to be having a discussion that was getting rather heated, rather quickly.

"What do you mean you can't bring them out here!?" Tirek's voice boomed from across the field.

Anon grimaced as he watched Tirek's massive form shouting at the comparatively small draconequues. Even from his distance, Anon could see the veins bulging on Tirek's forehead from the sheer rage he was expressing. Despite the whole situation, and his feelings toward the traitorous draconequees, he couldn't help but feel just a little bad for the tongue lashing Discord was receiving.

"Then we'll drag them out by their hind legs!" Tirek shouted once more, before turning and stomping toward the hive.

"Alright, they're coming." Anon announced, turning to Cornicle.

"Okay. This way." Cornicle replied, turning tail and trotting into the hive.

Anon quickly followed behind, just now taking in the changeling hive interior. The walls were a dark green, and covered in a dried slime that fragmented off in several sections and gave the walls a spikey texture. Tall ceilings filled the entrance, littered with stalactites and cobwebs. Holes appeared and disappeared in the walls as Anon followed the small changeling all the way into the center of the structure.

"Just over here and up the stairs." Cornicle instructed, galloping just ahead of Anon.

Anon hastily sprinted after him until they arrived at the center foyer of the hive. The ceiling shot up to over eighty feet high, and the walls moved rapidly, as if the entire hive were just a large heart, beating every second. Anon paused for a moment to stare up at the strikingly eerie structure around him. He was swiftly swept out of his reverie by Cornicle's voice once more.

"Prince Anon! This way!" He cried, buzzzing up to the upper walkways of the hive.

Anon shook his head clear of his fascination and ran over to the nearby staircase. His shoes made goopy-sticking sounds with each step he took, a fact that made him cringe as he hastily made his way up the stairs. It took him nearly a minute, but he reached the level Cornicle was on just before Tirek and Discord could reach the front entrance of the hive.

With their position now taken, both Anon and Cornicle hid behind some green sludge that was piled up high enough to make a pillar to support the ceiling. The two managed to completely hide themselves as the rest of the group adjusted in their own positions. A moment passed in complete silence, as the titans approached, but that was quickly interrupted by the sound of hooves on the floor as Phoenix flew in and trotted up behind Anon.

"Phoenix? What are you doing up here? I thought you were on the second level?" Anon quietly questioned.

"Too cramped down there. I can do more from up here. Don't worry, I won't get in your way," Phoenix coolly replied, hiding behind the pillar as well, "So... you really think we can do this?" He asked, looking over to Anon.

Anon pursed his lips and looked down to the floor, "We have to. If we don't, then Equestria falls." He replied, simply.

Phoenix nodded, "Good enough for me." He replied, before turning to Cornicle, "Hey, what's your name again?"

"Cornicle." The changeling replied.

"I talked with the other changelings earlier... didn't he hit you in the head with a frying pan?" Phoenix asked, pointing to Anon.

Cornicle nodded, "With a frying pan."

Anon let out a long sigh, "Fuck... you just reminded me. I didn't bring it." He admitted, sadly.

Phoenix shook his head, "Welp, if it wasn't jinxed before, it certainly is now." He tsked.

Anon rolled his eyes, "We aren't jinxed... we just don't have my ultimate weapon." He admitted, sadly.

"Here they come. Quiet!" Cornicle hissed, looking to both Anon and Phoenix.

The man and pony quickly silenced themselves and just barely peaked their heads over the edge. Just a moment later, the reverberations of Tirek's heavy hooffalls echoed in the large hive as he stomped into the center. Discord meekly trotted in behind him, worriedly glancing back and forth as if looking for something to jump out and attack him.

As they reached the middle of the foyer, Tirek glanced up and around the room, as if just now taking in his surroundings for the first time.

"Princesses! Come out and face me!" He shouted, his booming voice filling the structure.

Even Anon found himself subconsciously pressing himself lower to the ground to hide from just the imposing sound of Tirek's voice alone. The prospect of going toe-to-toe with the behemoth absolutely terrified him. Luckily, he wasn't alone.

Tirek's voice echoed off the many halls of the structure for a few seconds before silence fell over them all once more. Then, Cadence quickly galloped out from her hiding spot on the second level and into a hole that conveniently opened for her. Not a moment later, Luna flew out of her spot and into a hole on the first level, just a few dozen feet from Tirek and Discord. Finally, Celestia popped out from the opposite side of the third level across from Anon and glided into the same hold Cadence used. It closed just a few seconds later, leaving Tirek even more furious.

"Grrrrah! Stay here. I will get them. They may still have their magic for now, but they also have nowhere else they can run." Tirek announced, stepping away from Discord.

"Um... are you sure we shouldn't stick together?" Discord asked, warily, "I-I mean... if they still have their magic and we don't, then splitting up sounds like a surefire way to get captured."

Tirek ignored the draconequues and walked over to the wall. He cocked his arm back and punched it with all his might, instantly shattering the chitinous material making up the wall and carving out a section big enough for him to walk through.

"I don't think that's going to be much of a problem. Whatever they're using to disable our magic only affects what we cast, not the magic inside us. I still have the strength of a hundred thousand earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasai at my fingertips." He chuckled.

"Yes well... I don't." Discord replied, following after Tirek.

"Hmm... then go find the source of whatever is disrupting our magic. I will keep the princesses on the run. I'm sure a God of chaos can destroy whatever little trinket they're using to keep us from using our full power... or are you saying you're scared of little ponies?" Tirek questioned, turning on Discord.

"Wha-scared? Me? Moi? Oh-hoho no! Not at all!" Discord dismissed, waving his claws.

Tirek nodded, "Good. Then you go find it. I will deal with the princesses. I'll tear this entire hive down if I have to." He announced, before storming off.

Discord cringed as the sound of destruction and angry shouting echoed from the direction Tirek pursued. He hesitantly glanced back toward the entrance, almost as if debating whether or not to just run for it. He eventually looked down to the medallion around his neck, gently holding it in his paw. After a few seconds of silent deliberation, he turned and made his way back to the staircase leading upwards.

Discord quickly reached the second floor and proceeded through one of the holes in the wall, a determined yet still clearly uneasy look on his features. The vibrations and sounds of Tirek's destruction quickly faded as he made his way through his own cave. As he progressed toward the end of his cave, the exit suddenly closed, plunging the chaos god into darkness.

"Well... I suppose it can't get much worse." Discord muttered, putting his claws on his hips.

His ears quickly perked up to the sound of something behind him, and he whirled around on his hind legs, arms poised in a karate pose as he tried to see whatever was approaching him in the dark. He couldn't quite make out anything, but the sound of approaching hoofsteps quickly reached him, and he found his entire body tensing for a fight.

However, it took him completely by surprise as a black form lunged out from beside him, tackling him to the ground. Discord tried to fight, but the creature simply vomited green slime all over his arm, almost instantly immobilizing him.

"Ewwwwww." Discord gagged as he tried to free his arm.

The approaching hoofsteps quickly reached him, and much to his horror, Discord found the rest of his limbs similarly entombed in whatever sludge the shadow creatures kept vomiting onto him.

"Will you all stop that!? It's disgusting!" Discord cried out, retching in disgust.

"That should keep him immobile." A male voice spoke out.

"We could keep his mouth shut too." A female voice replied.

"Did I ever tell you how proud I am of you?" The male voice replied.

"W-wait, wait a second now." Discord protested, frantically thrashing back and forth as the figures approached him.

The sound of the walls opening once more barely concealed the sound of vomiting changelings and a screaming draconequues as Anon, Phoenix, and Cornicle entered. A look of disgust immediately formed on Anon's face as Ocellus galloped up to him, a beaming smile on her face.

"We got him, Prince Anon!" She chirped, chipper as can be.

Anon gave a slow nod as he looked up to the immobilized Discord, finding tears streaking down his furry cheeks as his mouth was sealed by the hardened green slime Pharynx was finishing up. Anon nervously gulped as he adjusted his collar. The smell made him struggle not to gag, but the sight made him downright sick.

"Remind me to never get captured by you guys... like, ever." He shivered.

"Why would we capture you?' Ocellus innocently asked.

Anon shook his head, "Nevermind that. Good work, you two. That's one down... one really big fucker to go."

Chapter 33: A Gardener in a Battlefield

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Tirek smashed through wall after wall in the changeling hive, destroying each structure with ease as he tunneled his way through the confusing interior. He growled and grunted with each terrifying punch as he pummeled entire sections of the hive, eventually finding himself at the center foyer once more. He raised an eyebrow in confusion before looking back at the path of destruction he'd caused, finding that the walls were simply closing and changing after he'd passed through.

Letting out a growl of frustration, Tirek whirled around and looked up to the higher floors of the hive.

"Discord!" He shouted, his ears flicking as he waited for a response.

Silence replied, making him grit his teeth in ever mounting fury.

"You'd better find whatever it is that's limiting our magic in here fast... I'll burn this wretched hive to the ground if I have to." Tirek muttered, clenching his fists.

With nothing else to say, the tyrant progressed forward, only for a white figure to move in the corner of his eye. he instantly turned to find Celestia gliding across one of the holes on the wall and galloped toward her. His hooves sent booming reverberations through the hive structure as he quickly closed the distance between him and the relatively slow-moving alicorn. However, just before he reached her, another hole opened in the wall before her and she vanished into it.

Tirek reached out to grab her tail, but she disappeared into the hole, just out of reach. Said hole closed just as Tirek's fist made contact, stopping it from closing completely but also preventing him from grabbing the solar alicorn. He aggressively ripped his hand out, tearing chunks of material along with his fist.

"Get back here you whorse!" Tirek screamed, before punching the wall over and over, blasting material away and making the entire structure shake.

Up above on the third level, Anon, Phoenix, and Cornicle struggled not to fall over as their entire floor shook with each punch from the titan.

"Are we sure he isn't gonna tear down the whole hive?" Anon whispered, looking over to Cornicle.

"I don't know! The hive wasn't built to stand up to a creature wielding half the magic in Equestria!" Cornicle frantically responded.

"Well at this rate, he's gonna beat this hive into submission in a matter of minutes." Phoenix added, struggling to stay on his hooves.

Tirek continued to punch into the wall, each hit cleaving off entire sections as he unleashed his wrath. Seeing that the hive was being destroyed piece by piece, Luna quickly darted out from her hiding spot and fired a beam of green magic at Tirek's back. The hit, while barely enough to even startle the titan, did make him turn his head and fix his eyes on the lunar alicorn flying a few dozen feet way from him.

Without giving her a moment to speak or attempt to retreat, Tirek lunged toward the night princess, his hands just barely missing her as she darted upwards to the third level of the hive. Tirek, only further enraged by her slipping through his fingers, jumped onto the stairs leading up to the top of the hive, his hooves crushing the steps and digging into the material as he climbed.

The hulking form of Tirek was much too large to fit onto the comparatively diminutive staircase, which made it neigh impossible for him to climb them as any normal creature would. Tirek immediately took to using his fingers as makeshift climbing spikes as he physically shoved them through the spire and climbed.

"Okay, now we definitely have a problem." Anon muttered, looking out over the edge for just a second.

"Got any ideas?" Phoenix asked him.

"We need another distraction." Anon replied.

"Ocellus is on it." Luna whispered, looking back to them for just a second.

Anon nodded as Tirek lunged up another dozen feet, just for Luna to suddenly dive and zip past him. Much like Celestia, she managed to evade Tirek's grasp by just a few scant inches, a fact that made the already furious titan, absolutely livid. With a savage cry, Tirek leapt from the spire and through the air in an attempt to catch the lunar alicorn. However, just as with the last few times, he just barely missed and slammed into the ground, hard.

The entire structure vibrated from the force of the centaur's impact, but he was back on his hooves in a matter of seconds, just in time to see Luna disappear into another hole in the wall. He quickly whirled around, barely in time to see Cadence flapping her wings to dart from the second level back to the first. Seeing another opportunity to seize one of the alicorns he needed so badly, Tirek galloped as fast as his hooves could carry him.

He quickly covered the entire foyer of the hive but much like the previous two princesses, Cadence was able to reach a hole just as he reached out to grab her. Tirek desperately grasped at the fleeing pink alicorn but it was to no avail. As with the last two alicorns, she slipped through his grasp, leaving him grasping at nothing but empty air.

Throwing his arms up in righteous fury, Tirek screamed a feral scream of pure rage. He turned on his hooves and smashed the first thing he could see: The staircase. With each punch, he took entire segments of the material off and shook the very foundation of the hive. His raging voice echoed and reverberated so loudly that it almost drowned out the sound of his destruction.

"Starting to think this plan is just gonna piss him off." Phoenix muttered, fighting to maintain his balance.

"God I hope not." Anon muttered, looking over the edge.

"He's not in position yet... at this rate, he'll destroy the hive before they can lure him into the right spot." Cornicle added, frantically looking back and forth between Anon and Tirek.

Tirek continued to scream and shout, ripping sections of the wall away with each second of wrath, but even still, he managed to notice the bright pink color of Cadence as she fluttered out of her hole in the wall and toward another hole on the opposite side of the structure. Unlike the previous encounters, Tirek managed to react much quicker this time, and whirled around on the pink alicorn so fast that he was already reaching out to grab her before she was even half way across the foyer.

"Oh shit, she's not gonna make it!" Anon gasped, standing up in alarm.

Unfortunately, Anon was right, and just as she made it to the half way point, Tirek's hand reached her tail and grabbed hold of it, halting her in her tracks. He pulled her back, grabbing her with his other hand and immobilizing her in place. Cadence appeared completely startled by the new development, and a look of fear and realization dawned on her face as she stared up at the titanic form of Tirek, looming over her.

Cadence didn't have time to even gasp in fear as Tirek's absurdly strong grip squeezed the air out of her lungs. He opened his mouth, the blackness of his eyes almost acting as a window into a view of death itself. Cadence was so immediately petrified that she failed to maintain her disguise, and an aura of green flames quickly enveloped her, revealing Ocellus.

Startled by the sudden flash of green fire in his hand, Tirek paused, looking down at the small changeling now held in his grasp.

"A... changeling?" Tirek asked, his momentary confusion quickly being replaced by fury once more.

However, before he could squash the little bug horse in his hand, another voice cried out from above, making him glance upward.

"Now!" Anon shouted, and just a fraction of a second later, the support beams for the ceiling suddenly exploded, raining down a hailstorm of chitinous material all over the titan. The entire hive shook with the force of the detonation, and the ceiling promptly caved in, falling down in perfect alignment with Tirek as he stared up in surprise.

"Ocellus, make yourself small!" Pharynx barked, no longer wearing his disguise as he appeared from one of the various holes in the wall.

Ocellus managed a shaky nod and quickly disappeared in a flurry of green flames. Tirek instantly found that he no longer had any purchase on her body, and he stared in astonishment as a small beetle simply buzzed away from him toward Pharynx. With no more time to react, and no options, Tirek braced his arms over his head to stop the majority of the debris from crushing him.

The falling rooftop collided with the massive centaur with a massive *crash* and *boom*, completely burying him in black rubble in milliseconds. Dust, ash, and smoke filled the foyer so quickly that it blanketed the air in smog, making it impossible to see. Anon coughed and covered his face with his shirt as he waved the air in front of him to clear it of the dust particles. Phoenix followed suite, although since he had no shirt, he opted to just cover his muzzle with the crook of his foreleg.

Slowly, the air stilled and the dust settled, allowing everyone in the room to finally move from their hiding spots to see the massive pile of debris and destruction on the first floor.

"Everyone alright!?" Anon called out, receiving many shouts and confirmations from his rag-tag group.

"Do you think that got him?" Phoenix asked, looking over the edge.

Anon looked over as well and slowly shook his head, "I don't know... I hope so." He replied, before turning and making his way down the stairs.

Phoenix and Cornicle followed closely, and within a minute, they were all at the first floor, just a small ways away from the massive pile of rubble atop the titan. Pharynx, Thorax, and a very shaky Ocellus walked out from their hole on the second level, both male changelings trying their best to console their little sister.

"Hey, you did great, Ocellus. Really." Thorax offered, hugging her close.

"You listened when I told you what to do. That's good. You'd most likely be dead otherwise." Pharynx added.

"Pharynx, you're not helping." Thorax whisper-shouted, leaning toward his older sibling.

Before Pharynx could reply, however, Anon called up to them, "Hey! You guys alright? Is Ocellus hurt?" He asked, the concern clear in his voice.

"She's okay. A little shaken up but she isn't hurt." Thorax called back.

Anon nodded, "Alright, good work guys. I think we can maybe take things from here. You should get Ocellus back to the rest of the hive. Thanks for all your help." He called back, giving a gentle smile to Ocellus as she shook in her brother's embrace.

"What about Tirek and Discord?" Pharynx questioned.

"Discord isn't going anywhere any time soon... Actually, that's a good point. Do you think-" Anon began, before a rumble made the rubble move.

"Okay, tell me I'm not the only one who felt that." Phoenix muttered, his wings flaring slightly.

"You most certainly are not." Anon replied, stepping back as the rubble moved again.

"Oh, I don't like this." Cornicle muttered.

Another second passed in complete silence, only to be destroyed as Tirek erupted from the rubble, sending debris flying in all directions. Almost all of the ponies, minotaurs, griffons, and changelings present were knocked off their hooves by the sheer force of the titan's return. Anon fell on his back, the wind forced out of his lungs as he impacted the hard chitin.

Tirek emerged from the pile of rubble, bits of black falling off of him as he stood too his full height, towering over the creatures all around him. The minotaurs, griffons, thestrals, and unicorns all stepped back, aghast looks on their faces as they stared up at the massive centaur towering over them. Stunned silent, they all hesitated, unsure of what to do as Tirek stared down at them.

Eventually, it wasn't a voice that broke the silence but a battle cry, as Phoenix darted forward, his wingblades gleaming in the sunlight now shining down on them through the massive hole in the ceiling. Tirek reacted quicker than any of them expected, dodging back as the pegasus lunged at him and narrowly avoiding the sharpened steel of his blades. Phoenix flew past him and skidded over the debris just past the titan, quickly spinning on his hooves and throwing a hoofful of small beads that exploded as they connected with Tirek's torso.

Seeing their comrade taking the initiative, the rest of the released convicts raised their weapons and charged at the centaur. Swords and spears raised, they assaulted the centaur, as ferociously as they could. Swords cut at his flesh while the spears poked at him as hard as they could.

Unfortunately, the blades simply failed to penetrate deep enough into Tirek's skin. Over and over again, the convicts swung, their weapons bending and denting as they tried their hardest to inflict any measure of damage against him. After nearly thirty seconds of savage beating and cutting, they slowly stepped away, all of their weapons either broken or their edges rendered dull from the iron-like hide of the centaur.

Smirking down at the creatures surrounding him, Tirek allowed himself a dark chuckle.

"My turn." He announced, before reaching out and grabbing the two unicorns nearest to him.

Tirek opened his mouth and syphoned the magic from the two unicorns, effortlessly throwing them away once he was finished with him. One of the minotaurs tried to fight grab him and take him to the ground, but Tirek simply kicked him away with his leg, sending the bull flying through the air and into the wall so hard that he punched right through it. The remaining creatures, seeing their comrades so effortlessly beaten, scattered.

What started as a group effort to defeat the villain, quickly devolved into a game of cat and mouse, only there were quiet a lot of mice, and one very, very hungry cat. One by one, he caught them, syphoned whatever magic they held in their bodies and threw them away as if they were nothing but garbage to him. It only took a few minutes of running around for there to only be the three sibling changelings, one griffon, Phoenix, and Anon, left.

"This isn't working!" Pharynx shouted.

"He's too strong. We need to fall back!" Phoenix added.

"This way!" Thorax called, turning and galloping to a hole in the wall.

The remaining party quickly ran after the changeling, making their way into the tunnel just as Tirek finished draining Cornicle and turned to them.

"Oh, just where do you think you're going?" He questioned, a sinister smile on his face.

Tirek charged at the wall, slamming into it with the force of a hurricane and breaking entire sections off with his brute strength. The impact shook the entire hive, knocking almost all of the group off their hooves or feet as they struggled forward in their cave. They managed to reach the exit before the cave could collapse on them, however, and jumped out into the hive throne room just before it was too late.

"Fuck me! This is bad." Anon grumbled, placing his hands atop his head.

"What are we gonna do? Conventional weapons don't do enough damage." Phoenix questioned.

"I knew this was a bad plan." Pharynx muttered.

"Pharynx. Not. Helping." Thorax replied, giving his brother a deadpan look.

"Maybe if we leave while he's destroying the place, we can get back to Canterlot in time and the princesses will have a solution figured out?" The griffon suggested.

"Just how do you expect to do that? There isn't a way out of here that doesn't involve us going through him, now." Pharynx replied.

"Everybody just calm down. Let me... lemme think." Anon spoke up his brow heavily furrowed as he struggled to find the right course of action.

"We can't beat him. This was a suicide mission from the very beginning." The griffon muttered, pacing in place.

"It's not a suicide mission. We can get out of this. We just need to buy more time." Anon replied, turning to the griffon.

"More time!? We didn't even last thirty minutes against him! He's too powerful! I thought you said that this throne would stop his magic!" The griffon angrily asserted.

"It is stopping his magic. He can't cast any spells. It doesn't stop the magic inside of him from making him freakishly strong though. It just prevents outward uses of magic." Thorax explained.

"Clearly not! He just sucked the magic out of all of them! He's gonna do that to all of us... we... we gotta get out of here!" The griffon continued, panic settling into his voice.

"Calm down. We ain't beat yet." Phoenix ordered, but the griffon would hear none of it.

"Forget this! What good is freedom if you're not alive to experience it?!" He shouted, before turning tail and bolting for one of the holes in the wall.

"Wait! You have no idea where you're even going!" Thorax shouted, but it was too late.

The griffon disappeared into a hole in the wall that closed a few seconds later. The group stared after him in silence for a few moments, all debating on whether or not to follow him and try to bring him back, but they made up their minds fairly quickly when the heard a sudden scream through the walls.

"Looks like Tirek found him..." Phoenix muttered.

Anon turned to the wall, nervously gulping, "Alright... looks like this is it then. We have to hold him here as long as we can. I don't think he knows what's stopping him from using his magic yet, but it won't take long for him to figure out it's the throne. Once he finds that out, he'll destroy it and then Discord will just teleport him back to Canterlot. We have to stop him."

"Agreed." Phoenix replied, standing beside Anon.

"I-I'm scared..." Ocellus whimpered, still shaking as she rocked on her haunches.

Thorax quickly hugged her close, "I know... we'll be okay. Promise." He comforted, quietly.

A powerful vibration shook the very ground they stood on as Tirek beat on the wall. Cracks formed and stalactites fell from the ceiling, their bases snapping from the force of the titan's fists. The very foundation of the hive trembled as Tirek pounded on the wall again and again, breaking pieces away and nearly knocking the room's occupants of their hooves.

Finally, after almost a minute of the horrible sound, Tirek's fist broke through the wall, crumbling the chitinous material with ease as he used his newfound entrance to force his way into the room. His long horns ground against the ceiling, carving deep gashes in the material as he casually strode forward, his eyes locked on the equines and human before him.

"Nowhere left to run. Nowhere left to hide." Tirek announced, grinning a wicked grin as Anon, Pharynx, Thorax, and Phoenix prepared to fight.

Each step the massive centaur took brought him closer, and only served to highlight the dramatic different in stature between him and even Anon. Now on equal footing without rubble in the way, Anon found that he barely stood at Tirek's waistline. All the same, he clenched his fists and squared his shoulders to the behemoth, a nervous bead of sweat dripping down his cheek.

As he approached, Tirek casually glanced at the changelings also present with Anon. He paused, just a stone's throw away from the group and smirked.

"Changelings really have teamed up with Equestria. I would say I'm shocked, but after your queen made her position clear, I suppose this was to be expected. I'm rather ashamed to admit you fooled me as long as you did." Tirek announced, crossing his arms.

"What have you done with her!" Pharynx demanded, a ferocious snarl on his face as he buzzed his wings in defiance.

"I would show you, but my magic doesn't seem to work properly in this wretched hive. If you would kindly shut whatever it is that's inhibiting me off, I'll even let you speak with her." Tirek offered, bowing his head in a mock show of respect.

"Don't listen to him, Pharynx. He's full of shit." Anon asserted.

Tirek raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the human standing before him, "Ah... I had heard that the princesses were married to some... ape thing, now... I suppose that makes my next move quite simple."

"Just what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Anon growled.

"You'll find out soon enough. As for you changelings, it really is in your best interest to do as I ask. You can't run. You can't hide. I count three of you. That means that I can safely kill two of you and still get the answers I seek." He noted, with the calmness of one simply observing the weather.

Ocellus's eyes shot wide open and she trembled in place. It was clear to everyone in the room that Tirek's words have having an immediate effect on her.

Smelling blood in the water, Tirek quickly lunged forward, grabbing Pharynx in his hand and immobilizing him before he could fly away.

"Pharynx!" Anon cried out.

He tried to run toward the changeling and help him, but a simple backhand from Tirek sent Anon flying across the room. He hid the ground and skidded to a halt nearly thirty feet from the centaur, his ribs and torso bruising almost immediately.

"Prince Anon!" Thorax cried, opening his elytra and taking off to help the downed human.

Phoenix leapt forward, throwing another hoofful of small explosives at Tirek while Thorax rushed to Anon's side. The small beads exploded harmlessly against Tirek's arm, but they did provide a small smokescreen that the pegasus stallion used to rush in and slash at his fingers. Unlike the skin of his legs, arms, and torso, Tirek's hands weren't so heavily armored that they couldn't be damaged, and he grunted in pain as Phoenix's blades cut into his flesh. A small stream of blood leapt from the skin, following the tip of his blades as the pegasus landed, instantly whirling around and darting in for another attack.

Meanwhile, Thorax reached Anon's side, gently cupping his back in his forelegs as he tried to sit upright. Anon gasped and coughed out a small measure of blood, prompting a frightened look to form on Thorax's face.

"I can do something to numb the pain, but I don't know enough about your biology to fix you." Thorax explained, quickly looking back to see Phoenix dodging under Tirek's grasp and cutting his fingers once more, earning an enraged snarl from the centaur.

"D-do it..." Anon managed through his tear filled eyes.

Thorax hastily ignited his horn, a small green glow encompassing the appendage as well as Anon's chest. For a few seconds, a gentle humming sound could be heard over the fight happening just behind them. Slowly but surely, the pain withered and ebbed away, leaving a pleasant feeling in Anon's chest and allowing him to breathe easier.

"Ah... t-thanks, Thorax." Anon said, giving a grateful look to the changeling.

"It's what friends are for, right?" Thorax smiled.

Unfortunately, it was at that moment that they both realized they could no longer hear the sounds of fighting, and as Thorax turned around, they both saw Tirek holding Phoenix by the tail, draining the last of his magic out before tossing him aside. He strode toward the man and changeling while Pharynx continued to writhe and fight in his grasp.

"Thorax, go! Get out of here!" Anon ordered, struggling to get to his knees.

"But you aren't in any shape to fight!" Thorax protested.

Before either could get another word in, Tirek stomped on the ground, knocking Thorax off his hooves as the floor caved in slightly beneath them. Anon struggled to right himself as he nearly fell into the crevice opening at his feet. Thorax managed to get away before he fell in, but that only put him in closer proximity to Tirek, a fact that he was made unfortunately aware of as massive, bloodied fingers wrapped around him.

"Thorax!" Anon cried, but before he could move, the ground crumbled beneath him. He managed to grab onto the ledge as he fell in, just barely keeping himself from falling to his death.

Now holding Pharynx and Thorax in his hands, Tirek strode over to Ocellus, smirking to himself at the fact that the terrified little drone hadn't moved at all. She stared up at him, terror written all over her face as he stopped just in front of her, both her brothers held in his grasp.

"Now, which one do you like more?" Tirek asked, holding each changeling out before her.

"D-don't tell him anything, Ocellus!" Pharynx exclaimed, struggling against Tirek's hand.

"I-I..." Ocellus began, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"How about this. Tell me what is stopping me from using my magic, and I might let them both live. Keep me waiting..." Tirek trailed off, squeezing Thorax and Pharynx in his hands.

The sight of her brothers squirming and writhing in pain as they were crushed under Tirek's impossible strength made the damn break. With tears streaming down her cheeks, Ocellus struggled to breathe.

"P-please... don't-"

"You have five seconds." Tirek cut her off.

Ocellus looked back and forth to her brothers.


She looked over to Anon.


She looked back to her brothers.


She glanced over to the throne.


"Alright! Please! Stop!" Ocellus cried, sobbing into her hooves. She pointed to the throne as she looked down at the ground, "The throne... it's the throne... please..."

Tirek released his iron-like grip and followed Ocellus's hoof to the throne in question. He smirked to himself as he dropped the two changelings in his grasp and walked over to the spikey structure. With ease that frightened everyone in the room, He tore the throne from its place in the hive and threw it at the wall. The impact destroyed and entire section of the hive while the throne simply kept flying for hundreds of meters, landing somewhere out of sight in the badlands.

Anon stared in horror as Tirek's horns lit up in an orange hue. A moment later, Discord appeared, still covered in slime. Said draconequues quickly popped out of the green substances, shaking himself as if he was traumatized from the experience. A moment later, Tirek snapped his fingers, and a bubble appeared beside him, containing none other than Chrysalis.

"Let this serve as a reminder to you that I am a centaur of my word." Tirek smirked, gesturing to the captured queen.

"M-my queen!" Pharynx gasped, struggling to fill his lungs with air.

Chrysalis planted her hooves against the inside of the bubble, her face a mix of terror, relief, and fear, "Pharynx! Thorax! Ocellus!" She cried.

"Mom!" Ocellus cried out, reaching out for her.

"Ah, ah, ah." Tirek smirked as he strolled over toward Anon, "Maybe once I've won, you'll get to see her again. For now, I'll let you three be my little messenger pigeons. Run along and tell the rest of your hive that if they don't submit to me and appear before me when I take Canterlot, I will execute your Queen." He announced, casting a baleful gaze down at the three changelings.

Anon continued to struggle to get over the ledge, but he quickly found an orange aura wrapped around him, lifting him into the air and over toward the massive form of Tirek.

"Anon!" Chrysalis cried, her eyes wide as the man struggled in Tirek's magical hold.

"Now, I believe you wanted to see my next move, is that right?" Tirek questioned, leaning in until there were precious few inches between him and Anon, "Discord. Why don't you take us back to Canterlot. I have a feeling those princesses never really left... and, well... if they did, then we now have the perfect bait to lure them back."

Anon's eyes widened in horror, but before he could say or do anything, Discord snapped his fingers, and they were suddenly in the throne room of the castle.

Chapter 34: For Those I Love, I Will Sacrifice

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"Princesses! Come out here and face me!" Tirek's voice boomed, echoing off of the walls and making Anon cringe, "I have your husband." He added.

A few moments of silence followed, making the tension in the air somehow thicker than it already was. Anon nervously gulped as he glanced over to Tirek's massive form, his magic still keeping him firmly in place, several feet off of the ground. After nearly ten seconds of waiting, the titan grew impatient.

"Perhaps you'll move with a sense of urgency if I start pulling your prince apart, piece by piece." Tirek announced, turning to Anon.

Anon's eyes widened at the threat, and he struggled even harder in Tirek's magic to break free. Chrysalis pounded on the bubble she was trapped in, her eyes locked on Anon as she tried to reach him.

"Anon!" She cried.

Even Discord gave the centaur a concerned look as he turned to Anon.

"Now, do you really think that's necessary? I mean... they could be somewhere else for all we know. Don't you think killing our leverage would be a bit reckless?" Discord offered.

"And entering their hive wasn't? Besides, I'll put him back together... maybe." Tirek shrugged.

"Well, considering just how pregnant they are, I doubt Celly and Luna are going to be able to make it here any time so-" Discord began to reply, before Tirek turned on him.

"Did you say... pregnant?" He asked, his tone as threatening as the glare he leveled at the draconequues.

Discord nodded, "Oh, yes! They were both positively gravid the last I saw them. In fact, they're probably going into labor any day now, isn't that right, Anon?" He asked, resting his elbow on Anon's shoulder as if they were friends.

"Discord... shut your God damned mouth." Anon grunted, through grit teeth.

Tirek chuckled, a sound that both infuriated and scared Anon. After a few moments, the chuckle turned to a laugh, and then full on boisterous hysterical laughter. Anon stared up at Tirek, partly bewildered and partly disgusted as the massive centaur nearly fell over from his hysterics. Even Discord looked uncomfortable yet again, as Tirek struggled to compose himself.

"Um... what's so funny, exactly?" Discord questioned.

It took Tirek a few moments to calm down before answering, "Oh, this is just too rich. The two ponies who sealed me away in Tartarus over a thousand years ago... and now I can take absolutely everything from them!" Tirek threw his head back in maniacal laughter.

"Tirek, don't!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"You lay a fucking finger on them and I'll fucking kill you!" Anon shouted, but even he knew it was an empty threat.

Tirek paused in his boisterous laughter and leaned down to Anon's level, "As... entertaining as it would be to see you try, we have business to attend to. Now be a good little hostage and call for your wives to come save you."

"Go fuck yourself." Anon shot back.

Tirek sighed, "Well, my mercy has its limits." He announced, before his magic closed in on Anon, compressing his chest and limbs.

The air was forced out of Anon's already battered lungs as he struggled against Tirek's overwhelming magical strength, leaving him blue in the face as his eyes bulged from the pressure. After watching for only a few seconds, Chrysalis frantically looked up to Discord.

"Discord, you can't let this happen!" She cried, "Please!"

Discord frowned as he looked back and forth between the changeling Queen and the sizeable form of Tirek looming to his side. He glanced down at Anon, seeing the life quickly being squeezed out of him as Chrysalis continued to pound on the interior of her bubble.

"Hey, I have an idea! Why don't I just go bring them to you? That way, nobody has to die a horrible death." Discord suggested, glancing back and forth between Tirek and the human in a magical trash compactor.

"Now where's the fun in that? We just went on a wild goose chase into the changeling hive to find them, only to find their husband instead. Now they can come to me." Tirek replied.

"I get that... but you're killing him, Tirek." Discord pleaded.

Tirek looked down at Anon, seeing that his face was turning blue and he was visibly loosing consciousness. With a flippant sigh, he released the crushing force of his magical strength, allowing the human to gasp for desperately needed air.

"Are you going soft on me, Discord?" Tirek raised an eyebrow.

Discord breathed a small sigh of relief, "Of course not. I just don't want to kill creatures when the whole point of this is to take control so that they have to bow to our will." He replied.

Tirek rolled his eyes, "Very well. Go and find the princesses for me, then. I will wait here." He replied, much to both Chrysalis and Discord's relief.

"Anon! Are you alright?" Chrysalis questioned, pressing her hooves against the bubble.

Anon couldn't quite speak, so he opted to instead just nod his head as he fought to fill his lungs with air once more.

"Do be quick about it, Discord." Tirek said, crossing his arms.

Discord hastily nodded, "I'll be back in a jiffy." He announced, before disappearing with a pop.

"Dis-cord... don't..." Anon weakly called after him, still struggling to catch his breath.

Tirek snorted, "Why Discord has a bleeding heart for you and these equines, I will never understand," He sighed, "It matters not. Soon your wives will be standing before me, unable to flee or fight due to their bloated bellies and I will take so much satisfaction in robbing them of a life with their children."

At Anon's suddenly furious glare, Tirek laughed, "Oh, yes. That does make you the father then, doesn't it? Sorry about that. Nothing personal... at least, with you." He shrugged.

Before Anon could make a scathing reply, Discord popped back into existence before them both, a noticeable look of discomfort on his face. He idly twiddled his thumbs for a moment as if attempting to delay speaking to Tirek.

"Well? Did you find them?" Tirek demanded, quickly growing tired of Discord's sudden shyness.

"I-um... well... yes?" Discord hesitantly replied.

"Where are they!?" Tirek shouted, taking a step toward the draconequues.

"Well, they're in that southern tower, on the first floor... but it's magically protected with powerful wards. Of course, that was nothing for little ol' me, but there's-" Discord began, but before he could say more, Tirek suddenly dropped Anon with his magic.

The titan's horns lit up in orange, fiery magic as he reached out with his hands. A similar orange glow enveloped the entire southern tower attached the throne room, shaking the very foundation of the building. Anon fell onto his back as the ground around him rumbled and creaked under the intense forces acting on it. He stared up in awe, watching as the entire southern tower ripped away from its foundation. The throne room ceiling cracked and caved in under the immense shifting of material, dropping tons of stone and marble right on top of them.

Anon covered his head with his arms as the debris fell down on him, but he felt nothing. He glanced up, finding that the marble and stone simply disappeared just a few feet before hitting him, Chrysalis, Tirek, or Discord. He gave a quick glance over to the aforementioned draconequues, finding that he was simply holding up his hand. Small flashes of white light appeared all over his claw, timing in sync with the rubble disappearing above them.

Quickly whipping his head back to the tower slowly approaching them in an orange haze, breaking through the walls of the castle and destroying everything in its path, Anon felt his heart sink. Tirek set the base of the tower down just a few dozen paces in front of him, the action forming hundreds of cracks in the ground and nearly caving the floor in.

"Princesses! Come out now!" Tirek barked, focusing on the lone doorway.

Anon looked up to the doorway, a fearful expression on his face as he silently prayed that Discord was wrong, and his wives were long gone. Unfortunately, he didn't have to wait long, as Tirek quickly grew impatient. With a ferocious growl, Tirek reached out with his magic and ripped the door off its hinges, sending the wooden plank flying. What none of them expected, however, was for two thestrals to bolt out of the doorway at full speed.

Even before Discord could react, Dusk struck at Tirek, slashing at his throat. Tirek only barely managed to dodge the attack, but moving out of the way of Dusk only put him in range of Echo. The younger bat pony slashed at Tirek as hard as he could with his hoofblades, the sharpened steel cutting into the centuar's flesh nearly deep enough to reach his jugular. Unfortunately, This enraged Tirek so much that he grabbed Echo with one hand, syphoned the bat pony's magic, and threw him at the tower he'd emerged from.

Echo hit the wall hard, so hard in fact, that his armor bent and his bloodied hoofblades were flung from his forelegs, and he slumped to the ground with a groan. Dusk glanced over to his fallen comrade for a split second, but that second was all Discord needed to snap his fingers and imprison the night guard in a bubble. Dusk frantically fought to free himself, but Discord's magic simply made that impossible.

Tirek quickly approached, already beginning to syphon Dusk's magic. Once he was finished, the thestral collapsed to the floor and the bubble popped, leaving him laying uselessly on the once pristine marble floor of the throne room. He fought to lift himself up to continue fighting, but his strength left him immediately, forcing him to fall back to his side.

"Well, that was certainly a bit more of a fight than I expected." Discord muttered, oblivious to the furious look in Tirek's eyes.

"A bit? A bit!? Why did you not imprison them faster!? Why did you not tell me of two bat ponies!?" Tirek roared, one hand clasping the wound in his neck as his horns ignited in orange light.

The blood and wound on his neck swiftly began to heal, but the angry look in his eyes remained as he loomed over the draconequues.

"Well, that's what I was trying to tell you before you just went and brought the whole tower up here. That and-" Discord began, only for Tirek to cut him off by literally grabbing and forcing his muzzle shut to silence him.

"I've had enough of your incompetency. I believe it's time for this partnership to end. You helped me grow strong, but now you are of no more use to me." Tirek announced, before opening his mouth.

Discord's eyes widened in shock as his magic was syphoned from him, blue arcs of chaotic magical energy spilling from his eyes. It took much longer than any other creature Tirek syphoned magic from, but soon enough, Discord's magic was completely gone, taken by the centaur titan before him. With his new chaotic magic acquired, Tirek once more grew in size, his horns taking a devilish curve as he neared double Anon's height. Once he was finished, Tirek threw Discord aside, as if he was simply not interested in him anymore.

Discord weakly struggled to his knees, one hand holding the medallion Tirek gifted him not even an hour ago, "B-but... you said this was a sign of your gratitude and loyalty. A gift from someone close to you." He pleaded.

"My brother who betrayed me. It is as worthless as he is." Tirek coldly replied, before turning away from the former god of chaos and walking toward the tower.

"Surely you saw this coming." Chrysalis muttered, looking over to Discord with a frown.

"I didn't... I truly didn't." Discord admitted, looking down at his medallion in shame.

Anon observed the interaction for a moment before his attention was pulled to Tirek as the centaur approached the door of the tower. Each step made the floor vibrate and shook the walls, making it that much harder for him to get to his feet.

Tirek soon arrived at his destination, the now comparatively infant sized doorway barely stood up to his waistline, and with a chuckle, he cracked his knuckles.

"Knock knock, princesses."

Tirek cocked his arms back before thrusting forward, punching two massive holes in the tower just above the door. As he pulled back, he grabbed the material inside, ripping the entire side of the tower apart and exposing the room the Princesses were hiding in. The sound of stone falling on marble and cracking the floor even more, deafened all of the occupants as the dust slowly cleared.

Only when the stones stopped falling and the dust settled, did a distinct sound echo out from that tower that made Anon's blood run cold. Two infant voices, crying as all newborn foals do, reached his ears. Anon stared in shock, at the sight of his wives and children as they were stared down by Tirek. Anon found strength suddenly filling his veins as he looked at his wives, their babies swaddles and held in there forelegs as they both looked up at Tirek, defiance in their eyes. Both Raven and Javelin glared at the imposing centaur, their horns both alight with their magic. Cadence and Twilight stood beside them, the ladder with her wings flared and ready for a fight as they waited for the inevitable.

What none of the expected, however, was for Anon to push himself to his feet and sprint forward. He grabbed one of Echo's hoof blades as he ran, his legs and hands moving faster than his brain could even process. The only thing he knew was that his family was in danger, and they needed him. He covered the distance between him and Tirek in a split second, moving faster than he'd ever moved before. Tirek turned his head toward the sound of Anon's footsteps behind him but the human was too quick, and before he could stop him, Anon was already on him.

Anon used the natural structure of Tirek's hindleg as a stepping stool to springboard his way up to the centaur's back, where he lunged forward, Echo's hoofblade in both hands. He thrust the blade into Tirek's neck as hard as his strength would allow, the act plunging the blade deep into the titan's neck, but not quite deep enough. Tirek wailed in pain as he ducked his head away and reached back to grab Anon. He stumbled away from the tower, both hands reaching over his shoulders to try to pry Anon off of him.

Anon pulled the blade out before plunging it back into Tirek's neck again and again. Unfortunately, Tirek managed to grab Anon's arm and threw the human off of him. Anon lost his grip on the blade as he sailed through the air, hitting the ground hard as he skidded away from Tirek, landing between the centaur and the tower.

"Anon!" Chrysalis cried in alarm.

Whether it was one voice or several calling out to him, Anon wasn't sure, but all he did know was that Tirek turned to face him, a furious scowl on his face as he used his magic to heal his wounds once more.

"So, you want to die first, is that right?" Tirek muttered, through grit teeth.

Anon ignored the monstrosity that was Tirek and looked over his shoulder to see his wives. Their eyes were wide with shock and fear, but the squirming bundles in their forelegs was all he needed to stand tall. As Tirek approached, him, he clenched his fists and prepared for the worst.

"Anon!" He heard the combined voices of all the ones who loved him call out to him.

"All of you, get out of here. I'll keep him busy." Anon replied, simply.

Before anyone could question the absurdity of Anon's order, Tirek charged toward him, his fist clenched and raised to strike. Anon followed suite, sprinting toward the titan as he cocked his arm back and prepared to throw the hardest punch he could muster. Time slowed to a crawl as the two fists soared through the air. Tirek's hand dwarfed Anon's, making the entire effort seem that much more futile. However, when they collided, Anon did not simple evaporate.

The force of their energy impacting sent a shockwave through the throneroom, shaking the walls and shattering all the remaining glass that wasn't already destroyed. Tirek found himself shocked at the fact that Anon was not only still standing, but actually managing to hold his ground against his assault. However, after a quick glance, he saw the reason.

The ring on Anon's finger glowed white hot as a shield of energy protected his hand from Tirek's might. Arcs of green energy shot down his arm and covered the right side of his chest like pulsing veins. Anon's shirt was torn asunder from the force of the energy being imparted on him, the entire right side of the fabric being reduced to nothing more than thin strips of cloth. Even so, Anon grit his teeth so hard that he nearly cracked one of his molars. Every muscle in his body fought to simply stay in place and not let Tirek's might blow him away. It felt like a freight train was slamming into him at terminal velocity, and his arm was the only thing keeping it at bay.

All around Anon, the ponies watched in awe, their eyes wide at the sight before them. The only thing that shocked them more, was when Anon spoke.

"Get... out of... here." He grunted, through grit teeth.

"Nonny!" Luna cried.

"We aren't leaving you!" Celestia shouted.

"Twilight! Jav!" Anon suddenly shouted, earning the full attention of the fear riddled purple alicorn.

Anon groaned as the arcane lines of energy seared into his flesh, burning where they'd once merely tingled before. The light of the emerald on his ring glowed brighter and brighter as it absorbed the cataclysmic amount of magical might pouring into it from Tirek's fist. All the same, Anon held his ground, the forcefield of white light between his and Tirek's fists being the only thing keeping him from total annihilation.

"Get... my... family... out of here..." Anon ordered, glancing over his shoulder to the small lavender alicorn and his best friend.

In that moment, the look in Anon's eyes conveyed everything she needed to know, and with a dutiful nod, Twilight turned on her hooves and galloped back to the rest of her fellow princesses, Javelin hot on her tail. Meanwhile, Tirek followed her eyes, his anger and power seeming to only grow as his end goal ran away from him. The only obstacle in his way was the willpower of a single man, and yet it was enough to hold him back for a time.

"Twilight, no!" Celestia screamed, tears clawing free from her eyes as her smaller counterpart levitated her and her foal into the air.

"We can't leave our husband! That ring won't hold! Save him!" Luna exclaimed, in much the same state as her sister.

"Twilight, we can't leave him!" Cadence objected as well, but even she was swept up in Twilight's magical grasp as the lavender princess gathered all of her fellow alicorns in her grasp.

"We have to go! Now!" Javelin responded, helping to corral the princesses and his fiancé.

"I... won't... let... him... past... me..." Anon grunted, through grit teeth, gaining the attention of everyone behind him, "So... go! Run! Get... out of here!" He shouted, with all the strength he had left.

Unfortunately, the ring could only hold out against the magical might of almost all of Equestria for so long, and as the seconds slowly ticked by, cracks formed in the emerald centerpiece. The leylines of arcane energy glowed white hot all over the ring, and the wayward lines of energy sprawling down Anon's arm, chest, and torso, similarly turned white hot as they were overloaded with magical power. Through it all, Anon held his ground, his resolve as unbreakable as the strongest of diamonds. Unfortunately, even that simply was not enough against Tirek.

With a horrible *crack*, the emerald shattered, and with it, the energy shield buffering Tirek's immense power from Anon. Within a microsecond, the power balance shifted massively in the centaur's favor, and Anon's mere mortal strength was absolutely no match for him. Tirek's fist collided with Anon's hard enough to shatter bone on impact and knocked the human away from him as his arm crumpled under the immense force.

Tirek's fist slammed into the ground with enough force to punch right through the marble and send an explosion of dust and debris flying in all directions, obscuring the views of everyone around him. The impact sent Anon flying back and away from the tower, and with a *crash*, he slammed into a set of ornate armor that was set up along the wall.

Chrysalis watched from her position in her bubble, her hearts breaking at the sight of Anon's body as he disappeared behind a cloud of dust. Tears spilled from her eyes as her lips trembled. She tried, desperately, to not believe what her eyes witnessed, but the image of Anon's mangled, bloodied body sent sailing through the air from the concussive force of Tirek's punch, simply replayed in her mind over and over again.

She was not alone, as the voices of Luna and Celestia rang out louder than even the sound of the impact, their screams filled with bloodcurdling anguish and fear. The two alicorns fought desperately to free themselves from their younger counterpart's magical hold, but it was no use. Even from her bubble, Chrysalis could see that their manes and tails no longer waved in an invisible breeze, and there was a clear tiredness in their eyes, even through their anguish.

Tears streamed down their cheeks as they fought, cried, and screamed for their husband, but as the dust settled, Tirek turned to face them. He casually inspected his hand as if he'd sustained a minor scratch during the fight and idly brushed it off before he stepped forward. Every hooffall sent a spike of dread through Chrysalis's hearts as she watched on, powerless to do anything to help or stop the centaur.

Twilight appeared to be struggling to control her magic as she desperately tried to control the two flailing alicorns, Cadence, and the two newborn foals in her magic as well as prepare a teleportation spell for all of them. Tirek happily took the available time to casually approach, them, cracking his knuckles as he smirked. At the sight of his smirking face, Luna's despair and anguish quickly turned to fury, and she screamed as she fought against Twilight's magic to attempt to beat Tirek to death with her own hooves.

Through is all, Chrysalis just watched, tears freely streaking down her cheeks and dripping onto the bottom of the bubble she was trapped in. She stared after the titan as he walked closer and closer, his victory all but assured. However, that visage was shattered as a voice cried out from behind him.

"Hey, Asshole!" The voice shouted.

A stone suddenly sailed through the air and slammed into the back of Tirek's head, making him wince. Everypony in the room went silent as they followed the stone's trajectory to see where it came from. Tirek turned around, a look of utter disbelief on his face as he saw the culprit.

After just a moment of searching, all eyes fell on the badly beaten form of Anon, as he struggled to stay on his feet. His right arm was broken and mangled beyond recognition. Blood dripped from his thoroughly crushed hand and the many new lacerations on his arm, all the way up to his shoulder. His entire upper chest and arm were black and blue, and his right eyes was swollen shut, but he stood tall all the same. With a defiant glint in his one open eye, Anon spit out a wad of blood and clenched his left fist.

"I didn't hear no bell..."

Chapter 35: Love is More Powerful Than Hate

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All Anon could feel was pain. His entire arm hurt in an unimaginable level of burning, searing, stabbing pain that stung so badly, he could barely stand without crying. Each breath was a labored affair that send stinging sensations through his ribcage as rasped for air. His vision was blurry, reduced to a hazy fog as he struggled to remain conscious. He was vaguely aware of the blood dripping freely from his arm, but he paid it no mind as he stared Tirek down, one fist clenched in defiance against the overwhelming might of the centaur.

Anon struggled to stand, let alone fight against a being as overwhelmingly powerful as Tirek. He knew that he stood absolutely no chance against the mountain of a centaur. Yet one look over at Twilight, Javelin, and his wives who were still in the throne room, gave him all the confidence he needed to proceed, regardless.

Just need to buy them a few more seconds... Twilight will get them out of here...

Anon hoped, prayed, and even begged in his mind for the lavender alicorn to hurry up and save his family before it was too late. He slowly glanced over to Chrysalis, the shock and fear in her face making him pause for just a moment. All the memories and feelings of the past several weeks came flooding back into his chest, infecting him with a small comfort that made the pain bearable for just a second. He even allowed a soft smile to form on his face as he looked at the changeling Queen.

Tirek, being unaware of the silent exchange happening between the human and changeling, stared Anon down with both a measure of surprise and anger.

"Well... this is unexpected," Tirek announced, "That little ring of yours absorbed enough magic to allow you to survive. Impressive. Unfortunately, it's no longer protecting you." He stated, kicking the fragmented remains of the ring with his hoof.

Tirek's horns glowed in an orange light that radiated toward a black orb hovering just above his head. The black sphere rotated like a miniature black hole, and the swirling vortex emanated an orange halo that surged with his immense power. Even from his distance away from the titan, Anon could feel the raw magical power forming at Tirek's behest. The air shifted and swirled around the orb of death between his horns. Anon's ragged clothes wisped with the wind as it continued to pick up speed and energy.

Anon could barely hear over the whistling wind, but he almost could have sworn he could hear his wives crying out for him. he slowly glanced over to them, finding that they were still fighting desperately to free themselves from Twilight's magical hold. He managed to lock eyes with them both, and for just a moment, they ceased their struggling. Much like he did with Chrysalis, Anon smiled at his wives. The gesture, as small as it was, seemed to stay their anguish-ridden protests and fearful tears.

That brief moment of serenity was all the time Twilight needed to finally teleport the entire group away. With his mission now accomplished, Anon let out a small sigh of relief and released the tension in his arm, dropping his clenched fist to his side. He suddenly felt very heavy and very tired, but the now massive swirling vortex in front of him soon pulled his attention back to his inevitable doom.

From her position behind Tirek, Chrysalis watched in horror, as the sight of the massive ball of fiery magical energy spun faster and faster. It was only a matter of seconds before he would unleash his power, and Anon would simply cease to exist. She clenched her eyes shut, both needing but unwilling to watch the death of the only being she'd dared to call her friend in her entire life. The pain, anguish, suffering, and humiliation of it all made tears stream from her tightly closed eyes, but just as she felt it was hopeless, she saw his smile once more.

Her eyes snapped open as determination flooded back into her mind, and with it, each feeling of longing, love, and friendship that she could never recall feeling before. All of her memories centered around Anon and his family, and how much she cared for them. She still found it strange, just how quickly she'd come to love their company and personalities, but that was the only word she could think of to describe the feeling burning in her chest: love.

With that emotion at the forefront of her mind, Chrysalis found herself feeling strangely energized, and suddenly full of warmth. The sudden spike in her strength was just as quickly followed by a sudden eruption of light from her entire body. Her elytra opened, revealing her sparkling wings as her entire body shown like a beacon in a dark night. The lightshow caught not just Anon's attention, but Tirek's as well, as the centaur glanced over his shoulder to look at the source of the sudden illumination.

"I thought I took all your magic..." Tirek muttered, before looking back over to Anon, "No matter. Once I'm done with him, I'll take what's left."

With that, Tirek unleashed the orb of chaotic magic and sent it spiraling toward Anon. The massive black form flew at him at remarkable speed, giving him no time to dodge or evade the blast in any meaningful way. Anon stared death in the face for all of a second, his eyes closing in silent acceptance, before a brilliant flash of light shattered the bubble surrounding Chrysalis.

In the blink of an eye, Chrysalis disappeared, only to reappear in front of Anon, her horn glowing with bright blue energy that formed a protective bubble around the both of them. Less than a fraction of a second later, the orb of chaotic magic collided with her shield, cracking it instantly, but much to Tirek's disbelief, it did not fragment.

Standing behind her, Anon opened his eyes, but struggled to process just what he was seeing. Between the light radiating from her horn, and the swirling light of Tirek's attack, it was hard for Anon to see much of anything through his blurry vision, but he could have sworn that Chrysalis's chitin looked lighter than he remembered. Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to ponder over it as the force of the impact made him loose his balance and fall back onto the ground once more.

Anon grunted in pain but kept his gaze locked on the form of the changeling Queen as she struggled to hold back the massive amount of power and force pressing against her. She grit her teeth as her hooves pressed into the marble ground so hard that it cracked, forming a spiderweb under each of her legs. She grunted in exertion as the seconds ticked by, and the immense power of Tirek's attack finally reached its tipping point.

The orb of energy burned brighter and hotter, turning from a black, swirling vortex into a bright orange inferno. The marble underneath it melted from the raw energy radiating off of the ball, and cracks formed everywhere in its vicinity, but even so, Chrysalis held strong. Finally, the ball reached its critical mass, expanding to its largest size yet before exploding into a fireball that somehow directed all its power right at Chrysalis's shield.

The blast of pure, scorching, infernal magic pummeled her shield and the surrounding castle wall. Chrysalis grit her teeth even harder as her shield endured the full might of Tirek's power. The cracks spread and spiderwebbed out even more, but even so, the shield held. Second after agonizing second passed as she fought with every ounce of her strength to protect Anon from certain annihilation.

Eventually, the massive burst of magical energy tapered down off and dispelled, leaving a smokescreen of steam and a hollowed out hole in the wall of the castle. Tirek smirked at first, finding that there was simply nothing left in front of him except smoke and ash. His mirth was soon wiped right off of his face as the dust settled and he could see the heavily spiderwebbed dome of Chrysalis's shield.

The structure only held together for a few precious seconds more, before shattering into a million shards of tiny blue magical glass that dispersed upon impacting with the floor. Now with no magical light show to blind him, Anon slowly looked up from his position on the floor, finding that while the marble was warm against his skin, it was at the very least, still there. All around him and Chrysalis, the floor was simply melted and gone, leaving nothing but bare stone, superheated into glass in a circle around them.

Anon slowly looked up to Chrysalis, the shocked look on his face turning even more bewildered as he finally saw her clearly. Her chitin was no longer a black color or baring several small holes. It was completely filled in, making her look much more like a normal pony, especially since her chest was covered in a noticeable layer of snow white fur. In fact, her entire body was almost as snow white as Celestia's, only with a slightly bluish hue. Her elytra and chitin were also different, baring a vivid golden color that contrasted beautifully against her skin..

Her wings, now a gorgeous translucent blue color, buzzed defiantly against the threat looming over the both of them. Her mane and tail, now both slightly longer and more akin to hair than before, wisped in the slight wind that funneled into the damaged castle remains. Much like her wings, her mane and tail were shifted from their previous turquoise color to a more dark blue color, contrasting nicely against the gold of her elytra.

"C-Chrysalis?" Anon questioned, his voice filled with disbelief.

Chrysalis turned her head just enough to look at Anon. As with the rest of her, her facial features were slightly changed. Her fangs, previously jutting out to nearly her chin, were much shorter now, much like a batpony's. What truly caught Anon's attention, however, was the color of her eyes. No longer a sickly green color, her eyes bore a similar blue color to her mane, although they were noticeably darker.

The complete transformation of the changeling Queen caught Anon so off guard, that he almost didn't notice her response.

"Anon, are you okay?" She asked, her voice even somewhat changed.

Her voice, previously sounding as if at least two voices were speaking at once, suddenly sounded like one unified voice that was filled with nothing but concern for his well-being. Anon gaped at the sight and sound of Chrysalis for just a moment before shaking his head as a wide smile found its way onto his face.

"I can't believe it's you..." He whispered, suddenly feeling very weak in the knees.

Despite the threat looming just a few dozen feet away, Chrysalis took a moment to return the smile with one of her own. Anon couldn't help but feel warmth filling his heart at the sight of such a beautiful smile.

"Did you think I'd let you die on me now?" She teased, her personality still well intact.

Before Anon could reply, however, Tirek suddenly shouted, cutting both of them off.

"How are you still standing!? I took all of your magic! What kind of trickery is this!?" Tirek demanded, an aghast look on his face as he stared them down.

Chrysalis looked down at her hoof, and the new off-white color she bore all over her body. She pursed her lips in idle consideration, lending serious credence to the thought that she herself did not even know what happened. However, those delusions were shattered as Chrysalis looked back up to Tirek, a defiant glint in her eyes.

"Changelings only need magic to masquerade as other creatures... We don't derive our powers from magic. We derive them from love... and I can say for certain that I feel more love now than I've ever felt in my entire life." She announced, before turning to look at Anon again, "I have you to thank for that." She smiled.

Anon found a small chuckle escape his lips as a wide grin formed on his face once more, "I knew you could change..." He said, breathlessly.

Chrysalis nodded and turned back to Tirek once more, "Anon, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence are under my protection now. If you want to hurt my family, you'll have to get through me first." She declared, before her elytra unfurled and she darted toward Tirek at lightning speed. The white blur of motion moved so fast and struck him so hard that Tirek didn't even have a chance to brace himself for the impact. He was sent sailing through the air and into the castle wall, nearly shattering the stone in the process.

Bits and pieces of fractured stone fell from the wall as Tirek's body stuck in the material. He looked down at Chrysalis, a look of both surprise and ferocity in his eyes. He pushed himself out of the wall and landed on the ground with an earth shattering *thud*. His eyes quickly finding Chrysalis, he fired a blast of orange energy at her. She narrowly dodged the steady stream of bright orange energy as it followed her, plowing through the walls and sailing off into the distance.

She dodged, ducked, weaved, and buzzed between pillars, under rubble, and through holes already present in the walls as the centaur's energy chased her, leaving destruction in its wake. Explosions followed her as every pillar was obliterated, the walls were knocked down, and debris was shattered by the beam of magical might. Even through the destruction was following her at just a hairs breadth away, Chrysalis managed to stay just out of his line of fire, infuriating the centaur even further.

As his spell cut off, Tirek jumped after her, his hands reaching out and grabbing hold of her tail just as she tried to buzz away. He spun on his hooves, before throwing Chrysalis against the wall as hard as he could. Unlike when she hit him, Tirek threw her straight through the wall and sent her sailing off into the distance. Tirek smirked at his throw for just a few moments, before Chrysalis suddenly teleported behind him, still carrying the same velocity and slammed into his back.

The impact sent Tirek face-first into the floor, absolutely smashing the marble floor and caving in the floor below it. The entire structure crumbled around them as they sailed down to the floor below, caving that floor in as well as they continued to rocket straight into the crystal cavern below the castle. The impact sent vibrations up through the entire structure, making several more pillars and walls crumble from the additional stress.

Back in the now destroyed throne room, Anon staggered over to the massive hole in the floor and looked down, "Chrysalis!" He cried.

Anon could see beams of blue and orange light illuminating the darkened cavern below, and several more vibrations racked the crumbling structures around him. As he stared down at the battle happening below him, he became vaguely aware of the sensation of blood dripping from his arm once more. A sudden light-headedness hit him and he stumbled back as his knees quickly buckled under him. He brought his good hand to his temple, blinking his eyes to clear his head as he looked behind him, finding a trail of blood leading to a concerningly large puddle of crimson.

Anon shook his head and looked away, the queasy feeling in his stomach only serving to worsen the light-headedness he already felt. For a few seconds, he struggled to maintain his balance as the building rocked slightly from the deafened explosions happening below him. He felt a sudden ringing sensation in his ears that only made everything worse.


Anon blinked, slowly shaking his head as he swayed in place.


Anon slowly turned, finding, to his complete surprise, that Dusk and Discord were standing right beside him. The draconequues held Echo's crippled body in his claws, but it was clear that in his weakened state, he was struggling to not drop the injured bat pony.

"Anon!" Dusk cried once more, finally gaining the human's attention.

"Dusk?" Anon asked, sounding unsure of himself.

"We've gotta get out of here! The castle is collapsing! Come on!" Dusk ordered, turning around and gesturing to the destroyed throne room doors.

Anon struggled to comprehend just what was being said to him, but after a few seconds of trying to get him to listen, Dusk simply moved over to his good hand, gently bit down on it with his mouth, and physically dragged the human along. Anon fought to maintain his balance the entire time, but he did manage to keep from falling over as he was escorted out of the crumbling throne room. Just a few moments after they managed to escape, the entire room fell apart behind them, sending debris and dust flying through the air.

Dusk continued to move Anon out of the castle while Discord carried Echo alongside them. Just as they managed to round the corner, leading to the exit, Chrysalis and Tirek erupted from the rubble behind them, both sailing into the sky before colliding with each other again and again, sending shockwaves through the air. Each shockwave hit the crumbling castle, knocking what little material was still standing, down.

Dusk just barely managed to lead Anon and Discord out of the front gate just as the rest of the structure collapsed behind them. A thick cloud of dust and debris filled the air, blocking the sight of the four as they covered their mouths and coughed.

"Come on! We have to get out of here!" Dusk ordered, biting Anon's hand once more and leading him away from the shattered remains of the castle.

Anon looked back at the destruction behind him, a worried frown on his face as he thought of his home for the past two years and the sad state it was now in as he trudged along behind Dusk. He sluggishly looked up at the arcing flashes of bright blue and and orange as the skyline was lit up by Chrysalis and Tirek. Even as he struggled to maintain his balance or walk with any appreciable speed, he couldn't help but worry about the changeling Queen as she fought to protect him and the other creatures around him.

Soon enough they managed to descend further into Canterlot and away from the destruction, finding a corner-store that was still thankfully unlocked. Dusk opened the door with his hind-leg before dragging Anon in behind him, Discord coming in last. The draconequues deposited the unconscious form of Echo on one of the tables while Dusk ushered Anon to sit in the next booth.

"Alright, let me see your arm." Dusk instructed, gesturing for Anon to give him his hand.

"What about... Echo?" Anon asked, his glassy eyes glancing over to the wounded thestral.

"We checked him before getting you out of there. He's knocked out, has a broken wing, and probably a broken foreleg, but other than that, I think he's alright. We need to put a tourniquet on that arm of yours." Dusk replied, noting the blood still dripping from Anon's arm.

Dusk glanced around the room for a few moments before his gaze landed on Anon's belt, "Anon, let me have your belt." He ordered.

Anon slowly fenagled the belt out of his pants with his free hand, before giving it over to Dusk. Once he had it in his hooves, Dusk stepped onto the table beside Anon, while also making a loop with the belt.

"Alright, this is probably gonna hurt like Tartarus, but we need to stop you from bleeding, alright?" Dusk noted.

Anon's only response was a sluggish nod. With permission all but assured, Dusk gingerly slid the belt up Anon's mangled arm and up to his shoulder, before cinching it down as tight as he could. Much to both his and Discord's surprise, however, Anon barely even reacted. After taking a moment to ensure the tourniquet was tight and the blood loss was slowed, Dusk glanced up to Anon, a concerned look in his eyes.

"You okay? Did you even feel that?" He asked.

Anon shrugged, "A little."

Blinking owlishly in surprise, Dusk glanced down at the tightly cinched belt for a moment before looking back up to Anon, "Alright... you may be going into shock. We're gonna need to get you to a hospital, soon." He muttered.

"That doesn't look like a possibility. Canterlot was completely evacuated." Discord replied.

"Alright, alright. You just look after him. I'll go see if I can find something to help him." Dusk responded, getting back to his hooves.

"Wait... w-where you going?" Anon asked, his posture becoming more and more slouched.

"I'll be right back," Dusk replied, reassuringly, before looking over to Discord, "Keep him awake." He ordered.

At Discord's nod, Dusk made his way outside. He could feel the loss of his strength with each step he took as he galloped through the empty streets of a deserted Canterlot, but pushed onward nonetheless. He found a small clinic at the end of the road and attempted to open the door, but it was locked. Cursing under his breath, Dusk tried to break through the wooden door, but found that with his diminished strength, he simply couldn't force his way through.

Sweat dripped from his forehead as he struggled to break through the door, but after only a few minutes of strife, a massive flash illuminated the entire street, making him wince. He quickly glanced up to see the aftermath of magical explosion that wiped out an entire block of buildings. It only took another moment for the concussive sound of the blast to reach him, making his ears flick back against his head. He grit his teeth for a moment, the deafening boom making his ears ring.

Eventually, the sound passed and he was able to look at the source properly. His eyes blinking in the bright light, Dusk saw a sight that instantly raised his spirits. Twilight and Chrysalis were both fighting Tirek, together. When Twilight had reappeared to fight, he couldn't say, but he could hardly bring himself to care as he watched the two equines fighting Tirek with everything they had.

"Princess! Chrysalis!" Dusk cried out, waving a hoof to hopefully get either of their attention.

Unfortunately, the heat of the battle simply made it impossible for them to hear him, a fact he was quickly made aware of as they both zipped out of earshot to fight Tirek on the other side of the city. Dusk grit his teeth in frustration before quickly galloping away from the door. Once he was a sufficient distance away, he turned on his hooves and galloped at the door as fast as he could.

He slammed against the wooden door so hard that he managed to break it off its hinges. He crashed into the ground with a thud, nearly breaking his shoulder in the process. With a grunt of pain, Dusk pushed himself to his hooves and moved further into the store. It was dark inside, but fortunately, thestral eyes were capable of night vision by biological design, not magical. After a few minutes of rushing through the clinic, searching everywhere he could and gathering medical supplies the whole time, he found the object he was hoping for.

Carrying all his goods in the crook of his foreleg, Dusk trotted back to the front door before making his way back toward the corner-store he left Anon in. He kept his gaze skyward the entire time, not willing to use his newfound tool unless he was certain he could get either Twilight or Chrysalis's attention. He didn't have to wait long, as the raging battle quickly sent a blur of white and blue rocketing into the sky until she managed to right herself and slow her momentum.

Without waiting for another opportunity, Dusk grabbed the flare gun out of his foreleg and fired off a flare directly above his position. The bright red light instantly caught the attention of the white blur off in the distance, and within two seconds, Chrysalis zoomed in, landing so hard that the stone ground cracked.

Startled by her sudden arrival, but thankful nonetheless, Dusk quickly pointed to the corner-store just a few buildings down the street, "Anon's hurt-" He began, but before he could manage another word, Chrysalis was already buzzing away from him at lightning speed.

She arrived at the store and shoved her way through the front door, knocking it off its hinges in the process and sending it flying across the store. She instantly saw Discord as he struggled to perform CPR on Anon's unconscious body.


Chapter 36: Waiting Between Worlds

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Anon found himself walking through a strange haze of white fog that covered everything he could see. He glanced back and forth through the mist, a worried expression quickly forming on his face. He couldn't recall how long he was walking for, but he knew it had to be some time. He tried to look at his watch, but found that it was simply not working anymore.

"I don't think it's three in the afternoon... or morning..." Anon muttered, shaking his head.

He tried, for a moment, to recall what led to him finding himself in this place, but his memory failed him, leaving him guessing as to what could have happened to him. He noticed that his right arm felt noticeably sore, but upon glancing at the appendage, found it to be in much the same shape as his left arm. There seemed to be no actual explanation for the strange soreness he felt, leaving him no real option other than to just continue onward.

He walked through the mist for an unknown amount of time until finally arriving at what appeared to be a small house. Breathing out a small sigh of relief at the sight of something familiar, Anon picked up his pace to a small jog until arriving at the front door of the structure. He gently knocked a few times and stepped back, patiently waiting for a response. Minutes passed, and after what felt like a reasonable amount of time to wait with no response, Anon knocked again.

Just as before, there was no response. Biting his lip in concern, Anon walked over to the window and tried to peer inside. The glass was too dirty for him to see inside, making him frown. He once again moved over to the front door and grabbed the handle. Much to his pleasant surprise, the door was unlocked, and opened easily. His brow furrowed in curiosity, Anon stepped inside the front door, finding a pleasant living room laid out before him.

There was a nice leather couch in the center of the room, directly across from a fireplace. Hardwood floors lined the bottom of the room, the grain structure pulling his gaze over to the staircase leading upstairs. The entire interior looked like something reminiscent of a small midwestern home. What truly caught Anon off guard, however, was the fact that there was the light pouring in from the windows.

Anon glanced outside, finding that while the white mist was quite visible, it was nowhere near bright enough to illuminate the interior of the house to the same degree he was seeing inside. Anon rolled his tongue in his mouth as he tried to rationalize just how the house was being lit, but quickly shook his head clear of the thought as he heard what sounded like hoofsteps inside the house.

"Hello?" Anon called out, his voice sounding quite loud in the otherwise silent home.

Anon hesitantly continued into the house, his nerves on edge as he scanned the room for any signs of life. As he progressed into the living room, he was startled again by the sound of hooves on hardwood above him. He quickly glanced up to the source of the noise, and within a few moments, he saw the source as a pair of brilliant white hooves stepped down the stairs.

Anon felt a wave of relief and hope wash over him as he saw the legs of the pony walking down to greet him.

"Tia, oh thank-" Anon began, but fell silent upon seeing the pony fully.

Long, slender legs led his eyes up to a slim barrel that held two massive white wings. Her chest fluff was large and inviting, leading up to her head where a long spiraled horn resided. However, unlike Celestia, her mane and tail were a deep red, and didn't flow in some nonexistent wind. Lastly, two beautiful blue eyes that sparkled like the ocean in perfect sunlight, sat on a gorgeous face that only served to take Anon's breath away. After all his time in Equestria, Anon could tell when a pony was beautiful, and the mare in front of him was absolutely stunning.

Anon found his words dying on his tongue and his mouth dry as he stared at the beautiful alicorn descending the staircase until she arrive just in front of him, a small smile on her face.

"Speechless?" She impishly asked, her melodic and gentle voice sending a shiver down Anon's spine.

"Uh... I-um... who... who are you?" Anon slowly asked, struggling to find his words.

Another fact of the alicorn before him that caught him off guard, was the light radiating off of her, almost as if she herself, was a source of light. Then he heard it. An angelic, harmonic sound that absolutely sent his heart aflutter. She giggled.

"I suppose you wouldn't know. Come, sit with me." She replied, strolling over to the couch.

Anon dumbly followed behind, his attention completely captivated by the alluring and majestic being in front of him. She sat down first, gesturing for Anon to sit beside her, and with a moment of hesitation, he complied. The couch itself felt like Celestia and Luna's fur, and Anon couldn't help but look down at the fabric and touch it as if it were made of some kind of magical material. A confused crease formed in his brow as he observed the fabric, but he was pulled from his revelry by the heavenly sound of the mysterious mare giggling once more. Anon quickly glanced up to her, a small blush forming on his cheeks as she daintily covered her mouth with one hoof.

"It's meant to feel like the most pleasant material you've ever felt." The mysterious mare explained.

Anon did a double take, "Wait, what? How? And who are you? Where am I?" He questioned, finally remembering all the questions he wanted to ask in the first place.

Holding up a hoof, the mare smiled at him, "No need to rush, I'll answer all of your questions, my dear human. I simply wanted to get to know you a little bit, first." She replied.

Once more, her voice was like silk. Smooth and soft, caring and kind, and filled with enough warmth to make him feel at home even when he was still unsure of where he was. Albeit with a few moments of hesitation, Anon nodded, prompting the strange alicorn to smile.

"W-what... what do you want to know?" Anon asked, hesitantly.

While he still wasn't sure just why he was complying with her requests, he felt as if the majestic aura that enveloped the mare so completely, put her leagues above him. There was some kind of unspoken knowledge in the back of his head, telling him that whoever this pony was, she held immense power and poise. Even Celestia and Luna failed to spark such a reaction in him when he first met them, making his brow furrow ever so slightly in confusion.

"So you've been living in Equestria for a couple of years now. In that time, you've grown quite considerably. Even gone so far as to marry Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I must say, that was quite the spectacle. Granted it started as a mistake, but then grew into something very real... I must admit, once you were all officially married, I didn't see what they saw in you, at first." The mare commented, observing Anon in a critical light.

The slight, however miniscule it was, felt absolutely devastating to the human. Once again, he could not place just how or why her words cut so deeply, even if they were hardly close to the harshest critique he'd ever heard, yet he found himself utterly heartbroken at her admission, all the same.

"Uh, I-I..." Anon trailed off.

However, just as his feelings reached their worst, that soft melodic sound of her voice spoke up again, shattering all the pain and fear he felt in his chest.

"That said... the last few weeks have certainly been eye-opening. I think I finally see what they've seen in you this whole time. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so quick to judge." She explained, offering a comforting smile.

It was as if all the tension in Anon's body suddenly evaporated and he felt as light as a feather. The compliment made his heart swell with pride, and his spirits soared as the light shone in his eyes, almost as if he was beaming with ecstatic pride.

"T-thank you." He said, sincerely.

She nodded, "When you first arrived in Equestria, I wondered just what you were. Something with no magical signature whatsoever is very rare in this world, yet you arrived all the same... I have watched over you, especially closely since you and the princesses were able to conceive your foals. Even for a being as ancient as I am... that was a surprise." She admitted, the ever-so-faint hint of a blush forming on her cheeks.

Anon found himself stunned for words for a few moments, both the sincerity and honesty of her words making him pause, "W-wait... you've been watching me ever since..." He trailed off.

She nodded, "Ever since you first arrived. It isn't the first time a being has arrived from outside our dimension. Magic tends to work in mysterious ways from time to time, and all that."

Anon slowly nodded, "But-why... why haven't I ever seen you before? I would remember a face like yours." He asserted.

The mysterious alicorn giggled once more, a sound that sent butterflies fluttering about through Anon's chest, "No creature has seen me in nearly ten thousand years, but I've always been here, watching." She explained.

Anon did a double take at her words, his response dying in his throat as he struggled to understand the implications of just what she was saying, "W-wait a second... hold on here... are you saying that you're... like... some kind of pony God?" He asked, bewilderment in his voice.

She playfully shrugged, "You could say something like that. However, that is besides the point. We're here to talk about you, after all."

"We are?" Anon owlishly blinked.

"But of course. What do you remember last?" She replied, tilting her head slightly to the side.

Anon's brow creased as he tried to recall the day's events. Slowly, his memories came back to him. With each passing second, more and more panic wormed its way into his head, making his breathing increase. Memories of Chrysalis and her hive returning, followed by the subsequent backlash and attempts to warm Canterlot to her hive, quickly surfaced. He found himself momentarily reliving the battle with Tirek in the changeling hive, and almost losing Thorax and Pharynx to the colossal beast. Then, the searing pain of his personal fight against Tirek hit him like a semi truck, and he found a searing, stabbing pain radiating from his right arm. He hissed in pain as he looked down to the limb, finding that it was no longer as he remembered it, but a bloody, fractured mess of black and blue.

His eyes flicked up to the strange alicorn sitting beside him as if nothing were out of the ordinary, but before he could say anything, another memory hit him, this time of the looks of terror in both Celestia and Luna's eyes as the watched him throw his life away for them. He watched the fear, anguish, and heartbreak in their eyes as Twilight teleported them away, leaving him to fight by himself. However, he quickly saw the next memory of Chrysalis saving his life from certain death at the hands of the evil centaur. He recalled being led all the way to a store in the city before losing control of his body. The last memory he saw was of Discord, hunch over him and compressing his chest as darkness closed in around him.

Then, he was suddenly back in the present, gasping for breath as he took in his surroundings. He immediately noticed he felt no pain, and quickly looked down to his arm, finding that it was normal once more. He managed to breathe out a sigh of relief, before looking up to the alicorn again.

"You've been quite a busy little human the past few weeks." She stated, giving him the softest of smiles.

"H-how... you... you saw all that?" He asked, breathlessly.

She nodded, "As I said, I was unsure of what the Princesses saw in you at first. The last twenty four hours specifically, have changed that. Where I once saw a wayward creature that didn't belong in our world, simply going through the motions of life without a care in the world for another creature beside himself, I now see a strong, loving, and devoted father. I see a being who is so loyal, he would gladly lay down his life for the ones he loves because they mean more to him than life itself. I see a creature that can make everypony around him laugh. I see a creature that values honesty and kindness, and it shows in his actions. I see a generous being that wants those around him to be happy. I see the embodiment of harmony staring back at me."

Anon was left utterly speechless by the praise. Whereas only a few moments ago, her voice sent him into the darkest pits of despair with only a small slight, he suddenly found himself absolutely beaming. It was as if the person he looked up to most in the world suddenly told him everything he ever wanted to hear. The feeling of elation and bliss that coursed through his veins was pure ecstasy, and he couldn't remember anything else in his life ever making him feel as good as he did from just a few words of praise from this alicorn.

"I-I, uh... t-thank you." Anon managed to say, struggling to hold back the tidal wave of emotions that were assaulting his mind.

"Think nothing of it, dear." She dismissed, giving him a soft smile in return.

A few more moments passed in silence as Anon felt the strength of his emotions slowly begin to wain, and eventually he managed to look the alicorn in the eyes without feeling as if happy tears would claw their way out of his eyes.

"Who... are you?" Anon finally asked, after some time.

"I am everything, and I am nothing." She replied, sweetly.

Anon tilted his head to the side, "I have no idea what that means."

She smiled, "I have had many names over the eons. All of them are right, and all of them are wrong. I don't have a name, as I am everything, and nothing."

Anon pursed his lips, "That... still doesn't answer my question at all. I'm so lost... are you... like... are you God?" He asked, the confusion showing on his face.

"You've already asked me if I'm a god." She tittered.

"Yeah but like... God God. I mean... you know what I mean." Anon offered.

"Oh, you're no fun," She let out a playful sigh, "I suppose the name that you would be most familiar with is 'Faust'." She explained.

Anon's eyes immediately widened, "Wait, you're Faust!?" He exclaimed.

Faust nodded, "Indeed, although as I said, I have so many names that they've lost all meaning. I simply... am." She replied.

Anon shook his head in disbelief, "Holy shit... oh, fuck I'm not supposed to say that, am I?" He hastily corrected.

Faust giggled, a sound that Anon found himself loving more and more every time he heard it, "I'm not sure what those words mean, so I won't take any offense. You've nothing to worry about, Anon."

Anon breathed out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank God... I mean... you... fuck, this is so confusing." He muttered.

"Oh please, don't change your vocabulary on my account." She dismissively waved a hoof.

"A-alright. Just don't want to go to Hell is all." Anon sheepishly admitted.

Much to his relief, Faust simply smiled, "Well you certainly are entertaining. I can definitely see why my daughters like you so much." She offered.

Anon did a double take, "I'm sorry, what? Celestia and Luna are your daughters!?" He exclaimed, nearly jumping out of his seat on the couch.

Faust nodded, "Chrysalis too. In fact-" She began, but Anon couldn't stop the exclamation from escaping his lips no matter how hard he tried.

"WHAT!? Chrysalis is their sister!? How!? They aren't even the same species!?" Anon prattled off, his eyes wide in disbelief and utter confusion.

Faust snickered as she observed Anon's reaction, "If you'll allow me, I'll explain." She offered.

It took exactly one second for Anon to remember just who he was talking to, and an embarrassed blush formed on his face as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "Uh... right. Sorry. Go ahead."

Faust smiled, "As I said, Celestia, Luna, and Chrysalis are all my daughters. Just as every other mare is my daughter and every stallion is my son. Every single one of them are my foals, or children, if that terms sits better with you." She explained.

"Oh... uh, I think I get it. You didn't literally pop them out like you were giving birth to them, but you did create all life on Equestria." Anon replied, understanding in his voice.

"Correct. Although, I cannot take credit for every creature in Equestria, only the ones that were born in my image." She explained.

Anon held up both of his hands, "Hold oh a second... how are changelings made in your image? They look nothing like you? Also, what do you mean you can't take credit for every creature? Who... who made the rest of them, then?" He questioned.

Faust let out the softest of sighs, "Changelings were a race that I was proud to have had a hoof in creating. They were a species that was completely and totally unreliant any kind of resource. Completely self-sufficient... at least, they were." She admitted, a sad undertone in her voice.

"What do you mean? Don't changelings have to steal love from other creatures to survive?" Anon asked, tilting his head to the side.

"They didn't always need to steal. There was a time, many moons ago when changelings lived in peace and harmony with their pony neighbors and environment. Love wasn't stolen and ponies weren't abducted. Then... he came..." She trailed off.

"Who?" Anon pressed leaning forward in clear interest.

Faust seemed lost in thought for a few moments, almost as if she were reminiscing about the past. Eventually, she looked up to Anon and shook her head, "It matters not. He was dealt with. What he did, however, has yet to be undone. He is the reason changelings steal love. They've forgotten how to share it with each other... but you've been showing them how, once again. I wanted to thank you for that." She replied, giving him a grateful smile.

If there were ever a more beautiful smile, Anon could not recall having seen it. Butterflies flitted about in Anon's chest as just the mere sight of her smiling face melted his heart and made him blush.

"Uh... I-I was just doing what anyone would have done." He reasoned.

Faust simply shook her head, "No, quite the opposite. You went against what almost anypony else would have done in your position. You gave a chance to a mare who, by all accounts, did not deserve it. Of course, I know that Celestia and Luna helped in your efforts, along with Twilight Sparkle as well. Still... they aren't the ones who reformed Chrysalis. That was your doing."

"Re-formed? I don't know what you mean by that, but I don't think really did anything that impressive... I was just nice to her and well... she wasn't a totally evil bitch... who knew?" Anon replied, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

Faust giggled, "Indeed. Who knew?"

For a few moments, a pleasant silence filled the air between them but Anon quickly broke that silence with a polite cough.

"So... what about the other creatures? If not you... then who made them?" He asked.

Faust shrugged, "There are other creators besides me."

"I thought you were God. Like... the only God."

"I never claimed to be a God. I have only ever been me." Faust replied, simply.

"Well, what about the 'I am everything and nothing' thing though? That's pretty implicative of being a god." Anon reasoned.

Faust shrugged, "Semantics."

Anon simply stared owlishly at the alicorn goddess for what felt like a lifetime, before noticing a ghost of a smile appear on her face.

"You... you're just messing with me right now, aren't you." Anon said, with a slight grin.

Faust shrugged, "Perhaps." She replied, a sly smirk on her muzzle.

Anon snorted and shook his head, "You know, I think I see where Celly gets it from." He replied.

Faust snickered into her hoof, "That mare is quite entertaining. As for your previous question, the easiest way to explain it is this: I am not the only creator. The ponies you've been surrounded by all know me as their creator, but I had no hoof in all the other creatures born into Eques."

Anon gaped at the alicorn sitting before him, "W-wait... are you saying that there are gods for every species? Like... as in a griffon god, minotaur god, and so on?"

Faust nodded, "While I hesitate to use the term 'god', yes, there are creators for every species."

Anon simply stared at her for almost a full minute. He couldn't stop the disbelief from showing on his face, a fact that soon made Faust frown ever so slightly.

"I apologize if this is confusing. Regardless, we did get just a tad off topic." She offered.

Anon sighed and shook his head, "Ugh... I'm sorry. This is just a lot for me to take in." He admitted, before a realization hit him like a truck, "Wait a minute... if I'm talking to you, then that means..."

"That you're dead?" Faust finished for him.

Anon gulped, "I am?"

Much to his concern, Faust did not immediately dismiss his concern.

"You are in-between, at the moment." She replied.

Anon sunk further into the couch, "Then... purgatory? Or..."

"It would not be an understatement to say that you are at death's door." Faust replied.

Anon felt the color drain from his face, "That's not something I wanted to hear."

Faust gave a sage nod, "I know, but fear not. I foresee that Equestria is not finished with you quite yet, Anon." She replied.

Anon instantly felt the color return to his face as a wave of both relief and excitement washed over him, "Really!?"

"Your foals need their father, and your wives need their husband. I also believe a certain Changeling Queen needs you as well..." Faust impishly trailed off, before a serious look formed on her muzzle, "I was hesitant to accept their choice in a mate, but now that I see you for who you truly are, I can say with certainty that they made a wise choice. There is only one problem: your mortality."

"My... mortality?" Anon questioned.

"You may live through the events of the last twenty four hours... but one day, you will die. Be it old age, disease, or just a simple accident, you will die one day. That is a fact that I am reluctant to leave unaddressed." She explained.

"What do you mean? How would you even address that?" Anon pressed, sitting upright.

"That is a question that cannot be answered in the time we have now. However, once you are ready... I think I can guide you to the right path." Faust replied, a soft smile on her face.

Anon opened his mouth to reply, but before he could utter a word, the world around him brightened. He squinted his eyes as the light being let in through the windows intensified to the point of being blinding.

"What... what's happening!?" He asked, fearfully.

"Worry not, my little human. You will be alright." Faust's voice responded, however it came from all directions, as if she were inside of Anon's head.

The light only grew brighter and brighter, until Anon couldn't see anything other than white.

Chapter 37: I'd Do it All Again in a Heartbeat

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Anon groaned as he slowly returned to consciousness. His vision came slowly, almost as if his eyes wanted another few minutes of rest before being used. Still, he managed to open his crusty eyelids. The first thing to assault his eyeballs was bright, shining white light. He immediately regretted his decision but tried to push through the pain and blearily blink through the haze he saw.

Slowly, his vision came back to him, revealing a white light directly above his head. The ceiling and floor were also white, but there were several posters on the wall that all held some positive affirmation or motivational quote on them. However, what caught his eye was the veritable mountain of flowers and other gifts stacked in the corner of the room. Anon's brow furrowed slightly at the sight, but before he could think on it any longer, he heard a gasp from his left.

"Honey?" Celestia's weary, yet hopeful voice spoke up.

Anon turned his head to the side, an effort that felt strangely taxing on him, as if there was a soreness that reached the entire right side of his body. His eyes soon met with hers, and then all he could see were tears.

"You're awake!" She cried, darting forward and pulling him into her embrace.

Anon smiled into the hug, happily returning it with one of his own, although he immediately noticed that something felt... off. Celestia, sensing the immediate tensing of Anon's body, gently released the hug and fixed him with a sorrowful gaze.

"Honey... I know this is going to be a lot to take in but... you were hurt very badly." She explained.

Anon nodded as he slowly looked down to his right arm, finding that it simply wasn't there anymore. He felt a sudden pit form in his stomach as he attempted to move digits and a limb that simply weren't there anymore. He stared, wide-eyed and in shock, at the ghostly feeling of his arm still being there, but clearly not being there at the same time. It took him some time to realize that Celestia was still speaking to him.

"-and we had no choice but to amputate... honey, I swear to you, we will have the finest prosthetic made for you. With a few spells to mimic feeling and motor ability, it will be as if you never lost it." She finished, looking at the stump that was Anon's arm.

Anon continued to blankly stare at where his arm used to be.

"Honey?" Celestia worriedly asked, gently leaning in and cupping his cheek with her hoof.

Anon was shaken from his shock by the touch, and slowly looked over to Celestia, "I... my arm..." He whispered, his mind still struggling to process what he was seeing.

Celestia felt tears spilling from her eyes as she pulled Anon into another hug, "I know... I know, honey. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

Anon numbly hugged her back, his eyes gazing blankly up at the ceiling at his wife sobbed into his shoulder. If he could feel anything at all, he would have felt the tears streaming down his cheeks. Celestia held him for a long time, their cries drowned out only by the gentle beeping of the heart monitor. Eventually, and with precious little tears left to shed, they pulled away from each other, both sniffling and rubbing their eyes.

"I... wow, this really happened. I just... fuck." Anon muttered, looking down.

"Honey, I promise you... we will fix this." Celestia replied, taking a shaky breath.

After another few moments of staring at his amputated arm, Anon slowly looked up to his wife once more. He saw the shimmering in her eyes as she looked at him, her gaze a desperate plea for him to be okay. It was as if she couldn't bear the thought of him mourning, even in the face of his loss. Try as he might, he knew that he couldn't bring himself to bring her down with his sorrow. He wanted to see her smile again, to brighten his own mood, if nothing else.

However, before he could say anything to calm his wife or reassure her, a sudden thought entered his mind, derailing any and all other thought processes he was going through.

"Where are Chryssi and Luna?" He asked, suddenly looking around his room.

"They're in the next room over. They've been watching over the foals. We've been on rotating shifts for the past twelve hours. In fact, they should be here any second." Celestia replied, smiling at him.

Anon's eyes suddenly went wide, "The... foals? A-are they..." He began, but before he could say anything else, the door opened, revealing both Luna and Chrysalis.

"Lulu! Chryssi! Anon's awake!" Celestia called, waving the two equines over toward them.

Anon turned just in time to see the two forms of Luna and Chrysalis rush into the room. He barely managed to open his mouth before both mares were upon him, hugging him tightly or planting loving kisses all over his face. Much like her sister and Chrysalis, Celestia joined in the group hug, although her gestures of affection were much more restrained than that of her sister, who planted a flurry of kisses all over Anon's face.

"You're awake! Oh thank Faust!" Luna cried.

"We were so worried!" Chrysalis added, hugging Anon's chest.

Anon smiled at the mares all around him, his own happy tears threatening to spill free. He managed to control himself enough to speak, although he was barely overheard over all the happy sniffles of his wives.

"W-what happened? Are you guys all okay? Are the foals okay?" Anon asked, a bit of worry creeping its way into his voice.

Much to his surprise, the crying and sniffling of his wives immediately turned to joyous giggling, as they finally released their holds on him.

"They're in the next room over. They're being monitored but they are healthy and beautiful." Luna explained.

Anon let out a shuddering sigh of relief, a beaming smile forming on his face, "Oh thank God... thank God." He whispered, leaning back into his pillow with a grateful sigh.

It was at that moment that Anon realized that Chrysalis was still laying atop his stomach, her bright green eyes staring into his. He was suddenly struck with the realization that Chrysalis looked much like she did before the fight with Tirek. There were slight differences, such as the holes in her legs being completely gone. Her horn was now missing its jagged edges and had a gentle curve to it. Where her mane and tail were previously riddled with holes and loose ends, she now looked regal, and even graceful. Each strand of hair held a darker blue color that contrasted beautifully against her green elytra and black chitin.

The only thing that remained from her transformation, it seemed, was the sheer amount of fluff on her chest. Anon found his eyes drawn the plumage of black, and without thinking, drifted his hand over until it rested squarely in the center of her chest. The contact made Chrysalis raise both her eyebrows as a green blush adorned her cheeks, but she made absolutely no effort to pull away or rebuke his touch.

"C-Chryssi... what... what happened? You look... different." Anon asked, looking up to her in confusion.

Chrysalis smiled as Luna and Celestia approached either side of the bed once more, "It's... quite a long story, Anon. Honestly, I'm still trying to make sense of it, myself."

"You mean that's never happened before?" Anon asked, clearly confused.

Chrysalis shook her head.

"We have a few theories, but until Twilight can run some tests, we really aren't sure. Best guess we have now is that Chryssi managed to enter some kind of empowered state of being after she saw you sacrificing yourself to save us. It wore off about twenty minutes after she brought you to us." Celestia offered.

Anon slowly nodded, before a sudden realization hit him, "W-wait, that reminds me. What happened to Tirek? Did we win? Do you guys have your powers back?" He hastily prattled off.

Celestia smiled as she placed a gentle hoof on Anon's arm, "Honey, don't worry. There's a lot you need to know but not right now. You were hurt very badly in the fight. Rest assured, we did win. Twilight was able to defeat Tirek with her friends. That's all for you to worry about in the future. For now, you just need to focus on regaining your strength and resting." She instructed.

Anon sadly looked down to his missing arm, a crease of sadness forming on his brow, but before he could even begin to get too lost in his melancholy, both his wives nuzzled his cheeks, halting his mind from focusing too much on his loss.

"Would you like to see your foals, Nonny?" Luna asked, her teal eyes sparkling up at him.

Anon held her gaze, his eyes watering as he was reminded of exactly why he was willing to sacrifice his life, let alone his arm, in the first place.

"Yes..." He croaked, struggling to hold the tears back.

Luna smiled, as she departed, Celestia following closely behind. They disappeared behind the door with a giddy step in their gait, leaving Anon along with Chrysalis for just a few moments. She watched the sisters depart, a fond smile on her face, before her attention was wretched back to Anon as he spoke.

"Thank you." He said, quietly.

Chrysalis turned to look at him, her brow furrowed in confusion, "For... what?" She asked.

Anon snorted, "For saving my life. If it weren't for you... well, I'd be a lot worse off than just missing an arm." He replied, looking down at his missing limb with a frown.

Chrysalis pursed her lips, "I did what was right... just like you did when you took me and my kind in and gave us a chance... gave me a chance."

Anon slowly looked up to meet her eyes with his own, but contrary to what he was used to seeing, there was a distinct softness in her gaze. Her eyes used to carry an intimidating aura that made him just the slightest bit on edge around her but now, all he could see was gentleness behind those beautiful eyes.

"I guess we saved each other." He mirthlessly chuckled.

"Are you saying we're even?" She playfully questioned.

Anon nodded, "About as even as we can be, given the circumstances. Hell, if anything, I owe you one." He snorted.

Chrysalis smiled as she leaned in and nuzzled his cheek, "I beg your pardon, Anon... but I believe I still have a debt to pay, if you'll have me." She responded, her touch sending a wave of endorphins flooding Anon's system.

A shiver of excitement rushed through Anon's body as goosebumps trailed all along his neck and chest. He couldn't help the urge to return the touch even if he tried, and so with a small grunt of effort, he reached out with his good arm. He gently cupped Chrysalis's cheek, his thumb reaching up and rubbing her ear, much like he always did with either of his wives. While the contact was clearly telegraphed and easy to anticipate, Chrysalis couldn't help the blush that engulfed her face and neck as he touched her.

"Did they tell you?" Anon asked, curiously.

"Tell me what?" Chrysalis replied, already sure of the answer.

"That we all want you to be a part of our herd." Anon stated, plainly.

Chrysalis let out a shuddering sigh, "They... wanted to wait until you were awake... didn't want to get anypony's hopes up in case..." She trailed off.

Anon nodded, "Well, I'm awake. Mostly in one piece, too." He offered.

The lighthearted attempt at humor managed to get the intended reaction he wanted, and as Chrysalis giggled at the small joke, the door opened once more, revealing none other than Celestia and Luna, both holding swaddled foals in their magical aura. Anon instantly sat up more in his bed, prompting Chrysalis to crawl off of his lap and allow him to get into a comfortable position.

As Celestia and Luna approached, both with beaming smiles on their faces, Anon couldn't help the nervous tension that build in his chest. He idly fidgeted with his hand while he waited patiently for his wives to present him with their children, but his heart hammered in his chest as every possible thought of what could have happened ran through his mind. Possible complications, birth defects, missing limbs or magical abilities all flashed in his head, despite his wives' previous assurances, as he silently observed.

However, sensing his fears and nerves, Chrysalis gently placed her hoof on his shoulder, "They're fine, Anon. Don't worry." She whispered, encouragingly.

While he didn't verbally reply in any way, some tension did leave Anon's body as his wives reached his bedside and levitated their respective bundles in front of him. Anon gulped as he looked down at his children, but the second he laid eyes on them, all he could feel was relief and total bliss.

First to catch his eyes, due in no small part to her bright, fiery orange mane, was his and Celestia's daughter. The little filly bore a coat that seemed to be just a few shades darker than her mother, but as she softly snoozed away, Anon couldn't help but feel like she had his eyebrows. A smile split on his face as he watched the foal yawn ever so softly, her dark brown eyes opening just a tad. Anon couldn't stop his eyes from watering as he watched the little filly with her nub of a horn just poking through her mess of a mane.

Before he could get too emotional, he quickly looked to his and Luna's foal, finding a little colt with a dark blue coat that almost matched his mother's. His mane was a lighter shade of of navy blue, but aside from that, he looked strikingly similar to his mother, by Anon's reckoning. Much like his sister, the little colt had a horn on his head just below his messy mop of hair. Below that, however, sat a pair of piercing green eyes that stared back at Anon with the utmost of curiosity.

Anon stared at his two children for what could have been less than ten seconds, but for him, time may as well have frozen completely. As he stared down at the two gifts of life that he helped create, all he could feel was love and pride. Tears freely spilled from his eyes as he stared at his children, the sheer beauty of the sight compounding on him and making him wish he could stay in that one single moment forever.

He choked back a sniffle as Luna rested a wing on his shoulder, "Honey, are you okay?" She asked, worriedly.

Anon wiped his eyes with his good hand, "Y-yeah... it's just... they're so beautiful." He croaked, his eyes refusing the cease their waterworks.

The joyful tears were infectious, and within moments, both Celestia and Luna were crying alongside him, the three sharing a gentle moment as they looked down at their creations.

"Do you want to hold them?" Luna asked, looking up to Anon through her tears.

Anon vigorously nodded as he held his arm out to take the little bundle from his wife. After a moment to decide which one for him to hold first, Celestia and Luna agreed to let him hold the colt, while the filly continued to sleep in her mother's telekinetic hold.

Luna gently placed the little colt in Anon's embrace, allowing him to set the foal down in his lap as he cradled him with his arm. As Anon looked down at his son, the little pony stared right back up at him, his eyes wide in awe and wonder.

"H-hey there, b-buddy..." Anon managed, through his sniffles, "I-I'm your dad." He said, offering his best attempt at a smile, given his emotional state.

Luna laid her head down on Anon's thigh, just beside her foal and smiled, "I was hoping to name him Artemis... but we wanted to wait until you were awake to make it official." She stated, looking up to him with a hopeful smile.

Anon smiled, looking down at his son, "Hey... little Artemis." He said, gently rubbing the little colt's ear with his thumb.

Artemis tilted his head to the side, giving Anon better access to his ear as the little foal cooed in happiness from the touch. Anon let out a shaky breath, the overwhelming joy in his heart threatening to make him cry again.

After a few minutes of lovingly holding his son, Anon looked up to Celestia, finding that she was practically beaming as she levitated his daughter over to him. Luna plucked little Artemis out of Anon's lap, giving her sister room to give him their filly. Much like the colt, Anon gently cradled the filly in his arm as she was placed in his lap, her chocolate eyes opening up to see him. The little filly seemed even more intrigued and interested in Anon then her brother, going so far as to reach out with her little hoof.

Anon silently gasped as the little filly reached out to him, almost as if she were trying to boop his nose. With a glacial pace, Anon moved his hand and gently held her hoof in-between his thumb and index finger. As if she were happy to have more contact, the little filly pushed her hoof further forward, allowing most of her foreleg to slip into Anon's hand, allowing him to gently stroke his thumb down her foreleg as he stared into her eyes. After a few moments of teary-eyed contact, Anon glanced up to Celestia, his mouth open to speak, but she beat him to the punch.

"I was thinking of Dawn. She's the beginning of a bright and beautiful new chapter in our lives." Celestia offered, looking hopefully to Anon.

Anon nodded, before looking down to his daughter as he let go of her foreleg and brought his hand to her ear, "Hey there, Dawn... I'm your dad." He whispered, lest he choke up.

Celestia couldn't help the happy tears that shed and ran down her cheeks, and she practically bounced in place from pure happiness as Anon gently scratched behind their daughter's ear. Dawn, much like her brother, tilted her head to the side to let Anon scratch at her ear easier. Her eyes fluttered shut as the little filly practically passed out like a light switch from the gentle contact. Anon chuckled at the positively adorable display before glancing up to his wives once more.

"They're... just perfect. Two perfect little unicorns... I-I can't believe it... God, this is just the best day of my life." Anon announced, struggling to keep himself from bawling yet again.

Celestia and Luna both raised their eyebrows before sharing a knowing look with each other.

"Oh, did you not notice, Nonny?" Luna asked, teasingly.

Anon tilted his head to the side, "Notice what?"

"They aren't unicorns, honey." Celestia added, smiling excitedly.

Anon's brow furrowed, "Aren't... unicorns," He parroted, looking down at Dawn in confusion, "But... they both have horns." He replied.

Celestia and Luna giggled, "Yes, they do both have horns, but... why don't you unswaddle Dawn just a bit and take a look." Celestia suggested.

Anon hesitantly complied with his wife's instructions and partially unraveled the blanket from his daughter. As soon as her barrel was exposed to him, his jaw dropped. There, attached to her withers and covered in a soft plumage of feathers, sat two beautiful wings. Anon slowly looked up to his wives, finding Luna already holding a slightly unswaddled Artemis in her magic, his small wings on display as well.

"T-they're... both... alicorns?" Anon asked, still struggling to process whether or not his eyes were deceiving him.

"The first ever born." Celestia replied, lovingly.

"Wow..." Anon breathlessly whispered, re-covering his daughter, let she get cold.

"Never before in history has an alicorn been born. They've always ascended from normal ponies. I'm not sure if there's something magical about them, or something magical about you." Chrysalis spoke up, a soft smile on her muzzle.

Celestia and Luna both nodded, prompting a weak chuckle from the man as he looked down at his children.

"Hell... I'm nothing special. I'm just an ordinary guy." He replied.

"On the contrary, I think you're more remarkable than you give yourself credit for, Nonny." Luna shook her head.

"You stood up against Tirek when he had the magical might of almost all of Equestria at his fingertips. You did something that we couldn't do... and you saved our children in the process. Honey, you are the most special stallion in the entire world and we're so lucky to have you in our lives." Celestia protested, leaning in and pulling Anon into a hug.

Following her sister's lead, Luna quickly darted in, placing Artemis next to his sister on Anon's lap as she hugged him as well. The family held each other close, but not close enough to squish their foals. They were precious, after all.

As she watched from her spot at Anon's legs, Chrysalis smiled. The amount of love she felt radiating from the family was enough to make any changeling drool, but she still couldn't feel any hunger. Instead, she felt a warmth in her chest that only made her smile at the scene before her. That is, until she felt a magical aura gently pushing her from behind. Startled, she turned her head to see both a golden and sapphire aura pushing against her flanks.

Chrysalis blinked in surprise before turning back to the family to see both Celestia and Luna's horns lit up in their respective colors. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could get a word out, both princesses pulled away slightly from Anon while their magic shoved her forward. She gasped from the sudden shock, but just as quickly, it was over, and she felt both Celestia and Luna pull her into the hug as well. Blankets of soft wings enveloped her and Anon as the alicorns giggled to themselves, the closeness between them only serving to make the moment that much more special.

Chrysalis looked at the family now embracing her as if she were one of them, both her hearts beating faster in her chest. However, to her surprise, it was Anon who drove the final nail into her coffin as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers, his hand coming up to her cheek to gently caress her and hold her close. She soon felt both Celestia and Luna follow suite, just barely managing to not tangle their horns up as they held each other close.

"I think it's time we made it official." Anon mumbled, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the warmth and closeness of his family.

"What will Canterlot think?" Chrysalis whispered, a tremor of fear in her voice.

"They will be happy for us. You're a hero now, Chrysalis." Celestia smirked.

"If anything, they'll be jealous. They all saw your modeling pictures. Now they'll know you're no longer available and I'm sure the nobles will be just devastated." Luna added.

A small chorus of chuckles and giggles ran through the group before silence reigned over them once more.

"I... I swear to you all that I won't waste this chance." Chrysalis declared, holding back her happy tears.

"We know you won't." Celestia assured her, squeezing her tighter with her wing.

"I think this calls for the ceremony, don't you all?" Luna smiled, lifting her head enough to look at the rest of the group.

Celestia pulled away as well, followed quickly by Anon, "I don't think I know what ceremony you're talking about." Anon said, looking back and forth to his wives.

Celestia and Luna giggled, "It's simple dear. Just look into her eyes." Celestia instructed.

Anon hesitantly complied and stared into Chrysalis's eyes. She met his gaze with one of longing and compassion, a fact that made them both blush.

"Now lean forward and kiss her." Luna ordered, nudging Anon forward with her wing.

Contrary to his past reservations, Anon had no trouble leaning in and pressing his lips against the Changeling Queen's. The contact was soft and chaste, but the passion carried through in full force. Chrysalis couldn't help the wave of excitement and happiness that coursed through her entire body as she kissed Anon, her wings buzzing excitedly under her elytra. She couldn't quite describe his taste, but the closest thing she could compare it to was a saltlick, a fact that made her that much more excited by him.

For Anon, the kiss was remarkably gentle and sublime. While everything about Chrysalis screamed "predator", the meek softness of her lips could have fooled him completely. Despite her fangs being a prominent feature on her muzzle, she was extraordinarily careful with them, ensuring that she didn't poke his lips in any way that would be uncomfortable. Her taste, unlike either Celestia or Luna, was very subtle, almost as if it didn't want to be associated with anything in particular yet. However as the contact persisted, he noticed the faintest hint of kiwi.

The kiss lasted less than ten seconds, but as the man and changeling pulled away, they both knew that something special was shared between them. They took a moment to simply savor each other's taste and presence, before Chrysalis turned to Luna. She had less than a second to brace herself before Luna planted her lips on hers, kissing her even more deeply than Anon had.

Much like before, Chrysalis felt a wave of excitement rush through her body and her hearts raced in her chest. She could taste a strong hint of blueberry, which just so happened to be her favorite flavor of fruit. The kiss lasted nearly as long as it had with Anon, but when Luna pulled away with a *pop*, the dark alicorn playfully booped her muzzle as she pulled away, making Chrysalis giggle.

Last, but certainly not least, Chrysalis turned to Celestia. The solar diarch smiled as she leaned in, their lips colliding almost as intensely as the previous kiss. If her hearts were beating any faster, Chrysalis might have had a heart attack, but the ecstasy and love she felt absolutely trounced any worries she had about something silly like loosing one of her hearts. As she anticipated, the taste of vanilla was heavy throughout the kiss, leading to the smallest sense of a sugar high from the contact.

As Celestia pulled away, the family shared a moment to look at their newest addition. While Chrysalis was blushing all over her entire face, chest, and ears, she couldn't have smiled brighter. It was a moment of happiness and tranquility, knowing that they would have each other, no matter what life threw at them.

Chapter 38: Journey

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One Year Later

Anon waltzed through the club with a swagger in his step, and a drink in his prosthetic arm. Said contraption resembled his other arm quite closely, although there were a few notable areas where mechanical engineering peeked through. Several mana crystals cast a dull green light as they powered the circuits that allowed him to move his joints and feel. He could even sense the condensation on the cold glass against his fingers and palm as he approached the table at the end of the room.

At the table, sat Javelin, a noticeably pregnant Raven, Dusk, Echo, two familiar unicorns, and one pegasus. The pegasus bore a coat of light green with a forest green mane and tail. Her cutie mark consisted of four small hearts all connected by a ring. At Anon's arrival, she smiled up at him, prompting the rest of the group to greet him as well.

"There you are. Did you get lost?" Javelin snarked.

"Har har. No, I did not get lost, the line was just long." Anon playfully rolled his eyes, taking his seat between the two unicorns.

"It's okay, Nonny. We didn't get too drunk while you were gone." Luna said, disguised as Nightshade.

"It's been so long since I've done this. I don't know what my tolerances are." Celestia giggled, disguised as Sunshine and clearly slightly buzzed already.

Anon chuckled, "Chryssi, I told you to keep her from drinking too much before I got back. There's like... six empty shot glasses here." He chastised, playfully.

Chrysalis, disguised as her pegasus pony persona, held a hoof against her chest in mock offense, "Why, the nerve! You try to keep two alicorns from getting drunk on their one night off from work in six months."

"That's... a fair point. I'm just glad Cadence was willing to babysit Dawn and Artemis for the night," Anon sighed, "Otherwise this wouldn't even be happening right now."

"Here, here" Dusk replied, holding up his drink.

Anon gladly clinked his drink against Dusk's, followed immediately by Echo, Javelin, Celestia, Luna, and Chrysalis. They all threw their drinks back, before slamming the empty glasses on the table, save for Anon, who had a full glass of beer instead of a shot glass.

"Honestly, it's awesome that everypony was able to come out for a few drinks. It's been a long week." Javelin offered, with a smile.

"You're telling me. My hooves have been killing me all week." Raven whined, leaning against Javelin for support.

"I seem to recall a certain someone saying that she didn't want foals until she was older and ready to take time away from work." Anon teased, pointing his index finger at Raven while holding his beer in his hand.

Raven blushed, "W-well... the thought was always there but I didn't want to rush anything... plus everypony pressuring me to have a foal or two when I wasn't ready yet..." She trailed off.

Javelin laughed, "She came home one night after... I think three months of watching you guys with your foals and she demanded that we have one of our own."

The explanation prompted a chorus of laughter from the table, much to the secretary mare's embarrassment. The group laughed while a waiter came by their table, taking their empty glasses in his magical aura and replacing them with fresh glasses. With a smile at the clearly happy customers, the waiter walked away, leaving a blushing Raven to pout adorably as the rest of the table's laughter finally died down.

"Well what was I supposed to do! Little Artemis and Dawn are just so adorable! I caught foal fever..." Raven admitted, sighing heavily.

"Aww, we're just teasing you, Rayray." Anon smiled, reaching over and tussling her mane.

Raven bit at his hand, but Anon managed to pull it away before she could get him.

"Careful now. He already lost one arm. No need to take fingers from the other one." Javelin chuckled.

"I feel like the princesses would intervene before she could take a finger off." Echo offered, smirking at the unicorn.

"I wouldn't be so sure. Those drinks are hitting Celly pretty hard." Chrysalis pointed out, looking at the solar alicorn's clear state of inebriation.

Celestia's head bobbed back and forth as she swayed side to side, clearly enjoying the beat of the music playing nearby. It was clear that she either didn't notice, or didn't care about what was being said about her, as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the alcohol in her veins.

"Sister, I remember a time when you berated me for getting drunk in a club much like you are now. What do you have to say for yourself?" Luna teased, bumping her sister with her wither.

Celestia opened one eye to glance over at her sister, her bobbing pausing for just a few seconds, "... Do as I say, not as I do." She replied, before resuming her drunken bobbing.

Anon chuckled at the exchange, before sipping more of his beer, "Eh, now that I'm here, we can get properly drunk. I gotta say though, it's wild seeing you two as Sunshine and Nightshade again after all this time." He admitted.

"I agree. When you told me what happened, I had to see for myself, but now... I mean, they look almost the exact same. Barring the wings and flowing manes and tails, of course, they look just a bit shorter. I don't know how you didn't see through it sooner." Chrysalis shrugged.

Anon snorted, "Well I didn't exactly want to call them out in case I was wrong. You know how awkward that would be? That's the kind of shot you don't take unless you're one hundred percent sure." He reasoned.

"It's not as if we have dozens of alter ego's we can just shift into on a whim, Chryssi," Luna playfully rolled her eyes, "Besides, it still works as a disguise for the rest of Canterlot and that's all that matters for the night." She replied.

"Thank Faust for that. Could you imagine if everypony in here recognized you two? There'd be a line of ponies out the door, ready to take pictures and gossip." Raven shivered with disgust.

The group shared a similar sentiment before downing their drinks once more.

"It's a good thing too. Cause' if any ponies recognized you two, they'd probably piece together Chryssi's disguise in a matter of minutes." Anon added, finishing his beer.

One more, the waiter was quick on his hooves and replaced all of their drinks with fresh glasses. A small chorus of 'thank you's' ran through the group, before the waiter disappeared once more.

"For real. As is stands right now, ponies just think you're out on the town with your buddies." Javelin replied, nodding approvingly.

Chrysalis sighed, "I almost miss the days when ponies were too scared to approach me. Now I can't go anywhere without being hounded with herd proposals and autographs." She sagged into her chair, looking up to the ceiling.

"When are you guys planning on going public with your relationship? That would at least take care of the ponies wanting to get a chance at Chrysalis." Dusk offered.

Luna shook her head, "We've been planning on telling Canterlot for months now, but we wanted to wait until the dust had fully settled from Tirek's attack. Rebuilding the castle, dealing with all the damage caused all over Equestria, and helping ponies with their trauma from the attack has taken precedence. Not to mention the public outcry over Discord's betrayal and punishment." She explained.

"Pony's are still pretty divided about Discord, huh?" Echo wondered aloud.

"Some think he deserved much worse. Others think his punishment is too harsh." Dusk acknowledged.

"I still think he got off light." Javelin muttered.

"A century in Tartarus, only to be freed if we have need of him, is hardly a light punishment... That said, if he hadn't saved Anon's life, he would simply not be alive at all, anymore." Luna replied.

"How are we keeping him from Tirek so they can't... you know?" Anon asked.

"They're in separate sections of Tartarus, nowhere near each other. Also Cerberus is there providing constant guard so I don't expect either of them to interact any time soon." Luna replied.

"I feel torn... on one hand, I was ready to kill him myself after he betrayed us... but I still feel kinda bad for him in a way." Anon admitted, rolling his tongue in his mouth.

"He is regularly being visited by Fluttershy, if that provides any comfort." Celestia offered.

Anon shrugged, "I guess. Just hope he learned which side he should be on from all this."

Luna nodded, "Agreed. All of this to say, he has received a punishment we felt he deserved. If he had not betrayed us, none of the suffering would have happened in the first place."

Raven nodded in agreement, "That's also why you haven't gone public with your relationship with Chrysalis yet, isn't it? You don't want to make a big spectacle of your relationship when there's still suffering all over the nation." She explained.

Luna nodded solemnly.

"Still a lot of nightmares?" Raven asked.

"Not quite as many as I expected, thankfully. I believe we have a certain group of changelings to thank for that." Luna smiled, looking over to Chrysalis.

"Turns out that changeling therapists offering comfort and companionship to ponies after a massively traumatic event works very well for all parties involved." Chrysalis chuckled.

"You guys have a clinic open in like, five different cities now, right?" Anon inquired, looking over Luna to Chrysalis.

"Thorax informed me of six practices now open between here and Manehattan. While it started here in Canterlot, Manehattan is where the most ponies suffered. It's home to two of the clinics, just by itself." Chrysalis explained, a happy smile on her face.

"That's good. I'm glad they're having success over there." Anon replied.

"Agreed." Chrysalis smiled.

The conversation faded among them for a while, as the alcohol in front of them soon took precedence. The hours passed like a happy blur, and before long, they were all in various stages of inebriation. Celestia and Luna were both giggling like schoolfillies as they struggled to sit upright, while Chrysalis continued to pepper both them and Anon with kisses, much to all of their approval. Dusk and Echo were similarly drunk, although they had migrated over to the dance floor within the first hour. While Javelin was clearly intoxicated, he paled in comparison to Anon, who was on his fifteenth beer.

"I-I'm telling you! You guys just break into song s-sometimes... i-is weird and I'm like... the only one who notices." Anon slurred, clearly struggling with his words.

"Nonny, y-you're drunk!" Celestia giggled.

"I-indubit...indubut.... indubitabaley... in-dubitably!" Luna exclaimed, thrusting her hoof toward the ceiling as if she'd made some amazing discovery.

"Anon, I don't think ponies breaking into song would go unnoticed by literally every pony you've ever asked about it, don't you think?" Chrysalis asked, pausing in her kissing attack on Celestia.

"No... d-don't stahp." Celestia snickered, before pulling Chrysalis into a deep kiss.

"D-dude, you sound crazy... you're crazy." Javelin teased, leaning completely on Raven for support as she stroked her hoof through his mane.

"I-I'm telling you! At this point... I think there's just... m-magic in the air... making it im-possible for anyone to... to sing like shit." Anon protested, weakly flailing his arms about as he tried to make his point.

"Oh yeah?" Then prove it. Let's hear you sing." Chrysalis challenged, a predatory smirk on her muzzle as she managed to pry herself away from Celestia for a moment.

"Alright, fine! I will!" Anon declared, pushing himself out of his seat.

He almost immediately fell on his face, only to be saved from certain face-planting by Chrysalis's magic catching him at the last second. She helped him back onto his feet, before releasing her hold on him and making her horn disappear with a small burst of green flames atop her head.

"Maybe y-you shouldn't... you can't even... even walk." Luna snickered.

Anon defiantly placed his hands on his hips, "I will do what I said I will!" He replied, before falling forward once more.

This time it was Raven who caught him before he could slam his face into the table. Once he was standing upright again, the table shared a hearty chuckle.

"Alright, Nonny... I-I think we have to... to cut you off... for the night." Celestia said, struggling to contain her mirth.

"I just need... help... walking... to the stage." Anon replied, pointing to the karaoke stage next to the dance floor.

There was a live band at the stage, accompanied by a DJ to ensure that any song could be played, should they need to, for any soul brave enough to step onstage. They seemed bored as they sat around their respective instruments, as no ponies had come up to sing for the night so far. The DJ was the only pony to have any work to do whatsoever, as he swapped different tracks for the dancing crowd before them.

"Dusk! Echo! Your prince needs you!" Anon called, looking to the crowd of dancing figures.

Despite the loud music and voices of dozens of ponies, both Dusk and Echo heard Anon's call and managed to stumble their way through the crowd until they arrived at the table.

"I need you guys... to help me walk... to the stage." Anon instructed, pointing to the band.

Dusk and Echo both gave sloppy, drunk salutes, before bracing themselves against either side of the human and guiding him forward. As the table watched them leave, a series of concerned glances ran through the ponies and disguised changeling.

"Uh... maybe we should stop him before he embarrasses himself." Chrysalis suggested.

"I am... inclined to agree." Luna concurred, watching Anon stumble over his guards to the stage.

"Hold on... let him cook." Javelin stated, watching Anon with interest.

"What's he cooking?" Celestia questioned, tilting her head so far to the side that she fell over in the booth.

"I'm pretty sure it's an expression." Chrysalis replied.

"Hushsshshhshs," Luna shushed the ponies around her, "He's about to start." She mumbled.

Anon soon arrived at the stage, finding the ponies there already giving him mixed looks of confusion.

"Mumsic." Anon mumbled, reaching out for the microphone.

"Uh... are you asking to do some karaoke, Prince Anon?" One of the ponies asked.

Anon nodded, "J-jus... follow my... my lead. Any of... of you heard of Journey?" He asked, swaying back and forth.

The ponies shared a confused look before shrugging and picking up their instruments.

"Doesn't really ring a bell, but we'll go off of you, your Highness." The first pony replied, plugging in his electric guitar.

Some stereoscopic noise rang out from the speakers, grabbing the attention of several ponies dancing on the dance floor. One of the band ponies quickly whispered to the DJ, prompting him to bring the track playing to a sudden halt. The dancing ponies paused in their movements, the rest of their attention swiftly being pulled to the stage. A crowd swiftly gathered before the swaying prince as he struggled to not fall over onto either Echo or Dusk.

The task of keeping Anon upright proved to be quite a challenge for them, as they were both heavily intoxicated, themselves. Luckily, their task was relatively short lived, as Anon managed to support himself on the mic stand, taking much of the burden off of their withers.

Once he was at the microphone, in the deathly silent club, Anon surveyed the crowd. Due to his inebriation, there appeared to be at least twice as many ponies as there actually were, but if the sight affected his confidence at all, he didn't show it. His gaze slowly managed to meander over to his wives and girlfriend, as they all watched him with concern on their drunken faces. Giving one last drunken smile to his family, he turned to the band and gave them a thumbs up.

The stereoscopic sound of the electric guitar continued to fill the air for a few moments as Anon slowly held up a fist. He extended three fingers, before slowly putting them down one at a time. On the last digit, both the guitarist and he, began.

Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

She loves to laugh
She loves to sing
She does everything
She loves to move
She loves to groove
She loves the lovin' things

Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh baby, hold tight

Oh, she said
Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

I was alone
I never knew
What good love could do
Ooh, then we touched
Then we sang
About the lovin' things

Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh baby, hold tight

Oh, she said
Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
I said, any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

She said ohh, hold on, hold on, hold on
Oh, she said any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

She said any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

Any way you want it
That's the way you need it

As the last of the instruments faded out, the club fell into complete silence once more. Anon stumbled slightly as he looked over the crowd, his vision still struggling to comprehend how many ponies he was looking at. The number seemed to have only grown in the brief amount of time the song took him.

The silence continued for nearly ten seconds, before the crowd erupted into roaring cheers and stomping applause.

"That was amazing!"

"Our prince can sing too!?"

"I need him inside me, now!"

The reaction was so sudden and jarring that Anon jumped, losing his balance and falling over on top of Dusk. After a brief amount of struggle, Anon managed to get back to his feet with Echo's help, before helping Dusk back to his hooves as well. He attempted to take a bow before the ecstatic crowd, but he only managed to fall face first into the stage. He was once again helped to his feet by Dusk and Echo, before the thestrals managed to escort him off stage and back over toward the booth the rest of their group was sitting at.

Anon drunkenly waved to a few of the ponies behind him as he struggled to get into the booth. After a brief struggle, made much easier due to the two thestrals helping him sit down, Anon managed to sit next to Celestia with a sigh. He looked down at his drink, finding that he still had half a glass of beer left and promptly polished it off. As he set the glass back down on the table with another explosive sigh of satisfaction, he finally became aware of the fact that the rest of the booth was dead silent.

Anon slowly gazed over to the rest of the ponies at the table, finding them all giving him looks of utter shock and disbelief. Eventually, he raised an eyebrow and gave them all a confused glance.

"What?" He asked, still swaying a bit in his seat.

The sudden question managed to snap the rest of the group out of their shock, and Anon was summarily bombarded with questions and praise.

"Holy Buck, dude! That was amazing!" Javelin exclaimed.

"I can't believe you actually can sing that well." Raven shook her head.

"H-honey why didn't... didn't you tell us you could sing like that before?" Celestia questioned.

"You didn't even practice that! How did you pull that off?" Chrysalis pressed, her eyes wide in amazement.

"Nonny, you're just full of surprises, even now." Luna added.

"Gotta admit, I was expecting to be cringing my way off stage." Echo chuckled.

"That was actually a really impressive display." Dusk chimed in, nodding in approval.

Anon took all the praise and questions in for a few moments before his shoulders slouched and he gave them all a deadpan stare.

"Are you... are you guys kidding me? I t-told you that you do that all the time! There's magic in the air or summin, I swear! You literally can't sing bad here. I don't even know how those dudes knew what... knew what song to play." He exasperatedly explained, much to the rest of the groups confusion.

"Honey, what are you... talking about? We don't... we don't sing like that all the time." Celestia replied.

"Yeah, you... you keep saying that but I've... I've never seen it before." Javelin defended.

"Honey all you've done... is prove that you have... a magical singing voice." Luna slurred.

Anon held his head with his hands as he groaned in frustration, "I swear to God... you... you're all just gaslighting me." He accused.

"I'm afraid I don't really know what that means." Chrysalis responded.

"Me either. Gas-lighting?" Raven quirked an eyebrow.

Anon groaned, "You know what, forget it. At this point I just know... I just know this world is playing a prank on me."

"Oh, Honey... would it make you feel better if we took you back to the castle? It is nearly... three-ish in the morning and I think you had a bit... bit much to drink." Celestia offered, comfortingly.

"I am not a baby! I am just drunk." Anon proudly declared, puffing his chest out.

Celestia chuckled before leaning into his ear, "Alright, then let me... rephrase that, Honey... watching that turned me on so much that I need you... I need you bad." She whispered, before nipping at his ear.

Anon's face quickly turned tomato red as he looked over to his wives. Celestia looked like a hungry wolf, ready to pounce on him at any moment, while Luna was already biting her lip and bringing her hoof down to her belly. Chrysalis, being the ever-aware changeling that she was, quickly picked up on the salacious turn the night was surely taking, and licked her lips.

"Anon, Babe, I really think we should get you home. You seem a bit... flushed." Chrysalis purred, her gaze turning hungry just as quickly.

Javelin, having quickly noticed the change in the air amidst the royal family, turned to Raven, "Yeah, we should probably get home too... before they just start bucking right here and now." He snickered.

Raven blushed at the crass words, but one look at the disguised alicorns and changeling Queen told her that whether he meant it or not, Javelin was absolutely right.

"Alright, well... we'll get out of your manes for the night then. You all have a good rest of your night." Raven awkwardly smiled, before getting out of her seat.

"You guys have a fun night!" Javelin called as he followed Raven out of the booth, ensuring to help her to her hooves.

"Have a good night, you two!" Chrysalis cheerily called after them as the two unicorns exited the premises.

With only Dusk and Echo still standing awkwardly next to the quartet, Anon turned in his chair and pulled both thestrals in close.

"Alright boys. I'm about to go live out every man's dream from my homeworld. Wish me luck." He declared, before getting out of his seat.

"Good luck, sir!" Echo cheerily replied, slapping a hoof to his forehead in a drunken salute.

"Just try not to make too much noise. Top and Kiowa are on duty again and they've got hearing just as good as ours." Dusk chuckled.

"Dusk, buddy, I'ma be real with you right now. I don't think I can control the volume with which certain... activities happen tonight." Anon replied, scooching out of the way as Celestia, Luna, and Chrysalis exited the booth.

"I think I'd like to hear your singing voice again, Nonny..." Luna purred.

Before he could utter a reply, Anon felt three magical auras wrap around his collar, dragging him away from the table as the three mares behind him giggled to each other.

"Gentlemen, it's been an honor and a privilege. If I don't survive the night, tell my kids I died doing what I loved." Anon stoically announced, fully accepting his situation.

Dusk and Echo both saluted as Anon was quickly dragged out of the club. Once he was gone, they both shared a glance. They made their way back to the table, both letting out sighs as they took their seats.

"Welp... another night with just the booze for company." Echo huffed.

"Yep... oh well. Maybe one day." Dusk shrugged.

A few moments later, a group of four attractive mares arrived at their table, "Excuse me... are these seats taken?" The leader, a red unicorn mare asked, batting her eyelashes at them.

Dusk and Echo owlishly stared at her for a moment before sharing a quick look.

"As a matter of fact... they aren't." Dusk grinned, scooting over enough to let the mares in.

"I think we need to open a separate tab though-" Echo began, before a massive sack of bits flashed into existence and fell onto their table.

"Or... we can get drunk as buck and get lucky tonight?" Echo finished.

Dusk smirked, "Now you're talking."


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Celestia kicked the bedroom door open with her hindleg as she dragged Anon into their room, her lips interlocked with his as she led him back toward the bed. Just behind them, Chrysalis and Luna were in much the same position, only it was the changeling Queen who was the aggressor of the kiss. As the solar princess made it to the bed, she broke off the kiss and bit her lip as she watched Chrysalis deposit her sister right beside her on the mattress.

"Alright, so how're we doing this?" Anon asked, rolling his shoulders as if preparing for the physical exertion ahead.

The three mares before him shared a glance, before predatory smirks adorned their muzzles. With a flash of green, yellow, and blue, Anon was suddenly stark naked and laying flat on the bed, his erection already pointing skyward. Before he could begin to question the sudden shift, he felt a pair of warm lips on his length. Anon looked down to see Luna lovingly lapping at his shaft while Celestia leaned down and engulfed his balls in her warm, moist maw. If the stimulation of two mares polishing his saber wasn't enough to make his toes curl, the addition of a third mouth, and a very long tongue, certainly was.

Chrysalis brought her muzzle to the head of Anon's cock like a hungry snake waiting to strike. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she practically drooled over the instrument of lust before her, before curling the appendage around Anon's manhood several times over. She lowered her head down, maintaining eye contact with the man as she swallowed his length all the way until her chin bumped into Luna's muzzle, her long tongue disappearing into her mouth as she fellated him.

Anon could not prepare himself for the sensation of Chrysalis's tongue stroking up and down against his shaft while she bobbed her head, the duel sensation complimenting the ball polishing and shaft kissing the sister's were doing just below. Anon's cock was surrounded by pure, warm, moist, ecstasy, and with each bob of Chrysalis's head, each suckle of Celestia's maw, and each lick of Luna's tongue, he was thrusted toward climax.

"Holy... fuck, girls.." Anon groaned, reaching forward and grabbing a handful of Chrysalis's mane.

Chrysalis, Celestia, and Luna shared a giggle as they continued to worship his cock, treating is as if it were the most important thing in all of their lives. Celestia repeatedly suckled one of his balls until they popped out of her mouth and then moved to the next one, ensuring both testes received all the love she could give. Luna kissed and licked her way up Anon's shaft until her tongue and lips met Chrysalis's and much to her surprise, the Queen's dexterous tongue shot into her mouth, sloppily kissing her around Anon's cock.

Luna moaned into the kiss as Chrysalis looked down to her pure lust in her eyes. Her tongue battled against Luna's in the battleground that was Anon's manhood, quickly taking advantage of her more dexterous abilities. It took almost no time at all for her to subdue the lunar alicorn and essentially thrust her tongue down her throat. Luna nearly gagged from the sudden intrusion, but continued to press on into the kiss, her lips suckling on Anon's length while Chrysalis pummeled her airway.

The combined sight of Chrysalis throat-fucking Luna, Celestia sucking on his testes as if her life depended on it, and Chrysalis throating his cock all at once, drove Anon to levels of arousal that he didn't know existed. That, in addition to the stimulation provided by all three of their moist tongues and mouths, sent him over the edge in a matter of minutes.

"Girls.. fuck, I'm... gonna cum.." Anon groaned, his toes curling in pleasure as he felt the pressure building in the base of his shaft.

Rather then slow down in any appreciable way, the three mares worked even harder to push Anon to release. It didn't take long for his entire body to tense as the first spurt of semen shot from his cock. Chrysalis, having taken the load directly to the back of her throat, suddenly ceased her ministrations and pulled back, popping his cockhead out of her maw and angling it with her tongue as it continued to stroke up and down. She quickly managed to land several spurts of white all over Celestia's face and mane, as well as Luna's. Just as Anon's cock finally slowed in its deluge of sperm.

Chrysalis happily swallowed his length again, her tongue retracting as she bobbed her head all the way down to the base and ensuring that every last drop of cum went right down her throat. Once she was sure he wasn't sputtering anymore, she throated him until her muzzle bumped his groin, and held him there for another minute while she swallowed over and over again. Anon gasped at the sensation and weakly moaned as Chrysalis drained him without even a hint of discomfort. Only when she was sure that he was completely spent, did she pull away, her tongue licking any and all remaining cum from his shaft.

"H-holy... fuckin'..." Anon muttered, catching his breath.

"Chryssi, that was so hot." Celestia practically moaned, before licking Anon's seed from her sister's face.

"Mhhpmm... how did you... throat him so long." Luna asked, in-between licking the cum off of Celestia's face in return.

Chrysalis chuckled, "No gag reflex. We don't need one since we consume love." She grinned.

"Jesus... fucking Christ... I think you sucked my soul out." Anon said, staring up at the ceiling, still in shock.

Chrysalis giggled, "I sure hope you have more rounds in you. From everything I've heard, you're quite the lover in bed." She purred, crawling up Anon's stomach and laying down on his chest.

"Our... Nonny... can buck for hours... if given the proper motivation." Celestia pointed out, between sloppily sharing cum filled kisses with Luna.

Chrysalis turned to the sister alicorns and raised an eyebrow, "Really now?" She smirked, before turning back to Anon, "And just what motivation do you need, Nonny?" She impishly inquired, pawing at his chest with her hoof.

Anon took a moment to catch his breath before an idea hit him, "Well..." He gestured for Chrysalis to come closer.

Once she crawled up his waist and gave him her ear, he quietly whispered, the explanation making Chrysalis blush and her tail wag in excitement. Once he was done explaining, she pulled away, a devious smirk on her deeply flushed face.

"My, my, Anon... so... kinky." She licked her lips, before turning to the royal sisters, "They're related, you know." She teased.

Luna raised an eyebrow between kisses, "You're just realizing this now?" She asked, snarkily.

Chrysalis laughed, "No, I've known since the day I surrendered. No two siblings exude that much lust for each other without acting on it."

Luna opened her mouth to respond, but was quickly silenced by Celestia locking lips with her once more. After sufficiently subduing her younger sibling with her tongue, Celestia pulled away, a strand of saliva connecting them together for a few moments longer.

"What does our dear husband want to see, Chryssi?" Celestia questioned, huskily.

Chrysalis grinned as she trotted over to the sisters, "Faust, I wish I knew just how kinky you can be, Tia. I would have tried to court you hundreds of years ago." She purred, before deeply kissing the solar alicorn.

Luna bit her lip as she watched the sloppy kiss happening just above her. After a moment, she felt a magical aura on the back of her head, pushing her up until she her muzzle bumped into Celestia's. Needing no second invitation, Luna joined in the sloppy prench kiss, and soon enough, a battle of three tongues was waged between the two alicorns and changeling Queen.

Chrysalis's extra long tongue made the battle an extremely one sided affair, and with ease that even surprised the royal sisters, she managed to practically taste the back of both of their throats. Try as they might, her dexterous appendage curled, twisted, and thrust around their comparatively small equine tongues in a show of complete domination. Simultaneously, her horn ignited in a green hue, forming a similar green hue around all four of Celestia and Luna's teats. The supple flesh was kneaded and pinched ever so gently, forcing a moan out of both sisters as they surrendered to the sexual prowess of the Queen as she utterly dominated them.

Once she was satisfied, Chrysalis pulled away, the drool from all three of their mouths dripping down onto the bed between them. She turned to Anon with a smirk on her face, finding that his cock was painfully erect once more, and he audibly gulped from the sight of the two panting alicorns behind her.

"Your turn, dear." Chrysalis sweetly stated, her horn lighting up once more.

Before Anon could utter a word of protest or agreement, he felt her magic grab him by the heels and pull him over toward the trio. Chrysalis smoothly got to her hooves, stepping over him just as he came to a stop, her lower lips positively dripping onto his chin and face. Instinctively, Anon licked her juices from his lips, finding the taste to be almost as sweet as honey.

"Holy shit, you taste good." Anon pointed out, staring up at Chrysalis's marehood in awe.

"If you like that, then why don't you take a sip straight from the tap?" Chrysalis smirked, lowering her hips to Anon's face.

The sight of her plump, plush flanks, dripping marehood, and succulent ponut were enough to make Anon's heart skip a beat. Her teardrop shaped slit approached him, her clit winking out rapidly as she lowered herself. Strikingly, the interior of her flesh was not the pink color that Anon was used to seeing on his wives, rather, it was a deep green color, much like her tongue. If this revelation was of any particular shock to Anon, he had no time to voice it as his mouth was swiftly engulfed in her warm, moist folds.

Chrysalis sighed in satisfaction as Anon's tongue immediately went to work, lapping at her inner walls. The slickened appendage lathered her insides with loving affection and stimulation that made her hearts beat faster in her chest, and she couldn't help her elytra opening. Her wings buzzed excitedly and her eyes fluttered shut as Anon's surprisingly skillful tongue found her clit. He lovingly caressed it over and over again, each lick making her wince in pleasure and loll her tongue out of her mouth in rapture.

However, the royal sisters would not be left out any longer, and much to Chrysalis's surprise, she felt an increasingly familiar aura of magic wrap around her head. Her eyes opened to the sight of Celestia's beautiful marehood just inches from her face, and before she could even comprehend what was happening, she felt the magic force her head forward, straight into Celestia's pussy. Her muzzle was assaulted with the musk of Celestia's sex, a scent that made her pupils dilate in desire. Without question, having known full well what was being asked of her, Chrysalis delved her tongue into the solar alicorn's folds, her taste buds reaching all the way to the royal womb.

Celestia let out a deep moan as Chrysalis set about tasting her insides, and she panted for breath as Chrysalis's skillful tongue repeatedly teased her g-spot. Meanwhile, just in front of her, Luna slowly sat down on Anon's throbbing cock, taking him all the way to the hilt in one fluid motion. A groan of pleasure emanated from Chrysalis's snatch, but the royal sister's paid it no mind as they quickly busied themselves in yet another prench kiss.

Luna slowly bounced on Anon's shaft, taking him all the way until their hips met with each downward thrust, while clenching her tight walls on the way up, essentially milking the human as she battled her sister's tongue. Meanwhile, Celestia thrust her hips back into Chrysalis's face with each lustful lick of the changeling Queen's tongue, almost completely burying her muzzle into her slit on more than one occasion. Finally, Chrysalis happily rolled her hips on Anon's face, ensuring to give him complete and total access to her deepest depths as his tongue assaulted her clit and g-spot.

A twitch there, a gasp here, and Anon quickly found exactly where Chrysalis liked to be touched the most. Expertly maneuvering his tongue, he assaulted her g-spot as he struggled to breathe through his nostrils under her puffy lips. Her earthy, sweet scent absolutely flooded his nostrils as the mare rolled her hips back and forth, her eyes rolling back in her head as she hooked her forelegs on Celestia's thighs to keep from being bucked off of her human seat.

The circle of lustful depravity continued for nearly ten minutes, each party fighting their absolute hardest to outlast the others, but as they all felt their inevitable climaxes approaching, it was Celestia who broke first. Throwing her head back with a whinny and moan, her climax claimed her. Her wings shot out as her legs trembled and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Saliva dripped from her mouth onto Anon's stomach while her pussy contracted again and again around Chrysalis's skillful tongue, attempting to milk a cock that simply wasn't there. A torrent of marecum flooded from her sex right into Chrysalis's eagerly waiting maw, running down her chin and chest within a matter of seconds.

The changeling Queen greedily gulped down the princesses fluids as she continuously assaulted her labia with her tongue. The taste was savory and much like her saliva, tasted like vanilla to her. Chrysalis smiled as the last of Celestia's orgasm finally subsided, leaving her a panting mess, dripping in sweat. She unceremoniously fell to her side, heaving great gasps of air into her lungs as Chrysalis's tongue lewdly slipped out of her marehood. Chrysalis licked her lips, grinning wickedly at the sight of Celestia's blushing, exhausted form, before her new target quickly caught her attention.

With her sister now down for the count, it was only a moment before Luna felt Chrysalis's magic on her. She pulled her head closer, while also holding Anon's head firmly in her snatch. The new position gave her all the leverage she needed to pull the lunar alicorn into a deep kiss, before she assaulted her throat with her tongue once more. To make matters even worse, she felt Chrysalis's magic once again grabbing her teats and teasingly pinching them, as well as a vibrating sensation in her womb. Luna couldn't make a sound aside from a guttural groan of satisfaction as her throat and body was used by the changeling Queen.

The combined assault on her senses, combined with her already approaching orgasm from Anon's shaft, made it perilously quick for the lunar alicorn to be sent crashing over the edge. After less than thirty seconds of combined assault by Chrysalis's tongue, magic, and Anon's cock, she came all over his groin. Her body tensed, wings flaring and legs trembling as her marehood flooded Anon's stomach and thighs with marecum. Her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to even make a sound, but her vocal cords were simply unable to get any air with Chrysalis's tongue all but blocking her airway. All she could manage was a weak gurgle around her mouthful as she rode her orgasm out.

Luna finally collapsed onto her back, her chest heaving once Chrysalis's tongue slipped out of her throat, finally giving her access to oxygen once more. As she fell, she managed to unsheathe Anon's manhood from her sopping depths, but not before squirting another spurt of marecum all over his chest.

With both royal sisters reduced to nothing more than panting, sweaty messes before her, Chrysalis could finally turn her attention to the last of the royal family, however, she only realized her hubris once it was too late. While she was focused on finishing Luna off, Anon made great strides to please her, and her quickly encroaching orgasm only served to solidify that fact. Not willing to be beaten in the silly little game they were all playing, Chrysalis lunged down, completely engulfing Anon's cock with her mouth and coiling her tongue around it like a snake in one fluid motion.

She rapidly bobbed her head, stroking his cock with her tongue like a mare possessed, but it was all for naught. Within a few seconds, she felt her climax finally reach her, and with a whorish moan, she threw her head back and brayed to the heavens. Her wings buzzed like an angry hornet as she came liquid fire all over Anon's face, practically bathing him in her marecum. Her rapture lasted almost thirty full seconds, throughout the entirety of which, she could do nothing but stare straight skyward, her entire body as tense as coiled steel and her clit rapidly winking as gush after gush of her cum filled Anon's mouth.

Like a dutiful soldier, Anon gulped down every last drop he could from the changeling Queen's snatch until she collapsed on top of him, panting just as heavily as the sister alicorns. With his airway now free and unobstructed, Anon breathed in fresh air, his chest heaving after having successfully managed to come out on top. He licked his lips, catching as much of her taste as he could manage after finding the flavor to be somehow just as sweet as honey. He couldn't get enough of it.

Chrysalis throatily moaned as Anon leaned his head forward, lapping at her overly sensitive and puffy vulva to catch any and all of the sticky marecum that still clung to her chitin.

"Oh, buck... Nonny... you... sex fiend." Chrysalis managed, through her heavy breaths.

"He's quite... the oral expert." Celestia chuckled, finally managing to catch her breath.

"Mhm... they both are." Luna muttered, rolling over to her side.

While Chrysalis continued to catch her breath and come down from her high, both Celestia and Luna managed to recover enough to crawl over to either side of her. The changeling Queen remained blissfully unaware of the royal siblings until they both brushed up against her, both their soft coats startling her into opening her eyes. Before she could question the sudden proximity, she felt both alicorns' magical embrace all over her body. She was swiftly levitated off of Anon, her legs dangling underneath her as she gave them both a questioning look.

Rather than explain their plans, Celestia and Luna simply gave Anon an expectant look as he was freed from Chrysalis's weight. Taking the hint rather quickly, Anon got to his knees on the mattress just as she was lowered in front of him, her rear end still dripping in climactic juices.

"Um... you know you could have just asked me to get off." Chrysalis indignantly stated.

"Oh, it's much more fun this way, Chryssi. We've always wanted to try some bondage in the bedroom..." Luna impishly replied.

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, Chrysalis was painfully unprepared for Anon's tool to lewdly slip between her rear, pressing firmly against her marehood and ponut in the process. She gasped in shock before turning her head around to see Anon as he rubbed his cock up and down against her slickened folds and anus, the sensations sending shivers down her spine.

"You know, Nonny didn't get to cum even after all that..." Celestia seductively trailed off.

Chrysalis pursed her lips in confusion as she looked back over to the solar alicorn, a hot blush on her cheeks as she was still immobilized by both alicorns' magic and subjected to Anon's teasing.

"I don't see ropes or straps anywhere... Magical bondage, huh? Kinky." Chrysalis smirked.

"Oh, we've a bit more planned for you than just bondage, Chryssi." Celestia teasingly tittered.

"I... don't understand." Chrysalis stated, confusion making its way into her voice for the first time in quite a while.

Only serving to increase her bewilderment, the ponies and human around her only laughed at her concern.

"Oh, Chrysssi. Come now, surely you know what we have planned for you." Celestia snickered.

Chrysalis hesitantly shook her head, "I... haven't the faintest idea." She admitted.

"Well let us ask you a question then," Luna purred, leaning in until her muzzle was just a hair's breadth from her ear, "Can changelings control when they ovulate?" She inquired.

Chrysalis's eyes shot wide open as she recoiled in shock. Granted, she could only move her head about an inch, but the sentiment was still there as her jaw dropped.

"I... y-yes... are you..." She trailed off, not daring to ask the question now at the forefront of her mind.

"Nonny? Why don't you ask her, considering you're the one about to paint her insides white." Celestia intoned, giving a seductive look to the human.

Much to her surprise, Chrysalis was allowed to move her head until she could look at Anon, just behind her. Her eyes pleaded the question she dared not voice, and Anon could read her all too easily.

"Chryssi, we wanted to know if you wanted to have a clutch of foals... er, grubs, with us." Anon explained, blushing slightly at his mistake.

Chrysalis instantly felt the tears welling up in her eyes, "Y-you... this isn't just some drunk test, right?" She pressed, her tone conveying her genuine fear that possibility.

Much to her relief, all three parties around her denied the notion.

"Chryssi, honey... we've been talking about it for a while. Celly, Lulu, and I would love to have you be a part of our family... in more ways than just in the bedroom." Anon chuckled.

Happy tears ran down her cheeks as Chrysalis sensed the honest, loving emotion flowing through not just Anon, but both alicorn sisters as well. Despite all her fears and doubts over the years, there was imply no denying it anymore. They all loved her with all their hearts, and it made butterflies flutter about in her stomach as she truly felt that love now more than ever. With a small sniffle, and a tiny flash of green from her horn, Chrysalis smiled.

"A-alright... I'm ready whenever you are, Nonny." She said, giving him a loving look that said more than words ever could.

Anon gave her a reassuring smile as he lined himself up and slid into her marehood. Already drenched in marecum and saliva from his previous efforts, her slit took him all the way to the hilt in one easy thrust. Even so, she was tighter than either Celestia or even Luna, much to Anon's surprise. Both man and changeling let out a groan as their hips connected, bringing them closer together than ever before.

Before Chrysalis could focus too much on the sensations assaulting her sex, however, she was quickly reminded that there were two alicorns in the room who fancied her just as much as her human. Celestia locked lips with her, startling her slightly, while Luna licked and kissed her neck, ensuring to rub her hooves along her elytra just where she knew she liked to be touched.

The three pronged attack, combined with her immobility due to the magic holding her in place, made every second an absolutely hellish paradise of ecstasy for the changeling Queen. Bolts of pleasure fired up through her sex all the way to her brain as Anon thrust into her labia again and again, drawing sensual moans from deep in her throat while Celestia occupied her mouth with her own. Despite having the superior tongue to do battle with, Chrysalis simply could not focus or fight back as her mind was wrecked with pleasure again and again. Luna's light nibbles and kisses were not just random, they were targeted, and her precision was not to be underestimated. The lunar alicorn knew exactly which spots were most sensitive on the changeling's body, and exploited them as much as she possibly could.

Soft rythmatic slaps of flesh against flesh soon gave way to animalistic mating as Anon increased his pace again and again. He was already close enough to orgasm before he slipped into the moist, clinging confines of Chrysalis's pussy, and the constant internal flexing of her vaginal walls only served to milk him that much faster. Even compared to ponies, Chrysalis's control of her love canal was the apex of sexual prowess, and Anon found that while he tried to pace himself at first, it would only be a matter of seconds before he came.

With ferocity and vigor, Anon plowed Chrysalis's slit until he could thrust no more, and he growled through grit teeth as his hips finally slapped into hers one more time. Liquid fire spurted from his pulsing cockhead, deep into her womb, the combination of love and lust driving Chrysalis to her second orgasm just a second later. Her legs shook like leaves as her eyes rolled back in her head and climactic juices, both hers and his, dripped from her thoroughly used folds.

Shot after shot of human sperm filled Chrysalis's womb, fertilizing the dozen eggs already waiting within seconds and flooding the rest of her pulsating marehood until there was no more room. White and clear fluids ran down both her and Anon's thighs, creating a slick puddle on the sheets. Celestia and Luna quickly abandoned their tasks of kissing and touching, darting over to lap at her leaking marehood and catch every last drop of human and changeling cum that they could.

The extra stimulation of two long, flexible equine tongues on her vulva, sent wave after wave of aftershocks through Chrysalis's system, all but driving her to faint from the overstimulation. Gasps and moans escaped her now freed lips as she was thoroughly cleaned by the tongue bath the alicorn sisters happily gave her.

"Holy... Buck..." Chrysalis whimpered, her strength all but gone.

Anon chuckled, "Alright, I think that's enough for one night." He replied, pulling out and letting a deluge of cum to flood out.

However, before the cum could leave, a golden aura captured it and forced it deep back into Chrysalis's slit, and a small forcefield of blue appeared over her folds, ensuring that no more could leak out.

"There we go. Don't want to waste any of that, now do we?" Luna giggled, before kissing Chrysalis's lower lips.

Once Anon laid down on the mattress, Celestia and Luna carefully levitated the barely conscious Chrysalis over to his side. With some minor fenagling, they managed to snuggle her under the sheets and against Anon's side, a fact that he was all too happy with as he wrapped his left arm around her and pulled her in close.

Celestia quickly took her position on Anon's right, snuggling up against him as well as resting her chin on top of his head. He planted a loving kiss on the base of her neck, receiving a loving coo in return. Lastly, Luna crawled on top of Anon, splaying out her legs so that she was hugging every member of the herd in some way or another. Anon happily kissed her on the lips before she rested her head on his chest.

Finally, Anon turned to Chrysalis, her eyes beaming at all three of them through the happy tears that clouded them.

"Thank you... all of you." She whispered, lovingly.

"You're a part of our family." Celestia replied, leaning over Anon and gently kissing her lips.

"We can't wait to help raise your foals." Luna sleepily added, leaning over and kissing Chrysalis once as well.

"We love you, Chryssi." Anon finished, giving her one last kiss.

As much as she wished to simply cry and shout for joy, Chrysalis felt the fatigue of their rather long love session in full force, and decided that all that was needed, was one small phrase.

"I love you all, too." She murmured, nuzzling into Anon's shoulder as she surrendered to sleep.






"You know, we can still buck in the dream realm for the rest of the night, right?" Luna asked.

"God I love this family so fucking much." Anon chuckled.